Esempio n. 1
    def render(self):
        read_game = self.env.read_game
        frame = self.env.frame
        textures = self.env.textures
        if not read_game.is_in_game or not keys["KEY_BIG_RADAR"]: return
        map_name = read_game.map_name
        if map_name not in textures.textures:
            print "map: %s not found" % map_name
        rx = self.rx = read_game.resolution_x - RADAR_OFFSET - 512*self.scaling
        ry = self.rx = RADAR_OFFSET
        rh = self.rh = 512*self.scaling
        rw = = 512*self.scaling
        sprite_center = D3DXVECTOR2(0, 0)
        trans = D3DXVECTOR2(rx, ry)

        matrix = D3DMATRIX()
        d3dxdll.D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D(byref(matrix), #@UndefinedVariable
                                                 c_float(self.scaling),          # scaling
                                                 byref(sprite_center),  # rotation center
                                                 c_float(0),        # angle
                                                 byref(trans)           # translation
        frame.sprite.Draw(textures.textures[map_name], None, None, None, BIG_RADAR_BLENDING)
        matrix = textures.matrix[map_name]
        transl = textures.translations[map_name]
        map_pos = VECTOR()
        arrow_angle = textures.angle[map_name]
        arrow_inversion = textures.angle_inversion[map_name]
        for te in self.env.tracker.get_tracked_entity_list():
            x = self.scaling * (transl[0] + matrix[0]*te.pos.x + matrix[1]*te.pos.y)
            y = self.scaling * (transl[1] + matrix[2]*te.pos.x + matrix[3]*te.pos.y)
            if x < 0:               x = 0
            if x > rw:              x = rw
            if y < 0:               y = 0
            if y > rh:              y = rh               
            if te.type == ET_TURRET:
                self.env.sprites.draw_sentry(rx + x, ry + y, te.planter.enemy)
            if te.type == ET_HELICOPTER:
                self.env.sprites.draw_heli(rx + x, ry + y, -te.yaw + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, te.planter.enemy, te.weapon_num)
            if te.type == ET_PLANE:
                self.env.sprites.draw_plane(rx + x, ry + y, -te.yaw + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, te.planter.enemy)
            if te.type == ET_EXPLOSIVE and te.model_name.find("_AIRDROP_") > 0:
                self.env.sprites.draw_flare(rx + x, ry + y)
        pos = read_game.mw2_mypos
        map_pos.x = self.scaling * (transl[0] + matrix[0]*pos.x + matrix[1]*pos.y)
        map_pos.y = self.scaling * (transl[1] + matrix[2]*pos.x + matrix[3]*pos.y)
        draw_arrow(frame.line, rx + map_pos.x, ry + map_pos.y,
                   -read_game.view_angles.y + arrow_angle, MAP_COLOR_ME);        # myself
        for p in read_game.player:
            if p != read_game.my_player and p.type == ET_PLAYER and p.valid and p.alive & ALIVE_FLAG:
                map_pos.x = self.scaling * (transl[0] + matrix[0]*p.pos.x + matrix[1]*p.pos.y)
                map_pos.y = self.scaling * (transl[1] + matrix[2]*p.pos.x + matrix[3]*p.pos.y)
                draw_arrow(frame.line, rx + map_pos.x, ry + map_pos.y,
                           -p.yaw + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, p.color_map);        # myself
Esempio n. 2
    def render(self):
        read_game = self.env.read_game
        frame = self.env.frame
        textures = self.env.textures

        if not read_game.is_in_game or not keys["KEY_RADAR"]: return
        rx = self.rx = int(read_game.resolution_x/2 - RADAR_SIZE/2 + RADAR_CENTER_X)
        ry = self.ry = RADAR_OFFSET
        rh = rw = self.rh = = RADAR_SIZE
        scaling = 0.5           # TODO
        pos = read_game.mw2_mypos
        map_name = read_game.map_name               # name of the current map
        p_matrix = textures.matrix[map_name]          # transformation matrix (scale + rotation)
        transl = textures.translations[map_name]    # translation vector to correct with map origin
        map_pos = VECTOR()                          # contains the coord on the map (with applied scaling)
        map_pos.x = scaling * (transl[0] + p_matrix[0]*pos.x + p_matrix[1]*pos.y)
        map_pos.y = scaling * (transl[1] + p_matrix[2]*pos.x + p_matrix[3]*pos.y)
        arrow_angle = textures.angle[map_name]      # offset to apply to angles (only in estate)s
        arrow_inversion = textures.angle_inversion[map_name]
        sprite_center = D3DXVECTOR2(map_pos.x, map_pos.y)
        trans = D3DXVECTOR2(rx + rw/2 - map_pos.x, ry + rh/2 - map_pos.y)   # global translation
        #print "x=%.2f y=%.2f" % (new_pos.x, new_pos.y   )
        angle = radians(read_game.view_angles.y - arrow_angle)
        matrix = D3DMATRIX()
        d3dxdll.D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D(byref(matrix), #@UndefinedVariable
                                                 c_float(scaling),          # scaling
                                                 byref(sprite_center),  # rotation center
                                                 c_float(angle),        # angle
                                                 byref(trans)           # translation
        r = D3DRECT(rx, ry, rx + rw, ry + rh)
        frame.device.Clear(1, byref(r), D3DCLEAR.TARGET, MAP_COLOR_BACK, 1, 0)
        if keys["KEY_RADAR_MAP"]:
            frame.device.SetRenderState(174, True)
            save_scissors = None
                save_scissors = RECT()
                scissors = RECT(rx, ry, rx+rw, ry+rh)
            frame.sprite.Draw(textures.textures[map_name], None, None, None, BIG_RADAR_BLENDING)
            frame.device.SetRenderState(174, False)
            if not save_scissors is None:
        draw4(frame.line, rx, ry, rx+rw, ry, rx+rw, ry+rh, rx, ry+rh, 2, MAP_COLOR_BORDER)
        p_pos = VECTOR()
        for te in self.env.tracker.get_tracked_entity_list():
            p_pos.x = transl[0] + p_matrix[0]*te.pos.x + p_matrix[1]*te.pos.y
            p_pos.y = transl[1] + p_matrix[2]*te.pos.x + p_matrix[3]*te.pos.y
            cx, cy = self.calcPoint(p_pos, matrix)
            if te.type == ET_TURRET:
                self.env.sprites.draw_sentry(cx, cy, te.planter.enemy)
            if te.type == ET_HELICOPTER:
                self.env.sprites.draw_heli(cx, cy, -te.yaw + read_game.view_angles.y + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, te.planter.enemy, te.weapon_num)
            if te.type == ET_PLANE:
                self.env.sprites.draw_plane(cx, cy, -te.yaw + read_game.view_angles.y + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, te.planter.enemy)
            if te.type == ET_EXPLOSIVE and te.model_name.find("_AIRDROP_") > 0:
                self.env.sprites.draw_flare(cx, cy)
        draw_arrow(frame.line, rx + rw/2, ry + rh/2, 0, MAP_COLOR_ME);        # myself
        for p in read_game.player:
            if p != read_game.my_player and p.type == ET_PLAYER and p.valid and p.alive & ALIVE_FLAG:
                p_pos.x = transl[0] + p_matrix[0]*p.pos.x + p_matrix[1]*p.pos.y
                p_pos.y = transl[1] + p_matrix[2]*p.pos.x + p_matrix[3]*p.pos.y
                cx, cy = self.calcPoint(p_pos, matrix)
                draw_arrow(frame.line, cx, cy, -p.yaw + read_game.view_angles.y + arrow_angle + arrow_inversion, p.color_map);