Esempio n. 1
    async def run_set(self, context, type, opts):
        Set the value of something for the event, such as description or image url
        :param context:
        :param type:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)

        # Do they have the permissions to set an event option?

        # Check if there is an event running
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())
        if event is None or not event.is_valid():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        value = " ".join(opts[0:])

        if type == 'description':
        elif type == 'image':
            if len(value) > 255:
                return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:err:img', user.get_guild()))
        elif type == 'colour':

        # Save the changes

        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:set', user.get_guild()).format(type, value))
    async def run_update(self, context, opts):
        Update a project's word count
        :param context:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)

        shortname = opts[0].lower()
        amount = opts[1] if len(opts) > 1 else None

        # Make sure the amount is valid.
        amount = lib.is_number(amount)
        if not amount:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('project:err:amount', user.get_guild()))

        # Make sure the project exists.
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +

        # Update the word count.
        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('project:updated', user.get_guild()).format(
                amount, project.get_name(), project.get_shortname()))
Esempio n. 3
    async def run_time(self, context):
        Check how much time is left in the event
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())
        now = int(time.time())

        # Make sure the event exists
        if event is None or not event.is_valid():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # Is the event scheduled to start, but has not yet started?
        if not event.is_running() and event.is_scheduled():
            left = lib.secs_to_days(event.get_start_time() - now)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:timetostart', user.get_guild()).format(left))

        # If the event is not running and it is NOT scheduled, then we don't know what time it will start.
        elif not event.is_running():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # At this point, the event must be running. If it is scheduled, then we can get the time left from the end time. Otherwise, we don't know.
        elif event.is_scheduled():
            left = lib.secs_to_days(event.get_end_time() - now)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:timeleft', user.get_guild()).format(left))

            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('event:noendtime', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 4
    async def run_rename(self, context, opts):
        Rename the event
        :param context:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)

        # Do they have the permissions to rename an event?

        # Check if there is an event running
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())
        if event is None or not event.is_valid():
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # Get the title out of the arguments
        title = " ".join(opts[0:])

        # Make sure they specified a title.
        if len(title) == 0 or len(title) > 255:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:rename:title', user.get_guild()))

        # Create the event
        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('event:renamed', user.get_guild()).format(title))
Esempio n. 5
    async def run_leave(self, context):
        Leave the sprint
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint or the user is not joined to it, display an error
        if not sprint.exists() or not sprint.is_user_sprinting(user.get_id()):
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('sprint:err:notjoined', user.get_guild()))

        # Remove the user from the sprint

        await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                           lib.get_string('sprint:leave', user.get_guild()))

        # If there are now no users left, cancel the whole sprint
        if len(sprint.get_users()) == 0:

            # Cancel the sprint

            # Decrement sprints_started stat for whoever started this one
            creator = User(sprint.get_createdby(), sprint.get_guild())
            creator.add_stat('sprints_started', -1)

            # Display a message letting users know
            return await context.send(
                lib.get_string('sprint:leave:cancelled', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 6
    async def run_end(self, context):
        Manually force the sprint to end (if the cron hasn't posted the message) and ask for final word counts
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # If they do not have permission to cancel this sprint, display an error
        if int(sprint.get_createdby()) != user.get_id() and is not True:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:cannotend', user.get_guild()))

        # If the sprint hasn't started yet, it can't be ended.
        if not sprint.has_started():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:notstarted', user.get_guild()))

        # Change the end reference to now, otherwise wpm calculations will be off, as it will use the time in the future when it was supposed to end.

        # Since we are forcing the end, we should cancel any pending tasks for this sprint
        Task.cancel('sprint', sprint.get_id())

        # We need to set the bot into the sprint object, as we will need it when trying to get the guild object
        return await sprint.end(context)
Esempio n. 7
    async def run_cancel(self, context):
        Cancel a running sprint on the server
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # If they do not have permission to cancel this sprint, display an error
        if int(sprint.get_createdby()) != user.get_id(
        ) and
       is not True:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('sprint:err:cannotcancel', user.get_guild()))

        # Get the users sprinting and create an array of mentions
        users = sprint.get_users()
        notify = sprint.get_notifications(users)

        # Cancel the sprint

        # Display the cancellation message
        message = lib.get_string('sprint:cancelled', user.get_guild())
        message = message + ', '.join(notify)
        return await context.send(message)
Esempio n. 8
    async def run_create(self, context, opts):
        Create an event on the server
        :param context:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)

        # Do they have the permissions to create an event?

        # Get the title out of the arguments
        title = " ".join(opts[0:])

        # Check if there is already an event running
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())
        if event is not None:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:alreadyexists', user.get_guild()))

        # Make sure they specified a title.
        if len(title) == 0 or len(title) > 255:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:title', user.get_guild()))

        # Create the event
        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('event:created', user.get_guild()).format(title))
Esempio n. 9
    async def run_unschedule(self, context):
        Unschedule the event
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())

        # Do they have the permissions to rename an event?

        # Make sure the event is running
        if event is None:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # Unschedule the event

        # Remove any tasks we already had saved for this event.
        Task.cancel('event', event.get_id())

        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
            'event:unscheduled', user.get_guild()).format(event.get_title()))
Esempio n. 10
    async def run_update(self, context, amount):
        Update the user's word count on the event
        :param context:
        :param amount:
        user = User(,, context)
        event = Event.get_by_guild(user.get_guild())

        amount = lib.is_number(amount[0])
        if amount is False or amount < 0:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('err:validamount', user.get_guild()))

        # Make sure the event is running
        if event is None or not event.is_running():
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('event:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        event.update_wordcount(user.get_id(), amount)
        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('event:updated', user.get_guild()).format(
                event.get_title(), amount))
Esempio n. 11
    async def run_time(self, context):
        Get how long is left in the sprint
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        now = int(time.time())

        # If the sprint has not yet started, display the time until it starts
        if not sprint.has_started():
            left = lib.secs_to_mins(sprint.get_start() - now)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:startsin', user.get_guild()).format(left['m'], left['s']))

        # If it's currently still running, display how long is left
        elif not sprint.is_finished():
            left = lib.secs_to_mins(sprint.get_end() - now)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:timeleft', user.get_guild()).format(left['m'], left['s']))

        # If it's finished but not yet marked as completed, we must be waiting for word counts
        elif sprint.is_finished():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:waitingforwc', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 12
    async def run_genre(self, context, opts):
        Update the genre of a project
        @param context:
        @param opts:
        user = User(,, context)
        shortname = opts[0].lower() if opts else None
        genre = opts[1].lower() if len(opts) > 1 else None

        # Make sure the project exists.
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +

        # Make sure the genre is valid.
        if not genre in self._genres:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('project:err:genre', user.get_guild()).format(
                    genre, ', '.join(self._genres)))

        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('project:genre', user.get_guild()).format(
                lib.get_string('project:genre:' + genre, user.get_guild())))
Esempio n. 13
    async def run_status(self, context):
        Get the user's status in this sprint
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # If the user is not sprinting, then again, just display that error
        if not sprint.is_user_sprinting(user.get_id()):
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:notjoined', user.get_guild()))

        # If the sprint hasn't started yet, display error
        if not sprint.has_started():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:notstarted', user.get_guild()))

        # If they are sprinting, then display their current status.
        user_sprint = sprint.get_user_sprint(user.get_id())

        # Build the variables to be passed into the status string
        now = int(time.time())
        current = user_sprint['current_wc']
        written = current - user_sprint['starting_wc']
        seconds = now - user_sprint['timejoined']
        elapsed = round(seconds / 60, 1)
        wpm = Sprint.calculate_wpm(written, seconds)
        left = round((sprint.get_end() - now) / 60, 1)

        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:status', user.get_guild()).format(current, written, elapsed, wpm, left))
Esempio n. 14
    async def run_update(self, context, type, amount):
        Update the value of a goal, without affecting the others or updating XP, etc...
        Useful for if you want to record the writing you have done, before you started using Writer-Bot.
        @param context:
        @param type:
        @param amount:
        user = User(,, context)
        type_string = lib.get_string('goal:' + type, user.get_guild())
        user_goal = user.get_goal(type)

        # Check if we can convert the amount to an int
        amount = lib.is_number(amount)
        if not amount:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('err:validamount', user.get_guild()))

        # Set the goal's current amount.
        if user_goal and user.update_goal(type, amount):
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('goal:updated', user.get_guild()).format(
                    type_string, amount))
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
                    'goal:nogoal', user.get_guild()).format(type_string, type))
Esempio n. 15
    async def run_description(self, context, opts):
        Update the description of a project
        @param context:
        @param opts:
        user = User(,, context)
        shortname = opts[0].lower()
        description = " ".join(opts[1:])

        # Make sure the project exists.
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +

        # Description cannot be longer than 200 words.
        words = description.split(' ')
        if len(words) > 200:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() +
                ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:desc:length',

        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('project:description', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 16
    async def run_image(self, context, opts):
        Update the image link of a project
        @param context:
        @param opts:
        user = User(,, context)
        shortname = opts[0].lower() if opts else None
        img = opts[1] if len(opts) > 1 else None

        # Make sure the project exists.
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +

        # Check it's a valid image link.
        if not checkers.is_url(img) and img is not None:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
                    'project:err:link', user.get_guild()).format(img))

        return await context.send(
            user.get_mention() + ', ' +
            lib.get_string('project:image', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 17
    async def run_complete(self, context, opts):
        Mark a project as completed
        :param context:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)
        shortname = opts[0].lower()

        # Make sure the project exists.
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:noexists', user.get_guild()).format(shortname))

        already_completed = project.is_completed()

        # Was this the first time they completed it?
        if already_completed == 0:

            # Calculate how much XP to give them (1xp per 100 words). Min 10. Max 5000.
            xp = math.ceil(project.get_words() / 100)
            if xp < 10:
                xp = 10
            elif xp > 5000:
                xp = 5000

            # Give them the xp and print the message.
            await user.add_xp(xp)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:completed', user.get_guild()).format(project.get_title(), xp))

            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:recompleted', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 18
    async def run_project(self, context, shortname):
        Set the project the user wants to sprint in.
        :param context:
        :param shortname:
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # If the user is not sprinting, then again, just display that error
        if not sprint.is_user_sprinting(user.get_id()):
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('sprint:err:notjoined', user.get_guild()))

        # Make sure the project exists.
        shortname = shortname.lower() if shortname is not None else None
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +

        sprint.set_project(project.get_id(), user.get_id())
        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
            'sprint:project', user.get_guild()).format(project.get_title()))
Esempio n. 19
    async def run_create(self, context, opts):
        Try to create a project with the given names
        :param context:
        :param shortname:
        :param title:
        user = User(,, context)

        # Get the shortname and title out of the argument list.
        shortname = opts[0].lower()
        title = " ".join(opts[1:]) # Every argument after the first one, joined with spaces.

        # Make sure the shortname and title are set.
        if len(shortname) == 0 or len(title) == 0:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:names', user.get_guild()))

        # Make sure they don't already have a project with this shortname
        project = user.get_project(shortname)
        if project is not None:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:exists', user.get_guild()).format(shortname))

        # Create the project
        user.create_project(shortname, title)
        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:created', user.get_guild()).format(title, shortname))
Esempio n. 20
    async def run_rename(self, context, opts):
        Rename a project
        :param context:
        :param opts:
        user = User(,, context)

        original_shortname = opts[0].lower()
        new_shortname = opts[1].lower()
        new_title = " ".join(opts[2:])

        # Make sure the project exists
        project = user.get_project(original_shortname)
        if not project:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:noexists', user.get_guild()).format(original_shortname))

        # Make sure they don't already have one with that new shortname.
        project_with_new_shortname = user.get_project(new_shortname)
        if project_with_new_shortname is not None and project_with_new_shortname.get_id() != project.get_id():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:exists', user.get_guild()).format(new_shortname))

        # Get the original title.
        original_title = project.get_name()

        # Rename it.
        project.rename(new_shortname, new_title)
        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:renamed', user.get_guild()).format(original_title, original_shortname, new_title, new_shortname))
Esempio n. 21
    async def run_time(self, context):
        Check how long until the goal resets
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)

        # Currently only daily goals implemented
        type = 'daily'

        # Get the goal of this type for this user
        goal = user.get_goal(type)
        if goal:

            now = int(time.time())
            reset = goal['reset']
            left = lib.secs_to_days(reset - now)
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
                    'goal:timeleft', user.get_guild()).format(left, type))

            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('goal:nogoal', user.get_guild()).format(type))
Esempio n. 22
    async def goal(self, context, option=None, type=None, value=None):
        Sets a daily goal which resets every 24 hours at midnight in your timezone.

            !goal - Print a table of all your goals, with their progress and next reset time.
            !goal check daily - Checks how close you are to your daily goal
            !goal set weekly 500 - Sets your weekly goal to be 500 words per day
            !goal cancel monthly - Deletes your monthly goal
            !goal time daily - Checks how long until your daily goal resets
        user = User(,, context)

        # If no option is sent and we just do `goal` then display a table of all their goals.
        if option is None:
            return await self.run_check_all(context)

        # Otherwise, we must specify a type.
        if type is None or type not in self.types:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('goal:invalidtype', user.get_guild()))

        if option == 'set':
            return await self.run_set(context, type, value)
        elif option == 'cancel' or option == 'delete' or option == 'reset':
            return await self.run_cancel(context, type)
        elif option == 'time':
            return await self.run_time(context, type)
        elif option == 'check':
            return await self.run_check(context, type)
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('goal:invalidoption', user.get_guild()))
Esempio n. 23
    async def my_setting(self, context, setting=None, value=None):
        Lets you update a setting for your user account.

        **Note:** For the timezone setting, make sure the value you specify is a valid TZ Database Name from this wikipedia page:

            !mysetting timezone Europe/London
            !mysetting timezone America/Phoenix
        user = User(,, context)

        # If we want to list the setting, do that instead.
        if setting is not None and setting.lower() == 'list':
            settings = user.get_settings()
            output = '```ini\n'
            if settings:
                for setting, value in settings.items():
                    output += setting + '=' + str(value) + '\n'
                output += lib.get_string('setting:none', guild.get_id())
            output += '```'
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ',\n' + output)

        # Check the arguments are valid
        args = await self.check_arguments(context,
        if not args:

        setting = args['setting'].lower()
        value = args['value']

        # If the setting is timezone convert the value
        if setting == 'timezone':
                timezone = pytz.timezone(value)
                time =
                offset ='%z')
                await context.send(
                                       value, time.ctime(), offset))
            except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
                await context.send(

        # Update the setting and post the success message
        user.update_setting(setting, value)
        await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
            'mysetting:updated', user.get_guild()).format(setting, value))
Esempio n. 24
    async def run_check(self, context, type):

        user = User(,, context)
        type_string = lib.get_string('goal:' + type, user.get_guild())

        user_goal = user.get_goal(type)
        if user_goal:
            progress = user.get_goal_progress(type)
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('goal:status', user.get_guild()).format(progress['percent'], type_string, progress['current'], progress['goal']))
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('goal:nogoal', user.get_guild()).format(type_string, type))
Esempio n. 25
    async def run_view(self, context, opts=None):
        View a list of the user's projects
        user = User(,, context)
        projects = user.get_projects()

        # If they have no projects, then we can't display them.
        if not projects:
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('project:noprojects', user.get_guild()))

        # Did they specify a shortname to look at?
        if opts:

            shortname = opts[0].lower()

            # Make sure the project exists.
            project = user.get_project(shortname)
            if not project:
                return await context.send(
                    user.get_mention() +
                    ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:noexists',

            # Re-create the array, but with just this one element in it.
            projects = [project]

        message = ''

        for project in projects:

            if project.is_completed():
                message += ':sparkler: '

            message += '**' + project.get_name(
            ) + '** (' + project.get_shortname() + ')\n'
            message += lib.get_string('wordcount',
                                      user.get_guild()) + ': ' + str(
                                          project.get_words()) + '\n\n'

        # Project lists can get very long. If it is over 2000 characters, we need to split it.
        if len(message) >= 2000:
            return await self.split_send(
                context, user,
                lib.get_string('project:list', user.get_guild()) + message)
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('project:list', user.get_guild()) + message)
Esempio n. 26
    async def run_pb(self, context):
        Get the user's personal best for sprinting
        :param context:
        user = User(,, context)
        record = user.get_record('wpm')

        if record is None:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:pb:none', user.get_guild()))
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:pb', user.get_guild()).format(int(record)))
Esempio n. 27
    async def setting(self, context, setting=None, value=None):
        Lets you update a setting for the server, if you have the permissions to manage_guild

            !setting lang en - Set the language to be used. Available language packs: en
            !setting sprint_delay_end 5 - Set the timer delay between the sprint finishing and the final word counts being tallied. Max time: 15 mins. Default: 2 mins.
            !setting list - Displays a list of all the custom server settings
        user = User(,, context)
        guild = Guild(context.guild)

        # If we want to list the setting, do that instead.
        if setting is not None and setting.lower() == 'list':
            settings = guild.get_settings()
            output = '```ini\n'
            if settings:
                for setting, value in settings.items():
                    output += setting + '=' + str(value) + '\n'
                output += lib.get_string('setting:none', guild.get_id())
            output += '```'
            return await context.send(output)

        # Otherwise, continue on as we must be trying to set a setting value
        # Check the arguments are valid
        args = await self.check_arguments(context,
        if not args:

        setting = args['setting'].lower()
        value = args['value']

        # Check that the value is valid for the setting they are updating
        if setting == 'sprint_delay_end' and (not lib.is_number(value)
                                              or int(value) < 1):
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('setting:err:sprint_delay_end', guild.get_id()))

        if setting == 'lang' and not lib.is_supported_language(value):
            return await context.send(
                user.get_mention() + ', ' +
                lib.get_string('setting:err:lang', guild.get_id()).format(
                    ', '.join(lib.get_supported_languages())))

        guild.update_setting(setting, value)
        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string(
            'setting:updated', guild.get_id()).format(setting, value))
Esempio n. 28
    async def reset(self, context, what=None, confirm=None):
        Lets you reset your statistics/records.

            !reset pb: Resets your wpm personal best
            !reset wc: Resets your total word count
            !reset xp: Resets your xp/level to 0
            !reset all: Resets your xp/levels, stats, records, goals and challenges
        if not Guild(context.guild).is_command_enabled('reset'):
            return await context.send(

        user = User(,, context)

        # Check the arguments are valid
        args = await self.check_arguments(context, what=what, confirm=confirm)
        if not args:

        what = args['what'].lower()
        confirm = args['confirm'].lower()

        # Make sure they confirmed it, otherwise just stop and display an OK message
        if confirm not in ('y', 'yes'):
            output = 'OK'
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + output)

        # Personal Best
        if what == 'pb':
            user.update_record('wpm', 0)
            output = lib.get_string('reset:pb', user.get_guild())

        elif what == 'wc':
            user.update_stat('total_words_written', 0)
            output = lib.get_string('reset:wc', user.get_guild())

        elif what == 'xp':
            await user.update_xp(0)
            output = lib.get_string('reset:xp', user.get_guild())

        elif what == 'projects':
            output = lib.get_string('reset:projects', user.get_guild())

        elif what == 'all':
            output = lib.get_string('reset:done', user.get_guild())

        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + output)
Esempio n. 29
    async def run_join(self, context, starting_wc=None, shortname=None):
        Join the sprint, with an optional starting word count and project shortname
        :param starting_wc:
        :param shortname: Shortname of Project
        user = User(,, context)
        sprint = Sprint(user.get_guild())

        # If there is no active sprint, then just display an error
        if not sprint.exists():
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:err:noexists', user.get_guild()))

        # Convert starting_wc to int if we can
        starting_wc = lib.is_number(starting_wc)
        if starting_wc is False:
            starting_wc = 0

        # If the user is already sprinting, then just update their starting wordcount
        if sprint.is_user_sprinting(user.get_id()):

            # Update the sprint_users record. We set their current_wc to the same as starting_wc here, otherwise if they join with, say 50 and their current remains 0
            # then if they run a status, or in the ending calculations, it will say they wrote -50.
            sprint.update_user(user.get_id(), start=starting_wc, current=starting_wc)

            # Send message back to channel letting them know their starting word count was updated
            await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:join:update', user.get_guild()).format(starting_wc))


            # Join the sprint
            sprint.join(user.get_id(), starting_wc)

            # Send message back to channel letting them know their starting word count was updated
            await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:join', user.get_guild()).format(starting_wc))

        # If a project shortname is supplied, try to set that as what the user is sprinting for.
        if shortname is not None:

            # Convert to lowercase for searching.
            shortname = shortname.lower()

            # Make sure the project exists.
            project = user.get_project(shortname)
            if not project:
                return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('project:err:noexists', user.get_guild()).format(shortname))

            sprint.set_project(project.get_id(), user.get_id())
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('sprint:project', user.get_guild()).format(project.get_title()))
Esempio n. 30
    async def run_set(self, context, type, amount):

        user = User(,, context)

        # Check if we can convert the amount to an int
        amount = lib.is_number(amount)
        if not amount:
            return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('err:validamount', user.get_guild()))

        # Set the user's goal
        user.set_goal(type, amount)
        timezone = user.get_setting('timezone') or 'UTC'

        reset_every = lib.get_string('goal:set:'+type, user.get_guild())
        return await context.send(user.get_mention() + ', ' + lib.get_string('goal:set', user.get_guild()).format(type, amount, reset_every, timezone))