Esempio n. 1
def create_output(filename):
    fileroot,extn = fileutil.parseFilename(filename)
    extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
    if extname[0] == '': extname = "PRIMARY"

    if not os.path.exists(fileroot):
        # We need to create the new file
        pimg = fits.HDUList()
        phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        phdu.header['NDRIZIM'] = 1
        if extn is not None:
            # Create a MEF file with the specified extname
            ehdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=arr)
            ehdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname[0]
            ehdu.header['EXTVER'] = extname[1]
            pimg.append(ehdu)'Creating new output file: %s' % fileroot)
        del pimg
    else:'Updating existing output file: %s' % fileroot)

    handle =, mode='update')

    return handle,extname
Esempio n. 2
    def write_image(self, filename, wcs, *args):
        Read the image from a fits file
        extarray = ['SCI', 'WHT', 'CTX']

        pimg = fits.HDUList()
        phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        phdu.header['NDRIZIM'] = 1
        phdu.header['ROOTNAME'] = filename

        for img in args:
            # Create a MEF file with the specified extname
            extn = extarray.pop(0)
            extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)

            ehdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=img)
            ehdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname[0]
            ehdu.header['EXTVER'] = extname[1]
            self.write_wcs(ehdu, wcs)

        del pimg
Esempio n. 3
    def write_image(self, filename, wcs, *args):
        Read the image from a fits file
        extarray = ['SCI', 'WHT', 'CTX']

        pimg = fits.HDUList()
        phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        phdu.header['NDRIZIM'] = 1
        phdu.header['ROOTNAME'] = filename

        for img in args:
            # Create a MEF file with the specified extname
            extn = extarray.pop(0)
            extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)

            ehdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=img)
            ehdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname[0]
            ehdu.header['EXTVER'] = extname[1]
            self.write_wcs(ehdu, wcs)

        del pimg
Esempio n. 4
def create_output(filename):
    fileroot, extn = fileutil.parseFilename(filename)
    extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
    if extname[0] == '': extname = "PRIMARY"

    if not os.path.exists(fileroot):
        # We need to create the new file
        pimg = fits.HDUList()
        phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        phdu.header['NDRIZIM'] = 1
        if extn is not None:
            # Create a MEF file with the specified extname
            ehdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=arr)
            ehdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname[0]
            ehdu.header['EXTVER'] = extname[1]
            pimg.append(ehdu)'Creating new output file: %s' % fileroot)
        del pimg
    else:'Updating existing output file: %s' % fileroot)

    handle =, mode='update', memmap=False)

    return handle, extname
Esempio n. 5
def get_data(filename):
    fileroot, extn = fileutil.parseFilename(filename)
    extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
    if extname[0] == '': extname = "PRIMARY"
    if os.path.exists(fileroot):
        handle = fileutil.openImage(filename, memmap=False)
        data = handle[extname].data
        data = None
    return data
Esempio n. 6
def get_data(filename):
    fileroot,extn = fileutil.parseFilename(filename)
    extname = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
    if extname[0] == '': extname = "PRIMARY"
    if os.path.exists(fileroot):
        handle = fileutil.openImage(filename)
        data = handle[extname].data
        data = None
    return data
Esempio n. 7
def generate_headerlet(outwcs,template,wcsname,outname=None):
    """ Create a headerlet based on the updated HSTWCS object

        This function uses 'template' as the basis for the headerlet.
        This file can either be the original wcspars['refimage'] or
        wcspars['coeffsfile'], in this order of preference.

        If 'template' is None, then a simple Headerlet will be
        generated with a single SIPWCS extension and no distortion
    # Create header object from HSTWCS object
    siphdr = True
    if outwcs.sip is None:
        siphdr = False
    outwcs_hdr = outwcs.wcs2header(sip2hdr=siphdr)
    outwcs_hdr['NPIX1'] = outwcs._naxis1
    outwcs_hdr['NPIX2'] = outwcs._naxis2

    # create headerlet object in memory; either from a file or from scratch
    if template is not None and siphdr:
        print('Creating headerlet from template...')
        fname,extn = fileutil.parseFilename(template)
        extnum = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
        extname = ('sipwcs',extnum[1])
        hdrlet = headerlet.createHeaderlet(fname,wcsname)
        # update hdrlet with header values from outwcs
        for kw in outwcs_hdr.items():
            hdrlet[extname].header[kw[0]] = kw[1]
        hdrlet[extname].header['WCSNAME'] = wcsname
        print('Creating headerlet from scratch...')
        hdrlet = fits.HDUList()
        siphdr = fits.ImageHDU(header=outwcs_hdr)
        siphdr.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SIPWCS'
        siphdr.header['WCSNAME'] = wcsname

    # Write out header to a file as the final product
    if outname is not None:
        if outname.find('_hdr.fits') < 0:
            outname += '_hdr.fits'
        if os.path.exists(outname):
            print('Overwrite existing file "%s"'%outname)
        print('Wrote out headerlet :',outname)
Esempio n. 8
def generate_headerlet(outwcs, template, wcsname, outname=None):
    """ Create a headerlet based on the updated HSTWCS object

        This function uses 'template' as the basis for the headerlet.
        This file can either be the original wcspars['refimage'] or
        wcspars['coeffsfile'], in this order of preference.

        If 'template' is None, then a simple Headerlet will be
        generated with a single SIPWCS extension and no distortion
    # Create header object from HSTWCS object
    siphdr = True
    if outwcs.sip is None:
        siphdr = False
    outwcs_hdr = outwcs.wcs2header(sip2hdr=siphdr)
    outwcs_hdr['NPIX1'] = outwcs._naxis1
    outwcs_hdr['NPIX2'] = outwcs._naxis2

    # create headerlet object in memory; either from a file or from scratch
    if template is not None and siphdr:
        print('Creating headerlet from template...')
        fname, extn = fileutil.parseFilename(template)
        extnum = fileutil.parseExtn(extn)
        extname = ('sipwcs', extnum[1])
        hdrlet = headerlet.createHeaderlet(fname, wcsname)
        # update hdrlet with header values from outwcs
        for kw in outwcs_hdr.items():
            hdrlet[extname].header[kw[0]] = kw[1]
        hdrlet[extname].header['WCSNAME'] = wcsname
        print('Creating headerlet from scratch...')
        hdrlet = fits.HDUList()
        siphdr = fits.ImageHDU(header=outwcs_hdr)
        siphdr.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SIPWCS'
        siphdr.header['WCSNAME'] = wcsname

    # Write out header to a file as the final product
    if outname is not None:
        if outname.find('_hdr.fits') < 0:
            outname += '_hdr.fits'
        if os.path.exists(outname):
            print('Overwrite existing file "%s"' % outname)
        print('Wrote out headerlet :', outname)
Esempio n. 9
def parseSingleInput(f=None, ext=None):
    if isinstance(f, str):
        # create an HSTWCS object from a filename
        if ext is not None:
            filename = f
            if isinstance(ext, tuple):
                if ext[0] == '':
                    extnum = ext[1]  # handle ext=('',1)
                    extnum = ext
                extnum = int(ext)
        elif ext is None:
            filename, ext = fileutil.parseFilename(f)
            ext = fileutil.parseExtn(ext)
            if ext[0] == '':
                extnum = int(ext[1])  # handle ext=('',extnum)
                extnum = ext
        phdu =
        hdr0 = phdu[0].header
            ehdr = phdu[extnum].header
        except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
            raise e.__class__('Unable to get extension %s.' % extnum)

    elif isinstance(f, fits.HDUList):
        phdu = f
        if ext is None:
            extnum = 0
            extnum = ext
        ehdr = f[extnum].header
        hdr0 = f[0].header
        filename = hdr0.get('FILENAME', "")

        raise ValueError('Input must be a file name string or a'
                         '`` object')

    return filename, hdr0, ehdr, phdu
Esempio n. 10
def _drizCr(sciImage, virtual_outputs, paramDict):
    """mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image
    with a model image and the derivative of the model image.

    sciImage is an imageObject which contains the science data
    blotImage is inferred from the sciImage object here which knows the name of its blotted image :)
    chip should be the science chip that corresponds to the blotted image that was sent
    paramDict contains the user parameters derived from the full configObj instance
    dgMask is inferred from the sciImage object, the name of the mask file to combine with the generated Cosmic ray mask

    here are the options you can override in configObj

    gain     = 7               # Detector gain, e-/ADU
    grow     = 1               # Radius around CR pixel to mask [default=1 for 3x3 for non-NICMOS]
    ctegrow  = 0               # Length of CTE correction to be applied
    rn       = 5               # Read noise in electrons
    snr      = "4.0 3.0"       # Signal-to-noise ratio
    scale    = "0.5 0.4"       # scaling factor applied to the derivative
    backg    = 0              # Background value
    expkey   = "exptime"        # exposure time keyword

    blot images are saved out to simple fits files with 1 chip in them
    so for example in ACS, there will be 1 image file with 2 chips that is
    the original image and 2 blotted image files, each with 1 chip

    so I'm imagining calling this function twice, once for each chip,
    but both times with the same original science image file, output files
    and some input (output from previous steps) are referenced in the imageobject



#    try:
#        assert(chip != None), 'Please specify a chip to process for blotting'
#        assert(sciImage != None), 'Please specify a science image object for blotting'

#    except AssertionError:
#        print "Problem with value of chip or sciImage to drizCR"
#        print sciImage
#        raise # raise orig error
    crcorr_list =[]
    crMaskDict = {}

    for chip in range(1,sciImage._numchips+1,1):
        exten=sciImage.scienceExt + ',' +str(chip)

        if scienceChip.group_member:
            blotImagePar = 'blotImage'
            blotImageName = scienceChip.outputNames[blotImagePar]
            if sciImage.inmemory:
                __blotImage = sciImage.virtualOutputs[blotImageName]
                except IOError:
                    print("Could not find the Blotted image on disk:",blotImageName)
                    raise # raise orig error

                    __blotImage =,mode="readonly") # !!! ,memmap=False) ?
                except IOError:
                    print("Problem opening blot images")

            #blotImageName=scienceChip.outputNames["blotImage"] # input file
            crMaskImage=scienceChip.outputNames["crmaskImage"] # output file

            #check that sciImage and blotImage are the same size?

            #grab the actual image from disk

            # Apply any unit conversions to input image here for comparison
            # with blotted image in units of electrons
            __inputImage *= scienceChip._conversionFactor

            #make the derivative blot image
            __blotData=__blotImage[0].data*scienceChip._conversionFactor #simple fits
            __blotDeriv = quickDeriv.qderiv(__blotData)
            if not sciImage.inmemory:

            #this grabs the original dq mask from the science image
            # This mask needs to take into account any crbits values
            # specified by the user to be ignored. A call to the
            # buildMask() method may work better here...
            #__dq = sciImage.maskExt + ',' + str(chip)
            __dqMask = sciImage.buildMask(chip,paramDict['crbit']) # both args are ints

            #parse out the SNR information

            #parse out the scaling information
            __scaleList = (paramDict["driz_cr_scale"]).split()
            __mult1 = float(__scaleList[0])
            __mult2 = float(__scaleList[1])

            __backg = scienceChip.subtractedSky*scienceChip._conversionFactor

            # Define output cosmic ray mask to populate
            __crMask = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,dtype=np.uint8)

            # Set scaling factor (used by MultiDrizzle) to 1 since scaling has
            # already been accounted for in blotted image
            __expmult = 1.

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART I    ###################
            # Create a temporary array mask
            __t1 = np.absolute(__inputImage - __blotData)
            __ta = np.sqrt(__gain * np.absolute(__blotData * __expmult + __backg * __expmult) + __rn * __rn)
            __tb = ( __mult1 * __blotDeriv + __snr1 * __ta / __gain )
            del __ta
            __t2 = __tb / __expmult
            del __tb
            __tmp1 = np.logical_not(np.greater(__t1, __t2))
            del __t1
            del __t2

            # Create a convolution kernel that is 3 x 3 of 1's
            __kernel = np.ones((3,3),dtype=np.uint8)
            # Create an output tmp file the same size as the input temp mask array
            __tmp2 = np.zeros(__tmp1.shape,dtype=np.int16)
            # Convolve the mask with the kernel
            del __kernel
            del __tmp1

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART II    ###################
            # Create the CR Mask
            __xt1 = np.absolute(__inputImage - __blotData)
            __xta = np.sqrt(__gain * np.absolute(__blotData * __expmult + __backg * __expmult) + __rn * __rn)
            __xtb = ( __mult2 *__blotDeriv + __snr2 * __xta / __gain )
            del __xta
            __xt2 = __xtb / __expmult
            del __xtb
            # It is necessary to use a bitwise 'and' to create the mask with numarray objects.
            __crMask = np.logical_not(np.greater(__xt1, __xt2) & np.less(__tmp2,9) )

            del __xt1
            del __xt2
            del __tmp2

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART III    ###################
        #flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR pixels as CRs

            # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0->good and 1->bad, so that upon
            # convolving the kernels with __crMask, the convolution output will have low->bad and high->good
            # from which 2 new arrays are created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new arrays are then 'anded'
            # to create a new __crMask.

            # recast __crMask to int for manipulations below; will recast to Bool at end
            __crMask_orig_bool= __crMask.copy()
            __crMask= __crMask_orig_bool.astype( np.int8 )

            # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original __crMask
            cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow))     # kernel for radial masking of CR pixel
            cr_grow_kernel_conv = __crMask.copy()   # for output of convolution
            NC.convolve2d( __crMask, cr_grow_kernel, output = cr_grow_kernel_conv)

            # make tail convolution kernel and convolve it with original __crMask
            cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2*ctegrow+1,2*ctegrow+1))  # kernel for tail masking of CR pixel
            cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = __crMask.copy()  # for output convolution

            # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on sign of ctedir (i.e.,readout direction):
            if ( ctedir == 1 ):  # HRC: amp C or D ; WFC: chip = sci,1 ; WFPC2
                cr_ctegrow_kernel[ 0:ctegrow, ctegrow ]=1    #  'positive' direction
            if ( ctedir == -1 ): # HRC: amp A or B ; WFC: chip = sci,2
                cr_ctegrow_kernel[ ctegrow+1:2*ctegrow+1, ctegrow ]=1    #'negative' direction
            if ( ctedir == 0 ):  # NICMOS: no cte tail correction

            # do the convolution
            NC.convolve2d( __crMask, cr_ctegrow_kernel, output = cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv)

            # select high pixels from both convolution outputs; then 'and' them to create new __crMask
            where_cr_grow_kernel_conv    = np.where( cr_grow_kernel_conv < grow*grow,0,1 )        # radial
            where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = np.where( cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv < ctegrow, 0, 1 )     # length

            __crMask = np.logical_and( where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv, where_cr_grow_kernel_conv) # combine masks
            __crMask = __crMask.astype(np.uint8) # cast back to Bool

            del __crMask_orig_bool
            del cr_grow_kernel
            del cr_grow_kernel_conv
            del cr_ctegrow_kernel
            del cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv
            del where_cr_grow_kernel_conv
            del where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv

            # Apply CR mask to the DQ array in place

            ####### Create the corr file
            __corrFile = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,dtype=__inputImage.dtype)
            __corrFile = np.where(np.equal(__dqMask,0),__blotData,__inputImage)
            __corrDQMask = np.where(np.equal(__dqMask,0),

            if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:

            ######## Save the cosmic ray mask file to disk
            _cr_file = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,np.uint8)
            _cr_file = np.where(__crMask,1,0).astype(np.uint8)

            if not paramDict['inmemory']:
                outfile = crMaskImage
                # Always write out crmaskimage, as it is required input for
                # the final drizzle step. The final drizzle step combines this
                # image with the DQ information on-the-fly.
                # Remove the existing mask file if it exists
                if(os.access(crMaskImage, os.F_OK)):
                    print("Removed old cosmic ray mask file:",crMaskImage)
                print('Creating output : ',outfile)
                print('Creating in-memory(virtual) FITS file...')
                outfile = None

            _pf = util.createFile(_cr_file, outfile=outfile, header = None)

            if paramDict['inmemory']:
                crMaskDict[crMaskImage] = _pf

    if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
                        crcorr_list, sciImage._filename)
    del crcorr_list
    if paramDict['inmemory']:
        virtual_outputs = sciImage.virtualOutputs
Esempio n. 11
def getSingleTemplate(fname, extlist=['SCI', 'ERR', 'DQ']):
    # Obtain default headers for output file based on a single input file
    # (Copied from outputimage module.)
    headers :  tuple of `` objects, not HDU objects!

    if fname is None:
        raise ValueError('No data files for creating FITS output.')

    froot, fextn = fileutil.parseFilename(fname)
    if fextn is not None:
        fnum = fileutil.parseExtn(fextn)[1]
    ftemplate = fileutil.openImage(froot, mode='readonly')
    prihdr = ftemplate['PRIMARY'].header.copy()
        del prihdr['pcount']
        del prihdr['gcount']
    except KeyError:

    if fname.find('.fits') > 0 and len(ftemplate) > 1:

        # Setup which keyword we will use to select each
        # extension...
        _extkey = 'EXTNAME'

        defnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey, extlist[0])
        # Now, extract the headers necessary for output (as copies)
        # 1. Find the SCI extension in the template image
        # 2. Make a COPY of the extension header for use in new output file
        if fextn is None:
            extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey, extlist[0])
            extnum = (extlist[0], fnum)
        #scihdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        scihdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        extnum_sci = extnum

        # Extract the header for additional extensions
        if len(extlist) > 1 and extlist[1] not in [
                None, '', ' ', 'INDEF', 'None'
            if fextn is None:
                extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey,
                # there may or may not be a second type of extension in the template
                count = 0
                for f in ftemplate:
                    if 'extname' in f.header and f.header[
                            'extname'] == extlist[1]:
                        count += 1
                if count > 0:
                    extnum = (extlist[1], fnum)
                    # Use science header for remaining headers
                    extnum = (extlist[0], fnum)
            extnum = extnum_sci

        #errhdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        errhdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        errhdr['bunit'] = 'UNITLESS'

        if len(extlist) > 2 and extlist[2] not in [
                None, '', ' ', 'INDEF', 'None'

            if fextn is None:
                extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey,
                count = 0
                for f in ftemplate:
                    if 'extname' in f.header and f.header[
                            'extname'] == extlist[2]:
                        count += 1
                if count > 0:
                    extnum = (extlist[2], fnum)
                    # Use science header for remaining headers
                    extnum = (extlist[0], fnum)
            extnum = extnum_sci

        #dqhdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        dqhdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        dqhdr['bunit'] = 'UNITLESS'

        # Create default headers from scratch
        scihdr = None
        errhdr = None
        dqhdr = None

    del ftemplate

    return prihdr, scihdr, errhdr, dqhdr
Esempio n. 12
def writeSingleFITS(data,
    """ Write out a simple FITS file given a numpy array and the name of another
    FITS file to use as a template for the output image header.
    outname, outextn = fileutil.parseFilename(output)
    outextname, outextver = fileutil.parseExtn(outextn)

    if fileutil.findFile(outname):
        if clobber:
  'Deleting previous output product: %s' % outname)

            log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite not '
                        'specified!' % outname)
            log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming operations.')
            raise IOError

    # Now update WCS keywords with values from provided WCS
    if hasattr(wcs.sip, 'a_order'):
        siphdr = True
        siphdr = False
    wcshdr = wcs.wcs2header(sip2hdr=siphdr)

    if template is not None:
        # Get default headers from multi-extension FITS file
        # If input data is not in MEF FITS format, it will return 'None'
        # NOTE: These are HEADER objects, not HDUs
        (prihdr, scihdr, errhdr,
         dqhdr), newtab = getTemplates(template,

        if scihdr is None:
            scihdr = fits.Header()
            indx = 0
            for c in
                if c.keyword not in ['INHERIT', 'EXPNAME']: indx += 1
                else: break
            for i in range(indx, len(prihdr)):
            for i in range(indx, len(prihdr)):
                del prihdr[indx]
        scihdr = fits.Header()
        prihdr = fits.Header()
        # Start by updating PRIMARY header keywords...
        prihdr.set('EXTEND', value=True, after='NAXIS')
        prihdr['FILENAME'] = outname

    if outextname == '':
        outextname = 'sci'
    if outextver == 0: outextver = 1
    scihdr['EXTNAME'] = outextname.upper()
    scihdr['EXTVER'] = outextver

    # Create PyFITS HDUList for all extensions
    outhdu = fits.HDUList()
    # Setup primary header as an HDU ready for appending to output FITS file
    prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr)
    scihdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=scihdr, data=data)


    if verbose:
        print('Created output image: %s' % outname)
Esempio n. 13
def getTemplates(fname,extlist):
    # Obtain default headers for output file
    # If the output file already exists, use it
    # If not, use an input file for this information.
    # NOTE: Returns 'pyfits.Header' objects, not HDU objects!
    if fname == None:
        print('No data files for creating FITS output.')
        raise Exception

    froot,fextn = fileutil.parseFilename(fname)
    if fextn is not None:
        fnum = fileutil.parseExtn(fextn)[1]
    ftemplate = fileutil.openImage(froot,mode='readonly')
    prihdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate['PRIMARY'].header.ascard.copy())
    del prihdr['pcount']
    del prihdr['gcount']

    if fname.find('.fits') > 0 and len(ftemplate) > 1:

        # Setup which keyword we will use to select each
        # extension...
        _extkey = 'EXTNAME'

        defnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[0])
        # Now, extract the headers necessary for output (as copies)
        # 1. Find the SCI extension in the template image
        # 2. Make a COPY of the extension header for use in new output file
        if fextn in [None,1]:
            extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[0])
            extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
        scihdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())

        if fextn in [None,1]:
            extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[1])
            # there may or may not be a second type of extension in the template
            count = 0
            for f in ftemplate:
                if 'extname' in f.header and f.header['extname'] == extlist[1]:
                    count += 1
            if count > 0:
                extnum = (extlist[1],fnum)
                # Use science header for remaining headers
                extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
        errhdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())

        if fextn in [None,1]:
            extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[2])
            count = 0
            for f in ftemplate:
                if 'extname' in f.header and f.header['extname'] == extlist[2]:
                    count += 1
            if count > 0:
                extnum = (extlist[2],fnum)
                # Use science header for remaining headers
                extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
        dqhdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())

        # Create default headers from scratch
        scihdr = None
        errhdr = None
        dqhdr = None

    del ftemplate

    # Now, safeguard against having BSCALE and BZERO
        del scihdr['bscale']
        del scihdr['bzero']
        del errhdr['bscale']
        del errhdr['bzero']
        del dqhdr['bscale']
        del dqhdr['bzero']
        # If these don't work, they didn't exist to start with...

    # At this point, check errhdr and dqhdr to make sure they
    # have all the requisite keywords (as listed in updateDTHKeywords).
    # Simply copy them from scihdr if they don't exist...
    if errhdr != None and dqhdr != None:
        for keyword in DTH_KEYWORDS:
            if keyword not in errhdr:
            if keyword not in dqhdr:

    return prihdr,scihdr,errhdr,dqhdr
Esempio n. 14
def _drizCr(sciImage, virtual_outputs, paramDict):
    """mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image
    with a model image and the derivative of the model image.

    sciImage is an imageObject which contains the science data
    blotImage is inferred from the sciImage object here which knows the name of its blotted image :)
    chip should be the science chip that corresponds to the blotted image that was sent
    paramDict contains the user parameters derived from the full configObj instance
    dgMask is inferred from the sciImage object, the name of the mask file to combine with the generated Cosmic ray mask

    here are the options you can override in configObj

    gain     = 7               # Detector gain, e-/ADU
    grow     = 1               # Radius around CR pixel to mask [default=1 for 3x3 for non-NICMOS]
    ctegrow  = 0               # Length of CTE correction to be applied
    rn       = 5               # Read noise in electrons
    snr      = "4.0 3.0"       # Signal-to-noise ratio
    scale    = "0.5 0.4"       # scaling factor applied to the derivative
    backg    = 0              # Background value
    expkey   = "exptime"        # exposure time keyword

    blot images are saved out to simple fits files with 1 chip in them
    so for example in ACS, there will be 1 image file with 2 chips that is
    the original image and 2 blotted image files, each with 1 chip

    so I'm imagining calling this function twice, once for each chip,
    but both times with the same original science image file, output files
    and some input (output from previous steps) are referenced in the imageobject


    grow = paramDict["driz_cr_grow"]
    ctegrow = paramDict["driz_cr_ctegrow"]

#    try:
#        assert(chip is not None), 'Please specify a chip to process for blotting'
#        assert(sciImage is not None), 'Please specify a science image object for blotting'

#    except AssertionError:
#        print "Problem with value of chip or sciImage to drizCR"
#        print sciImage
#        raise # raise orig error
    crcorr_list =[]
    crMaskDict = {}

    for chip in range(1, sciImage._numchips + 1, 1):
        exten = sciImage.scienceExt + ',' +str(chip)
        scienceChip = sciImage[exten]

        if scienceChip.group_member:
            blotImagePar = 'blotImage'
            blotImageName = scienceChip.outputNames[blotImagePar]
            if sciImage.inmemory:
                __blotImage = sciImage.virtualOutputs[blotImageName]
                except IOError:
                    print("Could not find the Blotted image on disk:",blotImageName)
                    raise # raise orig error

                    __blotImage =, mode="readonly", memmap=False)
                except IOError:
                    print("Problem opening blot images")

            #blotImageName=scienceChip.outputNames["blotImage"] # input file
            crMaskImage=scienceChip.outputNames["crmaskImage"] # output file

            #check that sciImage and blotImage are the same size?

            #grab the actual image from disk

            # Apply any unit conversions to input image here for comparison
            # with blotted image in units of electrons
            __inputImage *= scienceChip._conversionFactor

            #make the derivative blot image
            __blotData=__blotImage[0].data*scienceChip._conversionFactor #simple fits
            __blotDeriv = quickDeriv.qderiv(__blotData)
            if not sciImage.inmemory:

            #this grabs the original dq mask from the science image
            # This mask needs to take into account any crbits values
            # specified by the user to be ignored. A call to the
            # buildMask() method may work better here...
            #__dq = sciImage.maskExt + ',' + str(chip)
            __dqMask = sciImage.buildMask(chip,paramDict['crbit']) # both args are ints

            #parse out the SNR information

            #parse out the scaling information
            __scaleList = (paramDict["driz_cr_scale"]).split()
            __mult1 = float(__scaleList[0])
            __mult2 = float(__scaleList[1])

            __backg = scienceChip.subtractedSky*scienceChip._conversionFactor

            # Define output cosmic ray mask to populate
            __crMask = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,dtype=np.uint8)

            # Set scaling factor (used by MultiDrizzle) to 1 since scaling has
            # already been accounted for in blotted image
            __expmult = 1.

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART I    ###################
            # Create a temporary array mask
            __t1 = np.absolute(__inputImage - __blotData)
            __ta = np.sqrt(__gain * np.absolute(__blotData * __expmult + __backg * __expmult) + __rn * __rn)
            __tb = ( __mult1 * __blotDeriv + __snr1 * __ta / __gain )
            del __ta
            __t2 = __tb / __expmult
            del __tb
            __tmp1 = np.logical_not(np.greater(__t1, __t2))
            del __t1
            del __t2

            # Create a convolution kernel that is 3 x 3 of 1's
            __kernel = np.ones((3,3),dtype=np.uint8)
            # Create an output tmp file the same size as the input temp mask array
            __tmp2 = np.zeros(__tmp1.shape,dtype=np.int16)
            # Convolve the mask with the kernel
            del __kernel
            del __tmp1

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART II    ###################
            # Create the CR Mask
            __xt1 = np.absolute(__inputImage - __blotData)
            __xta = np.sqrt(__gain * np.absolute(__blotData * __expmult + __backg * __expmult) + __rn * __rn)
            __xtb = ( __mult2 *__blotDeriv + __snr2 * __xta / __gain )
            del __xta
            __xt2 = __xtb / __expmult
            del __xtb
            # It is necessary to use a bitwise 'and' to create the mask with numarray objects.
            __crMask = np.logical_not(np.greater(__xt1, __xt2) & np.less(__tmp2,9) )

            del __xt1
            del __xt2
            del __tmp2

        ##################   COMPUTATION PART III    ###################
        #flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR pixels as CRs

            # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0->good and 1->bad, so that upon
            # convolving the kernels with __crMask, the convolution output will have low->bad and high->good
            # from which 2 new arrays are created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new arrays are then 'anded'
            # to create a new __crMask.

            # recast __crMask to int for manipulations below; will recast to Bool at end
            __crMask_orig_bool= __crMask.copy()
            __crMask= __crMask_orig_bool.astype( np.int8 )

            # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original __crMask
            cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow))     # kernel for radial masking of CR pixel
            cr_grow_kernel_conv = __crMask.copy()   # for output of convolution
            NC.convolve2d( __crMask, cr_grow_kernel, output = cr_grow_kernel_conv)

            # make tail convolution kernel and convolve it with original __crMask
            cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2*ctegrow+1,2*ctegrow+1))  # kernel for tail masking of CR pixel
            cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = __crMask.copy()  # for output convolution

            # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on sign of ctedir (i.e.,readout direction):
            if ( ctedir == 1 ):  # HRC: amp C or D ; WFC: chip = sci,1 ; WFPC2
                cr_ctegrow_kernel[ 0:ctegrow, ctegrow ]=1    #  'positive' direction
            if ( ctedir == -1 ): # HRC: amp A or B ; WFC: chip = sci,2
                cr_ctegrow_kernel[ ctegrow+1:2*ctegrow+1, ctegrow ]=1    #'negative' direction
            if ( ctedir == 0 ):  # NICMOS: no cte tail correction

            # do the convolution
            NC.convolve2d( __crMask, cr_ctegrow_kernel, output = cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv)

            # select high pixels from both convolution outputs; then 'and' them to create new __crMask
            where_cr_grow_kernel_conv    = np.where( cr_grow_kernel_conv < grow*grow,0,1 )        # radial
            where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = np.where( cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv < ctegrow, 0, 1 )     # length

            __crMask = np.logical_and( where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv, where_cr_grow_kernel_conv) # combine masks
            __crMask = __crMask.astype(np.uint8) # cast back to Bool

            del __crMask_orig_bool
            del cr_grow_kernel
            del cr_grow_kernel_conv
            del cr_ctegrow_kernel
            del cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv
            del where_cr_grow_kernel_conv
            del where_cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv

            # Apply CR mask to the DQ array in place

            ####### Create the corr file
            __corrFile = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,dtype=__inputImage.dtype)
            __corrFile = np.where(np.equal(__dqMask,0),__blotData,__inputImage)
            __corrDQMask = np.where(np.equal(__dqMask,0),

            if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:

            ######## Save the cosmic ray mask file to disk
            _cr_file = np.zeros(__inputImage.shape,np.uint8)
            _cr_file = np.where(__crMask,1,0).astype(np.uint8)

            if not paramDict['inmemory']:
                outfile = crMaskImage
                # Always write out crmaskimage, as it is required input for
                # the final drizzle step. The final drizzle step combines this
                # image with the DQ information on-the-fly.
                # Remove the existing mask file if it exists
                if(os.access(crMaskImage, os.F_OK)):
                    print("Removed old cosmic ray mask file:",crMaskImage)
                print('Creating output : ',outfile)
                print('Creating in-memory(virtual) FITS file...')
                outfile = None

            _pf = util.createFile(_cr_file, outfile=outfile, header = None)

            if paramDict['inmemory']:
                crMaskDict[crMaskImage] = _pf

    if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
                        crcorr_list, sciImage._filename)
    del crcorr_list
    if paramDict['inmemory']:
        virtual_outputs = sciImage.virtualOutputs
Esempio n. 15
def writeSingleFITS(data,wcs,output,template,clobber=True,verbose=True):
    """ Write out a simple FITS file given a numpy array and the name of another
    FITS file to use as a template for the output image header.
    outname,outextn = fileutil.parseFilename(output)
    outextname,outextver = fileutil.parseExtn(outextn)

    if fileutil.findFile(outname):
        if clobber:
  'Deleting previous output product: %s' % outname)

            log.warning('Output file %s already exists and overwrite not '
                        'specified!' % outname)
            log.error('Quitting... Please remove before resuming operations.')
            raise IOError

    # Now update WCS keywords with values from provided WCS
    if hasattr(wcs.sip,'a_order'):
        siphdr = True
        siphdr = False
    wcshdr = wcs.wcs2header(sip2hdr=siphdr)

    if template is not None:
        # Get default headers from multi-extension FITS file
        # If input data is not in MEF FITS format, it will return 'None'
        # NOTE: These are HEADER objects, not HDUs
        (prihdr,scihdr,errhdr,dqhdr),newtab = getTemplates(template,EXTLIST)

        if scihdr is None:
            scihdr = fits.Header()
            indx = 0
            for c in
                if c.keyword not in ['INHERIT','EXPNAME']: indx += 1
                else: break
            for i in range(indx,len(prihdr)):
            for i in range(indx, len(prihdr)):
                del prihdr[indx]
        scihdr = fits.Header()
        prihdr = fits.Header()
        # Start by updating PRIMARY header keywords...
        prihdr.set('EXTEND', value=True, after='NAXIS')
        prihdr['FILENAME'] = outname

    if outextname == '':
        outextname = 'sci'
    if outextver == 0: outextver = 1
    scihdr['EXTNAME'] = outextname.upper()
    scihdr['EXTVER'] = outextver

    for card in
        scihdr[card.keyword] = (card.value, card.comment)

    # Create PyFITS HDUList for all extensions
    outhdu = fits.HDUList()
    # Setup primary header as an HDU ready for appending to output FITS file
    prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr)
    scihdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=scihdr,data=data)


    if verbose:
        print('Created output image: %s' % outname)
Esempio n. 16
def _driz_cr(sciImage, virtual_outputs, paramDict):
    """mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image
    with a model image and the derivative of the model image.

    - ``sciImage`` is an imageObject which contains the science data
    - ``blotImage`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object here which knows
        the name of its blotted image
    - ``chip`` should be the science chip that corresponds to the blotted
        image that was sent
    - ``paramDict`` contains the user parameters derived from the full
        ``configObj`` instance
    - ``dqMask`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object, the name of the mask
        file to combine with the generated Cosmic ray mask

    Here are the options you can override in ``configObj``

    ``gain``     = 7          # Detector gain, e-/ADU
    ``grow``     = 1          # Radius around CR pixel to mask
                              # [default=1 for 3x3 for non-NICMOS]
    ``ctegrow``  = 0          # Length of CTE correction to be applied
    ``rn``       = 5          # Read noise in electrons
    ``snr``      = "4.0 3.0"  # Signal-to-noise ratio
    ``scale``    = "0.5 0.4"  # scaling factor applied to the derivative
    ``backg``    = 0          # Background value
    ``expkey``   = "exptime"  # exposure time keyword

    Blot images are saved out to simple fits files with 1 chip in them
    so for example in ACS, there will be 1 image file with 2 chips that is
    the original image and 2 blotted image files, each with 1 chip

    So I'm imagining calling this function twice, once for each chip,
    but both times with the same original science image file, output files
    and some input (output from previous steps) are referenced in the
    imageobject itself

    grow = paramDict["driz_cr_grow"]
    ctegrow = paramDict["driz_cr_ctegrow"]
    crcorr_list = []
    cr_mask_dict = {}

    for chip in range(1, sciImage._numchips + 1, 1):
        exten = sciImage.scienceExt + ',' + str(chip)
        sci_chip = sciImage[exten]

        if not sci_chip.group_member:

        blot_image_name = sci_chip.outputNames['blotImage']

        if sciImage.inmemory:
            blot_data = sciImage.virtualOutputs[blot_image_name][0].data
            if not os.path.isfile(blot_image_name):
                raise IOError(
                    "Blotted image not found: {:s}".format(blot_image_name))

                blot_data = fits.getdata(blot_image_name, ext=0)
            except IOError:
                print("Problem opening blot images")
        # Scale blot image, as needed, to match original input data units.
        blot_data *= sci_chip._conversionFactor

        input_image = sciImage.getData(exten)

        # Apply any unit conversions to input image here for comparison
        # with blotted image in units of electrons
        input_image *= sci_chip._conversionFactor

        # make the derivative blot image
        blot_deriv = quickDeriv.qderiv(blot_data)

        # Boolean mask needs to take into account any crbits values
        # specified by the user to be ignored when converting DQ array.
        dq_mask = sciImage.buildMask(chip, paramDict['crbit'])

        # parse out the SNR information
        snr1, snr2 = map(
            float, filter(None, re.split("[,;\s]+", paramDict["driz_cr_snr"])))

        # parse out the scaling information
        mult1, mult2 = map(
            float, filter(None, re.split("[,;\s]+",

        gain = sci_chip._effGain
        rn = sci_chip._rdnoise
        backg = sci_chip.subtractedSky * sci_chip._conversionFactor

        # Set scaling factor (used by MultiDrizzle) to 1 since scaling has
        # already been accounted for in blotted image
        # expmult = 1.

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART I    ###################
        # Create a temporary array mask
        t1 = np.absolute(input_image - blot_data)
        # ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs((blot_data + backg) * expmult) + rn**2)
        ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs(blot_data + backg) + rn**2)
        t2 = (mult1 * blot_deriv + snr1 * ta / gain)  # / expmult
        tmp1 = t1 <= t2

        # Create a convolution kernel that is 3 x 3 of 1's
        kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint16)
        # Convolve the mask with the kernel
        tmp2 = signal.convolve2d(tmp1, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same')

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART II    ###################
        # Create the CR Mask
        t2 = (mult2 * blot_deriv + snr2 * ta / gain)  # / expmult
        cr_mask = (t1 <= t2) | (tmp2 >= 9)

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART III    ##################
        # flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR pixels
        # as CRs

        # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0->good and 1->bad,
        # so that upon convolving the kernels with cr_mask, the convolution
        # output will have low->bad and high->good from which 2 new arrays are
        # created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new arrays are then
        # 'anded' to create a new cr_mask.

        # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask
        cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow), dtype=np.uint16)
        cr_grow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d(cr_mask,

        # make tail convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask
        cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2 * ctegrow + 1, 2 * ctegrow + 1))

        # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on sign of
        # sci_chip.cte_dir (i.e.,readout direction):
        if sci_chip.cte_dir == 1:
            # 'positive' direction:  HRC: amp C or D; WFC: chip = sci,1; WFPC2
            cr_ctegrow_kernel[0:ctegrow, ctegrow] = 1
        elif sci_chip.cte_dir == -1:
            # 'negative' direction:  HRC: amp A or B; WFC: chip = sci,2
            cr_ctegrow_kernel[ctegrow + 1:2 * ctegrow + 1, ctegrow] = 1

        # do the convolution
        cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d(cr_mask,

        # select high pixels from both convolution outputs;
        # then 'and' them to create new cr_mask
        cr_grow_mask = cr_grow_kernel_conv >= grow**2  # radial
        cr_ctegrow_mask = cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv >= ctegrow  # length
        cr_mask = cr_grow_mask & cr_ctegrow_mask

        # Apply CR mask to the DQ array in place
        dq_mask &= cr_mask

        # Create the corr file
        corrFile = np.where(dq_mask, input_image, blot_data)
        corrFile /= sci_chip._conversionFactor
        corrDQMask = np.where(dq_mask, 0, paramDict['crbit']).astype(np.uint16)

        if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
                'sciext': fileutil.parseExtn(exten),
                'corrFile': corrFile.copy(),
                'dqext': fileutil.parseExtn(sci_chip.dq_extn),
                'dqMask': corrDQMask

        # Save the cosmic ray mask file to disk
        cr_mask_image = sci_chip.outputNames["crmaskImage"]
        if paramDict['inmemory']:
            print('Creating in-memory(virtual) FITS file...')
            _pf = util.createFile(cr_mask.astype(np.uint8),
            cr_mask_dict[cr_mask_image] = _pf

            # Always write out crmaskimage, as it is required input for
            # the final drizzle step. The final drizzle step combines this
            # image with the DQ information on-the-fly.
            # Remove the existing mask file if it exists
            if os.path.isfile(cr_mask_image):
                print("Removed old cosmic ray mask file: '{:s}'".format(
            print("Creating output: {:s}".format(cr_mask_image))

    if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
        createCorrFile(sciImage.outputNames["crcorImage"], crcorr_list,
Esempio n. 17
def getSingleTemplate(fname, extlist=['SCI', 'ERR', 'DQ']):
    # Obtain default headers for output file based on a single input file
    # (Copied from outputimage module.)
    headers :  tuple of `` objects, not HDU objects!

    if fname is None:
        raise ValueError('No data files for creating FITS output.')

    froot,fextn = fileutil.parseFilename(fname)
    if fextn is not None:
        fnum = fileutil.parseExtn(fextn)[1]
    ftemplate = fileutil.openImage(froot,mode='readonly')
    prihdr = ftemplate['PRIMARY'].header.copy()
        del prihdr['pcount']
        del prihdr['gcount']
    except KeyError:

    if fname.find('.fits') > 0 and len(ftemplate) > 1:

        # Setup which keyword we will use to select each
        # extension...
        _extkey = 'EXTNAME'

        defnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[0])
        # Now, extract the headers necessary for output (as copies)
        # 1. Find the SCI extension in the template image
        # 2. Make a COPY of the extension header for use in new output file
        if fextn is None:
            extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[0])
            extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
        #scihdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        scihdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        extnum_sci = extnum

        # Extract the header for additional extensions
        if len(extlist) > 1 and extlist[1] not in [None,'',' ','INDEF','None']:
            if fextn is None:
                extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[1])
                # there may or may not be a second type of extension in the template
                count = 0
                for f in ftemplate:
                    if 'extname' in f.header and f.header['extname'] == extlist[1]:
                        count += 1
                if count > 0:
                    extnum = (extlist[1],fnum)
                    # Use science header for remaining headers
                    extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
            extnum = extnum_sci

        #errhdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        errhdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        errhdr['bunit'] = 'UNITLESS'

        if len(extlist) > 2 and extlist[2] not in [None,'',' ','INDEF','None']:

            if fextn is None:
                extnum = fileutil.findKeywordExtn(ftemplate,_extkey,extlist[2])
                count = 0
                for f in ftemplate:
                    if 'extname' in f.header and f.header['extname'] == extlist[2]:
                        count += 1
                if count > 0:
                    extnum = (extlist[2],fnum)
                    # Use science header for remaining headers
                    extnum = (extlist[0],fnum)
            extnum = extnum_sci

        #dqhdr = fits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy())
        dqhdr = fits.Header(ftemplate[extnum].header.copy())
        dqhdr['bunit'] = 'UNITLESS'

        # Create default headers from scratch
        scihdr = None
        errhdr = None
        dqhdr = None

    del ftemplate

    return prihdr, scihdr, errhdr, dqhdr
Esempio n. 18
def _driz_cr(sciImage, virtual_outputs, paramDict):
    """mask blemishes in dithered data by comparison of an image
    with a model image and the derivative of the model image.

    - ``sciImage`` is an imageObject which contains the science data
    - ``blotImage`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object here which knows
        the name of its blotted image
    - ``chip`` should be the science chip that corresponds to the blotted
        image that was sent
    - ``paramDict`` contains the user parameters derived from the full
        ``configObj`` instance
    - ``dqMask`` is inferred from the ``sciImage`` object, the name of the mask
        file to combine with the generated Cosmic ray mask

    Here are the options you can override in ``configObj``

    ``gain``     = 7          # Detector gain, e-/ADU
    ``grow``     = 1          # Radius around CR pixel to mask
                              # [default=1 for 3x3 for non-NICMOS]
    ``ctegrow``  = 0          # Length of CTE correction to be applied
    ``rn``       = 5          # Read noise in electrons
    ``snr``      = "4.0 3.0"  # Signal-to-noise ratio
    ``scale``    = "0.5 0.4"  # scaling factor applied to the derivative
    ``backg``    = 0          # Background value
    ``expkey``   = "exptime"  # exposure time keyword

    Blot images are saved out to simple fits files with 1 chip in them
    so for example in ACS, there will be 1 image file with 2 chips that is
    the original image and 2 blotted image files, each with 1 chip

    So I'm imagining calling this function twice, once for each chip,
    but both times with the same original science image file, output files
    and some input (output from previous steps) are referenced in the
    imageobject itself

    grow = paramDict["driz_cr_grow"]
    ctegrow = paramDict["driz_cr_ctegrow"]
    crcorr_list = []
    cr_mask_dict = {}

    for chip in range(1, sciImage._numchips + 1, 1):
        exten = sciImage.scienceExt + ',' + str(chip)
        sci_chip = sciImage[exten]

        if not sci_chip.group_member:

        blot_image_name = sci_chip.outputNames['blotImage']

        if sciImage.inmemory:
            blot_data = sciImage.virtualOutputs[blot_image_name][0].data
            if not os.path.isfile(blot_image_name):
                raise IOError("Blotted image not found: {:s}"

                blot_data = fits.getdata(blot_image_name, ext=0)
            except IOError:
                print("Problem opening blot images")
        # Scale blot image, as needed, to match original input data units.
        blot_data *= sci_chip._conversionFactor

        input_image = sciImage.getData(exten)

        # Apply any unit conversions to input image here for comparison
        # with blotted image in units of electrons
        input_image *= sci_chip._conversionFactor

        # make the derivative blot image
        blot_deriv = quickDeriv.qderiv(blot_data)

        # Boolean mask needs to take into account any crbits values
        # specified by the user to be ignored when converting DQ array.
        dq_mask = sciImage.buildMask(chip, paramDict['crbit'])

        # parse out the SNR information
        snr1, snr2 = map(
            float, filter(None, re.split("[,;\s]+", paramDict["driz_cr_snr"]))

        # parse out the scaling information
        mult1, mult2 = map(
            float, filter(
                None, re.split("[,;\s]+", paramDict["driz_cr_scale"])

        gain = sci_chip._effGain
        rn = sci_chip._rdnoise
        backg = sci_chip.subtractedSky * sci_chip._conversionFactor

        # Set scaling factor (used by MultiDrizzle) to 1 since scaling has
        # already been accounted for in blotted image
        # expmult = 1.

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART I    ###################
        # Create a temporary array mask
        t1 = np.absolute(input_image - blot_data)
        # ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs((blot_data + backg) * expmult) + rn**2)
        ta = np.sqrt(gain * np.abs(blot_data + backg) + rn**2)
        t2 = (mult1 * blot_deriv + snr1 * ta / gain)  # / expmult
        tmp1 = t1 <= t2

        # Create a convolution kernel that is 3 x 3 of 1's
        kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint16)
        # Convolve the mask with the kernel
        tmp2 = signal.convolve2d(tmp1, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same')

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART II    ###################
        # Create the CR Mask
        t2 = (mult2 * blot_deriv + snr2 * ta / gain)  # / expmult
        cr_mask = (t1 <= t2) | (tmp2 >= 9)

        # #################   COMPUTATION PART III    ##################
        # flag additional cte 'radial' and 'tail' pixels surrounding CR pixels
        # as CRs

        # In both the 'radial' and 'length' kernels below, 0->good and 1->bad,
        # so that upon convolving the kernels with cr_mask, the convolution
        # output will have low->bad and high->good from which 2 new arrays are
        # created having 0->bad and 1->good. These 2 new arrays are then
        # 'anded' to create a new cr_mask.

        # make radial convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask
        cr_grow_kernel = np.ones((grow, grow), dtype=np.uint16)
        cr_grow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d(
            cr_mask, cr_grow_kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same'

        # make tail convolution kernel and convolve it with original cr_mask
        cr_ctegrow_kernel = np.zeros((2 * ctegrow + 1, 2 * ctegrow + 1))

        # which pixels are masked by tail kernel depends on sign of
        # sci_chip.cte_dir (i.e.,readout direction):
        if sci_chip.cte_dir == 1:
            # 'positive' direction:  HRC: amp C or D; WFC: chip = sci,1; WFPC2
            cr_ctegrow_kernel[0:ctegrow, ctegrow] = 1
        elif sci_chip.cte_dir == -1:
            # 'negative' direction:  HRC: amp A or B; WFC: chip = sci,2
            cr_ctegrow_kernel[ctegrow+1:2*ctegrow+1, ctegrow] = 1

        # do the convolution
        cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv = signal.convolve2d(
            cr_mask, cr_ctegrow_kernel, boundary='symm', mode='same'

        # select high pixels from both convolution outputs;
        # then 'and' them to create new cr_mask
        cr_grow_mask = cr_grow_kernel_conv >= grow**2  # radial
        cr_ctegrow_mask = cr_ctegrow_kernel_conv >= ctegrow  # length
        cr_mask = cr_grow_mask & cr_ctegrow_mask

        # Apply CR mask to the DQ array in place
        dq_mask &= cr_mask

        # Create the corr file
        corrFile = np.where(dq_mask, input_image, blot_data)
        corrFile /= sci_chip._conversionFactor
        corrDQMask = np.where(dq_mask, 0, paramDict['crbit']).astype(np.uint16)

        if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
                'sciext': fileutil.parseExtn(exten),
                'corrFile': corrFile.copy(),
                'dqext': fileutil.parseExtn(sci_chip.dq_extn),
                'dqMask': corrDQMask

        # Save the cosmic ray mask file to disk
        cr_mask_image = sci_chip.outputNames["crmaskImage"]
        if paramDict['inmemory']:
            print('Creating in-memory(virtual) FITS file...')
            _pf = util.createFile(cr_mask.astype(np.uint8),
                                  outfile=None, header=None)
            cr_mask_dict[cr_mask_image] = _pf

            # Always write out crmaskimage, as it is required input for
            # the final drizzle step. The final drizzle step combines this
            # image with the DQ information on-the-fly.
            # Remove the existing mask file if it exists
            if os.path.isfile(cr_mask_image):
                print("Removed old cosmic ray mask file: '{:s}'"
            print("Creating output: {:s}".format(cr_mask_image))
                            outfile=cr_mask_image, header=None)

    if paramDict['driz_cr_corr']:
        createCorrFile(sciImage.outputNames["crcorImage"], crcorr_list,