def dynamics_data_gen(env_name='Reacher-v2', start_seed=0, timesteps=10, n_parallel_envs=1, width=300, height=240): import gym # import locally so that caller can patch gym def make_env(seed): def _(): env = gym.make(env_name) env.seed(seed) return env return _ # Uncomment this to show the bug # from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession # session = FuturesSession() # session.get('', ) from subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv # from baselines.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv env = SubprocVecEnv( [make_env(s) for s in range(start_seed, start_seed + n_parallel_envs)]) policy = RandPolicy(env.observation_space, env.action_space, env.num_envs) rollouts = [] obs = env.reset() for i in range(timesteps): # fs = env.render("rgb", width=width, height=height) fs = env.render("rgb_array", width=width, height=height) acs = policy.act(obs) rollouts.append(dict(obs=obs, acs=acs, views=fs)) obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(acs) import pandas as pd return {k: np.stack(v) for k, v in pd.DataFrame(rollouts).items()}
def train(model_dict): def update_current_state(current_state, state, channels): # current_state: [processes, channels*stack, height, width] state = torch.from_numpy(state).float() # (processes, channels, height, width) # if num_stack > 1: #first stack*channel-channel frames = last stack*channel-channel , so slide them forward current_state[:, :-channels] = current_state[:, channels:] current_state[:, -channels:] = state #last frame is now the new one return current_state def update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state): # Reward, Done: [P], [P] # final_rewards, episode_rewards: [P,1]. [P,1] # current_state: [P,C*S,H,W] reward = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(np.stack(reward), 1)).float() #[P,1] episode_rewards += reward #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward masks = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0] if done_ else [1.0] for done_ in done]) #[P,1] final_rewards *= masks #erase the ones that are done final_rewards += (1 - masks) * episode_rewards #set it to the cumulative episode reward episode_rewards *= masks #erase the done ones masks = masks.type(dtype) #cuda if current_state.dim() == 4: # if state is a frame/image current_state *= masks.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) #[P,1,1,1] else: current_state *= masks #restart the done ones, by setting the state to zero return reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state def do_vid(): n_vids=3 for i in range(n_vids): done=False state = envs_video.reset() # state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().type(dtype) current_state = torch.zeros(1, *obs_shape) current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(dtype) # print ('Recording') # count=0 while not done: # print (count) # count +=1 # Act state_var = Variable(current_state, volatile=True) # print (state_var.size()) action, value = agent.act(state_var) cpu_actions = # Observe reward and next state state, reward, done, info = envs_video.step(cpu_actions) # state:[nProcesss, ndims, height, width] # state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().type(dtype) # current_state = torch.zeros(1, *obs_shape) current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(dtype) state = envs_video.reset() vid_path = save_dir+'/videos/' count =0 for aaa in os.listdir(vid_path): if 'openaigym' in aaa and '.mp4' in aaa: #os.rename(vid_path+aaa, vid_path+'vid_t'+str(total_num_steps)+'.mp4')"(cd "+vid_path+" && mv "+ vid_path+aaa +" "+ vid_path+env_name+'_'+algo+'_vid_t'+str(total_num_steps)+'_'+str(count) +".mp4)", shell=True) count+=1 if '.json' in aaa: os.remove(vid_path+aaa) def save_frame(state, count): frame_path = save_dir+'/frames/' if not os.path.exists(frame_path): os.makedirs(frame_path) print ('Made dir', frame_path) state1 = np.squeeze(state[0]) # print (state1.shape) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4), facecolor='white') plt.imshow(state1, cmap='gray') plt.savefig(frame_path+'frame' +str(count)+'.png') print ('saved',frame_path+'frame' +str(count)+'.png') plt.close(fig) num_frames = model_dict['num_frames'] cuda = model_dict['cuda'] which_gpu = model_dict['which_gpu'] num_steps = model_dict['num_steps'] num_processes = model_dict['num_processes'] seed = model_dict['seed'] env_name = model_dict['env'] save_dir = model_dict['save_to'] num_stack = model_dict['num_stack'] algo = model_dict['algo'] save_interval = model_dict['save_interval'] log_interval = model_dict['log_interval'] os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1' os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(which_gpu) num_updates = int(num_frames) // num_steps // num_processes if cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor else: torch.manual_seed(seed) dtype = torch.FloatTensor # Create environments print (num_processes, 'processes') envs = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(env_name, seed, i, save_dir) for i in range(num_processes)]) vid_ = 1 see_frames = 0 if vid_: print ('env for video') envs_video = make_env_monitor(env_name, save_dir) obs_shape = envs.observation_space.shape # (channels, height, width) obs_shape = (obs_shape[0] * num_stack, *obs_shape[1:]) # (channels*stack, height, width) shape_dim0 = envs.observation_space.shape[0] #channels model_dict['obs_shape']=obs_shape # Create agent if algo == 'a2c': agent = a2c(envs, model_dict) elif algo == 'ppo': agent = ppo(envs, model_dict) elif algo == 'a2c_minibatch': agent = a2c_minibatch(envs, model_dict) # #Load model # if args.load_path != '': # # agent.actor_critic = torch.load(os.path.join(args.load_path)) # agent.actor_critic = torch.load(args.load_path).cuda() # print ('loaded ', args.load_path) # Init state state = envs.reset() # (processes, channels, height, width) current_state = torch.zeros(num_processes, *obs_shape) # (processes, channels*stack, height, width) current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state, shape_dim0).type(dtype) #add the new frame, remove oldest agent.insert_first_state(current_state) #storage has states: (num_steps + 1, num_processes, *obs_shape), set first step # These are used to compute average rewards for all processes. episode_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1]) #keeps track of current episode cumulative reward final_rewards = torch.zeros([num_processes, 1]) #Begin training count =0 start = time.time() for j in range(num_updates): for step in range(num_steps): # Act, [P,1], [P,1] action, value = agent.act(Variable(agent.rollouts.states[step], volatile=True)) cpu_actions = #[P] # Step, S:[P,C,H,W], R:[P], D:[P] state, reward, done, info = envs.step(cpu_actions) if see_frames: #Grayscale save_frame(state, count) count+=1 if done[0]: ffsdfa #RGB state = envs.render() print(state.shape) fdsafa # Record rewards reward, masks, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state = update_rewards(reward, done, final_rewards, episode_rewards, current_state) # Update state current_state = update_current_state(current_state, state, shape_dim0) # Agent record step agent.insert_data(step, current_state,,, reward, masks) #Optimize agent agent.update() agent.insert_first_state(agent.rollouts.states[-1]) total_num_steps = (j + 1) * num_processes * num_steps #Save model if total_num_steps % save_interval == 0 and save_dir != "": save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'model_params') try: os.makedirs(save_path) except OSError: pass # A really ugly way to save a model to CPU save_model = agent.actor_critic if cuda: save_model = copy.deepcopy(agent.actor_critic).cpu() #, os.path.join(save_path, args.env_name + ".pt")) save_to=os.path.join(save_path, "model_params" + str(total_num_steps)+".pt"), save_to) print ('saved', save_to) #make video if vid_: do_vid() #Print updates if j % log_interval == 0: end = time.time() if j % (log_interval*30) == 0: #update plots try: make_plots(model_dict) print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time, Plot updated") except: print("Upts, n_timesteps, min/med/mean/max, FPS, Time") print("{}, {}, {:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}/{:.1f}, {}, {:.1f}". format(j, total_num_steps, final_rewards.min(), final_rewards.median(), final_rewards.mean(), final_rewards.max(), int(total_num_steps / (end - start)), end - start)) try: make_plots(model_dict) except: print ()