Esempio n. 1
def _get_indexes(context) -> list:
    indexes = []
    system = find_catalog(context, 'system') or {}
    adhocracy = find_catalog(context, 'adhocracy') or {}
    return indexes
Esempio n. 2
def ctest(context, request):
    demo_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'sdidemo')
    system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    q = ( demo_catalog['title'].eq('fred') &
          system_catalog['content_type'].eq('Document') )
    resultset = q.execute().all()
    request.response.content_type = 'text/plain'
    request.response.body = str(list(resultset))
    return request.response
Esempio n. 3
 def comments(self):
     context = self.context
     system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
     blog_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blog')
     content_type = system_catalog['content_type']
     path = system_catalog['path']
     comments_path = self.request.resource_path(context['comments'])
     query = content_type.eq('Comment') & path.eq(comments_path)
     query_result = query.execute().sort(blog_catalog['pubdate'])
     return query_result
Esempio n. 4
 def comments(self):
     context = self.context
     system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
     blog_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blog')
     content_type = system_catalog['content_type']
     path = system_catalog['path']
     comments_path = self.request.resource_path(context['comments'])
     query = content_type.eq('Comment') & path.eq(comments_path)
     query_result = query.execute().sort(blog_catalog['pubdate'])
     return query_result
Esempio n. 5
    def show_blog(self):
        blog = self.context
        request = self.request
        system_catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'system')
        path = system_catalog['path']
        allowed = system_catalog['allowed']
        q = (path.eq(blog, depth=1, include_origin=False)
             & allowed.allows(request, 'view'))
        limit = self.posts_per_page

        year = request.params.get('year')
        month = request.params.get('month')
        if year and month:
            year, month = int(year), int(month)
            limit = None
            start = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
            if month == 12:
                end = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
                end = datetime.datetime(year, month + 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
            catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'navel')
            pub_date = catalog['pub_date']
            q &= query.InRange(pub_date, start, end)

        results = q.execute()
        results = pub_date_sorter(blog, results, reverse=True)

        if limit and len(results) > limit:
            offset = int(request.params.get('offset', 0))
            last = offset + limit
            ids = itertools.islice(results.ids, offset, last)
            pager = [{
                'title': 'Older',
                'url': request.resource_url(blog, query={'offset': last}),
                'disabled': " disabled" if last >= len(results) else ""
            }, {
                request.resource_url(blog, query={'offset': offset - limit}),
                " disabled" if offset <= 0 else ""
            pager = None
            ids = results.ids

        objectmap = find_objectmap(blog)
        entries = map(self.get_info, map(objectmap.object_for, ids))
        return {'entries': entries, 'pager': pager}
Esempio n. 6
 def test_create_root_with_initial_content(self, registry):
     from adhocracy_core.resources.root import IRootPool
     from adhocracy_core.utils import find_graph
     from substanced.util import find_objectmap
     from substanced.util import find_catalog
     from substanced.util import find_service
     inst = registry.content.create(IRootPool.__identifier__)
     assert IRootPool.providedBy(inst)
     assert find_objectmap(inst) is not None
     assert find_graph(inst) is not None
     assert find_graph(inst)._objectmap is not None
     assert find_catalog(inst, 'system') is not None
     assert find_catalog(inst, 'adhocracy') is not None
     assert find_service(inst, 'principals', 'users') is not None
     assert find_service(inst, 'locations') is not None
Esempio n. 7
 def test_create_root_with_initial_content(self, registry):
     from adhocracy_core.resources.root import IRootPool
     from adhocracy_core.utils import find_graph
     from substanced.util import find_objectmap
     from substanced.util import find_catalog
     from substanced.util import find_service
     inst = registry.content.create(IRootPool.__identifier__)
     assert IRootPool.providedBy(inst)
     assert find_objectmap(inst) is not None
     assert find_graph(inst) is not None
     assert find_graph(inst)._objectmap is not None
     assert find_catalog(inst, 'system') is not None
     assert find_catalog(inst, 'adhocracy') is not None
     assert find_service(inst, 'principals', 'users') is not None
     assert find_service(inst, 'locations') is not None
Esempio n. 8
    def show_blog(self):
        blog = self.context
        request = self.request
        system_catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'system')
        path = system_catalog['path']
        allowed = system_catalog['allowed']
        q = (path.eq(blog, depth=1, include_origin=False) &
            allowed.allows(request, 'view') )
        limit = self.posts_per_page

        year = request.params.get('year')
        month = request.params.get('month')
        if year and month:
            year, month = int(year), int(month)
            limit = None
            start = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
            if month == 12:
                end = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
                end = datetime.datetime(year, month + 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
            catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'navel')
            pub_date = catalog['pub_date']
            q &= query.InRange(pub_date, start, end)

        results = q.execute()
        results = pub_date_sorter(blog, results, reverse=True)

        if limit and len(results) > limit:
            offset = int(request.params.get('offset', 0))
            last = offset + limit
            ids = itertools.islice(results.ids, offset, last)
            pager = [
                {'title': 'Older',
                 'url': request.resource_url(blog, query={'offset': last}),
                 'disabled': " disabled" if last >= len(results) else ""},
                {'title': 'Newer',
                 'url': request.resource_url(blog,
                                             query={'offset': offset - limit}),
                 'disabled': " disabled" if offset <= 0 else ""}]
            pager = None
            ids = results.ids

        objectmap = find_objectmap(blog)
        entries = map(self.get_info, map(objectmap.object_for, ids))
        return {
            'entries': entries,
            'pager': pager}
Esempio n. 9
    def response(self):
        page = int(self.request.params.get('page') or 0)
        description_only = self.request.params.get('description_only', False)

        catalog = find_catalog(self.context, 'system')
        content_type = catalog['content_type']
        query = content_type.eq(self.context.target_content_type)
        if self.context.path is not None:
            path = catalog['path']
            query &= path.eq(self.context.path, include_origin=False)
        resultset = [i for i in query.execute()]
        if description_only:
            resultset = [
                {'title': e.title,
                 'description': e.short_description}
                for e in resultset]
            page_to_show = slice(None)
            resultset = [str(render_view(e, self.request)) for e in resultset]
            page_to_show = slice(page, page + self.context.total_results or None)
        return {
            'title': self.context.title,
            'text': self.context.text,
            'items': resultset[page_to_show],
            'page': page,
            'pages': len(resultset),
Esempio n. 10
def evolve1_add_ititle_sheet_to_proposals(root):  # pragma: no cover
    """Migrate title value from ole IIntroduction sheet to ITitle sheet."""
    registry = get_current_registry()
    catalog = find_catalog(root, 'system')
    path = catalog['path']
    interfaces = catalog['interfaces']
    query = path.eq('/mercator') \
        & interfaces.eq(IMercatorProposalVersion) \
        & interfaces.noteq(ITitle)
    proposals = query.execute()
    catalogs = find_service(root, 'catalogs')
    for proposal in proposals:'updating {0}'.format(proposal))
        introduction = get_sheet_field(proposal, IMercatorSubResources,
        if introduction == '' or introduction is None:
        alsoProvides(proposal, ITitle)
        catalogs.reindex_index(proposal, 'interfaces')
        sheet = registry.content.get_sheet(introduction, IIntroduction)
        if 'title' not in sheet.get().keys():
        value = sheet.get()['title']
        title = registry.content.get_sheet(proposal, ITitle)
        title.set({'title': value})
Esempio n. 11
def evolve1_add_ititle_sheet_to_proposals(root, registry):  # pragma: no cover
    """Migrate title value from ole IIntroduction sheet to ITitle sheet."""
    catalog = find_catalog(root, 'system')
    path = catalog['path']
    interfaces = catalog['interfaces']
    query = path.eq('/mercator') \
        & interfaces.eq(IMercatorProposalVersion) \
        & interfaces.noteq(ITitle)
    proposals = query.execute()
    catalogs = find_service(root, 'catalogs')
    for proposal in proposals:'updating {0}'.format(proposal))
        introduction = registry.content.get_sheet_field(proposal,
        if introduction == '' or introduction is None:
        alsoProvides(proposal, ITitle)
        catalogs.reindex_index(proposal, 'interfaces')
        sheet = registry.content.get_sheet(introduction, IIntroduction)
        if 'title' not in sheet.get().keys():
        value = sheet.get()['title']
        title = registry.content.get_sheet(proposal, ITitle)
        title.set({'title': value})
Esempio n. 12
def list_resource_with_descendants(resource: IResource) -> Iterable:
    """List all descendants of a resource, including the resource itself."""
    system_catalog = find_catalog(resource, 'system')
    if system_catalog is None:  # ease testing
        return []
    path_index = system_catalog['path']
    query = path_index.eq(resource_path(resource), include_origin=True)
    return query.execute()
Esempio n. 13
def has_services(context, request):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    ifaces = catalog['interfaces']
    path = catalog['path']
    q = (path.eq(context, depth=1, include_origin=False)
         & ifaces.any([IService]))
    result = bool(len(q.execute()))
    return result
Esempio n. 14
def list_resource_with_descendants(resource: IResource) -> Iterable:
    """List all descendants of a resource, including the resource itself."""
    system_catalog = find_catalog(resource, 'system')
    if system_catalog is None:  # ease testing
        return []
    path_index = system_catalog['path']
    query = path_index.eq(resource_path(resource), include_origin=True)
    return query.execute()
Esempio n. 15
 def _ensure_rate_is_unique(self, node, value, request):
     # Other rates with the same subject and object may occur below the
     # current context (earlier versions of the same rate item).
     # If they occur elsewhere, an error is thrown.
     adhocracy_catalog = find_catalog(request.context, 'adhocracy')
     index = adhocracy_catalog['reference']
     reference_subject = Reference(None, IRate, 'subject', value['subject'])
     query = index.eq(reference_subject)
     reference_object = Reference(None, IRate, 'object', value['object'])
     query &= index.eq(reference_object)
     system_catalog = find_catalog(request.context, 'system')
     path_index = system_catalog['path']
     query &= path_index.noteq(resource_path(request.context), depth=None)
     elements = query.execute(resolver=None)
     if elements:
         err = colander.Invalid(node)
         err['object'] = 'Another rate by the same user already exists'
         raise err
Esempio n. 16
 def _ensure_rate_is_unique(self, node, value, request):
     # Other rates with the same subject and object may occur below the
     # current context (earlier versions of the same rate item).
     # If they occur elsewhere, an error is thrown.
     adhocracy_catalog = find_catalog(request.context, 'adhocracy')
     index = adhocracy_catalog['reference']
     reference_subject = Reference(None, IRate, 'subject', value['subject'])
     query = index.eq(reference_subject)
     reference_object = Reference(None, IRate, 'object', value['object'])
     query &= index.eq(reference_object)
     system_catalog = find_catalog(request.context, 'system')
     path_index = system_catalog['path']
     query &= path_index.noteq(resource_path(request.context), depth=None)
     elements = query.execute(resolver=None)
     if elements:
         err = colander.Invalid(node)
         err['object'] = 'Another rate by the same user already exists'
         raise err
Esempio n. 17
def has_services(context, request):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    ifaces = catalog['interfaces']
    path = catalog['path']
    q = (
        path.eq(context, depth=1, include_origin=False) &
    result = bool(len(q.execute()))
    return result
Esempio n. 18
    def _get_feed_info(self):
        context = self.context
        request = self.request
        feed = {
            "rss_url": request.application_url + "/rss.xml",
            "atom_url": request.application_url + "/index.atom",
            "blog_url": request.application_url,
            "title": context.sdi_title,
            "description": context.description

        def _add_updated_strings(updated, info):
            if getattr(updated, 'now', None) is None:
                y, mo, d, h, mi, s = updated.timetuple()[:6]
                updated = datetime.datetime(y, mo, d, h, mi, s, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
            info['updated_atom'] = updated.isoformat()
            info['updated_rss'] = updated.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')

        system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
        blog_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blogentry')
        content_type = system_catalog['content_type']
        query = content_type.eq('Blog Entry')
        result = query.execute().sort(blog_catalog['pubdate'], reverse=True)
        blogentries = []
        for blogentry in result:
            if request.registry.content.istype(blogentry, 'Blog Entry'):
                updated = blogentry.pubdate
                info = {'url': resource_url(blogentry, request),
                        'title': blogentry.title,
                        'body': _getentrybody(blogentry.format,
                        'created': updated,
                        'pubdate': updated,
                _add_updated_strings(updated, info)
                blogentries.append((updated, info))

        blogentries.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].isoformat())
        blogentries = [entry[1] for entry in reversed(blogentries)][:15]
        updated = blogentries and blogentries[0]['pubdate'] or self._nowtz()
        _add_updated_strings(updated, feed)

        return feed, blogentries
Esempio n. 19
def blogview(context, request):
    system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    blog_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blog')
    content_type = system_catalog['content_type']
    query = content_type.eq('Blog Entry')
    query_result = query.execute().sort(blog_catalog['pubdate'], reverse=True)
    blogentries = []
    for blogentry in query_result:
            {'url': resource_url(blogentry, request),
             'title': blogentry.title,
             'body': _getentrybody(blogentry.format, blogentry.entry),
             'pubdate': blogentry.pubdate,
             'attachments': [
                {'name': a.__name__, 'url': resource_url(a, request, 'download')} 
                for a in blogentry['attachments'].values()],
             'numcomments': len(blogentry['comments'].values()),
    return dict(blogentries = blogentries)
Esempio n. 20
def blogentry_search(context, request):
    search_text = request.GET.get('q')
    if search_text:
        catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blogentry')
        entry = catalog['titleentry']
        q = entry.contains(search_text)
        matched = q.execute().sort(catalog['pubdate'], reverse=True)
        matched = []
    return {'searchtext': search_text,
            'matchedentries': matched}
Esempio n. 21
def blogview(context, request):
    system_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    blog_catalog = find_catalog(context, 'blogentry')
    content_type = system_catalog['content_type']
    query = content_type.eq('Blog Entry')
    blogentries = []
    result = query.execute().sort(blog_catalog['pubdate'], reverse=True)
    for blogentry in itertools.islice(result, 10):
            'url': resource_url(blogentry, request),
            'title': blogentry.title,
            'body': _getentrybody(blogentry.format, blogentry.entry),
            'pubdate': blogentry.pubdate,
            'attachments': [{'name': a.__name__, 'url': resource_url(a, request, 'download')}
                            for a in blogentry['attachments'].values()],
            'numcomments': len(blogentry['comments'].values()),
            'tags': [{'name':, 'url': resource_url(tag, request)}
                     for tag in blogentry.tags]
    blogentries.sort(key=lambda x: x['pubdate'].isoformat())
    return dict(blogentries=blogentries)
Esempio n. 22
def blog_toc(blog, request):
    current_url = request.url
    def info(yearmonth):
        year, month = yearmonth
        dt =, month, 1)
        url = request.resource_url(blog, query={'year': year, 'month': month})
        active = current_url == url
        return {
            'title': dt.strftime("%B %Y"),
            'class': 'active' if active else '',
            'url': url}
    catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'navel')
    months = sorted(set([(dt.year, dt.month) for dt in
                         catalog['pub_date']._fwd_index.keys()]), reverse=True)
    return {'contents': map(info, months)}
Esempio n. 23
def _find_index_if_arbitrary_filter_node(name: str,
                                         context: IResource) -> SDIndex:
    Find the referenced index if `name' refers to an arbitrary catalog index.

    Throws an exception otherwise.
    If there are no catalogs, `None` is returned to facilitate testing.
    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'adhocracy')
    if not catalog:
        return None
    if name in catalog and not name.startswith('private_'):
        return catalog[name]
        raise_colander_style_error(None, name, 'No such catalog')
Esempio n. 24
    def get(self):
        """Return a list of instances available to the current user

        catalog = find_catalog(self.request.context, 'system')

        content_type = catalog['content_type']
        allowed = catalog['allowed']
        name = catalog['name']

        q = content_type.eq('JIRA Instance') & allowed.allows(
            self.request, 'sdi.view')
        results = q.execute()

        return [self.instance_json(instance) for instance in results]
Esempio n. 25
def blog_toc(blog, request):
    current_url = request.url

    def info(yearmonth):
        year, month = yearmonth
        dt =, month, 1)
        url = request.resource_url(blog, query={'year': year, 'month': month})
        active = current_url == url
        return {
            'title': dt.strftime("%B %Y"),
            'class': 'active' if active else '',
            'url': url

    catalog = find_catalog(blog, 'navel')
    months = sorted(set([(dt.year, dt.month)
                         for dt in catalog['pub_date']._fwd_index.keys()]),
    return {'contents': map(info, months)}
Esempio n. 26
def find_instance(context, request, instance_id, permission='sdi.view'):
    """Use a catalog search to find the instance with the given id

    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')

    content_type = catalog['content_type']
    allowed = catalog['allowed']
    name = catalog['name']

    q = (content_type.eq('JIRA Instance')
         & allowed.allows(request, permission) & name.eq(instance_id))

    results = q.execute()

    if len(results) == 0:
        raise HTTPNotFound(instance_id)

    if len(results) > 1:
        raise HTTPInternalServerError("More than one record matches %s" %

Esempio n. 27
def evolve1_add_ititle_sheet_to_proposals(root):  # pragma: no cover
    """Migrate title value from ole IIntroduction sheet to ITitle sheet."""
    registry = get_current_registry()
    catalog = find_catalog(root, 'system')
    path = catalog['path']
    interfaces = catalog['interfaces']
    query = path.eq('/mercator') \
        & interfaces.eq(IMercatorProposalVersion) \
        & interfaces.noteq(ITitle)
    proposals = query.execute()
    for proposal in proposals:'updating {0}'.format(proposal))
        introduction = get_sheet_field(proposal, IMercatorSubResources,
        if introduction == '' or introduction is None:
        alsoProvides(proposal, ITitle)
        if 'title' not in introduction._sheets[IIntroduction.__identifier__]:
        value = introduction._sheets[IIntroduction.__identifier__]['title']
        title = registry.content.get_sheet(proposal, ITitle)
        title.set({'title': value})
        del introduction._sheets[IIntroduction.__identifier__]['title']
Esempio n. 28
 def system_catalog(self):
     return find_catalog(self.context, 'system')
Esempio n. 29
def get_all_documents(context, request):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    interfaces = catalog['interfaces']
    docs = interfaces.eq(IDemoContent).execute().all()
    return map(lambda x: (get_oid(x),, docs)
Esempio n. 30
def find_index(context, catalog_name, index_name):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, catalog_name)
    return catalog[index_name]
Esempio n. 31
 def forms(self):
     catalog = find_catalog(self, 'system')
     content_type = catalog['content_type']
     path = catalog['path']
     q = content_type.eq('Form') & path.eq(self.path)
     return q.execute()
Esempio n. 32
 def system_catalog(self):
     return find_catalog(self.context, 'system')
Esempio n. 33
def get_all_documents(context, request):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, 'system')
    interfaces = catalog['interfaces']
    docs = interfaces.eq(IDemoContent).execute().all()
    return map(lambda x: (get_oid(x),, docs)
Esempio n. 34
def find_index(context, catalog_name, index_name):
    catalog = find_catalog(context, catalog_name)
    return catalog[index_name]
Esempio n. 35
def pub_date_sorter(resource, resultset, limit=None, reverse=False):
    catalog = find_catalog(resource, 'navel')
    index = catalog['pub_date']
    resultset = resultset.sort(index, limit=limit, reverse=reverse)
    return resultset