Esempio n. 1
    def export(self, name, force=False, add_lemmes=False):
        Export tokens in a file.

        force for export in the valid extension, otherwise it use the pending.
        self.content = ""
        for sample in self.samples:
            for token in sample:
                lemme = ""
                if add_lemmes:
                    # Add lemme only if different from original
                    if token.lemme != token.original:
                        lemme = u"/%s" % token.lemme
                self.content += u"%s/%s%s " % (unicode(
                    token.original), token.tag, lemme)
            self.content += u"\n"  # Carriage return on each sample, for human reading
        # Define extention
        ext = self.PENDING_EXT
        if force:
            if add_lemmes:
                ext = self.LEXICON_EXT
                ext = self.VALID_EXT
        save_to_file(os.path.join(self.PATH, "%s%s" % (name, ext)),
Esempio n. 2
    def export(self, name, force=False, add_lemmes=False):
        Export tokens in a file.

        force for export in the valid extension, otherwise it use the pending.
        self.content = ""
        for sample in self.samples:
            for token in sample:
                lemme = ""
                if add_lemmes:
                    # Add lemme only if different from original
                    if token.lemme != token.original:
                        lemme = u"/%s" % token.lemme
                self.content += u"%s/%s%s " % (unicode(token.original), token.tag, lemme)
            self.content += u"\n"  # Carriage return on each sample, for human reading
        # Define extention
        ext = self.PENDING_EXT
        if force:
            if add_lemmes:
                ext = self.LEXICON_EXT
                ext = self.VALID_EXT
        save_to_file(os.path.join(self.PATH, "%s%s" % (name, ext)), self.content)
Esempio n. 3
 def reset_triggers(self):
     For full training, we need to remove previous triggers.
     save_to_file("corpus/triggers.trg", "")
Esempio n. 4
 def reset_triggers(self):
     For full training, we need to remove previous triggers.
     save_to_file("corpus/triggers.trg", "")