def load_centers(iterable):  
    dict_ = CIDict()
    for row in iterable:
        if row[0] != '':
    for key, value in dict_.items():
        # Turns '(1,2,3)' etc, that is, textual representations of vectors,
        # into Vector objects. Will cut off the last digit of the third
        # componant, but I don't care because the third componant will
        # always be 0.0
        dict_[key] = np.array([float(y[:-1]) for y in value[1:].split()])
    return dict_
    def __init__(self, iterable, normalize = False):

        self.normalize = normalize

        self.ref = CIDict()
        colmap = CIDict()
        for column, letter in enumerate(
            if letter != '':
                self.ref.update({letter: dict()})
                colmap.update({letter: column})
        curvetypes =
        for letter, column in colmap.items():
            self.ref[letter].update({'curve': curvetypes[column]})
        for parameter in [{'sigmoidal': 'e0', 'gaussian': 'emin'},
                          {'sigmoidal': 'zmid', 'gaussian': 'zmin'},
                          {'sigmoidal': 'n', 'gaussian': 'sigma'}]:
            paramrow =
            for letter in self.ref.keys():
                curvetype = self.ref[letter]['curve']
                self.ref[letter].update({parameter[curvetype]: \
from sundries import CIDict
from sundries import one_letter
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
import warnings
import csv

# Retrieve the sequences from the BBTMOUT alignment, including -'s for gaps
bbtm_align= list('Swiss-PDB structural alignment.aln',
# Assuming the first is 1A0S, the second is 1AF6:
sequences = CIDict((('1A0S',str(bbtm_align[0].seq)),

# Check that I'm right about the first being 1AF6, the second being 1A0S
firstfive_of = CIDict()
for pdbid, sequence in sequences.items():
    firstfive_of.update({pdbid: ''})
    for letter in sequence:
        if letter != '-':
            firstfive_of[pdbid] += letter
        if len(firstfive_of[pdbid]) == 5:

assertion_error_message = 'wrong aligned sequences in sequences dictionary'
assertion_error_message += ": 1a0s's first five are {},"\
                           +" and 1af6's first five are {}"\

assert firstfive_of['1a0s'] == 'SGFEF' \
       and firstfive_of['1af6'] == 'VDFHG',\
                    for filename in weight_file_paths]

    # weights maps pdbids to spreadsheets
    weights = CIDict()
    for spreadsheet in spreadsheets:
        pdbid_list = spreadsheet.get_column('pdbid')
        pdbid_filtered = filter(lambda x: x != '', pdbid_list)
        pdbid_set = set(pdbid_filtered)
        # I expect there to only be one pdbid
        assert len(pdbid_set) == 1, 'more than 1 pdbid in one spreadsheet'
        pdbid = list(pdbid_set)[0]
        weights.update({pdbid: spreadsheet})

    # selections maps pdbids to sets of resis
    selections = CIDict()
    for pdbid, spreadsheet in weights.items():
        def not_blank(string):
            return string != ''
        resis = filter(not_blank, spreadsheet.get_column('resi'))
        selections.update({pdbid: set(resis)})

    # A new global variable for looping over these proteins
    asymmetric_dataset = CIDict([(pdbid, groupdict[pdbid]) \
                                 for pdbid in weights.keys()])

    # Make the spreadsheets available through groupdict
    for pdbid, group in asymmetric_dataset.items():
        group.non_ppi = weights[pdbid]

    # Make selection