Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: yashkgp/sunpy
def carrington_rotation_number(t='now'):
    Return the Carrington Rotation number

    jd = julian_day(t)
    result = (1. / 27.2753) * (jd - 2398167.0) + 1.0
    return result
Esempio n. 2
def carrington_rotation_number(t='now'):
    Return the Carrington Rotation number

    jd = julian_day(t)
    result = (1. / 27.2753) * (jd - 2398167.0) + 1.0
    return result
Esempio n. 3
def test():
    Print out a summary of Solar ephemeris
    A correct answer set to compare to

    Solar Ephemeris for  1-JAN-01  00:00:00
    Distance (AU) = 0.98330468
    Semidiameter (arc sec) = 975.92336
    True (long, lat) in degrees = (280.64366, 0.00000)
    Apparent (long, lat) in degrees = (280.63336, 0.00000)
    True (RA, Dec) in hrs, deg = (18.771741, -23.012449)
    Apparent (RA, Dec) in hrs, deg = (18.770994, -23.012593)
    Heliographic long. and lat. of disk center in deg = (217.31269, -3.0416292)
    Position angle of north pole in deg = 2.0102649
    Carrington Rotation Number = 1971.4091        check!
    t = '2001-01-01T00:00:00'
    swpy_jd  = swdt.julian_day(t)
    sunpy_jd = sunt.julian_day(t)
    print "SWPY JD: {}, SUNPY JD: {}".format(swpy_jd,sunpy_jd)
    print "Sun-earth distance: {}, {}".format(
    print "Solar semidiameter angular size: {}, {}".format(
    print "True longitude: {}, {}".format(sun.true_longitude(t),
    print "Apparent Longitude: {}, {}".format(sun.apparent_longitude(t),
    print "True R.A.: {}, {}".format(
    print "True Dec.: {}, {}".format(sun.true_declination(t),
    print "Apparent R.A.: {}, {}".format(
    print "Apparent Dec.: {}, {}".format(sun.apparent_declination(t),
    print "Heliographic center: {}, {}".format(sun.heliographic_solar_center(t),
    print "Position angle of north pole [deg]: {}, {}".format(sun.solar_north(t),
    print "Carrington rotation number: {}, {}".format(sun.carrington_rotation_number(t),
Esempio n. 4
def heliographic_solar_center(t='now'):
    """Returns the position of the solar center in heliographic coordinates."""
    jd = julian_day(t)
    T = julian_centuries(t)
    # Heliographic coordinates in degrees
    theta = ((jd - 2398220)*360/25.38) * u.deg
    i = 7.25 * u.deg
    k = (74.3646 + 1.395833 * T) * u.deg
    lamda = true_longitude(t) - 0.00569 * u.deg
    diff = lamda - k
    # Latitude at center of disk (deg):
    he_lat = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.sin(diff)*np.sin(i)))
    # Longitude at center of disk (deg):
    y = -np.sin(diff)*np.cos(i)
    x = -np.cos(diff)
    rpol = (np.arctan2(y, x))
    he_lon = rpol - theta
    return [Longitude(he_lon), Latitude(he_lat)]
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: tsarjak/sunpy
def heliographic_solar_center(t='now'):
    """Returns the position of the solar center in heliographic coordinates."""
    jd = julian_day(t)
    T = julian_centuries(t)
    # Heliographic coordinates in degrees
    theta = ((jd - 2398220)*360/25.38) * u.deg
    i = 7.25 * u.deg
    k = (74.3646 + 1.395833 * T) * u.deg
    lamda = true_longitude(t) - 0.00569 * u.deg
    diff = lamda - k
    # Latitude at center of disk (deg):
    he_lat = np.arcsin(np.sin(diff)*np.sin(i))
    # Longitude at center of disk (deg):
    y = -np.sin(diff)*np.cos(i)
    x = -np.cos(diff)
    rpol = (np.arctan2(y, x))
    he_lon = rpol - theta
    return (Longitude(, Latitude(
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: tdunn19/sunpy
def heliographic_solar_center(t=None):
    """Returns the position of the solar center in heliographic coordinates."""
    jd = julian_day(t)
    T = julian_centuries(t)
    # Heliographic coordinates in degrees
    theta = (jd - 2398220) * 360 / 25.38
    i = 7.25
    k = 74.3646 + 1.395833 * T
    lamda = true_longitude(t) - 0.00569
    #omega = apparent_longitude(t)
    #lamda2 = lamda - 0.00479 * math.sin(np.radians(omega))
    diff = np.radians(lamda - k)
    # Latitude at center of disk (deg):
    he_lat = np.degrees(math.asin(math.sin(diff) * math.sin(np.radians(i))))
    # Longitude at center of disk (deg):
    y = -math.sin(diff) * math.cos(np.radians(i))
    x = -math.cos(diff)
    rpol = cmath.polar(complex(x, y))
    he_lon = np.degrees(rpol[1]) - theta
    he_lon = he_lon % 360
    if he_lon < 0:
        he_lon = he_lon + 360.0

    return [he_lon, he_lat]
Esempio n. 7
def heliographic_solar_center(t=None):
    """Returns the position of the solar center in heliographic coordinates."""
    jd = julian_day(t)
    T = julian_centuries(t)
    # Heliographic coordinates in degrees
    theta = (jd - 2398220)*360/25.38
    i = 7.25
    k = 74.3646 + 1.395833 * T
    lamda = true_longitude(t) - 0.00569
    #omega = apparent_longitude(t)
    #lamda2 = lamda - 0.00479 * math.sin(np.radians(omega))
    diff = np.radians(lamda - k)
    # Latitude at center of disk (deg):    
    he_lat = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.sin(diff)*np.sin(np.radians(i))))
    # Longitude at center of disk (deg):
    y = -np.sin(diff)*np.cos(np.radians(i))
    x = -np.cos(diff)
    rpol = cmath.polar(complex(x,y))
    he_lon = np.degrees(rpol[1]) - theta
    he_lon = he_lon % 360
    if he_lon < 0:
        he_lon = he_lon + 360.0

    return [he_lon, he_lat]
Esempio n. 8
def _sun_pos(date):
    Calculate solar ephemeris parameters.  Allows for planetary and lunar
    perturbations in the calculation of solar longitude at date and various
    other solar positional parameters. This routine is a truncated version of
    Newcomb's Sun and is designed to give apparent angular coordinates (T.E.D)
    to a precision of one second of time.  This function replicates the SSW/
    IDL function "".  This function is assigned to be
    internal at the moment as it should really be replaced by accurate
    ephemeris calculations in the part of SunPy that handles ephemeris.

    date : `sunpy.time.time`
        Time at which the solar ephemeris parameters are calculated.  The
        input time can be in any acceptable time format.

    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:

    longitude  -  Longitude of sun for mean equinox of date (degs)
    ra         -  Apparent RA for true equinox of date (degs)
    dec        -  Apparent declination for true equinox of date (degs)
    app_long   -  Apparent longitude (degs)
    obliq      -  True obliquity (degs)

    SSWIDL code equivalent:

    >>> sp = _sun_pos('2013-03-27')
    # Fractional Julian day with correct offset
    dd = julian_day(date) - 2415020.0

    # form time in Julian centuries from 1900.0
    t = dd / 36525.0

    # form sun's mean longitude
    l = (279.6966780 + np.mod(36000.7689250 * t, 360.00)) * 3600.0

    # allow for ellipticity of the orbit (equation of centre) using the Earth's
    # mean anomaly ME
    me = 358.4758440 + np.mod(35999.049750 * t, 360.0)
    ellcor = (6910.10 - 17.20 * t) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(me)) + \
    72.30 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me))
    l = l + ellcor

    # allow for the Venus perturbations using the mean anomaly of Venus MV
    mv = 212.603219 + np.mod(58517.8038750 * t, 360.0)
    vencorr = 4.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(299.10170 + mv - me)) + \
          5.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(148.31330 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) + \
          2.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(315.94330 + 2.0 * mv - 3.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(345.25330 + 3.0 * mv - 4.0 * me)) + \
          1.00 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(318.150 + 3.0 * mv - 5.0 * me))
    l = l + vencorr

    # Allow for the Mars perturbations using the mean anomaly of Mars MM
    mm = 319.5294250 + np.mod(19139.858500 * t, 360.0)
    marscorr = 2.0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(343.88830 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) + \
            1.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(200.40170 - 2.0 * mm + me))
    l = l + marscorr

    # Allow for the Jupiter perturbations using the mean anomaly of Jupiter MJ
    mj = 225.3283280 + np.mod(3034.69202390 * t, 360.00)
    jupcorr = 7.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(179.53170 - mj + me)) + \
          2.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(263.21670 - mj)) + \
          2.70 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(87.14500 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(109.49330 - 2.0 * mj + me))
    l = l + jupcorr

    # Allow for the Moons perturbations using the mean elongation of the Moon
    # from the Sun D
    d = 350.73768140 + np.mod(445267.114220 * t, 360.0)
    mooncorr = 6.50 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(d))
    l = l + mooncorr

    # Note the original code is
    # longterm  = + 6.4d0 * sin(( 231.19d0  +  20.20d0 * t )*!dtor)
    longterm = 6.40 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(231.190 + 20.20 * t))
    l = l + longterm
    l = np.mod(l + 2592000.0, 1296000.0)
    longmed = l / 3600.0

    # Allow for Aberration
    l = l - 20.5

    # Allow for Nutation using the longitude of the Moons mean node OMEGA
    omega = 259.1832750 - np.mod(1934.1420080 * t, 360.0)
    l = l - 17.20 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(omega))

    # Form the True Obliquity
    oblt = 23.4522940 - 0.01301250 * t + \
    (9.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(omega))) / 3600.0

    # Form Right Ascension and Declination
    l = l / 3600.0
    ra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) * \
                        np.cos(np.deg2rad(oblt)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(l))))

    if isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
        ra[ra < 0.0] += 360.0
    elif ra < 0.0:
        ra = ra + 360.0

    dec = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) *

    # convert the internal variables to those listed in the top of the
    # comment section in this code and in the original IDL code.  Quantities
    # are assigned following the advice in Astropy "Working with Angles"
    return {"longitude": Longitude(longmed, u.deg),
            "ra": Longitude(ra, u.deg),
            "dec": Latitude(dec, u.deg),
            "app_long": Longitude(l, u.deg),
            "obliq": Angle(oblt, u.deg)}
Esempio n. 9
def _calc_P_B0_SD(date):
    To calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter as seen from
    Earth.  This function is assigned as being internal as these quantities
    should be calculated in a part of SunPy that can calculate these quantities

    date: `sunpy.time.time`
        the time at which to calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the

    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:

    p  -  Solar P (position angle of pole)  (degrees)
    b0 -  latitude of point at disk centre (degrees)
    sd -  semi-diameter of the solar disk in arcminutes

    SSWIDL code equivalent:
    # number of Julian days since 2415020.0
    de = julian_day(parse_time(date)) - 2415020.0

    # get the longitude of the sun etc.
    sun_position = _sun_pos(date)
    longmed = sun_position["longitude"].to(u.deg).value
    #ra = sun_position["ra"]
    #dec = sun_position["dec"]
    appl = sun_position["app_long"].to(u.deg).value
    oblt = sun_position["obliq"].to(u.deg).value

    # form the aberrated longitude
    Lambda = longmed - (20.50 / 3600.0)

    # form longitude of ascending node of sun's equator on ecliptic
    node = 73.6666660 + (50.250 / 3600.0) * ((de / 365.250) + 50.0)
    arg = Lambda - node

    # calculate P, the position angle of the pole
    p = np.rad2deg(
        np.arctan(-np.tan(np.deg2rad(oblt)) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(appl))) +
        np.arctan(-0.127220 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # B0 the tilt of the axis...
    b = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(0.12620 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # ... and the semi-diameter
    # Form the mean anomalies of Venus(MV),Earth(ME),Mars(MM),Jupiter(MJ)
    # and the mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun(D).
    t = de / 36525.0
    mv = 212.60 + np.mod(58517.80 * t, 360.0)
    me = 358.4760 + np.mod(35999.04980 * t, 360.0)
    mm = 319.50 + np.mod(19139.860 * t, 360.0)
    mj = 225.30 + np.mod(3034.690 * t, 360.0)
    d = 350.70 + np.mod(445267.110 * t, 360.0)

    # Form the geocentric distance(r) and semi-diameter(sd)
    r = 1.0001410 - (0.0167480 - 0.00004180 * t) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(me)) \
        - 0.000140 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(58.30 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(209.10 + mv - me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(253.80 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(89.50 - mj + me)) \
        + 0.0000090 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(357.10 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000310 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))

    sd_const = constants.radius /
    sd = np.arcsin(sd_const / r) * 10800.0 / np.pi

    return {"p": Angle(p, u.deg),
            "b0": Angle(b, u.deg),
            "sd": Angle(sd.value, u.arcmin),
            "l0": Angle(0.0, u.deg)}
Esempio n. 10
def pb0r(date, stereo=None, soho=False, arcsec=False):
	# Ejemplo:
	# >> from cjd_pylib import pb0r
	# >> A = pb0r.pb0r('2014-06-17T09:35:00')
	# {'p': -8.8133708, 'b0': 1.2762924, 'l0': 0.0, 'sd': 15.732692}

    """To calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter.
    date: a date/time object  - the date/time specified in any CDS format
    stereo: { 'A' | 'B' | None }
        calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter from the point
        of view of either of the STEREO spacecraft.
    soho: { False | True }
        calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter from the point
        of view of the SOHO spacecraft.  SOHO sits at the Lagrange L1 point
        which is about 1% closer to the Sun than the Earth.  Implementation
        of this seems to require the ability to read SOHO orbit files.
    arcsec: { False | True }
        return the semi-diameter in arcseconds.
    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:
    p  -  Solar P (position angle of pole)  (degrees)
    b0 -  latitude of point at disk centre (degrees)
    sd -  semi-diameter of the solar disk in arcminutes
    See Also
    IDL code equavalent:
    if (stereo is not None) and soho:
        raise ValueError("Cannot set STEREO and SOHO simultaneously")

    # place holder for STEREO calculation
    if stereo is not None:
        raise ValueError("STEREO solar P, B0 and semi-diameter calcution" + \
                         " is not supported.")

    # number of Julian days since 2415020.0
    de = julian_day(date) - 2415020.0

    # get the longitude of the sun etc.
    sun_position = sun_pos(date)
    longmed = sun_position["longitude"]
    #ra = sun_position["ra"]
    #dec = sun_position["dec"]
    appl = sun_position["app_long"]
    oblt = sun_position["obliq"]

    # form the aberrated longitude
    Lambda = longmed - (20.50 / 3600.0)

    # form longitude of ascending node of sun's equator on ecliptic
    node = 73.6666660 + (50.250 / 3600.0) * ((de / 365.250) + 50.0)
    arg = Lambda - node

    # calculate P, the position angle of the pole
    p = np.rad2deg(\
        np.arctan(-np.tan(np.deg2rad(oblt)) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(appl))) + \
        np.arctan(-0.127220 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # B0 the tilt of the axis...
    b = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(0.12620 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # ... and the semi-diameter
    # Form the mean anomalies of Venus(MV),Earth(ME),Mars(MM),Jupiter(MJ)
    # and the mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun(D).
    t = de / 36525.0
    mv = 212.60 + np.mod(58517.80 * t, 360.0)
    me = 358.4760 + np.mod(35999.04980 * t, 360.0)
    mm = 319.50 + np.mod(19139.860 * t, 360.0)
    mj = 225.30 + np.mod(3034.690 * t, 360.0)
    d = 350.70 + np.mod(445267.110 * t, 360.0)

    # Form the geocentric distance(r) and semi-diameter(sd)
    r = 1.0001410 - (0.0167480 - 0.00004180 * t) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(me)) \
        - 0.000140 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(58.30 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(209.10 + mv - me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(253.80 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(89.50 - mj + me)) \
        + 0.0000090 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(357.10 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000310 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))

    sd_const = constants.radius /
    sd = np.arcsin(sd_const / r) * 10800.0 / np.pi

    # place holder for SOHO correction
    if soho:
        raise ValueError("SOHO correction (on the order of 1% " + \
                        "since SOHO sets at L1) not yet supported.")

    if arcsec:
        return {"p": p, "b0": b, "sd": sd * 60.0}
        return {"p": p, "b0": b, "sd": sd, "l0": 0.0}
Esempio n. 11
def sun_pos(date, is_julian=False, since_2415020=False):
    """ Calculate solar ephemeris parameters.  Allows for planetary and lunar
    perturbations in the calculation of solar longitude at date and various
    other solar positional parameters. This routine is a truncated version of
    Newcomb's Sun and is designed to give apparent angular coordinates (T.E.D)
    to a precision of one second of time.
    date: a date/time object or a fractional number of days since JD 2415020.0
    is_julian: { False | True }
        notify this routine that the variable "date" is a Julian date
        (a floating point number)
    since_2415020: { False | True }
        notify this routine that the variable "date" has been corrected for
        the required time offset
    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:
    longitude  -  Longitude of sun for mean equinox of date (degs)
    ra         -  Apparent RA for true equinox of date (degs)
    dec        -  Apparent declination for true equinox of date (degs)
    app_long   -  Apparent longitude (degs)
    obliq      -  True obliquity (degs)longditude_delta:
    See Also
    IDL code equavalent:
    >>> sp = sun_pos('2013-03-27')
    # check the time input
    if is_julian:
        # if a Julian date is being passed in
        if since_2415020:
            dd = date
            dd = date - 2415020.0
        # parse the input time as a julian day
        if since_2415020:
            dd = julian_day(date)
            dd = julian_day(date) - 2415020.0

    # form time in Julian centuries from 1900.0
    t = dd / 36525.0

    # form sun's mean longitude
    l = (279.6966780 + np.mod(36000.7689250 * t, 360.00)) * 3600.0

    # allow for ellipticity of the orbit (equation of centre) using the Earth's
    # mean anomaly ME
    me = 358.4758440 + np.mod(35999.049750 * t, 360.0)
    ellcor = (6910.10 - 17.20 * t) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(me)) + \
    72.30 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me))
    l = l + ellcor

    # allow for the Venus perturbations using the mean anomaly of Venus MV
    mv = 212.603219 + np.mod(58517.8038750 * t, 360.0)
    vencorr = 4.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(299.10170 + mv - me)) + \
          5.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(148.31330 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) + \
          2.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(315.94330 + 2.0 * mv - 3.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(345.25330 + 3.0 * mv - 4.0 * me)) + \
          1.00 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(318.150 + 3.0 * mv - 5.0 * me))
    l = l + vencorr

    # Allow for the Mars perturbations using the mean anomaly of Mars MM
    mm = 319.5294250 + np.mod(19139.858500 * t, 360.0)
    marscorr = 2.0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(343.88830 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) + \
            1.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(200.40170 - 2.0 * mm + me))
    l = l + marscorr

    # Allow for the Jupiter perturbations using the mean anomaly of Jupiter MJ
    mj = 225.3283280 + np.mod(3034.69202390 * t, 360.00)
    jupcorr = 7.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(179.53170 - mj + me)) + \
          2.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(263.21670 - mj)) + \
          2.70 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(87.14500 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(109.49330 - 2.0 * mj + me))
    l = l + jupcorr

    # Allow for the Moons perturbations using the mean elongation of the Moon
    # from the Sun D
    d = 350.73768140 + np.mod(445267.114220 * t, 360.0)
    mooncorr = 6.50 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(d))
    l = l + mooncorr

    # Note the original code is
    # longterm  = + 6.4d0 * sin(( 231.19d0  +  20.20d0 * t )*!dtor)
    longterm = 6.40 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(231.190 + 20.20 * t))
    l = l + longterm
    l = np.mod(l + 2592000.0, 1296000.0)
    longmed = l / 3600.0

    # Allow for Aberration
    l = l - 20.5

    # Allow for Nutation using the longitude of the Moons mean node OMEGA
    omega = 259.1832750 - np.mod(1934.1420080 * t, 360.0)
    l = l - 17.20 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(omega))

    # Form the True Obliquity
    oblt = 23.4522940 - 0.01301250 * t + \
    (9.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(omega))) / 3600.0

    # Form Right Ascension and Declination
    l = l / 3600.0
    ra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) * \
                        np.cos(np.deg2rad(oblt)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(l))))

    if isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
        ra[ra < 0.0] += 360.0
    elif ra < 0.0:
        ra = ra + 360.0

    dec = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) * \

    # convert the internal variables to those listed in the top of the
    # comment section in this code and in the original IDL code.
    return {"longitude": longmed, "ra": ra, "dec": dec, "app_long": l,
            "obliq": oblt}
Esempio n. 12
def pb0r(date, stereo=None, soho=False, arcsec=False):

	# Ejemplo:
	# >> from cjd_pylib import pb0r
	# >> A = pb0r.pb0r('2014-06-17T09:35:00')
	# {'p': -8.8133708, 'b0': 1.2762924, 'l0': 0.0, 'sd': 15.732692}

    """To calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter.
    date: a date/time object  - the date/time specified in any CDS format
    stereo: { 'A' | 'B' | None }
        calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter from the point
        of view of either of the STEREO spacecraft.
    soho: { False | True }
        calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter from the point
        of view of the SOHO spacecraft.  SOHO sits at the Lagrange L1 point
        which is about 1% closer to the Sun than the Earth.  Implementation
        of this seems to require the ability to read SOHO orbit files.
    arcsec: { False | True }
        return the semi-diameter in arcseconds.
    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:
    p  -  Solar P (position angle of pole)  (degrees)
    b0 -  latitude of point at disk centre (degrees)
    sd -  semi-diameter of the solar disk in arcminutes
    See Also
    IDL code equavalent:
    if (stereo is not None) and soho:
        raise ValueError("Cannot set STEREO and SOHO simultaneously")

    # place holder for STEREO calculation
    if stereo is not None:
        raise ValueError("STEREO solar P, B0 and semi-diameter calcution" + \
                         " is not supported.")

    # number of Julian days since 2415020.0
    de = julian_day(date) - 2415020.0

    # get the longitude of the sun etc.
    sun_position = sun_pos(date)
    longmed = sun_position["longitude"]
    #ra = sun_position["ra"]
    #dec = sun_position["dec"]
    appl = sun_position["app_long"]
    oblt = sun_position["obliq"]

    # form the aberrated longitude
    Lambda = longmed - (20.50 / 3600.0)

    # form longitude of ascending node of sun's equator on ecliptic
    node = 73.6666660 + (50.250 / 3600.0) * ((de / 365.250) + 50.0)
    arg = Lambda - node

    # calculate P, the position angle of the pole
    p = np.rad2deg(\
        np.arctan(-np.tan(np.deg2rad(oblt)) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(appl))) + \
        np.arctan(-0.127220 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # B0 the tilt of the axis...
    b = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(0.12620 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(arg))))

    # ... and the semi-diameter
    # Form the mean anomalies of Venus(MV),Earth(ME),Mars(MM),Jupiter(MJ)
    # and the mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun(D).
    t = de / 36525.0
    mv = 212.60 + np.mod(58517.80 * t, 360.0)
    me = 358.4760 + np.mod(35999.04980 * t, 360.0)
    mm = 319.50 + np.mod(19139.860 * t, 360.0)
    mj = 225.30 + np.mod(3034.690 * t, 360.0)
    d = 350.70 + np.mod(445267.110 * t, 360.0)

    # Form the geocentric distance(r) and semi-diameter(sd)
    r = 1.0001410 - (0.0167480 - 0.00004180 * t) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(me)) \
        - 0.000140 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(58.30 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(209.10 + mv - me)) \
        + 0.0000050 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(253.80 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000160 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(89.50 - mj + me)) \
        + 0.0000090 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(357.10 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) \
        + 0.0000310 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))

    sd_const = constants.radius /
    sd = np.arcsin(sd_const / r) * 10800.0 / np.pi

    # place holder for SOHO correction
    if soho:
        raise ValueError("SOHO correction (on the order of 1% " + \
                        "since SOHO sets at L1) not yet supported.")

    if arcsec:
        return {p, b, sd * 60.0}
        return {p, b, sd}
Esempio n. 13
def sun_pos(date, is_julian=False, since_2415020=False):
    """ Calculate solar ephemeris parameters.  Allows for planetary and lunar
    perturbations in the calculation of solar longitude at date and various
    other solar positional parameters. This routine is a truncated version of
    Newcomb's Sun and is designed to give apparent angular coordinates (T.E.D)
    to a precision of one second of time.
    date: a date/time object or a fractional number of days since JD 2415020.0
    is_julian: { False | True }
        notify this routine that the variable "date" is a Julian date
        (a floating point number)
    since_2415020: { False | True }
        notify this routine that the variable "date" has been corrected for
        the required time offset
    A dictionary with the following keys with the following meanings:
    longitude  -  Longitude of sun for mean equinox of date (degs)
    ra         -  Apparent RA for true equinox of date (degs)
    dec        -  Apparent declination for true equinox of date (degs)
    app_long   -  Apparent longitude (degs)
    obliq      -  True obliquity (degs)longditude_delta:
    See Also
    IDL code equavalent:
    >>> sp = sun_pos('2013-03-27')
    # check the time input
    if is_julian:
        # if a Julian date is being passed in
        if since_2415020:
            dd = date
            dd = date - 2415020.0
        # parse the input time as a julian day
        if since_2415020:
            dd = julian_day(date)
            dd = julian_day(date) - 2415020.0

    # form time in Julian centuries from 1900.0
    t = dd / 36525.0

    # form sun's mean longitude
    l = (279.6966780 + np.mod(36000.7689250 * t, 360.00)) * 3600.0

    # allow for ellipticity of the orbit (equation of centre) using the Earth's
    # mean anomaly ME
    me = 358.4758440 + np.mod(35999.049750 * t, 360.0)
    ellcor = (6910.10 - 17.20 * t) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(me)) + \
    72.30 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2.0 * me))
    l = l + ellcor

    # allow for the Venus perturbations using the mean anomaly of Venus MV
    mv = 212.603219 + np.mod(58517.8038750 * t, 360.0)
    vencorr = 4.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(299.10170 + mv - me)) + \
          5.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(148.31330 + 2.0 * mv - 2.0 * me)) + \
          2.50 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(315.94330 + 2.0 * mv - 3.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(345.25330 + 3.0 * mv - 4.0 * me)) + \
          1.00 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(318.150 + 3.0 * mv - 5.0 * me))
    l = l + vencorr

    # Allow for the Mars perturbations using the mean anomaly of Mars MM
    mm = 319.5294250 + np.mod(19139.858500 * t, 360.0)
    marscorr = 2.0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(343.88830 - 2.0 * mm + 2.0 * me)) + \
            1.80 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(200.40170 - 2.0 * mm + me))
    l = l + marscorr

    # Allow for the Jupiter perturbations using the mean anomaly of Jupiter MJ
    mj = 225.3283280 + np.mod(3034.69202390 * t, 360.00)
    jupcorr = 7.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(179.53170 - mj + me)) + \
          2.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(263.21670 - mj)) + \
          2.70 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(87.14500 - 2.0 * mj + 2.0 * me)) + \
          1.60 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(109.49330 - 2.0 * mj + me))
    l = l + jupcorr

    # Allow for the Moons perturbations using the mean elongation of the Moon
    # from the Sun D
    d = 350.73768140 + np.mod(445267.114220 * t, 360.0)
    mooncorr = 6.50 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(d))
    l = l + mooncorr

    # Note the original code is
    # longterm  = + 6.4d0 * sin(( 231.19d0  +  20.20d0 * t )*!dtor)
    longterm = 6.40 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(231.190 + 20.20 * t))
    l = l + longterm
    l = np.mod(l + 2592000.0, 1296000.0)
    longmed = l / 3600.0

    # Allow for Aberration
    l = l - 20.5

    # Allow for Nutation using the longitude of the Moons mean node OMEGA
    omega = 259.1832750 - np.mod(1934.1420080 * t, 360.0)
    l = l - 17.20 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(omega))

    # Form the True Obliquity
    oblt = 23.4522940 - 0.01301250 * t + \
    (9.20 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(omega))) / 3600.0

    # Form Right Ascension and Declination
    l = l / 3600.0
    ra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) * \
                        np.cos(np.deg2rad(oblt)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(l))))

    if isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
        ra[ra < 0.0] += 360.0
    elif ra < 0.0:
        ra = ra + 360.0

    dec = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.deg2rad(l)) * \

    # convert the internal variables to those listed in the top of the
    # comment section in this code and in the original IDL code.
    return {"longitude": longmed, "ra": ra, "dec": dec, "app_long": l,
            "obliq": oblt}