def download(date): date = parse(date) # Loop through wavelengths for w, wlen in enumerate(wlens): data_dir = '/whatever/' fits_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, '{}/{:%Y/%m/%d}/'.format(wlen, date)) searchname = os.path.join(fits_dir, '*{:%H:%M}*fits'.format(date)) countfiles = glob.glob(searchname) if countfiles == 1: f = open('runfile_{}'.format(w), 'w') f.write("python {} {} {}".format(date, wlen, fits_dir)) f.close() # Download data if not enough found"qsub runfile_{}".format(w)) running = True iterations = 0 while running: if subprocess.check_output('qstat') != '': running = False elif iterations > 7200: sleep(1) iterations += 1 return
from matplotlib import use use('agg') import sys from os.path import join, expanduser CThome = expanduser(join('~', 'CoronaTemps')) sys.path.append(CThome) from temperature import TemperatureMap as TMap from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sunpy.time import parse_time as parse dates = ['2014-12-15 12:00', '2014-12-15 12:30', '2014-12-15 14:00'] completed = False while completed == False: try: for date in dates: thismap = TMap(date, data_dir=join(CThome, 'data'), maps_dir=CThome, verbose=True) #thismap = thismap.submap([-1200, -200], [-500, 500], units='data') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(32, 24)) thismap.plot() plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('t_{:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'.format(parse( plt.close() completed = True except: print 'Failed - restarting'
def p95(data): return np.percentile(data, 95) def p5(data): return np.percentile(data, 5) fastdata = join('/fastdata', 'sm1ajl', 'thesis') parameter = 'mean' functions = {'mean': np.nanmean, 'max': np.nanmax, 'min': np.nanmin, '95th %-ile': p95, '5th %-ile': p5} savedir = join(fastdata, 'plots', 'chapter6', 'all_classes', '{}'.format(parameter.replace(' ', '_'))) start = parse('2011-02-01') end = parse('2011-04-01') client = hek.HEKClient() flares = client.query(hek.attrs.Time(start, end), hek.attrs.EventType('FL')) flares = [fl for fl in flares if (fl['ar_noaanum'] > 11137 and fl['ar_noaanum'] < 11184)] ar_rad = 75 ar_temps_fltime = [] ar_temps_1 = [] ar_temps_10 = [] ar_temps_30 = [] fl_classes = []
# 'n 6.02-6.08'] if parameter == 'all': pars = allpars[:8] else: pars = [parameter] savedir = "/fastdata/sm1ajl/thesis/plots/chapter6/x_class/temperature/{}/".format(parameter.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_')) print exists(savedir) if density: savedir = savedir.replace('temperature', 'density_{}'.format(density)) if not exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) #flarefiles = glob.glob('/imaps/sspfs/archive/sdo/aia/flares/*/*.dat') #print len(flarefiles) start = parse('2010-07-14') end = parse('2011-09-19') client = hek.HEKClient() allflares = client.query(hek.attrs.Time(start, end), hek.attrs.EventType('FL')) allflares = [fl for fl in allflares if (fl['fl_goescls'] != "" and fl['fl_goescls'][0] == 'X')] print len(allflares) ar_rad = 75 ar_temps_fltime = [] ar_temps_1 = [] ar_temps_10 = [] ar_temps_30 = [] fl_classes = []
if parameter == 'all': pars = allpars[:8] else: pars = [parameter] home = expanduser('~') savedir = join(home, "tempplots/{}/".format(parameter.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_'))) if density: savedir = savedir.replace('tempplots', 'densplots_{}'.format(density)) if not exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) data_root = '/imaps/sspfs/archive/sdo/aia/drew_ar11166/' ar_rad = 75 starttime = parse('2011-03-05') endtime = parse('2011-03-13') timerange = tr(starttime, endtime) # Get Carrington coords of active region client = hek.HEKClient() ars = client.query(hek.attrs.Time(starttime, endtime), hek.attrs.EventType('AR'), hek.attrs.AR.NOAANum == 11166) coords = ars[0]['hgc_x'], ars[0]['hgc_y'] print coords # Define times for maps delta = dt.timedelta(minutes=2) ntimes = int(timerange.seconds()/delta.total_seconds()) alltimes = [time.start() for time in timerange.split(ntimes)]