Esempio n. 1
def test_upcasing():
    meta = MetaDict({'wibble': 1, 'WOBBLE': 2})
    assert meta['wibble'] == meta['WIBBLE']
    assert meta.get('wibble') == meta.get('WIBBLE')
    assert ('wibble' in meta) == ('WIBBLE' in meta)
    meta2 = meta.copy()
    assert meta2 == meta
    assert meta.pop('wibble') == meta2.pop('WIBBLE')
    meta.update({'spam': 'eggs'})
    meta2.update({'SPAM': 'eggs'})
    assert meta == meta2
    meta.setdefault('dave', 3)
    meta2.setdefault('DAVE', 3)
    assert meta.get('DAVE') == meta2.get('dave')
    meta['wibble'] = 10
    assert meta['wibble'] == 10
    meta['WIBBLE'] = 20
    assert meta['wibble'] == 20
    assert 'wibble' in meta
    assert 'WIBBLE' in meta
Esempio n. 2
def test_upcasing():
    meta = MetaDict({'wibble':1, 'WOBBLE':2})
    assert meta['wibble'] == meta['WIBBLE']
    assert meta.get('wibble') == meta.get('WIBBLE')
    assert ('wibble' in meta) == ('WIBBLE' in meta)
    meta2 = meta.copy()
    assert meta2 == meta
    assert meta.pop('wibble') == meta2.pop('WIBBLE')
    assert meta == meta2
    assert meta.get('DAVE') == meta2.get('dave')
    meta['wibble'] = 10
    assert meta['wibble'] == 10
    meta['WIBBLE'] = 20
    assert meta['wibble'] == 20
    assert 'wibble' in meta
    assert 'WIBBLE' in meta
Esempio n. 3
    def _sanitise_args(self, args):
        Sanitise a list of args so that a single argument corresponds to either:

        - (data, header, units) tuple.
        - path-like `pathlib.Path` (e.g. a filename, directory, glob etc.).
        - `urllib.request.Request`.
        - `GenericTimeSeries`.
        # Account for nested lists of items. Simply outputs a single list of
        # items, nested lists are expanded to element level.
        args = expand_list(args)

        # Sanitise the input so that each 'type' of input corresponds to a different
        # class, so single dispatch can be used later
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            arg = args[i]
            if isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame)):
                # Extract data and metadata
                # The next item is data
                data = args[i]
                meta = MetaDict()
                units = OrderedDict()
                if isinstance(data, Table):
                    # We have an Astropy Table:
                    data, new_meta, new_units = self._from_table(data)
                elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    # We have a numpy ndarray. We assume the first column is a dt index
                    data = pd.DataFrame(data=data[:, 1:],
                                        index=Time(data[:, 0]))

                # The next two could be metadata or units
                for _ in range(2):
                    j = i + 1
                    if j < len(args):
                        arg = args[j]
                        if self._is_units(arg):
                        elif self._is_metadata(arg):

                args[i] = (data, meta, units)

            elif isinstance(arg, str) and is_url(arg):
                args[i] = Request(arg)
            elif possibly_a_path(arg):
                args[i] = pathlib.Path(arg)
            i += 1

        return args
Esempio n. 4
 def _parse_meta(self, meta):
     Parse different metadata objects into a MetaDict.
     if isinstance(meta,
         meta = MetaDict(
     if isinstance(meta, sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData):
         new_meta = MetaDict()
         for m in meta.metas:
         meta = new_meta
     return meta
Esempio n. 5
    def get(self, keys, time=None, colname=None, **kwargs):
        Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object of all entries matching the time and
        colname filters with the dictionaries containing only the key value pairs
        with the key matching the given input key.

        keys : `str`
            The Key/s to be searched in the dictionary.

        time : `str` or `~datetime.datetime` optional
            The string (parsed using the `~sunpy.time.parse_time`) or datetime
            that you need metadata for.

        colname : `str` optional
            A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns.

        itemised : `bool` optional
            Option to allow the return of the time ranges and column names
            (as list) that match each given value.

        metadata : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData`
            A TimeSeriesMetaData that contain all matching metadata entries but
            with only the requested key/value pairs in the MetaDict objects.
        # Make a list of keys if only one is given
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [ keys ]

        # Find all metadata entries for the given time/colname filters
        full_metadata = self.find(time=time, colname=colname)
        metadata = []

        # Append to metadata only key:value pairs with requested keys
        for i, entry in enumerate(full_metadata.metadata):
            metadict = MetaDict()
            for curkey, value in entry[2].items():
                for key in keys:
                    if curkey.lower() == key.lower():
            metadata.append((entry[0], entry[1], metadict))

        # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object
        return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self, keys, time=None, colname=None, **kwargs):
        Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object of all entries matching the time and
        colname filters with the dictionaries containing only the key value pairs
        with the key matching the given input key.

        keys : `str`
            The Key/s to be searched in the dictionary.

        time : `str` or `astropy.time.Time` optional
            The string (parsed using the `~sunpy.time.parse_time`) or `~astropy.time.Time`
            that you need metadata for.

        colname : `str` optional
            A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns.

        itemised : `bool` optional
            Option to allow the return of the time ranges and column names
            (as list) that match each given value.

        metadata : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData`
            A TimeSeriesMetaData that contain all matching metadata entries but
            with only the requested key/value pairs in the MetaDict objects.
        # Make a list of keys if only one is given
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [keys]

        # Find all metadata entries for the given time/colname filters
        full_metadata = self.find(time=time, colname=colname)
        metadata = []

        # Append to metadata only key:value pairs with requested keys
        for i, entry in enumerate(full_metadata.metadata):
            metadict = MetaDict()
            for curkey, value in entry[2].items():
                for key in keys:
                    if curkey.lower() == key.lower():
                        metadict.update({key: value})
            metadata.append((entry[0], entry[1], metadict))

        # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object
        return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
Esempio n. 7
    def _parse_hdus(cls, hdulist):
        header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(hdulist[0].header))
        # Adding telescope to MetaData
        header.update({'TELESCOP': hdulist[1].header['TELESCOP'].split()[0]})

        start_time = parse_time(hdulist[1].header['T_OBS'])
        times = start_time + TimeDelta(hdulist[1].data['SOD'] * u.second)

        colnames = ['QD', 'CH_18', 'CH_26', 'CH_30', 'CH_36']

        all_data = [hdulist[1].data[x] for x in colnames]
        data = DataFrame(np.array(all_data).T,

        units = OrderedDict([('QD', u.W / u.m**2), ('CH_18', u.W / u.m**2),
                             ('CH_26', u.W / u.m**2), ('CH_30', u.W / u.m**2),
                             ('CH_36', u.W / u.m**2)])

        return data, header, units
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: ehsteve/sunpy
    def _parse_hdus(cls, hdulist):
        header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(hdulist[0].header))
        # Adding telescope to MetaData
        header.update({'TELESCOP': hdulist[1].header['TELESCOP'].split()[0]})

        start_time = parse_time(hdulist[1].header['T_OBS'])
        times = start_time + TimeDelta(hdulist[1].data['SOD']*u.second)

        colnames = ['QD', 'CH_18', 'CH_26', 'CH_30', 'CH_36']

        all_data = [hdulist[1].data[x] for x in colnames]
        data = DataFrame(np.array(all_data).T, index=times.isot.astype('datetime64'), columns=colnames)

        units = OrderedDict([('QD', u.W/u.m**2),
                             ('CH_18', u.W/u.m**2),
                             ('CH_26', u.W/u.m**2),
                             ('CH_30', u.W/u.m**2),
                             ('CH_36', u.W/u.m**2)])

        return data, header, units
Esempio n. 9
    def get(self, keys, time=None, colname=None):
        Return a `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` with all
        entries matching the filters which also contain the given input key.

        keys : `str`
            The Key/s to be searched in the dictionary.
        time : {parse_time_types}, optional
            A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for.
            Defaults to `None`.
        colname : `str`, optional
            A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns.

        metadata : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData`
            A TimeSeriesMetaData that contain all matching metadata entries but
            with only the requested key/value pairs in the MetaDict objects.
        # Make a list of keys if only one is given
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [keys]

        # Find all metadata entries for the given time/colname filters
        full_metadata = self.find(time=time, colname=colname)
        metadata = []

        # Append to metadata only key:value pairs with requested keys
        for i, entry in enumerate(full_metadata.metadata):
            metadict = MetaDict()
            for curkey, value in entry[2].items():
                for key in keys:
                    if curkey.lower() == key.lower():
                        metadict.update({key: value})
            metadata.append((entry[0], entry[1], metadict))

        # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object
        return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
Esempio n. 10
    def get(self, keys, time=None, colname=None):
        Return a `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` with all
        entries matching the filters which also contain the given input key.

        keys : `str`
            The Key/s to be searched in the dictionary.
        time : {parse_time_types}, optional
            A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for.
            Defaults to `None`.
        colname : `str`, optional
            A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns.

        metadata : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData`
            A TimeSeriesMetaData that contain all matching metadata entries but
            with only the requested key/value pairs in the MetaDict objects.
        # Make a list of keys if only one is given
        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = [keys]

        # Find all metadata entries for the given time/colname filters
        full_metadata = self.find(time=time, colname=colname)
        metadata = []

        # Append to metadata only key:value pairs with requested keys
        for i, entry in enumerate(full_metadata.metadata):
            metadict = MetaDict()
            for curkey, value in entry[2].items():
                for key in keys:
                    if curkey.lower() == key.lower():
                        metadict.update({key: value})
            metadata.append((entry[0], entry[1], metadict))

        # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object
        return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
Esempio n. 11
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an `args` list for data-header pairs. `args` can contain any mixture of the following

        * tuples of (data, header, unit) (1)
        * data, header not in a tuple (1)
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        (1) header/unit are optional and in either order, but data should be the first entry in each group.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],
        data_header_unit_tuples = list()
        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_timeseries = list()
        filepaths = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items. Simply outputs a single list of
        # items, nested lists are expanded to element level.
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if (isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame))):
                # and self._validate_meta(args[i+1])):
                # Assume a Pandas Dataframe is given
                data = arg
                units = OrderedDict()
                meta = MetaDict()

                # Convert the data argument into a Pandas DataFrame if needed.
                if isinstance(data, Table):
                    # We have an Astropy Table:
                    data, meta, units = self._from_table(data)
                elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    # We have a numpy ndarray. We assume the first column is a dt index
                    data = pd.DataFrame(data=data[:, 1:], index=Time(data[:, 0]))

                # If there are 1 or 2 more arguments:
                for _ in range(2):
                    if (len(args) > i+1):
                        # If that next argument isn't data but is metaddata or units:
                        if not isinstance(args[i+1], (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame)):
                            if self._validate_units(args[i+1]):
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the units
                            elif self._validate_meta(args[i+1]):
                                # if we have an FITS header then convert
                                # to preserve multi-line comments
                                if isinstance(args[i+1],
                                    args[i+1] = MetaDict([i+1]))
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the meta

                # Add a 3-tuple for this TimeSeries.
                data_header_unit_tuples.append((data, meta, units))

            # Filepath
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths, result)

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths,

            # Glob
            elif isinstance(arg, str) and '*' in arg:

                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths,

            # Already a TimeSeries
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericTimeSeries):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
                result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths, result)
                raise NoMatchError("File not found or invalid input")
            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already TimeSeries it should be put in the
        # same order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_unit_tuples, data_header_pairs, already_timeseries, filepaths
Esempio n. 12
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any
        mixture of the following entries:
        * tuples of (data, header, unit) (1)
        * data, header not in a tuple (1)
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        (1) Note that header/unit are optional and in either order, but data
        but be the first entry in each group.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_unit_tuples = list()
        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_timeseries = list()
        filepaths = list()

        # Take source kwarg if defined
        source = kwargs.get('source', None)

        # Account for nested lists of items. Simply outputs a single list of
        # items, nested lists are expanded to element level.
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if (isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame))):# and self._validate_meta(args[i+1])):
                # Assume a Pandas Dataframe is given
                data = arg
                units = OrderedDict()
                meta = MetaDict()

                # Convert the data argument into a Pandas DataFrame if needed.
                if isinstance(data, Table):
                    # We have an AstroPy Table:
                    data, meta, units = self._from_table(data)
                elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    # We have a numpy ndarray. We assume the first column is a dt index
                    data = pd.DataFrame(data=data[:,1:], index=Time(data[:,0]))

                # If there are 1 or 2 more arguments:
                for _ in range(2):
                    if (len(args) > i+1):
                        # If that next argument isn't data but is metaddata or units:
                        if not isinstance(args[i+1], (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame)):
                            if self._validate_units(args[i+1]):
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the units
                            elif self._validate_meta(args[i+1]):
                                # if we have an FITS header then convert
                                # to preserve multi-line comments
                                if isinstance(args[i+1],
                                    args[i+1] = MetaDict([i+1]))
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the meta

                # Add a 3-tuple for this TimeSeries.
                data_header_unit_tuples.append((data, meta, units))

            # Filepath
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)

                read, result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)

                if read:

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    read, result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    if read:

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and '*' in arg):

                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))

                for afile in files:
                    # data_header_unit_tuples += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    read, result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    if read:

            # Already a TimeSeries
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericTimeSeries):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg,six.string_types) and
                default_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, default_dir)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                #data_header_pairs += pairs

                #raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")
                raise NoMatchError("File not found or invalid input")
            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already TimeSeries it should be put in the
        # same order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_unit_tuples, data_header_pairs, already_timeseries, filepaths