Esempio n. 1
    def _plot_3D_cube(self, plot_axis_indices=None, axes_coordinates=None,
                      axes_units=None, data_unit=None, **kwargs):
        Plots an interactive visualization of this cube using sliders to move through axes
        plot using in the image.
        Parameters other than data and wcs are passed to ImageAnimatorWCS, which in turn
        passes them to imshow.

        plot_axis_indices: `list`
            The two axes that make the image.
            Like [-1,-2] this implies cube instance -1 dimension
            will be x-axis and -2 dimension will be y-axis.

        axes_unit: `list` of `astropy.units.Unit`

        axes_coordinates: `list` of physical coordinates for array or None
            If None array indices will be used for all axes.
            If a list it should contain one element for each axis of the numpy array.
            For the image axes a [min, max] pair should be specified which will be
            passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` as extent.
            For the slider axes a [min, max] pair can be specified or an array the
            same length as the axis which will provide all values for that slider.
            If None is specified for an axis then the array indices will be used
            for that axis.

        # For convenience in inserting dummy variables later, ensure
        # plot_axis_indices are all positive.
        plot_axis_indices = [i if i >= 0 else + i for i in plot_axis_indices]
        # If axes kwargs not set by user, set them as list of Nones for
        # each axis for consistent behaviour.
        if axes_coordinates is None:
            axes_coordinates = [None] *
        if axes_units is None:
            axes_units = [None] *
        # If data_unit set, convert data to that unit
        if data_unit is None:
            data =
            data = ( * self.unit).to(data_unit).value
        # Combine data values with mask.
        data =, self.mask)
        # If axes_coordinates not provided generate an ImageAnimatorWCS plot
        # using NDCube's wcs object.
        if (axes_coordinates[plot_axis_indices[0]] is None and
                axes_coordinates[plot_axis_indices[1]] is None):
            # If there are missing axes in WCS object, add corresponding dummy axes to data.
            if data.ndim < self.wcs.naxis:
                new_shape = list(data.shape)
                for i in np.arange(self.wcs.naxis)[self.missing_axis[::-1]]:
                    new_shape.insert(i, 1)
                    # Also insert dummy coordinates and units.
                    axes_coordinates.insert(i, None)
                    axes_units.insert(i, None)
                    # Iterate plot_axis_indices if neccessary
                    for j, pai in enumerate(plot_axis_indices):
                        if pai >= i:
                            plot_axis_indices[j] = plot_axis_indices[j] + 1
                # Reshape data
                data = data.reshape(new_shape)
            # Generate plot
            ax = ImageAnimatorWCS(data, wcs=self.wcs, image_axes=plot_axis_indices,
                                  axis_ranges=axes_coordinates, **kwargs)
        # If one of the plot axes is set manually, produce a basic ImageAnimator object.
            new_axes_coordinates, new_axes_units, default_labels = \
              self._derive_axes_coordinates(axes_coordinates, axes_units)
            # If axis labels not set by user add to kwargs.
            ax = ImageAnimator(data, image_axes=plot_axis_indices,
                               axis_ranges=new_axes_coordinates, **kwargs)
        return ax