Esempio n. 1
def geometry_to_bitmap(geometry,
                       radius: int = 0,
                       crop_image_shape: tuple = None) -> list:
        geometry: Geometry type which implemented 'draw', 'translate' and 'to_bbox` methods
        radius: half of thickness of drawed vector elements
        crop_image_shape: if not None - crop bitmap object by this shape (HxW)
        Bitmap (geometry) object

    thickness = radius + 1

    bbox = geometry.to_bbox()
    extended_bbox = Rectangle( - radius,
                              left=bbox.left - radius,
                              bottom=bbox.bottom + radius,
                              right=bbox.right + radius)
    bitmap_data = np.full(shape=(extended_bbox.height, extended_bbox.width),
    geometry = geometry.translate(, -extended_bbox.left)
    geometry.draw(bitmap_data, color=True, thickness=thickness)

    origin = PointLocation(, extended_bbox.left)
    bitmap_geometry = Bitmap(data=bitmap_data, origin=origin)
    if crop_image_shape is not None:
        crop_rect = Rectangle.from_size(*crop_image_shape)
        return bitmap_geometry.crop(crop_rect)
    return [bitmap_geometry]
Esempio n. 2
def crop(img: np.ndarray, rect: Rectangle) -> np.ndarray:
    The function crop cut out part of the image with rectangle size. If rectangle for crop is out of image area it
    generates exception error(ValueError).
    :param img: image(numpy matrix) to be cropped
    :param rect: class object Rectangle of a certain size
    :return: cropped image
    img_rect = Rectangle.from_array(img)
    if not img_rect.contains(rect):
        raise ValueError('Rectangle for crop out of image area!')
    return rect.get_cropped_numpy_slice(img)
Esempio n. 3
    def get_add_padding(self, source_shape):
        source_rect = Rectangle.from_size(source_shape)
        window_rect = Rectangle.from_size(self.window_shape)
        if not source_rect.contains(window_rect):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Sliding window: window is larger than source (image).')

        hw_limit = tuple(source_shape[i] - self.window_shape[i]
                         for i in (0, 1))
        for wind_top in range(0, hw_limit[0] + self.stride[0], self.stride[0]):
            for wind_left in range(0, hw_limit[1] + self.stride[1],
                roi = window_rect.translate(drow=wind_top, dcol=wind_left)
                yield roi
Esempio n. 4
 def to_bbox(self):
     The function to_bbox create Rectangle class object from current Bitmap class object
     :return: Rectangle class object
     return Rectangle.from_array(self._data).translate(
         drow=self._origin.row, dcol=self._origin.col)
Esempio n. 5
 def to_bbox(self):
     exterior_np = self.exterior_np
     rows, cols = exterior_np[:, 0], exterior_np[:, 1]
     return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows).item()),
Esempio n. 6
def detection_preds_to_sly_rects(
        idx_to_class, network_prediction: DetectionNetworkPrediction,
        img_shape, min_score_threshold, score_tag_meta) -> list:
    Converts network detection results to Supervisely Labels with Rectangle geometry.

        idx_to_class: Dict matching predicted boxes with appropriate ObjClass.
        network_prediction: Network predictions packed into DetectionNetworkPrediction instance.
        img_shape: Size(height, width) of image that was used for inference.
        min_score_threshold: All detections with less scores will be dropped.
        score_tag_meta: TagMeta instance for score tags.
        A list containing labels with detection rectangles.
    labels = []
    thr_mask = np.squeeze(network_prediction.scores) > min_score_threshold
    for box, class_id, score in zip(

        xmin = round(float(box[1] * img_shape[1]))
        ymin = round(float(box[0] * img_shape[0]))
        xmax = round(float(box[3] * img_shape[1]))
        ymax = round(float(box[2] * img_shape[0]))

        rect = Rectangle(top=ymin, left=xmin, bottom=ymax, right=xmax)
        class_obj = idx_to_class[int(class_id)]
        label = Label(geometry=rect, obj_class=class_obj)

        score_tag = Tag(score_tag_meta, value=round(float(score), 4))
        label = label.add_tag(score_tag)
    return labels
Esempio n. 7
 def to_bbox(self):
     The function to_bbox create Rectangle class object from current GraphNodes class object
     :return: Rectangle class object
     return Rectangle.from_geometries_list(
         [Point.from_point_location(node.location) for node in self._nodes.values()])
Esempio n. 8
def get_effective_nonoverlapping_masks(geometries, img_size=None):
    Find nonoverlapping objects from given list of geometries
    :param geometries: list of geometry type objects(Point, Polygon, PolyLine, Bitmap etc.)
    :param img_size: tuple or list of integers
    :return: list of bitmaps, numpy array
    if img_size is None:
        if len(geometries) > 0:
            common_bbox = Rectangle.from_geometries_list(geometries)
            img_size = (common_bbox.bottom + 1, common_bbox.right + 1)
            img_size = (0, 0)
    canvas = np.full(shape=img_size,

    for idx, geometry in enumerate(geometries):
        geometry.draw(canvas, color=idx)
    result_masks = []
    for idx, geometry in enumerate(geometries):
        effective_indicator = (canvas == idx)
        if np.any(effective_indicator):
    return result_masks, canvas
Esempio n. 9
 def test_crop(self):
     crop_rect = Rectangle(top=1, left=0, bottom=10, right=4)
     res_geoms = self.bitmap.crop(crop_rect)
     self.assertEqual(len(res_geoms), 1)
     res_bitmap = res_geoms[0]
     res_data = np.array([[[0.6, 0.7]]], dtype=np.float64)
     self.assertMultichannelBitmapEquals(res_bitmap, 1, 4, res_data)
Esempio n. 10
def _rect_from_bounds(padding_config: dict, img_h: int,
                      img_w: int) -> Rectangle:
    def get_padding_pixels(raw_side, dim_name):
        side_padding_config = padding_config.get(dim_name)
        if side_padding_config is None:
            padding_pixels = 0
        elif side_padding_config.endswith('px'):
            padding_pixels = int(side_padding_config[:-len('px')])
        elif side_padding_config.endswith('%'):
            padding_fraction = float(side_padding_config[:-len('%')])
            padding_pixels = int(raw_side * padding_fraction / 100.0)
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown padding size format: {}. Expected absolute values as "5px" or relative as "5%"'
        return padding_pixels

    def get_padded_side(raw_side, l_name, r_name):
        l_bound = -get_padding_pixels(raw_side, l_name)
        r_bound = raw_side + get_padding_pixels(raw_side, r_name)
        return l_bound, r_bound

    left, right = get_padded_side(img_w, 'left', 'right')
    top, bottom = get_padded_side(img_h, 'top', 'bottom')
    return Rectangle(top=top, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right)
Esempio n. 11
def crop(img: np.ndarray,
         ann: Annotation,
         top_pad: int = 0,
         left_pad: int = 0,
         bottom_pad: int = 0,
         right_pad: int = 0) -> (np.ndarray, Annotation):
    Crops the given image array and annotation from all sides with the given values.

        img: Input image array.
        ann: Input annotation.
        top_pad: The size in pixels of the piece of picture that will be cut from the top side.
        left_pad: The size in pixels of the piece of picture that will be cut from the left side.
        bottom_pad: The size in pixels of the piece of picture that will be cut from the bottom side.
        right_pad: The size in pixels of the piece of picture that will be cut from the right side.
        A tuple containing cropped image array and annotation.
    _validate_image_annotation_shape(img, ann)
    height, width = img.shape[:2]
    crop_rect = Rectangle(top_pad, left_pad, height - bottom_pad - 1,
                          width - right_pad - 1)

    res_img = sly_image.crop(img, crop_rect)
    res_ann = ann.relative_crop(crop_rect)
    return res_img, res_ann
Esempio n. 12
 def to_bbox(self):
     rows = [keypoint.location.row for keypoint in self.points]
     cols = [keypoint.location.col for keypoint in self.points]
     return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows)),
Esempio n. 13
def _rectangle_from_cropping_or_padding_bounds(img_shape, crop_config,
                                               do_crop: bool):
    def get_crop_pixels(raw_side, dim_name):
        side_crop_config = crop_config.get(dim_name)
        if side_crop_config is None:
            crop_pixels = 0
        elif side_crop_config.endswith(PX):
            crop_pixels = int(side_crop_config[:-len(PX)])
        elif side_crop_config.endswith(PERCENT):
            padding_fraction = float(side_crop_config[:-len(PERCENT)])
            crop_pixels = int(raw_side * padding_fraction / 100.0)
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown padding size format: {}. Expected absolute values as "5px" or relative as "5%"'
        if not do_crop:
            crop_pixels *= -1  # Pad instead of crop.
        return crop_pixels

    # TODO more informative error message.
    return Rectangle(
        top=get_crop_pixels(img_shape[0], TOP),
        left=get_crop_pixels(img_shape[1], LEFT),
        bottom=img_shape[0] - get_crop_pixels(img_shape[0], BOTTOM) - 1,
        right=img_shape[1] - get_crop_pixels(img_shape[1], RIGHT) - 1)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_crop(self):
     crop_rect = Rectangle(25, 0, 200, 200)
     res_geoms = self.poly.crop(crop_rect)
     self.assertEqual(len(res_geoms), 1)
     crop = res_geoms[0]
                           [[10, 25], [20, 25], [20, 30], [30, 30], [30, 25], [35, 25], [30, 40], [10, 30]],
Esempio n. 15
 def to_bbox(self):
     points_np = np.array([[self._points[p].row, self._points[p].col]
                           for face in self._faces for p in face.tolist()])
     rows, cols = points_np[:, 0], points_np[:, 1]
     return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows).item()),
Esempio n. 16
 def crop(self, rect: Rectangle):
     The function "crop" return list containing graph if all nodes of graph located in given rectangle and an empty list otherwise
     :param rect: Rectangle class object
     :return: list containing GraphNodes class object or empty list
     is_all_nodes_inside = all(rect.contains_point_location(node.location) for node in self._nodes.values())
     return [self] if is_all_nodes_inside else []
Esempio n. 17
def _find_mask_tight_bbox(raw_mask: np.ndarray) -> Rectangle:
    rows = list(np.any(raw_mask, axis=1).tolist())  # Redundant conversion to list to help PyCharm static analysis.
    cols = list(np.any(raw_mask, axis=0).tolist())
    top_margin = rows.index(True)
    bottom_margin = rows[::-1].index(True)
    left_margin = cols.index(True)
    right_margin = cols[::-1].index(True)
    return Rectangle(top=top_margin, left=left_margin, bottom=len(rows) - 1 - bottom_margin,
                     right=len(cols) - 1 - right_margin)
Esempio n. 18
 def to_bbox(self):
     The function to_bbox create Rectangle class object from current VectorGeometry class object
     :return: Rectangle class object
     exterior_np = self.exterior_np
     rows, cols = exterior_np[:, 0], exterior_np[:, 1]
     return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows).item()), left=round(min(cols).item()), bottom=round(max(rows).item()),
Esempio n. 19
    def test_crop_by_border(self):
        exterior = [[10, 10], [40, 10], [40, 40], [10, 40]]
        interiors = [[[11, 11], [11, 20], [20, 11]], [[20, 20], [21, 20], [20, 21]]]
        poly = Polygon(exterior=row_col_list_to_points(exterior, flip_row_col_order=True),
                       interior=[row_col_list_to_points(interior, flip_row_col_order=True) for interior in interiors])

        crop_rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10)
        res_geoms = poly.crop(crop_rect)
        self.assertEqual(len(res_geoms), 0)
Esempio n. 20
 def to_bbox(self):
     The function to_bbox create Rectangle class object from Point class object
     :return: Rectangle class object
     return Rectangle(top=self.row,
Esempio n. 21
 def to_bbox(self):
     The function to_bbox create Rectangle class object from current Cuboid class object
     :return: Rectangle class object
     points_np = np.array([[self._points[p].row, self._points[p].col]
                           for face in self._faces for p in face.tolist()])
     rows, cols = points_np[:, 0], points_np[:, 1]
     return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows).item()), left=round(min(cols).item()), bottom=round(max(rows).item()),
Esempio n. 22
    def validate_bounds(self, img_size, _auto_correct=False):
        canvas_rect = Rectangle.from_size(img_size)
        if canvas_rect.contains(self.geometry.to_bbox()) is False:
            raise OutOfImageBoundsExtension("Figure is out of image bounds")

        if _auto_correct is True:
            geometries_after_crop = [cropped_geometry for cropped_geometry in self.geometry.crop(canvas_rect)]
            if len(geometries_after_crop) != 1:
                raise OutOfImageBoundsExtension("Several geometries after crop")
Esempio n. 23
 def test_from_json(self):
     packed_obj = {
         'some_stuff': 'aaa',
         POINTS: {
             EXTERIOR: [[17, 3], [34, 45]],
             INTERIOR: []
     res_rect = Rectangle.from_json(packed_obj)
     self.assertRectEquals(res_rect, 3, 17, 45, 34)
Esempio n. 24
    def get_change_size(self, source_shape):
        source_rect = Rectangle.from_size(source_shape)
        window_rect = Rectangle.from_size(self.window_shape)
        if not source_rect.contains(window_rect):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Sliding window: window is larger than source (image).')

        hw_limit = tuple(source_shape[i] - self.window_shape[i]
                         for i in (0, 1))
        for wind_top in range(0, hw_limit[0] + self.stride[0], self.stride[0]):
            for wind_left in range(0, hw_limit[1] + self.stride[1],
                wind_bottom = min(wind_top + self.stride[0], source_shape[0])
                wind_right = min(wind_left + self.stride[1], source_shape[1])
                roi = Rectangle(wind_top, wind_left, wind_bottom - 1,
                                wind_right - 1)
                if not source_rect.contains(roi):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Sliding window: result crop bounds are invalid.')
                yield roi
Esempio n. 25
 def _add_labels_impl(self, dest, labels):
     The function _add_labels_impl extend list of the labels of the current Annotation object
     :param dest: destination list of the Label class objects
     :param labels: list of the Label class objects to be added to the destination list
     :return: list of the Label class objects
     for label in labels:
         # TODO Reconsider silent automatic normalization, reimplement
         canvas_rect = Rectangle.from_size(self.img_size)
 def _all_filtered_bbox_rois(ann: Annotation, included_classes, crop_config: dict):
     for src_label in ann.labels:
         effective_roi = None
         if is_name_included(, included_classes):
             bbox = src_label.geometry.to_bbox()
             roi = _make_padded_rectangle((bbox.height, bbox.width), crop_config)
             maybe_effective_roi = roi.translate(, dcol=bbox.left).crop(
             if len(maybe_effective_roi) > 0:
                 [effective_roi] = maybe_effective_roi
         yield src_label, effective_roi
def _get_annotation_for_bbox(img: np.ndarray, roi: Rectangle, model) -> Annotation:
    """Runs inference within the given roi; moves resulting figures to global reference frame."""
    img_cropped = roi.get_cropped_numpy_slice(img)
    # TODO pass through image and parent figure tags via roi_ann.
    roi_ann = Annotation(img_size=(roi.height, roi.width))
    raw_result_ann = model.inference(img_cropped, roi_ann)
    return Annotation(img_size=img.shape[:2],
                      labels=[label.translate(, dcol=roi.left) for label in raw_result_ann.labels],
                      img_tags=raw_result_ann.img_tags, img_description=raw_result_ann.img_description,
                      pixelwise_scores_labels=[label.translate(, dcol=roi.left)
                                               for label in raw_result_ann.pixelwise_scores_labels])
Esempio n. 28
def instance_crop(img: np.ndarray,
                  ann: Annotation,
                  class_title: str,
                  save_other_classes_in_crop: bool = True,
                  padding_config: dict = None) -> list:
    Crops objects of specified classes from image with configurable padding.

        img: Input image array.
        ann: Input annotation.
        class_title: Name of class to crop.
        save_other_classes_in_crop: save non-target classes in each cropped annotation.
        padding_config: Dict with padding
        List of cropped [image, annotation] pairs.
    padding_config = take_with_default(padding_config, {})
    _validate_image_annotation_shape(img, ann)
    results = []
    img_rect = Rectangle.from_size(img.shape[:2])

    if save_other_classes_in_crop:
        non_target_labels = [
            label for label in ann.labels
            if != class_title
        non_target_labels = []

    ann_with_non_target_labels = ann.clone(labels=non_target_labels)

    for label in ann.labels:
        if == class_title:
            src_fig_rect = label.geometry.to_bbox()
            new_img_rect = _rect_from_bounds(padding_config,
            rect_to_crop = new_img_rect.translate(,
            crops = rect_to_crop.crop(img_rect)
            if len(crops) == 0:
            rect_to_crop = crops[0]
            image_crop = sly_image.crop(img, rect_to_crop)

            cropped_ann = ann_with_non_target_labels.relative_crop(

            label_crops = label.relative_crop(rect_to_crop)
            for label_crop in label_crops:
                results.append((image_crop, cropped_ann.add_label(label_crop)))
    return results
Esempio n. 29
    def _calc_inner_crop(self):
        Given a rectangle of self.src_imsize HxW that has been rotated by
        self.angle_degrees_ccw (in degrees), computes the location of the
        largest possible axis-aligned rectangle within the rotated rectangle.

        # TODO This needs significant streamlinig.
        a_ccw = np.deg2rad(self.angle_degrees_ccw)
        quadrant = math.floor(a_ccw / (math.pi / 2)) & 3
        sign_alpha = a_ccw if ((quadrant & 1) == 0) else math.pi - a_ccw
        alpha = (sign_alpha % math.pi + math.pi) % math.pi

        h, w = self.src_imsize
        bb_w = w * math.cos(alpha) + h * math.sin(alpha)
        bb_h = w * math.sin(alpha) + h * math.cos(alpha)

        gamma = math.atan2(bb_w, bb_w) if (w < h) else math.atan2(bb_w, bb_w)

        delta = math.pi - alpha - gamma

        length = h if (w < h) else w

        d = length * math.cos(alpha)
        a = d * math.sin(alpha) / math.sin(delta)

        y = a * math.cos(gamma)
        x = y * math.tan(gamma)

        largest_w, largest_h = bb_w - 2 * x, bb_h - 2 * y

        new_h, new_w = self.new_imsize
        left = round((new_w - largest_w) * 0.5)
        right = round((new_w + largest_w) * 0.5)
        top = round((new_h - largest_h) * 0.5)
        bottom = round((new_h + largest_h) * 0.5)
        some_inner_crop = Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right)
        new_img_bbox = Rectangle(0, 0, self.new_imsize[0] - 1,
                                 self.new_imsize[1] - 1)
        self.inner_crop = new_img_bbox.crop(some_inner_crop)[0]
Esempio n. 30
 def test_crop(self):  # @TODO: mb delete compress while cropping
     crop_rect = Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8)
     res_geoms = self.bitmap.crop(crop_rect)
     self.assertEqual(len(res_geoms), 1)
     res_bitmap = res_geoms[0]
     res_mask = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 1, 1, 1],
                          [1, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.bool)
     self.assertBitmapEquals(res_bitmap, 0, 5, res_mask)