Esempio n. 1
    def IdealTRange(self, *args):
        """ Returns the total (EM+ICE)thrust range at which the powerplant
        can run the ICE at ideal rps"""

        if len(args) == 0:
            v = self.V()
            h = self.x2[self.n]

            v = args[0]
            h = args[1]

        lower = PropTFun(v, self.PP['idealICErps'], h)[0]

        upper = (PropTFun(v, self.PP['maxEMrps'], h) + lower)[0]

        return lower, upper
Esempio n. 2
def FindConstraints():
    Calculates the maximum horizontal and vertical velocities and height which the power-plant
    can achieve. These are stored in a global 3x30 array called limits


    global limits
    print(['limits' in globals()])
    print(['limits' in locals()])

    limits = np.zeros((3, 15**2))  # (maxv1, maxv2, maxHeight)

    print(['limits' in globals()])
    print(['limits' in locals()])

    v1Array = np.linspace(10, 50, 15)
    hArray = np.linspace(100, 6000, 15)

    s = simulate(10e7)
    counter = 0
    for hndex, h in enumerate(hArray):
        for index, i in enumerate(v1Array):

            T = 0
            maxThrust = 1
            v2 = 0
            while T < maxThrust:
                v2 += 0.5
                v = math.sqrt(i**2 + v2**2)
                maxThrust = float(
                    PropTFun(v, PP['ICEMaprps'][-1], h) +
                    PropTFun(v, PP['maxEMrps'], h))
                T = float(AnalyticalFindTP(s, h, i, v2)[0])

            limits[0, counter] = i
            limits[1, counter] = v2 - 0.5
            limits[2, counter] = h

            counter += 1

    return limits
Esempio n. 3
    def AllocateThrust(self):
        RB controller. Determines the ICE and EM speeds and thrust by applying a set
        of rules around the ICE speed which produces the highest efficiency. If excess thrust
        is demanded, the RBOut attribute array is flagged with a 4 at the relevant n value


        v = self.V()
        h = self.x2[self.n]
        thrustRequest = self.thrust[self.n]

        idealICEThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['idealICErps'], h)

        maxICEThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1], h)

        maxEMThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['maxEMrps'], h)

        # print('Requested Thrust =', thrustRequest)
        # print('Max EM thrust available=', maxEMThrust[0])
        # print('Max ICE thrust available=', maxICEThrust[0])

        # use a guess which would produce the ideal J for the prop eff
        rpsGuess = v / (self.PP['D'] * self.PP['optJ'])
        if rpsGuess < 10:
            rpsGuess = 10

        # warn if thrust cannot be given, then set the rpm to the necessary value
        # this will be filtered out later and converted to a disproportionately high energy cost
        if thrustRequest > maxICEThrust + maxEMThrust:
                  thrustRequest, 'N were requested but only',
                  maxICEThrust + maxEMThrust, 'are available')
            print('Current velocity:', self.V(), '\n')

            excess = thrustRequest - maxICEThrust - maxEMThrust

            ICEThrust = maxICEThrust + excess / 2
            EMThrust = maxEMThrust + excess / 2
                ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust,
                                self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1] * 2)
            except ValueError:
                ICErps = self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1]

                EMrps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - EMThrust, 0,
                               self.PP['maxEMrps'] * 2)
            except ValueError:
                EMrps = self.PP['maxEMrps']

            # flag to dramatically increase thrust demand
            self.RBOut[self.n] = 4

        # use max EM thrust and lowest possible ICE thrust
        elif thrustRequest > idealICEThrust + maxEMThrust:
            EMThrust = maxEMThrust
            ICEThrust = thrustRequest - EMThrust

            EMrps = self.PP['maxEMrps']

            ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust,
                            self.PP['ICEMaprps'][0], self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1])
            self.RBOut[self.n] = 3

        # use ideal ICE thrust and the rest is EM power
        elif thrustRequest > idealICEThrust:
            ICEThrust = idealICEThrust
            EMThrust = thrustRequest - ICEThrust

            ICErps = self.PP['idealICErps']
            EMrps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - EMThrust, 0,

            self.RBOut[self.n] = 2

        # use only ICE
        elif thrustRequest <= idealICEThrust and thrustRequest > 0:
            ICEThrust = thrustRequest
            EMThrust = 0

            EMrps = 0

            # if the thrust is tiny, set it to zero
            if PropTFun(v, 1, h) - ICEThrust > 0:
                ICEThrust = 0
                ICErps = 0

                self.RBOut[self.n] = 0

                ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust, 1,

                self.RBOut[self.n] = 1

        # plant is off
        elif thrustRequest == 0:
            ICEThrust = 0
            EMThrust = 0

            EMrps = 0
            ICErps = 0
            self.RBOut[self.n] = 0

        self.EMrps[self.n] = EMrps
        self.ICErps[self.n] = ICErps
        self.EMThrust[self.n] = EMThrust
        self.ICEThrust[self.n] = ICEThrust
Esempio n. 4
    def AllocateThrust(self):
        v = self.V()
        h = self.x2[self.n]
        thrustRequest = self.thrust[self.n]

        idealICEThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['idealICErps'], h)

        maxICEThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1], h)

        maxEMThrust = PropTFun(v, self.PP['maxEMrps'], h)

        # print('Requested Thrust =', thrustRequest)
        # print('Max EM thrust available=', maxEMThrust[0])
        # print('Max ICE thrust available=', maxICEThrust[0])

        # use a guess which would produce the ideal J for the prop eff
        rpsGuess = v / (self.PP['D'] * self.PP['optJ'])
        if rpsGuess < 10:
            rpsGuess = 10

        # warn if thrust cannot be given, then set the rpm to the necessary value
        # this will be filtered out later and converted to a disproportionately high energy cost
        if thrustRequest > maxICEThrust + maxEMThrust:
                  thrustRequest, 'N were requested but only',
                  maxICEThrust + maxEMThrust, 'are available')
            print('Current velocity:', self.V(), '\n')

            excess = thrustRequest - maxICEThrust - maxEMThrust

            ICEThrust = maxICEThrust + excess / 2
            EMThrust = maxEMThrust + excess / 2
                ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust,
                                self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1] * 2)
            except ValueError:
                ICErps = self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1]

                EMrps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - EMThrust, 0,
                               self.PP['maxEMrps'] * 2)
            except ValueError:
                EMrps = self.PP['maxEMrps']

            self.RBOut[self.n] = 4

        # use max EM thrust and lowest possible ICE thrust
        elif thrustRequest > idealICEThrust + maxEMThrust:
            EMThrust = maxEMThrust
            ICEThrust = thrustRequest - EMThrust

            EMrps = self.PP['maxEMrps']

            ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust,
                            self.PP['ICEMaprps'][0], self.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1])
            self.RBOut[self.n] = 3

        # use ideal ICE thrust and the rest is EM power
        elif thrustRequest > idealICEThrust:
            ICEThrust = idealICEThrust
            EMThrust = thrustRequest - ICEThrust

            ICErps = self.PP['idealICErps']
            EMrps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - EMThrust, 0,

            self.RBOut[self.n] = 2

        # use only ICE
        elif thrustRequest <= idealICEThrust and thrustRequest > 0:
            ICEThrust = thrustRequest
            EMThrust = 0

            EMrps = 0

            # if the thrust is tiny, set it to zero
            if PropTFun(v, 1, h) - ICEThrust > 0:
                ICEThrust = 0
                ICErps = 0

                self.RBOut[self.n] = 0

                ICErps = brentq(lambda rps: PropTFun(v, rps, h) - ICEThrust, 1,

                self.RBOut[self.n] = 1

        # plant is off
        elif thrustRequest == 0:
            ICEThrust = 0
            EMThrust = 0

            EMrps = 0
            ICErps = 0
            self.RBOut[self.n] = 0

        self.EMrps[self.n] = EMrps
        self.ICErps[self.n] = ICErps
        self.EMThrust[self.n] = EMThrust
        self.ICEThrust[self.n] = ICEThrust
Esempio n. 5
def TakeOff(s, minimizeTOD=False, fullOutput=True):

    # liftoff velocity at 0 angle of attack
    vlo = VLO(s)

    # make sure the plane can actually take off before proceeding
    if s.time != 0 or s.n != 0 or\
     s.x2[s.n] != 0:
        raise ValueError('The aircraft is not at take-off conditions')

    if fullOutput:
        print('-- Take Off --\n')
        print('Expected liftoff v: ', round(VLO(s, 8), 2), ' m/s')

    # take off at maximum thrust
    if minimizeTOD:
        s.runtime = 1
        s.steps = 2

        h = 0

        # add maximum thrusts
        T = PropTFun(vlo, s.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1], 0) + PropTFun(
            vlo, s.PP['maxEMrps'], 0)

        s.TShape = 'const'
        s.pitchShape = 'const'

        while h <= 0:

            if s.V() > vlo:
                print('Readjusting liftoff velocity')
                T = PropTFun(s.V() * 1.2, PP['ICEMapShaftrps[-1]'], 0) \
                    + PropTFun(s.V() * 1.2, PP['maxEMrps'], 0)
                s.TShape = 'const'

            s.TShape = 'const'
            s.pitchShape = 'const'
            s.TCeiling = Sigmoid(s.time, 0, T, 0, 10)
            s.pitchCeiling = Sigmoid(s.time, 0, AC['maxPitch'], 0, 5)

            h = s.x2[s.n]


    # run at max EM thrust plus ideal ICE thrust

        # set thrust to 90% of the upper limit to run the ICE at ideal rps
        T = s.IdealTRange(vlo, 0)[1] * 0.9

        s.runtime = 1
        s.steps = 2

        s.TShape = 'const'
        s.pitchShape = 'const'

        h = s.x2[s.n]

        while h <= 0:

            if s.V() > vlo:
                print('Readjusting liftoff velocity')
                T = PropTFun(s.V() * 1.2, s.PP['ICEMaprps'][-1], 0)\
                + PropTFun(s.V() * 1.2, s.PP['maxEMrps'], 0)
                s.TShape = 'const'
                s.TCeiling = T

            s.TShape = 'const'
            s.pitchShape = 'const'
            s.TCeiling = Sigmoid(s.time, 0, T, 0, 10)
            s.pitchCeiling = Sigmoid(s.time, 0, AC['maxPitch'], 0, 5)

            h = s.x2[s.n]


    if fullOutput:
        print('Lift off achieved in ', s.time, 's, ', '\n    x1=',
              round(s.x1[s.n], 2), 'm | v1 =', round(s.v1[s.n], 2),
              'm/s', '\n    x2=', round(s.x2[s.n], 2), 'm | v2 =',
              round(s.v2[s.n], 2), 'm/s', '\n    thrust =',
              round(s.thrust[s.n - 1], 2), 'N | pitch =',
              round(s.pitch[s.n - 1], 2), 'degrees')