Esempio n. 1
    def get_service_list(service_only: str,
                         exclude_services: str,
                         service_directory: struct_time) -> List[str]:
        """Constuct the list of the name of the services to be started
        in the poller, according to the arguments passed by the user.
        Returns a InvalidAttribute exception if any of the passed service
        is invalid.

            service_only (str): take only the services in the space-separated
            exclude_service (List[str]): remove the given services from the
                space-separated service list
            service_directory (str): the directory where services are defined

            SqPollerConfError: raised in case of wrong service name in
            'include only' or exclude list

            List[str]: the list of services to executed in the poller
        if not os.path.isdir(service_directory):
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                'The service directory provided is not a directory'

        svcs = list(Path(service_directory).glob('*.yml'))
        allsvcs = [os.path.basename(x).split('.')[0] for x in svcs]
        svclist = None

        if service_only:
            svclist = service_only.split()

            # Check if all the given services are valid
            notvalid = [s for s in svclist if s not in allsvcs]
            if notvalid:
                raise SqPollerConfError(f'Invalid svcs specified: {notvalid}. '
                                        f'Should have been one of {allsvcs}')
            svclist = allsvcs

        if exclude_services:
            excluded_services = exclude_services.split()
            # Check if all the excluded services are valid
            notvalid = [e for e in excluded_services if e not in allsvcs]
            if notvalid:
                raise SqPollerConfError(f'Services {notvalid} excluded, but '
                                        'they are not valid.')
            svclist = list(filter(lambda x: x not in excluded_services,

        if not svclist:
            raise SqPollerConfError('The list of services to execute is empty')
        return svclist
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
                 add_task_fn: Callable,
                 service_directory: str,
                 schema_dir: str,
                 output_queue: asyncio.Queue,
                 run_mode: str,
                 default_interval: int = 15,
                 **kwargs) -> None:
        """Instantiate an instance of the ServiceManager class

            add_task_fn (Callable): the function to call to schedule
                a task in the poller.
            service_directory (str): the directory where services are
            schema_dir (str): the directory containing the schema of the
                tables of the services.
            output_queue (asyncio.Queue): it is the queue where the services
                are supposed to write to make a writer persist the output of
                a command.
            run_mode (str): a string representing the running policy:
                - gather (run once): gather the output without processing
                - processing (run once): gather the output and process it
                - forever: periodically poll the nodes.
            default_interval (int): the default time execution interval.

        self._services = []
        self._running_svcs = []
        self.add_task_fn = add_task_fn
        self.output_queue = output_queue
        self.default_interval = default_interval
        self.run_mode = run_mode

        # Set and validate service and schema directories
        if not os.path.isdir(service_directory):
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                f"Service directory {service_directory} is not a directory"
        self.service_directory = service_directory
        self.schema_dir = schema_dir
        if not self.schema_dir:
            self.schema_dir = '{}/{}'.format(service_directory, 'schema')
        if not os.path.isdir(self.schema_dir):
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                f"Service directory {self.schema_dir} is not a directory"

        # Build the list of services to execute
        service_only = kwargs.pop('service_only', '')
        exclude_services = kwargs.pop('exclude_services', '')
        self._svcs_list = self._get_service_list(service_only,
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.type = kwargs.get('type', None)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        output_dir = kwargs.get('output_dir', None)
        if output_dir:
            self.root_output_dir = output_dir
            if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
            elif not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
                raise SqPollerConfError(f'Output directory {output_dir}'
                                        'is not a directory')
            raise SqPollerConfError('Need mandatory keyword arg: output_dir')
Esempio n. 4
    def _init_inventory(self, userargs, cfg):

        # Define the dictionary with the settings
        # for any kind of inventory source
        connect_timeout = cfg.get('poller', {}).get('connect-timeout', 15)
        inventory_args = {
            'connect_timeout': connect_timeout,
            'ssh_config_file': userargs.ssh_config_file,

        # Retrieve the specific inventory source to use
        inv_types = Inventory.get_plugins()

        inventory_class = None
        source_args = {}

        if userargs.input_dir:
            # 'dir' is not a real inventory source
            # we need to override the Inventory class
            # in order to simulate nodes providing the data
            # inside the specified input directory.
            inventory_class = inv_types['dir']
            source_args = {'input_dir': userargs.input_dir}
            mgr_cfg = cfg.get('poller', {}).get('manager', {})
            type_to_use = mgr_cfg.get('type', 'static')
            inventory_class = inv_types.get(type_to_use)
            if not inventory_class:
                raise SqPollerConfError(f'No inventory {type_to_use} found')
            source_args = {**mgr_cfg, 'worker-id': self.worker_id}

        return inventory_class(self._add_poller_task, **source_args,
Esempio n. 5
    def chunk(self, glob_inv: dict, n_chunks: int, **kwargs) -> List[Dict]:

        policy = kwargs.pop('policy', self.policy)

        chunk_fun = self.policies_fn.get(policy, None)
        if not chunk_fun:
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                f'Unknown chunking function for policy {policy}')

        inv_chunks = [c for c in chunk_fun(glob_inv, n_chunks) if c]
        if len(inv_chunks) < n_chunks:
            if self.policy == 'sequential':
                raise SqPollerConfError(
                    'Not enough devices to split the inventory'
                    f'into {n_chunks} chunks')
            if self.policy == 'namespace':
                raise SqPollerConfError(
                    'Not enough namespaces to split the inventory'
                    f'into {n_chunks} chunks')
        return inv_chunks
Esempio n. 6
 def _init_output_workers(self):
     """Create the appropriate output workers for persisting the
     poller output.
     # Load the available output workers
     worker_types = OutputWorker.get_plugins()
     for otype in self.output_types:
         if otype not in worker_types:
             raise SqPollerConfError(f'{otype} is not a valid output '
                                     f'pick some of {worker_types.keys()}')
         new_worker = worker_types[otype](**self.output_args)
Esempio n. 7
    def _validate_poller_args(self, userargs: Dict, _):
        """Validate the arguments and the configuration passed to the poller.
        The function produces a SqPollerConfError exception if there is
        something wrong in the configuration.

            userargs (Dict): Dictionary containing the arguments passed to the
            cfg (Dict): The content of the Suzieq configuration file

            SqPollerConfError: raise when the configuration is not valid

        if userargs.ssh_config_file:
            if not os.access(userargs.ssh_config_file, os.F_OK):
                raise SqPollerConfError(
                    f'Unable to read ssh config in {userargs.ssh_config_file}')
            ssh_config_file = os.path.expanduser(userargs.ssh_config_file)
            if (os.stat(os.path.dirname(ssh_config_file)).st_mode | 0o40700 !=
                raise SqPollerConfError(
                    'ssh directory has wrong permissions, must be 0700')
Esempio n. 8
    def init_plugins(cls, plugin_conf: Dict) -> List[Dict]:
        """Instantiate one or more instances of the current class according
        to the given configuration

            plugin_conf (dict): plugin configuration

            List[Dict]: list of generated plugins

        if plugin_conf is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Plugin configuration cannot be None')

        ptype = plugin_conf.get("type")
        if not ptype:
            raise SqPollerConfError('No default type provided')

        controller_class = cls.get_plugins(plugin_name=ptype)

        if not controller_class:
            raise SqPollerConfError(f"Unknown plugin called {ptype}")

        return [controller_class[ptype](plugin_conf)]
Esempio n. 9
    async def init_poller(self):
        """Initialize the poller, instantiating the services and setting up
        the connection with the nodes. This function should be called only
        at the beginning before calling run().
        """'Initializing poller')

        init_tasks = []

        nodes, services = await asyncio.gather(*init_tasks)

        if not nodes or not services:
            # Logging should've been done by init_nodes/services for details
            raise SqPollerConfError('Terminating because no nodes'
                                    'or services found')
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, config_data: dict = None):

        self.policies_list = ['sequential', 'namespace']
        self.policies_fn = {}

        for pol_name in self.policies_list:
            fun = getattr(self, f'split_{pol_name}', None)
            if not fun or not callable(fun):
                raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown {pol_name} policy')
            self.policies_fn[pol_name] = fun
        if config_data:
            policy = config_data \
                .get('policy', self.policies_list[0])
            if policy not in self.policies_list:
                raise SqPollerConfError(f'Unknown chunking policy {policy}')
            self.policy = policy
            self.policy = self.policies_list[0]
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        data_directory = kwargs.get('data_dir')

        if not data_directory:
            output_dir = '/tmp/suzieq/parquet-out/'
            logger.warning('No output directory for parquet specified, using '
            output_dir = data_directory

        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                f'Output directory {output_dir} is not a directory')'Parquet outputs will be under {output_dir}')
        self.root_output_dir = output_dir
Esempio n. 12
    async def build_inventory(self) -> Dict[str, Node]:
        """Retrieve the list of nodes to poll and instantiate
        all the Nodes objects in the retrieved inventory.

            SqPollerConfError: in case of wrong inventory configuration
            InventorySourceError: in case of error with the inventory source

            Dict[str, Node]: a list containing all the nodes in the inventory

        inventory_list = await self._get_device_list()
        if not inventory_list:
            raise SqPollerConfError('The inventory source returned no hosts')

        # Initialize the nodes in the inventory
        self._nodes = await self._init_nodes(inventory_list)
        return self._nodes
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, config_data: Dict = None):

        self._workers_count = config_data.get("workers", 1)

        # Workers we are already monitoring
        self._running_workers = defaultdict(None)

        # Workers we do not monitor yet
        self._waiting_workers = defaultdict(None)

        # The currently applied chunks
        self._active_chunks = []
        self._poller_tasks_ready = asyncio.Event()

        # Get the running mode
        self._input_dir = config_data.get('input-dir', None)
        self._run_once = config_data.get('run-once', None)
        self._no_coalescer = config_data.get('no-coalescer', False)

        # If the debug mode is active we need to set run_once
        if config_data.get('debug'):
            self._run_once = 'debug'

        if not self._no_coalescer:
            self._coalescer_launcher = CoalescerLauncher(
                config_data['config'], config_data['config-dict'])

        # Configure the encyrption of the credential file
        cred_key = Fernet.generate_key()
        self._encryptor = Fernet(cred_key)
        # Save the key into an env. variable
        os.environ['SQ_CONTROLLER_POLLER_CRED'] = cred_key.decode()

        # Configure the output directory for the inventory files
        self._inventory_path = Path(f'/tmp/.suzieq/inventory.{os.getpid()}') \

            self._inventory_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        except FileExistsError:
            raise SqPollerConfError(
                f'The inventory dir is not a directory: {self._inventory_path}'

        os.environ['SQ_INVENTORY_PATH'] = str(self._inventory_path)

        self._inventory_file_name = 'inv'

        # Define poller parameters
        allowed_args = [
            'run-once', 'exclude-services', 'outputs', 'output-dir',
            'service-only', 'ssh-config-file', 'config', 'input-dir'

        sq_path = get_sq_install_dir()
        self._args_to_pass = [f'{sq_path}/poller/worker/']
        for arg, value in config_data.items():
            if arg in allowed_args and value:
                val_list = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value]
                self._args_to_pass.append(f'--{arg}', )
                # All the arguments should be string
                self._args_to_pass += [str(v) for v in val_list]