Esempio n. 1
    def buildFacts(self, indexedFormula):
        facts = []
        for f in self.dumpLists(indexedFormula):
                terms.Fact(convertBNodeToFact(f.s), f.p,

#        for alphaNode in self.interp.rete.alphaNodeStore:
#                print alphaNode
#                i = alphaNode.pattern.noneBasedPattern()
#                pattern =  self.convFromRete(i[0]),  self.convFromRete(i[1]), self.convFromRete(i[2])
#                print "pattern:", pattern
#                for quad in indexedFormula.statementsMatching(
#                    subj=pattern[0],
#                    pred=pattern[1],
#                    obj =pattern[2]):
##                    print "quad:", quad
#                    if  isinstance(subj, formula.Formula) or isinstance(obj, formula.Formula):
#                            print "The RETE engine cannot process nested formulas currently"
#                            continue
#                    s, p, o = [self.convType(x, indexedFormula, None) for x in quad.spo()]
#                    alphaNode.add(terms.Fact(s,p,o))

        for fact in indexedFormula.statements:
            subj, predi, obj = fact.spo()
            # ignore formulas for now

            if  isinstance(subj, formula.Formula) or \
                isinstance(obj, formula.Formula):

                print "The RETE cannot process nested formulas at the time - use it for ntriples only"
                #                raise NotImplementedError

            # only get top level facts
            head = []
            tail = []

            s, p, o = [
                self.convType(x, indexedFormula, None) for x in fact.spo()
            ]  #to get variables.
            #Not good enough for Lists, but they're taken care of earlier

            facts.append(terms.Fact(s, p, o))

        self.interp.addFacts(Set(facts), initialSet=True)
        return facts
Esempio n. 2
    from set_importer import Set


# Standard python
import sys, getopt
from sys import exit, stderr
from time import clock
import re
from codecs import utf_8_encode

BNF = Namespace("")
RDF = Namespace("")

branchTable = {}
tokenSet = Set()

class tokenHolder(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tok = None

    def __call__(self, val=123):
        if val != 123:
            self.tok = val
            return self
        return self.tok

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.tok)
Esempio n. 3
def checkGMP(r, f, checker, policy, level=0):
    r"""check a generalized modus ponens step.

    >>> soc = Namespace("http://example/socrates#")
    >>> pf = _s2f(_TestGMPStep, "http://example/socrates")
    >>> f = checkGMP(soc.step1, None, Checker(pf), AllPremises())
    >>> f.n3String().strip()
    u'@prefix : <http://example/socrates#> .\n    \n    :socrates     a :Mortal .'

    # """ emacs python mode needs help

    proof = checker._pf
    evidence = proof.the(subj=r, pred=reason.evidence)
    existentials = Set()
    bindings = {}
    for b in proof.each(subj=r, pred=reason.binding):
        var_rei = proof.the(subj=b, pred=reason.variable)
        var = getSymbol(proof, var_rei)
        val_rei = proof.the(subj=b, pred=reason.boundTo)
        # @@@ Check that they really are variables in the rule!
        val = getTerm(proof, val_rei)
        bindings[var] = val
        if proof.contains(subj=val_rei,
            ##        if val_rei in proof.existentials():

    rule = proof.the(subj=r, pred=reason.rule)

    proofFormula = checker.result(rule, policy, level)

    for s in proofFormula.statements:  #@@@@@@ why look here?
        if s[PRED] is log.implies:
            ruleStatement = s
        raise InvalidProof("Rule has %s instead of log:implies as predicate.",

    for v in proofFormula.variables():
        var = proof.newSymbol(v.uriref())
        if var in bindings:
            val = bindings[var]
            del bindings[var]
            bindings[v] = val

    # Check the evidence is itself proved
    evidenceFormula = proof.newFormula()
    for e in evidence:
        f2 = checker.result(e, policy, level), evidenceFormula)
    evidenceFormula = evidenceFormula.close()

    # Check: Every antecedent statement must be included as evidence
    antecedent = proof.newFormula()
    for k in bindings.values():
        if k in existentials:  #k in evidenceFormula.existentials() or
    antecedent.loadFormulaWithSubstitution(ruleStatement[SUBJ], bindings)
    antecedent = antecedent.close()

    #antecedent = ruleStatement[SUBJ].substitution(bindings)
        lambda: "Bindings: %s\nAntecedent after subst: %s" %
        (bindings, antecedent.debugString()), level, 195)
    fyi("about to test if n3Entails(%s, %s)" % (evidenceFormula, antecedent),
        level, 1)
        lambda: "about to test if n3Entails(%s, %s)" %
        (evidenceFormula.n3String(), antecedent.n3String()), level, 80)
    if not n3Entails(
            evidenceFormula, antecedent, skipIncludes=1, level=level + 1):
        raise LogicalFallacy(
            "Can't find %s in evidence for\n"
            "Antecedent of rule: %s\n"
            "Bindings:%s" % ((s[SUBJ], s[PRED], s[OBJ]), antecedent.n3String(),
                             evidenceFormula.n3String(), bindings),

    fyi("Rule %s conditions met" % ruleStatement, level=level)

    retVal = proof.newFormula()
    for k in ruleStatement[OBJ].occurringIn(Set(bindings)):
        v = bindings[k]
        if v in existentials:  #k in evidenceFormula.existentials() or
    retVal.loadFormulaWithSubstitution(ruleStatement[OBJ], bindings)
    retVal = retVal.close()

    return retVal
Esempio n. 4
import swap.llyn  # Chosen engine registers itself
import sys  # to get exception info for diagnostics

reason = Namespace("")
log = Namespace("")
rdf = Namespace("")
rei = Namespace("")

chatty = 0
debugLevelForInference = 000
debugLevelForParsing = 0
nameBlankNodes = 0
proofSteps = 0

knownReasons = Set([
    reason.Premise, reason.Parsing, reason.Inference, reason.Conjunction,
    reason.Fact, reason.Extraction, reason.CommandLine, reason.Conclusion

class Policy(object):
    """a proof-checking policy"""
    def documentOK(self, u):
        raise RuntimeError("subclass must implement")

    def assumes(self, f):
        """Check whether a formula is an axiom.

        Hmm... move checkBuiltin here?"""
        raise RuntimeError("subclass must implement")