Esempio n. 1
    def test_put_block(self):
        base_grid = BaseGrid(5, 5)

        robot = Robot(Direction.UP)
        robot_coordinates = Coordinates(4, 4)
        inner_block = Tile(TileType.BLOCK)

        base_grid.add_tile_to_grid(robot, robot_coordinates)
        shared_grid_access = SharedGridAccess(base_grid, Manager())
        h_info = shared_grid_access.try_put_block(robot, Direction.UP)
        assert h_info.hit_type == HitType.ERROR
        assert isinstance(h_info.inner_error, OutOfBoundCoordinatesError)
        h_info = shared_grid_access.try_put_block(robot, Direction.LEFT)
        assert h_info.hit_type == HitType.ERROR
        assert isinstance(h_info.inner_error, WrongBlockPutDirection)
        h_info = shared_grid_access.try_rotate_robot(robot, Direction.LEFT)
        assert h_info.hit_type == HitType.ROTATED
        h_info = shared_grid_access.try_put_block(robot, Direction.LEFT)
        assert h_info.hit_type == HitType.PLACED_BLOCK
        inner_block = robot.pop_block()
        h_info = shared_grid_access.try_move_robot(robot, Direction.LEFT)
        assert h_info.hit_type == HitType.BLOCK
        assert isinstance(h_info.inner_error, TileTakenException)
        assert inner_block == h_info.inner_error.get_tile()
 def try_rotate_robot(self, robot: Robot, direction: Direction) -> HitInformation:
     # we need to make copy to not mess with input robot
     robot = robot.copy()
     with self.grid_lock_sync as grid:
             SharedGridAccess._validate_robot(grid, robot)
         except WrongTileError as e:
             return HitInformation(HitType.ERROR, e)
         return HitInformation(HitType.ROTATED, updated_robot=robot)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_move_far_scenario(self):
        base_grid = BaseGrid(5, 5)
        goal_building = GoalBuilding("""
            0 0 0 0 0
            0 0 1 0 0
            0 1 2 1 0
            0 0 1 2 0
            0 0 0 0 0
        # rotate, move, end coordinates:
        # if move or rotate is None then don't do it
        robot_states = [(Direction.UP, None, Coordinates(0, 0)),
                        (None, Direction.UP, Coordinates(0, 1)),
                        (Direction.DOWN, Direction.UP, Coordinates(0, 2)),
                        (Direction.RIGHT, Direction.RIGHT, Coordinates(1, 2)),
                        (None, Direction.RIGHT, Coordinates(2, 2)),
                        (None, Direction.LEFT, Coordinates(1, 2))]
        rotate_directions = [state[0] for state in robot_states]
        moving_directions = [state[1] for state in robot_states]
        robot_coordinates = [state[2] for state in robot_states]

        robot = Robot(rotate_directions[0])
        base_grid.add_tile_to_grid(robot, robot_coordinates[0])

        shared_grid_access = SharedGridAccess(base_grid, Manager())

        for i in range(1, len(robot_states)):
            rotate = rotate_directions[i]
            move = moving_directions[i]

            robot_executor = RobotRotateMoveMockExecutor(
                rotate, move, robot, shared_grid_access, goal_building)
            if rotate is not None:
            grid_copy = shared_grid_access.get_private_copy()
            # robot from grid has wrong direction
            robot_grid = grid_copy.get_tile_from_grid(robot_coordinates[i])
            assert robot_grid == robot
    def test_shared_sync(self):
        base_grid = BaseGrid(5, 5)

        robot1 = Robot(Direction.RIGHT)
        robot1_coordinates = Coordinates(2, 2)

        robot2 = Robot(Direction.UP)
        robot2_coordinates = Coordinates(1, 3)

        base_grid.add_tile_to_grid(robot1, robot1_coordinates)
        base_grid.add_tile_to_grid(robot2, robot2_coordinates)
        shared_grid_access = SharedGridAccess(base_grid, Manager())

        shared_grid_access.try_rotate_robot(robot1, Direction.LEFT)

        shared_grid_access.try_move_robot(robot2, Direction.UP)
        robot2_coordinates = robot2_coordinates.create_neighbour_coordinate(Direction.UP)
        with shared_grid_access.grid_lock_sync as grid:
            assert grid.get_tile_from_grid(robot1_coordinates) == robot1
            assert grid.get_tile_from_grid(robot2_coordinates) == robot2