def sample(block: Block, sample_count: int, min_search: bool = False) -> SamplingResult: backend_request = block.build_backend_request() if block.errors: for e in block.errors: print(e) if "WARNING" not in e: return SamplingResult([], {}) solutions = sample_uniform( sample_count, CNF(backend_request.get_cnfs_as_json()), backend_request.fresh - 1, block.variables_per_sample(), backend_request.get_requests_as_generation_requests(), False) if not solutions: from sweetpea.constraints import AtLeastKInARow if min_search: return SamplingResult([], {}) else: max_constraints = list( map( lambda x: cast(AtLeastKInARow, x).max_trials_required, filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, AtLeastKInARow), block.constraints))) if max_constraints: print( "No solution found... We require a minimum trials contraint to find a solution." ) max_constraint = max(max_constraints) min_constraint = block.trials_per_sample() + 1 original_min_trials = block.min_trials last_valid_min_contraint = max_constraint last_valid = SamplingResult([], {}) progress = tqdm(total=math.ceil( math.log(max_constraint - min_constraint)) + 1, file=sys.stdout) while True: current_constraint = int( (max_constraint - min_constraint + 1) / 2) + min_constraint block.min_trials = original_min_trials c = minimum_trials(current_constraint) c.validate(block) c.apply(block, None) block.constraints.append(c) res = UnigenSamplingStrategy.sample( block, sample_count, True) progress.update(1) if res.samples: if current_constraint <= min_constraint: print( "Optimal minimum trials contraint is at ", current_constraint, ".") return res else: last_valid_min_contraint = current_constraint last_valid = res max_constraint = current_constraint - 1 else: if max_constraint <= current_constraint: print( "Optimal minimum trials contraint is at ", last_valid_min_contraint, ".") return last_valid else: min_constraint = current_constraint + 1 progress.close() return result else: return SamplingResult([], {}) result = list( map(lambda s: SamplingStrategy.decode(block, s.assignment), solutions)) return SamplingResult(result, {})
def generate_derivations(block: Block) -> List[Derivation]: """Usage:: >>> import operator as op >>> color = Factor("color", ["red", "blue"]) >>> text = Factor("text", ["red", "blue"]) >>> conLevel = DerivedLevel("con", WithinTrial(op.eq, [color, text])) >>> incLevel = DerivedLevel("inc", WithinTrial(, [color, text])) >>> conFactor = Factor("congruent?", [conLevel, incLevel]) >>> design = [color, text, conFactor] >>> crossing = [color, text] >>> block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, []) >>> DerivationProcessor.generate_derivations(block) [Derivation(derivedIdx=4, dependentIdxs=[[0, 2], [1, 3]]), Derivation(derivedIdx=5, dependentIdxs=[[0, 3], [1, 2]])] In the example above, the indicies of the design are: === ============= idx level === ============= 0 color:red 1 color:blue 2 text:red 3 text:blue 4 conFactor:con 5 conFactor:inc === ============= So the tuple ``(4, [[0,2], [1,3]])`` represents the information that the derivedLevel con is true iff ``(color:red && text:red) || (color:blue && text:blue)`` by pairing the relevant indices together. :rtype: returns a list of tuples. Each tuple is structured as: ``(index of the derived level, list of dependent levels)`` """ derived_factors: List[DerivedFactor] = [factor for factor in if isinstance(factor, DerivedFactor)] accum = [] for factor in derived_factors: according_level: Dict[Tuple[Any, ...], DerivedLevel] = {} for level in factor.levels: cross_product: List[Tuple[Level, ...]] = level.get_dependent_cross_product() valid_tuples: List[Tuple[Level, ...]] = [] for level_tuple in cross_product: names = [ for level in level_tuple] if level.window.width != 1: # NOTE: mypy doesn't like this, but I'm not rewriting # it right now. Need to replace `chunk_list` with # a better version. names = list(chunk_list(names, level.window.width)) # type: ignore result = level.window.predicate(*names) if not isinstance(result, bool): raise ValueError(f"Expected derivation predicate to return bool; got {type(result)}.") if level.window.predicate(*names): valid_tuples.append(level_tuple) if level_tuple in according_level: raise ValueError(f"Factor {} matches {according_level[level_tuple].name} and " f"{} with assignment {names}.") according_level[level_tuple] = level if not valid_tuples: print(f"WARNING: There is no assignment that matches factor {} with level {}.") valid_indices = [[block.first_variable_for_level(level.factor, level) for level in valid_tuple] for valid_tuple in valid_tuples] shifted_indices = DerivationProcessor.shift_window(valid_indices, level.window, block.variables_per_trial()) level_index = block.first_variable_for_level(factor, level) accum.append(Derivation(level_index, shifted_indices, factor)) return accum
def __generate_encoding_diagram(blk: Block) -> str: diagram_str = "" design_size = blk.variables_per_trial() num_trials = blk.trials_per_sample() num_vars = blk.variables_per_sample() largest_number_len = len(str(num_vars)) header_widths = [] row_format_str = '| {:>7} |' for f in # length of all levels concatenated for this factor level_names = list(map(get_external_level_name, f.levels)) level_name_widths = [ max(largest_number_len, l) for l in list(map(len, level_names)) ] level_names_width = sum(level_name_widths) + len( level_names) - 1 # Extra length for spaces in between names. factor_header_width = max(len(f.factor_name), level_names_width) header_widths.append(factor_header_width) # If the header is longer than the level widths combined, then they need to be lengthened. diff = factor_header_width - level_names_width if diff > 0: idx = 0 while diff > 0: level_name_widths[idx] += 1 idx += 1 diff -= 1 if idx >= len(level_name_widths): idx = 0 # While we're here, build up the row format str. row_format_str = reduce(lambda a, b: a + ' {{:^{}}}'.format(b), level_name_widths, row_format_str) row_format_str += ' |' header_format_str = reduce(lambda a, b: a + ' {{:^{}}} |'.format(b), header_widths, '| {:>7} |') factor_names = list(map(lambda f: f.factor_name, header_str = header_format_str.format(*["Trial"] + factor_names) row_width = len(header_str) # First line diagram_str += ('-' * row_width) + '\n' # Header diagram_str += header_str + '\n' # Level names all_level_names = [ ln for (fn, ln) in get_all_external_level_names( ] diagram_str += row_format_str.format(*['#'] + all_level_names) + '\n' # Separator diagram_str += ('-' * row_width) + '\n' # Variables for t in range(num_trials): args = [str(t + 1)] for f in if f.applies_to_trial(t + 1): variables = [ blk.first_variable_for_level(f, l) + 1 for l in f.levels ] if f.has_complex_window(): def acc_width(w) -> int: return w.width + ( acc_width(w.args[0].levels[0].window) - 1 if w.args[0].has_complex_window() else 0) width = acc_width(f.levels[0].window) stride = f.levels[0].window.stride stride_offset = (stride - 1) * int(t / stride) offset = t - width + 1 - stride_offset variables = list( map(lambda n: n + len(variables) * offset, variables)) else: variables = list( map(lambda n: n + design_size * t, variables)) args += list(map(str, variables)) else: args += list(repeat('', len(f.levels))) diagram_str += row_format_str.format(*args) + '\n' # Footer diagram_str += ('-' * row_width) + '\n' return diagram_str
def __generate_sample(block: Block, cnf: CNF, sample_metrics: dict) -> dict: sample_metrics['trials'] = [] # Start a 'committed' list of CNFs committed = cast(List[And], []) for trial_number in range(block.trials_per_sample()): trial_start_time = time() trial_metrics = {'t': trial_number + 1, 'solver_calls': []} solver_calls = cast(List[dict], trial_metrics['solver_calls']) # Get the variable list for this trial. variables = block.variable_list_for_trial(trial_number + 1) variables = list(filter(lambda i: i != [], variables)) potential_trials = list(map(list, product(*variables))) trial_metrics['potential_trials'] = len(potential_trials) # Use env var to switch between filtering and not if GuidedSamplingStrategy.__prefilter_enabled(): # Flatten the list flat_vars = list(chain(*variables)) # Check SAT for each one unsat = [] for v in flat_vars: t_start = time() full_cnf = cnf + CNF(cnf_to_json(committed)) + CNF( cnf_to_json([And([v])])) allowed = cnf_is_satisfiable(full_cnf) duration_seconds = time() - t_start solver_calls.append({ 'time': duration_seconds, 'SAT': allowed }) if not allowed: unsat.append(v) # TODO: Count filtering SAT calls separately? # Filter out any potential trials with those vars set filtered_pts = [] for pt in potential_trials: if any(uv in pt for uv in unsat): continue else: filtered_pts.append(pt) # Record the number filterd out for metrics trial_metrics['prefiltered_out'] = len(potential_trials) - len( filtered_pts) potential_trials = filtered_pts allowed_trials = [] for potential_trial in potential_trials: start_time = time() full_cnf = cnf + CNF(cnf_to_json(committed)) + CNF( cnf_to_json([And(potential_trial)])) allowed = cnf_is_satisfiable(full_cnf) duration_seconds = time() - start_time solver_calls.append({'time': duration_seconds, 'SAT': allowed}) if allowed: allowed_trials.append(potential_trial) trial_metrics['allowed_trials'] = len(allowed_trials) trial_metrics['solver_call_count'] = len(solver_calls) sample_metrics['trials'].append(trial_metrics) # Randomly sample a single trial from the uniform distribution of the allowed trials, # and commit that trial to the committed sequence. trial_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(allowed_trials)) committed.append(And(allowed_trials[trial_idx])) trial_metrics['time'] = time() - trial_start_time # Aggregate the total solver calls sample_metrics['solver_call_count'] = 0 for tm in sample_metrics['trials']: sample_metrics['solver_call_count'] += tm['solver_call_count'] # Flatten the committed trials into a list of integers and decode it. solution = GuidedSamplingStrategy.__committed_to_solution(committed) return SamplingStrategy.decode(block, solution)
def apply(self, block: Block, backend_request: BackendRequest) -> None: var_list = block.build_variable_list((self.factor, self.level)) backend_request.cnfs.append(And(list(map(lambda n: n * -1, var_list))))
def apply(self, block: Block, backend_request: BackendRequest) -> None: if block.min_trials: block.min_trials = max([block.min_trials, self.trials]) else: block.min_trials = self.trials
def _build_variable_sublists(self, block: Block, level: Tuple[Factor, Union[SimpleLevel, DerivedLevel]], sublist_length: int) -> List[List[int]]: var_list = block.build_variable_list(level) raw_sublists = [var_list[i:i+sublist_length] for i in range(0, len(var_list))] return list(filter(lambda l: len(l) == sublist_length, raw_sublists))
def is_complex(self, block: Block): return self.derived_idx < block.grid_variables()
def apply_to_backend_request(self, block: Block, level: Tuple[Factor, Union[SimpleLevel, DerivedLevel]], backend_request: BackendRequest) -> None: sublists = block.build_variable_list(level) backend_request.ll_requests.append(LowLevelRequest("EQ", self.k, sublists))
def sample(block: Block, sample_count: int, min_search: bool = False) -> SamplingResult: backend_request = block.build_backend_request() if block.errors: for e in block.errors: print(e) if "WARNING" not in e: return SamplingResult([], {}) solutions = sample_uniform( sample_count, CNF(backend_request.get_cnfs_as_json()), backend_request.fresh - 1, block.variables_per_sample(), backend_request.get_requests_as_generation_requests(), False) # This section deals with the problem caused by a corner case created # by at_least_k_in_a_row_constraint. I.e. in some cases this cotnraint # requires the support of a minimum_trials contraint to find valid # solutions. This will find the optimal minimum trials constraint to # the user using binary search with trial and error. if not solutions: from sweetpea.constraints import AtLeastKInARow if min_search: return SamplingResult([], {}) else: atleast_constraints = cast( List[AtLeastKInARow], filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, AtLeastKInARow), block.constraints)) max_constraints = list( map(lambda x: x.max_trials_required, atleast_constraints)) if max_constraints: print( "No solution found... We require a minimum trials contraint to find a solution." ) max_constraint = max(max_constraints) min_constraint = block.trials_per_sample() + 1 original_min_trials = block.min_trials last_valid_min_contraint = max_constraint last_valid = SamplingResult([], {}) progress = tqdm( total=ceil(log(max_constraint - min_constraint)) + 1, file=sys.stdout) while True: current_constraint = int( (max_constraint - min_constraint + 1) / 2) + min_constraint block.min_trials = original_min_trials c = minimum_trials(current_constraint) c.validate(block) c.apply(block, None) block.constraints.append(c) res = UnigenSamplingStrategy.sample( block, sample_count, True) progress.update(1) if res.samples: if current_constraint <= min_constraint: print( "Optimal minimum trials contraint is at ", current_constraint, ".") return res else: last_valid_min_contraint = current_constraint last_valid = res max_constraint = current_constraint - 1 else: if max_constraint <= current_constraint: print( "Optimal minimum trials contraint is at ", last_valid_min_contraint, ".") return last_valid else: min_constraint = current_constraint + 1 progress.close() return result else: return SamplingResult([], {}) result = list( map(lambda s: SamplingStrategy.decode(block, s.assignment), solutions)) return SamplingResult(result, {})
def __run_kinarow(c: Constraint, block: Block = block) -> BackendRequest: backend_request = BackendRequest(block.variables_per_sample() + 1) for dc in c.desugar(): dc.apply(block, backend_request) return backend_request