def test_unicode(self): cu = container_updater.ContainerUpdater({ 'devices': self.devices_dir, 'mount_check': 'false', 'swift_dir': self.testdir, 'interval': '1', 'concurrency': '1', 'node_timeout': '15', }) containers_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, container_server.DATADIR) os.mkdir(containers_dir) subdir = os.path.join(containers_dir, 'subdir') os.mkdir(subdir) cb = ContainerBroker(os.path.join(subdir, 'hash.db'), account='a', container='\xce\xa9') cb.initialize(normalize_timestamp(1)) cb.put_object('\xce\xa9', normalize_timestamp(2), 3, 'text/plain', '68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940') def accept(sock, addr): try: with Timeout(3): inc = sock.makefile('rb') out = sock.makefile('wb') out.write('HTTP/1.1 201 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n') out.flush() except BaseException, err: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return err return None
def test_container_stat_get_data(self): stat = db_stats_collector.ContainerStatsCollector(self.conf) container_db = ContainerBroker("%s/con.db" % self.containers, account='test_acc', container='test_con') container_db.initialize() container_db.put_object('test_obj', time.time(), 10, 'text', 'faketag') info = stat.get_data("%s/con.db" % self.containers) self.assertEquals('''"test_acc","test_con",1,10\n''', info)
def process_container(self, dbfile): """ Process a container, and update the information in the account. :param dbfile: container DB to process """ start_time = time.time() broker = ContainerBroker(dbfile, logger=self.logger) info = broker.get_info() # Don't send updates if the container was auto-created since it # definitely doesn't have up to date statistics. if float(info['put_timestamp']) <= 0: return if self.account_suppressions.get(info['account'], 0) > time.time(): return if info['put_timestamp'] > info['reported_put_timestamp'] or \ info['delete_timestamp'] > info['reported_delete_timestamp'] \ or info['object_count'] != info['reported_object_count'] or \ info['bytes_used'] != info['reported_bytes_used']: container = '/%s/%s' % (info['account'], info['container']) part, nodes = self.get_account_ring().get_nodes(info['account']) events = [spawn(self.container_report, node, part, container, info['put_timestamp'], info['delete_timestamp'], info['object_count'], info['bytes_used']) for node in nodes] successes = 0 failures = 0 for event in events: if is_success(event.wait()): successes += 1 else: failures += 1 if successes > failures: self.logger.increment('successes') self.successes += 1 self.logger.debug( _('Update report sent for %(container)s %(dbfile)s'), {'container': container, 'dbfile': dbfile}) broker.reported(info['put_timestamp'], info['delete_timestamp'], info['object_count'], info['bytes_used']) else: self.logger.increment('failures') self.failures += 1 self.logger.debug( _('Update report failed for %(container)s %(dbfile)s'), {'container': container, 'dbfile': dbfile}) self.account_suppressions[info['account']] = until = \ time.time() + self.account_suppression_time if self.new_account_suppressions: print >>self.new_account_suppressions, \ info['account'], until # Only track timing data for attempted updates: self.logger.timing_since('timing', start_time) else: self.logger.increment('no_changes') self.no_changes += 1
def process_container(self, dbfile): """ Process a container, and update the information in the account. :param dbfile: container DB to process """ broker = ContainerBroker(dbfile, logger=self.logger) info = broker.get_info() # Don't send updates if the container was auto-created since it # definitely doesn't have up to date statistics. if float(info['put_timestamp']) <= 0: return if self.account_suppressions.get(info['account'], 0) > time.time(): return if info['put_timestamp'] > info['reported_put_timestamp'] or \ info['delete_timestamp'] > info['reported_delete_timestamp'] \ or info['object_count'] != info['reported_object_count'] or \ info['bytes_used'] != info['reported_bytes_used']: container = '/%s/%s' % (info['account'], info['container']) part, nodes = self.get_account_ring().get_nodes(info['account']) events = [ spawn(self.container_report, node, part, container, info['put_timestamp'], info['delete_timestamp'], info['object_count'], info['bytes_used']) for node in nodes ] successes = 0 failures = 0 for event in events: if 200 <= event.wait() < 300: successes += 1 else: failures += 1 if successes > failures: self.successes += 1 self.logger.debug( _('Update report sent for %(container)s %(dbfile)s'), { 'container': container, 'dbfile': dbfile }) broker.reported(info['put_timestamp'], info['delete_timestamp'], info['object_count'], info['bytes_used']) else: self.failures += 1 self.logger.debug( _('Update report failed for %(container)s %(dbfile)s'), { 'container': container, 'dbfile': dbfile }) self.account_suppressions[info['account']] = until = \ time.time() + self.account_suppression_time if self.new_account_suppressions: print >>self.new_account_suppressions, \ info['account'], until else: self.no_changes += 1
def _get_container_broker(self, drive, part, account, container): """ Get a DB broker for the container. :param drive: drive that holds the container :param part: partition the container is in :param account: account name :param container: container name :returns: ContainerBroker object """ if self.fs_object: return DiskDir(self.root, drive, part, account, container, self.logger, fs_object=self.fs_object) hsh = hash_path(account, container) db_dir = storage_directory(DATADIR, part, hsh) db_path = os.path.join(self.root, drive, db_dir, hsh + '.db') return ContainerBroker(db_path, account=account, container=container, logger=self.logger)
def test_container_stat_get_metadata(self): stat = db_stats_collector.ContainerStatsCollector(self.conf) container_db = ContainerBroker("%s/con.db" % self.containers, account='test_acc', container='test_con') container_db.initialize() container_db.put_object('test_obj', time.time(), 10, 'text', 'faketag') info = stat.get_data("%s/con.db" % self.containers) self.assertEquals('''"test_acc","test_con",1,10\n''', info) container_db.update_metadata({'test1': ('val', 1000)})
def container_audit(self, path): """ Audits the given container path :param path: the path to a container db """ try: if not path.endswith('.db'): return broker = ContainerBroker(path) if not broker.is_deleted(): info = broker.get_info() self.container_passes += 1 self.logger.debug(_('Audit passed for %s'), broker.db_file) except (Exception, Timeout): self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.exception(_('ERROR Could not get container info %s'), (broker.db_file))
def container_audit(self, path): """ Audits the given container path :param path: the path to a container db """ start_time = time.time() try: broker = ContainerBroker(path) if not broker.is_deleted(): broker.get_info() self.logger.increment('passes') self.container_passes += 1 self.logger.debug(_('Audit passed for %s'), broker.db_file) except (Exception, Timeout): self.logger.increment('failures') self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.exception(_('ERROR Could not get container info %s'), broker.db_file) self.logger.timing_since('timing', start_time)
def container_audit(self, path): """ Audits the given container path :param path: the path to a container db """ start_time = time.time() try: if not path.endswith(".db"): return broker = ContainerBroker(path) if not broker.is_deleted(): info = broker.get_info() self.logger.increment("passes") self.container_passes += 1 self.logger.debug(_("Audit passed for %s"), broker.db_file) except (Exception, Timeout): self.logger.increment("failures") self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.exception(_("ERROR Could not get container info %s"), (broker.db_file)) self.logger.timing_since("timing", start_time)
def get_data(self, db_path): """ Data for generated csv has the following columns: Account Hash, Container Name, Object Count, Bytes Used This will just collect whether or not the metadata is set using a 1 or ''. :raises sqlite3.Error: does not catch errors connecting to db """ line_data = None broker = ContainerBroker(db_path) if not broker.is_deleted(): info = broker.get_info(include_metadata=bool(self.metadata_keys)) encoded_container_name = urllib.quote(info['container']) line_data = '"%s","%s",%d,%d' % ( info['account'], encoded_container_name, info['object_count'], info['bytes_used']) if self.metadata_keys: metadata_results = ','.join( [info['metadata'].get(mkey) and '1' or '' for mkey in self.metadata_keys]) line_data += ',%s' % metadata_results line_data += '\n' return line_data
def _get_container_broker(self, drive, part, account, container, **kwargs): """ Get a DB broker for the container. :param drive: drive that holds the container :param part: partition the container is in :param account: account name :param container: container name :returns: ContainerBroker object """ hsh = hash_path(account, container) db_dir = storage_directory(DATADIR, part, hsh) db_path = os.path.join(self.root, drive, db_dir, hsh + '.db') kwargs.setdefault('account', account) kwargs.setdefault('container', container) kwargs.setdefault('logger', self.logger) return ContainerBroker(db_path, **kwargs)
def _gen_container_stat(self, set_metadata=False, drop_metadata=False): if set_metadata: self.conf['metadata_keys'] = 'test1,test2' # webob runs title on all headers stat = db_stats_collector.ContainerStatsCollector(self.conf) output_data = set() for i in range(10): cont_db = ContainerBroker("%s/container-stats-201001010%s-%s.db" % (self.containers, i, uuid.uuid4().hex), account='test_acc_%s' % i, container='test_con') cont_db.initialize() cont_db.put_object('test_obj', time.time(), 10, 'text', 'faketag') metadata_output = '' if set_metadata: if i % 2: cont_db.update_metadata({'X-Container-Meta-Test1': (5, 1)}) metadata_output = ',1,' else: cont_db.update_metadata({'X-Container-Meta-Test2': (7, 2)}) metadata_output = ',,1' # this will "commit" the data cont_db.get_info() if drop_metadata: output_data.add('''"test_acc_%s","test_con",1,10,,''' % i) else: output_data.add('''"test_acc_%s","test_con",1,10%s''' % (i, metadata_output)) if drop_metadata: self._drop_metadata_col(cont_db, 'test_acc_%s' % i) self.assertEqual(len(output_data), 10) return stat, output_data
def _gen_container_stat(self, set_metadata=False, drop_metadata=False): if set_metadata: self.conf['metadata_keys'] = 'test1,test2' # webob runs title on all headers stat = db_stats_collector.ContainerStatsCollector(self.conf) output_data = set() for i in range(10): cont_db = ContainerBroker( "%s/container-stats-201001010%s-%s.db" % (self.containers, i, uuid.uuid4().hex), account='test_acc_%s' % i, container='test_con') cont_db.initialize() cont_db.put_object('test_obj', time.time(), 10, 'text', 'faketag') metadata_output = '' if set_metadata: if i % 2: cont_db.update_metadata({'X-Container-Meta-Test1': (5, 1)}) metadata_output = ',1,' else: cont_db.update_metadata({'X-Container-Meta-Test2': (7, 2)}) metadata_output = ',,1' # this will "commit" the data cont_db.get_info() if drop_metadata: output_data.add('''"test_acc_%s","test_con",1,10,,''' % i) else: output_data.add('''"test_acc_%s","test_con",1,10%s''' % (i, metadata_output)) if drop_metadata: self._drop_metadata_col(cont_db, 'test_acc_%s' % i) self.assertEqual(len(output_data), 10) return stat, output_data
def test_run_once(self): cu = container_updater.ContainerUpdater({ 'devices': self.devices_dir, 'mount_check': 'false', 'swift_dir': self.testdir, 'interval': '1', 'concurrency': '1', 'node_timeout': '15', 'account_suppression_time': 0 }) cu.run_once() containers_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, container_server.DATADIR) os.mkdir(containers_dir) cu.run_once() self.assert_(os.path.exists(containers_dir)) subdir = os.path.join(containers_dir, 'subdir') os.mkdir(subdir) cb = ContainerBroker(os.path.join(subdir, 'hash.db'), account='a', container='c') cb.initialize(normalize_timestamp(1)) cu.run_once() info = cb.get_info() self.assertEquals(info['object_count'], 0) self.assertEquals(info['bytes_used'], 0) self.assertEquals(info['reported_object_count'], 0) self.assertEquals(info['reported_bytes_used'], 0) cb.put_object('o', normalize_timestamp(2), 3, 'text/plain', '68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940') cu.run_once() info = cb.get_info() self.assertEquals(info['object_count'], 1) self.assertEquals(info['bytes_used'], 3) self.assertEquals(info['reported_object_count'], 0) self.assertEquals(info['reported_bytes_used'], 0) def accept(sock, addr, return_code): try: with Timeout(3): inc = sock.makefile('rb') out = sock.makefile('wb') out.write('HTTP/1.1 %d OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n' % return_code) out.flush() self.assertEquals(inc.readline(), 'PUT /sda1/0/a/c HTTP/1.1\r\n') headers = {} line = inc.readline() while line and line != '\r\n': headers[line.split(':')[0].lower()] = \ line.split(':')[1].strip() line = inc.readline() self.assert_('x-put-timestamp' in headers) self.assert_('x-delete-timestamp' in headers) self.assert_('x-object-count' in headers) self.assert_('x-bytes-used' in headers) except BaseException, err: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return err return None
def container_sync(self, path): """ Checks the given path for a container database, determines if syncing is turned on for that database and, if so, sends any updates to the other container. :param path: the path to a container db """ broker = None try: broker = ContainerBroker(path) info = broker.get_info() x, nodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(info['account'], info['container']) for ordinal, node in enumerate(nodes): if node['ip'] in self._myips and node['port'] == self._myport: break else: return if not broker.is_deleted(): sync_to = None sync_key = None sync_point1 = info['x_container_sync_point1'] sync_point2 = info['x_container_sync_point2'] for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems(): if key.lower() == 'x-container-sync-to': sync_to = value elif key.lower() == 'x-container-sync-key': sync_key = value if not sync_to or not sync_key: self.container_skips += 1 self.logger.increment('skips') return sync_to = sync_to.rstrip('/') err = validate_sync_to(sync_to, self.allowed_sync_hosts) if err: _('ERROR %(db_file)s: %(validate_sync_to_err)s'), {'db_file': broker.db_file, 'validate_sync_to_err': err}) self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.increment('failures') return stop_at = time() + self.container_time next_sync_point = None while time() < stop_at and sync_point2 < sync_point1: rows = broker.get_items_since(sync_point2, 1) if not rows: break row = rows[0] if row['ROWID'] > sync_point1: break key = hash_path(info['account'], info['container'], row['name'], raw_digest=True) # This node will only initially sync out one third of the # objects (if 3 replicas, 1/4 if 4, etc.) and will skip # problematic rows as needed in case of faults. # This section will attempt to sync previously skipped # rows in case the previous attempts by any of the nodes # didn't succeed. if not self.container_sync_row(row, sync_to, sync_key, broker, info): if not next_sync_point: next_sync_point = sync_point2 sync_point2 = row['ROWID'] broker.set_x_container_sync_points(None, sync_point2) if next_sync_point: broker.set_x_container_sync_points(None, next_sync_point) while time() < stop_at: rows = broker.get_items_since(sync_point1, 1) if not rows: break row = rows[0] key = hash_path(info['account'], info['container'], row['name'], raw_digest=True) # This node will only initially sync out one third of the # objects (if 3 replicas, 1/4 if 4, etc.). It'll come back # around to the section above and attempt to sync # previously skipped rows in case the other nodes didn't # succeed or in case it failed to do so the first time. if unpack_from('>I', key)[0] % \ len(nodes) == ordinal: self.container_sync_row(row, sync_to, sync_key, broker, info) sync_point1 = row['ROWID'] broker.set_x_container_sync_points(sync_point1, None) self.container_syncs += 1 self.logger.increment('syncs') except (Exception, Timeout) as err: self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.increment('failures') self.logger.exception(_('ERROR Syncing %s'), broker.db_file if broker else path)
def container_sync(self, path): """ Checks the given path for a container database, determines if syncing is turned on for that database and, if so, sends any updates to the other container. :param path: the path to a container db """ try: if not path.endswith(".db"): return broker = ContainerBroker(path) info = broker.get_info() x, nodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(info["account"], info["container"]) for ordinal, node in enumerate(nodes): if node["ip"] in self._myips and node["port"] == self._myport: break else: return if not broker.is_deleted(): sync_to = None sync_key = None sync_point1 = info["x_container_sync_point1"] sync_point2 = info["x_container_sync_point2"] for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems(): if key.lower() == "x-container-sync-to": sync_to = value elif key.lower() == "x-container-sync-key": sync_key = value if not sync_to or not sync_key: self.container_skips += 1 return sync_to = sync_to.rstrip("/") err = validate_sync_to(sync_to, self.allowed_sync_hosts) if err: _("ERROR %(db_file)s: %(validate_sync_to_err)s"), {"db_file": broker.db_file, "validate_sync_to_err": err}, ) self.container_failures += 1 return stop_at = time() + self.container_time while time() < stop_at and sync_point2 < sync_point1: rows = broker.get_items_since(sync_point2, 1) if not rows: break row = rows[0] if row["ROWID"] >= sync_point1: break key = hash_path(info["account"], info["container"], row["name"], raw_digest=True) # This node will only intially sync out one third of the # objects (if 3 replicas, 1/4 if 4, etc.). This section # will attempt to sync previously skipped rows in case the # other nodes didn't succeed. if unpack_from(">I", key)[0] % len(nodes) != ordinal: if not self.container_sync_row(row, sync_to, sync_key, broker, info): return sync_point2 = row["ROWID"] broker.set_x_container_sync_points(None, sync_point2) while time() < stop_at: rows = broker.get_items_since(sync_point1, 1) if not rows: break row = rows[0] key = hash_path(info["account"], info["container"], row["name"], raw_digest=True) # This node will only intially sync out one third of the # objects (if 3 replicas, 1/4 if 4, etc.). It'll come back # around to the section above and attempt to sync # previously skipped rows in case the other nodes didn't # succeed. if unpack_from(">I", key)[0] % len(nodes) == ordinal: if not self.container_sync_row(row, sync_to, sync_key, broker, info): return sync_point1 = row["ROWID"] broker.set_x_container_sync_points(sync_point1, None) self.container_syncs += 1 except (Exception, Timeout), err: self.container_failures += 1 self.logger.exception(_("ERROR Syncing %s"), (broker.db_file))