def mklisting(self, listing, start_response):

        container_info = self._get_container_info().get('meta', {})

        # Load the template
        template_name = container_info.get('web-listings-template')

        if template_name and template_name != '-':
            if template_name.startswith("../"):
                template_path = "/v1/%s/%s" % (self.account, template_name[3:])
                template_path = "/v1/%s/%s/%s" % (
                    self.account, self.container, template_name)

            # TODO: ponder whether this should be preauthenticated
            status, headers, answer = self.do_internal_get(template_path)
            if status[0] == '2':
                template = answer
                # Forward any errors.
                start_response(status, headers)
                return answer

            template = default_template

            # Try to find a local handler.
            local_path = os.path.join(
                self.conf.get('template_path', __file__),

                with open(local_path, 'r') as f:
                    template =
            except IOError:

        for subdir in listing['subdirs']:
            if 'bytes' in subdir:
                subdir['size'] = human_readable(subdir['bytes'])
                subdir['size_num'], subdir[
                    'size_unit'] = human_readable_size(subdir['bytes'])

            subdir.setdefault('subdir', subdir.get('name'))

        for fil in listing['files']:
            fil['size'] = human_readable(fil['bytes'])
            fil['size_num'], fil[
                'size_unit'] = human_readable_size(fil['bytes'])
            fil['date'] = fil['last_modified']
            fil['type_classes'] = " ".join(
                ('type-%s' % t.replace(".", '-'))
                for t in fil['content_type'].split('/'))
            if '.' in fil['name']:
                fil['type_classes'] += " ext-" + fil['name'].rsplit('.', 1)[-1]

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}

        template_engine = jinja2.Template(template)

        listing.setdefault('at_root', listing['path'].count('/') <= 1)
        listing.setdefault('account', self.account)
        listing.setdefault('container', self.container)
        listing.setdefault('object', self.obj)

        listing.setdefault('powered', self.conf.get("powered", ''))
        listing.setdefault('authenticated', any(
            (header in self.env) for header in

            html = template_engine.render(listing)
        except Exception, e:
            html = "Could not generate listing<br> %s" % str(e)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_human_readable(self):
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(0), '0')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1), '1')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(10), '10')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(100), '100')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(999), '999')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1024), '1Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1535), '1Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1536), '2Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1047552), '1023Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048063), '1023Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048064), '1Mi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048576), '1Mi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1073741824), '1Gi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1099511627776), '1Ti')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1125899906842624), '1Pi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1152921504606846976), '1Ei')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1180591620717411303424), '1Zi')
Esempio n. 3
    def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None):
        Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client.

        :param env: The original WSGI environment dict.
        :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook.
        :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing.
        if not config_true_value(self._listings):
            body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
                'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
                '<html>\n' \
                '<head>\n' \
                '<title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % cgi.escape(env['PATH_INFO'])
            if self._listings_css:
                body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                    'href="%s" />\n' % self._build_css_path(prefix or '')
                body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   p {font-size: 2}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
            body += '</head>\n<body>' \
                '  <h1>Web Listing Disabled</h1>' \
                '   <p>The owner of this web site has disabled web listing.' \
                '   <p>If you are the owner of this web site, you can enable' \
                '   web listing by setting X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings.</p>'
            if self._index:
                body += '<h1>Index File Not Found</h1>' \
                    ' <p>The owner of this web site has set ' \
                    ' <b>X-Container-Meta-Web-Index: %s</b>. ' \
                    ' However, this file is not found.</p>' % self._index
            body += ' </body>\n</html>\n'
            resp = HTTPNotFound(body=body)(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        tmp_env = make_env(env,
                           '/%s/%s/%s' %
                           (self.version, self.account, self.container),
        tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'delimiter=/&format=json'
        if prefix:
            tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
            prefix = ''
        resp = self._app_call(tmp_env)
        if not is_success(self._get_status_int()):
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        listing = None
        body = ''.join(resp)
        if body:
            listing = json.loads(body)
        if not listing:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}
        body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
               'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
               '<html>\n' \
               ' <head>\n' \
               '  <title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % \
        if self._listings_css:
            body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                    'href="%s" />\n' % (self._build_css_path(prefix))
            body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   th {text-align: left; padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   td {padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   a {text-decoration: none;}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
        body += ' </head>\n' \
                ' <body>\n' \
                '  <h1 id="title">Listing of %s</h1>\n' \
                '  <table id="listing">\n' \
                '   <tr id="heading">\n' \
                '    <th class="colname">Name</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="colsize">Size</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="coldate">Date</th>\n' \
                '   </tr>\n' % \
        if prefix:
            body += '   <tr id="parent" class="item">\n' \
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="../">../</a></td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '   </tr>\n'
        for item in listing:
            if 'subdir' in item:
                subdir = item['subdir'].encode("utf-8")
                if prefix:
                    subdir = subdir[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item subdir">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir))
        for item in listing:
            if 'name' in item:
                name = item['name'].encode("utf-8")
                if prefix:
                    name = name[len(prefix):]
                content_type = item['content_type'].encode("utf-8")
                bytes = human_readable(item['bytes'])
                last_modified = (cgi.escape(item['last_modified'].encode(
                    "utf-8")).split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '))
                body += '   <tr class="item %s">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">%s</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">%s</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (' '.join('type-' + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True)
                                  for t in content_type.split('/')),
                         quote(name), cgi.escape(name),
                         bytes, last_modified)
        body += '  </table>\n' \
                ' </body>\n' \
        resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body)
        return resp(env, start_response)
Esempio n. 4
    def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None):
        Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client.

        :param env: The original WSGI environment dict.
        :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook.
        :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing.
        if not config_true_value(self._listings):
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        tmp_env = make_pre_authed_env(
            env, 'GET', '/%s/%s/%s' % (
                self.version, self.account, self.container),
            self.agent, swift_source='SW')
        tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'delimiter=/&format=json'
        if prefix:
            tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
            prefix = ''
        resp = self._app_call(tmp_env)
        if not is_success(self._get_status_int()):
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        listing = None
        body = ''.join(resp)
        if body:
            listing = json.loads(body)
        if not listing:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}
        body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
               'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
               '<html>\n' \
               ' <head>\n' \
               '  <title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % \
        if self._listings_css:
            body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                    'href="%s" />\n' % (self._build_css_path(prefix))
            body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   th {text-align: left; padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   td {padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   a {text-decoration: none;}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
        body += ' </head>\n' \
                ' <body>\n' \
                '  <h1 id="title">Listing of %s</h1>\n' \
                '  <table id="listing">\n' \
                '   <tr id="heading">\n' \
                '    <th class="colname">Name</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="colsize">Size</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="coldate">Date</th>\n' \
                '   </tr>\n' % \
        if prefix:
            body += '   <tr id="parent" class="item">\n' \
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="../">../</a></td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '   </tr>\n'
        for item in listing:
            if 'subdir' in item:
                if isinstance(item['subdir'], unicode):
                    subdir = item['subdir'].encode('utf-8')
                    subdir = item['subdir']
                if prefix:
                    subdir = subdir[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item subdir">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir))
        for item in listing:
            if 'name' in item:
                if isinstance(item['name'], unicode):
                    name = item['name'].encode('utf-8')
                    name = item['name']
                if prefix:
                    name = name[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item %s">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">%s</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">%s</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (' '.join('type-' + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True)
                                  for t in item['content_type'].split('/')),
                         quote(name), cgi.escape(name),
                            replace('T', ' '))
        body += '  </table>\n' \
                ' </body>\n' \
        resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body)
        return resp(env, start_response)
Esempio n. 5
    def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None):
        Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client.

        :param env: The original WSGI environment dict.
        :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook.
        :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing.
        if self._listings not in TRUE_VALUES:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        tmp_env = self._get_escalated_env(env)
        tmp_env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        tmp_env['PATH_INFO'] = \
            '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container)
        tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'delimiter=/&format=json'
        if prefix:
            tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
            prefix = ''
        resp =, self._start_response)
        if self._get_status_int() // 100 != 2:
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        listing = json.loads(''.join(resp))
        if not listing:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}
        body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
                'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
               '<html>\n' \
               ' <head>\n' \
               '  <title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % \
        if self._listings_css:
            body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                        'href="%s%s" />\n' % \
                    ('../' * prefix.count('/'), quote(self._listings_css))
            body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   th {text-align: left; padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   td {padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   a {text-decoration: none;}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
        body += ' </head>\n' \
                ' <body>\n' \
                '  <h1 id="title">Listing of %s</h1>\n' \
                '  <table id="listing">\n' \
                '   <tr id="heading">\n' \
                '    <th class="colname">Name</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="colsize">Size</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="coldate">Date</th>\n' \
                '   </tr>\n' % \
        if prefix:
            body += '   <tr id="parent" class="item">\n' \
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="../">../</a></td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '   </tr>\n'
        for item in listing:
            if 'subdir' in item:
                subdir = item['subdir']
                if prefix:
                    subdir = subdir[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item subdir">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir))
        for item in listing:
            if 'name' in item:
                name = item['name']
                if prefix:
                    name = name[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item %s">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">%s</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">%s</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (' '.join('type-' + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True)
                                  for t in item['content_type'].split('/')),
                         quote(name), cgi.escape(name),
                            replace('T', ' '))
        body += '  </table>\n' \
                ' </body>\n' \
        resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body)
        self._log_response(env, resp.status_int)
        return resp(env, start_response)
Esempio n. 6
    def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None):
        Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client.

        :param env: The original WSGI environment dict.
        :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook.
        :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing.
        label = env['PATH_INFO']
        if self._listings_label:
            groups = env['PATH_INFO'].split('/')
            label = '{0}/{1}'.format(self._listings_label,

        if not config_true_value(self._listings):
            body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
                'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
                '<html>\n' \
                '<head>\n' \
                '<title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % cgi.escape(label)
            if self._listings_css:
                body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                    'href="%s" />\n' % self._build_css_path(prefix or '')
                body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   p {font-size: 2}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
            body += '</head>\n<body>' \
                '  <h1>Web Listing Disabled</h1>' \
                '   <p>The owner of this web site has disabled web listing.' \
                '   <p>If you are the owner of this web site, you can enable' \
                '   web listing by setting X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings.</p>'
            if self._index:
                body += '<h1>Index File Not Found</h1>' \
                    ' <p>The owner of this web site has set ' \
                    ' <b>X-Container-Meta-Web-Index: %s</b>. ' \
                    ' However, this file is not found.</p>' % self._index
            body += ' </body>\n</html>\n'
            resp = HTTPNotFound(body=body)(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        tmp_env = make_env(
            env, 'GET', '/%s/%s/%s' % (
                self.version, self.account, self.container),
            self.agent, swift_source='SW')
        tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'delimiter=/&format=json'
        if prefix:
            tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
            prefix = ''
        resp = self._app_call(tmp_env)
        if not is_success(self._get_status_int()):
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        listing = None
        body = ''.join(resp)
        if body:
            listing = json.loads(body)
        if not listing:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}
        body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ' \
               'Transitional//EN" "">\n' \
               '<html>\n' \
               ' <head>\n' \
               '  <title>Listing of %s</title>\n' % cgi.escape(label)
        if self._listings_css:
            body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' \
                    'href="%s" />\n' % (self._build_css_path(prefix))
            body += '  <style type="text/css">\n' \
                    '   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n' \
                    '   th {text-align: left; padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   td {padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n' \
                    '   a {text-decoration: none;}\n' \
                    '  </style>\n'
        body += ' </head>\n' \
                ' <body>\n' \
                '  <h1 id="title">Listing of %s</h1>\n' \
                '  <table id="listing">\n' \
                '   <tr id="heading">\n' \
                '    <th class="colname">Name</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="colsize">Size</th>\n' \
                '    <th class="coldate">Date</th>\n' \
                '   </tr>\n' % cgi.escape(label)
        if prefix:
            body += '   <tr id="parent" class="item">\n' \
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="../">../</a></td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                    '   </tr>\n'
        for item in listing:
            if 'subdir' in item:
                subdir = item['subdir'].encode("utf-8")
                if prefix:
                    subdir = subdir[len(prefix):]
                body += '   <tr class="item subdir">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir))
        for item in listing:
            if 'name' in item:
                name = item['name'].encode("utf-8")
                if prefix:
                    name = name[len(prefix):]
                content_type = item['content_type'].encode("utf-8")
                bytes = human_readable(item['bytes'])
                last_modified = (
                    split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '))
                body += '   <tr class="item %s">\n' \
                        '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="colsize">%s</td>\n' \
                        '    <td class="coldate">%s</td>\n' \
                        '   </tr>\n' % \
                        (' '.join('type-' + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True)
                                  for t in content_type.split('/')),
                         quote(name), cgi.escape(name),
                         bytes, last_modified)
        body += '  </table>\n' \
                ' </body>\n' \
        resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body)
        return resp(env, start_response)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_human_readable(self):
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(0), '0')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1), '1')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(10), '10')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(100), '100')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(999), '999')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1024), '1Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1535), '1Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1536), '2Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1047552), '1023Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048063), '1023Ki')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048064), '1Mi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048576), '1Mi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1073741824), '1Gi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1099511627776), '1Ti')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1125899906842624), '1Pi')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1152921504606846976), '1Ei')
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1180591620717411303424), '1Zi')
Esempio n. 8
 def test_human_readable(self):
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(0), "0")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1), "1")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(10), "10")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(100), "100")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(999), "999")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1024), "1Ki")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1535), "1Ki")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1536), "2Ki")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1047552), "1023Ki")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048063), "1023Ki")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048064), "1Mi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1048576), "1Mi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1073741824), "1Gi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1099511627776), "1Ti")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1125899906842624), "1Pi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1152921504606846976), "1Ei")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1180591620717411303424), "1Zi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1208925819614629174706176), "1Yi")
     self.assertEquals(utils.human_readable(1237940039285380274899124224), "1024Yi")
Esempio n. 9
    def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None):
        Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client.

        :param env: The original WSGI environment dict.
        :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook.
        :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing.
        if not config_true_value(self._listings):
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        tmp_env = make_pre_authed_env(
            env, "GET", "/%s/%s/%s" % (self.version, self.account, self.container), self.agent, swift_source="SW"
        tmp_env["QUERY_STRING"] = "delimiter=/&format=json"
        if prefix:
            tmp_env["QUERY_STRING"] += "&prefix=%s" % quote(prefix)
            prefix = ""
        resp = self._app_call(tmp_env)
        if not is_success(self._get_status_int()):
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        listing = None
        body = "".join(resp)
        if body:
            listing = json.loads(body)
        if not listing:
            resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response)
            return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response)
        headers = {"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
        body = (
            '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 '
            'Transitional//EN" "">\n'
            " <head>\n"
            "  <title>Listing of %s</title>\n" % cgi.escape(env["PATH_INFO"])
        if self._listings_css:
            body += '  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' 'href="%s" />\n' % (self._build_css_path(prefix))
            body += (
                '  <style type="text/css">\n'
                "   h1 {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;}\n"
                "   th {text-align: left; padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n"
                "   td {padding: 0px 1em 0px 1em;}\n"
                "   a {text-decoration: none;}\n"
                "  </style>\n"
        body += (
            " </head>\n"
            " <body>\n"
            '  <h1 id="title">Listing of %s</h1>\n'
            '  <table id="listing">\n'
            '   <tr id="heading">\n'
            '    <th class="colname">Name</th>\n'
            '    <th class="colsize">Size</th>\n'
            '    <th class="coldate">Date</th>\n'
            "   </tr>\n" % cgi.escape(env["PATH_INFO"])
        if prefix:
            body += (
                '   <tr id="parent" class="item">\n'
                '    <td class="colname"><a href="../">../</a></td>\n'
                '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n'
                '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n'
                "   </tr>\n"
        for item in listing:
            if "subdir" in item:
                if isinstance(item["subdir"], unicode):
                    subdir = item["subdir"].encode("utf-8")
                    subdir = item["subdir"]
                if prefix:
                    subdir = subdir[len(prefix) :]
                body += (
                    '   <tr class="item subdir">\n'
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n'
                    '    <td class="colsize">&nbsp;</td>\n'
                    '    <td class="coldate">&nbsp;</td>\n'
                    "   </tr>\n" % (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir))
        for item in listing:
            if "name" in item:
                if isinstance(item["name"], unicode):
                    name = item["name"].encode("utf-8")
                    name = item["name"]
                if prefix:
                    name = name[len(prefix) :]
                body += (
                    '   <tr class="item %s">\n'
                    '    <td class="colname"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n'
                    '    <td class="colsize">%s</td>\n'
                    '    <td class="coldate">%s</td>\n'
                    "   </tr>\n"
                    % (
                        " ".join("type-" + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True) for t in item["content_type"].split("/")),
                        cgi.escape(item["last_modified"]).split(".")[0].replace("T", " "),
        body += "  </table>\n" " </body>\n" "</html>\n"
        resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body)
        return resp(env, start_response)