Esempio n. 1
    def POST(self, req):
        Handles Complete Multipart Upload.
        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        resp = _get_upload_info(req,, upload_id)
        headers = {}
        for key, val in resp.headers.iteritems():
            _key = key.lower()
            if _key.startswith('x-amz-meta-'):
                headers['x-object-meta-' + _key[11:]] = val
            elif _key == 'content-type':
                headers['Content-Type'] = val

        # Query for the objects in the segments area to make sure it completed
        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (req.object_name, upload_id),
            'delimiter': '/'

        container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        resp = req.get_response(, 'GET', container, '', query=query)
        objinfo = json.loads(resp.body)
        objtable = dict((o['name'], {
            'path': '/'.join(['', container, o['name']]),
            'etag': o['hash'],
            'size_bytes': o['bytes']
        }) for o in objinfo)

        etag_hash = md5()
        for obj in objinfo:
        s3_etag = "%s-%d" % (etag_hash.hexdigest(), len(objinfo))
        headers['Content-Type'] += ";s3_etag=%s" % s3_etag

        manifest = []
        previous_number = 0
            xml = req.xml(MAX_COMPLETE_UPLOAD_BODY_SIZE)
            complete_elem = fromstring(xml, 'CompleteMultipartUpload')
            for part_elem in complete_elem.iterchildren('Part'):
                part_number = int(part_elem.find('./PartNumber').text)

                if part_number <= previous_number:
                    raise InvalidPartOrder(upload_id=upload_id)
                previous_number = part_number

                etag = part_elem.find('./ETag').text
                if len(etag) >= 2 and etag[0] == '"' and etag[-1] == '"':
                    # strip double quotes
                    etag = etag[1:-1]

                info = objtable.get("%s/%s/%s" %
                                    (req.object_name, upload_id, part_number))
                if info is None or info['etag'] != etag:
                    raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id,

                info['size_bytes'] = int(info['size_bytes'])
        except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid):
            raise MalformedXML()
        except ErrorResponse:
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback

        # Following swift commit 7f636a5, zero-byte segments aren't allowed,
        # even as the final segment
        empty_seg = None
        if manifest[-1]['size_bytes'] == 0:
            empty_seg = manifest.pop()

            # We'll check the sizes of all except the last segment below, but
            # since we just popped off a zero-byte segment, we should check
            # that last segment, too.
            if manifest and manifest[-1]['size_bytes'] < CONF.min_segment_size:
                raise EntityTooSmall()

        # Check the size of each segment except the last and make sure they are
        # all more than the minimum upload chunk size
        for info in manifest[:-1]:
            if info['size_bytes'] < CONF.min_segment_size:
                raise EntityTooSmall()

            # TODO: add support for versioning
            if manifest:
                resp = req.get_response(,
                                        query={'multipart-manifest': 'put'},
                # the upload must have consisted of a single zero-length part
                # just write it directly
                resp = req.get_response(,
        except BadSwiftRequest as e:
            msg = str(e)
            expected_msg = 'too small; each segment must be at least 1 byte'
            if expected_msg in msg:
                # FIXME: AWS S3 allows a smaller object than 5 MB if there is
                # only one part.  Use a COPY request to copy the part object
                # from the segments container instead.
                raise EntityTooSmall(msg)

        if empty_seg:
            # clean up the zero-byte segment
            _, empty_seg_cont, empty_seg_name = empty_seg['path'].split('/', 2)

        # clean up the multipart-upload record
        obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id)
        req.get_response(, 'DELETE', container, obj)

        result_elem = Element('CompleteMultipartUploadResult')

        # NOTE: boto with sig v4 appends port to HTTP_HOST value at the
        # request header when the port is non default value and it makes
        # req.host_url like as http://localhost:8080:8080/path
        # that obviously invalid. Probably it should be resolved at
        # swift.common.swob though, tentatively we are parsing and
        # reconstructing the correct host_url info here.
        # in detail,
        parsed_url = urlparse(req.host_url)
        host_url = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname)
        if parsed_url.port:
            host_url += ':%s' % parsed_url.port

        SubElement(result_elem, 'Location').text = host_url + req.path
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = req.object_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % s3_etag
        del resp.headers['ETag']

        resp.body = tostring(result_elem)
        resp.status = 200
        resp.content_type = "application/xml"

        return resp
    def POST(self, req):
        Handles Complete Multipart Upload.
        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _check_upload_info(req,, upload_id)

        # Query for the objects in the segments area to make sure it completed
        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (req.object_name, upload_id),
            'delimiter': '/'

        container = req.container_name + '+segments'
        resp = req.get_response(, 'GET', container, '', query=query)
        objinfo = loads(resp.body)
        objtable = dict((o['name'], {
            'path': '/'.join(['', container, o['name']]),
            'etag': o['hash'],
            'size_bytes': o['bytes']
        }) for o in objinfo)

        manifest = []
        previous_number = 0
            xml = req.xml(MAX_COMPLETE_UPLOAD_BODY_SIZE)
            complete_elem = fromstring(xml, 'CompleteMultipartUpload')
            for part_elem in complete_elem.iterchildren('Part'):
                part_number = int(part_elem.find('./PartNumber').text)

                if part_number <= previous_number:
                    raise InvalidPartOrder(upload_id=upload_id)
                previous_number = part_number

                etag = part_elem.find('./ETag').text
                if len(etag) >= 2 and etag[0] == '"' and etag[-1] == '"':
                    # strip double quotes
                    etag = etag[1:-1]

                info = objtable.get("%s/%s/%s" %
                                    (req.object_name, upload_id, part_number))
                if info is None or info['etag'] != etag:
                    raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id,

        except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid):
            raise MalformedXML()
        except ErrorResponse:
        except Exception as e:

            # TODO: add support for versioning
            resp = req.get_response(,
                                    query={'multipart-manifest': 'put'})
        except BadSwiftRequest as e:
            msg = str(e)
            if msg.startswith('Each segment, except the last, '
                              'must be at least '):
                # FIXME: AWS S3 allows a smaller object than 5 MB if there is
                # only one part.  Use a COPY request to copy the part object
                # from the segments container instead.
                raise EntityTooSmall(msg)

        obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id)
        req.get_response(, 'DELETE', container, obj)

        result_elem = Element('CompleteMultipartUploadResult')
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Location').text = req.host_url + req.path
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = req.object_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'ETag').text = resp.etag

        resp.body = tostring(result_elem)
        resp.status = 200
        resp.content_type = "application/xml"

        return resp
Esempio n. 3
    def POST(self, req):
        Handles Complete Multipart Upload.
        log_s3api_command(req, 'complete-multipart-upload')
        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        resp = _get_upload_info(req,, upload_id)
        headers = {}
        for key, val in resp.headers.iteritems():
            _key = key.lower()
            if _key.startswith('x-amz-meta-'):
                headers['x-object-meta-' + _key[11:]] = val
            elif _key == 'content-type':
                headers['Content-Type'] = val
        for key, val in resp.sysmeta_headers.items():
            _key = key.lower()
            if _key == OBJECT_TAGGING_HEADER.lower():
                headers[key] = val

        # Query for the objects in the segments area to make sure it completed
        query = {
            'format': 'json',
            'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (req.object_name, upload_id),
            'delimiter': '/'

        # Force the master to be sure to fetch all uploaded parts
        req.environ.setdefault('oio.query', {})
        req.environ['oio.query']['force_master'] = True

        container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        resp = req.get_response(, 'GET', container, '', query=query)
        objinfo = json.loads(resp.body)

        # pylint: disable-msg=no-member
        objinfo.sort(key=lambda o: int(o['name'].split('/')[-1]))

        objtable = dict((o['name'].encode('utf-8'), {
            'path': '/'.join(['', container, o['name']]),
            'etag': o['hash'],
            'size_bytes': o['bytes']
        }) for o in objinfo)

        s3_etag_hasher = md5()
        manifest = []
        previous_number = 0
            xml = req.xml(MAX_COMPLETE_UPLOAD_BODY_SIZE)
            if not xml:
                raise InvalidRequest(msg='You must specify at least one part')
            if 'content-md5' in req.headers:
                # If an MD5 was provided, we need to verify it.
                # Note that S3Request already took care of translating to ETag
                if req.headers['etag'] != md5(xml).hexdigest():
                    raise BadDigest(content_md5=req.headers['content-md5'])
                # We're only interested in the body here, in the
                # multipart-upload controller -- *don't* let it get
                # plumbed down to the object-server
                del req.headers['etag']

            complete_elem = fromstring(xml, 'CompleteMultipartUpload')
            for part_elem in complete_elem.iterchildren('Part'):
                part_number = int(part_elem.find('./PartNumber').text)

                if part_number <= previous_number:
                    raise InvalidPartOrder(upload_id=upload_id)
                previous_number = part_number

                etag = part_elem.find('./ETag').text
                if len(etag) >= 2 and etag[0] == '"' and etag[-1] == '"':
                    # strip double quotes
                    etag = etag[1:-1]

                info = objtable.get("%s/%s/%s" %
                                    (req.object_name, upload_id, part_number))
                if info is None or info['etag'] != etag:
                    raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id,

                info['size_bytes'] = int(info['size_bytes'])
        except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid):
            raise MalformedXML()
        except ErrorResponse:
        except Exception as e:

        s3_etag = '%s-%d' % (s3_etag_hasher.hexdigest(), len(manifest))
        headers[sysmeta_header('object', 'etag')] = s3_etag
        # Leave base header value blank; SLO will populate
        c_etag = '; s3_etag=%s' % s3_etag
        headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Etag'] = c_etag

        # Following swift commit 7f636a5, zero-byte segments aren't allowed,
        # even as the final segment
        empty_seg = None
        if manifest[-1]['size_bytes'] == 0:
            empty_seg = manifest.pop()

            # We'll check the sizes of all except the last segment below, but
            # since we just popped off a zero-byte segment, we should check
            # that last segment, too.
            if manifest and manifest[-1]['size_bytes'] < CONF.min_segment_size:
                raise EntityTooSmall()

        # Check the size of each segment except the last and make sure they are
        # all more than the minimum upload chunk size
        for info in manifest[:-1]:
            if info['size_bytes'] < CONF.min_segment_size:
                raise EntityTooSmall()

            # TODO: add support for versioning
            if manifest:
                resp = req.get_response(,
                                        query={'multipart-manifest': 'put'},
                # the upload must have consisted of a single zero-length part
                # just write it directly
                resp = req.get_response(,
        except ErrorResponse as e:
            msg = str(e._msg)
            expected_msg = 'too small; each segment must be at least 1 byte'
            if expected_msg in msg:
                # FIXME: AWS S3 allows a smaller object than 5 MB if there is
                # only one part.  Use a COPY request to copy the part object
                # from the segments container instead.
                raise EntityTooSmall(msg)

        if empty_seg:
            # clean up the zero-byte segment
            _, empty_seg_cont, empty_seg_name = empty_seg['path'].split('/', 2)

        # clean up the multipart-upload record
        obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id)
        req.environ['oio.ephemeral_object'] = True
        req.get_response(, 'DELETE', container, obj)

        result_elem = Element('CompleteMultipartUploadResult')

        # NOTE: boto with sig v4 appends port to HTTP_HOST value at the
        # request header when the port is non default value and it makes
        # req.host_url like as http://localhost:8080:8080/path
        # that obviously invalid. Probably it should be resolved at
        # swift.common.swob though, tentatively we are parsing and
        # reconstructing the correct host_url info here.
        # in detail,
        parsed_url = urlparse(req.host_url)
        host_url = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname)
        if parsed_url.port:
            host_url += ':%s' % parsed_url.port

        SubElement(result_elem, 'Location').text = host_url + req.path
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = req.object_name
        SubElement(result_elem, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % s3_etag
        del resp.headers['ETag']

        resp.body = tostring(result_elem)
        resp.status = 200
        resp.content_type = "application/xml"

        return resp