Esempio n. 1
def services_to_check():
    # Filter SERVICES down to what should be running on the node.
    # server_type returns a dict of {'object': bool, etc}
    prefix_server_type = tuple(k for k, v in server_type().items() if v)
    services = [s for s in SERVICES if s.startswith(prefix_server_type)]

    return services
Esempio n. 2
def not_swift_owned():
    results = set()
    # Check /etc/swift and its children
    p = SWIFT_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, followlinks=True):
            for d in dirs:
                x = os.path.join(root, d)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)
            for f in files:
                x = os.path.join(root, f)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)
        add_result(results, p, 'missing')

    # Check all disk directories in /srv/node/
    p = NODE_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        # We need to use topdown otherwise the directory tree is generated
        # first, This would be unacceptably slow with large numbers or objects
        for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(p, topdown=True):
            for d in dirs:
                x = os.path.join(root, d)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)

            break   # We only want to check immediate child directories
        if server_type(ServerType.object):
            # We only care that this directory is missing on object servers.
            add_result(results, p, 'missing')
    return results
Esempio n. 3
def services_to_check():
    # Filter SERVICES down to what should be running on the node.
    # server_type returns a dict of {'object': bool, etc}
    prefix_server_type = tuple(k for k, v in server_type().items() if v)
    services = [s for s in SERVICES if s.startswith(prefix_server_type)]

    return services
Esempio n. 4
def not_swift_owned():
    results = set()
    # Check /etc/swift and its children
    p = SWIFT_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, followlinks=True):
            for d in dirs:
                x = os.path.join(root, d)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)
            for f in files:
                x = os.path.join(root, f)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)
        add_result(results, p, 'missing')

    # Check all disk directories in /srv/node/
    p = NODE_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        # We need to use topdown otherwise the directory tree is generated
        # first, This would be unacceptably slow with large numbers or objects
        for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(p, topdown=True):
            for d in dirs:
                x = os.path.join(root, d)
                _is_swift_owned(results, x)

            break  # We only want to check immediate child directories
        if server_type(ServerType.object):
            # We only care that this directory is missing on object servers.
            add_result(results, p, 'missing')
    return results
Esempio n. 5
    def test_server_type(self, mock_isfile):
        mock_isfile.return_value = True
        expected = {"object": True, "proxy": True, "container": True, "account": True}

        # test dict of all ServerTypes.
        actual = utility.server_type()
        self.assertDictEqual(expected, actual)

        # test a single ServerType
        is_o = utility.server_type(ServerType.object)

        # test multiple ServerTypes
        is_o, is_a = utility.server_type(ServerType.object, ServerType.account)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "ServerType"):
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    """Checks connectivity to memcache and object servers."""
    results = []

    if server_type(ServerType.proxy):
        cp = configparser.ConfigParser(), 'proxy-server.conf'))

            memcache_servers = [
                HostPort.from_string(s) for s in
                cp.get('filter:cache', 'memcache_servers').split(',')
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            memcache_servers = []

        check(memcache_servers, memcache_check, results)

            # Remove the version api path.
            ise = cp.get('filter:authtoken', 'identity_uri')
            parsed = urlparse.urlparse(ise)
            endpoint_servers = [HostPort(parsed.hostname, str(parsed.port))]
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            endpoint_servers = []

        check(endpoint_servers, connect_check, results)

    # TODO -- rewrite this as a connect_check
    # try:
    #     ping_targets = []
    #     devices = get_ring_hosts(ring_type=None)
    #     ip_set = set()
    #     for device in devices:
    #         if device.ip not in ip_set:
    #             # Port not relevant for ping_check. (Empty string is an
    #             # invalid dimension value, Hence '_' used for target_port)
    #             ping_targets.append(HostPort(device.ip, '_'))
    #             ip_set.add(device.ip)
    # except Exception:  # noqa
    #   # may be some problem loading ring files, but not concern of this check
    #     # to diagnose any further.
    #     pass
    # check(ping_targets, ping_check, results)

    return results
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    """Checks connectivity to memcache and object servers."""
    results = []

    if server_type(ServerType.proxy):
        cp = configparser.ConfigParser(), 'proxy-server.conf'))

            memcache_servers = [
                for s in cp.get('filter:cache', 'memcache_servers').split(',')
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            memcache_servers = []

        check(memcache_servers, memcache_check, results)

            # Remove the version api path.
            ise = cp.get('filter:authtoken', 'identity_uri')
            parsed = urlparse.urlparse(ise)
            endpoint_servers = [HostPort(parsed.hostname, str(parsed.port))]
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            endpoint_servers = []

        check(endpoint_servers, connect_check, results)

    # TODO -- rewrite this as a connect_check
    # try:
    #     ping_targets = []
    #     devices = get_ring_hosts(ring_type=None)
    #     ip_set = set()
    #     for device in devices:
    #         if device.ip not in ip_set:
    #             # Port not relevant for ping_check. (Empty string is an
    #             # invalid dimension value, Hence '_' used for target_port)
    #             ping_targets.append(HostPort(device.ip, '_'))
    #             ip_set.add(device.ip)
    # except Exception:  # noqa
    #   # may be some problem loading ring files, but not concern of this check
    #     # to diagnose any further.
    #     pass
    # check(ping_targets, ping_check, results)

    return results
Esempio n. 8
    def test_server_type(self, mock_isfile):
        mock_isfile.return_value = True
        expected = {
            'object': True,
            'proxy': True,
            'container': True,
            'account': True

        # test dict of all ServerTypes.
        actual = utility.server_type()
        self.assertDictEqual(expected, actual)

        # test a single ServerType
        is_o = utility.server_type(ServerType.object)

        # test multiple ServerTypes
        is_o, is_a = utility.server_type(ServerType.object, ServerType.account)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'ServerType'):
Esempio n. 9
def empty_files(results):
    # Check individual files
    if not server_type(ServerType.proxy):
        _is_empty_file(results, CONF_DIR + '/rsyncd.conf')

    _is_empty_file(results, CONF_DIR + '/rsyslog.conf')

    # Check all children in /etc/swift
    p = SWIFT_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        for root, _, files in os.walk(p, followlinks=True):
            for f in files:
                x = os.path.join(root, f)
                _is_empty_file(results, x)
        add_result(results, p, 'missing')
    return results
Esempio n. 10
def empty_files():
    results = set()
    # Check individual files
    if not server_type(ServerType.proxy):
        _is_empty_file(results, CONF_DIR + '/rsyncd.conf')

    _is_empty_file(results, CONF_DIR + '/rsyslog.conf')

    # Check all children in /etc/swift
    p = SWIFT_DIR
    if os.path.isdir(p):
        for root, _, files in os.walk(p, followlinks=True):
            for f in files:
                x = os.path.join(root, f)
                _is_empty_file(results, x)
        add_result(results, p, 'missing')
    return results
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    """Checks connectivity to memcache and object servers."""
    results = []

    if server_type(ServerType.proxy):
        cp = configparser.ConfigParser(), 'memcache.conf'))

            memcache_servers = [
                for s in cp.get('memcache', 'memcache_servers').split(',')
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            memcache_servers = []

        check(memcache_servers, memcache_check, results)

        # Check Keystone token-validation endpoint
        scheme = 'http', 'proxy-server.conf'))
            ise = cp.get('filter:authtoken', 'auth_url')
            parsed = urlparse.urlparse(ise)
            endpoint_servers = [HostPort(parsed.hostname, str(parsed.port))]
            scheme = parsed.scheme
        except configparser.NoSectionError:
            endpoint_servers = []

        check(endpoint_servers, connect_check, results, scheme=scheme)

    # rsync is required for ACO servers so filter on these server_type()
    if (server_type(ServerType.account) or server_type(ServerType.container)
            or server_type(ServerType.object)):
        # swiftlm-scan.conf is the ansible-generated source of truth
        # default in the case of ansible not laying down the rsync-target port
        cp = configparser.ConfigParser(), 'swiftlm-scan.conf'))

        # this assumes (rightfully so) that all nodes will be using
        # the same rsync_bind_port as opposed to querying each node
        # for its possibly uniquely-configured port
            rsync_bind_port = cp.get('rsync-target', 'rsync_bind_port')
        except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
            rsync_bind_port = '873'

            # retrieve unique list of nodes in the ring using the ring file
            # and utilizing the configured replication network IP
            rsync_targets = []
            devices = get_ring_hosts(ring_type=None)
            rsync_set = set()
            for device in devices:
                if device.replication_ip not in rsync_set:
                    rsync_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(device.replication_ip)
                        HostPort(rsync_host[0], rsync_bind_port))
        except Exception:

        check(rsync_targets, rsync_check, results)

    # TODO -- rewrite this as a connect_check
    # try:
    #     ping_targets = []
    #     devices = get_ring_hosts(ring_type=None)
    #     ip_set = set()
    #     for device in devices:
    #         if device.ip not in ip_set:
    #             # Port not relevant for ping_check. (Empty string is an
    #             # invalid dimension value, Hence '_' used for target_port)
    #             ping_targets.append(HostPort(device.ip, '_'))
    #             ip_set.add(device.ip)
    # except Exception:  # noqa
    #   # may be some problem loading ring files, but not concern of this check
    #     # to diagnose any further.
    #     pass
    # check(ping_targets, ping_check, results)

    return results