def derive_gpst_meas(timestamp, obs_t, eph_t, nav_meas_tmp):
  """Process a single rover observation at a specific timestep,
  producing sdiffs and

  See: piksi_firmware/src/solution.c:time_matched_obs_thread.

  timestamp : object

  rover_obs_t : object

  eph_t : object

  nav_meas_tmp : object


  nav_meas = obs_table_to_nav_measurement(timestamp, obs_t, eph_t)
  if nav_meas_tmp is None:
    return (nav_meas, None)
    # Update the observations (i.e., doppler and stuff and PVT).
    nav_meas = update_nav_meas(nav_meas_tmp, nav_meas)
    spp = calc_PVT(nav_meas.values())
    return (nav_meas, spp)
Esempio n. 2
def compute_ecef(pseudoranges, dops, sat_poss, sat_vels, t):
  Compute the receiver position if possible, otherwise a vector of NaNs.

  pseudoranges : Series
    Pseudoranges, may have NaNs, but the elements for the keys which are also
    keys in dops, must not be NaN.
  dops : dict
    Dopplers, must not have NaNs.
  sat_poss : dict
    Satellite positions when this observation was received.
  sat_vels : dict
    Satellite velocities when this observation was received.

    The receiver position in ecef if there's enough info in the input to
    compute it, otherwise an array of NaNs.
    if len(dops) < 4:
        return (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
    gpst = datetime2gpst(t)
    nms = []
    for itm in dops.iteritems():
        sat = itm[0]
        dop = itm[1]
        pseudorange = pseudoranges[sat]
        sat_pos = sat_poss[sat]
        sat_vel = sat_vels[sat]
        # TODO, make one of the pseudoranges/dops NaN or actually input and use it,
        # instead of using either the corrected/raw for both corrected and raw.
        # The magic number 1 is because the constructor needs an integer so can't
        # be NaN. We don't need that field so it can be anything.
            NavigationMeasurement(pseudorange, pseudorange, np.nan, dop, dop,
                                  sat_pos, sat_vel, np.nan, np.nan, gpst, sat,
    return calc_PVT(nms).pos_ecef
Esempio n. 3
def compute_ecef(pseudoranges, dops, sat_poss, sat_vels, t):
  Compute the receiver position if possible, otherwise a vector of NaNs.

  pseudoranges : Series
    Pseudoranges, may have NaNs, but the elements for the keys which are also
    keys in dops, must not be NaN.
  dops : dict
    Dopplers, must not have NaNs.
  sat_poss : dict
    Satellite positions when this observation was received.
  sat_vels : dict
    Satellite velocities when this observation was received.

    The receiver position in ecef if there's enough info in the input to
    compute it, otherwise an array of NaNs.
  if len(dops) < 4:
    return (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
  gpst = datetime2gpst(t)
  nms = []
  for itm in dops.iteritems():
    sat = itm[0]
    dop = itm[1]
    pseudorange = pseudoranges[sat]
    sat_pos = sat_poss[sat]
    sat_vel = sat_vels[sat]
    # TODO, make one of the pseudoranges/dops NaN or actually input and use it,
    # instead of using either the corrected/raw for both corrected and raw.
    # The magic number 1 is because the constructor needs an integer so can't
    # be NaN. We don't need that field so it can be anything.
    nms.append(NavigationMeasurement(pseudorange, pseudorange,
                                     np.nan, dop, dop, sat_pos, sat_vel,
                                     np.nan, np.nan, gpst, sat, 1))
  return calc_PVT(nms).pos_ecef
def fill_observations(table, cutoff=None, verbose=False):
  """Given a table of observations from a HITL test, fills in some
  derived observations using raw base/rover observations and ephemeris
  data. Also reconstructs single point positions using these
  observations. Returns dicts of each of these quantities, keyed by
  GPS timestamp.

  table : Pandas table

    Derived observations, keyed by the name used for the Panel in the
    HDF5 store: {<panel_name> : {<timestamp>: <value>}}

  # Holds the navigation measurement from the previous timestep
  base_nav_tmp = None
  rover_nav_tmp = None
  sdiffs = {}
  base_spp_sim = {}
  rover_spp_sim = {}
  i = 0
  logging_interval = 1000
  start = time.time()
  # Iterate through each of the timestamped observations from the rover.
  for timestamp, rover_obs_t in table.rover_obs.iteritems():
    i += 1
    if verbose:
      if i % logging_interval == 0:
        print "Processed %d records! @ %s sec." % (i, time.time() - start)
    if cutoff is not None and i >= int(cutoff):
      if verbose:
        print "Exiting at %d records! @ %s sec!" % (i, time.time() - start)
    # Extract obs_base, obs_rover and spp_rover entries for this
    # timestep.  Filter out invalid ephemerides and observations
    eph_t = filter_col(match_ephemeris(timestamp,
    base_obs_t = filter_col(match_obs(timestamp, table.base_obs))
    if base_obs_t is None or eph_t is None:
    # Transform obs_base and obs_rover entries into
    # navigation_measurements, which we turn into a set of sdiffs.
    base_nav_tmp, base_spp_sim_t \
      = derive_gpst_meas(timestamp, base_obs_t, eph_t, base_nav_tmp)
    base_spp_sim_t = calc_PVT(base_nav_tmp.values())
    rover_nav_tmp, rover_spp_sim_t \
      = derive_gpst_meas(timestamp, filter_col(rover_obs_t), eph_t, rover_nav_tmp)
    rover_spp_sim_t = calc_PVT(rover_nav_tmp.values())
    # Differenced observations
    sdiff_ts = mk_single_diff(rover_nav_tmp, base_nav_tmp)
    if sdiff_ts:
      sdiffs[timestamp] = {t: s.__dict__() for (t, s) in sdiff_ts.iteritems()}
    if base_spp_sim_t:
      base_spp_sim[timestamp] = dict(zip(['x', 'y', 'z'],
    if rover_spp_sim_t:
      rover_spp_sim[timestamp] = dict(zip(['x', 'y', 'z'],
  return {'rover_sdiffs': pd.Panel(sdiffs),
          'rover_ddiffs': pd.DataFrame({}),
          'base_spp_sim': pd.DataFrame(base_spp_sim),
          'rover_spp_sim': pd.DataFrame(rover_spp_sim)}