Esempio n. 1
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Export storage build information to storage_builds.txt, and storage
    dispatch info to storage_dispatch.txt
    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.STORAGE_PROJECT_BUILDYEARS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "storage_builds.txt"),
        headings=("project", "period", "load_zone", 
                  "IncrementalPowerCapacityMW", "IncrementalEnergyCapacityMWh",
                  "OnlinePowerCapacityMW", "OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh" ),
        values=lambda m, (proj, bld_yr): (
            proj, bld_yr, m.proj_load_zone[proj],
            m.BuildProj[proj, bld_yr], m.BuildStorageEnergyMWh[proj, bld_yr],
            m.ProjCapacity[proj, bld_yr], m.StorageEnergyCapacity[proj, bld_yr]
        instance, instance.STORAGE_PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "storage_dispatch.txt"),
        headings=("project", "timepoint", "load_zone", 
                  "ChargeMW", "DischargeMW", "StateOfChargeMWh"),
        values=lambda m, (proj, t): (
            proj, m.tp_timestamp[t], m.proj_load_zone[proj],
            m.ChargeStorage[proj, t], m.DispatchProj[proj, t],
            m.StateOfChargeMWh[proj, t]
Esempio n. 2
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Export storage build information to storage_builds.txt, and storage
    dispatch info to storage_dispatch.txt
    import switch_mod.export as export
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "storage_builds.txt"),
        headings=("project", "period", "load_zone",
                  "IncrementalPowerCapacityMW", "IncrementalEnergyCapacityMWh",
                  "OnlinePowerCapacityMW", "OnlineEnergyCapacityMWh"),
        values=lambda m, (proj, bld_yr):
        (proj, bld_yr, m.proj_load_zone[proj], m.BuildProj[proj, bld_yr], m.
         BuildStorageEnergyMWh[proj, bld_yr], m.ProjCapacity[
             proj, bld_yr], m.StorageEnergyCapacity[proj, bld_yr]))
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "storage_dispatch.txt"),
        headings=("project", "timepoint", "load_zone", "ChargeMW",
                  "DischargeMW", "StateOfChargeMWh"),
        values=lambda m, (proj, t):
        (proj, m.tp_timestamp[t], m.proj_load_zone[proj], m.ChargeStorage[
            proj, t], m.DispatchProj[proj, t], m.StateOfChargeMWh[proj, t]))
Esempio n. 3
def save_results(model, instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    This initial placeholder version is integrating snippets of
    some of Matthias's code into the main codebase.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "load_balance.txt"),
        ) + tuple(instance.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
        values=lambda m, lz, t: (
        ) + tuple(
            getattr(m, component)[lz, t] for component in
            (m.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce + m.LZ_Energy_Components_Consume)))
Esempio n. 4
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Default export of project dispatch per timepoint in tabular format.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "dispatch.txt"),
        values=lambda m, t: (m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            m.DispatchProj[p, t] if (p, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS
            else 0.0
            for p in m.PROJECTS
Esempio n. 5
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Default export of project dispatch per timepoint in tabular format.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "dispatch.txt"),
        values=lambda m, t: (m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            m.DispatchProj[p, t] if (p, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS
            else 0.0
            for p in m.PROJECTS
Esempio n. 6
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Default export of energy balance per node and timepoint in tabular format.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.LOAD_ZONES, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "load_balance.txt"),
        headings=("load_zone", "timestamp",) + tuple(
            instance.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
        values=lambda m, lz, t: (lz, m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            getattr(m, component)[lz, t]
            for component in (
                m.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
Esempio n. 7
def save_results(model, instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.LOAD_ZONES, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "load_balance2.txt"),
        headings=("load_zone", "timestamp",) + tuple(
            instance.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
        values=lambda m, lz, t: (lz, m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            getattr(m, component)[lz, t]
            for component in (
                m.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
Esempio n. 8
def save_results(model, instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    This initial placeholder version is integrating snippets of
    some of Matthias's code into the main codebase.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "dispatch.txt"),
        headings=("timestamp", ) + tuple(instance.PROJECTS),
        values=lambda m, t:
        (m.tp_timestamp[t], ) + tuple(m.DispatchProj[p, t] if
                                      (p, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS else 0.0
                                      for p in m.PROJECTS))
Esempio n. 9
def save_results(model, instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    This initial placeholder version is integrating snippets of
    some of Matthias's code into the main codebase.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "dispatch.txt"),
        values=lambda m, t: (m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            m.DispatchProj[p, t] if (p, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS
            else 0.0
            for p in m.PROJECTS
Esempio n. 10
def save_results(model, instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    This initial placeholder version is integrating snippets of
    some of Matthias's code into the main codebase.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
        output_file=os.path.join("outputs", "load_balance.txt"),
        headings=("timestamp",) + tuple(
        values=lambda m, t: (m.tp_timestamp[t],) + tuple(
            sum(getattr(m, component)[lz, t] for lz in m.LOAD_ZONES)
            for component in m.LZ_Energy_Balance_components
Esempio n. 11
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    Export results to standard files.

    import switch_mod.export as export
        output_file=os.path.join(outdir, "load_balance2.txt"),
        ) + tuple(instance.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce +
        values=lambda m, lz, t: (
        ) + tuple(
            getattr(m, component)[lz, t] for component in
            (m.LZ_Energy_Components_Produce + m.LZ_Energy_Components_Consume)))
Esempio n. 12
def post_solve(instance, outdir):
    summaries_dir = os.path.join(outdir,"Summaries")
    if not os.path.exists(summaries_dir):

    print "\nStarting to print summaries"

    if instance.options.export_marginal_costs:
        This table writes out the marginal costs of supplying energy in each timepoint in US$/MWh.
        print "marginal_costs_lz_tp.csv..."
            instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS, instance.LOAD_ZONES,
            output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "marginal_costs_lz_tp.csv"),
            values=lambda m, tp, lz: (m.tp_timestamp[tp], lz, m.dual[m.Energy_Balance[lz, tp]] / (m.tp_weight_in_year[tp] * uniform_series_to_present_value(
                    m.discount_rate, m.period_length_years[m.tp_period[tp]]) * future_to_present_value(
                    m.discount_rate, (m.period_start[m.tp_period[tp]] - m.base_financial_year)))
        df = pd.read_csv('outputs/Summaries/marginal_costs_lz_tp.csv',sep='\t')
        lz_dfs = []
        for lz in instance.LOAD_ZONES:
            lz_dfs.append(df[df.load_zones == lz].drop(['load_zones','timepoint'],axis=1).reset_index(drop=True))
            lz_dfs[-1].columns = [lz]
        DF = pd.concat(lz_dfs, axis=1)
        fig = plt.figure(1)
        mc_ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
        # GO cycling through the rainbow to get line colours
        cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        # You have to play with the color map and the line style list to get enough combinations for your particular plot
        mc_ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('linestyle',['-',':','--','-.']) * cycler('color',[cm(i/5.0) for i in range(0,6)]))
        # to locate the legend: "loc" is the point of the legend for which you will specify cooridnates. These coords are specified in bbox_to_anchor (can be only 1 point or couple)
        mc_plot = DF.plot(ax=mc_ax,linewidth=1.5).legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0.,-0.15,1.,-0.15), ncol=3, mode="expand")
        plt.xticks([i*24 for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/24+1)],[instance.tp_timestamp[instance.TIMEPOINTS[i*24]] for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/24+1)],rotation=40,fontsize=7)
    This table writes out the fuel consumption in MMBTU per hour. 
    # print "energy_produced_in_period_by_each_project.csv..."
    # export.write_table(
    #     instance, instance.PERIODS, instance.PROJECTS,
    #     output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "energy_produced_in_period_by_each_project.csv"), 
    #     headings=("period", "project", "energy_produced_GWh"),
    #     values=lambda m, p, proj: (p, proj,) + tuple(
    #         sum(m.DispatchProj[proj,tp]*m.tp_weight[tp] for tp in m.PERIOD_TPS[p])/1000)
    #     )

    # """
    # This table writes out the fuel consumption in MMBTU per hour. 
    # """
    # print "fuel_consumption_tp_hourly.csv..."
    # export.write_table(
    #     instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
    #     output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "fuel_consumption_tp_hourly.csv"),
    #     headings=("timepoint",) + tuple(f for f in instance.FUELS),
    #     values=lambda m, tp: (m.tp_timestamp[tp],) + tuple(
    #         sum(m.ProjFuelUseRate[proj, t, f] for (proj,t) in m.PROJ_WITH_FUEL_DISPATCH_POINTS 
    #             if m.g_energy_source[m.proj_gen_tech[proj]] == f and t == tp)
    #         for f in m.FUELS)
    #     )
    # """
    # This table writes out the fuel consumption in total MMBTU consumed in each period.
    # """
    # print "fuel_consumption_periods_total.csv..."
    # export.write_table(
    #     instance, instance.PERIODS,
    #     output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "fuel_consumption_periods_total.csv"),
    #     headings=("period",) + tuple(f for f in instance.FUELS),
    #     values=lambda m, p: (p,) + tuple(
    #         sum(m.ProjFuelUseRate[proj, tp, f] * m.tp_weight[tp] for (proj, tp) in m.PROJ_WITH_FUEL_DISPATCH_POINTS 
    #             if tp in m.PERIOD_TPS[p] and m.g_energy_source[m.proj_gen_tech[proj]] == f)
    #         for f in m.FUELS)
    # )

    if instance.options.export_capacities:
        This table writes out the capacity that it available in each period
        by technology.
        print "build_proj_by_tech_p.csv..."
            instance, instance.GENERATION_TECHNOLOGIES,
            output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "build_proj_by_tech_p.csv"),
            headings=("gentech","Legacy") + tuple(p for p in instance.PERIODS),
            values=lambda m, g: (g, sum(m.BuildProj[proj, bldyr] for (proj, bldyr) in m.PROJECT_BUILDYEARS
                if m.proj_gen_tech[proj] == g and bldyr not in m.PERIODS)) + tuple(
                sum(m.ProjCapacity[proj, p] for proj in m.PROJECTS if m.proj_gen_tech[proj] == g) 
                for p in m.PERIODS)
        DF = pd.read_csv('outputs/Summaries/build_proj_by_tech_p.csv',sep='\t').transpose()
        DF.columns = DF.iloc[0]
        fig = plt.figure(2)
        tech_ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
        # GO cycling through the rainbow to get line colours
        cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        # You have to play with the color map and the line style list to get enough combinations for your particular plot
        tech_ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color',[cm(i/7.0) for i in range(0,8)]))
        # to locate the legend: "loc" is the point of the legend for which you will specify cooridnates. These coords are specified in bbox_to_anchor (can be only 1 point or couple)
        tech_plot = DF.plot(ax=tech_ax,kind='bar').legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0.,-0.07,1.,-0.07), ncol=2, mode="expand")

    if instance.options.export_tech_dispatch:
        This table writes out the aggregated dispatch of each gen tech on each timepoint.
        print "dispatch_proj_by_tech_tp.csv..."
            instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
            output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "dispatch_proj_by_tech_tp.csv"),
            headings=("gentech",) + tuple(g for g in instance.GENERATION_TECHNOLOGIES) + ("total",),
            values=lambda m, tp: (m.tp_timestamp[tp],) + tuple(
                sum(m.DispatchProj[proj, t] for (proj, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS 
                    if m.proj_gen_tech[proj] == g and t == tp) 
                for g in m.GENERATION_TECHNOLOGIES) + ( 
                sum(m.DispatchProj[proj, t] for (proj, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS if t == tp),)
        DF = pd.read_csv('outputs/Summaries/dispatch_proj_by_tech_tp.csv',sep='\t').drop(['gentech'],axis=1)
        fig = plt.figure(3)
        dis_ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
        # GO cycling through the rainbow to get line colours
        cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        # You have to play with the color map and the line style list to get enough combinations for your particular plot
        dis_ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('linestyle',['-','--',':']) * cycler('color',[cm(i/5.0) for i in range(0,6)]))
        # to locate the legend: "loc" is the point of the legend for which you will specify cooridnates. These coords are specified in bbox_to_anchor (can be only 1 point or couple)
        dis_plot = DF.plot(ax=dis_ax,linewidth=1.5).legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0.,-0.15,1.,-0.15), ncol=2, mode="expand")
        plt.xticks([i*5 for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/5+1)],[instance.tp_timestamp[instance.TIMEPOINTS[i*5]] for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/5+1)],rotation=40,fontsize=7)
    if instance.options.export_reservoirs:
        This table writes out reservoir levels in cubic meters per tp.
        print "reservoir_final_vols_tp.csv..."
            instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS,
            output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "reservoir_final_vols_tp.csv"),
            headings=("timepoints",) + tuple(r for r in instance.RESERVOIRS) + ("total",),
            values=lambda m, tp: (m.tp_timestamp[tp],) + tuple(m.ReservoirFinalvol[r, tp] - m.initial_res_vol[r] for r in m.RESERVOIRS) + ( 
                sum(m.ReservoirFinalvol[r, tp] - m.initial_res_vol[r] for r in m.RESERVOIRS),)
        DF = pd.read_csv('outputs/Summaries/reservoir_final_vols_tp.csv',sep='\t').drop(['timepoints'],axis=1)
        fig2 = plt.figure(4)
        res_ax = fig2.add_subplot(211)
        # GO cycling through the rainbow to get line colours
        cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        # You have to play with the color map and the line style list to get enough combinations for your particular plot
        res_ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('linestyle',['-',':','--']) * cycler('color',[cm(i/5.0) for i in range(0,6)]))
        # to locate the legend: "loc" is the point of the legend for which you will specify cooridnates. These coords are specified in bbox_to_anchor (can be only 1 point or couple)
        res_plot = DF.plot(ax=res_ax,linewidth=1.5).legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0.,-0.15,1.,-0.15), ncol=2, mode="expand")
        plt.xticks([i*24 for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/24+1)],[instance.tp_timestamp[instance.TIMEPOINTS[i*24]] for i in range(1,len(instance.TIMEPOINTS)/24+1)],rotation=40,fontsize=7)

    Writing Objective Function value.
    print "total_system_costs.txt..."
    with open(os.path.join(summaries_dir, "total_system_costs.txt"),'w+') as f:
        f.write("Total System Costs: "+str(instance.SystemCost())+"\n")
        f.write("Total Investment Costs: "+str(instance.TotalInvestmentCost())+"\n")
        f.write("Total Operations Costs: "+str(instance.TotalOperationsCost()))

    # # This table writes out the dispatch of each gen tech on each timepoint and load zone.
    # #This process is extremely slow, need to make it efficient
    # print "dispatch_proj_by_tech_lz_tp.csv..."
    # export.write_table(
    #     instance, instance.TIMEPOINTS, instance.LOAD_ZONES,
    #     output_file=os.path.join(summaries_dir, "dispatch_proj_by_tech_lz_tp.csv"),
    #     headings=("load zone", "timepoint",) + tuple(g for g in instance.GENERATION_TECHNOLOGIES),
    #     values=lambda m, tp, lz: (lz, m.tp_timestamp[tp],) + tuple(
    #         sum(m.DispatchProj[proj, t] for (proj, t) in m.PROJ_DISPATCH_POINTS 
    #             if m.proj_gen_tech[proj] == g and t == tp and m.proj_load_zone[proj] == lz) 
    #         for g in m.GENERATION_TECHNOLOGIES)
    # )   
    print "Time taken writing summaries: {dur:.2f}s".format(dur=time.time()-start)