class Disper: # static information name = "disper" version = "0.3.0" prefix = build.prefix prefix_share = build.prefix_share # option parsing argv = [] parser = None # option parser object options = None # parsed options args = None # parsed arguments # real work switcher = None # switcher object plugins = None # plugins object log = None def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("disper") self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self._options_init() self.plugins = Plugins(self) #'init') # can't really do here since list of plugins isn't read yet self.switcher = Switcher() # add default options # TODO do initial parsing too so errors can be traced to config conffile = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".disper", "config") if os.path.exists(conffile): f = open(conffile, "r") opts = "" for l in f.readlines(): opts += l.split("#", 1)[0] + " " f.close() self.options_append(shlex.split(opts)) def _options_init(self): """initialize default command-line options""" usage = "usage: %prog [options] (-l|-s|-c|-e|-p|-i)" version = " ".join(map(str, [, self.version])) self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version) self.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", dest="debug", const=logging.INFO, help="show what's happening" ) self.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", dest="debug", const=logging.ERROR, help="be quiet and only show errors", ) self.add_option( "-r", "--resolution", dest="resolution", help='set resolution, e.g. "800x600", or "auto" to detect the display\'s preferred ' + 'resolution, or "max" to use the maximum resolution advertised. For extend it ' + "is possible to enter a single resolution for all displays or a comma-separated " + "list of resolutions (one for each display). Beware that many displays advertise " + 'resolutions they can not fully show, so "max" is not advised.', ) self.add_option( "-d", "--displays", dest="displays", help='comma-separated list of displays to operate on, or "auto" to detect; ' + "the first is the primary display.", ) self.add_option( "-t", "--direction", dest="direction", choices=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], help='where to extend displays: "left", "right", "top", or "bottom"', ) self.add_option( "", "--scaling", dest="scaling", choices=["default", "native", "scaled", "centered", "aspect-scaled"], help='flat-panel scaling mode: "default", "native", "scaled", "centered", or "aspect-scaled"', ) self.add_option( "", "--plugins", dest="plugins", help='comma-separated list of plugins to enable. Special names: "user" for all user plugins ' + 'in ~/.disper/hooks; "all" for all plugins found; "none" for no plugins.', ) self.add_option( "", "--cycle-stages", dest="cycle_stages", help="colon-separated list command-line arguments to cycle through", ) group = optparse.OptionGroup(self.parser, "Actions", "Select exactly one of the following actions") self._add_option( group, "-l", "--list", action="append_const", const="list", dest="actions", help="list the attached displays", ) self._add_option( group, "-s", "--single", action="append_const", const="single", dest="actions", help="only enable the primary display", ) self._add_option( group, "-S", "--secondary", action="append_const", const="secondary", dest="actions", help="only enable the secondary display", ) self._add_option( group, "-c", "--clone", action="append_const", const="clone", dest="actions", help="clone displays" ) self._add_option( group, "-e", "--extend", action="append_const", const="extend", dest="actions", help="extend displays" ) self._add_option( group, "-p", "--export", action="append_const", const="export", dest="actions", help="export current settings to standard output", ) self._add_option( group, "-i", "--import", action="append_const", const="import", dest="actions", help="import current settings from standard input", ) self._add_option( group, "-C", "--cycle", action="append_const", const="cycle", dest="actions", help="cycle through the list of cycle stages", ) self.parser.add_option_group(group) def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs): """adds an option to the parser. Implements append_const for Python<2.5 too""" return self._add_option(self.parser, *args, **kwargs) def _add_option(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): """portable optarg add_option function that implements the append_const action for Python versions below 2.5; has an extra first argument as the object on which add_option should be called.""" if sys.hexversion < 0x020500F0 and "action" in kwargs and kwargs["action"] == "append_const": # after: def append_const_cb(const): def cb(opt, opt_str, value, parser): if not getattr(parser.values, opt.dest): setattr(parser.values, opt.dest, list()) getattr(parser.values, opt.dest).append(const) return cb kwargs["action"] = "callback" kwargs["callback"] = append_const_cb(kwargs["const"]) del kwargs["const"] return obj.add_option(*args, **kwargs) def options_append(self, args): """parses command-line options; can be called multiple times""" self.argv += args def options_parse(self, args=None): """parses command-line options given; adds options to current list if set""" if args: self.options_append(args) (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.argv) # need exactly one action if not self.options.actions: self.options.actions = [] elif len(self.options.actions) > 1: self.parser.error( "conflicting actions, please specify exactly one action: " + ", ".join(self.options.actions) ) raise SystemExit(2) if "import" in self.options.actions or "export" in self.options.actions: if self.options.resolution: self.log.warning("specified resolution ignored for %s" % self.options.actions[0]) if self.options.displays: self.log.warning("specified displays ignored for %s" % self.options.actions[0]) # apply defaults here to be able to detect if they were set explicitly or not if not self.options.direction: self.options.direction = "right" if not self.options.resolution: self.options.resolution = "auto" if not self.options.displays: self.options.displays = "auto" if not self.options.scaling: self.options.scaling = "default" if not self.options.debug: self.options.debug = logging.WARNING if self.options.plugins == None: self.options.plugins = "user" self.log.setLevel(self.options.debug) self.options.plugins = map(lambda x: x.strip(), self.options.plugins.split(",")) if self.options.displays != "auto": self.options.displays = map(lambda x: x.strip(), self.options.displays.split(",")) if self.options.resolution not in ["auto", "max"]: self.options.resolution = map(lambda x: x.strip(), self.options.resolution.split(",")) self.plugins.set_enabled(self.options.plugins) def switch(self): """Switch to configuration as specified in the options""" if len(self.options.actions) == 0:"no action specified") # show help if no action specified self.parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(2) if "single" in self.options.actions: if self.options.displays != "auto": self.log.warning("specified displays ignored for single") self.switch_primary() elif "secondary" in self.options.actions: if self.options.displays != "auto": self.log.warning("specified displays ignored for secondary") self.switch_secondary() elif "clone" in self.options.actions: self.switch_clone() elif "extend" in self.options.actions: self.switch_extend() elif "export" in self.options.actions: print self.export_config() elif "import" in self.options.actions: self.import_config("\n".join(sys.stdin)) elif "cycle" in self.options.actions: self._cycle(self.options.cycle_stages.split(":")) elif "list" in self.options.actions: # list displays with resolutions displays = self.options.displays if displays == "auto": displays = self.switcher.get_displays() for disp in displays: res = self.switcher.get_resolutions_display(disp) res.sort() print "display %s: %s" % (disp, self.switcher.get_display_name(disp)) print " resolutions: " + str(res) else: self.log.critical("program error, unrecognised action: " + ", ".join(self.options.actions)) raise SystemExit(2) def switch_primary(self, res=None): """Only enable primary display. @param res resolution to use; or 'auto' for default or None for option""" return self.switch_single(self.switcher.get_primary_display()) def switch_secondary(self, res=None): """Only enable secondary display. @param res resolution to use; or 'auto' for default or None for option""" primary = self.switcher.get_primary_display() try: display = [x for x in self.switcher.get_displays() if x != primary][0] except IndexError: self.log.critical("No secondary display found, falling back to primary.") return self.switch_single(primary, res) return self.switch_single(display, res) def switch_single(self, display=None, res=None): """Only enable one display. @param display display to enable; or 'auto' for primary or None for option @param res resolution to use; or 'auto' for default or None for option""" if not display: display = self.options.displays if display == "auto": display = self.switcher.get_primary_display() elif isinstance(display, list) and len(display) > 1: self.log.warning("single output requested but multiple specified; using first one") display = display[0] if display: display = [display] return self.switch_clone(display, res) def switch_clone(self, displays=None, res=None): """Clone displays. @param displays list of displays; or 'auto' for default or None for option @param res resolution; or 'auto' for default, 'max' for max or None for option""" # figure out displays if not displays: displays = self.options.displays if displays == "auto": displays = self.switcher.get_displays()"auto-detected displays: " + ", ".join(displays)) else:"using specified displays: " + ", ".join(displays)) # figure out resolutions if not res: res = self.options.resolution if type(res) == list or type(res) == tuple: if len(res) != 1: raise TypeError("need single resolution for clone") res = res[0] if res == "auto" or res == "max": r = self.switcher.get_resolutions(displays).common() if len(r) == 0: self.log.critical("displays share no common resolution") raise SystemExit(1) if res == "max": # ignore any preferred resolution for s in r: s.weight = 0 res = sorted(r)[-1] else: res = Resolution(res) # and switch result = self.switcher.switch_clone(displays, res) self.plugins.set_layout_clone(displays, res)"switch") return result def switch_extend(self, displays=None, direction=None, ress=None): """Extend displays. @param displays list of displays; or 'auto for default or None for option @param direction direction to extend; or None for option @param ress list of resolutions; or 'auto' for default or 'max' for max or None for option""" # figure out displays if not displays: displays = self.options.displays if displays == "auto": displays = self.switcher.get_displays()"auto-detected displays: " + ", ".join(displays)) else:"using specified displays: " + ", ".join(displays)) # figure out resolutions if not ress: ress = self.options.resolution if ress == "max": # max resolution for each # override auto-detection weights and get highest resolution ress = self.switcher.get_resolutions(displays) for rl in ress.values(): for r in rl: r.weight = 0 ress ="maximum resolutions for displays: " + str(ress)) elif ress == "auto": # use preferred resolution for each ress = self.switcher.get_resolutions(displays).select()"preferred resolutions for displays: " + str(ress)) else: # list of resolutions specified ress = ResolutionSelection(ress, displays) if len(ress) == 1: ress = ress * len(displays) elif len(ress) != len(displays): self.log.critical( 'resolution: must specify either "auto", "max", a single value, or one for each display' ) raise SystemExit(2)"selected resolutions for displays: " + str(ress)) # figure out direction if not direction: direction = self.options.direction # and switch result = self.switcher.switch_extend(displays, direction, ress) self.plugins.set_layout_extend(displays, direction, ress)"switch") return result def export_config(self): return self.switcher.export_config() def import_config(self, data): result = self.switcher.import_config(data)"switch") return result def _cycle(self, stages): # read last state stage = 0 disperconf = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".disper") statefile = os.path.join(disperconf, "last_cycle_stage") if os.path.exists(statefile): f = open(statefile, "r") stage = int(f.readline()) f.close() # apply next stage += 1 if stage >= len(stages): stage = 0 self.argv = filter(lambda x: x != "-C" and x != "--cycle", self.argv) self.options_parse(shlex.split(stages[stage])) try: self.switch() finally: # write new state to file; do it here to make sure that a # failing configuration doesn't block the cycling if not os.path.exists(disperconf): os.mkdir(disperconf) f = open(statefile, "w") f.write(str(stage) + "\n") f.close()