Esempio n. 1
    def test_33_get_ore_statement(self):
        conn = Connection(SSS_URL, user_name=SSS_UN, user_pass=SSS_PW)
        col =[0][1][0]
        e = Entry(title="An entry only deposit",
        receipt = conn.create(col_iri=col.href, metadata_entry=e)
        with open(PACKAGE) as pkg:
            new_receipt = conn.update(

        # ensure that we have a receipt (the server may not give us one
        # by default)
        receipt = conn.get_deposit_receipt(receipt.location)

        assert receipt.ore_statement_iri is not None

        # get the statement
        statement = conn.get_ore_sword_statement(receipt.ore_statement_iri)

        assert isinstance(statement, Ore_Sword_Statement)

        # some specific things that we can assert about the Statement
        # 1 - it should have the original deposits listed
        # 2 - it should have the aggregated resources listed
        # 3 - it should have the correct state
        # 4 - the dom should contain all the relevant metadata

        # check the original deposits
        od_uri = None
        assert len(statement.original_deposits) == 1
        for od in statement.original_deposits:
            assert "" in od.uri
            assert od.is_original_deposit
            assert od.deposited_on is not None
            # assert od.deposited_by == SSS_UN # FIXME: this may not work until we get auth sorted out
            assert od.deposited_on_behalf_of is None
            od_uri = od.uri

        # check the aggregated resources
        assert len(statement.resources) == 1
        for ar in statement.resources:
            # should be the same resource
            assert od_uri == ar.uri

        # check the states
        assert len(statement.states) == 1
        assert statement.states[0][
            0] == ""

        print etree.tostring(statement.dom, pretty_print=True)

        # check the metadata
        md_count = 0
        for e in statement.dom.findall(RDF + "Description"):
            for element in e.getchildren():
                if element.tag == DC + "title":
                    assert element.text.strip() == "An entry only deposit"
                    md_count += 1
                elif element.tag == DC + "abstract":
                    assert element.text.strip() == "abstract"
                    md_count += 1
                elif element.tag == DC + "identifier":
                    resource = element.attrib.get(RDF + "resource", None)
                    if resource is not None:  # because we know that there is going to be more than one identifier
                        assert element.attrib.get(
                            RDF + "resource") == "http://whatever/"
                        md_count += 1

        print "Metadata Count: " + str(md_count)
        assert md_count == 3
 def test_33_get_ore_statement(self):
     conn = Connection(SSS_URL, user_name=SSS_UN, user_pass=SSS_PW)
     col =[0][1][0]
     e = Entry(title="An entry only deposit", id="asidjasidj", dcterms_abstract="abstract", dcterms_identifier="http://whatever/")
     receipt = conn.create(col_iri = col.href, metadata_entry = e)
     with open(PACKAGE) as pkg:
         new_receipt = conn.update(dr = receipt,
     # ensure that we have a receipt (the server may not give us one
     # by default)
     receipt = conn.get_deposit_receipt(receipt.location)
     assert receipt.ore_statement_iri is not None
     # get the statement
     statement = conn.get_ore_sword_statement(receipt.ore_statement_iri)
     assert isinstance(statement, Ore_Sword_Statement)
     # some specific things that we can assert about the Statement
     # 1 - it should have the original deposits listed
     # 2 - it should have the aggregated resources listed
     # 3 - it should have the correct state
     # 4 - the dom should contain all the relevant metadata
     # check the original deposits
     od_uri = None
     assert len(statement.original_deposits) == 1
     for od in statement.original_deposits:
         assert "" in od.uri
         assert od.is_original_deposit
         assert od.deposited_on is not None
         # assert od.deposited_by == SSS_UN # FIXME: this may not work until we get auth sorted out
         assert od.deposited_on_behalf_of is None
         od_uri = od.uri
     # check the aggregated resources
     assert len(statement.resources) == 1
     for ar in statement.resources:
         # should be the same resource
         assert od_uri == ar.uri
     # check the states
     assert len(statement.states) == 1
     assert statement.states[0][0] == ""
     print etree.tostring(statement.dom, pretty_print=True)
     # check the metadata
     md_count = 0
     for e in statement.dom.findall(RDF + "Description"):
         for element in e.getchildren():
             if element.tag == DC + "title":
                 assert element.text.strip() == "An entry only deposit"
                 md_count += 1
             elif element.tag == DC + "abstract":
                 assert element.text.strip() == "abstract"
                 md_count += 1
             elif element.tag == DC + "identifier":
                 resource = element.attrib.get(RDF + "resource", None)
                 if resource is not None: # because we know that there is going to be more than one identifier
                     assert element.attrib.get(RDF + "resource") == "http://whatever/"
                     md_count += 1
     print "Metadata Count: " + str(md_count)
     assert md_count == 3