Esempio n. 1
    def detail(worker: BaseWorker, simple_obj: tuple):
        """Takes a simplified SimpleTagger object, details it 
           and returns a SimpleTagger object.

            worker (BaseWorker): The worker on which the
                detail operation is carried out.
            simple_obj (tuple): the simplified SubPipeline object.
            (SimpleTagger): The SimpleTagger object.

        # Unpack the simplified object
        attribute, lookups, tag, default_tag, case_sensitive = simple_obj

        # Detail each property
        attribute = serde._detail(worker, attribute)
        lookups = serde._detail(worker, lookups)
        tag = serde._detail(worker, tag)
        default_tag = serde._detail(worker, default_tag)
        case_sensitive = serde._detail(worker, case_sensitive)

        # Instantiate a SimpleTagger object
        simple_tagger = SimpleTagger(

        return simple_tagger
Esempio n. 2
def _detail_ndarray(
        worker: AbstractWorker,
        arr_representation: Tuple[bin, Tuple, str]) -> numpy.ndarray:
    This function reconstruct a numpy array from it's byte data, the shape and the dtype
        by first loading the byte data with the appropiate dtype and then reshaping it into the
        original shape

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        arr_representation (tuple): a tuple holding the byte representation, shape
        and dtype of the array

        numpy.ndarray: a numpy array

        arr = _detail_ndarray(arr_representation)

    arr_shape = serde._detail(worker, arr_representation[1])
    arr_dtype = serde._detail(worker, arr_representation[2])
    res = numpy.frombuffer(arr_representation[0],

    assert type(res) == numpy.ndarray

    return res
Esempio n. 3
def _detail_dictionary(worker: AbstractWorker,
                       my_dict: Tuple,
                       shallow: bool = False) -> Dict:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_dictionary. It takes a dictionary of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_dict (Tuple): a simplified dictionary of simple python objects (including binary).

        Dict: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.
    pieces = {}
    # for dictionaries we want to detail both the key and the value
    for key, value in my_dict:
        detailed_key = serde._detail(worker, key)

        if shallow:
            pieces[detailed_key] = value
            detailed_value = serde._detail(worker, value)
            pieces[detailed_key] = detailed_value

    return pieces
Esempio n. 4
def _detail_torch_parameter(worker: AbstractWorker,
                            param_tuple: tuple) -> torch.nn.Parameter:
    This function converts a serialized torch Parameter into a torch Parameter.

        param_tuple (tuple): serialized obj of torch tensor. It's a tuple where
            the first value is the ID and the second value is the binary for the
            PyTorch data attribute et and third value is the requires_grad attr.

        torch.Parameter: a torch Parameter that was serialized
    param_id, tensor_ser, requires_grad, grad_ser = param_tuple

    tensor = serde._detail(worker, tensor_ser)

    if grad_ser is not None:
        grad = _detail_torch_tensor(worker, grad_ser)
        grad.garbage_collect_data = False
    elif hasattr(tensor, "child") and isinstance(tensor.child, PointerTensor):
        grad = tensor.attr("grad")
        grad = None

    param = torch.nn.Parameter(tensor, requires_grad) = param_id
    param.grad = grad
    param.is_wrapper = isinstance(tensor, AbstractTensor) or tensor.is_wrapper

    return param
Esempio n. 5
def _detail_collection_set(worker: AbstractWorker,
                           my_collection: Tuple,
                           shallow: bool = False) -> Collection:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_collection. It takes a tuple of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_collection (Tuple): a tuple of simple python objects (including binary).

        Collection: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.

    # Don't detail contents
    if shallow:
        return set(my_collection)

    pieces = []

    # Step 1: deserialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_collection:
        detailed = serde._detail(worker, part)
    return set(pieces)
Esempio n. 6
def _detail_numpy_number(
    worker: AbstractWorker, nb_representation: Tuple[bin, Tuple, str]
) -> Union[numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
    This function reconstruct a numpy number from it's byte data, dtype
        by first loading the byte data with the appropiate dtype

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        np_representation (tuple): a tuple holding the byte representation
        and dtype of the numpy number

        numpy.float or a numpy number

        nb = _detail_numpy_number(nb_representation)

    nb_dtype = serde._detail(worker, nb_representation[1])
    nb = numpy.frombuffer(nb_representation[0], dtype=nb_dtype)[0]

    assert type(nb) in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.int32, numpy.int64]

    return nb
Esempio n. 7
def _detail_collection_tuple(worker: AbstractWorker,
                             my_tuple: Tuple,
                             shallow: bool = False) -> Tuple:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_collection. It takes a tuple of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.
    This is only applicable to tuples. They need special handling because
    `msgpack` is encoding a tuple as a list.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_tuple (Tuple): a collection of simple python objects (including binary).

        tuple: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.

    # Don't detail contents
    if shallow:
        return my_tuple

    pieces = []

    # Step 1: deserialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_tuple:
        pieces.append(serde._detail(worker, part))

    return tuple(pieces)
Esempio n. 8
def simplified_tensor_deserializer(worker: AbstractWorker,
                                   tensor_tuple: tuple) -> torch.Tensor:
    """"Strategy to deserialize a simplified tensor into a Torch tensor"""

    size, dtype, data_arr = serde._detail(worker, tensor_tuple)
    tensor = torch.tensor(data_arr, dtype=TORCH_STR_DTYPE[dtype]).reshape(size)
    return tensor
Esempio n. 9
def test_plan_torch_function_no_args(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]
    from syft.serde.msgpack import serde

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.tensor([-1])
        z = x + y
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected == th.tensor([0.0])

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.arange(3)
        z = y + x
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert (actual == expected).all()
    assert (actual == th.tensor([1, 2, 3])).all()

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.randint(2, size=(1, ), dtype=th.uint8)
        y = y + 10
        return y

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected and actual >= 10
Esempio n. 10
    def detail(worker: BaseWorker, simple_obj: tuple) -> "SubPipeline":
        """Takes a simplified SubPipeline object, details it along with
        every pipe included in it and returns a SubPipeline object.

            worker (BaseWorker): The worker on which the
                detail operation is carried out.

            (SubPipeline): The SubPipeline object.

        # Unpack the simplified object
        id, client_id, simple_pipe_names, simple_pipes = simple_obj

        # Detail the client ID and the pipe names
        id = serde._detail(worker, id)
        client_id = serde._detail(worker, client_id)
        pipe_names = serde._detail(worker, simple_pipe_names)

        # Initialize a list of pipes
        pipes = []

        # Detail the pipes with the help of PySyft serde module
        for simple_pipe in simple_pipes:

            # Get the proto id of the pipe
            proto_id, simple_pipe = simple_pipe

            # Detail the simple_pipe to retriev the pipe object
            pipe = msgpack_global_state.detailers[proto_id](worker,


        # Create the subpipeline object and set the client ID
        subpipeline = SubPipeline(id=id, pipes=pipes)

        # Set some key properties
        subpipeline.client_id = client_id
        subpipeline.owner = worker
        subpipeline.pipe_names = pipe_names

        return subpipeline
Esempio n. 11
def _detail_torch_tensor(worker: AbstractWorker,
                         tensor_tuple: tuple) -> torch.Tensor:
    This function converts a serialized torch tensor into a torch tensor
    using pickle.

        tensor_tuple (bin): serialized obj of torch tensor. It's a tuple where
            the first value is the ID, the second vlaue is the binary for the
            PyTorch object, the third value is the chain of tensor abstractions,
            and the fourth object is the chain of gradients (.grad.grad, etc.)

        torch.Tensor: a torch tensor that was serialized

    tensor_id, tensor_bin, chain, grad_chain, tags, description, serializer = tensor_tuple

    tensor = _deserialize_tensor(worker, serde._detail(worker, serializer),

    # note we need to do this explicitly because torch.load does not
    # include .grad informatino
    if grad_chain is not None:
        tensor.grad = _detail_torch_tensor(worker, grad_chain)


    if chain is not None:
        chain = serde._detail(worker, chain)
        tensor.child = chain
        tensor.is_wrapper = True

    tensor.tags = serde._detail(worker, tags)
    tensor.description = serde._detail(worker, description)

    return tensor
Esempio n. 12
def test_plan_execute_locally_ambiguous_output(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        x = x + x
        y = x * 2
        return x

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)
    t = th.tensor([2.3])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 13
def test_plan_several_output_action(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(4, )])
    def serde_plan(x, torch=th):
        y, z = torch.split(x, 2)
        return y + z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert (actual == th.tensor([4, 6])).all()
    assert (actual == expected).all()
Esempio n. 14
def test_plan_fixed_len_loop(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        for i in range(10):
            x = x + 1
        return x

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 15
def test_plan_with_comp(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(2, ), (2, )])
    def serde_plan(x, y):
        z = x > y
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t1 = th.tensor([2.0, 0.0])
    t2 = th.tensor([1.0, 1.0])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2)
    assert (actual == expected).all()
Esempio n. 16
def test_plan_execute_locally_ambiguous_input(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, ), (1, ), (1, )])
    def serde_plan(x, y, z):
        a = x + x  # 2
        b = x + z  # 4
        c = y + z  # 5
        return c, b, a  # 5, 4, 2

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)
    t1, t2, t3 = th.tensor([1]), th.tensor([2]), th.tensor([3])
    expected = serde_plan(t1, t2, t3)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2, t3)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 17
def _detail_torch_parameter(worker: AbstractWorker,
                            param_tuple: tuple) -> torch.nn.Parameter:
    This function converts a serialized torch Parameter into a torch Parameter.

        param_tuple (tuple): serialized obj of torch tensor. It's a tuple where
            the first value is the ID and the second value is the binary for the
            PyTorch data attribute et and third value is the requires_grad attr.

        torch.Parameter: a torch Parameter that was serialized
    param_id, tensor_ser, requires_grad, grad_ser = param_tuple

    tensor = serde._detail(worker, tensor_ser)

    if grad_ser is not None:
        grad = _detail_torch_tensor(worker, grad_ser)
        grad.garbage_collect_data = False
    elif hasattr(tensor, "child") and isinstance(tensor.child, PointerTensor):
        grad = tensor.attr("grad")
        grad = None

    param = torch.nn.Parameter(tensor, requires_grad) = param_id
    param.grad = grad
    param.is_wrapper = isinstance(tensor, AbstractTensor) or tensor.is_wrapper

    # Note: should be
    #  param.origin = tensor.origin
    #  param.id_at_origin = tensor.id_at_origin
    # but the wrapper is lost at serialisation because of the way we hook
    # TODO: fix serialisation of parameters (check in particular .child & .data) See #3214
    # Below is just a fix:
    param.origin = tensor.origin if hasattr(tensor, "origin") else None
    param.id_at_origin = tensor.id_at_origin if hasattr(
        tensor, "id_at_origin") else None

    return param
Esempio n. 18
def _detail_torch_device(worker: AbstractWorker, device_type: tuple) -> torch.device:
    return torch.device(type=serde._detail(worker, device_type[0]))