Esempio n. 1
def _simplify_dictionary(worker: AbstractWorker,
                         my_dict: Dict,
                         shallow: bool = False) -> Tuple:
    This function is designed to search a dict for any objects
    which may need to be simplified (i.e., torch tensors). It iterates
    through each key, value in the dict and calls _simplify on it. Finally,
    it returns the output tuple of tuples containing key/value pairs. The
    reverse function to this function is _detail_dictionary, which undoes
    the functionality of this function.

        my_dict: A dictionary of python objects.

        Tuple: Tuple containing tuples of simplified key/value pairs from the
            input dictionary.

    pieces = []
    # for dictionaries we want to simplify both the key and the value
    for key, value in my_dict.items():
            (serde._simplify(worker, key),
             serde._simplify(worker, value) if not shallow else value))

    return tuple(pieces)
Esempio n. 2
    def simplify(worker: BaseWorker, subpipeline: "SubPipeline") -> tuple:
        """Simplifies a SubPipeline object.

        This requires simplifying each underlying pipe

            worker (BaseWorker): The worker on which the
                simplify operation is carried out.
            subpipeline (SupPipeline): the SubPipeline object
                to simplify.

            (tuple): The simplified SubPipeline object.


        # Simplify the attributes and pipe components
        id = serde._simplify(worker,
        client_id = serde._simplify(worker, subpipeline.client_id)
        pipe_names = serde._simplify(worker, subpipeline.pipe_names)

        # A list to store the simplified pipes
        simple_pipes = []

        # Simplify each pipe
        for pipe in subpipeline.subpipeline:

            # Get the msgpack code of the pipe
            proto_id = pipe.get_msgpack_code()["code"]

            simple_pipes.append((proto_id, pipe.simplify(worker, pipe)))

        return (id, client_id, pipe_names, simple_pipes)
Esempio n. 3
def _simplify_torch_tensor(worker: AbstractWorker,
                           tensor: torch.Tensor) -> bin:
    This function converts a torch tensor into a serliaized torch tensor
    using pickle. We choose to use this because PyTorch has a custom and
    very fast PyTorch pickler.

        tensor (torch.Tensor): an input tensor to be serialized

        tuple: serialized tuple of torch tensor. The first value is the
        id of the tensor and the second is the binary for the PyTorch
        object. The third is the chain of abstractions, and the fourth
        (optinally) is the chain of graident tensors (nested tuple)

    tensor_bin = _serialize_tensor(worker, tensor)

    # note we need to do this explicitly because does not
    # seem to be including .grad by default

    if tensor.grad is not None:
        if hasattr(tensor, "child"):
            if isinstance(tensor.child, PointerTensor):
                grad_chain = None
                grad_chain = _simplify_torch_tensor(worker, tensor.grad)
            grad_chain = _simplify_torch_tensor(worker, tensor.grad)

        grad_chain = None

    chain = None

    # I think the pointer bug is is between here

    if hasattr(tensor, "child"):
        chain = serde._simplify(worker, tensor.child)

    # and here... leaving a reerence here so i can find it later
    # TODO fix pointer bug

    return (,
        serde._simplify(worker, tensor.tags),
        serde._simplify(worker, tensor.description),
        serde._simplify(worker, worker.serializer),
Esempio n. 4
def _simplify_torch_parameter(worker: AbstractWorker,
                              param: torch.nn.Parameter) -> bin:
    This function converts a torch Parameter into a serialized torch Parameter

        param (torch.nn.Parameter): an input Parameter to be serialized

        tuple: serialized tuple of torch Parameter. The first value is the
        id of the Parameter and the second is the binary for the PyTorch
        tensor data attribute and last is the requires_grad attr.

    tensor =
    tensor_ser = serde._simplify(worker, tensor)

    grad = param.grad

    if grad is not None and not (hasattr(grad, "child")
                                 and isinstance(grad.child, PointerTensor)):
        grad_ser = _simplify_torch_tensor(worker, grad)
        grad_ser = None

    return (, tensor_ser, param.requires_grad, grad_ser)
Esempio n. 5
def _simplify_collection(worker: AbstractWorker,
                         my_collection: Collection,
                         shallow: bool = False) -> Tuple:
    This function is designed to search a collection for any objects
    which may need to be simplified (i.e., torch tensors). It iterates
    through each object in the collection and calls _simplify on it. Finally,
    it returns the output as the tuple of simplified items of the input collection.
    This function is used to simplify list, set, and tuple. The reverse function,
    which undoes the functionality of this function is different for each of these types:
    _detail_collection_list, _detail_collection_set, _detail_collection_tuple.

        my_collection (Collection): a collection of python objects

        Tuple: a tuple with simplified objects.


    # Don't simplify contents
    if shallow:
        return tuple(my_collection)

    # Step 0: initialize empty list
    pieces = []

    # Step 1: serialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_collection:
        pieces.append(serde._simplify(worker, part))

    # Step 2: return serialization as tuple of simplified items
    return tuple(pieces)
Esempio n. 6
def test_plan_torch_function_no_args(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]
    from syft.serde.msgpack import serde

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.tensor([-1])
        z = x + y
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected == th.tensor([0.0])

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.arange(3)
        z = y + x
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert (actual == expected).all()
    assert (actual == th.tensor([1, 2, 3])).all()

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        y = th.randint(2, size=(1, ), dtype=th.uint8)
        y = y + 10
        return y

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected and actual >= 10
Esempio n. 7
def _simplify_ndarray(worker: AbstractWorker, my_array: numpy.ndarray) -> Tuple[bin, Tuple, Tuple]:
    This function gets the byte representation of the array
        and stores the dtype and shape for reconstruction

        my_array (numpy.ndarray): a numpy array

        list: a list holding the byte representation, shape and dtype of the array


        arr_representation = _simplify_ndarray(numpy.random.random([1000, 1000])))

    arr_bytes = my_array.tobytes()
    arr_shape = serde._simplify(worker, my_array.shape)
    arr_dtype = serde._simplify(worker,

    return (arr_bytes, arr_shape, arr_dtype)
Esempio n. 8
def simplified_tensor_serializer(worker: AbstractWorker, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> tuple:
    """Strategy to serialize a tensor to native python types.
    If tensor requires to calculate gradients, it will be detached.
    if tensor.requires_grad:
            "Torch to native serializer can only be used with tensors that do not require grad. "
            "Detaching tensor to continue"
        tensor = tensor.detach()

    tensor_tuple = (tuple(tensor.size()), TORCH_DTYPE_STR[tensor.dtype], tensor.flatten().tolist())
    return serde._simplify(worker, tensor_tuple)
Esempio n. 9
    def simplify(worker: BaseWorker, simple_tagger: "SimpleTagger"):
        """Simplifies a SimpleTagger object. 

            worker (BaseWorker): The worker on which the
                simplify operation is carried out.
            simple_tagger (SimpleTagger): the SimpleTagger object
                to simplify.

            (tuple): The simplified SimpleTagger object.

        # Simplify the object properties
        attribute = serde._simplify(worker, simple_tagger.attribute)
        lookups = serde._simplify(worker, simple_tagger.lookups)
        tag = serde._simplify(worker, simple_tagger.tag)
        default_tag = serde._simplify(worker, simple_tagger.default_tag)
        case_sensitive = serde._simplify(worker, simple_tagger.case_sensitive)

        return (attribute, lookups, tag, default_tag, case_sensitive)
Esempio n. 10
def test_plan_execute_locally_ambiguous_output(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        x = x + x
        y = x * 2
        return x

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)
    t = th.tensor([2.3])
    expected = serde_plan(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 11
def test_plan_several_output_action(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(4, )])
    def serde_plan(x, torch=th):
        y, z = torch.split(x, 2)
        return y + z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert (actual == th.tensor([4, 6])).all()
    assert (actual == expected).all()
Esempio n. 12
def test_plan_fixed_len_loop(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, )])
    def serde_plan(x):
        for i in range(10):
            x = x + 1
        return x

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t = th.tensor([1.0])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 13
def test_plan_with_comp(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(2, ), (2, )])
    def serde_plan(x, y):
        z = x > y
        return z

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)

    t1 = th.tensor([2.0, 0.0])
    t2 = th.tensor([1.0, 1.0])
    expected = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2)
    assert (actual == expected).all()
Esempio n. 14
def test_plan_execute_locally_ambiguous_input(workers):
    bob, alice = workers["bob"], workers["alice"]

    @sy.func2plan(args_shape=[(1, ), (1, ), (1, )])
    def serde_plan(x, y, z):
        a = x + x  # 2
        b = x + z  # 4
        c = y + z  # 5
        return c, b, a  # 5, 4, 2

    serde_plan_simplified = serde._simplify(bob, serde_plan)
    serde_plan_detailed = serde._detail(bob, serde_plan_simplified)
    t1, t2, t3 = th.tensor([1]), th.tensor([2]), th.tensor([3])
    expected = serde_plan(t1, t2, t3)
    actual = serde_plan_detailed(t1, t2, t3)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 15
def _simplify_numpy_number(
    worker: AbstractWorker, numpy_nb: Union[numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float32, numpy.float64]
) -> Tuple[bin, Tuple]:
    This function gets the byte representation of the numpy number
        and stores the dtype for reconstruction

        numpy_nb (e.g numpy.float64): a numpy number

        list: a list holding the byte representation, dtype of the numpy number


        np_representation = _simplify_numpy_number(worker, numpy.float64(2.3)))

    nb_bytes = numpy_nb.tobytes()
    nb_dtype = serde._simplify(worker,

    return (nb_bytes, nb_dtype)
Esempio n. 16
def _simplify_torch_device(worker: AbstractWorker, device: torch.device) -> Tuple:
    device_type = serde._simplify(worker, device.type)
    return (device_type,)