Esempio n. 1
def test_round():
    from import x

    assert Float("0.1249999").round(2) == 0.12
    d20 = 12345678901234567890
    ans = S(d20).round(2)
    assert ans.is_Float and ans == d20
    ans = S(d20).round(-2)
    assert ans.is_Float and ans == 12345678901234567900
    assert S("1/7").round(4) == 0.1429
    assert S(".[12345]").round(4) == 0.1235
    assert S(".1349").round(2) == 0.13
    n = S(12345)
    ans = n.round()
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    ans = n.round(1)
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    ans = n.round(4)
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    assert n.round(-1) == 12350

    r = n.round(-4)
    assert r == 10000
    # in fact, it should equal many values since __eq__
    # compares at equal precision
    assert all(r == i for i in range(9984, 10049))

    assert n.round(-5) == 0

    assert (pi + sqrt(2)).round(2) == 4.56
    assert (10 * (pi + sqrt(2))).round(-1) == 50
    raises(TypeError, "round(x + 2, 2)")
    assert S(2.3).round(1) == 2.3
    e = S(12.345).round(2)
    assert e == round(12.345, 2)
    assert type(e) is Float

    assert (Float(0.3, 3) + 2 * pi).round() == 7
    assert (Float(0.3, 3) + 2 * pi * 100).round() == 629
    assert (Float(0.03, 3) + 2 * pi / 100).round(5) == 0.09283
    assert (Float(0.03, 3) + 2 * pi / 100).round(4) == 0.0928
    assert (pi + 2 * E * I).round() == 3 + 5 * I

    assert S.Zero.round() == 0

    a = Add(1, Float("1." + "9" * 27, ""), evaluate=0)
    assert a.round(10) == Float("3.0000000000", "")
    assert a.round(25) == Float("3.0000000000000000000000000", "")
    assert a.round(26) == Float("3.00000000000000000000000000", "")
    assert a.round(27) == Float("2.999999999999999999999999999", "")
    assert a.round(30) == Float("2.999999999999999999999999999", "")

    raises(TypeError, "x.round()")

    # exact magnitude of 10
    assert str(S(1).round()) == "1."
    assert str(S(100).round()) == "100."

    # applied to real and imaginary portions
    assert (2 * pi + E * I).round() == 6 + 3 * I
    assert (2 * pi + I / 10).round() == 6
    assert (pi / 10 + 2 * I).round() == 2 * I
    # the lhs re and im parts are Float with dps of 2
    # and those on the right have dps of 15 so they won't compare
    # equal unless we use string or compare components (which will
    # then coerce the floats to the same precision) or re-create
    # the floats
    assert str((pi / 10 + E * I).round(2)) == "0.31 + 2.72*I"
    assert (pi / 10 + E * I).round(2).as_real_imag() == (0.31, 2.72)
    assert (pi / 10 + E * I).round(2) == Float(0.31, 2) + I * Float(2.72, 3)

    # issue 3815
    assert (I ** (I + 3)).round(3) == Float("-0.208", "") * I
Esempio n. 2
def test_round():
    from import x

    assert Float('0.1249999').round(2) == 0.12
    d20 = 12345678901234567890
    ans = S(d20).round(2)
    assert ans.is_Float and ans == d20
    ans = S(d20).round(-2)
    assert ans.is_Float and ans == 12345678901234567900
    assert S('1/7').round(4) == 0.1429
    assert S('.[12345]').round(4) == 0.1235
    assert S('.1349').round(2) == 0.13
    n = S(12345)
    ans = n.round()
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    ans = n.round(1)
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    ans = n.round(4)
    assert ans.is_Float
    assert ans == n
    assert n.round(-1) == 12350

    r = n.round(-4)
    assert r == 10000
    # in fact, it should equal many values since __eq__
    # compares at equal precision
    assert all(r == i for i in range(9984, 10049))

    assert n.round(-5) == 0

    assert (pi + sqrt(2)).round(2) == 4.56
    assert (10 * (pi + sqrt(2))).round(-1) == 50
    raises(TypeError, lambda: round(x + 2, 2))
    assert S(2.3).round(1) == 2.3
    e = S(12.345).round(2)
    assert e == round(12.345, 2)
    assert type(e) is Float

    assert (Float(.3, 3) + 2 * pi).round() == 7
    assert (Float(.3, 3) + 2 * pi * 100).round() == 629
    assert (Float(.03, 3) + 2 * pi / 100).round(5) == 0.09283
    assert (Float(.03, 3) + 2 * pi / 100).round(4) == 0.0928
    assert (pi + 2 * E * I).round() == 3 + 5 * I

    assert S.Zero.round() == 0

    a = (Add(1, Float('1.' + '9' * 27, ''), evaluate=0))
    assert a.round(10) == Float('3.0000000000', '')
    assert a.round(25) == Float('3.0000000000000000000000000', '')
    assert a.round(26) == Float('3.00000000000000000000000000', '')
    assert a.round(27) == Float('2.999999999999999999999999999', '')
    assert a.round(30) == Float('2.999999999999999999999999999', '')

    raises(TypeError, lambda: x.round())

    # exact magnitude of 10
    assert str(S(1).round()) == '1.'
    assert str(S(100).round()) == '100.'

    # applied to real and imaginary portions
    assert (2 * pi + E * I).round() == 6 + 3 * I
    assert (2 * pi + I / 10).round() == 6
    assert (pi / 10 + 2 * I).round() == 2 * I
    # the lhs re and im parts are Float with dps of 2
    # and those on the right have dps of 15 so they won't compare
    # equal unless we use string or compare components (which will
    # then coerce the floats to the same precision) or re-create
    # the floats
    assert str((pi / 10 + E * I).round(2)) == '0.31 + 2.72*I'
    assert (pi / 10 + E * I).round(2).as_real_imag() == (0.31, 2.72)
    assert (pi / 10 + E * I).round(2) == Float(0.31, 2) + I * Float(2.72, 3)

    # issue 3815
    assert (I**(I + 3)).round(3) == Float('-0.208', '') * I