Esempio n. 1
def test_ccode_Declaration():
    i = symbols('i', integer=True)
    var1 = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(i))
    dcl1 = Declaration(var1)
    assert ccode(dcl1) == 'int i'

    var2 = Variable(x, type=float32, attrs={value_const})
    dcl2a = Declaration(var2)
    assert ccode(dcl2a) == 'const float x'
    dcl2b = var2.as_Declaration(value=pi)
    assert ccode(dcl2b) == 'const float x = M_PI'

    var3 = Variable(y, type=Type('bool'))
    dcl3 = Declaration(var3)
    printer = C89CodePrinter()
    assert 'stdbool.h' not in printer.headers
    assert printer.doprint(dcl3) == 'bool y'
    assert 'stdbool.h' in printer.headers

    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    ptr4 = Pointer.deduced(u, attrs={pointer_const, restrict})
    dcl4 = Declaration(ptr4)
    assert ccode(dcl4) == 'double * const restrict u'

    var5 = Variable(x, Type('__float128'), attrs={value_const})
    dcl5a = Declaration(var5)
    assert ccode(dcl5a) == 'const __float128 x'
    var5b = Variable(var5.symbol, var5.type, pi, attrs=var5.attrs)
    dcl5b = Declaration(var5b)
    assert ccode(dcl5b) == 'const __float128 x = M_PI'
Esempio n. 2
def test_Declaration():
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    vu = Variable(u, type=Type.from_expr(u))
    assert Declaration(vu).variable.type == real
    vn = Variable(n, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert Declaration(vn).variable.type == integer

    lt = StrictLessThan(vu, vn)
    assert isinstance(lt, StrictLessThan)

    vuc = Variable(u, Type.from_expr(u), value=3.0, attrs={value_const})
    assert value_const in vuc.attrs
    assert pointer_const not in vuc.attrs
    decl = Declaration(vuc)
    assert decl.variable == vuc
    assert isinstance(decl.variable.value, Float)
    assert decl.variable.value == 3.0
    assert decl.func(*decl.args) == decl
    assert vuc.as_Declaration() == decl
    assert vuc.as_Declaration(value=None, attrs=None) == Declaration(vu)

    vy = Variable(y, type=integer, value=3)
    decl2 = Declaration(vy)
    assert decl2.variable == vy
    assert decl2.variable.value == Integer(3)

    vi = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(i), value=3.0)
    decl3 = Declaration(vi)
    assert decl3.variable.type == integer
    assert decl3.variable.value == 3.0

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Declaration(vi, 42))
Esempio n. 3
def test_ccode_Declaration():
    i = symbols("i", integer=True)
    var1 = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(i))
    dcl1 = Declaration(var1)
    assert ccode(dcl1) == "int i"

    var2 = Variable(x, type=float32, attrs={value_const})
    dcl2a = Declaration(var2)
    assert ccode(dcl2a) == "const float x"
    dcl2b = var2.as_Declaration(value=pi)
    assert ccode(dcl2b) == "const float x = M_PI"

    var3 = Variable(y, type=Type("bool"))
    dcl3 = Declaration(var3)
    printer = C89CodePrinter()
    assert "stdbool.h" not in printer.headers
    assert printer.doprint(dcl3) == "bool y"
    assert "stdbool.h" in printer.headers

    u = symbols("u", real=True)
    ptr4 = Pointer.deduced(u, attrs={pointer_const, restrict})
    dcl4 = Declaration(ptr4)
    assert ccode(dcl4) == "double * const restrict u"

    var5 = Variable(x, Type("__float128"), attrs={value_const})
    dcl5a = Declaration(var5)
    assert ccode(dcl5a) == "const __float128 x"
    var5b = Variable(var5.symbol, var5.type, pi, attrs=var5.attrs)
    dcl5b = Declaration(var5b)
    assert ccode(dcl5b) == "const __float128 x = M_PI"
Esempio n. 4
def test_Declaration():
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    vu = Variable(u, type=Type.from_expr(u))
    assert Declaration(vu).variable.type == real
    vn = Variable(n, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert Declaration(vn).variable.type == integer

    lt = StrictLessThan(vu, vn)
    assert isinstance(lt, StrictLessThan)

    vuc = Variable(u, Type.from_expr(u), value=3.0, attrs={value_const})
    assert value_const in vuc.attrs
    assert pointer_const not in vuc.attrs
    decl = Declaration(vuc)
    assert decl.variable == vuc
    assert isinstance(decl.variable.value, Float)
    assert decl.variable.value == 3.0
    assert decl.func(*decl.args) == decl
    assert vuc.as_Declaration() == decl
    assert vuc.as_Declaration(value=None, attrs=None) == Declaration(vu)

    vy = Variable(y, type=integer, value=3)
    decl2 = Declaration(vy)
    assert decl2.variable == vy
    assert decl2.variable.value == Integer(3)

    vi = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(i), value=3.0)
    decl3 = Declaration(vi)
    assert decl3.variable.type == integer
    assert decl3.variable.value == 3.0

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Declaration(vi, 42))
def test_Type_eq():
    t1 = Type('t1')
    t2 = Type('t2')
    assert t1 != t2
    assert t1 == t1 and t2 == t2
    t1b = Type('t1')
    assert t1 == t1b
    assert t2 != t1b
Esempio n. 6
def test_Type():
    t = Type('MyType')
    assert len(t.args) == 1
    assert == String('MyType')
    assert str(t) == 'MyType'
    assert repr(t) == "Type(String('MyType'))"
    assert Type(t) == t
    assert t.func(*t.args) == t
    t1 = Type('t1')
    t2 = Type('t2')
    assert t1 != t2
    assert t1 == t1 and t2 == t2
    t1b = Type('t1')
    assert t1 == t1b
    assert t2 != t1b
def test_Variable():
    v = Variable(x, type_=Type('real'))
    assert v.symbol == x
    assert v.type == real
    assert v.value_const == False
    w = Variable(y, {value_const}, f32)
    assert w.symbol == y
    assert w.type == f32
    assert w.value_const
    v_n = Variable(n, type_=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_n.type == integer
    v_i = Variable(i, type_=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_i.type == integer

    a_i = Variable.deduced(i)
    assert a_i.type == integer
Esempio n. 8
def test_using():
    v = Type("std::vector")
    u1 = using(v)
    assert cxxcode(u1) == "using std::vector"

    u2 = using(v, "vec")
    assert cxxcode(u2) == "using vec = std::vector"
Esempio n. 9
def test_ccode_Declaration():
    i = symbols('i', integer=True)
    var1 = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(i))
    dcl1 = Declaration(var1)
    assert ccode(dcl1) == 'int i'

    var2 = Variable(x, type=float32, attrs={value_const})
    dcl2a = Declaration(var2)
    assert ccode(dcl2a) == 'const float x'
    dcl2b = var2.as_Declaration(value=pi)
    assert ccode(dcl2b) == 'const float x = M_PI'

    var3 = Variable(y, type=Type('bool'))
    dcl3 = Declaration(var3)
    printer = C89CodePrinter()
    assert 'stdbool.h' not in printer.headers
    assert printer.doprint(dcl3) == 'bool y'
    assert 'stdbool.h' in printer.headers

    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    ptr4 = Pointer.deduced(u, attrs={pointer_const, restrict})
    dcl4 = Declaration(ptr4)
    assert ccode(dcl4) == 'double * const restrict u'

    var5 = Variable(x, Type('__float128'), attrs={value_const})
    dcl5a = Declaration(var5)
    assert ccode(dcl5a) == 'const __float128 x'
    var5b = Variable(var5.symbol, var5.type, pi, attrs=var5.attrs)
    dcl5b = Declaration(var5b)
    assert ccode(dcl5b) == 'const __float128 x = M_PI'
Esempio n. 10
def test_using():
    v = Type('std::vector')
    u1 = using(v)
    assert cxxcode(u1) == 'using std::vector'

    u2 = using(v, 'vec')
    assert cxxcode(u2) == 'using vec = std::vector'
Esempio n. 11
def test_Type__from_expr():
    assert Type.from_expr(i) == integer
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    assert Type.from_expr(u) == real
    assert Type.from_expr(n) == integer
    assert Type.from_expr(3) == integer
    assert Type.from_expr(3.0) == real
    assert Type.from_expr(3 + 1j) == complex_
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Type.from_expr(sum))
Esempio n. 12
def test_Type__from_expr():
    assert Type.from_expr(i) == integer
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    assert Type.from_expr(u) == real
    assert Type.from_expr(n) == integer
    assert Type.from_expr(3) == integer
    assert Type.from_expr(3.0) == real
    assert Type.from_expr(3+1j) == complex_
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Type.from_expr(sum))
def test_Pointer():
    p = Pointer(x)
    assert p.symbol == x
    assert p.type == None
    assert not p.value_const
    assert not p.pointer_const
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    py = Pointer(u, {value_const, pointer_const}, Type.from_expr(u))
    assert py.symbol is u
    assert py.type == real
    assert py.value_const
    assert py.pointer_const
Esempio n. 14
def test_Variable():
    v = Variable(x, type=real)
    assert v == Variable(v)
    assert v == Variable('x', type=real)
    assert v.symbol == x
    assert v.type == real
    assert value_const not in v.attrs
    assert v.func(*v.args) == v
    assert str(v) == 'Variable(x, type=real)'

    w = Variable(y, f32, attrs={value_const})
    assert w.symbol == y
    assert w.type == f32
    assert value_const in w.attrs
    assert w.func(*w.args) == w

    v_n = Variable(n, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_n.type == integer
    assert v_n.func(*v_n.args) == v_n
    v_i = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_i.type == integer
    assert v_i != v_n

    a_i = Variable.deduced(i)
    assert a_i.type == integer
    assert Variable.deduced(Symbol('x', real=True)).type == real
    assert a_i.func(*a_i.args) == a_i

    v_n2 = Variable.deduced(n, value=3.5, cast_check=False)
    assert v_n2.func(*v_n2.args) == v_n2
    assert abs(v_n2.value - 3.5) < 1e-15
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Variable.deduced(n, value=3.5, cast_check=True))

    v_n3 = Variable.deduced(n)
    assert v_n3.type == integer
    assert str(v_n3) == 'Variable(n, type=integer)'
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3).type == integer
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3.0).type == real
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3.0 + 1j).type == complex_
Esempio n. 15
def test_Variable():
    v = Variable(x, type=real)
    assert v == Variable(v)
    assert v == Variable('x', type=real)
    assert v.symbol == x
    assert v.type == real
    assert value_const not in v.attrs
    assert v.func(*v.args) == v
    assert str(v) == 'Variable(x, type=real)'

    w = Variable(y, f32, attrs={value_const})
    assert w.symbol == y
    assert w.type == f32
    assert value_const in w.attrs
    assert w.func(*w.args) == w

    v_n = Variable(n, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_n.type == integer
    assert v_n.func(*v_n.args) == v_n
    v_i = Variable(i, type=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert v_i.type == integer
    assert v_i != v_n

    a_i = Variable.deduced(i)
    assert a_i.type == integer
    assert Variable.deduced(Symbol('x', real=True)).type == real
    assert a_i.func(*a_i.args) == a_i

    v_n2 = Variable.deduced(n, value=3.5, cast_check=False)
    assert v_n2.func(*v_n2.args) == v_n2
    assert abs(v_n2.value - 3.5) < 1e-15
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Variable.deduced(n, value=3.5, cast_check=True))

    v_n3 = Variable.deduced(n)
    assert v_n3.type == integer
    assert str(v_n3) == 'Variable(n, type=integer)'
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3).type == integer
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3.0).type == real
    assert Variable.deduced(z, value=3.0+1j).type == complex_
def test_Declaration():
    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    vu = Variable(u, type_=Type.from_expr(u))
    assert Declaration(vu).variable.type == real
    vn = Variable(n, type_=Type.from_expr(n))
    assert Declaration(vn).variable.type == integer

    vuc = Variable(u, {value_const}, Type.from_expr(u))
    decl = Declaration(vuc, 3.0)
    assert decl.variable == vuc
    assert isinstance(decl.value, Float)
    assert decl.value == 3.0

    vy = Variable(y, type_=integer)
    decl2 = Declaration(vy, 3)
    assert decl2.variable == vy
    assert decl2.value is Integer(3)

    vi = Variable(i, type_=Type.from_expr(i))
    decl3 = Declaration(vi, 3.0)
    assert decl3.variable.type == integer
    assert decl3.value == 3.0

    decl4 = raises(ValueError, lambda: Declaration.deduced(n, 3.5, cast=True))
Esempio n. 17
def test_Pointer():
    p = Pointer(x)
    assert p.symbol == x
    assert p.type == untyped
    assert value_const not in p.attrs
    assert pointer_const not in p.attrs
    assert p.func(*p.args) == p

    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    pu = Pointer(u, type=Type.from_expr(u), attrs={value_const, pointer_const})
    assert pu.symbol is u
    assert pu.type == real
    assert value_const in pu.attrs
    assert pointer_const in pu.attrs
    assert pu.func(*pu.args) == pu

    i = symbols('i', integer=True)
    deref = pu[i]
    assert deref.indices == (i, )
Esempio n. 18
def test_Pointer():
    p = Pointer(x)
    assert p.symbol == x
    assert p.type == untyped
    assert value_const not in p.attrs
    assert pointer_const not in p.attrs
    assert p.func(*p.args) == p

    u = symbols('u', real=True)
    pu = Pointer(u, type=Type.from_expr(u), attrs={value_const, pointer_const})
    assert pu.symbol is u
    assert pu.type == real
    assert value_const in pu.attrs
    assert pointer_const in pu.attrs
    assert pu.func(*pu.args) == pu

    i = symbols('i', integer=True)
    deref = pu[i]
    assert deref.indices == (i,)
Esempio n. 19
def test_ccode_Type():
    assert ccode(Type("float")) == "float"
    assert ccode(intc) == "int"
Esempio n. 20
    def gen_function(self, kernel_name, kernel_arg_type_name):
        main_block = []
                "Output iteration space %s reduced to %s iteration spaces" %
                (self._max_shape, len(self._indexes))))
        # dereference all symbols that are not indexed
        dereference = [
            symbol for symbol in self._symbol_indexes
            if not self._symbol_indexes[symbol]

        for expr_state in self._expr_states:
            free_symbols = [
                symbol for symbol in expr_state.expr.free_symbols
                if not symbol in self._temporaries
            # create substitutions for symbols that are indexed
            subs = [(symbol,
                     indexed_symbol(symbol, [
                         for idx in self._symbol_indexes[symbol]
                     ], [
                         for idx in self._symbol_indexes[symbol]
                     ])) for symbol in free_symbols
                    if self._symbol_indexes[symbol]]
            # indexed results. non indexed temps
            if not expr_state.is_intermediate:
                    Comment("Produce output symbol %s" % expr_state.symbol))
                res_symbol = IndexedBase(
                    shape=tuple(tuple(index[1] for index in self._indexes)))
                res_symbol = res_symbol[tuple(index[0]
                                              for index in self._indexes)]
                    Comment("Produce intermediate symbol %s" %
                res_symbol = expr_state.symbol
                Assignment(res_symbol, expr_state.expr.subs(subs)))

        # create all the for loops
        def func(block, idx):
            return [
                VarFor(Declaration(Variable(Symbol(idx[0]), type=uint32)),
                       VarRange(idx[2][0], idx[2][1], Integer(1)), block)

        for_block = reduce(func, self._indexes[::-1], main_block)[0]
        # Create the initial code with args assignments and paralellization calcluation
        ast = self.setup_codegen()
        # declare temporaries
            Declaration(Variable(symbol, type=int32))
            for symbol in self._temporaries
        ast.append(FunctionCall("gap_waitbarrier", (Integer(0), )))
        # create function definition
        func_def = FunctionDefinition(
            VOID, kernel_name,
            [Pointer("Args", type=Type(kernel_arg_type_name))], ast)
        # generate code
        return ccode(func_def,
Esempio n. 21
AST nodes specific to the C family of languages

from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core.compatibility import string_types
from sympy.core.containers import Tuple
from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
from sympy.codegen.ast import Attribute, Declaration, Node, String, Token, Type, none, FunctionCall

void = Type('void')

restrict = Attribute('restrict')  # guarantees no pointer aliasing
volatile = Attribute('volatile')
static = Attribute('static')

def alignof(arg):
    """ Generate of FunctionCall instance for calling 'alignof' """
    return FunctionCall(
        'alignof', [String(arg) if isinstance(arg, string_types) else arg])

def sizeof(arg):
    """ Generate of FunctionCall instance for calling 'sizeof'


    >>> from sympy.codegen.ast import real
    >>> from sympy.codegen.cnodes import sizeof
Esempio n. 22
        def transform_var_decl(self, node):
            """Transformation Function for Variable Declaration

            Used to create nodes for variable declarations and assignments with
            values or function call for the respective nodes in the clang AST


            A variable node as Declaration, with the given value or 0 if the
            value is not provided


            NotImplementedError : if called for data types not currently


            This function currently only supports basic Integer and Float data

                children = node.get_children()
                child = next(children)
                #ignoring namespace and type details for the variable
                while child.kind == cin.CursorKind.NAMESPACE_REF:
                    child = next(children)

                while child.kind == cin.CursorKind.TYPE_REF:
                    child = next(children)

                val = self.transform(child)
                # List in case of variable assignment,
                # FunctionCall node in case of a function call
                if (child.kind == cin.CursorKind.INTEGER_LITERAL
                    or child.kind == cin.CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_EXPR):
                    if (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.INT):
                        type = IntBaseType(String('integer'))
                        # when only one decl_ref_expr is assigned
                        # e.g., int b = a;
                        if isinstance(val, str):
                            value = Symbol(val)
                        # e.g., int b = true;
                        elif isinstance(val, bool):
                            value = Integer(0) if val == False else Integer(1)
                        # when val is integer or character literal
                        # e.g., int b = 1; or int b = 'a';
                        elif isinstance(val, (Integer, int, Float, float)):
                            value = Integer(val)
                        # when val is combination of both of the above
                        # but in total only two nodes on rhs
                        # e.g., int b = a * 1;
                            value = val

                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.FLOAT):
                        type = FloatBaseType(String('real'))
                        # e.g., float b = a;
                        if isinstance(val, str):
                            value = Symbol(val)
                        # e.g., float b = true;
                        elif isinstance(val, bool):
                            value = Float(0.0) if val == False else Float(1.0)
                        # e.g., float b = 1.0;
                        elif isinstance(val, (Integer, int, Float, float)):
                            value = Float(val)
                        # e.g., float b = a * 1.0;
                            value = val

                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.BOOL):
                        type = Type(String('bool'))
                        # e.g., bool b = a;
                        if isinstance(val, str):
                            value = Symbol(val)
                        # e.g., bool b = 1;
                        elif isinstance(val, (Integer, int, Float, float)):
                            value = sympify(bool(val))
                        # e.g., bool b = a * 1;
                            value = val

                        raise NotImplementedError("Only bool, int " \
                            "and float are supported")

                elif (child.kind == cin.CursorKind.CALL_EXPR):
                    return Variable(
                        value = val

                # when val is combination of more than two expr and
                # integer(or float)
                elif (child.kind == cin.CursorKind.BINARY_OPERATOR):
                    if (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.INT):
                        type = IntBaseType(String('integer'))
                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.FLOAT):
                        type = FloatBaseType(String('real'))
                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.BOOL):
                        type = Type(String('bool'))
                        raise NotImplementedError("Only bool, int " \
                            "and float are supported")
                    value = val

                elif (child.kind == cin.CursorKind.CXX_BOOL_LITERAL_EXPR):
                    if (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.INT):
                        type = IntBaseType(String('integer'))
                        value = Integer(val)
                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.FLOAT):
                        type = FloatBaseType(String('real'))
                        value = Float(val)
                    elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.BOOL):
                        type = Type(String('bool'))
                        value = sympify(val)
                        raise NotImplementedError("Only bool, int " \
                            "and float are supported")
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            except StopIteration:

                if (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.INT):
                    type = IntBaseType(String('integer'))
                    value = Integer(0)
                elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.FLOAT):
                    type = FloatBaseType(String('real'))
                    value = Float(0.0)
                elif (node.type.kind == cin.TypeKind.BOOL):
                    type = Type(String('bool'))
                    value = false
                    raise NotImplementedError("Only bool, int " \
                            "and float are supported")

            return Variable(
                type = type,
                value = value
Esempio n. 23
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from functools import reduce

from sympy import Range
from sympy.codegen.ast import (Assignment, Declaration, For, Pointer, Token,
                               Type, Variable, pointer_const, untyped,
from sympy.printing.ccode import C99CodePrinter
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence
from sympy.tensor.indexed import Indexed

LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__)

VOID = Type("void")

#pylint: disable=no-init
class AssignmentEx(Assignment):
    def _check_args(cls, lhs, rhs):
        if isinstance(lhs, Declaration):
            super(AssignmentEx, cls)._check_args(lhs.variable, rhs)
            super(AssignmentEx, cls)._check_args(lhs, rhs)

#pylint: disable=no-init
class IndexedEx(Indexed):
    def _sympystr(self, p):
def test_Type():
    t = Type('MyType')
    assert == 'MyType'
    assert str(t) == 'MyType'
    assert repr(t) == "Type(name=MyType)"
Esempio n. 25
from sympy.codegen.ast import (
from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core.containers import Tuple
from sympy.core.sympify import sympify

void = Type("void")

restrict = Attribute("restrict")  # guarantees no pointer aliasing
volatile = Attribute("volatile")
static = Attribute("static")

def alignof(arg):
    """ Generate of FunctionCall instance for calling 'alignof' """
    return FunctionCall("alignof",
                        [String(arg) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg])

def sizeof(arg):
    """ Generate of FunctionCall instance for calling 'sizeof'
Esempio n. 26
class CXX11CodePrinter(_CXXCodePrinterBase, C99CodePrinter):
    standard = 'C++11'
    reserved_words = set(reserved['C++11'])
    type_mappings = dict(
            CXX98CodePrinter.type_mappings.items(), {
                Type('int8'): ('int8_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('int16'): ('int16_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('int32'): ('int32_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('int64'): ('int64_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('uint8'): ('uint8_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('uint16'): ('uint16_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('uint32'): ('uint32_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('uint64'): ('uint64_t', {'cstdint'}),
                Type('complex64'): ('std::complex<float>', {'complex'}),
                Type('complex128'): ('std::complex<double>', {'complex'}),
                Type('bool'): ('bool', None),

    def _print_using(self, expr):
        if expr.alias == none:
            return super(CXX11CodePrinter, self)._print_using(expr)
            return 'using %(alias)s = %(type)s' % expr.kwargs(
Esempio n. 27
class CXX11CodePrinter(_CXXCodePrinterBase, C99CodePrinter):
    standard = 'C++11'
    reserved_words = set(reserved['C++11'])
    type_mappings = dict(chain(
            Type('int8'): ('int8_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('int16'): ('int16_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('int32'): ('int32_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('int64'): ('int64_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('uint8'): ('uint8_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('uint16'): ('uint16_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('uint32'): ('uint32_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('uint64'): ('uint64_t', {'cstdint'}),
            Type('complex64'): ('std::complex<float>', {'complex'}),
            Type('complex128'): ('std::complex<double>', {'complex'}),
            Type('bool'): ('bool', None),
Esempio n. 28
def test_ccode_Type():
    assert ccode(Type('float')) == 'float'
    assert ccode(intc) == 'int'
Esempio n. 29
class CXX11CodePrinter(_CXXCodePrinterBase, C99CodePrinter):
    standard = "C++11"
    reserved_words = set(reserved["C++11"])
    type_mappings = dict(
                Type("int8"): ("int8_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("int16"): ("int16_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("int32"): ("int32_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("int64"): ("int64_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("uint8"): ("uint8_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("uint16"): ("uint16_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("uint32"): ("uint32_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("uint64"): ("uint64_t", {"cstdint"}),
                Type("complex64"): ("std::complex<float>", {"complex"}),
                Type("complex128"): ("std::complex<double>", {"complex"}),
                Type("bool"): ("bool", None),

    def _print_using(self, expr):
        if expr.alias == none:
            return super(CXX11CodePrinter, self)._print_using(expr)
            return "using %(alias)s = %(type)s" % expr.kwargs(