Esempio n. 1
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling
        # expand range
        slc = slice(*args)
        start, stop, step = slc.start or 0, slc.stop, slc.step or 1
            start, stop, step = [w if w in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity] else sympify(as_int(w))
                                 for w in (start, stop, step)]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Inputs to Range must be Integer Valued\n" +
                    "Use ImageSets of Ranges for other cases")

        if not step.is_finite:
            raise ValueError("Infinite step is not allowed")
        if start == stop:
            return S.EmptySet

        n = ceiling((stop - start)/step)
        if n <= 0:
            return S.EmptySet

        # normalize args: regardless of how they are entered they will show
        # canonically as Range(inf, sup, step) with step > 0
        if n.is_finite:
            start, stop = sorted((start, start + (n - 1)*step))
            start, stop = sorted((start, stop - step))

        step = abs(step)
        if (start, stop) == (S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity):
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value of "
                             "Range cannot be unbounded")
            return Basic.__new__(cls, start, stop + step, step)
Esempio n. 2
    def __new__(cls, sets, polar=False):
        from sympy import symbols, Dummy, sympify, sin, cos

        x, y, r, theta = symbols('x, y, r, theta', cls=Dummy)
        I = S.ImaginaryUnit
        polar = sympify(polar)

        # Rectangular Form
        if polar == False:
            if all(_a.is_FiniteSet
                   for _a in sets.args) and (len(sets.args) == 2):

                # ** ProductSet of FiniteSets in the Complex Plane. **
                # For Cases like ComplexRegion({2, 4}*{3}), It
                # would return {2 + 3*I, 4 + 3*I}
                complex_num = []
                for x in sets.args[0]:
                    for y in sets.args[1]:
                        complex_num.append(x + I * y)
                obj = FiniteSet(*complex_num)
                obj = ImageSet.__new__(cls, Lambda((x, y), x + I * y), sets)
            obj._variables = (x, y)
            obj._expr = x + I * y

        # Polar Form
        elif polar == True:
            new_sets = []
            # sets is Union of ProductSets
            if not sets.is_ProductSet:
                for k in sets.args:
            # sets is ProductSets
            # Normalize input theta
            for k, v in enumerate(new_sets):
                from sympy.sets import ProductSet
                new_sets[k] = ProductSet(v.args[0],
            sets = Union(*new_sets)
            obj = ImageSet.__new__(
                cls, Lambda((r, theta), r * (cos(theta) + I * sin(theta))),
            obj._variables = (r, theta)
            obj._expr = r * (cos(theta) + I * sin(theta))

            raise ValueError("polar should be either True or False")

        obj._sets = sets
        obj._polar = polar
        return obj
Esempio n. 3
    def __new__(cls, sets, polar=False):
        from sympy import symbols, Dummy, sympify, sin, cos

        x, y, r, theta = symbols('x, y, r, theta', cls=Dummy)
        I = S.ImaginaryUnit
        polar = sympify(polar)

        # Rectangular Form
        if polar == False:
            if all(_a.is_FiniteSet for _a in sets.args) and (len(sets.args) == 2):

                # ** ProductSet of FiniteSets in the Complex Plane. **
                # For Cases like ComplexRegion({2, 4}*{3}), It
                # would return {2 + 3*I, 4 + 3*I}
                complex_num = []
                for x in sets.args[0]:
                    for y in sets.args[1]:
                        complex_num.append(x + I*y)
                obj = FiniteSet(*complex_num)
                obj = ImageSet.__new__(cls, Lambda((x, y), x + I*y), sets)
            obj._variables = (x, y)
            obj._expr = x + I*y

        # Polar Form
        elif polar == True:
            new_sets = []
            # sets is Union of ProductSets
            if not sets.is_ProductSet:
                for k in sets.args:
            # sets is ProductSets
            # Normalize input theta
            for k, v in enumerate(new_sets):
                from sympy.sets import ProductSet
                new_sets[k] = ProductSet(v.args[0],
            sets = Union(*new_sets)
            obj = ImageSet.__new__(cls, Lambda((r, theta),
                                   r*(cos(theta) + I*sin(theta))),
            obj._variables = (r, theta)
            obj._expr = r*(cos(theta) + I*sin(theta))

            raise ValueError("polar should be either True or False")

        obj._sets = sets
        obj._polar = polar
        return obj
Esempio n. 4
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling
        if len(args) == 1:
            if isinstance(args[0], range if PY3 else xrange):
                args = args[0].__reduce__()[1]  # use pickle method

        # expand range
        slc = slice(*args)
        start, stop, step = slc.start or 0, slc.stop, slc.step or 1
            start, stop, step = [
                w if w in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity] else sympify(
                    as_int(w)) for w in (start, stop, step)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Inputs to Range must be Integer Valued\n" +
                             "Use ImageSets of Ranges for other cases")

        if not step.is_finite:
            raise ValueError("Infinite step is not allowed")
        if start == stop:
            return S.EmptySet

        n = ceiling((stop - start) / step)
        if n <= 0:
            return S.EmptySet

        # normalize args: regardless of how they are entered they will show
        # canonically as Range(inf, sup, step) with step > 0
        if n.is_finite:
            start, stop = sorted((start, start + (n - 1) * step))
            start, stop = sorted((start, stop - step))

        step = abs(step)
        if (start, stop) == (S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity):
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value of "
                             "Range cannot be unbounded")
            return Basic.__new__(cls, start, stop + step, step)
Esempio n. 5
    def _contains(self, other):
        from sympy.functions import arg, Abs

        # self in rectangular form
        if not self.polar:
            re, im = other.as_real_imag()
            for element in self.psets:
                if And(element.args[0]._contains(re),
                    return True
            return False

        # self in polar form
        elif self.polar:
            if sympify(other).is_zero:
                r, theta = S.Zero, S.Zero
                r, theta = Abs(other), arg(other)
            for element in self.psets:
                if And(element.args[0]._contains(r),
                    return True
                return False
Esempio n. 6
    def _contains(self, other):
        from sympy.functions import arg, Abs

        # self in rectangular form
        if not self.polar:
            re, im = other.as_real_imag()
            for element in self.psets:
                if And(element.args[0]._contains(re),
                    return True
            return False

        # self in polar form
        elif self.polar:
            if sympify(other).is_zero:
                r, theta = S.Zero, S.Zero
                r, theta = Abs(other), arg(other)
            for element in self.psets:
                if And(element.args[0]._contains(r),
                    return True
                return False