Esempio n. 1
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy import MatrixBase, NDimArray

        if isinstance(label, string_types):
            label = Symbol(label)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
        elif isinstance(label, (MatrixBase, NDimArray)):
            return label
        elif isinstance(label, Iterable):
            return _sympify(label)
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        offset = kw_args.pop('offset', S.Zero)
        strides = kw_args.pop('strides', None)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label)
        obj._shape = shape
        obj._offset = offset
        obj._strides = strides
        obj._name = str(label)
        return obj
Esempio n. 2
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, *, offset=S.Zero, strides=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import NDimArray

        assumptions, kw_args = _filter_assumptions(kw_args)
        if isinstance(label, str):
            label = Symbol(label, **assumptions)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
            assumptions = label._merge(assumptions)
        elif isinstance(label, (MatrixBase, NDimArray)):
            return label
        elif isinstance(label, Iterable):
            return _sympify(label)
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label)
        obj._shape = shape
        obj._offset = offset
        obj._strides = strides
        obj._name = str(label)

        IndexedBase._set_assumptions(obj, assumptions)
        return obj
Esempio n. 3
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy import MatrixBase, NDimArray

        assumptions, kw_args = _filter_assumptions(kw_args)
        if isinstance(label, string_types):
            label = Symbol(label)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
            assumptions = label._merge(assumptions)
            label = Symbol(
        elif isinstance(label, (MatrixBase, NDimArray)):
            return label
        elif isinstance(label, Iterable):
            return _sympify(label)
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        offset = kw_args.pop('offset', S.Zero)
        strides = kw_args.pop('strides', None)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label)
        obj._shape = shape
        obj._offset = offset
        obj._strides = strides
        obj._name = str(label)

        IndexedBase._set_assumptions(obj, assumptions)
        return obj
Esempio n. 4
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy import MatrixBase, NDimArray

        if isinstance(label, string_types):
            label = Symbol(label)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
        elif isinstance(label, (MatrixBase, NDimArray)):
            return label
        elif isinstance(label, Iterable):
            return _sympify(label)
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        offset = kw_args.pop('offset', S.Zero)
        strides = kw_args.pop('strides', None)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label)
        obj._shape = shape
        obj._offset = offset
        obj._strides = strides
        obj._name = str(label)
        return obj
Esempio n. 5
    def __new__(cls, label, range=None, **kw_args):

        if isinstance(label, basestring):
            label = Symbol(label, integer=True)
        label, range = map(sympify, (label, range))

        if not label.is_integer:
            raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer label")

        elif ordered_iter(range, include=Tuple):
            assert len(range) == 2, "Idx got range tuple with wrong length"
            for bound in range:
                if not (bound.is_integer or abs(bound) is S.Infinity):
                    raise TypeError("Idx object requires integer bounds")
            args = label, Tuple(*range)
        elif isinstance(range, Expr):
            if not (range.is_integer or range is S.Infinity):
                raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer dimension")
            args = label, Tuple(S.Zero, range - S.One)
        elif range:
            raise TypeError("range must be  tuple or integer sympy expression")
            args = label,

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **kw_args)
        return obj
Esempio n. 6
    def __new__(cls, e, z, z0, dir="+"):
        e = sympify(e)
        z = sympify(z)
        z0 = sympify(z0)

        if z0 is S.Infinity:
            dir = "-"
        elif z0 is S.NegativeInfinity:
            dir = "+"

        if (z0.has(z)):
            raise NotImplementedError("Limits approaching a variable point are"
                                      " not supported (%s -> %s)" % (z, z0))
        if isinstance(dir, str):
            dir = Symbol(dir)
        elif not isinstance(dir, Symbol):
            raise TypeError("direction must be of type basestring or "
                            "Symbol, not %s" % type(dir))
        if str(dir) not in ('+', '-', '+-'):
            raise ValueError("direction must be one of '+', '-' "
                             "or '+-', not %s" % dir)

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
        obj._args = (e, z, z0, dir)
        return obj
Esempio n. 7
 def __new__(cls, name, abbrev, **assumptions):
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
     assert isinstance(name, str), ` type(name) `
     assert isinstance(abbrev, str), ` type(abbrev) ` = name
     obj.abbrev = abbrev
     return obj
Esempio n. 8
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):
        from sympy.integrals.integrals import _process_limits

        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if not symbols:
            raise ValueError("Summation variables must be given")

        limits, sign = _process_limits(*symbols)

        # Only limits with lower and upper bounds are supported; the indefinite Sum
        # is not supported
        if any(len(l) != 3 or None in l for l in limits):
            raise ValueError('Sum requires values for lower and upper bounds.')

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        arglist = [sign*function]
        obj._args = tuple(arglist)

        return obj
Esempio n. 9
    def __new__(cls, label, range=None, **kw_args):
        from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent

        if isinstance(label, basestring):
            label = Symbol(label, integer=True)
        label, range = map(sympify, (label, range))

        if not label.is_integer:
            raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer label.")

        elif is_sequence(range):
            if len(range) != 2:
                raise ValueError(filldedent("""
                    Idx range tuple must have length 2, but got %s""" % len(range)))
            for bound in range:
                if not (bound.is_integer or abs(bound) is S.Infinity):
                    raise TypeError("Idx object requires integer bounds.")
            args = label, Tuple(*range)
        elif isinstance(range, Expr):
            if not (range.is_integer or range is S.Infinity):
                raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer dimension.")
            args = label, Tuple(0, range - 1)
        elif range:
            raise TypeError(filldedent("""
                The range must be an ordered iterable or
                integer SymPy expression."""))
            args = label,

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **kw_args)
        return obj
Esempio n. 10
 def __new__(cls, e, z, z0, dir="+"):
     e = sympify(e)
     z = sympify(z)
     z0 = sympify(z0)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj._args = (e, z, z0, dir)
     return obj
Esempio n. 11
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):

        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if symbols:
            limits, sign = _process_limits(*symbols)
            # no symbols provided -- let's compute full anti-derivative
            limits, sign = [Tuple(s) for s in function.free_symbols], 1

            if len(limits) != 1:
                raise ValueError("specify integration variables to integrate %s" % function)

        while isinstance(function, Integral):
            # denest the integrand
            limits = list(function.limits) + limits
            function = function.function

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        arglist = [sign*function]
        obj._args = tuple(arglist)
        obj.is_commutative = all(s.is_commutative for s in obj.free_symbols)

        return obj
Esempio n. 12
 def __new__(cls, name, abbrev, **assumptions):
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
     assert isinstance(name, str),`type(name)`
     assert isinstance(abbrev, str),`type(abbrev)` = name
     obj.abbrev = abbrev
     return obj
Esempio n. 13
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
        from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent
        from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import NDimArray
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")
        if isinstance(base, (str, Symbol)):
            base = IndexedBase(base)
        elif not hasattr(base, '__getitem__') and not isinstance(
                base, IndexedBase):
            raise TypeError(
                The base can only be replaced with a string, Symbol,
                IndexedBase or an object with a method for getting
                items (i.e. an object with a `__getitem__` method).
        args = list(map(sympify, args))
        if isinstance(base, (NDimArray, Iterable, Tuple, MatrixBase)) and all(
            [i.is_number for i in args]):
            if len(args) == 1:
                return base[args[0]]
                return base[args]

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)

            IndexedBase._set_assumptions(obj, base.assumptions0)
        except AttributeError:
            IndexedBase._set_assumptions(obj, {})
        return obj
Esempio n. 14
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):

        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if symbols:
            limits, sign = _process_limits(*symbols)
            # no symbols provided -- let's compute full anti-derivative
            limits, sign = [Tuple(s) for s in function.free_symbols], 1

            if len(limits) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "specify integration variables to integrate %s" % function)

        while isinstance(function, Integral):
            # denest the integrand
            limits = list(function.limits) + limits
            function = function.function

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        arglist = [sign * function]
        obj._args = tuple(arglist)
        obj.is_commutative = all(s.is_commutative for s in obj.free_symbols)

        return obj
Esempio n. 15
 def __new__(cls, e, z, z0, dir="+"):
     e = sympify(e)
     z = sympify(z)
     z0 = sympify(z0)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj._args = (e, z, z0, dir)
     return obj
Esempio n. 16
    def __new__(cls, label, range=None, **kw_args):

        if isinstance(label, basestring):
            label = Symbol(label, integer=True)
        label, range = map(sympify, (label, range))

        if not label.is_integer:
            raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer label")

        elif is_sequence(range):
            assert len(range) == 2, "Idx got range tuple with wrong length"
            for bound in range:
                if not (bound.is_integer or abs(bound) is S.Infinity):
                    raise TypeError("Idx object requires integer bounds")
            args = label, Tuple(*range)
        elif isinstance(range, Expr):
            if not (range.is_integer or range is S.Infinity):
                raise TypeError("Idx object requires an integer dimension")
            args = label, Tuple(S.Zero, range-S.One)
        elif range:
            raise TypeError("range must be ordered iterable or integer sympy expression")
            args = label,

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **kw_args)
        return obj
Esempio n. 17
    def __new__(cls, term, *symbols, **assumptions):
        term = sympify(term)

        if term is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if len(symbols) == 1:
            symbol = symbols[0]

            if isinstance(symbol, C.Equality):
                k = symbol.lhs
                a = symbol.rhs.start
                n = symbol.rhs.end
            elif is_sequence(symbol):
                k, a, n = symbol
                raise ValueError("Invalid arguments")

            k, a, n = map(sympify, (k, a, n))

            raise NotImplementedError

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj._args = (term, Tuple(k, a, n))

        return obj
Esempio n. 18
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):
        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function.is_Number:
            if function is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif function is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif function is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.NegativeInfinity

        if symbols:
            limits = []

            for V in symbols:
                if isinstance(V, Symbol):
                elif isinstance(V, (tuple, list, Tuple)):
                    V = flatten(V)
                    newsymbol = sympify(V[0])
                    if len(V) == 3:
                        if isinstance(newsymbol, Symbol):
                            nlim = map(sympify, V[1:])
                            if V[1] is None and V[2] is not None:
                                nlim = [V[2]]
                            if V[2] is None and V[1] is not None:
                                function = -function
                                nlim = [V[1]]
                            if V[1] is None and V[2] is None:
                                nlim = []
                            limits.append( Tuple(newsymbol, *nlim ))
                    elif len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                        if isinstance(newsymbol, Symbol):
                    elif len(V) == 2:
                        if isinstance(newsymbol, Symbol):

                raise ValueError("Invalid integration variable or limits: %s" % str(symbols))
            # no symbols provided -- let's compute full anti-derivative
            limits = [Tuple(symb) for symb in function.atoms(Symbol)]

            if not limits:
                return function

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        arglist = [function]
        obj._args = tuple(arglist)

        return obj
Esempio n. 19
 def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
     if not args: raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index")
     if isinstance(base, (basestring, Symbol)):
         base = IndexedBase(base)
     elif not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
         raise TypeError("Indexed expects string, Symbol or IndexedBase as base")
     return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 20
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):
        from sympy.integrals.integrals import _process_limits

        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if not symbols:
            raise ValueError("Summation variables must be given")

        limits, sign = _process_limits(*symbols)

        # Only limits with lower and upper bounds are supported; the indefinite Sum
        # is not supported
        if any(len(l) != 3 or None in l for l in limits):
            raise ValueError('Sum requires values for lower and upper bounds.')

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        arglist = [sign * function]
        obj._args = tuple(arglist)

        return obj
Esempio n. 21
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
        assert (isinstance(base, VectorField))

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")

        return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 22
 def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
     if not args: raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index")
     if isinstance(base, (basestring, Symbol)):
         base = IndexedBase(base)
     elif not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
         raise TypeError("Indexed expects string, Symbol or IndexedBase as base")
     return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 23
 def __new__(cls, space, name):
     if not isinstance(space, VectorFunctionSpace):
         raise ValueError('Expecting a VectorFunctionSpace')
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj._space = space
     obj._name = name
     return obj
Esempio n. 24
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):

        if isinstance(base, VectorTestFunction):

        elif isinstance(base, Add):
            return Add(*[cls(b, *args, **kw_args) for b in base.args])

        elif isinstance(base, Mul):
            scalar_types = (*_coeffs_registery, ScalarTestFunction)
            scalars = [s for s in base.args if isinstance(s, scalar_types)]
            others = [s for s in base.args if s not in scalars]
            return Mul(*scalars) * Mul(
                *[cls(b, *args, **kw_args) for b in others])

        elif isinstance(base, Trace):
            expr = cls(base.expr, *args, **kw_args)
            boundary = base.boundary
            order = base.order
            return Trace(expr, boundary, order)

            raise ValueError(
                'Expecting VectorTestFunction, Trace, or Add/Mul object')

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")

        return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 25
    def __new__(cls, term, *symbols, **assumptions):
        term = sympify(term)

        if term is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if len(symbols) == 1:
            symbol = symbols[0]

            if isinstance(symbol, C.Equality):
                k = symbol.lhs
                a = symbol.rhs.start
                n = symbol.rhs.end
            elif is_sequence(symbol):
                k, a, n = symbol
                raise ValueError("Invalid arguments")

            k, a, n = map(sympify, (k, a, n))

            raise NotImplementedError

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj._args = (term, Tuple(k, a, n))

        return obj
Esempio n. 26
 def __new__(cls, arg):
     if hasattr(arg, 'adjoint'):
         obj = arg.adjoint()
     elif hasattr(arg, 'conjugate') and hasattr(arg, 'transpose'):
         obj = arg.conjugate().transpose()
     if obj is not None:
         return obj
     return Expr.__new__(cls, arg)
    def _new(cls, poly, index):
        """Construct new ``RootOf`` object from raw data. """
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)

        obj.poly = poly
        obj.index = index

        return obj
Esempio n. 28
 def __new__(cls, arg):
     if hasattr(arg, "adjoint"):
         obj = arg.adjoint()
     elif hasattr(arg, "conjugate") and hasattr(arg, "transpose"):
         obj = arg.conjugate().transpose()
     if obj is not None:
         return obj
     return Expr.__new__(cls, arg)
Esempio n. 29
 def __new__(cls, arg):
     if hasattr(arg, "adjoint"):
         obj = arg.adjoint()
     elif hasattr(arg, "conjugate") and hasattr(arg, "transpose"):
         obj = arg.conjugate().transpose()
     if obj is not None:
         return obj
     return Expr.__new__(cls, arg)
Esempio n. 30
 def __new__(cls, arg):
     if hasattr(arg, 'adjoint'):
         obj = arg.adjoint()
     elif hasattr(arg, 'conjugate') and hasattr(arg, 'transpose'):
         obj = arg.conjugate().transpose()
     if obj is not None:
         return obj
     return Expr.__new__(cls, arg)
Esempio n. 31
    def _new(cls, poly, index):
        """Construct new ``RootOf`` object from raw data. """
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)

        obj.poly = poly
        obj.index = index

        return obj
 def eval_all(expr: Expr):
     all_sym = expr.free_symbols
     replacements = []
     for sym in all_sym:
         if isinstance(sym, DummyVariable):
             replacements.append((sym, sym.value))
     if len(replacements):
         expr = expr.subs(replacements)
     return expr
Esempio n. 33
    def _new(cls, poly, func, auto=True):
        """Construct new raw ``RootSum`` instance. """
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)

        obj.poly = poly = func = auto

        return obj
Esempio n. 34
    def _new(cls, poly, func, auto=True):
        """Construct new raw ``RootSum`` instance. """
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)

        obj.poly = poly = func = auto

        return obj
Esempio n. 35
 def __new__(cls, name, n, m):
     n, m = map(sympify, (n, m))
     from sympy import MatrixBase
     if isinstance(name, (MatrixBase,)):
         if n.is_Integer and m.is_Integer:
             return name[n, m]
     name = sympify(name)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, name, n, m)
     return obj
Esempio n. 36
 def __new__(cls, name, n, m):
     n, m = map(sympify, (n, m))
     from sympy import MatrixBase
     if isinstance(name, (MatrixBase, )):
         if n.is_Integer and m.is_Integer:
             return name[n, m]
     name = sympify(name)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, name, n, m)
     return obj
Esempio n. 37
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        if isinstance(label, string_types):
            label = Symbol(label)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
            raise TypeError("Base label should be a string or Symbol.")

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
            shape = sympify(shape)
        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape, **kw_args)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, **kw_args)
        obj._shape = shape
        return obj
Esempio n. 38
    def __new__(cls, f, x=None):
        if not isinstance(f, Poly):
            f = Poly(f, x)
        elif x is not None:
            raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise ValueError('multivariate polynomial')

        return Expr.__new__(cls, f)
Esempio n. 39
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        if isinstance(label, basestring):
            label = Symbol(label)

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, **kw_args)
        if is_sequence(shape):
            obj._shape = Tuple(*shape)
            obj._shape = shape
        return obj
Esempio n. 40
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        if isinstance(label, string_types):
            label = Symbol(label)
        elif isinstance(label, Symbol):
            label = _sympify(label)

        if is_sequence(shape):
            shape = Tuple(*shape)
        elif shape is not None:
            shape = Tuple(shape)

        if shape is not None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, shape, **kw_args)
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, **kw_args)
        obj._shape = shape
        return obj
Esempio n. 41
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        if isinstance(label, basestring):
            label = Symbol(label)

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, **kw_args)
        if isinstance(shape, (tuple, list)):
            obj._shape = Tuple(*shape)
            obj._shape = shape
        return obj
Esempio n. 42
 def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
     if not args: raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index")
     if isinstance(base, (basestring, Symbol)):
         base = IndexedBase(base)
     elif not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
         raise TypeError("Indexed expects string, Symbol or IndexedBase as base")
     # FIXME: 2.4 compatibility
     args = map(_ensure_Idx, args)
     # args = tuple([ a if isinstance(a, Idx) else Idx(a) for a in args ])
     return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 43
    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):
        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        symbols = list(symbols)
        if not symbols:
            # no symbols provided -- let's compute full anti-derivative
            symbols = sorted(function.free_symbols,
            if not symbols:
                raise ValueError('An integration variable is required.')

        while isinstance(function, Integral):
            # denest the integrand
            symbols = list(function.limits) + symbols
            function = function.function

        limits = []
        for V in symbols:
            if isinstance(V, Symbol):
            elif isinstance(V, (tuple, list, Tuple)):
                V = sympify(flatten(V))
                if V[0].is_Symbol:
                    newsymbol = V[0]
                    if len(V) == 3:
                        if V[1] is None and V[2] is not None:
                            nlim = [V[2]]
                        elif V[1] is not None and V[2] is None:
                            function = -function
                            nlim = [V[1]]
                        elif V[1] is None and V[2] is None:
                            nlim = []
                            nlim = V[1:]
                        limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, *nlim ))
                    elif len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                    elif len(V) == 2:
                        limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, V[1]))
            raise ValueError("Invalid integration variable or limits: %s" % str(symbols))

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj._args = tuple([function] + limits)
        obj.is_commutative = all(s.is_commutative for s in obj.free_symbols)

        return obj
Esempio n. 44
    def __new__(cls, label, shape=None, **kw_args):
        if not isinstance(label, (basestring, Symbol)):
            raise TypeError("Base label should be a string or Symbol.")

        label = sympify(label)
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, label, **kw_args)
        if is_sequence(shape):
            obj._shape = Tuple(*shape)
            obj._shape = sympify(shape)
        return obj
Esempio n. 45
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
        from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")
        if isinstance(base, (basestring, Symbol)):
            base = IndexedBase(base)
        elif not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
            raise TypeError(filldedent("""
                Indexed expects string, Symbol or IndexedBase as base."""))
        return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 46
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
        from sympy.solvers.solvers import _filldedent

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")
        if isinstance(base, (basestring, Symbol)):
            base = IndexedBase(base)
        elif not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
            raise TypeError(_filldedent("""
                Indexed expects string, Symbol or IndexedBase as base."""))
        return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
 def __new__(cls, name, n, m):
     n, m = map(_sympify, (n, m))
     from sympy import MatrixBase
     if isinstance(name, (MatrixBase,)):
         if n.is_Integer and m.is_Integer:
             return name[n, m]
     if isinstance(name, string_types):
         name = Symbol(name)
     name = _sympify(name)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, name, n, m)
     return obj
Esempio n. 48
 def __new__(cls, name, n, m):
     n, m = map(_sympify, (n, m))
     from sympy import MatrixBase
     if isinstance(name, (MatrixBase,)):
         if n.is_Integer and m.is_Integer:
             return name[n, m]
     if isinstance(name, string_types):
         name = Symbol(name)
     name = _sympify(name)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, name, n, m)
     return obj
Esempio n. 49
    def __new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args):
        from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent

        if not args:
            raise IndexException("Indexed needs at least one index.")
        if isinstance(base, (string_types, Symbol)):
            base = IndexedBase(base)
        elif not hasattr(base, '__getitem__') and not isinstance(base, IndexedBase):
            raise TypeError(filldedent("""
                Indexed expects string, Symbol, or IndexedBase as base."""))
        args = list(map(sympify, args))
        return Expr.__new__(cls, base, *args, **kw_args)
Esempio n. 50
    def __new__(cls, f, *args, **flags):
        if not hasattr(f, '__call__'):
            raise TypeError("%s is not a callable object" % f)

        roots = RootsOf(*args)

        if not flags.get('evaluate', True):
            return Expr.__new__(cls, f, roots)
            if roots.count == 0:
                return S.Zero
                result = []

                for root in roots.exact_roots():

                if len(result) < roots.count:
                    result.append(Expr.__new__(cls, f, roots))

                return Add(*result)
Esempio n. 51
 def __new__(cls, e, z, z0, dir="+"):
     e = sympify(e)
     z = sympify(z)
     z0 = sympify(z0)
     if isinstance(dir, basestring):
         dir = Symbol(dir)
     elif not isinstance(dir, Symbol):
         raise TypeError("direction must be of type basestring or Symbol, not %s" % type(dir))
     if str(dir) not in ("+", "-"):
         raise ValueError("direction must be either '+' or '-', not %s" % dir)
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj._args = (e, z, z0, dir)
     return obj
Esempio n. 52
    def __new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions):

        expr = sympify(expr).expand()
        if expr is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if symbols:
            symbols = map(sympify, symbols)
            if not all(isinstance(s, Symbol) for s in symbols):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Order at points other than 0 not supported.')
            symbols = list(expr.free_symbols)

        if expr.is_Order:

            new_symbols = list(expr.variables)
            for s in symbols:
                if s not in new_symbols:
            if len(new_symbols) == len(expr.variables):
                return expr
            symbols = new_symbols

        elif symbols:

            if expr.is_Add:
                lst = expr.extract_leading_order(*symbols)
                expr = Add(*[f.expr for (e, f) in lst])
            elif expr:
                if len(symbols) > 1 or expr.is_commutative is False:
                    # TODO
                    # We cannot use compute_leading_term because that only
                    # works in one symbol.
                    expr = expr.as_leading_term(*symbols)
                    expr = expr.compute_leading_term(symbols[0])
                terms = expr.as_coeff_mul(*symbols)[1]
                s = set(symbols)
                expr = Mul(*[t for t in terms if s & t.free_symbols])

        if expr is S.Zero:
            return expr
        elif not expr.has(*symbols):
            expr = S.One

        # create Order instance:
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions)

        return obj
Esempio n. 53
    def __new__(cls, function, argument, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.pop('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
        argument = repack_if_can(sympify(unpack_if_can(argument)))

        if not is_Function(function):
            raise TypeError('function is not a FunctionClass, Functor or Lambda: %s'%function)

        if evaluate:
            function, argument = Apply.reduce(function, argument)

        if function == Id:
            return argument
            return Expr.__new__(cls, function, argument, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 54
    def _new(cls, poly, index):
        """Construct new ``CRootOf`` object from raw data. """
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)

        obj.poly = PurePoly(poly)
        obj.index = index

            _reals_cache[obj.poly] = _reals_cache[poly]
            _complexes_cache[obj.poly] = _complexes_cache[poly]
        except KeyError:

        return obj