Esempio n. 1
def test_derivatives_in_rectangular_coordinates():
    with GA_Printer():
        X = (x, y, z) = symbols('x y z')
        (ex, ey, ez, grad) = MV.setup('e_x e_y e_z', metric='[1,1,1]', coords=X)

        f = MV('f', 'scalar', fct=True)
        A = MV('A', 'vector', fct=True)
        B = MV('B', 'grade2', fct=True)
        C = MV('C', 'mv', fct=True)

        assert str(f) == 'f'
        assert str(A) == 'A__x*e_x + A__y*e_y + A__z*e_z'
        assert str(B) == 'B__xy*e_x^e_y + B__xz*e_x^e_z + B__yz*e_y^e_z'
        assert str(C) == 'C + C__x*e_x + C__y*e_y + C__z*e_z + C__xy*e_x^e_y + C__xz*e_x^e_z + C__yz*e_y^e_z + C__xyz*e_x^e_y^e_z'

        assert str(grad*f) == 'D{x}f*e_x + D{y}f*e_y + D{z}f*e_z'
        assert str(grad | A) == 'D{x}A__x + D{y}A__y + D{z}A__z'
        assert str(grad*A) == 'D{x}A__x + D{y}A__y + D{z}A__z + (-D{y}A__x + D{x}A__y)*e_x^e_y + (-D{z}A__x + D{x}A__z)*e_x^e_z + (-D{z}A__y + D{y}A__z)*e_y^e_z'

        assert str(-MV.I*(grad ^ A)) == '(-D{z}A__y + D{y}A__z)*e_x + (D{z}A__x - D{x}A__z)*e_y + (-D{y}A__x + D{x}A__y)*e_z'
        assert str(grad*B) == '(-(D{y}B__xy + D{z}B__xz))*e_x + (D{x}B__xy - D{z}B__yz)*e_y + (D{x}B__xz + D{y}B__yz)*e_z + (D{z}B__xy - D{y}B__xz + D{x}B__yz)*e_x^e_y^e_z'
        assert str(grad ^ B) == '(D{z}B__xy - D{y}B__xz + D{x}B__yz)*e_x^e_y^e_z'
        assert str(grad | B) == '(-(D{y}B__xy + D{z}B__xz))*e_x + (D{x}B__xy - D{z}B__yz)*e_y + (D{x}B__xz + D{y}B__yz)*e_z'

        assert str(grad < A) == 'D{x}A__x + D{y}A__y + D{z}A__z'
        assert str(grad > A) == 'D{x}A__x + D{y}A__y + D{z}A__z'
        assert str(grad < B) == '(-(D{y}B__xy + D{z}B__xz))*e_x + (D{x}B__xy - D{z}B__yz)*e_y + (D{x}B__xz + D{y}B__yz)*e_z'
        assert str(grad > B) == '0'
        assert str(grad < C) == 'D{x}C__x + D{y}C__y + D{z}C__z + (-(D{y}C__xy + D{z}C__xz))*e_x + (D{x}C__xy - D{z}C__yz)*e_y + (D{x}C__xz + D{y}C__yz)*e_z + D{z}C__xyz*e_x^e_y - D{y}C__xyz*e_x^e_z + D{x}C__xyz*e_y^e_z'
        assert str(grad > C) == 'D{x}C__x + D{y}C__y + D{z}C__z + D{x}C*e_x + D{y}C*e_y + D{z}C*e_z'

Esempio n. 2
def test_derivatives_in_spherical_coordinates():
    X = (r, th, phi) = symbols('r theta phi')
    curv = [[r * cos(phi) * sin(th), r * sin(phi) * sin(th), r * cos(th)],
            [1, r, r * sin(th)]]
    (er, eth, ephi, grad) = MV.setup('e_r e_theta e_phi',

    f = MV('f', 'scalar', fct=True)
    A = MV('A', 'vector', fct=True)
    B = MV('B', 'grade2', fct=True)

    assert str(f) == 'f'
    assert str(A) == 'A__r*e_r + A__theta*e_theta + A__phi*e_phi'
    assert str(
    ) == 'B__rtheta*e_r^e_theta + B__rphi*e_r^e_phi + B__thetaphi*e_theta^e_phi'

    assert str(
        grad *
        f) == 'D{r}f*e_r + D{theta}f/r*e_theta + D{phi}f/(r*sin(theta))*e_phi'
    assert str(
        grad | A
    ) == 'D{r}A__r + 2*A__r/r + A__theta*cos(theta)/(r*sin(theta)) + D{theta}A__theta/r + D{phi}A__phi/(r*sin(theta))'
    assert str(
        -MV.I * (grad ^ A)
    ) == '((A__phi*cos(theta)/sin(theta) + D{theta}A__phi - D{phi}A__theta/sin(theta))/r)*e_r + (-D{r}A__phi - A__phi/r + D{phi}A__r/(r*sin(theta)))*e_theta + (D{r}A__theta + A__theta/r - D{theta}A__r/r)*e_phi'
    assert str(
        grad ^ B
    ) == '(D{r}B__thetaphi - B__rphi*cos(theta)/(r*sin(theta)) + 2*B__thetaphi/r - D{theta}B__rphi/r + D{phi}B__rtheta/(r*sin(theta)))*e_r^e_theta^e_phi'
Esempio n. 3
def test_str():
    e_1, e_2, e_3 = MV.setup('e_1 e_2 e_3', '1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1')

    X = MV('x')
    assert str(X) == 'x + x__1*e_1 + x__2*e_2 + x__3*e_3 + x__12*e_1^e_2 + x__13*e_1^e_3 + x__23*e_2^e_3 + x__123**e_1^e_2^e_3'
    Y = MV('y', 'spinor')
    assert str(Y) == 'y + y__12*e_1^e_2 + y__13*e_1^e_3 + y__23*e_2^e_3'
    Z = X + Y
    assert str(Z) == 'x + y + x__1*e_1 + x__2*e_2 + x__3*e_3 + (x__12 + y__12)*e_1^e_2 + (x__13 + y__13)*e_1^e_3 + (x__23 + y__23)*e_2^e_3 + x__123*e_1^e_2^e_3'
    assert str(e_1 | e_1) == '1'
Esempio n. 4
def test_derivative():
    coords = x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
    e_x, e_y, e_z, _ = MV.setup('e', '1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1', coords=coords)
    X = x * e_x + y * e_y + z * e_z
    a = MV('a', 'vector')

    assert ((X | a).grad()) == a
    assert ((X * X).grad()) == 2 * X
    assert (X * X * X).grad() == 5 * X * X
    assert X.grad_int() == 3
Esempio n. 5
def test_metrics_xfail():
    from import arbitrary_metric_conformal
    metric = arbitrary_metric_conformal(3)
    p1, p2, p3 = MV.setup('p1 p2 p3', metric, debug=0)
    v1 = x1 * p1 + y1 * p2 + z1 * p3
    v2 = x2 * p1 + y2 * p2 + z2 * p3
    prod1 = v1 * v2
    prod2 = (v1 | v2) + (v1 ^ v2)
    diff = prod1 - prod2
    assert diff == MV(S.Zero)
Esempio n. 6
def make_vector(a, m=3):
    global n, nbar
    if isinstance(a, str):
        sym_str = ''
        for i in range(m):
            sym_str += a + str(i + 1) + ' '
        sym_lst = list(symbols(sym_str))
        a = MV(sym_lst, 'vector')
    return F(a, n, nbar)
Esempio n. 7
def main():

    (ex, ey, ez) = MV.setup('e*x|y|z', metric='[1,1,1]')

    u = MV('u', 'vector')
    v = MV('v', 'vector')
    w = MV('w', 'vector')

    uv = u ^ v
    uvw = u ^ v ^ w

    print(simplify((uv * uv).scalar()))
Esempio n. 8
def test_geometry():
    Test conformal geometric description of circles, lines, spheres, and planes.
    metric = '1 0 0 0 0,' + \
             '0 1 0 0 0,' + \
             '0 0 1 0 0,' + \
             '0 0 0 0 2,' + \
             '0 0 0 2 0'

    e0, e1, e2, n, nbar = MV.setup('e0 e1 e2 n nbar', metric, debug=0)
    e = n + nbar
    #conformal representation of points

    A = F(e0, n, nbar)  # point a = (1,0,0)  A = F(a)
    B = F(e1, n, nbar)  # point b = (0,1,0)  B = F(b)
    C = F(-1 * e0, n, nbar)  # point c = (-1,0,0) C = F(c)
    D = F(e2, n, nbar)  # point d = (0,0,1)  D = F(d)
    x0, x1, x2 = symbols('x0 x1 x2')
    X = F(MV([x0, x1, x2], 'vector'), n, nbar)

    Circle = A ^ B ^ C ^ X
    Line = A ^ B ^ n ^ X
    Sphere = A ^ B ^ C ^ D ^ X
    Plane = A ^ B ^ n ^ D ^ X

    #Circle through a, b, and c
    Circle_test = -x2 * (e0 ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ n) + x2 * (
        e0 ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ nbar) + Rational(
            1, 2) * (-1 + x0**2 + x1**2 + x2**2) * (e0 ^ e1 ^ n ^ nbar)
    diff = Circle - Circle_test
    assert diff == S.Zero

    #Line through a and b
    Line_test = -x2*(e0 ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ n) + \
        Rational(1, 2)*(-1 + x0 + x1)*(e0 ^ e1 ^ n ^ nbar) + \
        (Rational(1, 2)*x2)*(e0 ^ e2 ^ n ^ nbar) + \
        (-Rational(1, 2)*x2)*(e1 ^ e2 ^ n ^ nbar)
    diff = Line - Line_test
    assert diff == S.Zero

    #Sphere through a, b, c, and d
    Sphere_test = Rational(
        1, 2) * (1 - x0**2 - x1**2 - x2**2) * (e0 ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ n ^ nbar)
    diff = Sphere - Sphere_test
    assert diff == S.Zero

    #Plane through a, b, and d
    Plane_test = Rational(1,
                          2) * (1 - x0 - x1 - x2) * (e0 ^ e1 ^ e2 ^ n ^ nbar)
    diff = Plane - Plane_test
    assert diff == S.Zero
 def DD(self, v, f, opstr=False):
     mf_comp = []
     for e in self.rbasis:
         mf_comp.append((v | e).scalar() / self.E_sq)
     result = MV()
     op = ''
     for (coord, comp) in zip(self.coords, mf_comp):
         result += comp * (f.diff(coord))
         if opstr:
             op += '(' + str(comp) + ')D{' + str(coord) + '}+'
     if opstr:
         return str(result), op[:-1]
     return result
Esempio n. 10
def test_constructor():
    Test various multivector constructors
    e_1, e_2, e_3 = MV.setup('e_1 e_2 e_3', '[1,1,1]')
    assert str(MV('a', 'scalar')) == 'a'
    assert str(MV('a', 'vector')) == 'a__1*e_1 + a__2*e_2 + a__3*e_3'
    assert str(MV('a', 'pseudo')) == 'a__123*e_1^e_2^e_3'
    assert str(MV('a', 'spinor')) == 'a + a__12*e_1^e_2 + a__13*e_1^e_3 + a__23*e_2^e_3'
    assert str(MV('a')) == 'a + a__1*e_1 + a__2*e_2 + a__3*e_3 + a__12*e_1^e_2 + a__13*e_1^e_3 + a__23*e_2^e_3 + a__123*e_1^e_2^e_3'
    assert str(MV([2, 'a'], 'grade')) == 'a__12*e_1^e_2 + a__13*e_1^e_3 + a__23*e_2^e_3'
    assert str(MV('a', 'grade2')) == 'a__12*e_1^e_2 + a__13*e_1^e_3 + a__23*e_2^e_3'
Esempio n. 11
def test_metrics():
    Test specific metrics (diagpq, arbitrary_metric, arbitrary_metric_conformal)
    from import diagpq, arbitrary_metric, arbitrary_metric_conformal
    metric = diagpq(3)
    p1, p2, p3 = MV.setup('p1 p2 p3', metric, debug=0)
    x1, y1, z1 = symbols('x1 y1 z1')
    x2, y2, z2 = symbols('x2 y2 z2')
    v1 = x1 * p1 + y1 * p2 + z1 * p3
    v2 = x2 * p1 + y2 * p2 + z2 * p3
    prod1 = v1 * v2
    prod2 = (v1 | v2) + (v1 ^ v2)
    diff = prod1 - prod2
    assert diff == MV(S.Zero)
    metric = arbitrary_metric(3)
    p1, p2, p3 = MV.setup('p1 p2 p3', metric, debug=0)
    v1 = x1 * p1 + y1 * p2 + z1 * p3
    v2 = x2 * p1 + y2 * p2 + z2 * p3
    prod1 = v1 * v2
    prod2 = (v1 | v2) + (v1 ^ v2)
    diff = prod1 - prod2
    assert diff == MV(S.Zero)
Esempio n. 12
def test_basic_multivector_operations():
    with GA_Printer():
        (ex, ey, ez) = MV.setup('e*x|y|z')

        A = MV('A', 'mv')

        assert str(A) == 'A + A__x*e_x + A__y*e_y + A__z*e_z + A__xy*e_x^e_y + A__xz*e_x^e_z + A__yz*e_y^e_z + A__xyz*e_x^e_y^e_z'
        assert str(A) == 'A + A__x*e_x + A__y*e_y + A__z*e_z + A__xy*e_x^e_y + A__xz*e_x^e_z + A__yz*e_y^e_z + A__xyz*e_x^e_y^e_z'
        assert str(A) == 'A + A__x*e_x + A__y*e_y + A__z*e_z + A__xy*e_x^e_y + A__xz*e_x^e_z + A__yz*e_y^e_z + A__xyz*e_x^e_y^e_z'

        X = MV('X', 'vector')
        Y = MV('Y', 'vector')

        assert str(X) == 'X__x*e_x + X__y*e_y + X__z*e_z'
        assert str(Y) == 'Y__x*e_x + Y__y*e_y + Y__z*e_z'

        assert str((X*Y)) == '(e_x.e_x)*X__x*Y__x + (e_x.e_y)*X__x*Y__y + (e_x.e_y)*X__y*Y__x + (e_x.e_z)*X__x*Y__z + (e_x.e_z)*X__z*Y__x + (e_y.e_y)*X__y*Y__y + (e_y.e_z)*X__y*Y__z + (e_y.e_z)*X__z*Y__y + (e_z.e_z)*X__z*Y__z + (X__x*Y__y - X__y*Y__x)*e_x^e_y + (X__x*Y__z - X__z*Y__x)*e_x^e_z + (X__y*Y__z - X__z*Y__y)*e_y^e_z'
        assert str((X ^ Y)) == '(X__x*Y__y - X__y*Y__x)*e_x^e_y + (X__x*Y__z - X__z*Y__x)*e_x^e_z + (X__y*Y__z - X__z*Y__y)*e_y^e_z'
        assert str((X | Y)) == '(e_x.e_x)*X__x*Y__x + (e_x.e_y)*X__x*Y__y + (e_x.e_y)*X__y*Y__x + (e_x.e_z)*X__x*Y__z + (e_x.e_z)*X__z*Y__x + (e_y.e_y)*X__y*Y__y + (e_y.e_z)*X__y*Y__z + (e_y.e_z)*X__z*Y__y + (e_z.e_z)*X__z*Y__z'

        (ex, ey) = MV.setup('e*x|y')

        X = MV('X', 'vector')
        A = MV('A', 'spinor')

        assert str(X) == 'X__x*e_x + X__y*e_y'
        assert str(A) == 'A + A__xy*e_x^e_y'

        assert str((X | A)) == '(-A__xy*((e_x.e_y)*X__x + (e_y.e_y)*X__y))*e_x + (A__xy*((e_x.e_x)*X__x + (e_x.e_y)*X__y))*e_y'
        assert str((X < A)) == '(-A__xy*((e_x.e_y)*X__x + (e_y.e_y)*X__y))*e_x + (A__xy*((e_x.e_x)*X__x + (e_x.e_y)*X__y))*e_y'
        assert str((A > X)) == '(A__xy*((e_x.e_y)*X__x + (e_y.e_y)*X__y))*e_x + (-A__xy*((e_x.e_x)*X__x + (e_x.e_y)*X__y))*e_y'

        (ex, ey) = MV.setup('e*x|y', metric='[1,1]')

        X = MV('X', 'vector')
        A = MV('A', 'spinor')

        assert str(X) == 'X__x*e_x + X__y*e_y'
        assert str(A) == 'A + A__xy*e_x^e_y'

        assert str((X*A)) == '(A*X__x - A__xy*X__y)*e_x + (A*X__y + A__xy*X__x)*e_y'
        assert str((X | A)) == '-A__xy*X__y*e_x + A__xy*X__x*e_y'
        assert str((X < A)) == '-A__xy*X__y*e_x + A__xy*X__x*e_y'
        assert str((X > A)) == 'A*X__x*e_x + A*X__y*e_y'

        assert str((A*X)) == '(A*X__x + A__xy*X__y)*e_x + (A*X__y - A__xy*X__x)*e_y'
        assert str((A | X)) == 'A__xy*X__y*e_x - A__xy*X__x*e_y'
        assert str((A < X)) == 'A*X__x*e_x + A*X__y*e_y'
        assert str((A > X)) == 'A__xy*X__y*e_x - A__xy*X__x*e_y'

    def __init__(self, x, coords, debug=False, I=None):
        coords: list of coordinate variables
        x: vector fuction of coordinate variables (parametric surface)
        self.I = I
        self.x = x
        self.coords = coords

        self.basis = []
        self.basis_str = []
        self.embedded_basis = []
        for u in coords:
            tv = x.diff(u)
            (coefs, bases) = linear_expand(tv.obj)
            tc = {}
            for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases):
                str_base = str(base)
                tc[str_base] = coef
                if str_base not in self.embedded_basis:

        self.gij = []

        for base1 in self.basis:
            tmp = []
            for base2 in self.basis:
                tmp.append(simplify(trigsimp((base1 | base2).scalar())))

        for tv in self.basis_str:
            for base in self.embedded_basis:
                if base not in tv:
                    tv[base] = 0

        self.dim = len(self.basis)

        indexes = tuple(range(self.dim))
        self.index = [()]
        for i in indexes:
            self.index.append(tuple(combinations(indexes, i + 1)))
        self.index = tuple(self.index)

        self.MFbasis = [[MV.ONE], self.basis]

        for igrade in self.index[2:]:
            grade = []
            for iblade in igrade:
                blade = MV(1, 'scalar')
                for ibasis in iblade:
                    blade ^= self.basis[ibasis]
                blade = blade.trigsimp(deep=True, recursive=True)
        self.E = self.MFbasis[-1][0]
        self.E_sq = trigsimp((self.E * self.E).scalar(),

        duals = copy.copy(self.MFbasis[-2])

        sgn = 1
        self.rbasis = []
        for dual in duals:
            recpv = (sgn * dual * self.E).trigsimp(deep=True, recursive=True)
            sgn = -sgn

        self.dbasis = []

        for base in self.basis:
            dbase = []
            for coord in self.coords:
                d = base.diff(coord).trigsimp(deep=True, recursive=True)

        self.surface = {}
        (coefs, bases) = linear_expand(self.x.obj)

        for (coef, base) in zip(coefs, bases):
            self.surface[str(base)] = coef

        self.grad = MV()
        self.grad.is_grad = True
        self.grad.blade_rep = True
        self.grad.igrade = 1
        self.grad.rcpr_bases_MV = []
        for rbase in self.rbasis:
            self.grad.rcpr_bases_MV.append(rbase / self.E_sq)
        self.grad.rcpr_bases_MV = tuple(self.grad.rcpr_bases_MV)
        self.grad.coords = self.coords
        self.grad.norm = self.E_sq
        self.grad.connection = {}

        if debug:
            oprint('x', self.x, 'coords', self.coords, 'basis vectors',
                   self.basis, 'index', self.index, 'basis blades',
                   self.MFbasis, 'E', self.E, 'E**2', self.E_sq, '*basis',
                   duals, 'rbasis', self.rbasis, 'basis derivatives',
                   self.dbasis, 'surface', self.surface, 'basis strings',
                   self.basis_str, 'embedding basis', self.embedded_basis,
                   'metric tensor', self.gij)