Esempio n. 1
def _jacobi_theta2(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    # the loops below break when the fixed precision quantities
    # a and b go to zero;
    # right shifting small negative numbers by wp one obtains -1, not zero,
    # so the condition a**2 + b**2 > MIN is used to break the loops.
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            s = x2
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << (wp+1)) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            sre = (1<<wp) + are
            sim = aim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            s = c1 + ((a * cn) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            s *= nthroot(q, 4)
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

                sre += ((are * cn) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4

            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += ((a * cnre) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(z), siz(z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            n = 1
            termre = c1re
            termim = c1im
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 3
            termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            termim = ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 5
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                termim = ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                n += 2
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    return s
Esempio n. 2
def _jacobi_theta3(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            s = x
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            sre = are = bre = xre
            sim = aim = bim = xim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            s = MP_ZERO
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp

                sre += (are * cn) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (a * cnre) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
Esempio n. 3
def _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd):
    """nd=1,2,3 order of the derivative with respect to z"""
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        s = MP_ZERO
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            s += (a * sn) >> wp
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << (nd+1))
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
    # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * sn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * sn) >> wp
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                sre += (are * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (are * cn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (a * snre) >> wp
            sim = (a * snim) >> wp
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (a * snre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * snim * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * snre - aim * snim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * snre + are * snim) >> wp
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
                sre += ((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Esempio n. 4
def _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd):
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            s = s1 + ((a * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            s = c1 + ((a * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << 1)
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
        # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1 + ((are * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((are * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4

        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + ((a * snre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + ((a * snim * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((a * snre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * snim * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), siz(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + (((are * snre - aim * snim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + (((are * snim + aim * snre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + (((are * cnim + aim * cnre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s