Esempio n. 1
 def get_ring(self):
     """Returns a ring associated with `self`. """
     raise DomainError('there is no ring associated with %s' % self)
Esempio n. 2
 def get_field(self):
     """Returns a field associated with ``self``. """
     raise DomainError('there is no field associated with %s' % self)
Esempio n. 3
 def algebraic_field(self, *extension):
     r"""Returns an algebraic field, i.e. `K(\alpha, \ldots)`. """
     raise DomainError("can't create algebraic field over %s" % self)
Esempio n. 4
def sdp_groebner(f, u, O, K, gens='', verbose=False):
    Computes Groebner basis for a set of polynomials in `K[X]`.

    Given a set of multivariate polynomials `F`, finds another
    set `G`, such that Ideal `F = Ideal G` and `G` is a reduced
    Groebner basis.

    The resulting basis is unique and has monic generators if the
    ground domains is a field. Otherwise the result is non-unique
    but Groebner bases over e.g. integers can be computed (if the
    input polynomials are monic).

    Groebner bases can be used to choose specific generators for a
    polynomial ideal. Because these bases are unique you can check
    for ideal equality by comparing the Groebner bases.  To see if
    one polynomial lies in an ideal, divide by the elements in the
    base and see if the remainder vanishes.

    They can also be used to  solve systems of polynomial equations
    as,  by choosing lexicographic ordering,  you can eliminate one
    variable at a time, provided that the ideal is zero-dimensional
    (finite number of solutions).


    1. [Bose03]_
    2. [Giovini91]_
    3. [Ajwa95]_
    4. [Cox97]_

    Algorithm used: an improved version of Buchberger's algorithm
    as presented in T. Becker, V. Weispfenning, Groebner Bases: A
    Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra, Springer, 1993,
    page 232.

    Added optional ``gens`` argument to apply :func:`sdp_str` for
    the purpose of debugging the algorithm.

    if not K.has_Field:
        raise DomainError("can't compute a Groebner basis over %s" % K)

    def select(P):
        # normal selection strategy
        # select the pair with minimum LCM(LM(f), LM(g))
        pr = minkey(P, key=lambda pair: O(monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f[pair[0]], u), sdp_LM(f[pair[1]], u))))
        return pr

    def normal(g, J):
        h = sdp_rem(g, [ f[j] for j in J ], u, O, K)

        if not h:
            return None
            h = sdp_monic(h, K)
            h = tuple(h)

            if not h in I:
                I[h] = len(f)

            return sdp_LM(h, u), I[h]

    def update(G, B, ih):
        # update G using the set of critical pairs B and h
        # [BW] page 230
        h = f[ih]
        mh = sdp_LM(h, u)

        # filter new pairs (h, g), g in G
        C = G.copy()
        D = set()

        while C:
            # select a pair (h, g) by popping an element from C
            ig = C.pop()
            g = f[ig]
            mg = sdp_LM(g, u)
            LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg)

            def lcm_divides(ip):
                # LCM(LM(h), LM(p)) divides LCM(LM(h), LM(g))
                m = monomial_lcm(mh, sdp_LM(f[ip], u))
                return monomial_div(LCMhg, m)

            # HT(h) and HT(g) disjoint: mh*mg == LCMhg
            if monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg or (
                not any(lcm_divides(ipx) for ipx in C) and
                not any(lcm_divides(pr[1]) for pr in D)):
                  D.add((ih, ig))

        E = set()

        while D:
            # select h, g from D (h the same as above)
            ih, ig = D.pop()
            mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u)
            LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg)

            if not monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg:
                E.add((ih, ig))

        # filter old pairs
        B_new = set()

        while B:
            # select g1, g2 from B (-> CP)
            ig1, ig2 = B.pop()
            mg1 = sdp_LM(f[ig1], u)
            mg2 = sdp_LM(f[ig2], u)
            LCM12 = monomial_lcm(mg1, mg2)

            # if HT(h) does not divide lcm(HT(g1), HT(g2))
            if not monomial_div(LCM12, mh) or \
                monomial_lcm(mg1, mh) == LCM12 or \
                monomial_lcm(mg2, mh) == LCM12:
              B_new.add((ig1, ig2))

        B_new |= E

        # filter polynomials
        G_new = set()

        while G:
            ig = G.pop()
            mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u)

            if not monomial_div(mg, mh):


        return G_new, B_new
      # end of update ################################

    if not f:
        return []

    # replace f with a reduced list of initial polynomials; see [BW] page 203
    f1 = f[:]

    while True:
        f = f1[:]
        f1 = []

        for i in range(len(f)):
            p = f[i]
            r = sdp_rem(p, f[:i], u, O, K)

            if r:
               f1.append(sdp_monic(r, K))

        if f == f1:

    f = [tuple(p) for p in f]
    I = {}            # ip = I[p]; p = f[ip]
    F = set()         # set of indices of polynomials
    G = set()         # set of indices of intermediate would-be Groebner basis
    CP = set()        # set of pairs of indices of critical pairs

    for i, h in enumerate(f):
        I[h] = i

    # algorithm GROEBNERNEWS2 in [BW] page 232
    while F:
        # select p with minimum monomial according to the monomial ordering O
        h = minkey([f[x] for x in F], key=lambda f: O(sdp_LM(f, u)))
        ih = I[h]
        G, CP = update(G, CP, ih)

    # count the number of critical pairs which reduce to zero
    reductions_to_zero = 0

    while CP:
        ig1, ig2 = select(CP)
        CP.remove((ig1, ig2))

        h = sdp_spoly(f[ig1], f[ig2], u, O, K)
        # ordering divisors is on average more efficient [Cox] page 111
        G1 = sorted(G, key=lambda g: O(sdp_LM(f[g], u)))
        ht = normal(h, G1)

        if ht:
            G, CP = update(G, CP, ht[1])
            reductions_to_zero += 1

    # now G is a Groebner basis; reduce it
    Gr = set()

    for ig in G:
        ht = normal(f[ig], G - set([ig]))

        if ht:

    Gr = [list(f[ig]) for ig in Gr]

    # order according to the monomial ordering
    Gr = sorted(Gr, key=lambda f: O(sdp_LM(f, u)), reverse=True)

    if verbose:
        print 'reductions_to_zero = %d' % reductions_to_zero

    return Gr
Esempio n. 5
def test_pickling_polys_errors():
    from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (
        ExactQuotientFailed, OperationNotSupported, HeuristicGCDFailed,
        HomomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed, ExtraneousFactors,
        EvaluationFailed, RefinementFailed, CoercionFailed, NotInvertible,
        NotReversible, NotAlgebraic, DomainError, PolynomialError,
        UnificationFailed, GeneratorsError, GeneratorsNeeded,
        ComputationFailed, UnivariatePolynomialError,
        MultivariatePolynomialError, PolificationFailed, OptionError,

    x = Symbol('x')

    # TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
    # for c in (ExactQuotientFailed, ExactQuotientFailed(x, 3*x, ZZ)):
    #    check(c)

    # TODO: TypeError: can't pickle instancemethod objects
    # for c in (OperationNotSupported, OperationNotSupported(Poly(x), Poly.gcd)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (HeuristicGCDFailed, HeuristicGCDFailed()):

    for c in (HomomorphismFailed, HomomorphismFailed()):

    for c in (IsomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed()):

    for c in (ExtraneousFactors, ExtraneousFactors()):

    for c in (EvaluationFailed, EvaluationFailed()):

    for c in (RefinementFailed, RefinementFailed()):

    for c in (CoercionFailed, CoercionFailed()):

    for c in (NotInvertible, NotInvertible()):

    for c in (NotReversible, NotReversible()):

    for c in (NotAlgebraic, NotAlgebraic()):

    for c in (DomainError, DomainError()):

    for c in (PolynomialError, PolynomialError()):

    for c in (UnificationFailed, UnificationFailed()):

    for c in (GeneratorsError, GeneratorsError()):

    for c in (GeneratorsNeeded, GeneratorsNeeded()):

    # TODO: PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x38578c0>: it's not found as __main__.<lambda>
    # for c in (ComputationFailed, ComputationFailed(lambda t: t, 3, None)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (UnivariatePolynomialError, UnivariatePolynomialError()):

    for c in (MultivariatePolynomialError, MultivariatePolynomialError()):

    # TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
    # for c in (PolificationFailed, PolificationFailed({}, x, x, False)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (OptionError, OptionError()):

    for c in (FlagError, FlagError()):
Esempio n. 6
def dmp_gf_factor(f, u, K):
    """Factor multivariate polynomials over finite fields. """
    raise DomainError('multivariate polynomials over %s' % K)
Esempio n. 7
def dmp_factor_list(f, u, K0):
    """Factor polynomials into irreducibles in `K[X]`. """
    if not u:
        return dup_factor_list(f, K0)

    J, f = dmp_terms_gcd(f, u, K0)

    if not K0.has_CharacteristicZero: # pragma: no cover
        coeff, factors = dmp_gf_factor(f, u, K0)
    elif K0.is_Algebraic:
        coeff, factors = dmp_ext_factor(f, u, K0)
        if not K0.is_Exact:
            K0_inexact, K0 = K0, K0.get_exact()
            f = dmp_convert(f, u, K0_inexact, K0)
            K0_inexact = None

        if K0.has_Field:
            K = K0.get_ring()

            denom, f = dmp_clear_denoms(f, u, K0, K)
            f = dmp_convert(f, u, K0, K)
            K = K0

        if K.is_ZZ:
            levels, f, v = dmp_exclude(f, u, K)
            coeff, factors = dmp_zz_factor(f, v, K)

            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_include(f, levels, v, K), k)
        elif K.is_Poly:
            f, v = dmp_inject(f, u, K)

            coeff, factors = dmp_factor_list(f, v, K.dom)

            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_eject(f, v, K), k)

            coeff = K.convert(coeff, K.dom)
        else: # pragma: no cover
            raise DomainError('factorization not supported over %s' % K0)

        if K0.has_Field:
            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_convert(f, u, K, K0), k)

            coeff = K0.convert(coeff, K)
            denom = K0.convert(denom, K)

            coeff = K0.quo(coeff, denom)

        if K0_inexact is not None:
            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_convert(f, u, K0, K0_inexact), k)

            coeff = K0_inexact.convert(coeff, K0)

    for i, j in enumerate(reversed(J)):
        if not j:

        term = {(0,)*(u-i) + (1,) + (0,)*i:}
        factors.insert(0, (dmp_from_dict(term, u, K0), j))

    return coeff, _sort_factors(factors)
Esempio n. 8
def rs_cos(p, x, prec):
    Cosine of a series

    Returns the series expansion of the cos of p, about 0.


    >>> from import QQ
    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_cos
    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
    >>> rs_cos(x + x*y, x, 4)
    -1/2*x**2*y**2 - x**2*y - 1/2*x**2 + 1
    >>> rs_cos(x + x*y, x, 4)/x**QQ(7, 5)
    -1/2*x**(3/5)*y**2 - x**(3/5)*y - 1/2*x**(3/5) + x**(-7/5)

    See Also

    if rs_is_puiseux(p, x):
        return rs_puiseux(rs_cos, p, x, prec)
    R = p.ring
    if _has_constant_term(p, x):
        zm = R.zero_monom
        c = p[zm]
        if R.domain is EX:
            c_expr = c.as_expr()
            t1, t2 = sin(c_expr), cos(c_expr)
        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
                c_expr = c.as_expr()
                t1, t2 = R(sin(c_expr)), R(cos(c_expr))
            except ValueError:
                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
                                  "this domain.")
                t1, t2 = R(sin(c)), R(cos(c))
            except ValueError:
                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
                                  "this domain.")
        p1 = p - c

        # Makes use of sympy cos, sin fuctions to evaluate the values of the
        # cos/sin of the constant term.
        return rs_cos(p1, x, prec) * t2 - rs_sin(p1, x, prec) * t1

    # Series is calculated in terms of tan as its evaluation is fast.
    if len(p) > 20 and R.ngens == 1:
        t = rs_tan(p / 2, x, prec)
        t2 = rs_square(t, x, prec)
        p1 = rs_series_inversion(1 + t2, x, prec)
        return rs_mul(p1, 1 - t2, x, prec)
    one = R(1)
    n = 1
    c = []
    for k in range(2, prec + 2, 2):
        c.append(one / n)
        n *= -k * (k - 1)
    return rs_series_from_list(p, c, x, prec)
Esempio n. 9
def rs_nth_root(p, n, x, prec):
    Multivariate series expansion of the nth root of p

      n(integer): compute p**(1/n)
      x: variable name
      prec: precision of the series


    The result of this function is dependent on the ring over which the
    polynomial has been defined. If the answer involves a root of a constant,
    make sure that the polynomial is over a real field. It can not yet handle
    roots of symbols.


    >>> from import QQ, RR
    >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring
    >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_nth_root
    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ)
    >>> rs_nth_root(1 + x + x*y, -3, x, 3)
    2/9*x**2*y**2 + 4/9*x**2*y + 2/9*x**2 - 1/3*x*y - 1/3*x + 1
    >>> R, x, y = ring('x, y', RR)
    >>> rs_nth_root(3 + x + x*y, 3, x, 2)
    0.160249952256379*x*y + 0.160249952256379*x + 1.44224957030741
    p0 = p
    n0 = n
    if n == 0:
        if p == 0:
            raise ValueError('0**0 expression')
            return p.ring(1)
    if n == 1:
        return rs_trunc(p, x, prec)
    R = p.ring
    zm = R.zero_monom
    index = R.gens.index(x)
    m = min(p, key=lambda k: k[index])[index]
    p = mul_xin(p, index, -m)
    prec -= m

    if _has_constant_term(p - 1, x):
        zm = R.zero_monom
        c = p[zm]
        if R.domain is EX:
            c_expr = c.as_expr()
            const = c_expr**QQ(1, n)
        elif isinstance(c, PolyElement):
                c_expr = c.as_expr()
                const = R(c_expr**(QQ(1, n)))
            except ValueError:
                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
                                  "this domain.")
            try:  # RealElement doesn't support
                const = R(c**Rational(1, n))  # exponentiation with mpq object
            except ValueError:  # as exponent
                raise DomainError("The given series can't be expanded in "
                                  "this domain.")
        res = rs_nth_root(p / c, n, x, prec) * const
        res = _nth_root1(p, n, x, prec)
    if m:
        m = QQ(m, n)
        res = mul_xin(res, index, m)
    return res
Esempio n. 10
def dup_factor_list(f, K0):
    """Factor univariate polynomials into irreducibles in `K[x]`. """
    j, f = dup_terms_gcd(f, K0)
    cont, f = dup_primitive(f, K0)

    if K0.is_FiniteField:
        coeff, factors = dup_gf_factor(f, K0)
    elif K0.is_Algebraic:
        coeff, factors = dup_ext_factor(f, K0)
    elif K0.is_GaussianRing:
        coeff, factors = dup_zz_i_factor(f, K0)
    elif K0.is_GaussianField:
        coeff, factors = dup_qq_i_factor(f, K0)
        if not K0.is_Exact:
            K0_inexact, K0 = K0, K0.get_exact()
            f = dup_convert(f, K0_inexact, K0)
            K0_inexact = None

        if K0.is_Field:
            K = K0.get_ring()

            denom, f = dup_clear_denoms(f, K0, K)
            f = dup_convert(f, K0, K)
            K = K0

        if K.is_ZZ:
            coeff, factors = dup_zz_factor(f, K)
        elif K.is_Poly:
            f, u = dmp_inject(f, 0, K)

            coeff, factors = dmp_factor_list(f, u, K.dom)

            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_eject(f, u, K), k)

            coeff = K.convert(coeff, K.dom)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise DomainError('factorization not supported over %s' % K0)

        if K0.is_Field:
            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dup_convert(f, K, K0), k)

            coeff = K0.convert(coeff, K)
            coeff = K0.quo(coeff, denom)

            if K0_inexact:
                for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                    max_norm = dup_max_norm(f, K0)
                    f = dup_quo_ground(f, max_norm, K0)
                    f = dup_convert(f, K0, K0_inexact)
                    factors[i] = (f, k)
                    coeff = K0.mul(coeff, K0.pow(max_norm, k))

                coeff = K0_inexact.convert(coeff, K0)
                K0 = K0_inexact

    if j:
        factors.insert(0, ([,], j))

    return coeff * cont, _sort_factors(factors)
Esempio n. 11
def dmp_factor_list(f, u, K0):
    """Factor multivariate polynomials into irreducibles in `K[X]`. """
    if not u:
        return dup_factor_list(f, K0)

    J, f = dmp_terms_gcd(f, u, K0)
    cont, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K0)

    if K0.is_FiniteField:  # pragma: no cover
        coeff, factors = dmp_gf_factor(f, u, K0)
    elif K0.is_Algebraic:
        coeff, factors = dmp_ext_factor(f, u, K0)
    elif K0.is_GaussianRing:
        coeff, factors = dmp_zz_i_factor(f, u, K0)
    elif K0.is_GaussianField:
        coeff, factors = dmp_qq_i_factor(f, u, K0)
        if not K0.is_Exact:
            K0_inexact, K0 = K0, K0.get_exact()
            f = dmp_convert(f, u, K0_inexact, K0)
            K0_inexact = None

        if K0.is_Field:
            K = K0.get_ring()

            denom, f = dmp_clear_denoms(f, u, K0, K)
            f = dmp_convert(f, u, K0, K)
            K = K0

        if K.is_ZZ:
            levels, f, v = dmp_exclude(f, u, K)
            coeff, factors = dmp_zz_factor(f, v, K)

            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_include(f, levels, v, K), k)
        elif K.is_Poly:
            f, v = dmp_inject(f, u, K)

            coeff, factors = dmp_factor_list(f, v, K.dom)

            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_eject(f, v, K), k)

            coeff = K.convert(coeff, K.dom)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise DomainError('factorization not supported over %s' % K0)

        if K0.is_Field:
            for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                factors[i] = (dmp_convert(f, u, K, K0), k)

            coeff = K0.convert(coeff, K)
            coeff = K0.quo(coeff, denom)

            if K0_inexact:
                for i, (f, k) in enumerate(factors):
                    max_norm = dmp_max_norm(f, u, K0)
                    f = dmp_quo_ground(f, max_norm, u, K0)
                    f = dmp_convert(f, u, K0, K0_inexact)
                    factors[i] = (f, k)
                    coeff = K0.mul(coeff, K0.pow(max_norm, k))

                coeff = K0_inexact.convert(coeff, K0)
                K0 = K0_inexact

    for i, j in enumerate(reversed(J)):
        if not j:

        term = {(0, ) * (u - i) + (1, ) + (0, ) * i:}
        factors.insert(0, (dmp_from_dict(term, u, K0), j))

    return coeff * cont, _sort_factors(factors)
Esempio n. 12
def ratsimpmodprime(expr, G, *gens, quick=True, polynomial=False, **args):
    Simplifies a rational expression ``expr`` modulo the prime ideal
    generated by ``G``.  ``G`` should be a Groebner basis of the

    >>> from sympy.simplify.ratsimp import ratsimpmodprime
    >>> from import x, y
    >>> eq = (x + y**5 + y)/(x - y)
    >>> ratsimpmodprime(eq, [x*y**5 - x - y], x, y, order='lex')
    (-x**2 - x*y - x - y)/(-x**2 + x*y)

    If ``polynomial`` is False, the algorithm computes a rational
    simplification which minimizes the sum of the total degrees of
    the numerator and the denominator.

    If ``polynomial`` is True, this function just brings numerator and
    denominator into a canonical form. This is much faster, but has
    potentially worse results.


    .. [1] M. Monagan, R. Pearce, Rational Simplification Modulo a Polynomial
    (specifically, the second algorithm)
    from sympy import solve

    debug('ratsimpmodprime', expr)

    # usual preparation of polynomials:

    num, denom = cancel(expr).as_numer_denom()

        polys, opt = parallel_poly_from_expr([num, denom] + G, *gens, **args)
    except PolificationFailed:
        return expr

    domain = opt.domain

    if domain.has_assoc_Field:
        opt.domain = domain.get_field()
        raise DomainError("can't compute rational simplification over %s" %

    # compute only once
    leading_monomials = [g.LM(opt.order) for g in polys[2:]]
    tested = set()

    def staircase(n):
        Compute all monomials with degree less than ``n`` that are
        not divisible by any element of ``leading_monomials``.
        if n == 0:
            return [1]
        S = []
        for mi in combinations_with_replacement(range(len(opt.gens)), n):
            m = [0] * len(opt.gens)
            for i in mi:
                m[i] += 1
            if all([monomial_div(m, lmg) is None
                    for lmg in leading_monomials]):

        return [Monomial(s).as_expr(*opt.gens) for s in S] + staircase(n - 1)

    def _ratsimpmodprime(a, b, allsol, N=0, D=0):
        Computes a rational simplification of ``a/b`` which minimizes
        the sum of the total degrees of the numerator and the denominator.

        The algorithm proceeds by looking at ``a * d - b * c`` modulo
        the ideal generated by ``G`` for some ``c`` and ``d`` with degree
        less than ``a`` and ``b`` respectively.
        The coefficients of ``c`` and ``d`` are indeterminates and thus
        the coefficients of the normalform of ``a * d - b * c`` are
        linear polynomials in these indeterminates.
        If these linear polynomials, considered as system of
        equations, have a nontrivial solution, then `\frac{a}{b}
        \equiv \frac{c}{d}` modulo the ideal generated by ``G``. So,
        by construction, the degree of ``c`` and ``d`` is less than
        the degree of ``a`` and ``b``, so a simpler representation
        has been found.
        After a simpler representation has been found, the algorithm
        tries to reduce the degree of the numerator and denominator
        and returns the result afterwards.

        As an extension, if quick=False, we look at all possible degrees such
        that the total degree is less than *or equal to* the best current
        solution. We retain a list of all solutions of minimal degree, and try
        to find the best one at the end.
        c, d = a, b
        steps = 0

        maxdeg = a.total_degree() + b.total_degree()
        if quick:
            bound = maxdeg - 1
            bound = maxdeg
        while N + D <= bound:
            if (N, D) in tested:
            tested.add((N, D))

            M1 = staircase(N)
            M2 = staircase(D)
            debug('%s / %s: %s, %s' % (N, D, M1, M2))

            Cs = symbols("c:%d" % len(M1), cls=Dummy)
            Ds = symbols("d:%d" % len(M2), cls=Dummy)
            ng = Cs + Ds

            c_hat = Poly(sum([Cs[i] * M1[i] for i in range(len(M1))]),
                         opt.gens + ng)
            d_hat = Poly(sum([Ds[i] * M2[i] for i in range(len(M2))]),
                         opt.gens + ng)

            r = reduced(a * d_hat - b * c_hat,
                        opt.gens + ng,

            S = Poly(r, gens=opt.gens).coeffs()
            sol = solve(S, Cs + Ds, particular=True, quick=True)

            if sol and not all([s == 0 for s in sol.values()]):
                c = c_hat.subs(sol)
                d = d_hat.subs(sol)

                # The "free" variables occurring before as parameters
                # might still be in the substituted c, d, so set them
                # to the value chosen before:
                c = c.subs(dict(list(zip(Cs + Ds, [1] * (len(Cs) + len(Ds))))))
                d = d.subs(dict(list(zip(Cs + Ds, [1] * (len(Cs) + len(Ds))))))

                c = Poly(c, opt.gens)
                d = Poly(d, opt.gens)
                if d == 0:
                    raise ValueError('Ideal not prime?')

                allsol.append((c_hat, d_hat, S, Cs + Ds))
                if N + D != maxdeg:
                    allsol = [allsol[-1]]


            steps += 1
            N += 1
            D += 1

        if steps > 0:
            c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(c, d, allsol, N, D - steps)
            c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(c, d, allsol, N - steps, D)

        return c, d, allsol

    # preprocessing. this improves performance a bit when deg(num)
    # and deg(denom) are large:
    num = reduced(num, G, opt.gens, order=opt.order)[1]
    denom = reduced(denom, G, opt.gens, order=opt.order)[1]

    if polynomial:
        return (num / denom).cancel()

    c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(Poly(num, opt.gens, domain=opt.domain),
                                    Poly(denom, opt.gens, domain=opt.domain),
    if not quick and allsol:
        debug('Looking for best minimal solution. Got: %s' % len(allsol))
        newsol = []
        for c_hat, d_hat, S, ng in allsol:
            sol = solve(S, ng, particular=True, quick=False)
            newsol.append((c_hat.subs(sol), d_hat.subs(sol)))
        c, d = min(newsol, key=lambda x: len(x[0].terms()) + len(x[1].terms()))

    if not domain.is_Field:
        cn, c = c.clear_denoms(convert=True)
        dn, d = d.clear_denoms(convert=True)
        r = Rational(cn, dn)
        r = Rational(1)

    return (c * r.q) / (d * r.p)
Esempio n. 13
 def get_exact(self):
     """Returns an exact domain associated with ``self``. """
     raise DomainError("there is no exact domain associated with %s" % self)
Esempio n. 14
def f5b(F, u, O, K, gens='', verbose=False):
    Computes a reduced Groebner basis for the ideal generated by F.

    f5b is an implementation of the F5B algorithm by Yao Sun and
    Dingkang Wang. Similarly to Buchberger's algorithm, the algorithm
    proceeds by computing critical pairs, computing the S-polynomial,
    reducing it and adjoining the reduced S-polynomial if it is not 0.

    Unlike Buchberger's algorithm, each polynomial contains additional
    information, namely a signature and a number. The signature
    specifies the path of computation (i.e. from which polynomial in
    the original basis was it derived and how), the number says when
    the polynomial was added to the basis.  With this information it
    is (often) possible to decide if an S-polynomial will reduce to
    0 and can be discarded.

    Optimizations include: Reducing the generators before computing
    a Groebner basis, removing redundant critical pairs when a new
    polynomial enters the basis and sorting the critical pairs and
    the current basis.

    Once a Groebner basis has been found, it gets reduced.

    ** References **
    Yao Sun, Dingkang Wang: "A New Proof for the Correctness of F5
    (F5-Like) Algorithm", (specifically

    Thomas Becker, Volker Weispfenning, Groebner bases: A computational
    approach to commutative algebra, 1993, p. 203, 216
    if not K.has_Field:
        raise DomainError("can't compute a Groebner basis over %s" % K)

    # reduce polynomials (like in Mario Pernici's implementation) (Becker, Weispfenning, p. 203)
    B = F
    while True:
        F = B
        B = []

        for i in xrange(len(F)):
            p = F[i]
            r = sdp_rem(p, F[:i], u, O, K)

            if r != []:

        if F == B:

    # basis
    B = [lbp(sig((0, ) * (u + 1), i + 1), F[i], i + 1) for i in xrange(len(F))]
    B.sort(key=lambda f: O(sdp_LM(Polyn(f), u)), reverse=True)

    # critical pairs
    CP = [
        critical_pair(B[i], B[j], u, O, K) for i in xrange(len(B))
        for j in xrange(i + 1, len(B))
    CP.sort(key=lambda cp: cp_key(cp, O), reverse=True)

    k = len(B)

    reductions_to_zero = 0

    while len(CP):
        cp = CP.pop()

        # discard redundant critical pairs:
        if is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[0], Num(cp[2]), B, u, K):
        if is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[3], Num(cp[5]), B, u, K):

        s = s_poly(cp, u, O, K)

        p = f5_reduce(s, B, u, O, K)

        p = lbp(Sign(p), sdp_monic(Polyn(p), K), k + 1)

        if Polyn(p) != []:
            # remove old critical pairs, that become redundant when adding p:
            indices = []
            for i, cp in enumerate(CP):
                if is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[0], Num(cp[2]), [p], u, K):
                elif is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[3], Num(cp[5]), [p], u, K):

            for i in reversed(indices):
                del CP[i]

            # only add new critical pairs that are not made redundant by p:
            for g in B:
                if Polyn(g) != []:
                    cp = critical_pair(p, g, u, O, K)
                    if is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[0], Num(cp[2]), [p], u,
                    elif is_rewritable_or_comparable(cp[3], Num(cp[5]), [p], u,


            # sort (other sorting methods/selection strategies were not as successful)
            CP.sort(key=lambda cp: cp_key(cp, O), reverse=True)

            # insert p into B:
            m = sdp_LM(Polyn(p), u)
            if O(m) <= O(sdp_LM(Polyn(B[-1]), u)):
                for i, q in enumerate(B):
                    if O(m) > O(sdp_LM(Polyn(q), u)):
                        B.insert(i, p)

            k += 1

            #print(len(B), len(CP), "%d critical pairs removed" % len(indices))
            reductions_to_zero += 1

    if verbose:
        print("%d reductions to zero" % reductions_to_zero)

    # reduce Groebner basis:
    H = [sdp_monic(Polyn(g), K) for g in B]
    H = red_groebner(H, u, O, K)

    return sorted(H, key=lambda f: O(sdp_LM(f, u)), reverse=True)
Esempio n. 15
def dmp_gf_sqf_list(f, u, K, all=False):
    """Compute square-free decomposition of ``f`` in ``GF(p)[X]``. """
    raise DomainError('multivariate polynomials over %s' % K)
Esempio n. 16
def dmp_gf_sqf_part(f, K):
    """Compute square-free part of ``f`` in ``GF(p)[X]``. """
    raise DomainError('multivariate polynomials over %s' % K)