Esempio n. 1
    def order(self, strategy="relator_based"):
        Returns the order of the finitely presented group ``self``. It uses
        the coset enumeration with identity group as subgroup, i.e ``H=[]``.


        >>> from sympy.combinatorics.free_groups import free_group
        >>> from sympy.combinatorics.fp_groups import FpGroup
        >>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
        >>> f = FpGroup(F, [x, y**2])
        >>> f.order(strategy="coset_table_based")

        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd
        if self._order is not None:
            return self._order
        if self._coset_table is not None:
            self._order = len(self._coset_table.table)
        elif len(self.relators) == 0:
            self._order = self.free_group.order()
        elif len(self.generators) == 1:
            self._order = abs(gcd([r.array_form[0][1] for r in self.relators]))
        elif self._is_infinite():
            self._order = S.Infinity
            gens, C = self._finite_index_subgroup()
            if C:
                ind = len(C.table)
                self._order = ind * self.subgroup(gens, C=C).order()
                self._order = self.index([])
        return self._order
Esempio n. 2
def _normalize(list_of_coeff, x, negative=True):
    Normalize a given annihilator

    lcm_denom = S(1)

    for i in list_of_coeff:
        lcm_denom = lcm(lcm_denom, i.as_numer_denom()[1])

    if negative is True:
        lcm_denom = -lcm_denom

    for i, j in enumerate(list_of_coeff):
        list_of_coeff[i] = (j * lcm_denom).simplify()

    gcd_numer = list_of_coeff[-1]

    for i in list_of_coeff:
        gcd_numer = gcd(gcd_numer, i.as_numer_denom()[0])

    for i, j in enumerate(list_of_coeff):
        list_of_coeff[i] = (j / gcd_numer).simplify()

    return list_of_coeff
Esempio n. 3
def _simplification_technique_1(rels):
    All relators are checked to see if they are of the form `gen^n`. If any
    such relators are found then all other relators are processed for strings
    in the `gen` known order.


    >>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group
    >>> from sympy.combinatorics.fp_groups import _simplification_technique_1
    >>> F, x, y = free_group("x, y")
    >>> w1 = [x**2*y**4, x**3]
    >>> _simplification_technique_1(w1)
    [x**-1*y**4, x**3]

    >>> w2 = [x**2*y**-4*x**5, x**3, x**2*y**8, y**5]
    >>> _simplification_technique_1(w2)
    [x**-1*y*x**-1, x**3, x**-1*y**-2, y**5]

    >>> w3 = [x**6*y**4, x**4]
    >>> _simplification_technique_1(w3)
    [x**2*y**4, x**4]

    rels = rels[:]
    # dictionary with "gen: n" where gen^n is one of the relators
    exps = {}
    for i in range(len(rels)):
        rel = rels[i]
        if rel.number_syllables() == 1:
            g = rel[0]
            exp = abs(rel.array_form[0][1])
            if rel.array_form[0][1] < 0:
                rels[i] = rels[i]**-1
                g = g**-1
            if g in exps:
                exp = gcd(exp, exps[g].array_form[0][1])
            exps[g] = g**exp

    one_syllables_words = exps.values()
    # decrease some of the exponents in relators, making use of the single
    # syllable relators
    for i in range(len(rels)):
        rel = rels[i]
        if rel in one_syllables_words:
        rel = rel.eliminate_words(one_syllables_words, _all = True)
        # if rels[i] contains g**n where abs(n) is greater than half of the power p
        # of g in exps, g**n can be replaced by g**(n-p) (or g**(p-n) if n<0)
        for g in rel.contains_generators():
            if g in exps:
                exp = exps[g].array_form[0][1]
                max_exp = (exp + 1)//2
                rel = rel.eliminate_word(g**(max_exp), g**(max_exp-exp), _all = True)
                rel = rel.eliminate_word(g**(-max_exp), g**(-(max_exp-exp)), _all = True)
        rels[i] = rel
    rels = [r.identity_cyclic_reduction() for r in rels]
    return rels
Esempio n. 4
def test_log_exact():
    # check for pi/2, pi/3, pi/4, pi/6, pi/8, pi/12; pi/5, pi/10:
    for n in range(-23, 24):
        if gcd(n, 24) != 1:
            assert log(exp(n * I * pi / 24).rewrite(sqrt)) == n * I * pi / 24
        for n in range(-9, 10):
            assert log(exp(n * I * pi / 10).rewrite(sqrt)) == n * I * pi / 10

    assert log(S.Half - I * sqrt(3) / 2) == -I * pi / 3
    assert log(Rational(-1, 2) + I * sqrt(3) / 2) == I * pi * Rational(2, 3)
    assert log(-sqrt(2) / 2 - I * sqrt(2) / 2) == -I * pi * Rational(3, 4)
    assert log(-sqrt(3) / 2 - I * S.Half) == -I * pi * Rational(5, 6)

    assert log(
        Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4 -
        I * sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) == -I * pi * Rational(2, 5)
    assert log(
        sqrt(Rational(5, 8) - sqrt(5) / 8) + I *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4)) == I * pi * Rational(3, 10)
    assert log(-sqrt(sqrt(2) / 4 + S.Half) +
               I * sqrt(S.Half - sqrt(2) / 4)) == I * pi * Rational(7, 8)
    assert log(-sqrt(6) / 4 - sqrt(2) / 4 + I *
               (-sqrt(6) / 4 + sqrt(2) / 4)) == -I * pi * Rational(11, 12)

    assert log(-1 + I * sqrt(3)) == log(2) + I * pi * Rational(2, 3)
    assert log(5 + 5 * I) == log(5 * sqrt(2)) + I * pi / 4
    assert log(sqrt(-12)) == log(2 * sqrt(3)) + I * pi / 2
    assert log(-sqrt(6) + sqrt(2) - I * sqrt(6) -
               I * sqrt(2)) == log(4) - I * pi * Rational(7, 12)
    assert log(-sqrt(6 - 3 * sqrt(2)) - I * sqrt(6 + 3 * sqrt(2))) == log(
        2 * sqrt(3)) - I * pi * Rational(5, 8)
    assert log(1 + I * sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == log(
        2 / sqrt(sqrt(2) + 2)) + I * pi / 8
    assert log(cos(pi * Rational(7, 12)) +
               I * sin(pi * Rational(7, 12))) == I * pi * Rational(7, 12)
    assert log(cos(pi * Rational(6, 5)) +
               I * sin(pi * Rational(6, 5))) == I * pi * Rational(-4, 5)

    assert log(5 * (1 + I) / sqrt(2)) == log(5) + I * pi / 4
    assert log(
        sqrt(2) *
        (-sqrt(3) + 1 - sqrt(3) * I - I)) == log(4) - I * pi * Rational(7, 12)
    assert log(
        -sqrt(2) *
        (1 - I * sqrt(3))) == log(2 * sqrt(2)) + I * pi * Rational(2, 3)
    assert log(
        sqrt(3) * I * (-sqrt(6 - 3 * sqrt(2)) -
                       I * sqrt(3 * sqrt(2) + 6))) == log(6) - I * pi / 8

    zero = (1 + sqrt(2))**2 - 3 - 2 * sqrt(2)
    assert log(zero - I * sqrt(3)) == log(sqrt(3)) - I * pi / 2
    assert unchanged(log, zero + I * zero) or log(zero + zero * I) is zoo

    # bail quickly if no obvious simplification is possible:
    assert unchanged(log, (sqrt(2) - 1 / sqrt(sqrt(3) + I))**1000)
    # beware of non-real coefficients
    assert unchanged(log, sqrt(2 - sqrt(5)) * (1 + I))
Esempio n. 5
def rsa_private_key(p, q, e):
    The RSA *private key* is the pair `(n,d)`, where `n`
    is a product of two primes and `d` is the inverse of
    `e` (mod `\phi(n)`).


    >>> from sympy.crypto.crypto import rsa_private_key
    >>> p, q, e = 3, 5, 7
    >>> rsa_private_key(p, q, e)
    (15, 7)

    n = p*q
    phi = totient(n)
    if isprime(p) and isprime(q) and gcd(e, phi) == 1:
        return n, pow(e, phi - 1, phi)
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def rsa_private_key(p, q, e):
    The RSA *private key* is the pair `(n,d)`, where `n`
    is a product of two primes and `d` is the inverse of
    `e` (mod `\phi(n)`).


    >>> from sympy.crypto.crypto import rsa_private_key
    >>> p, q, e = 3, 5, 7
    >>> rsa_private_key(p, q, e)
    (15, 7)

    n = p * q
    phi = totient(n)
    if isprime(p) and isprime(q) and gcd(e, phi) == 1:
        return n, pow(e, phi - 1, phi)
    return False
Esempio n. 7
def rsa_public_key(p, q, e):
    The RSA *public key* is the pair `(n,e)`, where `n`
    is a product of two primes and `e` is relatively
    prime (coprime) to the Euler totient `\phi(n)`.


    >>> from sympy.crypto.crypto import rsa_public_key
    >>> p, q, e = 3, 5, 7
    >>> n, e = rsa_public_key(p, q, e)
    >>> n
    >>> e

    n = p*q
    phi = totient(n)
    if isprime(p) and isprime(q) and gcd(e, phi) == 1:
        return n, e
    return False
Esempio n. 8
def rsa_public_key(p, q, e):
    The RSA *public key* is the pair `(n,e)`, where `n`
    is a product of two primes and `e` is relatively
    prime to the Euler totient `\phi(n)`.


    >>> from sympy.crypto.crypto import rsa_public_key
    >>> p, q, e = 3, 5, 7
    >>> n, e = rsa_public_key(p, q, e)
    >>> n
    >>> e

    n = p * q
    phi = totient(n)
    if isprime(p) and isprime(q) and gcd(e, phi) == 1:
        return n, e
    return False
Esempio n. 9
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than q.

            if p == q or p == -q or p.is_Pow and p.exp.is_Integer and p.base == q:
                return S.Zero

            if p.is_Number and q.is_Number:
                return (p % q)

            # by ratio
            r = p/q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d*q
                    if (rv*q < 0) is True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by differencec
            d = p - q
            if d.is_negative:
                if q.is_negative:
                    return d
                elif q.is_positive:
                    return p

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            # easy
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner == q:
                return p
            # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G is not S.One:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)]
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp/cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp*p
                q = cq*q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv*G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0]*p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
Esempio n. 10
 def denom_clean(l):
     return [(v / gcd(list(v))).applyfunc(simpfunc) for v in l]
Esempio n. 11
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than or equal q.

            if q.is_zero:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero")
            if p is S.NaN or q is S.NaN or p.is_finite is False or q.is_finite is False:
                return S.NaN
            if p is S.Zero or p in (q, -q) or (p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if q.is_Number:
                if p.is_Number:
                    return p % q
                if q == 2:
                    if p.is_even:
                        return S.Zero
                    elif p.is_odd:
                        return S.One

            if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'):
                rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q)
                if rv is not None:
                    return rv

            # by ratio
            r = p / q
            if r.is_integer:
                return S.Zero
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if isinstance(d, int):
                    rv = p - d * q
                    if (rv * q < 0) == True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by difference
            # -2|q| < p < 2|q|
            d = abs(p)
            for _ in range(2):
                d -= abs(q)
                if d.is_negative:
                    if q.is_positive:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d + q
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d
                    elif q.is_negative:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d + q

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if isinstance(p, cls):
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(p.args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q - qinner)).is_nonnegative:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(-p, cls):
            qinner = (-p).args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(-(-p).args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q + qinner)).is_nonpositive:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(p, Add):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)
            # if q same for all
            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                net = Add(*non_mod_l) + Add(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                return cls(net, q)

        elif isinstance(p, Mul):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)

            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                # finding distributive term
                non_mod_l = [cls(x, q) for x in non_mod_l]
                mod = []
                non_mod = []
                for j in non_mod_l:
                    if isinstance(j, cls):
                prod_mod = Mul(*mod)
                prod_non_mod = Mul(*non_mod)
                prod_mod1 = Mul(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                net = prod_mod1 * prod_mod
                return prod_non_mod * cls(net, q)

            if q.is_Integer and q is not S.One:
                _ = []
                for i in non_mod_l:
                    if i.is_Integer and (i % q is not S.Zero):
                        _.append(i % q)
                non_mod_l = _

            p = Mul(*(non_mod_l + mod_l))

        # XXX other possibilities?

        from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
            G = gcd(p, q)
            if G != 1:
                p, q = [
                    gcd_terms(i / G, clear=False, fraction=False)
                    for i in (p, q)
        except PolynomialError:  # issue 21373
            G = S.One
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp / cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp * p
                q = cq * q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv * G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0] * p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G * cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
Esempio n. 12
    def _eval_simplify(self, **kwargs):
        from .add import Add
        from .expr import Expr
        r = self
        r = r.func(*[i.simplify(**kwargs) for i in r.args])
        if r.is_Relational:
            if not isinstance(r.lhs, Expr) or not isinstance(r.rhs, Expr):
                return r
            dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
            # replace dif with a valid Number that will
            # allow a definitive comparison with 0
            v = None
            if dif.is_comparable:
                v = dif.n(2)
            elif dif.equals(0):  # XXX this is expensive
                v = S.Zero
            if v is not None:
                r = r.func._eval_relation(v, S.Zero)
            r = r.canonical
            # If there is only one symbol in the expression,
            # try to write it on a simplified form
            free = list(
                filter(lambda x: x.is_real is not False, r.free_symbols))
            if len(free) == 1:
                    from sympy.solvers.solveset import linear_coeffs
                    x = free.pop()
                    dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
                    m, b = linear_coeffs(dif, x)
                    if m.is_zero is False:
                        if m.is_negative:
                            # Dividing with a negative number, so change order of arguments
                            # canonical will put the symbol back on the lhs later
                            r = r.func(-b / m, x)
                            r = r.func(x, -b / m)
                        r = r.func(b, S.Zero)
                except ValueError:
                    # maybe not a linear function, try polynomial
                    from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
                    from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd, Poly, poly
                        p = poly(dif, x)
                        c = p.all_coeffs()
                        constant = c[-1]
                        c[-1] = 0
                        scale = gcd(c)
                        c = [ctmp / scale for ctmp in c]
                        r = r.func(
                            Poly.from_list(c, x).as_expr(), -constant / scale)
                    except PolynomialError:
            elif len(free) >= 2:
                    from sympy.solvers.solveset import linear_coeffs
                    from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd
                    free = list(ordered(free))
                    dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
                    m = linear_coeffs(dif, *free)
                    constant = m[-1]
                    del m[-1]
                    scale = gcd(m)
                    m = [mtmp / scale for mtmp in m]
                    nzm = list(filter(lambda f: f[0] != 0, list(zip(m, free))))
                    if scale.is_zero is False:
                        if constant != 0:
                            # lhs: expression, rhs: constant
                            newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                            r = r.func(newexpr, -constant / scale)
                            # keep first term on lhs
                            lhsterm = nzm[0][0] * nzm[0][1]
                            del nzm[0]
                            newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                            r = r.func(lhsterm, -newexpr)

                        r = r.func(constant, S.Zero)
                except ValueError:
        # Did we get a simplified result?
        r = r.canonical
        measure = kwargs['measure']
        if measure(r) < kwargs['ratio'] * measure(self):
            return r
            return self
Esempio n. 13
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than q.

            if p == q or p == -q or p.is_Pow and p.exp.is_Integer and p.base == q:
                return S.Zero

            if p.is_Number and q.is_Number:
                return (p % q)

            # by ratio
            r = p/q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d*q
                    if (rv*q < 0) is True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by differencec
            d = p - q
            if d.is_negative:
                if q.is_negative:
                    return d
                elif q.is_positive:
                    return p

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            # easy
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner == q:
                return p
            # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G is not S.One:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)]
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp/cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp*p
                q = cq*q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv*G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0]*p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: bjodah/sympy
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than or equal q.

            if q == S.Zero:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero")
            if p.is_infinite or q.is_infinite or p is nan or q is nan:
                return nan
            if p == S.Zero or p == q or p == -q or (p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if q.is_Number:
                if p.is_Number:
                    return p%q
                if q == 2:
                    if p.is_even:
                        return S.Zero
                    elif p.is_odd:
                        return S.One

            if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'):
                rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q)
                if rv is not None:
                    return rv

            # by ratio
            r = p/q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if isinstance(d, integer_types):
                    rv = p - d*q
                    if (rv*q < 0) == True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by difference
            # -2|q| < p < 2|q|
            d = abs(p)
            for _ in range(2):
                d -= abs(q)
                if d.is_negative:
                    if q.is_positive:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d + q
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d
                    elif q.is_negative:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d + q

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if isinstance(p, cls):
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(p.args[0], q)
            elif (qinner*(q - qinner)).is_nonnegative:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(-p, cls):
            qinner = (-p).args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(-(-p).args[0], q)
            elif (qinner*(q + qinner)).is_nonpositive:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign
                return p
        elif isinstance(p, Add):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)
            # if q same for all
            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                net = Add(*non_mod_l) + Add(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                return cls(net, q)

        elif isinstance(p, Mul):
            # separating into modulus and non modulus
            both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], []
            for arg in p.args:
                both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg)

            if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l):
                # finding distributive term
                non_mod_l = [cls(x, q) for x in non_mod_l]
                mod = []
                non_mod = []
                for j in non_mod_l:
                    if isinstance(j, cls):
                prod_mod = Mul(*mod)
                prod_non_mod = Mul(*non_mod)
                prod_mod1 = Mul(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l])
                net = prod_mod1*prod_mod
                return prod_non_mod*cls(net, q)

            if q.is_Integer and q is not S.One:
                _ = []
                for i in non_mod_l:
                    if i.is_Integer and (i % q is not S.Zero):
                non_mod_l = _

            p = Mul(*(non_mod_l + mod_l))

        # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G != 1:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)]
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp/cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp*p
                q = cq*q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv*G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0]*p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
Esempio n. 15
 def denom_clean(l):
     from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd
     return [(v / gcd(list(v))).applyfunc(simpfunc) for v in l]
Esempio n. 16
    def eval(cls, p, q):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        from sympy.core.singleton import S
        from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms
        from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd

        def doit(p, q):
            """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known
            to be less than or equal q.

            if q == S.Zero:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero")
            if p.is_infinite or q.is_infinite or p is nan or q is nan:
                return nan
            if p == S.Zero or p == q or p == -q or (p.is_integer and q == 1):
                return S.Zero

            if q.is_Number:
                if p.is_Number:
                    return (p % q)
                if q == 2:
                    if p.is_even:
                        return S.Zero
                    elif p.is_odd:
                        return S.One

            if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'):
                rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q)
                if rv is not None:
                    return rv

            # by ratio
            r = p / q
                d = int(r)
            except TypeError:
                if type(d) is int:
                    rv = p - d * q
                    if (rv * q < 0) == True:
                        rv += q
                    return rv

            # by difference
            # -2|q| < p < 2|q|
            d = abs(p)
            for _ in range(2):
                d -= abs(q)
                if d.is_negative:
                    if q.is_positive:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d + q
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d
                    elif q.is_negative:
                        if p.is_positive:
                            return d
                        elif p.is_negative:
                            return -d + q

        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv

        # denest
        if p.func is cls:
            qinner = p.args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(p.args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q - qinner)).is_nonnegative:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign
                return p
        elif (-p).func is cls:
            qinner = (-p).args[1]
            if qinner % q == 0:
                return cls(-(-p).args[0], q)
            elif (qinner * (q + qinner)).is_nonpositive:
                # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign
                return p
        # XXX other possibilities?

        # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user
        G = gcd(p, q)
        if G != 1:
            p, q = [
                gcd_terms(i / G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)
        pwas, qwas = p, q

        # simplify terms
        # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x)
        if p.is_Add:
            args = []
            for i in p.args:
                a = cls(i, q)
                if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls):
            if args != list(p.args):
                p = Add(*args)

            # handle coefficients if they are not Rational
            # since those are not handled by factor_terms
            # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y)
            cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul()
            cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul()
            ok = False
            if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational:
                r = cp % cq
                if r == 0:
                    G *= cq
                    p *= int(cp / cq)
                    ok = True
            if not ok:
                p = cp * p
                q = cq * q

        # simple -1 extraction
        if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign():
            G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)]

        # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers
        rv = doit(p, q)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv * G

        # put 1.0 from G on inside
        if G.is_Float and G == 1:
            p *= G
            return cls(p, q, evaluate=False)
        elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1:
            p = G.args[0] * p
            G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:])
        return G * cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas))
Esempio n. 17
    def _regular_point_ellipse(self, a, b, c, d, e, f):
            D = 4*a*c - b**2
            ok = D

            if not ok:
                raise ValueError("Rational Point on the conic does not exist")

            if a == 0 and c == 0:
                K = -1
                L = 4*(d*e - b*f)
            elif c != 0:
                K = D
                L = 4*c**2*d**2 - 4*b*c*d*e + 4*a*c*e**2 + 4*b**2*c*f - 16*a*c**2*f
                K = D
                L = 4*a**2*e**2 - 4*b*a*d*e + 4*b**2*a*f

            ok = L != 0 and not(K > 0 and L < 0)
            if not ok:
                raise ValueError("Rational Point on the conic does not exist")

            K = Rational(K).limit_denominator(10**12)
            L = Rational(L).limit_denominator(10**12)

            k1, k2 = K.p, K.q
            l1, l2 = L.p, L.q
            g = gcd(k2, l2)

            a1 = (l2*k2)/g
            b1 = (k1*l2)/g
            c1 = -(l1*k2)/g
            a2 = sign(a1)*core(abs(a1), 2)
            r1 = sqrt(a1/a2)
            b2 = sign(b1)*core(abs(b1), 2)
            r2 = sqrt(b1/b2)
            c2 = sign(c1)*core(abs(c1), 2)
            r3 = sqrt(c1/c2)

            g = gcd(gcd(a2, b2), c2)
            a2 = a2/g
            b2 = b2/g
            c2 = c2/g

            g1 = gcd(a2, b2)
            a2 = a2/g1
            b2 = b2/g1
            c2 = c2*g1

            g2 = gcd(a2,c2)
            a2 = a2/g2
            b2 = b2*g2
            c2 = c2/g2

            g3 = gcd(b2, c2)
            a2 = a2*g3
            b2 = b2/g3
            c2 = c2/g3

            x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
            eq = a2*x**2 + b2*y**2 + c2*z**2

            solutions = diophantine(eq)

            if len(solutions) == 0:
                raise ValueError("Rational Point on the conic does not exist")

            flag = False
            for sol in solutions:
                syms = Tuple(*sol).free_symbols
                rep = {s: 3 for s in syms}
                sol_z = sol[2]

                if sol_z == 0:
                    flag = True

                if not isinstance(sol_z, (int, Integer)):
                    syms_z = sol_z.free_symbols

                    if len(syms_z) == 1:
                        p = next(iter(syms_z))
                        p_values = Complement(S.Integers, solveset(Eq(sol_z, 0), p, S.Integers))
                        rep[p] = next(iter(p_values))

                    if len(syms_z) == 2:
                        p, q = list(ordered(syms_z))

                        for i in S.Integers:
                            subs_sol_z = sol_z.subs(p, i)
                            q_values = Complement(S.Integers, solveset(Eq(subs_sol_z, 0), q, S.Integers))

                            if not q_values.is_empty:
                                rep[p] = i
                                rep[q] = next(iter(q_values))

                    if len(syms) != 0:
                        x, y, z = tuple(s.subs(rep) for s in sol)
                        x, y, z =   sol
                    flag = False

            if flag:
                raise ValueError("Rational Point on the conic does not exist")

            x = (x*g3)/r1
            y = (y*g2)/r2
            z = (z*g1)/r3
            x = x/z
            y = y/z

            if a == 0 and c == 0:
                x_reg = (x + y - 2*e)/(2*b)
                y_reg = (x - y - 2*d)/(2*b)
            elif c != 0:
                x_reg = (x - 2*d*c + b*e)/K
                y_reg = (y - b*x_reg - e)/(2*c)
                y_reg = (x - 2*e*a + b*d)/K
                x_reg = (y - b*y_reg - d)/(2*a)

            return x_reg, y_reg
Esempio n. 18
def _ecm_one_factor(n, B1=10000, B2=100000, max_curve=200):
    """Returns one factor of n using
    Lenstra's 2 Stage Elliptic curve Factorization
    with Suyama's Parameterization. Here Montgomery
    arithmetic is used for fast computation of addition
    and doubling of points in elliptic curve.

    This ECM method considers elliptic curves in Montgomery
    form (E : b*y**2*z = x**3 + a*x**2*z + x*z**2) and involves
    elliptic curve operations (mod N), where the elements in
    Z are reduced (mod N). Since N is not a prime, E over FF(N)
    is not really an elliptic curve but we can still do point additions
    and doubling as if FF(N) was a field.

    Stage 1 : The basic algorithm involves taking a random point (P) on an
    elliptic curve in FF(N). The compute k*P using Montgomery ladder algorithm.
    Let q be an unknown factor of N. Then the order of the curve E, |E(FF(q))|,
    might be a smooth number that divides k. Then we have k = l * |E(FF(q))|
    for some l. For any point belonging to the curve E, |E(FF(q))|*P = O,
    hence k*P = l*|E(FF(q))|*P. Thus kP.z_cord = 0 (mod q), and the unknownn
    factor of N (q) can be recovered by taking gcd(kP.z_cord, N).

    Stage 2 : This is a continuation of Stage 1 if k*P != O. The idea utilize
    the fact that even if kP != 0, the value of k might miss just one large
    prime divisor of |E(FF(q))|. In this case we only need to compute the
    scalar multiplication by p to get p*k*P = O. Here a second bound B2
    restrict the size of possible values of p.


    n : Number to be Factored
    B1 : Stage 1 Bound
    B2 : Stage 2 Bound
    max_curve : Maximum number of curves generated


    .. [1]  Carl Pomerance and Richard Crandall "Prime Numbers:
        A Computational Perspective" (2nd Ed.), page 344
    n = as_int(n)
    if B1 % 2 != 0 or B2 % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("The Bounds should be an even integer")

    if isprime(n):
        return n

    from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
    from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd
    curve = 0
    D = int(sqrt(B2))
    beta = [0] * (D + 1)
    S = [0] * (D + 1)
    k = 1
    for p in sieve.primerange(1, B1 + 1):
        k *= pow(p, integer_log(B1, p)[0])
    while (curve <= max_curve):
        curve += 1

        #Suyama's Paramatrization
        sigma = rgen.randint(6, n - 1)
        u = (sigma * sigma - 5) % n
        v = (4 * sigma) % n
        diff = v - u
        u_3 = pow(u, 3, n)

            C = (pow(diff, 3, n) *
                 (3 * u + v) * mod_inverse(4 * u_3 * v, n) - 2) % n
        except ValueError:
            #If the mod_inverse(4*u_3*v, n) doesn't exist
            return gcd(4 * u_3 * v, n)

        a24 = (C + 2) * mod_inverse(4, n) % n
        Q = Point(u_3, pow(v, 3, n), a24, n)
        Q = Q.mont_ladder(k)
        g = gcd(Q.z_cord, n)

        #Stage 1 factor
        if g != 1 and g != n:
            return g
        #Stage 1 failure. Q.z = 0, Try another curve
        elif g == n:

        #Stage 2 - Improved Standard Continuation
        S[1] = Q.double()
        S[2] = S[1].double()
        beta[1] = (S[1].x_cord * S[1].z_cord) % n
        beta[2] = (S[2].x_cord * S[2].z_cord) % n

        for d in range(3, D + 1):
            S[d] = S[d - 1].add(S[1], S[d - 2])
            beta[d] = (S[d].x_cord * S[d].z_cord) % n

        g = 1
        B = B1 - 1
        T = Q.mont_ladder(B - 2 * D)
        R = Q.mont_ladder(B)

        for r in range(B, B2, 2 * D):
            alpha = (R.x_cord * R.z_cord) % n
            for q in sieve.primerange(r + 2, r + 2 * D + 1):
                delta = (q - r) // 2
                f = (R.x_cord - S[d].x_cord)*(R.z_cord + S[d].z_cord) -\
                alpha + beta[delta]
                g = (g * f) % n
            T, R = R, R.add(S[D], T)
        g = gcd(n, g)

        #Stage 2 Factor found
        if g != 1 and g != n:
            return g

    #ECM failed, Increase the bounds
    raise ValueError("Increase the bounds")