Esempio n. 1
def _solve_as_poly(f, symbol, domain=S.Complexes):
    Solve the equation using polynomial techniques if it already is a
    polynomial equation or, with a change of variables, can be made so.
    result = None
    if f.is_polynomial(symbol):
        solns = roots(f, symbol, cubics=True, quartics=True, quintics=True, domain="EX")
        num_roots = sum(solns.values())
        if degree(f, symbol) <= num_roots:
            result = FiniteSet(*solns.keys())
            poly = Poly(f, symbol)
            solns = poly.all_roots()
            if <= len(solns):
                result = FiniteSet(*solns)
                result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)
        poly = Poly(f)
        if poly is None:
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)
        gens = [g for g in poly.gens if g.has(symbol)]

        if len(gens) == 1:
            poly = Poly(poly, gens[0])
            gen = poly.gen
            deg =
            poly = Poly(poly.as_expr(), poly.gen, composite=True)
            poly_solns = FiniteSet(*roots(poly, cubics=True, quartics=True, quintics=True).keys())

            if len(poly_solns) < deg:
                result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)

            if gen != symbol:
                y = Dummy("y")
                inverter = invert_real if domain.is_subset(S.Reals) else invert_complex
                lhs, rhs_s = inverter(gen, y, symbol)
                if lhs == symbol:
                    result = Union(*[rhs_s.subs(y, s) for s in poly_solns])
                    result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)

    if result is not None:
        if isinstance(result, FiniteSet):
            # this is to simplify solutions like -sqrt(-I) to sqrt(2)/2
            # - sqrt(2)*I/2. We are not expanding for solution with free
            # variables because that makes the solution more complicated. For
            # example expand_complex(a) returns re(a) + I*im(a)
            if all([s.free_symbols == set() and not isinstance(s, RootOf) for s in result]):
                s = Dummy("s")
                result = imageset(Lambda(s, expand_complex(s)), result)
        if isinstance(result, FiniteSet):
            result = result.intersection(domain)
        return result
        return ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)
Esempio n. 2
def test_subs_CondSet():
    s = FiniteSet(z, y)
    c = ConditionSet(x, x < 2, s)
    # you can only replace sym with a symbol that is not in
    # the free symbols
    assert c.subs(x, 1) == c
    assert c.subs(x, y) == c
    assert c.subs(x, w) == ConditionSet(w, w < 2, s)
    assert ConditionSet(x, x < y, s
        ).subs(y, w) == ConditionSet(x, x < w, s.subs(y, w))

    # to eventually be removed
    c = ConditionSet((x, y), {x + 1, x + y}, S.Reals)
    assert c.subs(x, z) == c
Esempio n. 3
def test_subs_CondSet():
    s = FiniteSet(z, y)
    c = ConditionSet(x, x < 2, s)
    # you can only replace sym with a symbol that is not in
    # the free symbols
    assert c.subs(x, 1) == c
    assert c.subs(x, y) == ConditionSet(y, y < 2, s)

    # double subs needed to change dummy if the base set
    # also contains the dummy
    orig = ConditionSet(y, y < 2, s)
    base = orig.subs(y, w)
    and_dummy = base.subs(y, w)
    assert base == ConditionSet(y, y < 2, {w, z})
    assert and_dummy == ConditionSet(w, w < 2, {w, z})

    assert c.subs(x, w) == ConditionSet(w, w < 2, s)
    assert ConditionSet(x, x < y, s
        ).subs(y, w) == ConditionSet(x, x < w, s.subs(y, w))
    # if the user uses assumptions that cause the condition
    # to evaluate, that can't be helped from SymPy's end
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert ConditionSet(n, 0 < n, S.Integers) is S.EmptySet
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert ConditionSet(n, n < y, S.Integers
        ).subs(n, x) == ConditionSet(x, x < y, S.Integers)
    nc = Symbol('nc', commutative=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ConditionSet(
        x, x < p, S.Integers).subs(x, nc))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ConditionSet(
        x, x < p, S.Integers).subs(x, n))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ConditionSet(
        x + 1, x < 1, S.Integers))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ConditionSet(
        x + 1, x < 1, s))
    assert ConditionSet(
        n, n < x, Interval(0, oo)).subs(x, p) == Interval(0, oo)
    assert ConditionSet(
        n, n < x, Interval(-oo, 0)).subs(x, p) == S.EmptySet
    assert ConditionSet(f(x), f(x) < 1, {w, z}
        ).subs(f(x), y) == ConditionSet(y, y < 1, {w, z})
Esempio n. 4
def test_solve_only_exp_1():
    y = Symbol('y', positive=True, finite=True)
    assert solveset_real(exp(x) - y, x) == FiniteSet(log(y))
    assert solveset_real(exp(x) + exp(-x) - 4, x) == \
        FiniteSet(log(-sqrt(3) + 2), log(sqrt(3) + 2))
    assert solveset_real(exp(x) + exp(-x) - y, x) != S.EmptySet
Esempio n. 5
def test_poly_gens():
    assert solveset_real(4**(2*(x**2) + 2*x) - 8, x) == \
        FiniteSet(-Rational(3, 2), S.Half)
Esempio n. 6
def test_real_imag_splitting():
    a, b = symbols('a b', real=True, finite=True)
    assert solveset_real(sqrt(a**2 - b**2) - 3, a) == \
        FiniteSet(-sqrt(b**2 + 9), sqrt(b**2 + 9))
    assert solveset_real(sqrt(a**2 + b**2) - 3, a) != \
Esempio n. 7
def test_solve_sqrt_fail():
    # this only works if we check real_root(eq.subs(x, S(1)/3))
    # but checksol doesn't work like that
    eq = (x**3 - 3 * x**2)**Rational(1, 3) + 1 - x
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(S(1) / 3)
Esempio n. 8
def test_solveset_real_rational():
    """Test solveset_real for rational functions"""
    assert solveset_real((x - y**3) / ((y**2)*sqrt(1 - y**2)), x) \
        == FiniteSet(y**3)
    # issue 4486
    assert solveset_real(2 * x / (x + 2) - 1, x) == FiniteSet(2)
Esempio n. 9
def _set_function(f, x):  # noqa:F811
    from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset
    from sympy.series import limit
    # TODO: handle functions with infinitely many solutions (eg, sin, tan)
    # TODO: handle multivariate functions

    expr = f.expr
    if len(expr.free_symbols) > 1 or len(f.variables) != 1:
    var = f.variables[0]
    if not var.is_real:
        if expr.subs(var, Dummy(real=True)).is_real is False:

    if expr.is_Piecewise:
        result = S.EmptySet
        domain_set = x
        for (p_expr, p_cond) in expr.args:
            if p_cond is true:
                intrvl = domain_set
                intrvl = p_cond.as_set()
                intrvl = Intersection(domain_set, intrvl)

            if p_expr.is_Number:
                image = FiniteSet(p_expr)
                image = imageset(Lambda(var, p_expr), intrvl)
            result = Union(result, image)

            # remove the part which has been `imaged`
            domain_set = Complement(domain_set, intrvl)
            if domain_set is S.EmptySet:
        return result

    if not x.start.is_comparable or not x.end.is_comparable:

        from sympy.polys.polyutils import _nsort
        sing = list(singularities(expr, var, x))
        if len(sing) > 1:
            sing = _nsort(sing)
    except NotImplementedError:

    if x.left_open:
        _start = limit(expr, var, x.start, dir="+")
    elif x.start not in sing:
        _start = f(x.start)
    if x.right_open:
        _end = limit(expr, var, x.end, dir="-")
    elif x.end not in sing:
        _end = f(x.end)

    if len(sing) == 0:
        soln_expr = solveset(diff(expr, var), var)
        if not (isinstance(soln_expr, FiniteSet) or soln_expr is S.EmptySet):
        solns = list(soln_expr)

        extr = [_start, _end] + [f(i) for i in solns if i.is_real and i in x]
        start, end = Min(*extr), Max(*extr)

        left_open, right_open = False, False
        if _start <= _end:
            # the minimum or maximum value can occur simultaneously
            # on both the edge of the interval and in some interior
            # point
            if start == _start and start not in solns:
                left_open = x.left_open
            if end == _end and end not in solns:
                right_open = x.right_open
            if start == _end and start not in solns:
                left_open = x.right_open
            if end == _start and end not in solns:
                right_open = x.left_open

        return Interval(start, end, left_open, right_open)
        return imageset(f, Interval(x.start, sing[0],
                                    x.left_open, True)) + \
            Union(*[imageset(f, Interval(sing[i], sing[i + 1], True, True))
                    for i in range(0, len(sing) - 1)]) + \
            imageset(f, Interval(sing[-1], x.end, True, x.right_open))
Esempio n. 10
def test_solveset_sqrt_2():
    assert solveset_real(sqrt(2*x - 1) - sqrt(x - 4) - 2, x) == \
        FiniteSet(S(5), S(13))
    assert solveset_real(sqrt(x + 7) + 2 - sqrt(3 - x), x) == \

    assert solveset_real(sqrt(17*x - sqrt(x**2 - 5)) - 7, x) == \

    eq = x + 1 - (x**4 + 4 * x**3 - x)**Rational(1, 4)
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(-S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 3)

    eq = sqrt(2 * x + 9) - sqrt(x + 1) - sqrt(x + 4)
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(0)

    eq = sqrt(x + 4) + sqrt(2 * x - 1) - 3 * sqrt(x - 1)
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(5)

    eq = sqrt(x) * sqrt(x - 7) - 12
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(16)

    eq = sqrt(x - 3) + sqrt(x) - 3
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(4)

    eq = sqrt(2 * x**2 - 7) - (3 - x)
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(-S(8), S(2))

    # others
    eq = sqrt(9 * x**2 + 4) - (3 * x + 2)
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(0)

    assert solveset_real(sqrt(x - 3) - sqrt(x) - 3, x) == FiniteSet()

    eq = (2 * x - 5)**Rational(1, 3) - 3
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(16)

    assert solveset_real(sqrt(x) + sqrt(sqrt(x)) - 4, x) == \
        FiniteSet((-S.Half + sqrt(17)/2)**4)

    eq = sqrt(x) - sqrt(x - 1) + sqrt(sqrt(x))
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet()

    eq = (sqrt(x) + sqrt(x + 1) + sqrt(1 - x) - 6 * sqrt(5) / 5)
    ans = solveset_real(eq, x)
    ra = S('''-1484/375 - 4*(-1/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2)*(-12459439/52734375 +
    114*sqrt(12657)/78125)**(1/3) - 172564/(140625*(-1/2 +
    sqrt(3)*I/2)*(-12459439/52734375 + 114*sqrt(12657)/78125)**(1/3))''')
    rb = S(4) / 5
    assert all(abs(eq.subs(x, i).n()) < 1e-10 for i in (ra, rb)) and \
        len(ans) == 2 and \
        set([i.n(chop=True) for i in ans]) == \
        set([i.n(chop=True) for i in (ra, rb)])

    assert solveset_real(sqrt(x) + x**Rational(1, 3) + x**Rational(1, 4),
                         x) == FiniteSet(0)

    assert solveset_real(x / sqrt(x**2 + 1), x) == FiniteSet(0)

    eq = (x - y**3) / ((y**2) * sqrt(1 - y**2))
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == FiniteSet(y**3)

    # issue 4497
    assert solveset_real(1/(5 + x)**(S(1)/5) - 9, x) == \
Esempio n. 11
def test_solveset_domain():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert solveset(x**2 - x - 6, x, Interval(0, oo)) == FiniteSet(3)
    assert solveset(x**2 - 1, x, Interval(0, oo)) == FiniteSet(1)
    assert solveset(x**4 - 16, x, Interval(0, 10)) == FiniteSet(2)
Esempio n. 12
def _set_function(f, x):  # noqa:F811
    return FiniteSet(*map(f, x))
Esempio n. 13
def test_solve_lambert():
    assert solveset_real(x * exp(x) - 1, x) == FiniteSet(LambertW(1))
    assert solveset_real(x + 2**x, x) == \

    # issue 4739
    assert solveset_real(exp(log(5) * x) - 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(0)
    ans = solveset_real(3 * x + 5 + 2**(-5 * x + 3), x)
    assert ans == FiniteSet(-Rational(5, 3) +
                            LambertW(-10240 * 2**(S(1) / 3) * log(2) / 3) /
                            (5 * log(2)))

    eq = 2 * (3 * x + 4)**5 - 6 * 7**(3 * x + 9)
    result = solveset_real(eq, x)
    ans = FiniteSet(
        (log(2401) + 5 * LambertW(-log(7**(7 * 3**Rational(1, 5) / 5)))) /
        (3 * log(7)) / -1)
    assert result == ans
    assert solveset_real(eq.expand(), x) == result

    assert solveset_real(5*x - 1 + 3*exp(2 - 7*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(Rational(1, 5) + LambertW(-21*exp(Rational(3, 5))/5)/7)

    assert solveset_real(2*x + 5 + log(3*x - 2), x) == \
        FiniteSet(Rational(2, 3) + LambertW(2*exp(-Rational(19, 3))/3)/2)

    assert solveset_real(3*x + log(4*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(Rational(3, 4))/3)

    assert solveset_complex(x**z*y**z - 2, z) == \
        FiniteSet(log(2)/(log(x) + log(y)))

    assert solveset_real(x**x - 2) == FiniteSet(exp(LambertW(log(2))))

    a = Symbol('a')
    assert solveset_real(-a * x + 2 * x * log(x), x) == FiniteSet(exp(a / 2))
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    assert solveset_real(a/x + exp(x/2), x) == \
    assert solveset_real((a/x + exp(x/2)).diff(x), x) == \

    assert solveset_real(1 / (1 / x - y + exp(y)), x) == EmptySet()
    # coverage test
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    w = Symbol('w')
    assert solveset_real((1 / p + 1)**(p + 1), p) == EmptySet()
    assert solveset_real(tanh(x + 3) * tanh(x - 3) - 1, x) == EmptySet()
    assert solveset_real(2*x**w - 4*y**w, w) == \
        solveset_real((x/y)**w - 2, w)

    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x), x) == \
    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, (log(x) + 3*x)**2 - 1), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(3*exp(-sqrt(2)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(sqrt(2)))/3)
    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x - 2).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(3*exp(1 + sqrt(3)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(-sqrt(3) + 1))/3)
    assert solveset_real(x*log(x) + 3*x + 1, x) == \
        FiniteSet(exp(-3 + LambertW(-exp(3))))
    eq = (x * exp(x) - 3).subs(x, x * exp(x))
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == \

    assert solveset_real(3*log(a**(3*x + 5)) + a**(3*x + 5), x) == \
        FiniteSet(-((log(a**5) + LambertW(S(1)/3))/(3*log(a))))
    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert solveset_real(3*log(p**(3*x + 5)) + p**(3*x + 5), x) == \
        log((-3**(S(1)/3) - 3**(S(5)/6)*I)*LambertW(S(1)/3)**(S(1)/3)/(2*p**(S(5)/3)))/log(p),
        log((-3**(S(1)/3) + 3**(S(5)/6)*I)*LambertW(S(1)/3)**(S(1)/3)/(2*p**(S(5)/3)))/log(p),
        log((3*LambertW(S(1)/3)/p**5)**(1/(3*log(p)))),)  # checked numerically
    # check collection
    b = Symbol('b')
    eq = 3 * log(a**(3 * x + 5)) + b * log(a**(3 * x + 5)) + a**(3 * x + 5)
    assert solveset_real(
        x) == FiniteSet(-((log(a**5) + LambertW(1 / (b + 3))) / (3 * log(a))))

    # issue 4271
    assert solveset_real((a / x + exp(x / 2)).diff(x, 2),
                         x) == FiniteSet(6 * LambertW(
                             (-1)**(S(1) / 3) * a**(S(1) / 3) / 3))

    assert solveset_real(x**3 - 3**x, x) == \
    assert solveset_real(x**2 - 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(2)
    assert solveset_real(-x**2 + 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(2)
    assert solveset_real(3**cos(x) - cos(x)**3) == FiniteSet(
        acos(-3 * LambertW(-log(3) / 3) / log(3)))

    assert solveset_real(4**(x / 2) - 2**(x / 3), x) == FiniteSet(0)
    assert solveset_real(5**(x / 2) - 2**(x / 3), x) == FiniteSet(0)
    b = sqrt(6) * sqrt(log(2)) / sqrt(log(5))
    assert solveset_real(5**(x / 2) - 2**(3 / x), x) == FiniteSet(-b, b)
Esempio n. 14
def test_solve_complex_log():
    assert solveset_complex(log(x), x) == FiniteSet(1)
    assert solveset_complex(1 - log(a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        FiniteSet(-sqrt(-a/4 + E/4), sqrt(-a/4 + E/4))
Esempio n. 15
def test_atan2():
    # The .inverse() method on atan2 works only if x.is_real is True and the
    # second argument is a real constant
    assert solveset_real(atan2(x, 2) - pi / 3, x) == FiniteSet(2 * sqrt(3))
Esempio n. 16
def test_issue_9913():
    assert solveset(2*x + 1/(x - 10)**2, x, S.Reals) == \
        FiniteSet(-(3*sqrt(24081)/4 + S(4027)/4)**(S(1)/3)/3 - 100/
                (3*(3*sqrt(24081)/4 + S(4027)/4)**(S(1)/3)) + S(20)/3)
Esempio n. 17
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        Construct a new instance of Diagram.


        If no arguments are supplied, an empty diagram is created.

        If at least an argument is supplied, ``args[0]`` is
        interpreted as the premises of the diagram.  If ``args[0]`` is
        a list, it is interpreted as a list of :class:`Morphism`'s, in
        which each :class:`Morphism` has an empty set of properties.
        If ``args[0]`` is a Python dictionary or a :class:`Dict`, it
        is interpreted as a dictionary associating to some
        :class:`Morphism`'s some properties.

        If at least two arguments are supplied ``args[1]`` is
        interpreted as the conclusions of the diagram.  The type of
        ``args[1]`` is interpreted in exactly the same way as the type
        of ``args[0]``.  If only one argument is supplied, the diagram
        has no conclusions.


        >>> from sympy.categories import Object, NamedMorphism
        >>> from sympy.categories import IdentityMorphism, Diagram
        >>> A = Object("A")
        >>> B = Object("B")
        >>> C = Object("C")
        >>> f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
        >>> g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g])
        >>> IdentityMorphism(A) in d.premises.keys()
        >>> g * f in d.premises.keys()
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})
        >>> d.conclusions[g * f]

        premises = {}
        conclusions = {}

        # Here we will keep track of the objects which appear in the
        # premises.
        objects = EmptySet

        if len(args) >= 1:
            # We've got some premises in the arguments.
            premises_arg = args[0]

            if isinstance(premises_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet

                for morphism in premises_arg:
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                    Diagram._add_morphism_closure(premises, morphism, empty)
            elif isinstance(premises_arg, (dict, Dict)):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in premises_arg.items():
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                        premises, morphism, FiniteSet(*props) if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props))

        if len(args) >= 2:
            # We also have some conclusions.
            conclusions_arg = args[1]

            if isinstance(conclusions_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet

                for morphism in conclusions_arg:
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if ((sympify(objects.contains(morphism.domain)) is S.true) and
                        (sympify(objects.contains(morphism.codomain)) is S.true)):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
                            conclusions, morphism, empty, add_identities=False,
            elif isinstance(conclusions_arg, dict) or \
                    isinstance(conclusions_arg, Dict):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in conclusions_arg.items():
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if (morphism.domain in objects) and \
                       (morphism.codomain in objects):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
                            conclusions, morphism, FiniteSet(*props) if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props),
                            add_identities=False, recurse_composites=False)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, Dict(premises), Dict(conclusions), objects)
Esempio n. 18
def test_solve_mul():
    assert solveset_real((a*x + b)*(exp(x) - 3), x) == \
        FiniteSet(-b/a, log(3))
    assert solveset_real((2 * x + 8) * (8 + exp(x)), x) == FiniteSet(S(-4))
    assert solveset_real(x / log(x), x) == EmptySet()
Esempio n. 19
    def __new__(cls, corners, faces=[], pgroup=[]):
        The constructor of the Polyhedron group object.

        It takes up to three parameters: the corners, faces, and
        allowed transformations.

        The corners/vertices are entered as a list of arbitrary
        expressions that are used to identify each vertex.

        The faces are entered as a list of tuples of indices; a tuple
        of indices identifies the vertices which define the face. They
        should be entered in a cw or ccw order; they will be standardized
        by reversal and rotation to be give the lowest lexical ordering.
        If no faces are given then no edges will be computed.

            >>> from sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron import Polyhedron
            >>> Polyhedron(list('abc'), [(1, 2, 0)]).faces
            {(0, 1, 2)}
            >>> Polyhedron(list('abc'), [(1, 0, 2)]).faces
            {(0, 1, 2)}

        The allowed transformations are entered as allowable permutations
        of the vertices for the polyhedron. Instance of Permutations
        (as with faces) should refer to the supplied vertices by index.
        These permutation are stored as a PermutationGroup.


        >>> from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
        >>> Permutation.print_cyclic = False
        >>> from import w, x, y, z

        Here we construct the Polyhedron object for a tetrahedron.

        >>> corners = [w, x, y, z]
        >>> faces = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 1), (1, 2, 3)]

        Next, allowed transformations of the polyhedron must be given. This
        is given as permutations of vertices.

        Although the vertices of a tetrahedron can be numbered in 24 (4!)
        different ways, there are only 12 different orientations for a
        physical tetrahedron. The following permutations, applied once or
        twice, will generate all 12 of the orientations. (The identity
        permutation, Permutation(range(4)), is not included since it does
        not change the orientation of the vertices.)

        >>> pgroup = [Permutation([[0, 1, 2], [3]]), \
                      Permutation([[0, 1, 3], [2]]), \
                      Permutation([[0, 2, 3], [1]]), \
                      Permutation([[1, 2, 3], [0]]), \
                      Permutation([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), \
                      Permutation([[0, 2], [1, 3]]), \
                      Permutation([[0, 3], [1, 2]])]

        The Polyhedron is now constructed and demonstrated:

        >>> tetra = Polyhedron(corners, faces, pgroup)
        >>> tetra.size
        >>> tetra.edges
        {(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}
        >>> tetra.corners
        (w, x, y, z)

        It can be rotated with an arbitrary permutation of vertices, e.g.
        the following permutation is not in the pgroup:

        >>> tetra.rotate(Permutation([0, 1, 3, 2]))
        >>> tetra.corners
        (w, x, z, y)

        An allowed permutation of the vertices can be constructed by
        repeatedly applying permutations from the pgroup to the vertices.
        Here is a demonstration that applying p and p**2 for every p in
        pgroup generates all the orientations of a tetrahedron and no others:

        >>> all = ( (w, x, y, z), \
                    (x, y, w, z), \
                    (y, w, x, z), \
                    (w, z, x, y), \
                    (z, w, y, x), \
                    (w, y, z, x), \
                    (y, z, w, x), \
                    (x, z, y, w), \
                    (z, y, x, w), \
                    (y, x, z, w), \
                    (x, w, z, y), \
                    (z, x, w, y) )

        >>> got = []
        >>> for p in (pgroup + [p**2 for p in pgroup]):
        ...     h = Polyhedron(corners)
        ...     h.rotate(p)
        ...     got.append(h.corners)
        >>> set(got) == set(all)

        The make_perm method of a PermutationGroup will randomly pick
        permutations, multiply them together, and return the permutation that
        can be applied to the polyhedron to give the orientation produced
        by those individual permutations.

        Here, 3 permutations are used:

        >>> tetra.pgroup.make_perm(3) # doctest: +SKIP
        Permutation([0, 3, 1, 2])

        To select the permutations that should be used, supply a list
        of indices to the permutations in pgroup in the order they should
        be applied:

        >>> use = [0, 0, 2]
        >>> p002 = tetra.pgroup.make_perm(3, use)
        >>> p002
        Permutation([1, 0, 3, 2])

        Apply them one at a time:

        >>> tetra.reset()
        >>> for i in use:
        ...     tetra.rotate(pgroup[i])
        >>> tetra.vertices
        (x, w, z, y)
        >>> sequentially = tetra.vertices

        Apply the composite permutation:

        >>> tetra.reset()
        >>> tetra.rotate(p002)
        >>> tetra.corners
        (x, w, z, y)
        >>> tetra.corners in all and tetra.corners == sequentially


        Defining permutation groups

        It is not necessary to enter any permutations, nor is necessary to
        enter a complete set of transformations. In fact, for a polyhedron,
        all configurations can be constructed from just two permutations.
        For example, the orientations of a tetrahedron can be generated from
        an axis passing through a vertex and face and another axis passing
        through a different vertex or from an axis passing through the
        midpoints of two edges opposite of each other.

        For simplicity of presentation, consider a square --
        not a cube -- with vertices 1, 2, 3, and 4:

        1-----2  We could think of axes of rotation being:
        |     |  1) through the face
        |     |  2) from midpoint 1-2 to 3-4 or 1-3 to 2-4
        3-----4  3) lines 1-4 or 2-3

        To determine how to write the permutations, imagine 4 cameras,
        one at each corner, labeled A-D:

        A       B          A       B
         1-----2            1-----3             vertex index:
         |     |            |     |                 1   0
         |     |            |     |                 2   1
         3-----4            2-----4                 3   2
        C       D          C       D                4   3

        original           after rotation
                           along 1-4

        A diagonal and a face axis will be chosen for the "permutation group"
        from which any orientation can be constructed.

        >>> pgroup = []

        Imagine a clockwise rotation when viewing 1-4 from camera A. The new
        orientation is (in camera-order): 1, 3, 2, 4 so the permutation is
        given using the *indices* of the vertices as:

        >>> pgroup.append(Permutation((0, 2, 1, 3)))

        Now imagine rotating clockwise when looking down an axis entering the
        center of the square as viewed. The new camera-order would be
        3, 1, 4, 2 so the permutation is (using indices):

        >>> pgroup.append(Permutation((2, 0, 3, 1)))

        The square can now be constructed:
            ** use real-world labels for the vertices, entering them in
               camera order
            ** for the faces we use zero-based indices of the vertices
               in *edge-order* as the face is traversed; neither the
               direction nor the starting point matter -- the faces are
               only used to define edges (if so desired).

        >>> square = Polyhedron((1, 2, 3, 4), [(0, 1, 3, 2)], pgroup)

        To rotate the square with a single permutation we can do:

        >>> square.rotate(square.pgroup[0])
        >>> square.corners
        (1, 3, 2, 4)

        To use more than one permutation (or to use one permutation more
        than once) it is more convenient to use the make_perm method:

        >>> p011 = square.pgroup.make_perm([0, 1, 1]) # diag flip + 2 rotations
        >>> square.reset() # return to initial orientation
        >>> square.rotate(p011)
        >>> square.corners
        (4, 2, 3, 1)

        Thinking outside the box

        Although the Polyhedron object has a direct physical meaning, it
        actually has broader application. In the most general sense it is
        just a decorated PermutationGroup, allowing one to connect the
        permutations to something physical. For example, a Rubik's cube is
        not a proper polyhedron, but the Polyhedron class can be used to
        represent it in a way that helps to visualize the Rubik's cube.

        >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten, unflatten
        >>> from sympy import symbols
        >>> from sympy.combinatorics import RubikGroup
        >>> facelets = flatten([symbols(s+'1:5') for s in 'UFRBLD'])
        >>> def show():
        ...     pairs = unflatten(r2.corners, 2)
        ...     print(pairs[::2])
        ...     print(pairs[1::2])
        >>> r2 = Polyhedron(facelets, pgroup=RubikGroup(2))
        >>> show()
        [(U1, U2), (F1, F2), (R1, R2), (B1, B2), (L1, L2), (D1, D2)]
        [(U3, U4), (F3, F4), (R3, R4), (B3, B4), (L3, L4), (D3, D4)]
        >>> r2.rotate(0) # cw rotation of F
        >>> show()
        [(U1, U2), (F3, F1), (U3, R2), (B1, B2), (L1, D1), (R3, R1)]
        [(L4, L2), (F4, F2), (U4, R4), (B3, B4), (L3, D2), (D3, D4)]

        Predefined Polyhedra

        For convenience, the vertices and faces are defined for the following
        standard solids along with a permutation group for transformations.
        When the polyhedron is oriented as indicated below, the vertices in
        a given horizontal plane are numbered in ccw direction, starting from
        the vertex that will give the lowest indices in a given face. (In the
        net of the vertices, indices preceded by "-" indicate replication of
        the lhs index in the net.)

        tetrahedron, tetrahedron_faces

            4 vertices (vertex up) net:

                 0 0-0
                1 2 3-1

            4 faces:

            (0, 1, 2) (0, 2, 3) (0, 3, 1) (1, 2, 3)

        cube, cube_faces

            8 vertices (face up) net:

                0 1 2 3-0
                4 5 6 7-4

            6 faces:

            (0, 1, 2, 3)
            (0, 1, 5, 4) (1, 2, 6, 5) (2, 3, 7, 6) (0, 3, 7, 4)
            (4, 5, 6, 7)

        octahedron, octahedron_faces

            6 vertices (vertex up) net:

                 0 0 0-0
                1 2 3 4-1
                 5 5 5-5

            8 faces:

            (0, 1, 2) (0, 2, 3) (0, 3, 4) (0, 1, 4)
            (1, 2, 5) (2, 3, 5) (3, 4, 5) (1, 4, 5)

        dodecahedron, dodecahedron_faces

            20 vertices (vertex up) net:

                  0  1  2  3  4 -0
                  5  6  7  8  9 -5
                14 10 11 12 13-14
                15 16 17 18 19-15

            12 faces:

            (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) (0, 1, 6, 10, 5) (1, 2, 7, 11, 6)
            (2, 3, 8, 12, 7) (3, 4, 9, 13, 8) (0, 4, 9, 14, 5)
            (5, 10, 16, 15, 14) (6, 10, 16, 17, 11) (7, 11, 17, 18, 12)
            (8, 12, 18, 19, 13) (9, 13, 19, 15, 14)(15, 16, 17, 18, 19)

        icosahedron, icosahedron_faces

            12 vertices (face up) net:

                 0  0  0  0 -0
                1  2  3  4  5 -1
                 6  7  8  9  10 -6
                  11 11 11 11 -11

            20 faces:

            (0, 1, 2) (0, 2, 3) (0, 3, 4)
            (0, 4, 5) (0, 1, 5) (1, 2, 6)
            (2, 3, 7) (3, 4, 8) (4, 5, 9)
            (1, 5, 10) (2, 6, 7) (3, 7, 8)
            (4, 8, 9) (5, 9, 10) (1, 6, 10)
            (6, 7, 11) (7, 8, 11) (8, 9, 11)
            (9, 10, 11) (6, 10, 11)

        >>> from sympy.combinatorics.polyhedron import cube
        >>> cube.edges
        {(0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), '...', (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 7)}

        If you want to use letters or other names for the corners you
        can still use the pre-calculated faces:

        >>> corners = list('abcdefgh')
        >>> Polyhedron(corners, cube.faces).corners
        (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)



        faces = [minlex(f, directed=False, is_set=True) for f in faces]
        corners, faces, pgroup = args = \
            [Tuple(*a) for a in (corners, faces, pgroup)]
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
        obj._corners = tuple(corners)  # in order given
        obj._faces = FiniteSet(*faces)
        if pgroup and pgroup[0].size != len(corners):
            raise ValueError("Permutation size unequal to number of corners.")
        # use the identity permutation if none are given
        obj._pgroup = PermutationGroup((pgroup or [Perm(range(len(corners)))]))
        return obj
Esempio n. 20
def test_invert_real():
    x = Dummy(real=True)
    n = Symbol('n')

    minus_n = Intersection(Interval(-oo, 0), FiniteSet(-n))
    plus_n = Intersection(Interval(0, oo), FiniteSet(n))
    assert solveset(abs(x) - n, x, S.Reals) == Union(minus_n, plus_n)

    n = Symbol('n', real=True)
    assert invert_real(x + 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y - 3))
    assert invert_real(x * 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y / 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y)))
    assert invert_real(exp(3 * x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(exp(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) - 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x) + 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y - 3)))
    assert invert_real(exp(x) * 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y / 3)))

    assert invert_real(log(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y)))
    assert invert_real(log(3 * x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(log(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) - 3))

    minus_y = Intersection(Interval(-oo, 0), FiniteSet(-y))
    plus_y = Intersection(Interval(0, oo), FiniteSet(y))
    assert invert_real(Abs(x), y, x) == (x, Union(minus_y, plus_y))

    assert invert_real(2**x, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) / log(2)))
    assert invert_real(2**exp(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(log(y) / log(2))))

    assert invert_real(x**2, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(sqrt(y), -sqrt(y)))
    assert invert_real(x**Rational(1, 2), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**2))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x, x, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x**pi, y, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(S.One, y, x))

    assert invert_real(x**31 + x, y, x) == (x**31 + x, FiniteSet(y))

    y_1 = Intersection(Interval(-1, oo), FiniteSet(y - 1))
    y_2 = Intersection(Interval(-oo, -1), FiniteSet(-y - 1))
    assert invert_real(Abs(x**31 + x + 1), y,
                       x) == (x**31 + x, Union(y_1, y_2))

    assert invert_real(sin(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*asin(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(sin(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log((-1)**n*asin(y) + n*pi)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(csc(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*acsc(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(csc(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log((-1)**n*acsc(y) + n*pi)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cos(x), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + acos(y)), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - acos(y)), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(cos(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi + acos(y))), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi - acos(y))), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(sec(x), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + asec(y)), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - asec(y)), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(sec(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi + asec(y))), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi - asec(y))), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(tan(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + atan(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cot(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + acot(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cot(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + acot(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(tan(x)), y, x) == \
        (tan(x), imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    x = Symbol('x', positive=True)
    assert invert_real(x**pi, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**(1 / pi)))

    # Test for ``set_h`` containing information about the domain

    n = Dummy('n')
    x = Symbol('x')

    h1 = Intersection(Interval(-3, oo), FiniteSet(a + b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, -n + a - 3), Interval(-oo, 0)))

    h2 = Intersection(Interval(-oo, -3), FiniteSet(-a + b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, n - a - 3), Interval(0, oo)))

    h3 = Intersection(Interval(-3, oo), FiniteSet(a - b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, -n + a - 3), Interval(0, oo)))

    h4 = Intersection(Interval(-oo, -3), FiniteSet(-a - b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, n - a - 3), Interval(-oo, 0)))

    assert invert_real(Abs(Abs(x + 3) - a) - b, 0,
                       x) == (x, Union(h1, h2, h3, h4))
Esempio n. 21
def test_issue_3982():
    a = [3, 2.0]
    assert sympify(a) == [Integer(3), Float(2.0)]
    assert sympify(tuple(a)) == Tuple(Integer(3), Float(2.0))
    assert sympify(set(a)) == FiniteSet(Integer(3), Float(2.0))
Esempio n. 22
def test_solve_polynomial_symbolic_param():
    assert solveset_complex((x**2 - 1)**2 - a, x) == \
        FiniteSet(sqrt(1 + sqrt(a)), -sqrt(1 + sqrt(a)),
                  sqrt(1 - sqrt(a)), -sqrt(1 - sqrt(a)))
Esempio n. 23
def test_sympify_set():
    n = Symbol('n')
    assert sympify({n}) == FiniteSet(n)
    assert sympify(set()) == EmptySet
Esempio n. 24
def test_solveset_real_log():
    assert solveset_real(log((x-1)*(x+1)), x) == \
        FiniteSet(sqrt(2), -sqrt(2))
Esempio n. 25
def test_sympify_rational_numbers_set():
    ans = [Rational(3, 10), Rational(1, 5)]
    assert sympify({'.3', '.2'}, rational=True) == FiniteSet(*ans)
Esempio n. 26
def test_uselogcombine_2():
    eq = z - log(x) + log(y / (x * (-1 + y**2 / x**2)))
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == \
        FiniteSet(-sqrt(y*(y - exp(z))), sqrt(y*(y - exp(z))))
Esempio n. 27
def test_singularities_non_rational():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)

    assert singularities(exp(1 / x), x) == FiniteSet(0)
    assert singularities(log((x - 2)**2), x) == FiniteSet(2)
Esempio n. 28
def test_units():
    assert solveset_real(1 / x - 1 / (2 * cm), x) == FiniteSet(2 * cm)
Esempio n. 29
def test_issue_9557():
    x = Symbol('x')
    a = Symbol('a')

    assert solveset(x**2 + a, x, S.Reals) == Intersection(S.Reals,
        FiniteSet(-sqrt(-a), sqrt(-a)))
Esempio n. 30
def test_solve_only_exp_2():
    assert solveset_real(exp(x/y)*exp(-z/y) - 2, y) == \
        FiniteSet((x - z)/log(2))
    assert solveset_real(sqrt(exp(x)) + sqrt(exp(-x)) - 4, x) == \
        FiniteSet(2*log(-sqrt(3) + 2), 2*log(sqrt(3) + 2))
Esempio n. 31
def test_issue_9778():
    assert solveset(x**3 + 1, x, S.Reals) == FiniteSet(-1)
    assert solveset(x**(S(3) / 5) + 1, x, S.Reals) == S.EmptySet
    assert solveset(x**3 + y, x, S.Reals) == Intersection(Interval(-oo, oo), \
        FiniteSet((-y)**(S(1)/3)*Piecewise((1, Ne(-im(y), 0)), ((-1)**(S(2)/3), -y < 0), (1, True))))
Esempio n. 32
def test_booleans():
    """ test basic unions and intersections """
    assert Union(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l4) == FiniteSet(Point(1,1))
    assert Intersection(Union(l1, l4), l3) == FiniteSet(Point(-1/3, -1/3), Point(5, 1))
    assert Intersection(l1, FiniteSet(Point(7,-7))) == EmptySet()
    assert Intersection(Circle(Point(0,0), 3), Line(p1,p2)) == FiniteSet(Point(-3,0), Point(3,0))
    assert Intersection(l1, FiniteSet(p1)) == FiniteSet(p1)
    assert Union(l1, FiniteSet(p1)) == l1

    fs = FiniteSet(Point(1/3, 1), Point(2/3, 0), Point(9/5, 1/5), Point(7/3, 1))
    # test the intersection of polygons
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly2) == fs
    # make sure if we union polygons with subsets, the subsets go away
    assert Union(poly1, poly2, fs) == Union(poly1, poly2)
    # make sure that if we union with a FiniteSet that isn't a subset,
    # that the points in the intersection stop being listed
    assert Union(poly1, FiniteSet(Point(0,0), Point(3,5))) == Union(poly1, FiniteSet(Point(3,5)))
    # intersect two polygons that share an edge
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly3) == Union(FiniteSet(Point(3/2, 1), Point(2, 1)), Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)))
Esempio n. 33
def test_free_symbols():
    assert ConditionSet(x, Eq(y, 0), FiniteSet(z)).free_symbols == {y, z}
    assert ConditionSet(x, Eq(x, 0), FiniteSet(z)).free_symbols == {z}
    assert ConditionSet(x, Eq(x, 0), FiniteSet(x, z)).free_symbols == {x, z}