Esempio n. 1
def diophantine_factorization_pell_equation(D, N):
    if D == 1 and N >= 1:
        print "=============================================================================="
        print "Pell Diophantine Equation - (exponential time) Factorization by solving Pell's Equation (for D=1 and some N)"
        print "=============================================================================="
        sol = diop_DN(D, N)
        soln = sol[0]
        print "Solution for Pell Equation : x^2 - ", D, "*y^2 = ", N, ":"
        print "(", soln[0], " + ", soln[1], ") * (", soln[0], " - ", soln[
            1], ") = ", N
    if D == 1 and N == -1:
        #Invocation of factorization is commented because of Spark Accumulator broadcast issue which
        #probably requires single Spark Context across complementation and factoring. Presently
        #factors are persisted to a json file and read offline by complementation
        factorsfile = open(
        factors = json.load(factorsfile)
        number_to_factorize = 0
        for k, v in factors.iteritems():
            number_to_factorize = k
            factorslist = v
        print "=============================================================================="
        print "Pell Diophantine Equation - (polynomial time) PRAM-NC Factorization solving Pell's Equation (for D=1 and N=", number_to_factorize, ")"
        print "=============================================================================="
        for f in factorslist:
            p = f
            q = int(number_to_factorize) / p
            x = (p + q) / 2
            y = (p - q) / 2
            print "Solution for Pell Equation : x^2 - ", D, "*y^2 = ", number_to_factorize, ":"
            print "x=", x, "; y=", y
def diophantine_factorization_pell_equation(D,N):
	if D==1 and N >= 1:
		print "=============================================================================="
		print "Pell Diophantine Equation - (exponential time) Factorization by solving Pell's Equation (for D=1 and some N)"
		print "=============================================================================="
		print "Solution for Pell Equation : x^2 - ",D,"*y^2 = ",N,":"
		print "(",soln[0]," + ",soln[1],") * (",soln[0]," - ",soln[1],") = ",N
	if D==1 and N==-1:
		#Invocation of factorization is commented because of Spark Accumulator broadcast issue which
		#probably requires single Spark Context across complementation and factoring. Presently
		#factors are persisted to a json file and read offline by complementation
		for k,v in factors.iteritems():
		print "=============================================================================="
		print "Pell Diophantine Equation - (polynomial time) PRAM-NC Factorization solving Pell's Equation (for D=1 and N=",number_to_factorize,")"
		print "=============================================================================="
		for f in factorslist:
			print "Solution for Pell Equation : x^2 - ",D,"*y^2 = ",number_to_factorize,":"
			print "x=",x,"; y=",y
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    max_x = 0
    max_D = 0
    for D in range(1, 1001):
        solution = diop_DN(D, 1)[0]
        if solution[0] > max_x:
            max_x = solution[0]
            max_D = D

    return max_D
Esempio n. 4
def euler066(top):
    maxX = 0
    for D in range(top + 1):
        if not ef.is_square(D):
            solution = diop_DN(D, 1)
            x = solution[0][0]
            # y= solution[0][1]
            # print("{}^2 - {}x {}^2 = 1".format(x, D, y))
            if x > maxX:
                maxX = x
                maxTuple = x, D
    return maxTuple[1]
Esempio n. 5
def minimal_x_DN(D):
    return min(x for (x, y) in diop_DN(D, 1))
Esempio n. 6
def test_DN():
    # Most of the test cases were adapted from,
    # Solving the generalized Pell equation x**2 - D*y**2 = N, John P. Robertson, July 31, 2004.
    # others are verified using Wolfram Alpha.

    # Covers cases where D <= 0 or D > 0 and D is a square or N = 0
    # Solutions are straightforward in these cases.
    assert diop_DN(3, 0) == [(0, 0)]
    assert diop_DN(-17, -5) == []
    assert diop_DN(-19, 23) == [(2, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(-13, 17) == [(2, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(-15, 13) == []
    assert diop_DN(0, 5) == []
    assert diop_DN(0, 9) == [(3, t)]
    assert diop_DN(9, 0) == [(3 * t, t)]
    assert diop_DN(16, 24) == []
    assert diop_DN(9, 180) == [(18, 4)]
    assert diop_DN(9, -180) == [(12, 6)]
    assert diop_DN(7, 0) == [(0, 0)]

    # When equation is x**2 + y**2 = N
    # Solutions are interchangeable
    assert diop_DN(-1, 5) == [(2, 1), (1, 2)]
    assert diop_DN(-1, 169) == [(12, 5), (5, 12), (13, 0), (0, 13)]

    # D > 0 and D is not a square

    # N = 1
    assert diop_DN(13, 1) == [(649, 180)]
    assert diop_DN(980, 1) == [(51841, 1656)]
    assert diop_DN(981, 1) == [(158070671986249, 5046808151700)]
    assert diop_DN(986, 1) == [(49299, 1570)]
    assert diop_DN(991, 1) == [(379516400906811930638014896080,
    assert diop_DN(17, 1) == [(33, 8)]
    assert diop_DN(19, 1) == [(170, 39)]

    # N = -1
    assert diop_DN(13, -1) == [(18, 5)]
    assert diop_DN(991, -1) == []
    assert diop_DN(41, -1) == [(32, 5)]
    assert diop_DN(290, -1) == [(17, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(21257, -1) == [(13913102721304, 95427381109)]
    assert diop_DN(32, -1) == []

    # |N| > 1
    # Some tests were created using calculator at

    assert diop_DN(13, -4) == [(3, 1), (393, 109), (36, 10)]
    # Source I referred returned (3, 1), (393, 109) and (-3, 1) as fundamental solutions
    # So (-3, 1) and (393, 109) should be in the same equivalent class
    assert equivalent(-3, 1, 393, 109, 13, -4) == True

    assert diop_DN(13, 27) == [(220, 61), (40, 11), (768, 213), (12, 3)]
    assert set(diop_DN(157, 12)) == \
    set([(13, 1), (10663, 851), (579160, 46222), \
        (483790960,38610722), (26277068347, 2097138361), (21950079635497, 1751807067011)])
    assert diop_DN(13, 25) == [(3245, 900)]
    assert diop_DN(192, 18) == []
    assert diop_DN(23, 13) == [(-6, 1), (6, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(167, 2) == [(13, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(167, -2) == []

    assert diop_DN(123, -2) == [(11, 1)]
    # One calculator returned [(11, 1), (-11, 1)] but both of these are in
    # the same equivalence class
    assert equivalent(11, 1, -11, 1, 123, -2)

    assert diop_DN(123, -23) == [(-10, 1), (10, 1)]

    assert diop_DN(0, 0, t) == [(0, t)]
    assert diop_DN(0, -1, t) == []
Esempio n. 7
def test_DN():
    # Most of the test cases were adapted from,
    # Solving the generalized Pell equation x**2 - D*y**2 = N, John P. Robertson, July 31, 2004.
    # others are verified using Wolfram Alpha.

    # Covers cases where D <= 0 or D > 0 and D is a square or N = 0
    # Solutions are straightforward in these cases.
    assert diop_DN(3, 0) == [(0, 0)]
    assert diop_DN(-17, -5) == []
    assert diop_DN(-19, 23) == [(2, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(-13, 17) == [(2, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(-15, 13) == []
    assert diop_DN(0, 5) == []
    assert diop_DN(0, 9) == [(3, t)]
    assert diop_DN(9, 0) == [(3*t, t)]
    assert diop_DN(16, 24) == []
    assert diop_DN(9, 180) == [(18, 4)]
    assert diop_DN(9, -180) == [(12, 6)]
    assert diop_DN(7, 0) == [(0, 0)]

    # When equation is x**2 + y**2 = N
    # Solutions are interchangeable
    assert diop_DN(-1, 5) == [(2, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(-1, 169) == [(12, 5), (0, 13)]

    # D > 0 and D is not a square

    # N = 1
    assert diop_DN(13, 1) == [(649, 180)]
    assert diop_DN(980, 1) == [(51841, 1656)]
    assert diop_DN(981, 1) == [(158070671986249, 5046808151700)]
    assert diop_DN(986, 1) == [(49299, 1570)]
    assert diop_DN(991, 1) == [(379516400906811930638014896080, 12055735790331359447442538767)]
    assert diop_DN(17, 1) == [(33, 8)]
    assert diop_DN(19, 1) == [(170, 39)]

    # N = -1
    assert diop_DN(13, -1) == [(18, 5)]
    assert diop_DN(991, -1) == []
    assert diop_DN(41, -1) == [(32, 5)]
    assert diop_DN(290, -1) == [(17, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(21257, -1) == [(13913102721304, 95427381109)]
    assert diop_DN(32, -1) == []

    # |N| > 1
    # Some tests were created using calculator at

    assert diop_DN(13, -4) == [(3, 1), (393, 109), (36, 10)]
    # Source I referred returned (3, 1), (393, 109) and (-3, 1) as fundamental solutions
    # So (-3, 1) and (393, 109) should be in the same equivalent class
    assert equivalent(-3, 1, 393, 109, 13, -4) == True

    assert diop_DN(13, 27) == [(220, 61), (40, 11), (768, 213), (12, 3)]
    assert set(diop_DN(157, 12)) == \
    set([(Integer(13), Integer(1)), (Integer(10663), Integer(851)), (Integer(579160), Integer(46222)), \
        (Integer(483790960),Integer(38610722)), (Integer(26277068347), Integer(2097138361)), (Integer(21950079635497), Integer(1751807067011))])
    assert diop_DN(13, 25) == [(3245, 900)]
    assert diop_DN(192, 18) == []
    assert diop_DN(23, 13) == [(-6, 1), (6, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(167, 2) == [(13, 1)]
    assert diop_DN(167, -2) == []

    assert diop_DN(123, -2) == [(11, 1)]
    # One calculator returned [(11, 1), (-11, 1)] but both of these are in
    # the same equivalence class
    assert equivalent(11, 1, -11, 1, 123, -2)

    assert diop_DN(123, -23) == [(-10, 1), (10, 1)]
Esempio n. 8
from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_DN

squares = [i**2 for i in range(int(100**(1 / 2)) + 1)]
min_x = []

for i in range(2, 1001):
    if i in squares:
    min_x.append([i, *diop_DN(i, 1)])

print(max(min_x, key=lambda x: x[1]))
Esempio n. 9
from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_DN
nmax = 1000000;
sum = 0;
for i in range(1, 500):
    print(i, sum)
    D = 4*i*i+1
    N = i*i
    sol = diop_DN(D, 1)
    print(i, sol)
    r = sol[0][0]
    s = sol[0][1]
    solFund = diop_DN(D, N) 

    for sf in solFund:
            sum +=p;
            (p, q) = (p*r+D*s*q, p*s+r*q) #p is area (q i)

print("sum=", sum)

Esempio n. 10
A solution to the project euler problem #66
from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_DN

print(sorted([(diop_DN(d, 1)[0], d) for d in range(2, 1001)])[-1][1])