Esempio n. 1
def fill(xPoly, yPoly, alpha, d):
    polyArray = []
    x, y = rotate(xPoly, yPoly, alpha)
    for i in range(len(x)):
        polyArray.append((x[i], y[i]))
    poly = sympy.Polygon(*polyArray)
    reverse = False
    real = 0
    printed = 0
    minX = min(x)
    minY = min(y)
    maxX = max(x)
    maxY = max(y)
    count = (maxY - minY) / d
    inter = []
    xFilled = []
    yFilled = []
    while printed < count:
        real += d
        l = sympy.Line((minX, minY + real), (maxY, minY + real))
        for i in range(len(inter[printed]) - 1):
            tempL = sympy.Segment(inter[printed][i], inter[printed][i + 1])
            if poly.encloses_point(tempL.midpoint):
                if reverse:
                    inter[printed] = np.flip(inter[printed], axis=0)
                xFilled.append(inter[printed][i + 1][0])
                yFilled.append(inter[printed][i + 1][1])
            reverse = not reverse
        printed += 1
    xFinal, yFinal = rotate(xFilled, yFilled, -1 * alpha)
    return xFinal, yFinal
Esempio n. 2
def goodeFunction(event, x, y, flags, params):
    #Defining unit distance as global to avoid errors
    global unitDistance

    pointsList = params[0]
    if (event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) and (
            len(pointsList) < 3):  #Left Click and <5 points exist

        #Draw Point, (x, y), 2, (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)

        #Add to points list
        pointsList.append((x, y))
        print("Point drawn at:" + str(x) + "," + str(y))

        if len(pointsList) == 1:  #Placing Point A of triangle

            print("Vertex A drawn, please place vertex B on image")

        elif len(pointsList) == 2:  #Placing measuring point
            #Draw Line
            cv2.line(img, pointsList[0], pointsList[1], (0, 0, 255), 2)

            print("Vertex B placed, please draw vertex C")

        elif len(pointsList) == 3:

            #Draw Line
            cv2.line(img, pointsList[1], pointsList[2], (0, 0, 255), 2)
            cv2.line(img, pointsList[0], pointsList[2], (0, 0, 255), 2)

            edgeAB = sympy.Segment(pointsList[0], pointsList[1])
            edgeBC = sympy.Segment(pointsList[1], pointsList[2])
            edgeAC = sympy.Segment(pointsList[0], pointsList[2])

            lengthAB = edgeAB.length * unitDistance
            lengthBC = edgeBC.length * unitDistance
            lengthAC = edgeAC.length * unitDistance

            #print("Shortest distance is: ",shortestDistance)
            print("Length of edge AB is: ", str(float(lengthAB)))
            print("Length of edge BC is: ", str(float(lengthBC)))
            print("Length of edge AC is: ", str(float(lengthAC)))
Esempio n. 3
def geometry():
    API endpoint used to solve the revist geometry problem
    data = request.get_json()
    if "input" in data:
        data = data["input"]
    points_arr_shape = []
    for i in data['shapeCoordinates']:
        points_arr_shape.append(sympy.Point(i["x"], i["y"]))
    line_array_shape = []

    for i in range(len(points_arr_shape) - 1):
            sympy.Segment(points_arr_shape[i], points_arr_shape[i + 1]))
        sympy.Segment(points_arr_shape[0], points_arr_shape[-1]))

    line_points = []
    for i in data['lineCoordinates']:
        line_points.append(sympy.Point(i["x"], i["y"]))

    main_line = sympy.Line(line_points[0], line_points[1])

    intersections = []

    output = []
    for i in line_array_shape:
        res = sympy.geometry.intersection(i, main_line)
        if (len(res)):
            res = list(res[0])
                "x": round(float(res[0]), 2),
                "y": round(float(res[1]), 2),

    return jsonify(output)
Esempio n. 4
def _clip_path(origin, radius, path):
	path = np.array(path)
	prev_pt = origin
	while len(path) > 0:
		next_pt = path[0]
		d = np.linalg.norm(next_pt - origin)
		if d < radius:
			path = path[1:]
			intersections = sympy.intersection(
				sympy.Segment(prev_pt, next_pt),
				sympy.Circle(origin, radius))

			# intersection might not actually happen due to limited
			# fp precision in np.linalg.norm. if not, continue.

			if intersections:
				pt = intersections[0].evalf()
				origin = np.array([pt.x, pt.y], dtype=path.dtype)
				return np.vstack([[origin], path])
				path = path[1:]

	return path
Esempio n. 5
def silverFunction(event, x, y, flags, params):
    #Defining unit distance as global to avoid errors
    global unitDistance

    pointsList = params[0]
    if (event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) and (
            len(pointsList) < 3):  #Left Click and <3 points exist

        #Draw Point, (x, y), 2, (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)

        #Add to points list
        pointsList.append((x, y))
        print("Point drawn at:" + str(x) + "," + str(y))

        #Factor used in extending line (Change to extend lines more or less)
        extensionFactor = 450

        if len(pointsList) == 1:  #Placing Point of elevation

            #Extend Line points
            startPointX = pointsList[0][0] - extensionFactor
            startPointY = pointsList[0][1]
            startPoint = (startPointX, startPointY)

            endPointX = pointsList[0][0] + extensionFactor
            endPointY = pointsList[0][1]
            endPoint = (endPointX, endPointY)

            #Draw Line
            cv2.line(img, startPoint, endPoint, (0, 0, 255), 2)

            print("Please draw point to draw vertical line")

        elif len(pointsList) == 2:  #Draw vertical line
            #Extend Line points
            startPointX = pointsList[1][0]
            startPointY = pointsList[1][1] - extensionFactor
            startPoint = (startPointX, startPointY)

            endPointX = pointsList[1][0]
            endPointY = pointsList[1][1] + extensionFactor
            endPoint = (endPointX, endPointY)

            #Draw Line
            cv2.line(img, startPoint, endPoint, (0, 0, 255), 2)
            print("Please draw measuring point")

        elif len(pointsList) == 3:  #Placing measuring point

            #Extend Line points
            startPointX = pointsList[1][0]
            startPointY = pointsList[1][1] - extensionFactor
            startPoint = (startPointX, startPointY)

            endPointX = pointsList[1][0]
            endPointY = pointsList[1][1] + extensionFactor
            endPoint = (endPointX, endPointY)

            s1 = sympy.Segment(startPoint, endPoint)
            shortestDistance = s1.distance(pointsList[2])
            measuredDistance = shortestDistance * unitDistance
            #print("Shortest distance is: ",shortestDistance)
            print("Measured distance is: ", measuredDistance)

            #Intersection point is x-coordinate of vertical line and y-coordinate of measuring point
            intersectionPoint = (startPointX, pointsList[2][1])

            #Draw line between measuring point and Frankfort line
            cv2.line(img, pointsList[2], intersectionPoint, (0, 0, 255), 2)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, args):
     SegmentModified class
     self.obj = sym.Segment(*args)