Esempio n. 1
def test_hyperexpand_bases():
    assert (
        hyperexpand(hyper([2], [a], z))
        == a + z ** (-a + 1) * (-a ** 2 + 3 * a + z * (a - 1) - 2) * exp(z) * lowergamma(a - 1, z) - 1
    # TODO [a+1, a-S.Half], [2*a]
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([1, 2], [3], z)) == -2 / z - 2 * log(exp_polar(-I * pi) * z + 1) / z ** 2
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([S.Half, 2], [S(3) / 2], z)) == -1 / (2 * z - 2) + log((sqrt(z) + 1) / (-sqrt(z) + 1)) / (
        4 * sqrt(z)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([S(1) / 2, S(1) / 2], [S(5) / 2], z)) == (-3 * z + 3) / 4 / (z * sqrt(-z + 1)) + (
        6 * z - 3
    ) * asin(sqrt(z)) / (4 * z ** (S(3) / 2))
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([1, 2], [S(3) / 2], z)) == -1 / (2 * z - 2) - asin(sqrt(z)) / (
        sqrt(z) * (2 * z - 2) * sqrt(-z + 1)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([-S.Half - 1, 1, 2], [S.Half, 3], z)) == sqrt(z) * (6 * z / 7 - S(6) / 5) * atanh(
    ) + (-30 * z ** 2 + 32 * z - 6) / 35 / z - 6 * log(-z + 1) / (35 * z ** 2)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([1 + S.Half, 1, 1], [2, 2], z)) == -4 * log(sqrt(-z + 1) / 2 + S(1) / 2) / z
    # TODO hyperexpand(hyper([a], [2*a + 1], z))
    # TODO [S.Half, a], [S(3)/2, a+1]
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([2], [b, 1], z)) == z ** (-b / 2 + S(1) / 2) * besseli(b - 1, 2 * sqrt(z)) * gamma(
    ) + z ** (-b / 2 + 1) * besseli(b, 2 * sqrt(z)) * gamma(b)
Esempio n. 2
def test_issue405():
    a = Symbol("a")
    e = asin(a*x)/x
    assert e.series(x, 4, n=2).removeO().subs(x, x - 4) == (
           asin(4*a)/4 -
           (x - 4)*asin(4*a)/16 +
           a*(x - 4)/(4*sqrt(1 - 16*a**2)))
Esempio n. 3
def test_latex_functions():
    assert latex(exp(x)) == "$e^{x}$"
    assert latex(exp(1) + exp(2)) == "$e + e^{2}$"

    f = Function("f")
    assert latex(f(x)) == "$\\operatorname{f}\\left(x\\right)$"

    beta = Function("beta")

    assert latex(beta(x)) == r"$\operatorname{beta}\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(sin(x)) == r"$\operatorname{sin}\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(sin(x), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"$\operatorname{sin}x$"
    assert latex(sin(2 * x ** 2), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"$\operatorname{sin}2 x^{2}$"
    assert latex(sin(x ** 2), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"$\operatorname{sin}x^{2}$"

    assert latex(asin(x) ** 2) == r"$\operatorname{asin}^{2}\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(asin(x) ** 2, inv_trig_style="full") == r"$\operatorname{arcsin}^{2}\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(asin(x) ** 2, inv_trig_style="power") == r"$\operatorname{sin}^{-1}\left(x\right)^{2}$"
    assert latex(asin(x ** 2), inv_trig_style="power", fold_func_brackets=True) == r"$\operatorname{sin}^{-1}x^{2}$"

    assert latex(factorial(k)) == r"$k!$"
    assert latex(factorial(-k)) == r"$\left(- k\right)!$"

    assert latex(floor(x)) == r"$\lfloor{x}\rfloor$"
    assert latex(ceiling(x)) == r"$\lceil{x}\rceil$"
    assert latex(abs(x)) == r"$\lvert{x}\rvert$"
    assert latex(re(x)) == r"$\Re{x}$"
    assert latex(im(x)) == r"$\Im{x}$"
    assert latex(conjugate(x)) == r"$\overline{x}$"
    assert latex(gamma(x)) == r"$\operatorname{\Gamma}\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(Order(x)) == r"$\operatorname{\mathcal{O}}\left(x\right)$"
Esempio n. 4
def test_issue_2850():
    assert manualintegrate(asin(x)*log(x), x) == -x*asin(x) - sqrt(-x**2 + 1) \
            + (x*asin(x) + sqrt(-x**2 + 1))*log(x) - Integral(sqrt(-x**2 + 1)/x, x)
    assert manualintegrate(acos(x)*log(x), x) == -x*acos(x) + sqrt(-x**2 + 1) + \
        (x*acos(x) - sqrt(-x**2 + 1))*log(x) + Integral(sqrt(-x**2 + 1)/x, x)
    assert manualintegrate(atan(x)*log(x), x) == -x*atan(x) + (x*atan(x) - \
            log(x**2 + 1)/2)*log(x) + log(x**2 + 1)/2 + Integral(log(x**2 + 1)/x, x)/2
Esempio n. 5
def test_heurisch_trigonometric():
    assert heurisch(sin(x), x) == -cos(x)
    assert heurisch(pi*sin(x) + 1, x) == x - pi*cos(x)

    assert heurisch(cos(x), x) == sin(x)
    assert heurisch(tan(x), x) in [
        log(1 + tan(x)**2)/2,
        log(tan(x) + I) + I*x,
        log(tan(x) - I) - I*x,

    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), x) == -cos(x)*sin(y)
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), y) == -cos(y)*sin(x)

    # gives sin(x) in answer when run via and cos(x) when run via py.test
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*cos(x), x) in [sin(x)**2 / 2, -cos(x)**2 / 2]
    assert heurisch(cos(x)/sin(x), x) == log(sin(x))

    assert heurisch(x*sin(7*x), x) == sin(7*x) / 49 - x*cos(7*x) / 7
    assert heurisch(1/pi/4 * x**2*cos(x), x) == 1/pi/4*(x**2*sin(x) -
                    2*sin(x) + 2*x*cos(x))

    assert heurisch(acos(x/4) * asin(x/4), x) == 2*x - (sqrt(16 - x**2))*asin(x/4) \
        + (sqrt(16 - x**2))*acos(x/4) + x*asin(x/4)*acos(x/4)

    assert heurisch(sin(x)/(cos(x)**2+1), x) == -atan(cos(x)) #fixes issue 13723
    assert heurisch(1/(cos(x)+2), x) == 2*sqrt(3)*atan(sqrt(3)*tan(x/2)/3)/3
    assert heurisch(2*sin(x)*cos(x)/(sin(x)**4 + 1), x) == atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x)
        - 1) - atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x) + 1)

    assert heurisch(1/cosh(x), x) == 2*atan(tanh(x/2))
Esempio n. 6
    def _expr_big(cls, z, n):
        from sympy import log, I, pi, asin, sqrt

        if n.is_even:
            return (n - S(1) / 2) * pi * I + log(sqrt(z) / 2) + I * asin(1 / sqrt(z))
            return (n - S(1) / 2) * pi * I + log(sqrt(z) / 2) - I * asin(1 / sqrt(z))
def test_special_is_rational():
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    r = Symbol('r', rational=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sqrt(3).is_rational is False
    assert (3 + sqrt(3)).is_rational is False
    assert (3*sqrt(3)).is_rational is False
    assert exp(3).is_rational is False
    assert exp(i).is_rational is False
    assert exp(r).is_rational is False
    assert exp(x).is_rational is None
    assert exp(log(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
    assert log(exp(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
    assert log(3).is_rational is False
    assert log(i).is_rational is False
    assert log(r).is_rational is False
    assert log(x).is_rational is None
    assert (sqrt(3) + sqrt(5)).is_rational is None
    assert (sqrt(3) + S.Pi).is_rational is None
    assert (x**i).is_rational is None
    assert (i**i).is_rational is True
    assert (r**i).is_rational is True
    assert (r**r).is_rational is None
    assert (r**x).is_rational is None
    assert sin(1).is_rational is False
    assert sin(i).is_rational is False
    assert sin(r).is_rational is False
    assert sin(x).is_rational is None
    assert asin(r).is_rational is False
    assert sin(asin(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
Esempio n. 8
def test_special_is_rational():
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    ni = Symbol('ni', integer=True, nonzero=True)
    r = Symbol('r', rational=True)
    rn = Symbol('r', rational=True, nonzero=True)
    nr = Symbol('nr', irrational=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sqrt(3).is_rational is False
    assert (3 + sqrt(3)).is_rational is False
    assert (3*sqrt(3)).is_rational is False
    assert exp(3).is_rational is False
    assert exp(ni).is_rational is False
    assert exp(rn).is_rational is False
    assert exp(x).is_rational is None
    assert exp(log(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
    assert log(exp(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
    assert log(3).is_rational is False
    assert log(ni + 1).is_rational is False
    assert log(rn + 1).is_rational is False
    assert log(x).is_rational is None
    assert (sqrt(3) + sqrt(5)).is_rational is None
    assert (sqrt(3) + S.Pi).is_rational is False
    assert (x**i).is_rational is None
    assert (i**i).is_rational is True
    assert (r**i).is_rational is True
    assert (r**r).is_rational is None
    assert (r**x).is_rational is None
    assert (nr**i).is_rational is None  # issue 8598
    assert (nr**Symbol('z', zero=True)).is_rational
    assert sin(1).is_rational is False
    assert sin(ni).is_rational is False
    assert sin(rn).is_rational is False
    assert sin(x).is_rational is None
    assert asin(r).is_rational is False
    assert sin(asin(3), evaluate=False).is_rational is True
Esempio n. 9
def test_asin_series():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert asin(x).series(x, 0, 9) == \
                    x + x**3/6 + 3*x**5/40 + 5*x**7/112 + O(x**9)
    t5 = asin(x).taylor_term(5, x)
    assert t5 == 3*x**5/40
    assert asin(x).taylor_term(7, x, t5, 0) == 5*x**7/112
Esempio n. 10
def angle_euler(A,euler_axis=1):
    A11,A12,A13,A21,A22,A23,A31,A32,A33 = A_comp(A)
    if euler_axis == 1:
        angle = sp.asin((A32-A23)/2)
    elif euler_axis == 2:
        angle = sp.asin((A13-A31)/2)
    elif euler_axis == 3:
        angle = sp.asin((A21-A12)/2)
    return angle
Esempio n. 11
def test_acsch():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert acsch(-x) == acsch(-x)
    assert acsch(x) == -acsch(-x)

    # values at fixed points
    assert acsch(1) == log(1 + sqrt(2))
    assert acsch(-1) == - log(1 + sqrt(2))
    assert acsch(0) == zoo
    assert acsch(2) == log((1+sqrt(5))/2)
    assert acsch(-2) == - log((1+sqrt(5))/2)

    assert acsch(I) == - I*pi/2
    assert acsch(-I) == I*pi/2
    assert acsch(-I*(sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))) == I*pi / 12
    assert acsch(I*(sqrt(2) + sqrt(6))) == -I*pi / 12
    assert acsch(-I*(1 + sqrt(5))) == I*pi / 10
    assert acsch(I*(1 + sqrt(5))) == -I*pi / 10
    assert acsch(-I*2 / sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))) == I*pi / 8
    assert acsch(I*2 / sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))) == -I*pi / 8
    assert acsch(-I*2) == I*pi / 6
    assert acsch(I*2) == -I*pi / 6
    assert acsch(-I*sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5))) == I*pi / 5
    assert acsch(I*sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5))) == -I*pi / 5
    assert acsch(-I*sqrt(2)) == I*pi / 4
    assert acsch(I*sqrt(2)) == -I*pi / 4
    assert acsch(-I*(sqrt(5)-1)) == 3*I*pi / 10
    assert acsch(I*(sqrt(5)-1)) == -3*I*pi / 10
    assert acsch(-I*2 / sqrt(3)) == I*pi / 3
    assert acsch(I*2 / sqrt(3)) == -I*pi / 3
    assert acsch(-I*2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == 3*I*pi / 8
    assert acsch(I*2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == -3*I*pi / 8
    assert acsch(-I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5))) == 2*I*pi / 5
    assert acsch(I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5))) == -2*I*pi / 5
    assert acsch(-I*(sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) == 5*I*pi / 12
    assert acsch(I*(sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) == -5*I*pi / 12

    # properties
    # acsch(x) == asinh(1/x)
    assert acsch(-I*sqrt(2)) == asinh(I/sqrt(2))
    assert acsch(-I*2 / sqrt(3)) == asinh(I*sqrt(3) / 2)

    # acsch(x) == -I*asin(I/x)
    assert acsch(-I*sqrt(2)) == -I*asin(-1/sqrt(2))
    assert acsch(-I*2 / sqrt(3)) == -I*asin(-sqrt(3)/2)

    # csch(acsch(x)) / x == 1
    assert expand_mul(csch(acsch(-I*(sqrt(6) + sqrt(2)))) / (-I*(sqrt(6) + sqrt(2)))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(csch(acsch(I*(1 + sqrt(5)))) / ((I*(1 + sqrt(5))))) == 1
    assert (csch(acsch(I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5)))) / (I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1
    assert (csch(acsch(-I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5)))) / (-I*sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1

    # numerical evaluation
    assert str(acsch(5*I+1).n(6)) == '0.0391819 - 0.193363*I'
    assert str(acsch(-5*I+1).n(6)) == '0.0391819 + 0.193363*I'
Esempio n. 12
def test_latex_functions():
    assert latex(exp(x)) == "e^{x}"
    assert latex(exp(1)+exp(2)) == "e + e^{2}"

    f = Function('f')
    assert latex(f(x)) == '\\operatorname{f}{\\left (x \\right )}'

    beta = Function('beta')

    assert latex(beta(x)) == r"\beta{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x)) == r"\sin{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"\sin {x}"
    assert latex(sin(2*x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
    r"\sin {2 x^{2}}"
    assert latex(sin(x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
    r"\sin {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(asin(x)**2) == r"\operatorname{asin}^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2,inv_trig_style="full") == \
        r"\arcsin^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2,inv_trig_style="power") == \
        r"\sin^{-1}{\left (x \right )}^{2}"
    assert latex(asin(x**2),inv_trig_style="power",fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin^{-1} {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(factorial(k)) == r"k!"
    assert latex(factorial(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!"

    assert latex(factorial2(k)) == r"k!!"
    assert latex(factorial2(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!!"

    assert latex(binomial(2,k)) == r"{\binom{2}{k}}"

    assert latex(FallingFactorial(3,k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}_{\left(k\right)}"
    assert latex(RisingFactorial(3,k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}^{\left(k\right)}"

    assert latex(floor(x)) == r"\lfloor{x}\rfloor"
    assert latex(ceiling(x)) == r"\lceil{x}\rceil"
    assert latex(Abs(x)) == r"\lvert{x}\rvert"
    assert latex(re(x)) == r"\Re{x}"
    assert latex(re(x+y)) == r"\Re {\left (x + y \right )}"
    assert latex(im(x)) == r"\Im{x}"
    assert latex(conjugate(x)) == r"\overline{x}"
    assert latex(gamma(x)) == r"\Gamma\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(Order(x)) == r"\mathcal{O}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(lowergamma(x, y)) == r'\gamma\left(x, y\right)'
    assert latex(uppergamma(x, y)) == r'\Gamma\left(x, y\right)'

    assert latex(cot(x)) == r'\cot{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(coth(x)) == r'\coth{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(re(x)) == r'\Re{x}'
    assert latex(im(x)) == r'\Im{x}'
    assert latex(root(x,y)) == r'x^{\frac{1}{y}}'
    assert latex(arg(x)) == r'\arg{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(zeta(x)) == r'\zeta{\left (x \right )}'
Esempio n. 13
    def test_main_trig_functions_numeric(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if sin, cos and tan and inverses Work Numerically ".center(75, "#")
        from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
        x, y = symbols('x,y')
        test_expr = sin(x) + cos(x) + tan(x) + asin(y) + acos(y) + atan(y)
        target_expr = sin(x) + cos(x) + tan(x) + asin(y) + acos(y) + atan(y)

        print "Target expression: '%s'" % target_expr
        print "Test expression: '%s'" % test_expr
        equal = api.numeric_equality(test_expr, target_expr)

        self.assertTrue(equal, "Expected expressions to be found numerically equal!")
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
Esempio n. 14
def test_trigo():
    # Vérifie que arcsin est correctement implémenté (appel à math, numpy ou
    # sympy suivant le type d'objet).
    assertAlmostEqual(asin(.2), math.asin(.2))
    a, b, c = asin([.2, .3, .4])
    d, e, f = numpy.arcsin([.2, .3, .4])
    assertAlmostEqual(a, d)
    assertAlmostEqual(b, e)
    assertAlmostEqual(c, f)
    assertEqual(asin(x + 1), sympy.asin(x + 1))
    # Vérifie que arccos est correctement implémenté (appel à math, numpy ou
    # sympy suivant le type d'objet).
    assertAlmostEqual(acos(.2), math.acos(.2))
    a, b, c = acos([.2, .3, .4])
    d, e, f = numpy.arccos([.2, .3, .4])
    assertAlmostEqual(a, d)
    assertAlmostEqual(b, e)
    assertAlmostEqual(c, f)
    assertEqual(acos(x + 1), sympy.acos(x + 1))
    # Vérifie que arctan est correctement implémenté (appel à math, numpy ou
    # sympy suivant le type d'objet).
    assertAlmostEqual(atan(.2), math.atan(.2))
    a, b, c = atan([.2, .3, .4])
    d, e, f = numpy.arctan([.2, .3, .4])
    assertAlmostEqual(a, d)
    assertAlmostEqual(b, e)
    assertAlmostEqual(c, f)
    assertEqual(atan(x + 1), sympy.atan(x + 1))
Esempio n. 15
def toeuler(quat):
    """Convert quaternion rotation to roll-pitch-yaw Euler angles."""
    q0, q1, q2, q3 = quat
    roll = sympy.atan2(2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1), q0**2 - q1**2 - q2**2 + q3**2)
    pitch = -sympy.asin(2*(q1*q3 - q0*q2))
    yaw = sympy.atan2(2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3), q0**2 + q1**2 - q2**2 - q3**2)
    return np.array([roll, pitch, yaw])
Esempio n. 16
def test_acot_rewrite():
    assert acot(x).rewrite(log) == I*log((x - I)/(x + I))/2
    assert acot(x).rewrite(asin) == x*(-asin(sqrt(-x**2)/sqrt(-x**2 - 1)) + pi/2)*sqrt(x**(-2))
    assert acot(x).rewrite(acos) == x*sqrt(x**(-2))*acos(sqrt(-x**2)/sqrt(-x**2 - 1))
    assert acot(x).rewrite(atan) == atan(1/x)
    assert acot(x).rewrite(asec) == x*sqrt(x**(-2))*asec(sqrt((x**2 + 1)/x**2))
    assert acot(x).rewrite(acsc) == x*(-acsc(sqrt((x**2 + 1)/x**2)) + pi/2)*sqrt(x**(-2))
Esempio n. 17
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy import asin
        arg = sympify(arg)

        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.NegativeInfinity
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.Zero
            elif arg is S.One:
                return log(sqrt(2) + 1)
            elif arg is S.NegativeOne:
                return log(sqrt(2) - 1)
            elif arg.is_negative:
                return -cls(-arg)
            if arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
                return S.ComplexInfinity

            i_coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.ImaginaryUnit)

            if i_coeff is not None:
                return S.ImaginaryUnit * asin(i_coeff)
                if _coeff_isneg(arg):
                    return -cls(-arg)
Esempio n. 18
def critical_angle(medium1, medium2):
    This function calculates the critical angle of incidence (marking the onset
    of total internal) to Medium 2 from Medium 1 in radians.


    medium 1 : Medium or sympifiable
        Refractive index of Medium 1
    medium 2 : Medium or sympifiable
        Refractive index of Medium 1


    >>> from sympy.physics.optics import critical_angle
    >>> critical_angle(1.33, 1)


    n1 = refractive_index_of_medium(medium1)
    n2 = refractive_index_of_medium(medium2)

    if n2 > n1:
        raise ValueError('Total internal reflection impossible for n1 < n2')
        return asin(n2/n1)
Esempio n. 19
def jsify_expr(expr):
    clamp = Function("clamp")
    bottom_clamp = Function("bottom")
    x = Wild("x")
    # Prevent NaNs on inverse trig functions
    expr = expr.replace(asin, lambda x: asin(clamp(x, -1, 1)))
    expr = expr.replace(acos, lambda x: acos(clamp(x, -1, 1)))
    # Prevent NaNs on sqrts
    expr = expr.replace(sqrt(x + 1),
                        sqrt(bottom_clamp(x + 1, 0)))
    js_expr = jscode(expr, user_functions = {
            "clamp": "THREE.Math.clamp",
            "bottom": "THREE.Math.clampBottom"
    # Convert all matrix references for compatibility with
    # three.js
    atoms = expr.atoms(Symbol)
    matrices = set([])
    for atom in atoms:
        matrix_name = re.findall("([a-zA-Z]+)_\d,\d",
        if len(matrix_name) > 0:
    for matrix in matrices:
        js_expr = subs_matrix_elements(js_expr, matrix)
    return js_expr
Esempio n. 20
def test_messy():
    from sympy import (laplace_transform, Si, Shi, Chi, atan, Piecewise,
                       acoth, E1, besselj, acosh, asin, And, re,
                       fourier_transform, sqrt)
    assert laplace_transform(Si(x), x, s) == ((-atan(s) + pi/2)/s, 0, True)

    assert laplace_transform(Shi(x), x, s) == (acoth(s)/s, 1, True)

    # where should the logs be simplified?
    assert laplace_transform(Chi(x), x, s) == \
        ((log(s**(-2)) - log((s**2 - 1)/s**2))/(2*s), 1, True)

    # TODO maybe simplify the inequalities?
    assert laplace_transform(besselj(a, x), x, s)[1:] == \
        (0, And(S(0) < re(a/2) + S(1)/2, S(0) < re(a/2) + 1))

    # NOTE s < 0 can be done, but argument reduction is not good enough yet
    assert fourier_transform(besselj(1, x)/x, x, s, noconds=False) == \
        (Piecewise((0, 4*abs(pi**2*s**2) > 1),
                   (2*sqrt(-4*pi**2*s**2 + 1), True)), s > 0)
    # TODO FT(besselj(0,x)) - conditions are messy (but for acceptable reasons)
    #                       - folding could be better

    assert integrate(E1(x)*besselj(0, x), (x, 0, oo), meijerg=True) == \
        log(1 + sqrt(2))
    assert integrate(E1(x)*besselj(1, x), (x, 0, oo), meijerg=True) == \
        log(S(1)/2 + sqrt(2)/2)

    assert integrate(1/x/sqrt(1 - x**2), x, meijerg=True) == \
        Piecewise((-acosh(1/x), 1 < abs(x**(-2))), (I*asin(1/x), True))
Esempio n. 21
def eval_trigsubstitution(theta, func, rewritten, substep, restriction, integrand, symbol):
    func = func.subs(sympy.sec(theta), 1/sympy.cos(theta))

    trig_function = list(func.find(TrigonometricFunction))
    assert len(trig_function) == 1
    trig_function = trig_function[0]
    relation = sympy.solve(symbol - func, trig_function)
    assert len(relation) == 1
    numer, denom = sympy.fraction(relation[0])

    if isinstance(trig_function, sympy.sin):
        opposite = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        adjacent = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.asin(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.cos):
        adjacent = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        opposite = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.acos(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.tan):
        opposite = numer
        adjacent = denom
        hypotenuse = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 + numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.atan(relation[0])

    substitution = [
        (sympy.sin(theta), opposite/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.cos(theta), adjacent/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.tan(theta), opposite/adjacent),
        (theta, inverse)
    return sympy.Piecewise(
        (_manualintegrate(substep).subs(substitution).trigsimp(), restriction)
def test_ansi_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_ceil", ceiling(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_floor", floor(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    run_cc_test("ansi_math1", name_expr, numerical_tests)
Esempio n. 23
def test_conv7():
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    assert sin(x/3) == sin(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cos(x/3) == cos(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tan(x/3) == tan(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cot(x/3) == cot(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert csc(x/3) == csc(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sec(x/3) == sec(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asin(x/3) == asin(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acos(x/3) == acos(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atan(x/3) == atan(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acot(x/3) == acot(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acsc(x/3) == acsc(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asec(x/3) == asec(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)

    assert sin(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.sin(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sin(x/3)._sympy_() != sympy.cos(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cos(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.cos(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tan(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.tan(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cot(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.cot(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert csc(x/3)._sympy_() =="x") / 3)
    assert sec(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.sec(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asin(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.asin(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acos(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.acos(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atan(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.atan(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acot(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.acot(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acsc(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.acsc(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asec(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.asec(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
Esempio n. 24
def test_acos_series():
    assert acos(x).series(x, 0, 8) == \
        pi/2 - x - x**3/6 - 3*x**5/40 - 5*x**7/112 + O(x**8)
    assert acos(x).series(x, 0, 8) == pi/2 - asin(x).series(x, 0, 8)
    t5 = acos(x).taylor_term(5, x)
    assert t5 == -3*x**5/40
    assert acos(x).taylor_term(7, x, t5, 0) == -5*x**7/112
Esempio n. 25
def test_acos_rewrite():
    assert acos(x).rewrite(log) == pi/2 + I*log(I*x + sqrt(1 - x**2))
    assert acos(x).rewrite(atan) == \
           atan(sqrt(1 - x**2)/x) + (pi/2)*(1 - x*sqrt(1/x**2))
    assert acos(0).rewrite(atan) == S.Pi/2
    assert acos(0.5).rewrite(atan) == acos(0.5).rewrite(log)
    assert acos(x).rewrite(asin) == S.Pi/2 - asin(x)
Esempio n. 26
def test_intrinsic_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
        if lang == "C":
            name_expr_C = [("test_floor", floor(x)), ("test_ceil", ceiling(x))]
            name_expr_C = []
        run_test("intrinsic_math1", name_expr + name_expr_C, numerical_tests, lang, commands)
Esempio n. 27
def test_atan_rewrite():
    assert atan(x).rewrite(log) == I*log((1 - I*x)/(1 + I*x))/2
    assert atan(x).rewrite(asin) == (-asin(1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)) + pi/2)*sqrt(x**2)/x
    assert atan(x).rewrite(acos) == sqrt(x**2)*acos(1/sqrt(x**2 + 1))/x
    assert atan(x).rewrite(acot) == acot(1/x)
    assert atan(x).rewrite(asec) == sqrt(x**2)*asec(sqrt(x**2 + 1))/x
    assert atan(x).rewrite(acsc) == (-acsc(sqrt(x**2 + 1)) + pi/2)*sqrt(x**2)/x
Esempio n. 28
def test_tsolve_1():
    a, b = symbols('ab')
    x, y, z = symbols('xyz')
    assert solve(exp(x)-3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve((a*x+b)*(exp(x)-3), x) == [-b/a, log(3)]
    assert solve(cos(x)-y, x) == [acos(y)]
    assert solve(2*cos(x)-y,x)== [acos(y/2)]
    raises(NotImplementedError, "solve(Eq(cos(x), sin(x)), x)")

    # XXX in the following test, log(2*y + 2*...) should -> log(2) + log(y +...)
    assert solve(exp(x)+exp(-x)-y,x)    == [-log(4) + log(2*y + 2*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2)),
                                            -log(4) + log(2*y - 2*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2))]
    assert solve(exp(x)-3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve(Eq(exp(x), 3), x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve(log(x)-3, x) == [exp(3)]
    assert solve(sqrt(3*x)-4, x) == [Rational(16,3)]
    assert solve(3**(x+2), x) == [-oo]
    assert solve(3**(2-x), x) == [oo]
    assert solve(4*3**(5*x+2)-7, x) == [(-log(4) - 2*log(3) + log(7))/(5*log(3))]
    assert solve(x+2**x, x) == [-LambertW(log(2))/log(2)]
    assert solve(3*x+5+2**(-5*x+3), x) in \
        [[-Rational(5,3) + LambertW(-10240*2**Rational(1,3)*log(2)/3)/(5*log(2))],\
        [(-25*log(2) + 3*LambertW(-10240*2**(Rational(1, 3))*log(2)/3))/(15*log(2))]]
    assert solve(5*x-1+3*exp(2-7*x), x) == \
        [Rational(1,5) + LambertW(-21*exp(Rational(3,5))/5)/7]
    assert solve(2*x+5+log(3*x-2), x) == \
        [Rational(2,3) + LambertW(2*exp(-Rational(19,3))/3)/2]
    assert solve(3*x+log(4*x), x) == [LambertW(Rational(3,4))/3]
    assert solve((2*x+8)*(8+exp(x)), x) == [-4, log(8) + pi*I]
    assert solve(2*exp(3*x+4)-3, x) in [ [-Rational(4,3)+log(Rational(3,2))/3],\
                                         [Rational(-4, 3) - log(2)/3 + log(3)/3]]
    assert solve(2*log(3*x+4)-3, x) == [(exp(Rational(3,2))-4)/3]
    assert solve(exp(x)+1, x) == [pi*I]
    assert solve(x**2 - 2**x, x) == [2]
    assert solve(x**3 - 3**x, x) == [-3/log(3)*LambertW(-log(3)/3)]
    assert solve(2*(3*x+4)**5 - 6*7**(3*x+9), x) in \
        [[Rational(-4,3) - 5/log(7)/3*LambertW(-7*2**Rational(4,5)*6**Rational(1,5)*log(7)/10)],\
         [(-5*LambertW(-7*2**(Rational(4, 5))*6**(Rational(1, 5))*log(7)/10) - 4*log(7))/(3*log(7))], \
         [-((4*log(7) + 5*LambertW(-7*2**Rational(4,5)*6**Rational(1,5)*log(7)/10))/(3*log(7)))]]

    assert solve(z*cos(x)-y, x)      == [acos(y/z)]
    assert solve(z*cos(2*x)-y, x)    == [acos(y/z)/2]
    assert solve(z*cos(sin(x))-y, x) == [asin(acos(y/z))]

    assert solve(z*cos(x), x)        == [acos(0)]

    assert solve(exp(x)+exp(-x)-y, x)== [-log(4) + log(2*y + 2*(-4 + y**2)**(Rational(1, 2))),
                                          -log(4) + log(2*y - 2*(-4 + y**2)**(Rational(1, 2)))]
    # issue #1409
    assert solve(y - b*x/(a+x), x) in [[-a*y/(y - b)], [a*y/(b - y)]]
    assert solve(y - b*exp(a/x), x) == [a/(-log(b) + log(y))]
    # issue #1408
    assert solve(y-b/(1+a*x),x) == [(b - y)/(a*y)]
    # issue #1407
    assert solve(y-a*x**b , x) == [y**(1/b)*(1/a)**(1/b)]
    # issue #1406
    assert solve(z**x - y, x) == [log(y)/log(z)]
    # issue #1405
    assert solve(2**x - 10, x) == [log(10)/log(2)]
Esempio n. 29
def test_cot():
    assert cot(nan) == nan

    assert cot.nargs == FiniteSet(1)
    assert cot(oo*I) == -I
    assert cot(-oo*I) == I

    assert cot(0) == zoo
    assert cot(2*pi) == zoo

    assert cot(acot(x)) == x
    assert cot(atan(x)) == 1 / x
    assert cot(asin(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2) / x
    assert cot(acos(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert cot(atan2(y, x)) == x/y

    assert cot(pi*I) == -coth(pi)*I
    assert cot(-pi*I) == coth(pi)*I
    assert cot(-2*I) == coth(2)*I

    assert cot(pi) == cot(2*pi) == cot(3*pi)
    assert cot(-pi) == cot(-2*pi) == cot(-3*pi)

    assert cot(pi/2) == 0
    assert cot(-pi/2) == 0
    assert cot(5*pi/2) == 0
    assert cot(7*pi/2) == 0

    assert cot(pi/3) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert cot(-2*pi/3) == 1/sqrt(3)

    assert cot(pi/4) == S.One
    assert cot(-pi/4) == -S.One
    assert cot(17*pi/4) == S.One
    assert cot(-3*pi/4) == S.One

    assert cot(pi/6) == sqrt(3)
    assert cot(-pi/6) == -sqrt(3)
    assert cot(7*pi/6) == sqrt(3)
    assert cot(-5*pi/6) == sqrt(3)

    assert cot(x*I) == -coth(x)*I
    assert cot(k*pi*I) == -coth(k*pi)*I

    assert cot(r).is_real is True

    assert cot(a).is_algebraic is None
    assert cot(na).is_algebraic is False

    assert cot(10*pi/7) == cot(3*pi/7)
    assert cot(11*pi/7) == -cot(3*pi/7)
    assert cot(-11*pi/7) == cot(3*pi/7)

    assert cot(x).is_finite is None
    assert cot(r).is_finite is None
    i = Symbol('i', imaginary=True)
    assert cot(i).is_finite is True

    assert cot(x).subs(x, 3*pi) == zoo
Esempio n. 30
 def calc_Bragg_angle(self, Energy, Miller=None):
     if Miller == None:
         Miller = self.Miller
     thissubs = dict(zip(self.structure.miller, Miller))
     Braggq= 2*sp.pi * self.structure.qfunc.dictcall(thissubs)
     return thetaBragg
Esempio n. 31
def test_acsc():
    assert acsc(nan) == nan
    assert acsc(1) == pi / 2
    assert acsc(-1) == -pi / 2
    assert acsc(oo) == 0
    assert acsc(-oo) == 0
    assert acsc(zoo) == 0

    assert acsc(x).diff(x) == -1 / (x**2 * sqrt(1 - 1 / x**2))
    assert acsc(x).as_leading_term(x) == log(x)

    assert acsc(x).rewrite(log) == -I * log(sqrt(1 - 1 / x**2) + I / x)
    assert acsc(x).rewrite(asin) == asin(1 / x)
    assert acsc(x).rewrite(acos) == -acos(1 / x) + pi / 2
    assert acsc(x).rewrite(atan) == (-atan(sqrt(x**2 - 1)) + pi / 2) * sqrt(
        x**2) / x
    assert acsc(x).rewrite(acot) == (-acot(1 / sqrt(x**2 - 1)) +
                                     pi / 2) * sqrt(x**2) / x
    assert acsc(x).rewrite(asec) == -asec(x) + pi / 2
Esempio n. 32
def go_to_state(n,m):
    For equal superpositions of states in a n-dimensional system,
    this function will create an operator that sends all the amplitude
    to state |m>
    # preprocessing
    overlap = 1/sp.sqrt(n)
    # compute angles
    theta_val = ( sp.asin(overlap) )
    phi_val = ( sp.acos(overlap)/2 )
    # flip state & operator
    f = sp.cos( theta_val + phi_val ), sp.sin( phi_val + theta_val ) 
    flip_ =[0]) +[1])
    diffuse_op = 2 * outer(flip_, flip_) - identity(n, object)
    return diffuse_op
Esempio n. 33
    def compute_internal_angles(self, theta_0, theta_1):
        Return the internal angles of the robot leg 
        from the current motor angles
        alpha_0, alpha_1, A, B, C = symbols('alpha_0 alpha_1 A B C', real=True)

        d = sqrt(l_base * l_base + l1 * l1 - 2 * l_base * l1 * cos(theta_0))
        beta = -asin(l1 / d * sin(theta_0))

        A = sympy.simplify(2 * l1 * l2 * cos(theta_1) + 2 * d * l2 * cos(beta))
        B = sympy.simplify(2 * l1 * l2 * sin(theta_1) + 2 * d * l2 * sin(beta))
        C = sympy.simplify(-l1 * l1 - d * d - 2 * d * l1 * cos(theta_1 - beta))

        alpha_1 = sympy.simplify(atan(B / A) + acos(C / sqrt(A * A + B * B)))
        alpha_0 = beta + acos(
            (l1 * cos(theta_1 - beta) + l2 * cos(alpha_1 - beta) + d) / l2)

        return (alpha_0, alpha_1)
Esempio n. 34
def test_tsolve():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z')
    assert solve(exp(x)-3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve(cos(x)-y, x) == [acos(y)]
    assert solve(2*cos(x)-y,x)== [acos(y/2)]
    # XXX in the following test, log(2*y + 2*...) should -> log(2) + log(y +...)
    assert solve(exp(x)+exp(-x)-y,x)    == [-log(4) + log(2*y + 2*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2)),
                                            -log(4) + log(2*y - 2*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2))]
    assert tsolve(exp(x)-3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert tsolve(Eq(exp(x), 3), x) == [log(3)]
    assert tsolve(log(x)-3, x) == [exp(3)]
    assert tsolve(sqrt(3*x)-4, x) == [Rational(16,3)]
    assert tsolve(3**(x+2), x) == [-oo]
    assert tsolve(3**(2-x), x) == [oo]
    assert tsolve(4*3**(5*x+2)-7, x) == [(log(Rational(7,4))-2*log(3))/(5*log(3))]
    assert tsolve(x+2**x, x) == [-LambertW(log(2))/log(2)]
    assert tsolve(3*x+5+2**(-5*x+3), x) == \
        [-Rational(5,3) + LambertW(-10240*2**Rational(1,3)*log(2)/3)/(5*log(2))]
    assert tsolve(5*x-1+3*exp(2-7*x), x) == \
        [Rational(1,5) + LambertW(-21*exp(Rational(3,5))/5)/7]
    assert tsolve(2*x+5+log(3*x-2), x) == \
        [Rational(2,3) + LambertW(2*exp(-Rational(19,3))/3)/2]
    assert tsolve(3*x+log(4*x), x) == [LambertW(Rational(3,4))/3]
    assert tsolve((2*x+8)*(8+exp(x)), x) == [-4]
    assert tsolve(2*exp(3*x+4)-3, x) == [-Rational(4,3)+log(Rational(3,2))/3]
    assert tsolve(2*log(3*x+4)-3, x) == [(exp(Rational(3,2))-4)/3]
    assert tsolve(exp(x)+1, x) == [pi*I]
    assert tsolve(x**2 - 2**x, x) == [2]
    assert tsolve(x**3 - 3**x, x) == [-3/log(3)*LambertW(-log(3)/3)]
    assert tsolve(2*(3*x+4)**5 - 6*7**(3*x+9), x) == \
        [Rational(-4,3) - 5/log(7)/3*LambertW(-7*2**Rational(4,5)*6**Rational(1,5)*log(7)/10)]

    assert tsolve(z*cos(x)-y, x)      == [acos(y/z)]
    assert tsolve(z*cos(2*x)-y, x)    == [acos(y/z)/2]
    assert tsolve(z*cos(sin(x))-y, x) == [asin(acos(y/z))]

    assert tsolve(z*cos(x), x)        == [acos(0)]

    assert tsolve(exp(x)+exp(-x)-y, x)== [log(y/2 + Rational(1,2)*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2)),
                                          log(y/2 - Rational(1,2)*(-4 + y**2)**Rational(1,2))]
Esempio n. 35
    def _modula_funcion_fm(self):
        signo_moduladora = utils.signo_en_funcion(self.fun_moduladora)

        funcion_moduladora = utils.funcion_en_string(self.fun_moduladora, self.wm, self.t)

        if 'saw' in self.fun_moduladora:
            self.moduladora = self.Vm_sierra * (signo_moduladora * funcion_moduladora)

        elif 'tri' in self.fun_moduladora:
            self.moduladora = self.Vm_sierra * (signo_moduladora * funcion_moduladora)
            self.moduladora = self.Vm * (signo_moduladora * funcion_moduladora)

        integral = self._integra_kl_vmt(self.kl, self.moduladora)

        signo_portadora = utils.signo_en_funcion(self.fun_portadora)
        funcion_portadora = utils.funcion_en_string(self.fun_portadora, self.wc, self.t)

        if 'saw' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.portadora = self.Vm_sierra * (signo_portadora * funcion_portadora)

        elif 'tri' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.portadora = self.Vm_sierra * (signo_portadora * funcion_portadora)
            self.portadora = self.Vc * (signo_portadora * funcion_portadora)

        if 'cos' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.modulada = self.Vc * (signo_portadora * sp.cos((self.wc * self.t) + integral)) + self.noise

        elif 'sen' in self.fun_portadora or 'sin' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.modulada = self.Vc * (signo_portadora * sp.sin(self.wc * self.t + integral)) + self.noise

        elif 'saw' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.modulada = (self.Vc_sierra) * (signo_portadora * sp.atan(sp.cot((self.wc/2) * self.t + integral))) \
                            + self.noise

        elif 'tri' in self.fun_portadora:
            self.modulada = (self.Vc_sierra) * (signo_portadora * sp.asin(sp.sin(self.wc * self.t + integral))) \
                            + self.noise

        return self.modulada
Esempio n. 36
def test_simplify_function_inverse():
    # "inverse" attribute does not guarantee that f(g(x)) is x
    # so this simplification should not happen automatically.
    # See issue #12140
    x, y = symbols('x, y')
    g = Function('g')

    class f(Function):
        def inverse(self, argindex=1):
            return g

    assert simplify(f(g(x))) == f(g(x))
    assert inversecombine(f(g(x))) == x
    assert simplify(f(g(x)), inverse=True) == x
    assert simplify(f(g(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2)), inverse=True) == 1
    assert simplify(f(g(x, y)), inverse=True) == f(g(x, y))
    assert simplify(2 * asin(sin(3 * x)), inverse=True) == 6 * x
    assert simplify(log(exp(x))) == log(exp(x))
    assert simplify(log(exp(x)), inverse=True) == x
    assert simplify(log(exp(x), 2), inverse=True) == x / log(2)
    assert simplify(log(exp(x), 2, evaluate=False), inverse=True) == x / log(2)
Esempio n. 37
def gainFromDampingRatio(transferFunction, dampingRatio):
    Returns gain found from a given transferFunction and dampingRatio
    By sampling along matlab.rlocus plot. Converges on an area of the plot by taking smaller sized
    samples (defined by variable 'spacing') in each iteration until spacing = 0.1 , thus the gain will 
    only ever be within 0.1 
    minGainSample = 0.0
    spacing = 1000.0
    closerToMGS = False
    gainFound = False
    slopeOfDampingRatioLine = abs(sympy.tan(sympy.asin(dampingRatio)))
    while not gainFound :
        data = matlab.rlocus(transferFunction, np.array([minGainSample,minGainSample + (1.0*spacing),minGainSample + (2.0*spacing),
                                minGainSample + (3.0*spacing),minGainSample + (4.0*spacing),minGainSample + (5.0*spacing),
                                minGainSample + (6.0*spacing),minGainSample + (7.0*spacing),minGainSample + (8.0*spacing),
                                minGainSample + (9.0*spacing),minGainSample + (10.0*spacing)]))        
        for j in range(0, len(data[0][0])):
            for i in range(1, len(data[0])) :
                data_point = data[0][i][j]
                if data_point.imag > 0 :
                    if (data[0][i-1][j].imag > 0 and abs(data_point.real / data_point.imag) <= slopeOfDampingRatioLine 
                            and abs(data[0][i-1][j].real / data[0][i-1][j].imag) >= slopeOfDampingRatioLine) :
                        minGainSample = data[1][i-1]
                        if(data[0][i-1][j].imag > 0 
                                and abs(abs(data_point.real / data_point.imag) - abs(slopeOfDampingRatioLine)) 
                                >= abs(abs(data[0][i-1][j].real / data[0][i-1][j].imag) - abs(slopeOfDampingRatioLine))) :
                            closerToMGS = True
                        else :
                            closerToMGS = False
        if spacing == 0.1:
            gainFound = True
        else :
            spacing = spacing / 10
    ## End While Loop
    if closerToMGS :
        return minGainSample
    else :
        return minGainSample + 0.1
Esempio n. 38
def tan_simplify(eqn, atom, implicit=True, positive_branch=False):

    s = sp.Dummy('s')
    c = sp.Dummy('c')

    eq_temp = eqn.subs([(sp.sin(atom), s),
                        (sp.cos(atom), c)]).collect(c).collect(s)
    # A sin + B cos + C = 0
    # R = sign(A)/(A^2 +B^2)^{1/2}
    # A / R sin(x) + B/R cos(x)  + C/R = 0
    # sin(x + phi) + C / R= 0
    # B / R = sin(phi)
    # A / R  = cos(phi)
    # tan = sin/cos = (B/A)
    # phi = arctan(B / A)
    # sin(x + phi)  + C / R = 0
    A = eq_temp.coeff(s, 1).coeff(c, 0)
    B = eq_temp.coeff(c, 1).coeff(s, 0)
    remainder = eq_temp.coeff(c, 0).coeff(s, 0)

    difference = sp.expand(A * s + B * c + remainder - eq_temp)

    if difference != 0 or not A or not B:
        return eqn
    #A = _simplify_all(A)
    #B = _simplify_all(B)
    magnitude = sp.simplify(A**2 + B**2)
    R = sp.sign(A) * sp.sqrt(magnitude)
    C = remainder / R

    ratio = sp.atan2(B / R, A / R)

    phi = sp.atan(ratio)

    if implicit:
        return sp.simplify(R * sp.sin(atom + phi) + remainder)
        return -ratio - sp.asin(sp.simplify(C))
    def __init__(self,
                 lower_expr: sympy.Expr,
                 upper_expr: sympy.Expr,
                 local_compiler: LocalCompiler = None):

        self.control_idx = control_idx

        self.lower_expr = lower_expr
        self.upper_expr = upper_expr

        self.args = [ind_var_sym, state_syms, parameter_syms, constant_syms]

        if local_compiler is None:
            self.local_compiler = LocalCompiler()
            self.local_compiler = local_compiler

        u = sympy.Symbol('_u')
        u_trig = sympy.Symbol('_u_trig')

        u_min = self.lower_expr
        u_max = self.upper_expr

        u_range = (u_max - u_min)
        u_offset = (u_max + u_min) / 2

        u_trig_expr = sympy.asin((u - u_offset) / u_range)
        u_expr = u_range / 2 * sympy.sin(u_trig) + u_offset

        self.map_func = self.local_compiler.lambdify([u] + self.args,
        self.inv_map_func = self.local_compiler.lambdify([u_trig] + self.args,
Esempio n. 40
def test_bng_printer():
    # Constants
    assert _bng_print(sympy.pi) == '_pi'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.E) == '_e'

    x, y = sympy.symbols('x y')

    # Binary functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x & y')) == 'x && y'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x | y')) == 'x || y'

    # Trig functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sin(x)) == 'sin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cos(x)) == 'cos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tan(x)) == 'tan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asin(x)) == 'asin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acos(x)) == 'acos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atan(x)) == 'atan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sinh(x)) == 'sinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cosh(x)) == 'cosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tanh(x)) == 'tanh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asinh(x)) == 'asinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acosh(x)) == 'acosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atanh(x)) == 'atanh(x)'

    # Logs and powers
    assert _bng_print(sympy.log(x)) == 'ln(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.exp(x)) == 'exp(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sqrt(x)) == 'sqrt(x)'

    # Rounding
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Abs(x)) == 'abs(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.floor(x)) == 'rint(x - 0.5)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.ceiling(x)) == '(rint(x + 1) - 1)'

    # Min/max
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Min(x, y)) == 'min(x, y)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Max(x, y)) == 'max(x, y)'
Esempio n. 41
    def test_matrix_to_array(self):
        x, y = sp.symbols('x, y')
        ones = np.ones(10)

        M = sp.Matrix([
            0.5 * (x + y),
            sp.asin(sp.sin(0.5 * (x + y))),
            sp.sin(x + y)**2 + sp.cos(x + y)**2

        f = pytrajectory.auxiliary.cse_lambdify(args=(x, y),
                                                }, 'numpy'])

        F = f(1., 1.)

        assert type(F == np.ndarray)
        assert not isinstance(F, np.matrix)
        assert F.shape == (3, 1)
        assert np.allclose(F, np.ones((3, 1)))
def critical_angle(medium1, medium2):
    This function calculates the critical angle of incidence (marking the onset
    of total internal) to Medium 2 from Medium 1 in radians.


    medium 1 : Medium or sympifiable
        Refractive index of Medium 1
    medium 2 : Medium or sympifiable
        Refractive index of Medium 1


    >>> from sympy.physics.optics import critical_angle
    >>> critical_angle(1.33, 1)

    n1, n2 = None, None

    if isinstance(medium1, Medium):
        n1 = medium1.refractive_index
        n1 = sympify(medium1)

    if isinstance(medium2, Medium):
        n2 = medium2.refractive_index
        n2 = sympify(medium2)

    if n2 > n1:
        raise ValueError('Total internal reflection impossible for n1 < n2')
        return asin(n2/n1)
Esempio n. 43
def test_presentation_mathml_trig():
    mml = mpp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sin'

    mml = mpp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cos'

    mml = mpp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tan'

    mml = mpp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsin'

    mml = mpp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccos'

    mml = mpp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctan'

    mml = mpp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sinh'

    mml = mpp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cosh'

    mml = mpp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tanh'

    mml = mpp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mpp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctanh'

    mml = mpp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccosh'
Esempio n. 44
def test_simpleDE():
    # Tests just the first valid DE
    for DE in simpleDE(exp(x), x, f):
        assert DE == (-f(x) + Derivative(f(x), x), 1)
    for DE in simpleDE(sin(x), x, f):
        assert DE == (f(x) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), 2)
    for DE in simpleDE(log(1 + x), x, f):
        assert DE == ((x + 1)*Derivative(f(x), x, 2) + Derivative(f(x), x), 2)
    for DE in simpleDE(asin(x), x, f):
        assert DE == (x*Derivative(f(x), x) + (x**2 - 1)*Derivative(f(x), x, x),
    for DE in simpleDE(exp(x)*sin(x), x, f):
        assert DE == (2*f(x) - 2*Derivative(f(x)) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), 2)
    for DE in simpleDE(((1 + x)/(1 - x))**n, x, f):
        assert DE == (2*n*f(x) + (x**2 - 1)*Derivative(f(x), x), 1)
    for DE in simpleDE(airyai(x), x, f):
        assert DE == (-x*f(x) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), 2)
Esempio n. 45
def test_mathml_trig():
    mml = mp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sin'

    mml = mp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cos'

    mml = mp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tan'

    mml = mp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsin'

    mml = mp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccos'

    mml = mp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctan'

    mml = mp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sinh'

    mml = mp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cosh'

    mml = mp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tanh'

    mml = mp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctanh'

    mml = mp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccosh'
Esempio n. 46
def test_issue_3504():
    a = Symbol("a")
    e = asin(a * x) / x
    assert e.series(x, 4, n=2).removeO() == \
        (x - 4)*(a/(4*sqrt(-16*a**2 + 1)) - asin(4*a)/16) + asin(4*a)/4
Esempio n. 47
def eval_arcsin(integrand, symbol):
    return sympy.asin(symbol)
Esempio n. 48
def test_issue_4052():
    f = S(1) / 2 * asin(x) + x * sqrt(1 - x**2) / 2

    assert integrate(cos(asin(x)), x) == f
    assert integrate(sin(acos(x)), x) == f
Esempio n. 49
import sympy.physics.mechanics as _me
import sympy as _sm
import math as m
import numpy as _np

x, y = _me.dynamicsymbols('x y')
x_d, y_d = _me.dynamicsymbols('x_ y_', 1)
e = _sm.cos(x)+_sm.sin(x)+_sm.tan(x)+_sm.cosh(x)+_sm.sinh(x)+_sm.tanh(x)+_sm.acos(x)+_sm.asin(x)+_sm.atan(x)+_sm.log(x)+_sm.exp(x)+_sm.sqrt(x)+_sm.factorial(x)+_sm.ceiling(x)+_sm.floor(x)+_sm.sign(x)
e = (x)**2+_sm.log(x, 10)
a = _sm.Abs(-1*1)+int(1.5)+round(1.9)
e1 = 2*x+3*y
e2 = x+y
am = _sm.Matrix([e1.expand().coeff(x), e1.expand().coeff(y), e2.expand().coeff(x), e2.expand().coeff(y)]).reshape(2, 2)
b = (e1).expand().coeff(x)
c = (e2).expand().coeff(y)
d1 = (e1).collect(x).coeff(x,0)
d2 = (e1).collect(x).coeff(x,1)
fm = _sm.Matrix([i.collect(x)for i in _sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(1, 2)]).reshape((_sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(1, 2)).shape[0], (_sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(1, 2)).shape[1])
f = (e1).collect(y)
g = (e1).subs({x:2*x})
gm = _sm.Matrix([i.subs({x:3}) for i in _sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(2, 1)]).reshape((_sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(2, 1)).shape[0], (_sm.Matrix([e1,e2]).reshape(2, 1)).shape[1])
frame_a = _me.ReferenceFrame('a')
frame_b = _me.ReferenceFrame('b')
theta = _me.dynamicsymbols('theta')
frame_b.orient(frame_a, 'Axis', [theta, frame_a.z])
v1 = 2*frame_a.x-3*frame_a.y+frame_a.z
v2 = frame_b.x+frame_b.y+frame_b.z
a =, v2)
bm = _sm.Matrix([, v2),, 2*v2)]).reshape(2, 1)
c = _me.cross(v1, v2)
d = 2*v1.magnitude()+3*v1.magnitude()
Esempio n. 50

plot_model1_rms(raw_training_data, m1_alpha, m1_sf)

import scipy.optimize as opt
import sympy as sy
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

y_n, phi_n, psi_n = sy.symbols('y_n phi_n psi_n')  ## data
u = sy.symbols('u')  ## params

m1b_p_n = sy.tan(phi_n) * sy.tan(sy.asin(u * sy.cos(psi_n)))  ## the prediction
m1b_e_n = (y_n - m1b_p_n)**2  ## squared error

def model1b_feature_matrix(raw_data):
    rows = []
    for m in raw_data:
        lat, lng = m['pos']
        dl_s = parse_daylight_s(m['daylight'])
        year_f = parse_year_fraction(m['date'], lng)
        psi = (year_f - june21_yf) * (2 * np.pi)
        phi = lat * np.pi / 180
        night_fraction = (1 - dl_s / day_duration_s)
        y = np.cos(np.pi * night_fraction)
        rows.append([phi, psi, y])
    return np.array(rows)
Esempio n. 51
def test_tsolve():
    assert solve(exp(x) - 3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert set(solve((a * x + b) * (exp(x) - 3), x)) == set([-b / a, log(3)])
    assert solve(cos(x) - y, x) == [acos(y)]
    assert solve(2 * cos(x) - y, x) == [acos(y / 2)]
    assert set(solve(Eq(cos(x), sin(x)), x)) == set([-3 * pi / 4, pi / 4])

    assert set(solve(exp(x) + exp(-x) - y, x)) in [
            log(y / 2 - sqrt(y**2 - 4) / 2),
            log(y / 2 + sqrt(y**2 - 4) / 2),
            log(y - sqrt(y**2 - 4)) - log(2),
            log(y + sqrt(y**2 - 4)) - log(2)
            log(y / 2 - sqrt((y - 2) * (y + 2)) / 2),
            log(y / 2 + sqrt((y - 2) * (y + 2)) / 2)
    assert solve(exp(x) - 3, x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve(Eq(exp(x), 3), x) == [log(3)]
    assert solve(log(x) - 3, x) == [exp(3)]
    assert solve(sqrt(3 * x) - 4, x) == [Rational(16, 3)]
    assert solve(3**(x + 2), x) == []
    assert solve(3**(2 - x), x) == []
    assert solve(x + 2**x, x) == [-LambertW(log(2)) / log(2)]
    ans = solve(3 * x + 5 + 2**(-5 * x + 3), x)
    assert len(ans) == 1 and ans[0].expand() == \
        -Rational(5, 3) + LambertW(-10240*2**(S(1)/3)*log(2)/3)/(5*log(2))
    assert solve(5*x - 1 + 3*exp(2 - 7*x), x) == \
        [Rational(1, 5) + LambertW(-21*exp(Rational(3, 5))/5)/7]
    assert solve(2*x + 5 + log(3*x - 2), x) == \
        [Rational(2, 3) + LambertW(2*exp(-Rational(19, 3))/3)/2]
    assert solve(3 * x + log(4 * x), x) == [LambertW(Rational(3, 4)) / 3]
    assert set(solve((2 * x + 8) * (8 + exp(x)),
                     x)) == set([S(-4), log(8) + pi * I])
    eq = 2 * exp(3 * x + 4) - 3
    ans = solve(eq, x)  # this generated a failure in flatten
    assert len(ans) == 3 and all(eq.subs(x, a).n(chop=True) == 0 for a in ans)
    assert solve(2 * log(3 * x + 4) - 3, x) == [(exp(Rational(3, 2)) - 4) / 3]
    assert solve(exp(x) + 1, x) == [pi * I]
    assert solve(x**2 - 2**x, x) == [2]
    assert solve(x**3 - 3**x, x) == [-3 * LambertW(-log(3) / 3) / log(3)]

    A = -7 * 2**Rational(4, 5) * 6**Rational(1, 5) * log(7) / 10
    B = -7 * 3**Rational(1, 5) * log(7) / 5

    result = solve(2 * (3 * x + 4)**5 - 6 * 7**(3 * x + 9), x)

    assert len(result) == 1 and expand(result[0]) in [
        Rational(-4, 3) - 5 / log(7) / 3 * LambertW(A),
        Rational(-4, 3) - 5 / log(7) / 3 * LambertW(B),

    assert solve(z * cos(x) - y, x) == [acos(y / z)]
    assert solve(z * cos(2 * x) - y, x) == [acos(y / z) / 2]
    assert solve(z * cos(sin(x)) - y, x) == [asin(acos(y / z))]

    assert solve(z * cos(x), x) == [acos(0)]

    # issue #1409
    assert solve(y - b * x / (a + x), x) in [[-a * y / (y - b)],
                                             [a * y / (b - y)]]
    assert solve(y - b * exp(a / x), x) == [a / log(y / b)]
    # issue #1408
    assert solve(y - b / (1 + a * x), x) in [[(b - y) / (a * y)],
                                             [-((y - b) / (a * y))]]
    # issue #1407
    assert solve(y - a * x**b, x) == [(y / a)**(1 / b)]
    # issue #1406
    assert solve(z**x - y, x) == [log(y) / log(z)]
    # issue #1405
    assert solve(2**x - 10, x) == [log(10) / log(2)]
    # issue #3645
    assert solve(x * y) == [{x: 0}, {y: 0}]
    assert solve([x * y]) == [{x: 0}, {y: 0}]
    assert solve(x**y - 1) == [{x: 1}, {y: 0}]
    assert solve([x**y - 1]) == [{x: 1}, {y: 0}]
    assert solve(x * y * (x**2 - y**2)) == [{x: 0}, {x: -y}, {x: y}, {y: 0}]
    assert solve([x * y * (x**2 - y**2)]) == [{x: 0}, {x: -y}, {x: y}, {y: 0}]
    #issue #1640
    assert solve(exp(log(5) * x) - 2**x, x) == [0]
Esempio n. 52
def test_issue_4492():
    assert simplify(integrate(x**2 * sqrt(5 - x**2), x)) == Piecewise(
        (I*(2*x**5 - 15*x**3 + 25*x - 25*sqrt(x**2 - 5)*acosh(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(x**2 - 5)), 1 < Abs(x**2)/5),
        ((-2*x**5 + 15*x**3 - 25*x + 25*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)*asin(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)), True))
Esempio n. 53
def test_plane():
    x, y, z, u, v = symbols('x y z u v', real=True)
    p1 = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    p2 = Point3D(1, 1, 1)
    p3 = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
    pl3 = Plane(p1, p2, p3)
    pl4 = Plane(p1, normal_vector=(1, 1, 1))
    pl4b = Plane(p1, p2)
    pl5 = Plane(p3, normal_vector=(1, 2, 3))
    pl6 = Plane(Point3D(2, 3, 7), normal_vector=(2, 2, 2))
    pl7 = Plane(Point3D(1, -5, -6), normal_vector=(1, -2, 1))
    pl8 = Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 0, 1))
    pl9 = Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 12, 0))
    pl10 = Plane(p1, normal_vector=(-2, 0, 0))
    pl11 = Plane(p2, normal_vector=(0, 0, 1))
    l1 = Line3D(Point3D(5, 0, 0), Point3D(1, -1, 1))
    l2 = Line3D(Point3D(0, -2, 0), Point3D(3, 1, 1))
    l3 = Line3D(Point3D(0, -1, 0), Point3D(5, -1, 9))

    assert Plane(p1, p2, p3) != Plane(p1, p3, p2)
    assert Plane(p1, p2, p3).is_coplanar(Plane(p1, p3, p2))
    assert pl3 == Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 0), normal_vector=(1, -2, 1))
    assert pl3 != pl4
    assert pl4 == pl4b
    assert pl5 == Plane(Point3D(1, 2, 3), normal_vector=(1, 2, 3))

    assert pl5.equation(x, y, z) == x + 2*y + 3*z - 14
    assert pl3.equation(x, y, z) == x - 2*y + z

    assert pl3.p1 == p1
    assert pl4.p1 == p1
    assert pl5.p1 == p3

    assert pl4.normal_vector == (1, 1, 1)
    assert pl5.normal_vector == (1, 2, 3)

    assert p1 in pl3
    assert p1 in pl4
    assert p3 in pl5

    assert pl3.projection(Point(0, 0)) == p1
    p = pl3.projection(Point3D(1, 1, 0))
    assert p == Point3D(7/6, 2/3, 1/6)
    assert p in pl3

    l = pl3.projection_line(Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)))
    assert l == Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(7/6, 2/3, 1/6))
    assert l in pl3
    # get a segment that does not intersect the plane which is also
    # parallel to pl3's normal veector
    t = Dummy()
    r = pl3.random_point()
    a = pl3.perpendicular_line(r).arbitrary_point(t)
    s = Segment3D(a.subs(t, 1), a.subs(t, 2))
    assert s.p1 not in pl3 and s.p2 not in pl3
    assert pl3.projection_line(s).equals(r)
    assert pl3.projection_line(Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1))) == \
               Segment3D(Point3D(5/6, 1/3, -1/6), Point3D(7/6, 2/3, 1/6))
    assert pl6.projection_line(Ray(Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1))) == \
               Ray3D(Point3D(14/3, 11/3, 11/3), Point3D(13/3, 13/3, 10/3))
    assert pl3.perpendicular_line(r.args) == pl3.perpendicular_line(r)

    assert pl3.is_parallel(pl6) is False
    assert pl4.is_parallel(pl6)
    assert pl6.is_parallel(l1) is False

    assert pl3.is_perpendicular(pl6)
    assert pl4.is_perpendicular(pl7)
    assert pl6.is_perpendicular(pl7)
    assert pl6.is_perpendicular(l1) is False

    assert pl6.distance(pl6.arbitrary_point(u, v)) == 0
    assert pl7.distance(pl7.arbitrary_point(u, v)) == 0
    assert pl6.distance(pl6.arbitrary_point(t)) == 0
    assert pl7.distance(pl7.arbitrary_point(t)) == 0
    assert pl6.p1.distance(pl6.arbitrary_point(t)).simplify() == 1
    assert pl7.p1.distance(pl7.arbitrary_point(t)).simplify() == 1
    assert pl3.arbitrary_point(t) == Point3D(-sqrt(30)*sin(t)/30 + \
        2*sqrt(5)*cos(t)/5, sqrt(30)*sin(t)/15 + sqrt(5)*cos(t)/5, sqrt(30)*sin(t)/6)
    assert pl3.arbitrary_point(u, v) == Point3D(2*u - v, u + 2*v, 5*v)

    assert pl7.distance(Point3D(1, 3, 5)) == 5*sqrt(6)/6
    assert pl6.distance(Point3D(0, 0, 0)) == 4*sqrt(3)
    assert pl6.distance(pl6.p1) == 0
    assert pl7.distance(pl6) == 0
    assert pl7.distance(l1) == 0
    assert pl6.distance(Segment3D(Point3D(2, 3, 1), Point3D(1, 3, 4))) == 0
    pl6.distance(Plane(Point3D(5, 5, 5), normal_vector=(8, 8, 8))) == sqrt(3)

    assert pl6.angle_between(pl3) == pi/2
    assert pl6.angle_between(pl6) == 0
    assert pl6.angle_between(pl4) == 0
    assert pl7.angle_between(Line3D(Point3D(2, 3, 5), Point3D(2, 4, 6))) == \
    assert pl6.angle_between(Ray3D(Point3D(2, 4, 1), Point3D(6, 5, 3))) == \
    assert pl7.angle_between(Segment3D(Point3D(5, 6, 1), Point3D(1, 2, 4))) == \

    assert are_coplanar(l1, l2, l3) is False
    assert are_coplanar(l1) is False
    assert are_coplanar(Point3D(2, 7, 2), Point3D(0, 0, 2),
        Point3D(1, 1, 2), Point3D(1, 2, 2))
    assert are_coplanar(Plane(p1, p2, p3), Plane(p1, p3, p2))
    assert Plane.are_concurrent(pl3, pl4, pl5) is False
    assert Plane.are_concurrent(pl6) is False
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Plane.are_concurrent(Point3D(0, 0, 0)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Plane((1, 2, 3), normal_vector=(0, 0, 0)))

    assert pl3.parallel_plane(Point3D(1, 2, 5)) == Plane(Point3D(1, 2, 5), \
                                                      normal_vector=(1, -2, 1))

    # perpendicular_plane
    p = Plane((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
    # default
    assert p.perpendicular_plane() == Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))
    # 1 pt
    assert p.perpendicular_plane(Point3D(1, 0, 1)) == \
        Plane(Point3D(1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0))
    # pts as tuples
    assert p.perpendicular_plane((1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)) == \
        Plane(Point3D(1, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1))

    a, b = Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 1, 0)
    Z = (0, 0, 1)
    p = Plane(a, normal_vector=Z)
    # case 4
    assert p.perpendicular_plane(a, b) == Plane(a, (1, 0, 0))
    n = Point3D(*Z)
    # case 1
    assert p.perpendicular_plane(a, n) == Plane(a, (-1, 0, 0))
    # case 2
    assert Plane(a, normal_vector=b.args).perpendicular_plane(a, a + b) == \
        Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
    # case 1&3
    assert Plane(b, normal_vector=Z).perpendicular_plane(b, b + n) == \
        Plane(Point3D(0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0))
    # case 2&3
    assert Plane(b, normal_vector=b.args).perpendicular_plane(n, n + b) == \
        Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0))

    assert pl6.intersection(pl6) == [pl6]
    assert pl4.intersection(pl4.p1) == [pl4.p1]
    assert pl3.intersection(pl6) == [
        Line3D(Point3D(8, 4, 0), Point3D(2, 4, 6))]
    assert pl3.intersection(Line3D(Point3D(1,2,4), Point3D(4,4,2))) == [
        Point3D(2, 8/3, 10/3)]
    assert pl3.intersection(Plane(Point3D(6, 0, 0), normal_vector=(2, -5, 3))
        ) == [Line3D(Point3D(-24, -12, 0), Point3D(-25, -13, -1))]
    assert pl6.intersection(Ray3D(Point3D(2, 3, 1), Point3D(1, 3, 4))) == [
        Point3D(-1, 3, 10)]
    assert pl6.intersection(Segment3D(Point3D(2, 3, 1), Point3D(1, 3, 4))) == [
        Point3D(-1, 3, 10)]
    assert pl7.intersection(Line(Point(2, 3), Point(4, 2))) == [
        Point3D(13/2, 3/4, 0)]
    r = Ray(Point(2, 3), Point(4, 2))
    assert Plane((1,2,0), normal_vector=(0,0,1)).intersection(r) == [
        Ray3D(Point(2, 3), Point(4, 2))]
    assert pl9.intersection(pl8) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(12, 0, 0))]
    assert pl10.intersection(pl11) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(0, 2, 1))]
    assert pl4.intersection(pl8) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(1, -1, 0))]
    assert pl11.intersection(pl8) == []
    assert pl9.intersection(pl11) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(12, 0, 1))]
    assert pl9.intersection(pl4) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(12, 0, -12))]
    assert pl3.random_point() in pl3

    # test geometrical entity using equals
    assert pl4.intersection(pl4.p1)[0].equals(pl4.p1)
    assert pl3.intersection(pl6)[0].equals(Line3D(Point3D(8, 4, 0), Point3D(2, 4, 6)))
    pl8 = Plane((1, 2, 0), normal_vector=(0, 0, 1))
    assert pl8.intersection(Line3D(p1, (1, 12, 0)))[0].equals(Line((0, 0, 0), (0.1, 1.2, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Ray3D(p1, (1, 12, 0)))[0].equals(Ray((0, 0, 0), (1, 12, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Segment3D(p1, (21, 1, 0)))[0].equals(Segment3D(p1, (21, 1, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 0, 112)))[0].equals(pl8)
    assert pl8.intersection(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 12, 0)))[0].equals(
        Line3D(p1, direction_ratio=(112 * pi, 0, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(11, 0, 1)))[0].equals(
        Line3D(p1, direction_ratio=(0, -11, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(1, 0, 11)))[0].equals(
        Line3D(p1, direction_ratio=(0, 11, 0)))
    assert pl8.intersection(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(-1, -1, -11)))[0].equals(
        Line3D(p1, direction_ratio=(1, -1, 0)))
    assert pl3.random_point() in pl3
    assert len(pl8.intersection(Ray3D(Point3D(0, 2, 3), Point3D(1, 0, 3)))) is 0
    # check if two plane are equals
    assert pl6.intersection(pl6)[0].equals(pl6)
    assert pl8.equals(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 12, 0))) is False
    assert pl8.equals(pl8)
    assert pl8.equals(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 0, -12)))
    assert pl8.equals(Plane(p1, normal_vector=(0, 0, -12*sqrt(3))))

    # issue 8570
    l2 = Line3D(Point3D(S(50000004459633)/5000000000000,

    p2 = Plane(Point3D(S(402775636372767)/100000000000000,
               (-S('9.00000087501922'), -S('4.81170658872543e-13'),

    assert str([i.n(2) for i in p2.intersection(l2)]) == \
           '[Point3D(4.0, -0.89, 2.3)]'
Esempio n. 54
def test_latex_functions():
    assert latex(exp(x)) == "e^{x}"
    assert latex(exp(1) + exp(2)) == "e + e^{2}"

    f = Function('f')
    assert latex(f(x)) == '\\operatorname{f}{\\left (x \\right )}'

    beta = Function('beta')

    assert latex(beta(x)) == r"\beta{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x)) == r"\sin{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"\sin {x}"
    assert latex(sin(2*x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin {2 x^{2}}"
    assert latex(sin(x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(asin(x)**2) == r"\operatorname{asin}^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2, inv_trig_style="full") == \
        r"\arcsin^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2, inv_trig_style="power") == \
        r"\sin^{-1}{\left (x \right )}^{2}"
    assert latex(asin(x**2), inv_trig_style="power",
                 fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin^{-1} {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(factorial(k)) == r"k!"
    assert latex(factorial(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!"

    assert latex(subfactorial(k)) == r"!k"
    assert latex(subfactorial(-k)) == r"!\left(- k\right)"

    assert latex(factorial2(k)) == r"k!!"
    assert latex(factorial2(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!!"

    assert latex(binomial(2, k)) == r"{\binom{2}{k}}"

    assert latex(FallingFactorial(3,
                                  k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}_{\left(k\right)}"
    assert latex(RisingFactorial(3, k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}^{\left(k\right)}"

    assert latex(floor(x)) == r"\lfloor{x}\rfloor"
    assert latex(ceiling(x)) == r"\lceil{x}\rceil"
    assert latex(Min(x, 2, x**3)) == r"\min\left(2, x, x^{3}\right)"
    assert latex(Min(x, y)**2) == r"\min\left(x, y\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(Max(x, 2, x**3)) == r"\max\left(2, x, x^{3}\right)"
    assert latex(Max(x, y)**2) == r"\max\left(x, y\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(Abs(x)) == r"\lvert{x}\rvert"
    assert latex(re(x)) == r"\Re{x}"
    assert latex(re(x + y)) == r"\Re{x} + \Re{y}"
    assert latex(im(x)) == r"\Im{x}"
    assert latex(conjugate(x)) == r"\overline{x}"
    assert latex(gamma(x)) == r"\Gamma\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(Order(x)) == r"\mathcal{O}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(lowergamma(x, y)) == r'\gamma\left(x, y\right)'
    assert latex(uppergamma(x, y)) == r'\Gamma\left(x, y\right)'

    assert latex(cot(x)) == r'\cot{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(coth(x)) == r'\coth{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(re(x)) == r'\Re{x}'
    assert latex(im(x)) == r'\Im{x}'
    assert latex(root(x, y)) == r'x^{\frac{1}{y}}'
    assert latex(arg(x)) == r'\arg{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(zeta(x)) == r'\zeta\left(x\right)'

    assert latex(zeta(x)) == r"\zeta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x)**2) == r"\zeta^{2}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x, y)) == r"\zeta\left(x, y\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x, y)**2) == r"\zeta^{2}\left(x, y\right)"
    assert latex(dirichlet_eta(x)) == r"\eta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(dirichlet_eta(x)**2) == r"\eta^{2}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(polylog(x, y)) == r"\operatorname{Li}_{x}\left(y\right)"
    assert latex(polylog(x,
                         y)**2) == r"\operatorname{Li}_{x}^{2}\left(y\right)"
    assert latex(lerchphi(x, y, n)) == r"\Phi\left(x, y, n\right)"
    assert latex(lerchphi(x, y, n)**2) == r"\Phi^{2}\left(x, y, n\right)"

    assert latex(Ei(x)) == r'\operatorname{Ei}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Ei(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Ei}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(expint(x, y)**2) == r'\operatorname{E}_{x}^{2}\left(y\right)'
    assert latex(Shi(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Shi}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Si(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Si}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Ci(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Ci}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Chi(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Chi}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'

    assert latex(jacobi(n, a, b,
                        x)) == r'P_{n}^{\left(a,b\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(jacobi(
        n, a, b,
        x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}^{\left(a,b\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(gegenbauer(n, a,
                            x)) == r'C_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(gegenbauer(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(C_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(chebyshevt(n, x)) == r'T_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(chebyshevt(n,
                            x)**2) == r'\left(T_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(chebyshevu(n, x)) == r'U_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(chebyshevu(n,
                            x)**2) == r'\left(U_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(legendre(n, x)) == r'P_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(legendre(n, x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(assoc_legendre(n, a,
                                x)) == r'P_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(assoc_legendre(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(laguerre(n, x)) == r'L_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(laguerre(n, x)**2) == r'\left(L_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(assoc_laguerre(n, a,
                                x)) == r'L_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(assoc_laguerre(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(L_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(hermite(n, x)) == r'H_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(hermite(n, x)**2) == r'\left(H_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'

    # Test latex printing of function names with "_"
    assert latex(
        polar_lift(0)) == r"\operatorname{polar\_lift}{\left (0 \right )}"
    assert latex(polar_lift(0)**
                 3) == r"\operatorname{polar\_lift}^{3}{\left (0 \right )}"
#For Paper
thisIsOne = sp.simplify(
    ((eqnX / eqnr)**2 + (eqnY / eqnr)**2 + (eqnZ / eqnr)**2))
thetaEquation = sp.simplify(eqnY / eqnX)
FORPAPER_eqnS_eqnr = sp.simplify(sp.sqrt((eqnX / eqnr)**2. +
                                         (eqnY / eqnr)**2.))

eqnS = sp.sqrt(eqnX**2. + eqnY**2.)
eqnSAlpha = a * sp.sin(alpha * np.pi / 180.)

#alpha in deg
eqnAlpha1 = sp.acos(
    eqnZ / sp.sqrt(eqnX**2. + eqnY**2. + eqnZ**2.)) * 180. / np.pi
eqnAlpha2 = sp.asin(
    eqnS / sp.sqrt(eqnX**2. + eqnY**2. + eqnZ**2.)) * 180. / np.pi

eqnDmagInside = p * (R / a)**2. * Phi
eqnDmag = -2.5 * sp.log(eqnDmagInside, 10)

#### PHASE FUNCTIONS ##############
eqnLAMBERT = (
    sp.sin(alpha * np.pi / 180.) +
    (np.pi - alpha * np.pi / 180.) * sp.cos(alpha * np.pi / 180.)) / np.pi

eqnSTART = 0.5 + 0.5 * sp.tanh((alpha - A) / B)
Esempio n. 56
def test_invert_real():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y')
    n = Symbol('n')

    def ireal(x, s=S.Reals):
        return Intersection(s, x)

    minus_n = Intersection(Interval(-oo, 0), FiniteSet(-n))
    plus_n = Intersection(Interval(0, oo), FiniteSet(n))
    assert solveset(abs(x) - n, x, S.Reals) == Union(minus_n, plus_n)

    assert invert_real(exp(x), y, x) == (x, ireal(FiniteSet(log(y))))

    y = Symbol('y', positive=True)
    n = Symbol('n', real=True)
    assert invert_real(x + 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y - 3))
    assert invert_real(x * 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y / 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y)))
    assert invert_real(exp(3 * x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(exp(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) - 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x) + 3, y, x) == (x, ireal(FiniteSet(log(y - 3))))
    assert invert_real(exp(x) * 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y / 3)))

    assert invert_real(log(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y)))
    assert invert_real(log(3 * x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(log(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) - 3))

    minus_y = Intersection(Interval(-oo, 0), FiniteSet(-y))
    plus_y = Intersection(Interval(0, oo), FiniteSet(y))
    assert invert_real(Abs(x), y, x) == (x, Union(minus_y, plus_y))

    assert invert_real(2**x, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) / log(2)))
    assert invert_real(2**exp(x), y,
                       x) == (x, ireal(FiniteSet(log(log(y) / log(2)))))

    assert invert_real(x**2, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(sqrt(y), -sqrt(y)))
    assert invert_real(x**Rational(1, 2), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**2))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x, x, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x**pi, y, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(S.One, y, x))

    assert invert_real(x**31 + x, y, x) == (x**31 + x, FiniteSet(y))

    y_1 = Intersection(Interval(-1, oo), FiniteSet(y - 1))
    y_2 = Intersection(Interval(-oo, -1), FiniteSet(-y - 1))
    assert invert_real(Abs(x**31 + x + 1), y,
                       x) == (x**31 + x, Union(y_1, y_2))

    assert invert_real(sin(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*asin(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(sin(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log((-1)**n*asin(y) + n*pi)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(csc(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + (-1)**n*acsc(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(csc(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log((-1)**n*acsc(y) + n*pi)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cos(x), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + acos(y)), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - acos(y)), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(cos(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi + acos(y))), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi - acos(y))), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(sec(x), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi + asec(y)), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, 2*n*pi - asec(y)), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(sec(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, Union(imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi + asec(y))), S.Integers), \
                imageset(Lambda(n, log(2*n*pi - asec(y))), S.Integers)))

    assert invert_real(tan(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + atan(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cot(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + acot(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cot(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + acot(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(tan(x)), y, x) == \
        (tan(x), imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    x = Symbol('x', positive=True)
    assert invert_real(x**pi, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**(1 / pi)))

    # Test for ``set_h`` containing information about the domain

    n = Dummy('n')
    x = Symbol('x')

    h1 = Intersection(Interval(-oo, -3), FiniteSet(-a + b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, n - a - 3), Interval(0, oo)))

    h2 = Intersection(Interval(-3, oo), FiniteSet(a - b - 3),
                      imageset(Lambda(n, -n + a - 3), Interval(0, oo)))

    assert invert_real(Abs(Abs(x + 3) - a) - b, 0, x) == (x, Union(h1, h2))
Esempio n. 57
def test_sin():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    r = Symbol('r', real=True)

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert sin(nan) == nan

    assert sin(oo * I) == oo * I
    assert sin(-oo * I) == -oo * I
    assert sin(oo).args[0] == oo

    assert sin(0) == 0

    assert sin(asin(x)) == x
    assert sin(atan(x)) == x / sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert sin(acos(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sin(acot(x)) == 1 / (sqrt(1 + 1 / x**2) * x)

    assert sin(pi * I) == sinh(pi) * I
    assert sin(-pi * I) == -sinh(pi) * I
    assert sin(-2 * I) == -sinh(2) * I

    assert sin(pi) == 0
    assert sin(-pi) == 0
    assert sin(2 * pi) == 0
    assert sin(-2 * pi) == 0
    assert sin(-3 * 10**73 * pi) == 0
    assert sin(7 * 10**103 * pi) == 0

    assert sin(pi / 2) == 1
    assert sin(-pi / 2) == -1
    assert sin(5 * pi / 2) == 1
    assert sin(7 * pi / 2) == -1

    assert sin(pi / 3) == S.Half * sqrt(3)
    assert sin(-2 * pi / 3) == -S.Half * sqrt(3)

    assert sin(pi / 4) == S.Half * sqrt(2)
    assert sin(-pi / 4) == -S.Half * sqrt(2)
    assert sin(17 * pi / 4) == S.Half * sqrt(2)
    assert sin(-3 * pi / 4) == -S.Half * sqrt(2)

    assert sin(pi / 6) == S.Half
    assert sin(-pi / 6) == -S.Half
    assert sin(7 * pi / 6) == -S.Half
    assert sin(-5 * pi / 6) == -S.Half

    assert sin(1 * pi / 5) == sqrt((5 - sqrt(5)) / 8)
    assert sin(2 * pi / 5) == sqrt((5 + sqrt(5)) / 8)
    assert sin(3 * pi / 5) == sin(2 * pi / 5)
    assert sin(4 * pi / 5) == sin(1 * pi / 5)
    assert sin(6 * pi / 5) == -sin(1 * pi / 5)
    assert sin(8 * pi / 5) == -sin(2 * pi / 5)

    assert sin(-1273 * pi / 5) == -sin(2 * pi / 5)

    assert sin(104 * pi / 105) == sin(pi / 105)
    assert sin(106 * pi / 105) == -sin(pi / 105)

    assert sin(-104 * pi / 105) == -sin(pi / 105)
    assert sin(-106 * pi / 105) == sin(pi / 105)

    assert sin(x * I) == sinh(x) * I

    assert sin(k * pi) == 0
    assert sin(17 * k * pi) == 0

    assert sin(k * pi * I) == sinh(k * pi) * I

    assert sin(r).is_real == True

    assert isinstance(sin(re(x) - im(y)), sin) == True
    assert isinstance(sin(-re(x) + im(y)), sin) == False
Esempio n. 58
def test_intrinsic_math_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import (acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln,
                       sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, Abs)
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_abs", Abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        # ("test_ceil", ceiling(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        # ("test_floor", floor(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    result = codegen(name_expr, "F95", "file", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "file.f90"
    expected = ('REAL*8 function test_abs(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_abs = Abs(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_acos(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_acos = acos(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_asin(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_asin = asin(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_atan(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_atan = atan(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_cos(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_cos = cos(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_cosh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_cosh = cosh(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_log(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_log = log(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_ln(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_ln = log(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sin(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_sin = sin(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sinh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_sinh = sinh(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sqrt(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_sqrt = sqrt(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_tan(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_tan = tan(x)\n'
                'end function\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_tanh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'test_tanh = tanh(x)\n'
                'end function\n')
    assert result[0][1] == expected

    assert result[1][0] == "file.h"
    expected = ('interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_abs(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_acos(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_asin(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_atan(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_cos(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_cosh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_log(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_ln(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sin(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sinh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_sqrt(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_tan(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n'
                'REAL*8 function test_tanh(x)\n'
                'implicit none\n'
                'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
                'end function\n'
                'end interface\n')
    assert result[1][1] == expected
Esempio n. 59
def test_f3():
    a = Symbol('a')
    #issue 405
    assert limit(asin(a * x) / x, x, 0) == a
Esempio n. 60
ddc_dzdz = dcdz.jacobian(z)

# make functions
mass_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(par),), mass)
coriolisAndPot_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(zt),(par),), coriolisAndPot)
dcdz_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(par),), dcdz)
ddc_dzdz_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(par),), ddc_dzdz)

Etot_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(zt),(par),), Etot)
Ekm3_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(zt),(par),), Ekm3)

massFree_f = sp.lambdify(((z[:2,:]),(par),), massFree)
coriolisAndPotFree_f = sp.lambdify(((z[:2,:]),(zt[:2,:]),(par),), coriolisAndPotFree)

# initial solution; th2 as a function of th1 such that m3 is on the floor
th2Init = sp.asin(-(h + la * sp.sin(th1))/lb)
th2Init_f = sp.lambdify(((th1),(par),), th2Init)
c_f = sp.lambdify(((z),(par),), c)

def solve_lam(z, zt, par):
    m_N = mass_f(z, par)
    mInv_N = np.linalg.inv(m_N)
    dcdz_N = dcdz_f(z, par)
    ddc_dzdz_N = ddc_dzdz_f(z, par)
    coriolisAndPot_N = coriolisAndPot_f(z, zt, par)
    den = np.matmul(np.matmul(dcdz_N.transpose(), mInv_N), dcdz_N)
    num1 = np.matmul(np.matmul(zt, ddc_dzdz_N), zt)
    num2 = np.matmul(np.matmul(dcdz_N.transpose(), mInv_N), coriolisAndPot_N)
    lam_N = (num1 - num2) / den
    return lam_N, m_N, coriolisAndPot_N, dcdz_N