Esempio n. 1
def test_issue_6746():
    assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == \
        Piecewise((x, Eq(log(y), 0)), (y**x/log(y), True))
    assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
            (x, Eq(n, 0)),
                (n*x, Eq(log(y), 0)),
                (y**(n*x)/log(y), True))/n, True))
    assert manualintegrate(exp(n*x), x) == \
        Piecewise((x, Eq(n, 0)), (exp(n*x)/n, True))

    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == y**x / log(y)
    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == x
    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
            Piecewise((n*x, Eq(log(y), 0)), (y**(n*x)/log(y), True))/n
    with assuming( &
        assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
    with assuming(Q.negative(a)):
        assert manualintegrate(1 / (a + b*x**2), x) == \
            Integral(1/(a + b*x**2), x)
Esempio n. 2
def test_issue_6746():
    assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == \
        Piecewise((x, Eq(log(y), 0)), (y**x/log(y), True))
    assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
            (x, Eq(n, 0)),
                (n*x, Eq(log(y), 0)),
                (y**(n*x)/log(y), True))/n, True))
    assert manualintegrate(exp(n*x), x) == \
        Piecewise((x, Eq(n, 0)), (exp(n*x)/n, True))

    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == y**x/log(y)
    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**x, x) == x
    with assuming(
        assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
            Piecewise((n*x, Eq(log(y), 0)), (y**(n*x)/log(y), True))/n
    with assuming( &
        assert manualintegrate(y**(n*x), x) == \
    with assuming(Q.negative(a)):
        assert manualintegrate(1 / (a + b*x**2), x) == \
            Integral(1/(a + b*x**2), x)
Esempio n. 3
def test_fftw_inverse():
    c = FFTW(y)
    with assuming(Q.complex(y)):
        f = build(c, [y], [DFT(y)], modname='fftw2', filename='tmp/fftw2.f90')

    c = IFFTW(y)
    with assuming(Q.complex(y)):
        fi = build(c, [y], [DFT(y).T], modname='ifftw', filename='tmp/ifftw.f90')

    x = np.random.random_sample((8,)) + 1j * np.random.random_sample((8,))
    expected = x
    assert np.allclose(expected, x)
Esempio n. 4
def test_recv_fortran():
    with assuming(*map(Q.real_elements, (A, B, C))):
        a = r.fortran_call([], ['A', 'status', 'ierr'])[0]
        b = "call MPI_RECV( A, 15, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, %d, %d, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr)"%(r.source, r.tag)
        print a
        print b
        assert streq(a, b)
Esempio n. 5
def test_ElemProd_code():
    from computations.matrices.fortran.core import generate
    ic = inplace_compile(c)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(x), Q.real_elements(y)):
        s = generate(ic, [x,y], [HadamardProduct(x,y)])
    with open('tmp/elem_test.f90','w') as f:
    assert "= X * Y" in s
Esempio n. 6
def test_BlockMatrix_Determinant():
    A, B, C, D = map(lambda s: MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3), 'ABCD')
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    from sympy import assuming, Q
    with assuming(Q.invertible(A)):
        assert det(X) == det(A) * det(D - C * A.I * B)

    assert isinstance(det(X), Expr)
Esempio n. 7
def test_send_fortran_generate():
    from computations.inplace import inplace_compile
    from computations.matrices.fortran.core import generate
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 10, 10)
    s = Send(A, 1)
    iss = inplace_compile(s)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A)): code = generate(iss, [A], [])
    assert isinstance(code, str)
Esempio n. 8
def test_BlockMatrix_Determinant():
    A, B, C, D = map(lambda s: MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3), 'ABCD')
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    from sympy import assuming, Q
    with assuming(Q.invertible(A)):
        assert det(X) == det(A) * det(D - C*A.I*B)

    assert isinstance(det(X), Expr)
Esempio n. 9
def test_recv_fortran_generate():
    from computations.inplace import inplace_compile
    from computations.matrices.fortran.core import generate
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 10, 10)
    r = Recv(A, 2)
    irr = inplace_compile(r)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A)): code = generate(irr, [], [A])
    assert isinstance(code, str)
Esempio n. 10
def test_fftw():
    c = FFTW(y)
    with assuming(Q.complex_elements(y)):
        f = build(c, [y], [DFT(y)], modname='fftw', filename='tmp/fftw.f90')

    x = np.zeros(8, dtype='complex')
    expected = np.fft.fft(x)
    assert np.allclose(expected, x)
Esempio n. 11
def test_ReadFromFile():
    from import ReadFromFile
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 3)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X)):
        f = build(ReadFromFile('tmp/test_read.dat', X), [], [X],
                modname='readtest', filename='tmp/readtest.f90')

    result = f()
    assert result[0, 0] == 1.0
Esempio n. 12
def test_commcost():
    latency = 1.
    inv_bandwidth = .1
    commcost = make_commcost(latency, inv_bandwidth)
    with assuming(*map(Q.real_elements, [A, B, x])):
        time = commcost(gemm, gemm2, 1, 2)
        assert isinstance(time, (float, Number))
        assert time == 8*n*n*inv_bandwidth + latency
        assert commcost(gemm, gemm2, 1, 1) == 0
Esempio n. 13
def test_execution():
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X), Q.real_elements(Y)):
        f = build(pgemm, [X, Y], [pgemm.duration], filename='tmp/profile.f90',
    assert callable(f)
    nX, nY = np.random.rand(500, 500), np.random.rand(500, 500)
    result = f(nX, nY)
    assert isinstance(result, float)
    assert result > 0
Esempio n. 14
def test_Slice_build():
    c = Slice(X[:2, :2])
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X)):
        f = build(c, [X], [X[:2, :2]], filename='tmp/slice.f90', modname='slice')
    nX = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64)
    result   = f(nX)
    expected = np.eye(2, dtype=np.float64)

    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
Esempio n. 15
def test_es_toy():
    K = MatrixSymbol('K',n,1)
    phi = MatrixSymbol('phi', n, 1)
    V = MatrixSymbol('V',n,1)

    c = AXPY(1.0, HP(K,phi), DFT(n).T*HP(V,DFT(n)*phi)) + ElemProd(K,phi) + IFFTW(HP(V, DFT(n) * phi)) + FFTW(phi) + ElemProd(V, DFT(n) * phi)
#    show(c)
    with assuming(Q.complex_elements(phi), Q.real_elements(K), Q.real_elements(V)):
        f = build(c, [K,V,phi], [HP(K,phi) + DFT(n).T * HP(V,DFT(n) * phi)],
                modname='es', filename='tmp/es.f90')
Esempio n. 16
def test_Join_build():
    c = Join(B)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X), Q.real_elements(Y)):
        f = build(c, [X, Y], [B], filename='tmp/join.f90', modname='join')
    nX = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    nY = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    result   = f(nX, nY)
    expected = np.ones((2, 6), dtype=np.float64)

    assert np.allclose(result, expected)
Esempio n. 17
def test_code_generation():
    from computations.matrices.fortran.core import generate
    ic = inplace_compile(c)
    with assuming(Q.complex_elements(x)):
        s = generate(ic, [x], [DFT(n)*x])
    with open('tmp/tmpfftw.f90','w') as f:
    assert 'use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding' in s
    assert "include 'fftw3.f03'" in s
    assert isinstance(s, str)
Esempio n. 18
def test_GEMM():
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A), Q.real_elements(X)):
        f = build(GEMM(1.0, A, X, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(A.rows, X.cols)),
                [A, X], [A*X], modname='gemmtest', filename='tmp/gemmtest.f90')

    nA = np.asarray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    nX = np.asarray([[1, 1], [1, 1]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    expected = np.asarray([[3., 3.], [7., 7.]])
    result = f(nA, nX)
    assert np.allclose(expected, result)
Esempio n. 19
def test_BlockMatrix_Determinant():
    A, B, C, D = [MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3) for s in 'ABCD']
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    from sympy import assuming, Q
    with assuming(Q.invertible(A)):
        assert det(X) == det(A) * det(D - C * A.I * B)

    assert isinstance(det(X), Expr)
    assert det(BlockMatrix([A])) == det(A)
    assert det(BlockMatrix([ZeroMatrix(n, n)])) == 0
Esempio n. 20
def test_linregress():
    from computations.matrices.examples.linregress import c, assumptions, X, y
    cc = CompositeComputation(*map(ProfileMPI, c.toposort()))
    with assuming(*assumptions):
        f = build(cc, [X, y], [comp.duration for comp in cc.toposort()],
    nX, ny = np.random.rand(500, 500), np.random.rand(500, 1)
    t1, t2, t3 = f(nX, ny)
    assert all(isinstance(t, float) for t in (t1, t2, t3))
Esempio n. 21
def test_ReadWrite():
    from import ReadFromFile, WriteToFile
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 3)
    c = ReadFromFile('tmp/test_read.dat', X) + WriteToFile('tmp/test_write2.dat', X)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X)):
        f = build(c, [], [], modname='readwritetest',
    with open('tmp/test_read.dat') as f:
        with open('tmp/test_write2.dat') as g:
            assert ==
Esempio n. 22
def test_compcost():
    nA = np.asarray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    nB = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    nx = np.asarray([[1], [1]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')

    with assuming(*map(Q.real_elements, [A, B, x])):
        compcost = make_compcost(gemm + gemm2, [A, B, x], [nA, nB, nx],
                filename='compcost.f90', modname='compcost')
    time = compcost(gemm, 1)
    assert isinstance(time, (float, Number))
    assert 0 < time < .1
Esempio n. 23
def test_WriteToFile():
    from import WriteToFile
    filename = 'tmp/test_write.dat'
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X)):
        f = build(WriteToFile(filename, X), [X], [],
                modname='writetest', filename='tmp/writetest.f90')

    data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])
    result = f(data)
    with open(filename) as f:
        assert "1.0" in
Esempio n. 24
def test_POSV():
    c = POSV(A, y)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A), Q.real_elements(y)):
        f = build(c, [A, y], [A.I*y], modname='posv', filename='tmp/posv.f90')

    nA, ny = np.asarray([[2, 1], [1, 2]], dtype='float64').reshape((2, 2)), np.ones(2)
    mA = np.matrix(nA)
    my = np.matrix(ny).T
    expected = np.linalg.solve(mA, my)
    f(nA, ny)
    assert np.allclose(expected, ny)
Esempio n. 25
def test_POTRS():
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.factorizations import UofCholesky
    from computations.matrices.lapack import POTRS
    c = POTRS(UofCholesky(A), X)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A), Q.real_elements(X),
        f = build(c, [UofCholesky(A), X], [A.I*X], modname='potrs',

    nA = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    nX = np.asarray([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
    expected = np.asarray([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
    f(nA, nX); result = nX
    assert np.allclose(expected, result)
    def is_compartmental(self):
        """ Returns checks that all fluxes are nonnegative
        at the time of implementation this functionality sympy did not support 
        relations in predicates yet.
        So while the following works:
        with assuming(Q.positive(x) & Q.positive(y)):
        it is not possible yet to get a meaningful answer to:
        with assuming(Q.is_true(x>0) & Q.is_true(y>0)):
        We therefore cannot implement more elaborate assumptions like k_1-(a_12+a_32)>=0 
        but still can assume all the state_variables and the time_symbol to be nonnegative
        Therefore we can check the compartmental_property best after all paramater value have been substituted.
        At the moment the function throws an exception if this is not the case.
        #check if all free symbols have been removed
        allowed_symbs = set([sym for sym in self.state_vector])
        if hasattr(self, "time_symbol"):

        if not (allowed_symbs.issuperset(self.free_symbols)):
            raise Exception(
                    "Sympy can not check the parameters without assumptions. Try to substitute all variables except the state variables and the time symbol. Use the subs methot of the class {c}"

        def f(expr):
            res = ask(Q.nonnegative(expr))
            if res is None:
                raise Exception(
                        """Sympy can not (yet) check the parameters even with correct assumptions,\ 
since relations (<,>) are not implemented yet. 
It gave up for the following expression: ${e}.""").substitute(e=expr))
            return res

        # making a list of predicated stating that all state variables are nonnegative
        predList = [Q.nonnegative(sym) for sym in self.state_vector]
        if hasattr(self, "time_symbol"):
            predList += [Q.nonnegative(self.time_symbol)]

        with assuming(*predList):
            # under this assumption eveluate all fluxes
            all_fluxes_nonnegative = all(map(f, self.all_fluxes()))

        return all_fluxes_nonnegative
Esempio n. 27
def dtype_of(expr, *assumptions):
    if hasattr(expr, 'fortran_type'):
        return expr.fortran_type()

    with assuming(*assumptions):
        if ask(Q.integer(expr) | Q.integer_elements(expr)) or expr.is_integer:
            result = 'integer'
        elif ask(Q.real(expr) | Q.real_elements(expr)) or expr.is_real:
            result = 'real(kind=8)'
        elif ask(Q.complex(expr) | Q.complex_elements(expr)) or expr.is_complex:
            result = 'complex(kind=8)'
            raise TypeError('Could not infer type of %s'%str(expr))
    return result
Esempio n. 28
def compile(inputs, outputs, *assumptions, **kwargs):
    """ A very simple greedy scheme."""

    strategy = kwargs.get('strategy', greedy)
    c = Identity(*outputs)

    # Is this computation a leaf in our tree?  Do its inputs match ours?
    isleaf = lambda comp: set(remove(constant_arg, comp.inputs)) == set(inputs)

    with assuming(*assumptions):
        with variables(*vars):
            stream = strategy(children, objective, isleaf, c) # all valid computations
            result = next(stream)                           # first valid computtion

    return result
Esempio n. 29
def make_tompkins(c, agents, assumptions, commcost, inputs, ninputs, filenames,
    tokenizer = make_getname()
    ic = inplace_compile(c, tokenizer=tokenizer, Copy=COPY)

    send = partial(isend, tokenizer=tokenizer)
    recv = partial(irecv, tokenizer=tokenizer)

    with assuming(*assumptions):
        compcost = make_compcost(ic, inputs, ninputs)

        M = kwargs.pop('M', 20.0)
        dags, sched, m = schedule_tompkins(ic.dict_io(), agents, compcost,
                commcost, send=send, recv=recv, M=M)
        torders = orderings(sched)

        args = []

        for ii, a in enumerate(dags):
            comps = set(dags[a].keys()) | set(sum(dags[a].values(), ()))
            t = computation_from_dict(dags[a])

            reads = [wrap_tokenize(t, ReadFromFile(filenames[i], i), tokenizer)
                        for i in filenames if i in [v.expr for v in t.inputs]]
            writes = [wrap_tokenize(t, WriteToFile(filenames[o], o), tokenizer)
                        for o in filenames if o in [v.expr for v in t.outputs]]
            disk = CompositeComputation(*(reads + writes))

            t2 = t + disk
            t2 = inplace_tokenize(t2)

            cmp = make_order_cmp(torders[a])

            args.extend([t2, 'f%d'%ii, [cmp]])

            # Debug
            from import writepdf
            writepdf(t2, 'tmp/prog_mpi_t%d'%ii)

        tompcode = generate_mpi(*args)

    # Debug
    with open('tmp/sched.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join(map(str, sched)))

    return tompcode, m
Esempio n. 30
def test_linear_regression():
    beta = (X.T*X).I * X.T*y

    c = (POSV(X.T*X, X.T*y)
       + SYRK(1.0, X.T, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(m, m))
       + GEMM(1.0, X.T, y, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(n, 1)))

    with assuming(Q.real_elements(X), Q.real_elements(y)):
        f = build(c, [X, y], [beta],
                    modname='linregress', filename='tmp/linregress.f90')

    nX = np.asarray([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 7]], dtype='float64', order='F')
    ny = np.asarray([[1], [1], [1]], dtype='float64', order='F')

    mX = np.matrix(nX)
    my = np.matrix(ny)
    expected = np.asarray(np.linalg.solve(mX.T*mX, mX.T*my)).squeeze()
    result = f(nX, ny)
    assert np.allclose(expected, result)
Esempio n. 31
def make_heft(c, agents, assumptions, commcost, inputs, ninputs, filenames):
    tokenizer = make_getname()
    ic = inplace_compile(c, tokenizer=tokenizer, Copy=COPY)

    send = partial(isend, tokenizer=tokenizer)
    recv = partial(irecv, tokenizer=tokenizer)

    with assuming(*assumptions):
        compcost = make_compcost(ic, inputs, ninputs)

        orders, jobson = schedule_heft(ic.dict_io(), agents, compcost, commcost)
        neworders, jobson = insert_sendrecvs(orders, jobson, ic.dict_io(),
                                             send=send, recv=recv)

        args = []
        for ii, a in enumerate(agents):
            h = CompositeComputation(*[e.job for e in neworders[a]])

            reads = [wrap_tokenize(h, ReadFromFile(filenames[i], i), tokenizer)
                      for i in filenames if i in [v.expr for v in h.inputs]]
            writes = [wrap_tokenize(h, WriteToFile(filenames[o], o), tokenizer)
                      for o in filenames if o in [v.expr for v in h.outputs]]
            disk = CompositeComputation(*(reads + writes))

            h2 = h + disk
            h2 = inplace_tokenize(h2)

            cmp = make_order_cmp([e.job for e in orders[a]])

            args.extend([h2, 'f%d'%ii, [cmp]])

            # Debug
            from import writepdf
            writepdf(h2, 'tmp/prog_mpi_h%d'%ii)

        heftcode = generate_mpi(*args)

    # Debug
    with open('tmp/orders.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join(map(str, orders.items())))

    return heftcode, makespan(orders)
Esempio n. 32
def make_kalman_comp(mu, Sigma, H, R, data, assumptions=assumptions):
    Z = H*Transpose(H*Sigma) + R
    A = Z.I * (-1.0*data + H*mu)
    B = Z.I * H

    with assuming(*assumptions):
        c = (
             SYMM(1.0, H, Sigma, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(*H.shape)) +
             GEMM(1.0, H, mu, -1.0, data) +
             GEMM(1.0, H, Transpose(H*Sigma), 1.0, R) +
             POSV(Z, H) +
             POTRS(UofCholesky(Z), -1.0 * data + H*mu) +

             GEMM(1.0, H.T, A, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(*(H.T*A).shape)) +
             SYMM(1.0, Sigma, H.T*A, 1.0, mu) +

             GEMM(1.0, H.T, B, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(*(H.T*B).shape)) +
             SYMM(1.0, H.T*B, Sigma, 0.0, ZeroMatrix(*Sigma.shape)) +
             SYMM(-1.0, Sigma, H.T*B*Sigma, 1.0, Sigma))  # careful, overwrite
    return c
Esempio n. 33
def test_satask():
    # No relevant facts
    assert satask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x)) is True
    assert satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.real(x)) is False
    assert satask(Q.real(x)) is None

    assert satask(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x)) is True
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), Q.real(x)) is None
    assert satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.positive(x)) is None
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), ~Q.real(x)) is False

    raises(ValueError, lambda: satask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x) & ~Q.real(x)))

    with assuming(Q.positive(x)):
        assert satask(Q.real(x)) is True
        assert satask(~Q.positive(x)) is False
        raises(ValueError, lambda: satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.positive(x)))

    assert satask(, Q.nonzero(x)) is False
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), is False
    assert satask(Q.real(x), is True
    assert satask(,*y)) is None
    assert satask(*y),
def test_satask():
    # No relevant facts
    assert satask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x)) is True
    assert satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.real(x)) is False
    assert satask(Q.real(x)) is None

    assert satask(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x)) is True
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), Q.real(x)) is None
    assert satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.positive(x)) is None
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), ~Q.real(x)) is False

    raises(ValueError, lambda: satask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x) & ~Q.real(x)))

    with assuming(Q.positive(x)):
        assert satask(Q.real(x)) is True
        assert satask(~Q.positive(x)) is False
        raises(ValueError, lambda: satask(Q.real(x), ~Q.positive(x)))

    assert satask(, Q.nonzero(x)) is False
    assert satask(Q.positive(x), is False
    assert satask(Q.real(x), is True
    assert satask(, * y)) is None
    assert satask( * y),
Esempio n. 35
def test_iSend_fortran():
    s = iSend(A, 2)
    with assuming(Q.real_elements(A)):
        result = s.fortran_call(['A'], ['request', 'ierr'])[0]
    expected = 'call MPI_iSend(A, %d, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 2, %d, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request, ierr)' % (A.rows*A.cols, s.tag)
    assert streq(result, expected)