Esempio n. 1
def splitPow(expr, deep=False):
    if type(expr) == list or type(expr) == tuple:
        coeff = Mul(*[el for el in expr if el.is_number])
        if coeff != 1:
            return [coeff] + splitPow([el for el in expr if not el.is_number],
            return flatten(
                [splitPow(el, deep=deep) for el in expr if not el.is_number])
    if isinstance(expr, Pow):
        if not isinstance(expr.args[1], Symbol):
            res = expr.args[1] * [expr.args[0]]
            if isinstance(expr.args[0], Pow):
                return expr.args[0].args[1] * [
            return [expr]

        if not deep:
            return res
        return flatten([splitPow(el, deep=deep) for el in res])
    if isinstance(expr, Mul):
        return splitPow(expr.args, deep=deep)
    if isinstance(expr, Trace):
        return [expr]
        return [expr]
Esempio n. 2
 def test_pauli_product(self):
     self.assertIsInstance(pauli_product(1), sympy.Matrix)
     self.assertIsInstance(pauli_product(1, 2), sympy.Matrix)
     self.assertListEqual(sympy.flatten(pauli_product(1)), [0, 1, 1, 0])
     self.assertListEqual(sympy.flatten(pauli_product(2)), [0, -1j, 1j, 0])
         1, 1)), [0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0])
Esempio n. 3
def Tensor(*tensor_products):
    """Create a new tensor"""
    ## First, go through and make the data nice
        # Since Tensor objects are additive, the empty object should be zero
        return sympify(0)
    if(len(tensor_products)==1 and isinstance(tensor_products[0], TensorFunction)) :
        tensor_products = list(t_p for t_p in tensor_products[0].tensor_products if t_p!=0)
    elif(len(tensor_products)==1 and isinstance(tensor_products[0], TensorProductFunction)) :
        tensor_products = [tensor_products[0],]
        if(len(tensor_products)==1 and isinstance(tensor_products[0], list)):
            tensor_products = tensor_products[0]
        tensor_products = flatten(list(t_p for t_p in tensor_products if t_p!=0))
            for t_p in tensor_products:
                if(t_p.rank != rank):
                    raise ValueError("Cannot add rank-{0} tensor to rank-{1} tensors.".format(t_p.rank, rank))

    ## Now, create the object and set its data.  Because of sympy's
    ## caching, tensors with different data need to be created as
    ## classes with different names.  So we just create a lighweight
    ## subclass with a unique name (the number at the end gets
    ## incremented every time we construct a tensor).
    global _Tensor_count
    ThisTensorFunction = type('TensorFunction_'+str(_Tensor_count),
                             (TensorFunction,), {})
    _Tensor_count += 1
    T = ThisTensorFunction( *tuple( set( flatten( [t_p.args for t_p in tensor_products] ) ) ) )
    T.tensor_products = tensor_products
    return T
Esempio n. 4
    def categorical_cross_entropy_sample(self, predicted, target):
        target_flatten = flatten(target)
        predicted_flatten = flatten(predicted)
        target_var = [
            auto_diff.Var(name=f't_{i}', value=float(target_flatten[i]))
            for i in range(len(target_flatten))
        predicted_var = [
                          value=np.maximum(1e-15, float(predicted_flatten[i])))
            for i in range(len(predicted_flatten))
        log_predicted_var = [
            auto_diff.Log(pred_var) for pred_var in predicted_var
        prod_target_predicted = [
            auto_diff.Mul(ti, log_pred_i)
            for ti, log_pred_i in zip(target_var, log_predicted_var)
        sum_ce = reduce(lambda x, y: auto_diff.Add(x, y),
        sum_ce = auto_diff.Mul(auto_diff.Constant(-1), sum_ce)
        cost = predicted - target
        # cost = np.array([sum_ce.gradient(pred_var).eval() for pred_var in predicted_var]).reshape(
        #     predicted.shape
        # )

        return {'error': sum_ce.eval(), 'derivative_error': cost}
Esempio n. 5
    def run(expr):
        # Return semantic (rebuilt expression, factorization candidates)

        if expr.is_Number or expr.is_Symbol:
            return expr, [expr]
        elif q_indexed(expr) or expr.is_Atom:
            return expr, []
        elif expr.is_Add:
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])

            w_numbers = [
                i for i in rebuilt if any(j.is_Number for j in i.args)
            wo_numbers = [i for i in rebuilt if i not in w_numbers]

            w_numbers = collect_const(expr.func(*w_numbers))
            wo_numbers = expr.func(*wo_numbers)

            if aggressive is True and wo_numbers:
                for i in flatten(candidates):
                    wo_numbers = collect(wo_numbers, i)

            rebuilt = expr.func(w_numbers, wo_numbers)
            return rebuilt, []
        elif expr.is_Mul:
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])
            rebuilt = collect_const(expr.func(*rebuilt))
            return rebuilt, flatten(candidates)
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])
            return expr.func(*rebuilt), flatten(candidates)
Esempio n. 6
def test_expand():
    """ Ensure that an equation is expanded correctly. """

    equations = ["Eq(Der(rho,t), -c*Conservative(rhou_j,x_j))"]
    substitutions = []
    ndim = 1
    constants = ["c"]
    coordinate_symbol = "x"
    metrics = [False, False]
    formulas = ["Eq(u_i, rhou_i/rho)"]

    problem = Problem(equations, substitutions, ndim, constants, coordinate_symbol, metrics, formulas)

    expanded_equations = flatten(problem.get_expanded(problem.equations))
    expanded_formulas = flatten(problem.get_expanded(problem.formulas))

    assert len(expanded_equations) == 1
    assert str(expanded_equations[0].lhs) == "Derivative(rho[x0, t], t)"
    assert str(expanded_equations[0].rhs) == "-c*Derivative(rhou0[x0, t], x0)"

    assert len(expanded_formulas) == 1
    assert str(expanded_formulas[0].lhs) == "u0[x0, t]"
    assert str(expanded_formulas[0].rhs) == "rhou0[x0, t]/rho[x0, t]"

    # Test the other way of expanding equations
    assert expanded_equations == flatten(problem.get_expanded(problem.expand(equations)))

Esempio n. 7
def test_solve_biquadratic():
    x0, y0, x1, y1, r = symbols('x0 y0 x1 y1 r')

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 2)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(S(3)/2 + sqrt(-1 + 2*r**2)/2, S(3)/2 - sqrt(-1 + 2*r**2)/2),
         (S(3)/2 - sqrt(-1 + 2*r**2)/2, S(3)/2 + sqrt(-1 + 2*r**2)/2)]

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(1 + sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, S(3)/2),
         (1 - sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, S(3)/2)]

    query = lambda expr: expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    f_1 = (x - 1 )**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(r.count(query) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    f_1 = (x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(len(r.find(query)) == 1 for r in flatten(result))
Esempio n. 8
    def update_dynamics(self):
        eqs = dict(self.rhs())
        keys = set(eqs.keys())
        symvars = [getattr(self, v) for v in self.vars]
        if keys <= set(self.nodes):
            # by node
            dep = flatten(zip(*symvars))
            expr = flatten(sym.Matrix([eqs[node] for node in self]))
        elif keys <= set(self.vars):
            # by variable
            dep = it.chain.from_iterable(symvars)
            expr = flatten(sym.Matrix([eqs[v] for v in self.vars]))
            raise ValueError(
                "rhs must map either nodes to rhs or variables to rhs")

        dep_expr = [(d, e + Zero()) for d, e in zip(dep, expr)]
        if any(expr == sym.nan for _, expr in dep_expr):
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one rhs expression is NaN. Missing parameters?")

        self._sys = SymbolicSys(dep_expr, self.t)
        if self.use_native:
            self._native_sys = native_sys[self.integrator].from_other(

        self._stale_dynamics = False
Esempio n. 9
    def age_moment_system(self, max_order):
        u = self.external_inputs
        #X = Matrix(self.state_variables)
        X = self.state_vector
        A = self.compartmental_matrix

        n = self.nr_pools
        extended_state = list(X)
        former_additional_states = [1] * n
        extended_rhs = list(self.F)
        for k in range(1, max_order + 1):
            additional_states = [
                Symbol(str(x) + '_moment_' + str(k)) for x in X
            g = [
                k * former_additional_states[i] +
                (sum([(additional_states[j] - additional_states[i]) * A[i, j] *
                      for j in range(n)]) - additional_states[i] * u[i]) / X[i]
                for i in range(n)

            former_additional_states = additional_states

        extended_state = Matrix(flatten(extended_state))
        extended_rhs = Matrix(flatten(extended_rhs))

        return (extended_state, extended_rhs)
Esempio n. 10
    def __sub__(self, other):
        indmatch = [ind in other.indices for ind in self.indices]
        compatible = False not in indmatch

        final_shape = self.vals.shape

        value_count = len(sympy.flatten(self.vals))

        vals_self = sympy.flatten(self.vals)
        vals_other = sympy.flatten(other.vals)
        vals_final = vals_self[:]

        inds_other = [other.indices.index(ind) for ind in self.indices]
        for v_index in range(value_count):
            enum_other = [
                v_index // self.dims**((self.rank - 1) - i) % self.dims
                for i in inds_other
            i_other = sum([
                enum_other[i] * self.dims**(self.rank - 1 - i)
                for i in range(self.rank)
            vals_final[v_index] -= vals_other[i_other]

        new_vals = sympy.Array(vals_final, shape=final_shape)
        return Tensor(self.indices, new_vals)
Esempio n. 11
def test_solve_biquadratic():
    x0, y0, x1, y1, r = symbols('x0 y0 x1 y1 r')

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 2)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(S(3)/2 + (-1 + 2*r**2)**(S(1)/2)/2, S(3)/2 - (-1 + 2*r**2)**(S(1)/2)/2),
         (S(3)/2 - (-1 + 2*r**2)**(S(1)/2)/2, S(3)/2 + (-1 + 2*r**2)**(S(1)/2)/2)]

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(1 + (((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))**(S(1)/2)/2, S(3)/2),
         (1 - (((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))**(S(1)/2)/2, S(3)/2)]

    query = lambda expr: expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(r.count(query) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    f_1 = (x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(len(r.find(query)) == 1 for r in flatten(result))
Esempio n. 12
 def update_state_jacobian_function(self):
     if not self.dim_state or self.state_equation == empty_array():
     self.state_jacobian_equation_function = self.code_generator(
         [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state) +
Esempio n. 13
 def update_input_jacobian_function(self):
     # TODO: state-less systems should have an input/output jacobian
     if not self.dim_state or self.state_equation == empty_array():
     self.input_jacobian_equation_function = self.code_generator(
         [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state) +
Esempio n. 14
def test_solve_biquadratic():
    x0, y0, x1, y1, r = symbols('x0 y0 x1 y1 r')

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 2)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    s = sqrt(2*r**2 - 1)
    a = (3 - s)/2
    b = (3 + s)/2
    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == [(a, b), (b, a)]

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(1 - sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, Rational(3, 2)),
         (1 + sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, Rational(3, 2))]

    query = lambda expr: expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    f_1 = (x - 1 )**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(r.count(query) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    f_1 = (x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(len(r.find(query)) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    s1 = (x*y - y, x**2 - x)
    assert solve(s1) == [{x: 1}, {x: 0, y: 0}]
    s2 = (x*y - x, y**2 - y)
    assert solve(s2) == [{y: 1}, {x: 0, y: 0}]
    gens = (x, y)
    for seq in (s1, s2):
        (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
        raises(SolveFailed, lambda: solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt))
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 2, y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == [
        (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]
    ans = [(0, -1), (0, 1)]
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 1, y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == ans
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 1, x**2 - x + y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == ans
Esempio n. 15
def test_solve_biquadratic():
    x0, y0, x1, y1, r = symbols('x0 y0 x1 y1 r')

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 2)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    s = sqrt(2*r**2 - 1)
    a = (3 - s)/2
    b = (3 + s)/2
    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == [(a, b), (b, a)]

    f_1 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    assert solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y) == \
        [(1 - sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, S(3)/2),
         (1 + sqrt(((2*r - 1)*(2*r + 1)))/2, S(3)/2)]

    query = lambda expr: expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    f_1 = (x - 1 )**2 + (y - 2)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - 1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(r.count(query) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    f_1 = (x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2 - r**2
    f_2 = (x - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2 - r**2

    result = solve_poly_system([f_1, f_2], x, y)

    assert len(result) == 2 and all(len(r) == 2 for r in result)
    assert all(len(r.find(query)) == 1 for r in flatten(result))

    s1 = (x*y - y, x**2 - x)
    assert solve(s1) == [{x: 1}, {x: 0, y: 0}]
    s2 = (x*y - x, y**2 - y)
    assert solve(s2) == [{y: 1}, {x: 0, y: 0}]
    gens = (x, y)
    for seq in (s1, s2):
        (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
        raises(SolveFailed, lambda: solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt))
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 2, y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == [
        (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]
    ans = [(0, -1), (0, 1)]
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 1, y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == ans
    seq = (x**2 + y**2 - 1, x**2 - x + y**2 - 1)
    (f, g), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr(seq, *gens)
    assert solve_biquadratic(f, g, opt) == ans
Esempio n. 16
 def update_output_equation_function(self):
     if not self.dim_output or self.output_equation == empty_array():
     if self.dim_state:
         self.output_equation_function = self.code_generator(
             [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state),
         self.output_equation_function = self.code_generator(
             [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.input),
 def test_parse_from_sympy_expr(self):
     a, b = sympy.symbols('a, b')
     x1 = pauli_product(1, 0)
     xx = pauli_product(1, 1)
     expr = a * x1 + b * xx
     net = QubitNetwork(sympy_expr=expr)
     hamiltonian_matrix = net.get_matrix()
         sympy.flatten(sympy.Matrix([[0, 0, 1.0*a, 1.0*b],
                                     [0, 0, 1.0*b, 1.0*a],
                                     [1.0*a, 1.0*b, 0, 0],
                                     [1.0*b, 1.0*a, 0, 0]])))
     self.assertEqual(net.num_qubits, 2)
Esempio n. 18
 def _eval_expand_basic(self, deep=True, **hints):
     from sympy import flatten
     if not deep:
         return self
         return Integral(self.function.expand(deep=deep, **hints),\
Esempio n. 19
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):
        if expr.find(Indexed) != set() and expr.find(Pow) != set():
            if not all([int(el.exp) != el.exp for el in expr.find(Pow)]):
                return ' '.join([self._print(el) for el in splitPow(expr)])

        if isinstance(expr.args[0], Rational) and abs(expr.args[0]) != 1 and not self.baseMul:
            coeff = Mul(*[el for el in flatten(expr.as_coeff_mul()) if el.is_number])
            return self.latex.totex(coeff, baseMul=True) + ' ' + (self._print((expr/coeff).doit()) if expr != coeff else '')

        if self.absReplacements and expr.find(conjugate) != set():
        # Substitution x * conjugate(x) -> |x|^2
            conjArgs = {}
            args = splitPow(expr)
            for el in args:
                if isinstance(el, conjugate) or el.is_commutative == False or el.is_real:
                    count = min(args.count(el), args.count(conjugate(el)))
                    if count != 0:
                        conjArgs[el] = count
            if conjArgs != {}:
                for k,v in conjArgs.items():
                    for _ in range(v):
                expr = Mul(*args)

        return super()._print_Mul(expr)
Esempio n. 20
def compute_rextrap_weights(ndep, nfree=None, cfree=None):
    """Compute the Richardson extrapolation weights corresponding to the dependent
       step count sequence, given weights for the free step count sequence.
       :param ndep: dependent step count sequence
       :param nfree: free step count sequence
       :param cfree: free extrapolation weights
    b = sympy.zeros(len(ndep),1)
    b[0] = 1

    ndep = sympy.Array(ndep)
    Vdep = _vander(ndep.applyfunc(lambda x:1/x**2),len(ndep))

    if nfree is None and cfree is None:
        rhs = b
        if len(cfree) != len(nfree):
            raise ValueError('Free step count sequence length must match free weight length')

        nfree = sympy.Array(nfree)
        Vfree = _vander(nfree.applyfunc(lambda x:1/x**2),len(ndep))
        cfree = sympy.Matrix(sympy.sympify(cfree))
        rhs = b-Vfree*cfree

    return sympy.flatten(Vdep.inv()*rhs)
Esempio n. 21
def system_from_matrix_DE(mat_DE, mat_var, mat_input=None, constants={}):
    Construct a symbolic DynamicalSystem using matrices. See
    riccati_system example.

    mat_DE : sympy Matrix
        The matrix derivative expression (right hand side)
    mat_var : sympy Matrix
        The matrix state
    mat_input : list-like of input expressions, optional
        A list-like of input expressions in the matrix differential equation
    constants : dict, optional
        Dictionary of constants substitutions.

    sys : DynamicalSystem
        A DynamicalSystem which can be used to numerically solve the matrix
        differential equation.
    vec_var = list(set(sp.flatten(mat_var.tolist())))
    vec_DE = sp.Matrix.zeros(len(vec_var), 1)

    iterator = np.nditer(mat_DE, flags=['multi_index', 'refs_ok'])
    for it in iterator:
        i, j = iterator.multi_index
        idx = vec_var.index(mat_var[i, j])
        vec_DE[idx] = mat_DE[i, j]

    sys = DynamicalSystem(vec_DE, sp.Matrix(vec_var), mat_input,
    return sys
Esempio n. 22
    def _preprocess(self, args, expr):
        """Preprocess args, expr to replace arguments that do not map
        to valid Python identifiers.

        Returns string form of args, and updated expr.
        from sympy import Dummy, Function, flatten, Derivative, ordered, Basic
        from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector

        # Args of type Dummy can cause name collisions with args
        # of type Symbol.  Force dummify of everything in this
        # situation.
        dummify = self._dummify or any(
            isinstance(arg, Dummy) for arg in flatten(args))

        argstrs = [None]*len(args)
        for arg, i in reversed(list(ordered(zip(args, range(len(args)))))):
            if iterable(arg):
                s, expr = self._preprocess(arg, expr)
            elif isinstance(arg, DeferredVector):
                s = str(arg)
            elif isinstance(arg, Basic) and arg.is_symbol:
                s = self._argrepr(arg)
                if dummify or not self._is_safe_ident(s):
                    dummy = Dummy()
                    s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                    expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
            elif dummify or isinstance(arg, (Function, Derivative)):
                dummy = Dummy()
                s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
                s = str(arg)
            argstrs[i] = s
        return argstrs, expr
Esempio n. 23
 def _eval_expand_basic(self, deep=True, **hints):
     from sympy import flatten
     if not deep:
         return self
         return Integral(self.function.expand(deep=deep, **hints),\
Esempio n. 24
    def _congruency_class(self, irrep):
        l = flatten(irrep.tolist())
        i = sum(l[-2:]) % 2
        n = self.rank
        j = sum(l[:-2][::2]) + (n - 2) * l[-2] + n * l[-1]

        return (i, j)
Esempio n. 25
    def _preprocess(self, args, expr):
        """Preprocess args, expr to replace arguments that do not map
        to valid Python identifiers.

        Returns string form of args, and updated expr.
        from sympy import Dummy, Function, flatten, Derivative, ordered, Basic
        from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector

        # Args of type Dummy can cause name collisions with args
        # of type Symbol.  Force dummify of everything in this
        # situation.
        dummify = self._dummify or any(
            isinstance(arg, Dummy) for arg in flatten(args))

        argstrs = [None]*len(args)
        for arg, i in reversed(list(ordered(zip(args, range(len(args)))))):
            if iterable(arg):
                s, expr = self._preprocess(arg, expr)
            elif isinstance(arg, DeferredVector):
                s = str(arg)
            elif isinstance(arg, Basic) and arg.is_symbol:
                s = self._argrepr(arg)
                if dummify or not self._is_safe_ident(s):
                    dummy = Dummy()
                    s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                    expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
            elif dummify or isinstance(arg, (Function, Derivative)):
                dummy = Dummy()
                s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
                s = str(arg)
            argstrs[i] = s
        return argstrs, expr
Esempio n. 26
def partial_trace(dm, n_qubits, subsystem):
    # This is the same calc. as for the tf_qc/qc.trace
    # First we find the last consecutive block to trace away
    block_end = subsystem[-1]
    block_start = block_end
    for idx in reversed(subsystem):
        if block_start - idx <= 1:
            block_start = idx
    n_static1 = block_start  # First part of static qubits
    n_static2 = (n_qubits - 1) - block_end  # Second part of static qubits
    n_static = n_static1 + n_static2
    n_qubits2trace = block_end - block_start + 1  # Qubits to trace away

    new_shape = [
        2**n_static1, 2**n_qubits2trace, 2**n_static2, 2**n_static1,
        2**n_qubits2trace, 2**n_static2

    flat_dm = sp.flatten(dm)
    new_dm = sp.NDimArray(flat_dm, shape=new_shape)
    trace_result = tensorcontraction(new_dm, (1, 4))
    reshaped_result = trace_result.reshape(2**n_static, 2**n_static)
    # We must now recursively to the same to the lest of the subsystems
    idx_of_start = subsystem.index(block_start)
    new_subsystem = subsystem[:idx_of_start]
    return partial_trace(reshaped_result, n_static, new_subsystem) if len(
        new_subsystem) > 0 else reshaped_result.tomatrix()
Esempio n. 27
    def __new__(cls, iterable=None, shape=None, **kwargs):

        shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(
            iterable, shape, **kwargs)
        shape = Tuple(*map(_sympify, shape))
        loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape) if shape else 0

        # Sparse array:
        if isinstance(flat_list, (dict, Dict)):
            sparse_array = Dict(flat_list)
            sparse_array = {}
            for i, el in enumerate(flatten(flat_list)):
                if el != 0:
                    sparse_array[i] = _sympify(el)

        sparse_array = Dict(sparse_array)

        self = Basic.__new__(cls, sparse_array, shape, **kwargs)
        self._shape = shape
        self._rank = len(shape)
        self._loop_size = loop_size
        self._sparse_array = sparse_array

        return self
Esempio n. 28
 def hookContentFormula(self, partition, nMax):
     1) Applies the Hook Content Formula to a semi-standard Young tableau with cells filled with the numbers 0, ...,n (repetitions are allowed) - see reference below
     2) Recall that a partition {Lambda_1, Lambda_2, ...} is associated with a Young tableau where row i contains Lambda_i cells - for example the partition {4,3,1,1} of 9 yields the tableau
     3) In a semi-standard Young tableau, the x_i which fill it must increase from top to bottom and must not decrease from left to right.
     4) The number of semi-standard Young tableau given by the partition \[Lambda], where the cell can have any positive integer value smaller or equal to n is given by hookContentFormula(Lambda, n).
     5)The application in model building of this is the following: consider a parameter M_f1f2, ... where the f_i =1,...,n are flavor indices. If Mu is known to have some symmetry (given by a partition Lambda) under a permutation of these indices, then the number of degrees of freedom in Mu is given by  hookContentFormula(Lambda_n) (see examples below).
     n1 = partition[0]
     n2 = len(partition)
     inverseP = [
         len([ell for ell in partition if ell >= el])
         for el in range(1, n1 + 1)
     if type(nMax) != Symbol:
         aux = [[
             Rational((nMax + i - j), partition[j - 1] + inverseP[i - 1] -
                      (j - 1) - (i - 1) -
                      1) if partition[j - 1] + inverseP[i - 1] - (j - 1) -
             (i - 1) - 1 > 0 else 1 for j in range(1, n2 + 1)
         ] for i in range(1, n1 + 1)]
         aux = [[(nMax + i - j) /
                 (partition[j - 1] + inverseP[i - 1] - (j - 1) -
                  (i - 1) - 1) if partition[j - 1] + inverseP[i - 1] -
                 (j - 1) - (i - 1) - 1 > 0 else 1 for j in range(1, n2 + 1)]
                for i in range(1, n1 + 1)]
     result = reduce(operator.mul, flatten(aux))
     return result
def explode_term_respect_to(term, cls, deep=False, container=list):

    exploded = [term] # we start with the given term since we've to build a list, eventually

    if isinstance(term, cls): 
        exploded = flatten(term.expand().args, cls=cls) if deep else term.args

    return container(exploded)
Esempio n. 30
 def event_variable_equation(self, event_variable_equation):
     assert event_variable_equation.atoms(sp.Symbol) <= set(
         self.constants_values.keys()) | set([dynamicsymbols._t])
     self._event_variable_equation = event_variable_equation
     if self.dim_state:
         assert find_dynamicsymbols(event_variable_equation) <= \
         self.event_variable_equation_function = self.code_generator(
             [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state),
         assert find_dynamicsymbols(event_variable_equation) <= \
         self.event_variable_equation_function = self.code_generator(
             [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.input),
Esempio n. 31
 def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
     flat_list = flatten(flat_list)
     self = object.__new__(cls)
     self._shape = shape
     self._array = list(flat_list)
     self._rank = len(shape)
     self._loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape) if shape else 0
     return self
Esempio n. 32
 def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
     flat_list = flatten(flat_list)
     self = object.__new__(cls)
     self._shape = shape
     self._array = list(flat_list)
     self._rank = len(shape)
     self._loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape) if shape else 0
     return self
Esempio n. 33
def Tensor(*tensor_products):
    """Create a new tensor"""
    ## First, go through and make the data nice
    if (len(tensor_products) == 0):
        # Since Tensor objects are additive, the empty object should be zero
        return sympify(0)
    if (len(tensor_products) == 1
            and isinstance(tensor_products[0], TensorFunction)):
        tensor_products = list(t_p
                               for t_p in tensor_products[0].tensor_products
                               if t_p != 0)
    elif (len(tensor_products) == 1
          and isinstance(tensor_products[0], TensorProductFunction)):
        tensor_products = [
        if (len(tensor_products) == 1
                and isinstance(tensor_products[0], list)):
            tensor_products = tensor_products[0]
        tensor_products = flatten(
            list(t_p for t_p in tensor_products if t_p != 0))
        if (len(tensor_products) > 0):
            rank = tensor_products[0].rank
            for t_p in tensor_products:
                if (t_p.rank != rank):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Cannot add rank-{0} tensor to rank-{1} tensors.".
                        format(t_p.rank, rank))

    ## Now, create the object and set its data.  Because of sympy's
    ## caching, tensors with different data need to be created as
    ## classes with different names.  So we just create a lighweight
    ## subclass with a unique name (the number at the end gets
    ## incremented every time we construct a tensor).
    global _Tensor_count
    ThisTensorFunction = type('TensorFunction_' + str(_Tensor_count),
                              (TensorFunction, ), {})
    _Tensor_count += 1
    T = ThisTensorFunction(
        *tuple(set(flatten([t_p.args for t_p in tensor_products]))))
    T.tensor_products = tensor_products
    return T
    def age_moment_system(self, max_order):
        """Return the age moment system of the model.

            max_order (int): The maximum order up to which the age moment 
                system is created (1 for the mean).

            - extended_state (SymPy d*(max_order+1)x1-matrix): The extended 
                state vector of the age moment system.
            - extended_rhs (SymPy d*(max_order+1)x1-matrix): The extended right 
                hand side of the age moment ODE.
        u = self.external_inputs
        #X = Matrix(self.state_variables)
        X = self.state_vector
        B = self.compartmental_matrix

        n = self.nr_pools
        extended_state = list(X)
        former_additional_states = [1] * n
        extended_rhs = list(self.F)
        for k in range(1, max_order + 1):
            additional_states = [
                Symbol(str(x) + '_moment_' + str(k)) for x in X
            g = [
                k * former_additional_states[i] +
                (sum([(additional_states[j] - additional_states[i]) * B[i, j] *
                      for j in range(n)]) - additional_states[i] * u[i]) / X[i]
                for i in range(n)

            former_additional_states = additional_states

        extended_state = Matrix(flatten(extended_state))
        extended_rhs = Matrix(flatten(extended_rhs))

        return (extended_state, extended_rhs)
Esempio n. 35
def flattenAdd(expr, depth=0):
    if not isinstance(expr, MatAdd):
        return expr
        ret = []
        for term in [el for el in flatten(expr.as_coeff_add()) if el != 0]:
            ret.append(flattenAdd(term, depth=depth + 1))

        if depth != 0:
            return ret

        # Simplification step
        res = 0
        for el in flatten(ret):
            if res == 0:
                res = el
                res += el
        return res
Esempio n. 36
    def _congruency_class(self, irrep):
        n = self.rank
        if n == 8:
            return 0

        l = flatten(irrep.tolist())
        if n == 7:
            return (l[3] + l[5] + l[6]) % 2

        if n == 6:
            return (l[0] - l[1] + l[3] - l[4]) % 3
Esempio n. 37
 def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
     shape = Tuple(*map(_sympify, shape))
     flat_list = flatten(flat_list)
     flat_list = Tuple(*flat_list)
     self = Basic.__new__(cls, flat_list, shape, **kwargs)
     self._shape = shape
     self._array = list(flat_list)
     self._rank = len(shape)
     self._loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape) if shape else 0
     return self
Esempio n. 38
    def variables(self):
        """Model variables definition."""
        v = super().variables
        ncol = self.collocation.n

        x = [ for xi in v['x']]
        u = [ for ui in v['u']]
        # Piece states and controls
        xp = [[f'{n}_piece_{k}' for n in x] for k in range(ncol)]
        up = [[f'{n}_piece_{k}' for n in u] for k in range(ncol)]
        additional_vars = sym2num.var.make_dict(
             sym2num.var.SymbolArray('xp', xp),
             sym2num.var.SymbolArray('up', up),
             sym2num.var.SymbolArray('xp_flat', sympy.flatten(xp)),
             sym2num.var.SymbolArray('up_flat', sympy.flatten(up))]
        return collections.OrderedDict([*v.items(), *additional_vars.items()])
Esempio n. 39
 def num_rhs(X,t):
     # the ode solver delivers X as numpy.ndarray 
     # however, our FL requires a tuple of arguments
     Xt = tuple(X) + (t,)
     #print('Xt', Xt)
     #print('num_rhs', tup, Xt)
     Fval = FL(*Xt)
     return flatten(Fval.tolist())
def indexed_terms_appearing_in(term, indexed, only_subscripts=False, do_traversal=False):

    indexed_terms_set = set()

    for subterm in preorder_traversal(term) if do_traversal else flatten(term.args, cls=Add):
            with bind_Mul_indexed(subterm, indexed) as (_, subscripts):
                indexed_terms_set.add(subscripts if only_subscripts else indexed[subscripts])
        except DestructuringError:

    return list(indexed_terms_set)
Esempio n. 41
    def dynparms(self, parm_order=None):
        """Return list of RobotDef symbolic dynamic parameters."""

        if not parm_order:
            parm_order = self._dyn_parms_order
        parm_order = parm_order.lower()

        parms = []
        for i in range(0, self.dof):

            if parm_order == 'khalil' or parm_order == 'tensor first':
                # Lxx Lxy Lxz Lyy Lyz Lzz lx ly lz m
                parms += self.Le[i]
                parms += sympy.flatten(self.l[i])
                parms += [self.m[i]]

            elif parm_order == 'siciliano' or parm_order == 'mass first':
                # m lx ly lz Lxx Lxy Lxz Lyy Lyz Lzz
                parms += [self.m[i]]
                parms += sympy.flatten(self.l[i])
                parms += self.Le[i]

                raise Exception(
                    'RobotDef.Parms(): dynamic parameters order \''
                    + parm_order + '\' not know.')

            if self.driveinertiamodel == 'simplified':
                parms += [self.Ia[i]]

            if self.frictionmodel is not None:
                if 'viscous' in self.frictionmodel:
                    parms += [self.fv[i]]
                if 'Coulomb' in self.frictionmodel:
                    parms += [self.fc[i]]
                if 'offset' in self.frictionmodel:
                    parms += [[i]]

        return parms
Esempio n. 42
def test_scara_dh_sym_geo_kin():

    pi = sympy.pi
    q = sympybotics.robotdef.q

    a1, a2, d3, d4 = sympy.symbols('a1, a2, d3, d4')

    scara = sympybotics.robotdef.RobotDef(
        'SCARA - Spong',
        [( 0, a1,  0, q),
         (pi, a2,  0, q),
         ( 0,  0,  q, 0),
         ( 0,  0, d4, q)],

    scara_geo = sympybotics.geometry.Geometry(scara)
    scara_kin = sympybotics.kinematics.Kinematics(scara, scara_geo)

    cos, sin = sympy.cos, sympy.sin
    q1, q2, q3, q4 = sympy.flatten(scara.q)

    T_spong = sympy.Matrix([
        [(-sin(q1)*sin(q2) + cos(q1)*cos(q2))*cos(q4) + (sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
         sin(q2)*cos(q1))*sin(q4), -(-sin(q1)*sin(q2) +
         cos(q1)*cos(q2))*sin(q4) + (sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
         sin(q2)*cos(q1))*cos(q4), 0, a1*cos(q1) - a2*sin(q1)*sin(q2) +
        [(sin(q1)*sin(q2) - cos(q1)*cos(q2))*sin(q4) + (sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
         sin(q2)*cos(q1))*cos(q4), (sin(q1)*sin(q2) -
         cos(q1)*cos(q2))*cos(q4) - (sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
         sin(q2)*cos(q1))*sin(q4), 0, a1*sin(q1) + a2*sin(q1)*cos(q2) +
        [0, 0, -1, -d4 - q3],
        [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    J_spong = sympy.Matrix([[-a1*sin(q1) - a2*sin(q1)*cos(q2) -
                             a2*sin(q2)*cos(q1), -a2*sin(q1)*cos(q2) -
                             a2*sin(q2)*cos(q1), 0, 0],
                            [a1*cos(q1) - a2*sin(q1)*sin(q2) +
                             a2*cos(q1)*cos(q2), -a2*sin(q1)*sin(q2) +
                             a2*cos(q1)*cos(q2), 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, -1, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [1, 1, 0, -1]])

    assert (scara_geo.T[-1] - T_spong).expand() == sympy.zeros(4)
    assert (scara_kin.J[-1] - J_spong).expand() == sympy.zeros(6, 4)
Esempio n. 43
def condense_list_of_dicts(dicts,key):
    if not all([key in d for d in dicts]):
        raise ValueError('{key} not in every dict in list'.format(key=key))
    keyvals = set([d[key] for d in dicts])
    result = []
    for val in keyvals:
        temp_dict = {}
        temp_dict[key] = val
        matching_dicts = [d for d in dicts if d[key] == val]
        all_keys = set(sympy.flatten([list(d.keys()) for d in matching_dicts]))
        for k in all_keys:
            if k != key:
                temp_dict[k] = set([d[k] for d in matching_dicts])
    return result
Esempio n. 44
 def add_derivative(self, name, fname, wrt, flatten_wrt=False):
     # Test if we have only one wrt item
     if isinstance(wrt, (str, sympy.NDimArray)):
         wrt = (wrt,)
     out = self.default_function_output(fname)
     for wrt_array in wrt:
         if utils.isstr(wrt_array):
             wrt_array = self.variables[wrt_array]
         if flatten_wrt:
             wrt_array = sympy.flatten(wrt_array)
         out = sympy.derive_by_array(out, wrt_array)
     args = self.function_codegen_arguments(fname)
     deriv = function.SymbolicSubsFunction(args, out)
     setattr(self, name, deriv)
Esempio n. 45
 def sub_args(args, dummies_dict):
     if isinstance(args, string_types):
         return args
     elif isinstance(args, DeferredVector):
         return str(args)
     elif iterable(args):
         dummies = flatten([sub_args(a, dummies_dict) for a in args])
         return ",".join(str(a) for a in dummies)
         # replace these with Dummy symbols
         if isinstance(args, (Function, Symbol, Derivative)):
             dummies = Dummy()
             dummies_dict.update({args : dummies})
             return str(dummies)
             return str(args)
Esempio n. 46
def TensorProduct(*input_vectors, **kwargs):
    if('coefficient' in kwargs and kwargs['coefficient']==0):
        return sympify(0)

    ## First, go through and make the data nice
        # Since TensorProducts are multiplicative, the empty object
        # should be 1 (or whatever coefficient was passed, if any)
        return kwargs.get('coefficient', sympify(1))
    if(len(input_vectors)==1 and isinstance(input_vectors[0], TensorProductFunction)) :
        vectors = list(input_vectors[0].vectors)
        coefficient = deepcopy(input_vectors[0].coefficient)
        symmetric = bool(input_vectors[0].symmetric)
        if(len(input_vectors)==1 and isinstance(input_vectors[0], list)):
            input_vectors = input_vectors[0]
        vectors = list(input_vectors)
        coefficient = deepcopy(kwargs.get('coefficient', 1))
        symmetric = bool(kwargs.get('symmetric', True))

    ## Now, make sure none of the input vectors are zero
    for v in vectors:
        if v==0:
            return sympify(0)

    ## Finally, create the object and set its data.  Because of
    ## sympy's caching, tensor products with different data need to be
    ## created as classes with different names.  So we just create a
    ## lighweight subclass with a unique name (the number at the end
    ## gets incremented every time we construct a tensor product).
    global _TensorProduct_count
    ThisTensorProductFunction = type('TensorProductFunction_'+str(_TensorProduct_count),
                                     (TensorProductFunction,), {})
    _TensorProduct_count += 1
    # print('About to construct a tensor with args ',
    #       tuple( set( flatten( [v.args for v in vectors] ) ) ),
    #       input_vectors,
    #       kwargs,
    #       vectors,
    #       [v.args for v in vectors] )
    TP = ThisTensorProductFunction( *tuple( set( flatten( [v.args for v in vectors] ) ) ) )
    TP.vectors = vectors
    TP.coefficient = coefficient
    TP.symmetric = symmetric
    return TP
Esempio n. 47
def test_symbols_each_char():
    # XXX: Because of the way the warnings filters work, this will fail if it's
    # run more than once in the same session.  See issue 2492.
    import warnings
    # each_char is deprecated and emits a warning.

    w = Symbol('w')
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z')

    # First, test the warning
    raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning, lambda: symbols('xyz', each_char=True))
    raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning, lambda: symbols('xyz', each_char=False))
    # now test the actual output
    assert symbols(['wx', 'yz'], each_char=True) == [(w, x), (y, z)]
    assert all(w.is_Function for w in flatten(
        symbols(['wx', 'yz'], each_char=True, cls=Function)))
    assert symbols('xyz', each_char=True) == (x, y, z)
    assert symbols('x,', each_char=True) == (x,)
    assert symbols('x y z', each_char=True) == symbols(
        'x,y,z', each_char=True) == (x, y, z)
    assert symbols('xyz', each_char=False) == Symbol('xyz')
    a, b = symbols('x y', each_char=False, real=True)
    assert a.is_real and b.is_real
    assert 'each_char' not in a.assumptions0

    assert symbols('x0:0', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x0:1', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'),)
    assert symbols(
        'x0:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'), Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))
    assert symbols('x:0', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x:1', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'),)
    assert symbols(
        'x:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'), Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))
    assert symbols('x1:1', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x1:2', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x1'),)
    assert symbols('x1:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))

    # Keep testing reasonably thread safe, so reset the warning
    warnings.filterwarnings("default", "The each_char option to symbols\(\) and var\(\) is "
        "deprecated.  Separate symbol names by spaces or commas instead.")
Esempio n. 48
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):

        shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
        self = object.__new__(cls)
        self._shape = shape
        self._rank = len(shape)
        self._loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape) if shape else 0

        # Sparse array:
        if isinstance(flat_list, (dict, Dict)):
            self._sparse_array = dict(flat_list)
            return self

        self._sparse_array = {}

        for i, el in enumerate(flatten(flat_list)):
            if el != 0:
                self._sparse_array[i] = _sympify(el)

        return self
Esempio n. 49
def test_symbols_each_char():
    import warnings
    # each_char is deprecated and emits a warning.

    w = Symbol('w')
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z')

    # First, test the warning (SymPyDeprecationWarning should already raises during tests)
    raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning, lambda: symbols('xyz', each_char=True))
    raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning, lambda: symbols('xyz', each_char=False))
    # now test the actual output
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", SymPyDeprecationWarning)
    assert symbols(['wx', 'yz'], each_char=True) == [(w, x), (y, z)]
    assert all(w.is_Function for w in flatten(
        symbols(['wx', 'yz'], each_char=True, cls=Function)))
    assert symbols('xyz', each_char=True) == (x, y, z)
    assert symbols('x,', each_char=True) == (x,)
    assert symbols('x y z', each_char=True) == symbols(
        'x,y,z', each_char=True) == (x, y, z)
    assert symbols('xyz', each_char=False) == Symbol('xyz')
    a, b = symbols('x y', each_char=False, real=True)
    assert a.is_real and b.is_real
    assert 'each_char' not in a.assumptions0

    assert symbols('x0:0', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x0:1', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'),)
    assert symbols(
        'x0:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'), Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))
    assert symbols('x:0', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x:1', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'),)
    assert symbols(
        'x:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x0'), Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))
    assert symbols('x1:1', each_char=False) == ()
    assert symbols('x1:2', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x1'),)
    assert symbols('x1:3', each_char=False) == (Symbol('x1'), Symbol('x2'))

    # Keep testing reasonably thread safe, so reset the warning
    warnings.simplefilter("error", SymPyDeprecationWarning)
Esempio n. 50
def symbolic_coeffs_and_diffs(expr,u):
  returns the coefficients for each term containing u or a derivative 
  of u. Also returns the variables that derivatives of u are with 
  respect to
  # convert expr to a list of terms
  expr = expr.expand()
  expr = expr.as_ordered_terms()
  # throw out terms not containing u
  expr = [i for i in expr if i.has(u)]
  coeffs = []
  diffs = []
  for e in expr:
    # if the expression is a product then expand it into multipliers
    if e.is_Mul:
      e = sp.flatten(e.as_coeff_mul())
      e = [sp.Integer(1),e]  

    # find multipliers without the queried term
    without_u = [i for i in e if not i.has(u)] 
    coeffs += [without_u]

    # find multipliers with the queried term
    with_u = [i for i in e if i.has(u)]
    if not (len(with_u) == 1):
      raise FormulationError(
        'the term %s has multiple occurrences of %s' % (,u))

    base,diff = derivative_order(with_u[0])
    if not (base == u):
      raise FormulationError( 
        'cannot express %s as a differential operation of %s' % (base,u))
    diffs += diff,

  return coeffs,diffs
Esempio n. 51
    def _print_unpacking(self, lvalues, rvalue):
        """Generate argument unpacking code.

        This method is used when the input value is not interable,
        but can be indexed (see issue #14655).
        from sympy import flatten

        def flat_indexes(elems):
            n = 0

            for el in elems:
                if iterable(el):
                    for ndeep in flat_indexes(el):
                        yield (n,) + ndeep
                    yield (n,)

                n += 1

        indexed = ', '.join('{}[{}]'.format(rvalue, ']['.join(map(str, ind)))
                                for ind in flat_indexes(lvalues))

        return ['[{}] = [{}]'.format(', '.join(flatten(lvalues)), indexed)]
Esempio n. 52
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):

        shape, flat_list = cls._handle_ndarray_creation_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
        shape = Tuple(*map(_sympify, shape))
        loop_size = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape) if shape else 0

        # Sparse array:
        if isinstance(flat_list, (dict, Dict)):
            sparse_array = Dict(flat_list)
            sparse_array = {}
            for i, el in enumerate(flatten(flat_list)):
                if el != 0:
                    sparse_array[i] = _sympify(el)

        sparse_array = Dict(sparse_array)

        self = Basic.__new__(cls, sparse_array, shape, **kwargs)
        self._shape = shape
        self._rank = len(shape)
        self._loop_size = loop_size
        self._sparse_array = sparse_array

        return self
Esempio n. 53
def lambdastr(args, expr, printer=None, dummify=None):
    Returns a string that can be evaluated to a lambda function.


    >>> from import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
    >>> lambdastr(x, x**2)
    'lambda x: (x**2)'
    >>> lambdastr((x,y,z), [z,y,x])
    'lambda x,y,z: ([z, y, x])'

    Although tuples may not appear as arguments to lambda in Python 3,
    lambdastr will create a lambda function that will unpack the original
    arguments so that nested arguments can be handled:

    >>> lambdastr((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    'lambda _0,_1: (lambda x,y,z: (x + y))(_0,_1[0],_1[1])'
    # Transforming everything to strings.
    from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector
    from sympy import Dummy, sympify, Symbol, Function, flatten, Derivative, Basic

    if printer is not None:
        if inspect.isfunction(printer):
            lambdarepr = printer
            if inspect.isclass(printer):
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer().doprint(expr)
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer.doprint(expr)
        #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports
        from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import lambdarepr

    def sub_args(args, dummies_dict):
        if isinstance(args, string_types):
            return args
        elif isinstance(args, DeferredVector):
            return str(args)
        elif iterable(args):
            dummies = flatten([sub_args(a, dummies_dict) for a in args])
            return ",".join(str(a) for a in dummies)
            # replace these with Dummy symbols
            if isinstance(args, (Function, Symbol, Derivative)):
                dummies = Dummy()
                dummies_dict.update({args : dummies})
                return str(dummies)
                return str(args)

    def sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict):
            expr = sympify(expr).xreplace(dummies_dict)
        except Exception:
            if isinstance(expr, DeferredVector):
            elif isinstance(expr, dict):
                k = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.keys()]
                v = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.values()]
                expr = dict(zip(k, v))
            elif isinstance(expr, tuple):
                expr = tuple(sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr)
            elif isinstance(expr, list):
                expr = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr]
        return expr

    # Transform args
    def isiter(l):
        return iterable(l, exclude=(str, DeferredVector, NotIterable))

    def flat_indexes(iterable):
        n = 0

        for el in iterable:
            if isiter(el):
                for ndeep in flat_indexes(el):
                    yield (n,) + ndeep
                yield (n,)

            n += 1

    if dummify is None:
        dummify = any(isinstance(a, Basic) and
            a.atoms(Function, Derivative) for a in (
            args if isiter(args) else [args]))

    if isiter(args) and any(isiter(i) for i in args):
        dum_args = [str(Dummy(str(i))) for i in range(len(args))]

        indexed_args = ','.join([
            dum_args[ind[0]] + ''.join(["[%s]" % k for k in ind[1:]])
                    for ind in flat_indexes(args)])

        lstr = lambdastr(flatten(args), expr, printer=printer, dummify=dummify)

        return 'lambda %s: (%s)(%s)' % (','.join(dum_args), lstr, indexed_args)

    dummies_dict = {}
    if dummify:
        args = sub_args(args, dummies_dict)
        if isinstance(args, string_types):
        elif iterable(args, exclude=DeferredVector):
            args = ",".join(str(a) for a in args)

    # Transform expr
    if dummify:
        if isinstance(expr, string_types):
            expr = sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict)
    expr = lambdarepr(expr)
    return "lambda %s: (%s)" % (args, expr)
Esempio n. 54
    def __init__(self, model, tspan=None, initials=None, param_values=None,
                 verbose=False, **kwargs):

        super(ScipyOdeSimulator, self).__init__(model,
        # We'll need to know if we're using the Jacobian when we get to run()
        self._use_analytic_jacobian = kwargs.pop('use_analytic_jacobian',
        self.cleanup = kwargs.pop('cleanup', True)
        integrator = kwargs.pop('integrator', 'vode')
        compiler_mode = kwargs.pop('compiler', None)
        integrator_options = kwargs.pop('integrator_options', {})
        cython_directives = kwargs.pop('cython_directives',
        if kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Unknown keyword argument(s): {}'.format(
                ', '.join(kwargs.keys())
        # Generate the equations for the model
        pysb.bng.generate_equations(self._model, self.cleanup, self.verbose)

        # ODE RHS -----------------------------------------------
        self._eqn_subs = {e: e.expand_expr(expand_observables=True) for
                          e in self._model.expressions}
        ode_mat = sympy.Matrix(self.model.odes).subs(self._eqn_subs)

        if compiler_mode is None:
            self._compiler = self._autoselect_compiler()
            if self._compiler == 'python':
                    "This system of ODEs will be evaluated in pure Python. "
                    "This may be slow for large models. We recommend "
                    "installing a package for compiling the ODEs to C code: "
                    "'weave' (recommended for Python 2) or "
                    "'cython' (recommended for Python 3). This warning can "
                    "be suppressed by specifying compiler='python'.")
            self._logger.debug('Equation mode set to "%s"' % self._compiler)
            self._compiler = compiler_mode

        extra_compile_args = []
        # Inhibit weave C compiler warnings unless log level <= EXTENDED_DEBUG.
        # Note that since the output goes straight to stderr rather than via the
        # logging system, the threshold must be lower than DEBUG or else the
        # Nose logcapture plugin will cause the warnings to be shown and tests
        # will fail due to unexpected output.
        if not self._logger.isEnabledFor(EXTENDED_DEBUG):

        # Use lambdarepr (Python code) with Cython, otherwise use C code
        eqn_repr = lambdarepr if self._compiler == 'cython' else sympy.ccode

        if self._compiler in ('weave', 'cython'):
            # Prepare the string representations of the RHS equations

            code_eqs = '\n'.join(['ydot[%d] = %s;' %
                                  (i, eqn_repr(o))
                                  for i, o in enumerate(ode_mat)])
            code_eqs = str(self._eqn_substitutions(code_eqs))

            # Allocate ydot here, once.
            ydot = np.zeros(len(self.model.species))

            if self._compiler == 'cython':
                if not Cython:
                    raise ImportError('Cython library is not installed')

                def rhs(t, y, p):
                    # note that the evaluated code sets ydot as a side effect
                        code_eqs, quiet=True,

                    return ydot

                with _set_cflags_no_warnings(self._logger):
                    rhs(0.0, self.initials[0], self.param_values[0])
                # Weave
                if not weave_inline:
                    raise ImportError('Weave library is not installed')
                for arr_name in ('ydot', 'y', 'p'):
                    macro = arr_name.upper() + '1'
                    code_eqs = re.sub(r'\b%s\[(\d+)\]' % arr_name,
                                      '%s(\\1)' % macro, code_eqs)

                def rhs(t, y, p):
                    # note that the evaluated code sets ydot as a side effect
                    weave_inline(code_eqs, ['ydot', 't', 'y', 'p'],
                    return ydot

                # Call rhs once just to trigger the weave C compilation step
                # while asserting control over distutils logging.
                with self._patch_distutils_logging:
                    rhs(0.0, self.initials[0], self.param_values[0])

        elif self._compiler in ('theano', 'python'):
            self._symbols = sympy.symbols(','.join('__s%d' % sp_id for sp_id in
                                          + ',') + tuple(model.parameters)

            if self._compiler == 'theano':
                if theano is None:
                    raise ImportError('Theano library is not installed')

                code_eqs_py = theano_function(
                    [o if not o.is_zero else theano.tensor.zeros(1)
                     for o in ode_mat],
                code_eqs_py = sympy.lambdify(self._symbols,

            def rhs(t, y, p):
                return code_eqs_py(*itertools.chain(y, p))
            raise ValueError('Unknown compiler_mode: %s' % self._compiler)

        # JACOBIAN -----------------------------------------------
        # We'll keep the code for putting together the matrix in Sympy
        # in case we want to do manipulations of the matrix later (e.g., to
        # put together the sensitivity matrix)
        jac_fn = None
        if self._use_analytic_jacobian:
            species_symbols = [sympy.Symbol('__s%d' % i)
                               for i in range(len(self._model.species))]
            jac_matrix = ode_mat.jacobian(species_symbols)

            if self._compiler == 'theano':
                jac_eqs_py = theano_function(
                    [j if not j.is_zero else theano.tensor.zeros(1)
                     for j in jac_matrix],

                def jacobian(t, y, p):
                    jacmat = np.asarray(jac_eqs_py(*itertools.chain(y, p)))
                    jacmat.shape = (len(self.model.odes),
                    return jacmat

            elif self._compiler in ('weave', 'cython'):
                # Prepare the stringified Jacobian equations.
                jac_eqs_list = []
                for i in range(jac_matrix.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(jac_matrix.shape[1]):
                        entry = jac_matrix[i, j]
                        # Skip zero entries in the Jacobian
                        if entry == 0:
                        jac_eq_str = 'jac[%d, %d] = %s;' % (
                            i, j, eqn_repr(entry))
                jac_eqs = str(self._eqn_substitutions('\n'.join(jac_eqs_list)))

                # Allocate jac array here, once, and initialize to zeros.
                jac = np.zeros(
                    (len(self._model.odes), len(self._model.species)))

                if self._compiler == 'weave':
                    # Substitute array refs with calls to the JAC1 macro
                    jac_eqs = re.sub(r'\bjac\[(\d+), (\d+)\]',
                                     r'JAC2(\1, \2)', jac_eqs)
                    # Substitute calls to the Y1 and P1 macros
                    for arr_name in ('y', 'p'):
                        macro = arr_name.upper() + '1'
                        jac_eqs = re.sub(r'\b%s\[(\d+)\]' % arr_name,
                                         '%s(\\1)' % macro, jac_eqs)

                    def jacobian(t, y, p):
                        weave_inline(jac_eqs, ['jac', 't', 'y', 'p'],
                        return jac

                    # Manage distutils logging, as above for rhs.
                    with self._patch_distutils_logging:
                        jacobian(0.0, self.initials[0], self.param_values[0])
                    def jacobian(t, y, p):
                            jac_eqs, quiet=True,
                        return jac

                    with _set_cflags_no_warnings(self._logger):
                        jacobian(0.0, self.initials[0], self.param_values[0])
                jac_eqs_py = sympy.lambdify(self._symbols, jac_matrix, "numpy")

                def jacobian(t, y, p):
                    return jac_eqs_py(*itertools.chain(y, p))

            jac_fn = jacobian

        # build integrator options list from our defaults and any kwargs
        # passed to this function
        options = {}
        if self.default_integrator_options.get(integrator):
                self.default_integrator_options[integrator])  # default options

        options.update(integrator_options)  # overwrite
        # defaults
        self.opts = options

        # Integrator
        if integrator == 'lsoda':
            # lsoda is accessed via scipy.integrate.odeint which,
            # as a function,
            # requires that we pass its args at the point of call. Thus we need
            # to stash stuff like the rhs and jacobian functions in self so we
            # can pass them in later.
            self.integrator = integrator
            # lsoda's rhs and jacobian function arguments are in a different
            # order to other integrators, so we define these shims that swizzle
            # the argument order appropriately.
            self.func = lambda t, y, p: rhs(y, t, p)
            if jac_fn is None:
                self.jac_fn = None
                self.jac_fn = lambda t, y, p: jac_fn(y, t, p)
            # The scipy.integrate.ode integrators on the other hand are object
            # oriented and hold the functions and such internally. Once we set
            # up the integrator object we only need to retain a reference to it
            # and can forget about the other bits.
            self.integrator = scipy.integrate.ode(rhs, jac=jac_fn)
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings('error', 'No integrator name match')
                self.integrator.set_integrator(integrator, **options)