Esempio n. 1
def test_fibonacci():
    assert [fibonacci(n) for n in range(-3, 5)] == [2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
    assert fibonacci(100) == 354224848179261915075
    assert [lucas(n) for n in range(-3, 5)] == [-4, 3, -1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7]
    assert lucas(100) == 792070839848372253127

    assert fibonacci(1, x) == 1
    assert fibonacci(2, x) == x
    assert fibonacci(3, x) == x**2 + 1
    assert fibonacci(4, x) == x**3 + 2*x
Esempio n. 2
def test_fibonacci():
    assert [fibonacci(n) for n in range(-3, 5)] == [2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
    assert fibonacci(100) == 354224848179261915075
    assert [lucas(n) for n in range(-3, 5)] == [-4, 3, -1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7]
    assert lucas(100) == 792070839848372253127

    assert fibonacci(1, x) == 1
    assert fibonacci(2, x) == x
    assert fibonacci(3, x) == x**2 + 1
    assert fibonacci(4, x) == x**3 + 2 * x
def test_approximants():
    x, t = symbols("x,t")
    g = [lucas(k) for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [2, -4/(x - 2), (5*x - 2)/(3*x - 1), (x - 2)/(x**2 + x - 1)] )
    g = [lucas(k)+fibonacci(k+2) for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [3, -3/(x - 1), (3*x - 3)/(2*x - 1), -3/(x**2 + x - 1)] )
    g = [lucas(k)**2 for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [4, -16/(x - 4), (35*x - 4)/(9*x - 1), (37*x - 28)/(13*x**2 + 11*x - 7),
        (50*x**2 + 63*x - 52)/(37*x**2 + 19*x - 13),
        (-x**2 - 7*x + 4)/(x**3 - 2*x**2 - 2*x + 1)] )
    p = [sum(binomial(k,i)*x**i for i in range(k+1)) for k in range(16)]
    y = approximants(p, t, simplify=True)
    assert next(y) == 1
    assert next(y) == -1/(t*(x + 1) - 1)
def test_approximants():
    x, t = symbols("x,t")
    g = [lucas(k) for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [2, -4/(x - 2), (5*x - 2)/(3*x - 1), (x - 2)/(x**2 + x - 1)] )
    g = [lucas(k)+fibonacci(k+2) for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [3, -3/(x - 1), (3*x - 3)/(2*x - 1), -3/(x**2 + x - 1)] )
    g = [lucas(k)**2 for k in range(16)]
    assert [e for e in approximants(g)] == (
        [4, -16/(x - 4), (35*x - 4)/(9*x - 1), (37*x - 28)/(13*x**2 + 11*x - 7),
        (50*x**2 + 63*x - 52)/(37*x**2 + 19*x - 13),
        (-x**2 - 7*x + 4)/(x**3 - 2*x**2 - 2*x + 1)] )
    p = [sum(binomial(k,i)*x**i for i in range(k+1)) for k in range(16)]
    y = approximants(p, t, simplify=True)
    assert next(y) == 1
    assert next(y) == -1/(t*(x + 1) - 1)
def a(n):
    return (sp.fibonacci(n + 1) + sp.lucas(n)) / (sp.fibonacci(n + 2) +
                                                  sp.lucas(n + 1))
Esempio n. 6
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import math
from sympy import symbols

x = symbols("x", positive=True)

# Fibonacci Golden Nuggets -> Indexes A_F(x) whereby A_F(x) = integer and x = p/q rational number.
# Mathematical Solution: A_F(x) = Generating Function of Fibonacci polynomials = x / (1-x-x*x)
# We want A_F(x) = x / (1-x-x*x) = k for some integer k
# We solve the equation: x = k - k*x - k*x**2
# Trial Code to solve the equation
cnt = 0
for k in range(1, 10**6):
    solns = sp.solve(k * x**2 + (k + 1) * x - k)
    if solns[0].is_rational:
        print(k, solns[0])

# OEIS: A081018
# 2, 15, 104, 714, 4895, 33552, 229970, 1576239, 10803704, 74049690, 507544127, 3478759200, 23843770274,
# 163427632719, 1120149658760, 7677619978602, 52623190191455, 360684711361584, 2472169789339634, 16944503814015855, 116139356908771352, 796030994547383610
# Formula to get this sequence: (Lucas Numbers of (4*n+1) - 1)/5 or Fibonacci(2*n)*Fibonacci(2*n+1)
# Solution Code to get the answer
for n in range(1, 20):
    print(n, (sp.lucas(4 * n + 1) - 1) / 5)
Esempio n. 7
def test_random():
    from sympy import posify, lucas
    assert posify(x)[0]._random() is not None
    assert lucas(n)._random(2, -2, 0, -1, 1) is None
Esempio n. 8
def test_random():
    from sympy import posify, lucas
    assert posify(x)[0]._random() is not None
    assert lucas(n)._random(2, -2, 0, -1, 1) is None