Esempio n. 1
def test_arithmetic_sums():
    assert summation(1, (n, a, b)) == b-a+1
    assert summation(1, (n, 1, 10)) == 10
    assert summation(2*n, (n, 0, 10**10)) == 100000000010000000000
    assert summation(4*n*m, (n, a, 1), (m, 1, d)).expand() == \
        2*d + 2*d**2 + a*d + a*d**2 - d*a**2 - a**2*d**2
    assert summation(cos(n), (n, -2, 1)) == cos(-2)+cos(-1)+cos(0)+cos(1)
Esempio n. 2
def test_polynomial_sums():
    assert summation(n**2, (n, 3, 8)) == 199
    assert summation(n, (n, a, b)) == \
        ((a + b)*(b - a + 1)/2).expand()
    assert summation(n**2, (n, 1, b)) == \
        ((2*b**3 + 3*b**2 + b)/6).expand()
    assert summation(n**3, (n, 1, b)) == \
        ((b**4 + 2*b**3 + b**2)/4).expand()
    assert summation(n**6, (n, 1, b)) == \
        ((6*b**7 + 21*b**6 + 21*b**5 - 7*b**3 + b)/42).expand()
Esempio n. 3
def test_arithmetic_sums():
    assert summation(1, (n, a, b)) == b - a + 1
    assert Sum(S.NaN, (n, a, b)) is S.NaN
    assert Sum(x, (n, a, a)).doit() == x
    assert Sum(x, (x, a, a)).doit() == a
    assert Sum(x, (n, 1, a)).doit() == a*x
    assert Sum(x, (x, Range(1, 11))).doit() == 55
    assert Sum(x, (x, Range(1, 11, 2))).doit() == 25
    assert Sum(x, (x, Range(1, 10, 2))) == Sum(x, (x, Range(9, 0, -2)))
    lo, hi = 1, 2
    s1 = Sum(n, (n, lo, hi))
    s2 = Sum(n, (n, hi, lo))
    assert s1 != s2
    assert s1.doit() == 3 and s2.doit() == 0
    lo, hi = x, x + 1
    s1 = Sum(n, (n, lo, hi))
    s2 = Sum(n, (n, hi, lo))
    assert s1 != s2
    assert s1.doit() == 2*x + 1 and s2.doit() == 0
    assert Sum(Integral(x, (x, 1, y)) + x, (x, 1, 2)).doit() == \
        y**2 + 2
    assert summation(1, (n, 1, 10)) == 10
    assert summation(2*n, (n, 0, 10**10)) == 100000000010000000000
    assert summation(4*n*m, (n, a, 1), (m, 1, d)).expand() == \
        2*d + 2*d**2 + a*d + a*d**2 - d*a**2 - a**2*d**2
    assert summation(cos(n), (n, -2, 1)) == cos(-2) + cos(-1) + cos(0) + cos(1)
    assert summation(cos(n), (n, x, x + 2)) == cos(x) + cos(x + 1) + cos(x + 2)
    assert isinstance(summation(cos(n), (n, x, x + S.Half)), Sum)
    assert summation(k, (k, 0, oo)) == oo
    assert summation(k, (k, Range(1, 11))) == 55
Esempio n. 4
def test_geometric_sums():
    assert summation(pi**n, (n, 0, b)) == (1-pi**(b+1)) / (1-pi)
    assert summation(2 * 3**n, (n, 0, b)) == 3**(b+1) - 1
    assert summation(Rational(1,2)**n, (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 0, b)) == 2**(b+1) - 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 1, oo)) == oo
    assert summation(2**(-n), (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(3**(-n), (n, 4, oo)) == Rational(1,54)
    assert summation(2**(-4*n+3), (n, 1, oo)) == Rational(8,15)
    assert summation(2**(n+1), (n, 1, b)).expand() == 4*(2**b-1)
Esempio n. 5
def test_hypersum():
    from sympy import simplify, sin, hyper
    assert simplify(summation(x**n/fac(n), (n, 1, oo))) == -1 + exp(x)
    assert summation((-1)**n * x**(2*n) / fac(2*n), (n, 0, oo)) == cos(x)
    assert simplify(summation((-1)**n*x**(2*n+1)/factorial(2*n+1),
                              (n, 3, oo))) \
           == -x + sin(x) + x**3/6 - x**5/120

    # TODO to get this without hyper need to improve hyperexpand
    assert summation(1/(n+2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == \
           hyper([3, 3, 3, 1], [4, 4, 4], 1)/27

    s = summation(x**n*n, (n, -oo, 0))
    assert s.is_Piecewise
    assert s.args[0].args[0] == -1/(x*(1-1/x)**2)
    assert s.args[0].args[1] == (abs(1/x) < 1)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, states, interval, differential_order):
        :param states: tuple of states in beginning and end of interval
        :param interval: time interval (tuple)
        :param differential_order: grade of differential flatness :math:`\\gamma`
        self.yd = states
        self.t0 = interval[0]
        self.t1 = interval[1]
        self.dt = interval[1] - interval[0]
        gamma = differential_order  # + 1 # TODO check this against notes

        # setup symbolic expressions
        tau, k = sp.symbols('tau, k')

        alpha = sp.factorial(2 * gamma + 1)

        f = sp.binomial(gamma, k) * (-1) ** k * tau ** (gamma + k + 1) / (gamma + k + 1)
        phi = alpha / sp.factorial(gamma) ** 2 * sp.summation(f, (k, 0, gamma))

        # differentiate phi(tau), index in list corresponds to order
        dphi_sym = [phi]  # init with phi(tau)
        for order in range(differential_order):

        # lambdify
        self.dphi_num = []
        for der in dphi_sym:
            self.dphi_num.append(sp.lambdify(tau, der, 'numpy'))
Esempio n. 7
def test_totient():
    assert [totient(k) for k in range(1, 12)] == \
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 10]
    assert totient(5005) == 2880
    assert totient(5006) == 2502
    assert totient(5009) == 5008
    assert totient(2**100) == 2**99

    raises(ValueError, lambda: totient(30.1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: totient(20.001))

    m = Symbol("m", integer=True)
    assert totient(m)
    assert totient(m).subs(m, 3**10) == 3**10 - 3**9
    assert summation(totient(m), (m, 1, 11)) == 42

    n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
    assert totient(n).is_integer

    x=Symbol("x", integer=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: totient(x))

    y=Symbol("y", positive=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: totient(y))

    z=Symbol("z", positive=True, integer=True)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: totient(2**(-z)))
Esempio n. 8
    def expectation(self, expr, var, evaluate=True, **kwargs):
        """ Expectation of expression over distribution """
        # TODO: support discrete sets with non integer stepsizes

        if evaluate:
                p = poly(expr, var)

                t = Dummy('t', real=True)

                mgf = self.moment_generating_function(t)
                deg =
                taylor = poly(series(mgf, t, 0, deg + 1).removeO(), t)
                result = 0
                for k in range(deg+1):
                    result += p.coeff_monomial(var ** k) * taylor.coeff_monomial(t ** k) * factorial(k)

                return result

            except PolynomialError:
                return summation(expr * self.pdf(var),
                                 (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)

            return Sum(expr * self.pdf(var),
                         (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)
Esempio n. 9
def repeated(n, i, e, a, b):
    # let n_a = n; n_{a+k+1} = e(n=n_{a+k}, i=a+k+1)
    # return n_b
    if e.has(i):
        if e.has(n):
            if not (e - n).has(n):
                term = e - n
                return n + sympy.summation(term, (i, a, b))
            raise NotImplementedError("has i and n")
            return e.subs(i, b)
        if e.has(n):
            if not (e - n).has(n):
                term = e - n
                return n + term * (b - a + 1)
            c, args = e.as_coeff_add(n)
            arg, = args
            if not (arg / n).simplify().has(n):
                coeff = arg / n
                # print("Coefficient is %s, iterations is %s" %
                #       (coeff, (b-a+1)))
                return n * coeff ** (b - a + 1)
            raise NotImplementedError
            return e
Esempio n. 10
 def to_sympy(self, expr, **kwargs):
     if expr.has_form('Sum', 2) and expr.leaves[1].has_form('List', 3):
         index = expr.leaves[1]
         result = sympy.summation(expr.leaves[0].to_sympy(), (
             index.leaves[0].to_sympy(), index.leaves[1].to_sympy(),
         return result
Esempio n. 11
 def to_sympy(self, expr, **kwargs):
     if expr.has_form('Sum', 2) and expr.leaves[1].has_form('List', 3):
         index = expr.leaves[1]
         arg = expr.leaves[0].to_sympy()
         bounds = (index.leaves[0].to_sympy(), index.leaves[1].to_sympy(), index.leaves[2].to_sympy())
         if arg is not None and None not in bounds:
             return sympy.summation(arg, bounds)
Esempio n. 12
def test_Sum_doit():
    assert Sum(n*Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)).doit() == a**3
    assert Sum(n*Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)).doit(deep=False) == \
    assert summation(n*Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)) == 3*Integral(a**2)

    # test nested sum evaluation
    s = Sum( Sum( Sum(2,(z,1,n+1)), (y,x+1,n)), (x,1,n))
    assert 0 == (s.doit() - n*(n+1)*(n-1)).factor()

    assert Sum(Sum(KroneckerDelta(m, n), (m, 1, 3)), (n, 1, 3)).doit() == 3
    assert Sum(Sum(KroneckerDelta(k, m), (m, 1, 3)), (n, 1, 3)).doit() == \
        3*Piecewise((1, And(S(1) <= k, k <= 3)), (0, True))
    assert Sum(f(n)*Sum(KroneckerDelta(m, n), (m, 0, oo)), (n, 1, 3)).doit() == \
        f(1) + f(2) + f(3)
    assert Sum(f(n)*Sum(KroneckerDelta(m, n), (m, 0, oo)), (n, 1, oo)).doit() == \
        Sum(Piecewise((f(n), n >= 0), (0, True)), (n, 1, oo))
    l = Symbol('l', integer=True, positive=True)
    assert Sum(f(l)*Sum(KroneckerDelta(m, l), (m, 0, oo)), (l, 1, oo)).doit() == \
        Sum(f(l), (l, 1, oo))

    # issue 2597
    nmax = symbols('N', integer=True, positive=True)
    pw = Piecewise((1, And(S(1) <= n, n <= nmax)), (0, True))
    assert Sum(pw, (n, 1, nmax)).doit() == Sum(pw, (n, 1, nmax))
Esempio n. 13
def test_Sum_doit():
    assert Sum(n * Integral(a ** 2), (n, 0, 2)).doit() == a ** 3
    assert Sum(n * Integral(a ** 2), (n, 0, 2)).doit(deep=False) == 3 * Integral(a ** 2)
    assert summation(n * Integral(a ** 2), (n, 0, 2)) == 3 * Integral(a ** 2)

    # test nested sum evaluation
    S = Sum(Sum(Sum(2, (z, 1, n + 1)), (y, x + 1, n)), (x, 1, n))
    assert 0 == (S.doit() - n * (n + 1) * (n - 1)).factor()
Esempio n. 14
 def expectation(self, expr, var, evaluate=True, **kwargs):
     """ Expectation of expression over distribution """
     # TODO: support discrete sets with non integer stepsizes
     if evaluate:
         return summation(expr * self.pdf(var),
                      (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)
         return Sum(expr * self.pdf(var),
                      (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)
Esempio n. 15
    def compute_characteristic_function(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the characteristic function from the PDF

        Returns a Lambda
        x, t = symbols('x, t', real=True, finite=True, cls=Dummy)
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cf = summation(exp(I*t*x)*pdf, (x, self.set.inf, self.set.sup))
        return Lambda(t, cf)
Esempio n. 16
def test_Sum_interface():
    assert isinstance(Sum(0, (n, 0, 2)), Sum)
    assert Sum(nan, (n, 0, 2)) is nan
    assert Sum(nan, (n, 0, oo)) is nan
    assert Sum(0, (n, 0, 2)).doit() == 0
    assert isinstance(Sum(0, (n, 0, oo)), Sum)
    assert Sum(0, (n, 0, oo)).doit() == 0
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Sum(1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: summation(1))
Esempio n. 17
def test_composite_sums():
    f = Rational(1, 2)*(7 - 6*n + Rational(1, 7)*n**3)
    s = summation(f, (n, a, b))
    assert not isinstance(s, Sum)
    A = 0
    for i in range(-3, 5):
        A += f.subs(n, i)
    B = s.subs(a, -3).subs(b, 4)
    assert A == B
Esempio n. 18
    def _eval_product(self, a, n, term):
        from sympy import summation, Sum
        k = self.index

        if not term.has(k):
            return term**(n-a+1)
        elif term.is_polynomial(k):
            poly = term.as_poly(k)

            A = B = Q = S.One
            C_= poly.LC()

            all_roots = roots(poly, multiple=True)

            for r in all_roots:
                A *= C.RisingFactorial(a-r, n-a+1)
                Q *= n - r

            if len(all_roots) <
                B = Product(quo(poly, Q.as_poly(k)), (k, a, n))

            return poly.LC()**(n-a+1) * A * B
        elif term.is_Add:
            p, q = term.as_numer_denom()

            p = self._eval_product(a, n, p)
            q = self._eval_product(a, n, q)

            return p / q
        elif term.is_Mul:
            exclude, include = [], []

            for t in term.args:
                p = self._eval_product(a, n, t)

                if p is not None:

            if not exclude:
                return None
                A, B = Mul(*exclude), term._new_rawargs(*include)
                return A * Product(B, (k, a, n))
        elif term.is_Pow:
            if not term.base.has(k):
                s = summation(term.exp, (k, a, n))

                if not isinstance(s, Sum):
                    return term.base**s
            elif not term.exp.has(k):
                p = self._eval_product(a, n, term.base)

                if p is not None:
                    return p**term.exp
Esempio n. 19
def grow_function_sym(N = Symbol("N"),k = 0):
    @type k int
    from sympy import factorial,summation,combsimp
    ksym = Symbol("ksym")

    def C(k,n):
        return factorial(n) / (factorial(k)*factorial(n-k))
    return combsimp(summation(C(ksym,N),(ksym,0,k-1)))
Esempio n. 20
    def compute_quantile(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the Quantile from the PDF

        Returns a Lambda
        x = symbols('x', integer=True, finite=True, cls=Dummy)
        p = symbols('p', real=True, finite=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.set.inf
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = summation(pdf, (x, left_bound, x), **kwargs)
        set = ((x, p <= cdf), )
        return Lambda(p, Piecewise(*set))
Esempio n. 21
def test_totient():
    assert [totient(k) for k in range(1, 12)] == \
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 10]
    assert totient(5005) == 2880
    assert totient(5006) == 2502
    assert totient(5009) == 5008
    assert totient(2**100) == 2**99

    m = Symbol("m", integer=True)
    assert totient(m)
    assert totient(m).subs(m, 3**10) == 3**10 - 3**9
    assert summation(totient(m), (m, 1, 11)) == 42
Esempio n. 22
def test_primeomega():
    assert primeomega(2) == 1
    assert primeomega(2 * 2) == 2
    assert primeomega(2 * 2 * 3) == 3
    assert primeomega(3 * 25) == primeomega(3) + primeomega(25)
    assert [primeomega(p) for p in primerange(1, 10)] == [1, 1, 1, 1]
    assert primeomega(fac(50)) == 108
    assert primeomega(2 ** 9941 - 1) == 1
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert primeomega(n)
    assert primeomega(n).subs(n, 2 ** 31 - 1) == 1
    assert summation(primeomega(n), (n, 2, 30)) == 59
Esempio n. 23
    def compute_cdf(self, **kwargs):
        """ Compute the CDF from the PDF

        Returns a Lambda
        x, z = symbols('x, z', integer=True, finite=True, cls=Dummy)
        left_bound = self.set.inf

        # CDF is integral of PDF from left bound to z
        pdf = self.pdf(x)
        cdf = summation(pdf, (x, left_bound, z), **kwargs)
        # CDF Ensure that CDF left of left_bound is zero
        cdf = Piecewise((cdf, z >= left_bound), (0, True))
        return Lambda(z, cdf)
Esempio n. 24
def test_reduced_totient():
    assert [reduced_totient(k) for k in range(1, 16)] == \
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 4, 10, 2, 12, 6, 4]
    assert reduced_totient(5005) == 60
    assert reduced_totient(5006) == 2502
    assert reduced_totient(5009) == 5008
    assert reduced_totient(2**100) == 2**98

    m = Symbol("m", integer=True)
    assert reduced_totient(m)
    assert reduced_totient(m).subs(m, 2**3*3**10) == 3**10 - 3**9
    assert summation(reduced_totient(m), (m, 1, 16)) == 68

    n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
    assert reduced_totient(n).is_integer
Esempio n. 25
def test_divisor_sigma():
    assert [divisor_sigma(k) for k in range(1, 12)] == [1, 3, 4, 7, 6, 12, 8, 15, 13, 18, 12]
    assert [divisor_sigma(k, 2) for k in range(1, 12)] == [1, 5, 10, 21, 26, 50, 50, 85, 91, 130, 122]
    assert divisor_sigma(23450) == 50592
    assert divisor_sigma(23450, 0) == 24
    assert divisor_sigma(23450, 1) == 50592
    assert divisor_sigma(23450, 2) == 730747500
    assert divisor_sigma(23450, 3) == 14666785333344

    m = Symbol("m", integer=True)
    k = Symbol("k", integer=True)
    assert divisor_sigma(m)
    assert divisor_sigma(m, k)
    assert divisor_sigma(m).subs(m, 3 ** 10) == 88573
    assert divisor_sigma(m, k).subs([(m, 3 ** 10), (k, 3)]) == 213810021790597
    assert summation(divisor_sigma(m), (m, 1, 11)) == 99
Esempio n. 26
def test_udivisor_sigma():
    assert [udivisor_sigma(k) for k in range(1, 12)] == [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 8, 9, 10, 18, 12]
    assert [udivisor_sigma(k, 3) for k in range(1, 12)] == [1, 9, 28, 65, 126, 252, 344, 513, 730, 1134, 1332]
    assert udivisor_sigma(23450) == 42432
    assert udivisor_sigma(23450, 0) == 16
    assert udivisor_sigma(23450, 1) == 42432
    assert udivisor_sigma(23450, 2) == 702685000
    assert udivisor_sigma(23450, 4) == 321426961814978248

    m = Symbol("m", integer=True)
    k = Symbol("k", integer=True)
    assert udivisor_sigma(m)
    assert udivisor_sigma(m, k)
    assert udivisor_sigma(m).subs(m, 4 ** 9) == 262145
    assert udivisor_sigma(m, k).subs([(m, 4 ** 9), (k, 2)]) == 68719476737
    assert summation(udivisor_sigma(m), (m, 2, 15)) == 169
Esempio n. 27
 def eval_prob(self, _domain):
     if isinstance(_domain, Range):
         n = symbols('n')
         inf, sup, step = (r for r in _domain.args)
         summand = ((self.pdf).replace(
             self.symbol, inf + n*step))
         rv = summation(summand,
             (n, 0, floor((sup - inf)/step - 1))).doit()
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, FiniteSet):
         pdf = Lambda(self.symbol, self.pdf)
         rv = sum(pdf(x) for x in _domain)
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, Union):
         rv = sum(self.eval_prob(x) for x in _domain.args)
         return rv
Esempio n. 28
 def eval_prob(self, _domain):
     sym = list(self.symbols)[0]
     if isinstance(_domain, Range):
         n = symbols('n', integer=True, finite=True)
         inf, sup, step = (r for r in _domain.args)
         summand = ((self.pdf).replace(
           sym, n*step))
         rv = summation(summand,
             (n, inf/step, (sup)/step - 1)).doit()
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, FiniteSet):
         pdf = Lambda(sym, self.pdf)
         rv = sum(pdf(x) for x in _domain)
         return rv
     elif isinstance(_domain, Union):
         rv = sum(self.eval_prob(x) for x in _domain.args)
         return rv
Esempio n. 29
File: Progetto: Acebulf/sympy
    def integrate(self, expr, rvs=None, **kwargs):
        rvs = rvs or (self.value,)
        if self.value not in rvs:
            return expr

        expr = expr.xreplace(dict((rv, rv.symbol) for rv in rvs))

        x = self.value.symbol
            return self.distribution.expectation(expr, x, **kwargs)
            evaluate = kwargs.pop('evaluate', True)
            if evaluate:
                return summation(expr * self.pdf, (x, self.set.inf, self.set.sup),
                return Sum(expr * self.pdf, (x, self.set.inf, self.set.sup),
Esempio n. 30
def test_hypersum():
    from sympy import simplify, sin, hyper
    assert simplify(summation(x**n/fac(n), (n, 1, oo))) == -1 + exp(x)
    assert summation((-1)**n * x**(2*n) / fac(2*n), (n, 0, oo)) == cos(x)
    assert simplify(summation((-1)**n*x**(2*n + 1) /
        factorial(2*n + 1), (n, 3, oo))) == -x + sin(x) + x**3/6 - x**5/120

    assert summation(1/(n + 2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == -S(9)/8 + zeta(3)
    assert summation(1/n**4, (n, 1, oo)) == pi**4/90

    s = summation(x**n*n, (n, -oo, 0))
    assert s.is_Piecewise
    assert s.args[0].args[0] == -1/(x*(1 - 1/x)**2)
    assert s.args[0].args[1] == (abs(1/x) < 1)

    m = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
    assert summation(binomial(m, k), (k, 0, m)) == 2**m
Esempio n. 31
    def add_single_resonance(self, j, k, l, indexIn=1, indexOut=2):
        Add a single term associated the j:j-k MMR between planets 'indexIn' and 'indexOut'.
        indexIn     -   index of the inner planet
        indexOut    -   index of the outer planet
        j           -   together with k specifies the MMR j:j-k
        k           -   order of the resonance
        l           -   picks out the eIn^(l) * eOut^(k-l) subterm
        # Canonical variables
        assert indexOut == indexIn + 1, "Only resonances for adjacent pairs are currently supported"
        G = symbols('G')
        mIn, MIn, LambdaIn, lambdaIn, XIn, YIn = symbols(
        mOut, MOut, LambdaOut, lambdaOut, XOut, YOut = symbols(
        #mIn, MIn, muIn, LambdaIn,lambdaIn,XIn,YIn = self._get_symbols(indexIn)
        #mOut, MOut, muOut, LambdaOut,lambdaOut,XOut,YOut = self._get_symbols(indexOut)

        # Resonance index
        assert l <= k, "Invalid resonance term, l must be less than or equal to k."
        alpha = self.particles[indexIn].a / self.state.particles[indexOut].a

        # Resonance components
        Cjkl = symbols("C_{0}\,{1}\,{2}".format(j, k, l))
        self.Hparams[Cjkl] = general_order_coefficient(j, k, l, alpha)

        i = symbols('i')
        lBy2 = int(np.floor(l / 2.))
        k_l = k - l
        k_lBy2 = int(np.floor((k_l) / 2.))

        if l > 0:
            z_to_p_In_re = summation(
                binomial(l, (2 * i)) * XIn**(l - (2 * i)) * YIn**(2 * i) *
                (-1)**(i), (i, 0, lBy2))
            z_to_p_In_im = summation(
                binomial(l, (2 * i + 1)) * XIn**(l - (2 * i + 1)) *
                YIn**(2 * i + 1) * (-1)**(i), (i, 0, lBy2))
            z_to_p_In_re = 1
            z_to_p_In_im = 0
        if k_l > 0:
            z_to_p_Out_re = summation(
                binomial(k_l, (2 * i)) * XOut**(k_l - (2 * i)) *
                YOut**(2 * i) * (-1)**(i), (i, 0, k_lBy2))
            z_to_p_Out_im = summation(
                binomial(k_l, (2 * i + 1)) * XOut**(k_l - (2 * i + 1)) *
                YOut**(2 * i + 1) * (-1)**(i), (i, 0, k_lBy2))
            z_to_p_Out_re = 1
            z_to_p_Out_im = 0
        reFactor = (z_to_p_In_re * z_to_p_Out_re - z_to_p_In_im *
                    z_to_p_Out_im) / sqrt(LambdaIn)**l / sqrt(LambdaOut)**k_l
        imFactor = (z_to_p_In_im * z_to_p_Out_re + z_to_p_In_re *
                    z_to_p_Out_im) / sqrt(LambdaIn)**l / sqrt(LambdaOut)**k_l
        # Keep track of resonances
        self.resonance_indices.append((indexIn, indexOut, (j, k, l)))
        # Update internal Hamiltonian
        prefactor = -G**2 * MOut**2 * mOut**3 * (mIn / MIn) / (LambdaOut**2)
        costerm = cos(j * lambdaOut - (j - k) * lambdaIn)
        sinterm = sin(j * lambdaOut - (j - k) * lambdaIn)

        self.H += prefactor * Cjkl * (reFactor * costerm - imFactor * sinterm)

        # update polar Hamiltonian
        GammaIn, gammaIn, GammaOut, gammaOut = symbols(
            'Gamma{0},gamma{0},Gamma{1},gamma{1}'.format(indexIn, indexOut))
        eccIn = sqrt(2 * GammaIn / LambdaIn)
        eccOut = sqrt(2 * GammaOut / LambdaOut)
        costerm = cos(j * lambdaOut - (j - k) * lambdaIn + l * gammaIn +
                      (k - l) * gammaOut)
        self.Hpolar += prefactor * Cjkl * (eccIn**l) * (eccOut
                                                        **(k - l)) * costerm
Esempio n. 32
import sympy as sp
from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError

def input_reader():
        expr1 = sp.sympify(input('Enter the n-th term of a series: '))
        n = int(input('Enter n: '))
        return expr1, n
    except (SympifyError, ValueError) as e:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    exp, num = input_reader()
    assert (num > 0)

    n = sp.Symbol('n')
    series = sp.summation(exp, (n, 1, num))
Esempio n. 33
    def _eval_product(self, term, limits):
        from sympy import summation

        (k, a, n) = limits

        if k not in term.free_symbols:
            return term**(n - a + 1)

        if a == n:
            return term.subs(k, a)

        dif = n - a
        if dif.is_Integer:
            return Mul(*[term.subs(k, a + i) for i in xrange(dif + 1)])

        elif term.is_polynomial(k):
            poly = term.as_poly(k)

            A = B = Q = S.One

            all_roots = roots(poly, multiple=True)

            for r in all_roots:
                A *= C.RisingFactorial(a - r, n - a + 1)
                Q *= n - r

            if len(all_roots) <
                arg = quo(poly, Q.as_poly(k))
                B = Product(arg, (k, a, n)).doit()

            return poly.LC()**(n - a + 1) * A * B

        elif term.is_Add:
            p, q = term.as_numer_denom()

            p = self._eval_product(p, (k, a, n))
            q = self._eval_product(q, (k, a, n))

            return p / q

        elif term.is_Mul:
            exclude, include = [], []

            for t in term.args:
                p = self._eval_product(t, (k, a, n))

                if p is not None:

            if not exclude:
                return None
                arg = term._new_rawargs(*include)
                A = Mul(*exclude)
                B = Product(arg, (k, a, n)).doit()
                return A * B

        elif term.is_Pow:
            if not term.base.has(k):
                s = summation(term.exp, (k, a, n))

                return term.base**s
            elif not term.exp.has(k):
                p = self._eval_product(term.base, (k, a, n))

                if p is not None:
                    return p**term.exp

        elif isinstance(term, Product):
            evaluated = term.doit()
            f = self._eval_product(evaluated, limits)
            if f is None:
                return Product(evaluated, limits)
                return f
Esempio n. 34
def bench_sum():
    x, i = symbols('x i')
    summation(x**i / i, (i, 1, 400))
Esempio n. 35
    arr = np.array(l)

from numpy import inf
l = []
for i in range(1, 100000):
    a = (1 - 1 / i)**(2 * i)
import numpy as np
from numpy import inf
l = []
for i in range(1, 100000):
    a = (1 - 1 / i)**(2 * i)
    arr = np.array(l)
import sympy
from sympy import *
n = Symbol('n')
s = (1 - (1 / n))**(2 * n)
print(limit(s, n, oo))
i = sympy.symbols('i', integer=True)
a = float(
    sympy.summation((((-1)**(i + 1)) / i) * ((6.0 / 7.0)**i),
                    (i, 1, sympy.oo)))
Esempio n. 36

syntelestes = result.coeffs()
syntelestes = syntelestes[::-1]
Lista2 = list()

for i in range(0, degree(result)):
    temp = syntelestes[i] * ((ff(b + 1, i + 1)) - ff(a, i + 1))

p3 = 0
for i in range(0, len(Lista2)):
    p3 = p3 + Lista2[i]
print('\n' '\n')

p3 = Poly(p3, a, b)
print('\n', p3)

c = p3.coeffs()
c = np.array(c)
for i in range(0, len(c)):
    c[i] = Rational(c[i]).limit_denominator()

#  Εκτυπώνουμε ξανά τους συντελεστές στη σωστή μορφή όπως θα έδινε η summation,
#  ο όρος μηδέν αντιπροσωπεύει το συντελεστή του a^3 και b^3 ο οποίος λύπει απο τη summation
#  και παραθέτουμε και την επαλήθευσή της
print('\n', c)
print('\n', simplify(summation(p, (x, a, b))))
Esempio n. 37
z = S.Symbol('z')
a = S.Symbol('a')
b = S.Symbol('b')
c = S.Symbol('c')
fx = -4 * x**2 + 2 * x + 1
# 解一元二次方程
print(S.solve(fx, x))
# 平方根
print(S.sqrt(2) * S.sqrt(3))
# 去括号
print(S.expand((a + b)**2))
# 方程组
print(S.solve([x + y - 1, x - y - 3]), [x, y])
# 求和式
i = S.Symbol('i', integer=True)
fx = S.summation(x, (i, 1, 5)) + 10 * x - 15
print(S.solve(fx, x))
# 解一元二次方程
print(S.solve(x**2 - 2, x))
f = S.solve(x * S.log(4, 3) - 2, x)
print(S.expand_log(S.log(x * y), force=True))
fx = (x**2 + 3 * x + 2) / (x**2 + x)

print(S.solve([S.sin(x - y), S.cos(x + y)], [x, y]))
Esempio n. 38
def test_other_sums():
    f = m**2 + m*exp(m)
    g = 3*exp(S(3)/2)/2 + exp(S(1)/2)/2 - exp(-S(1)/2)/2 - 3*exp(-S(3)/2)/2 + 5

    assert summation(f, (m, -S(3)/2, S(3)/2)).expand() == g
    assert summation(f, (m, -1.5, 1.5)).evalf().epsilon_eq(g.evalf(), 1e-10)
Esempio n. 39
def test_issue_4171():
    assert summation(factorial(2*k + 1)/factorial(2*k), (k, 0, oo)) == oo
    assert summation(2*k + 1, (k, 0, oo)) == oo
Esempio n. 40
def test_issue_7097():
    assert sum(x**n/n for n in range(1, 401)) == summation(x**n/n, (n, 1, 400))
Esempio n. 41
def test_issue_4170():
    assert summation(1 / factorial(k), (k, 0, oo)) == E
Esempio n. 42
def test_hypergeometric_sums():
    assert summation(binomial(2 * k, k) / 4**k,
                     (k, 0, n)) == (1 + 2 * n) * binomial(2 * n, n) / 4**n
Esempio n. 43
def test_harmonic_sums():
    assert summation(1 / k, (k, 0, n)) == Sum(1 / k, (k, 0, n))
    assert summation(1 / k, (k, 1, n)) == harmonic(n)
    assert summation(n / k, (k, 1, n)) == n * harmonic(n)
    assert summation(1 / k, (k, 5, n)) == harmonic(n) - harmonic(4)
Esempio n. 44
def plot_and_save(name):

    tmp_file = TmpFileManager.tmp_file

    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z')

    # Examples from the 'introduction' notebook

    p = plot(x)
    p = plot(x * sin(x), x * cos(x))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a: a
    p[1].line_color = 'b'
    p.title = 'Big title'
    p.xlabel = 'the x axis'
    p[1].label = 'straight line'
    p.legend = True
    p.aspect_ratio = (1, 1)
    p.xlim = (-15, 20)'%s_basic_options_and_colors' % name))

    p.extend(plot(x + 1))
    p.append(plot(x + 3, x**2)[1])'%s_plot_extend_append' % name))

    p[2] = plot(x**2, (x, -2, 3))'%s_plot_setitem' % name))

    p = plot(sin(x), (x, -2 * pi, 4 * pi))'%s_line_explicit' % name))

    p = plot(sin(x))'%s_line_default_range' % name))

    p = plot((x**2, (x, -5, 5)), (x**3, (x, -3, 3)))'%s_line_multiple_range' % name))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: plot(x, y))

    #parametric 2d plots.
    #Single plot with default range.
    plot_parametric(sin(x), cos(x)).save(tmp_file())

    #Single plot with range.
    p = plot_parametric(sin(x), cos(x), (x, -5, 5))'%s_parametric_range' % name))

    #Multiple plots with same range.
    p = plot_parametric((sin(x), cos(x)), (x, sin(x)))'%s_parametric_multiple' % name))

    #Multiple plots with different ranges.
    p = plot_parametric((sin(x), cos(x), (x, -3, 3)), (x, sin(x), (x, -5, 5)))'%s_parametric_multiple_ranges' % name))

    #depth of recursion specified.
    p = plot_parametric(x, sin(x), depth=13)'%s_recursion_depth' % name))

    #No adaptive sampling.
    p = plot_parametric(cos(x), sin(x), adaptive=False, nb_of_points=500)'%s_adaptive' % name))

    #3d parametric plots
    p = plot3d_parametric_line(sin(x), cos(x), x)'%s_3d_line' % name))

    p = plot3d_parametric_line((sin(x), cos(x), x, (x, -5, 5)),
                               (cos(x), sin(x), x, (x, -3, 3)))'%s_3d_line_multiple' % name))

    p = plot3d_parametric_line(sin(x), cos(x), x, nb_of_points=30)'%s_3d_line_points' % name))

    # 3d surface single plot.
    p = plot3d(x * y)'%s_surface' % name))

    # Multiple 3D plots with same range.
    p = plot3d(-x * y, x * y, (x, -5, 5))'%s_surface_multiple' % name))

    # Multiple 3D plots with different ranges.
    p = plot3d((x * y, (x, -3, 3), (y, -3, 3)),
               (-x * y, (x, -3, 3), (y, -3, 3)))'%s_surface_multiple_ranges' % name))

    # Single Parametric 3D plot
    p = plot3d_parametric_surface(sin(x + y), cos(x - y), x - y)'%s_parametric_surface' % name))

    # Multiple Parametric 3D plots.
    p = plot3d_parametric_surface(
        (x * sin(z), x * cos(z), z, (x, -5, 5), (z, -5, 5)),
        (sin(x + y), cos(x - y), x - y, (x, -5, 5), (y, -5, 5)))'%s_parametric_surface' % name))

    # Examples from the 'colors' notebook

    p = plot(sin(x))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a: a'%s_colors_line_arity1' % name))

    p[0].line_color = lambda a, b: b'%s_colors_line_arity2' % name))

    p = plot(x * sin(x), x * cos(x), (x, 0, 10))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a: a'%s_colors_param_line_arity1' % name))

    p[0].line_color = lambda a, b: a'%s_colors_param_line_arity2a' % name))

    p[0].line_color = lambda a, b: b'%s_colors_param_line_arity2b' % name))

    p = plot3d_parametric_line(
        sin(x) + 0.1 * sin(x) * cos(7 * x),
        cos(x) + 0.1 * cos(x) * cos(7 * x), 0.1 * sin(7 * x), (x, 0, 2 * pi))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a: sin(4 * a)'%s_colors_3d_line_arity1' % name))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a, b: b'%s_colors_3d_line_arity2' % name))
    p[0].line_color = lambda a, b, c: c'%s_colors_3d_line_arity3' % name))

    p = plot3d(sin(x) * y, (x, 0, 6 * pi), (y, -5, 5))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a: a'%s_colors_surface_arity1' % name))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a, b: b'%s_colors_surface_arity2' % name))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a, b, c: c'%s_colors_surface_arity3a' % name))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a, b, c: sqrt((a - 3 * pi)**2 + b**2)'%s_colors_surface_arity3b' % name))

    p = plot3d_parametric_surface(x * cos(4 * y), x * sin(4 * y), y,
                                  (x, -1, 1), (y, -1, 1))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a: a'%s_colors_param_surf_arity1' % name))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a, b: a * b'%s_colors_param_surf_arity2' % name))
    p[0].surface_color = lambda a, b, c: sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + c**2)'%s_colors_param_surf_arity3' % name))

    # Examples from the 'advanced' notebook

    i = Integral(log((sin(x)**2 + 1) * sqrt(x**2 + 1)), (x, 0, y))
    p = plot(i, (y, 1, 5))'%s_advanced_integral' % name))

    s = summation(1 / x**y, (x, 1, oo))
    p = plot(s, (y, 2, 10))'%s_advanced_inf_sum' % name))

    p = plot(summation(1 / x, (x, 1, y)), (y, 2, 10), show=False)
    p[0].only_integers = True
    p[0].steps = True'%s_advanced_fin_sum' % name))

    # Test expressions that can not be translated to np and generate complex
    # results.
    plot(sin(x) + I * cos(x)).save(tmp_file())

    #Characteristic function of a StudentT distribution with nu=10
        ((1 / 2, ), ()),
        ((5, 0, 1 / 2), ()), 5 * x**2 * exp_polar(-I * pi) / 2) + meijerg(
            ((1 / 2, ), ()),
            ((5, 0, 1 / 2),
             ()), 5 * x**2 * exp_polar(I * pi) / 2)) / (48 * pi),
         (x, 1e-6, 1e-2)).save(tmp_file())
Esempio n. 45
 def _eval_rewrite_as_factorial(self, arg, **kwargs):
     from sympy import summation
     i = Dummy('i')
     f = S.NegativeOne**i / factorial(i)
     return factorial(arg) * summation(f, (i, 0, arg))
Esempio n. 46
def test_issue_15852():
    assert summation(x**y*y, (y, -oo, oo)).doit() == Sum(x**y*y, (y, -oo, oo))
Esempio n. 47
def test_geometric_sums():
    assert summation(pi**n, (n, 0, b)) == (1 - pi**(b + 1)) / (1 - pi)
    assert summation(2 * 3**n, (n, 0, b)) == 3**(b + 1) - 1
    assert summation(Rational(1, 2)**n, (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 0, b)) == 2**(b + 1) - 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 1, oo)) == oo
    assert summation(2**(-n), (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(3**(-n), (n, 4, oo)) == Rational(1, 54)
    assert summation(2**(-4 * n + 3), (n, 1, oo)) == Rational(8, 15)
    assert summation(2**(n + 1), (n, 1, b)).expand() == 4 * (2**b - 1)

    # issue 6664:
    assert summation(x**n, (n, 0, oo)) == \
        Piecewise((1/(-x + 1), Abs(x) < 1), (Sum(x**n, (n, 0, oo)), True))

    assert summation(-2**n, (n, 0, oo)) == -oo
    assert summation(I**n, (n, 0, oo)) == Sum(I**n, (n, 0, oo))

    # issue 6802:
    assert summation((-1)**(2 * x + 2), (x, 0, n)) == n + 1
    assert summation((-2)**(2 * x + 2),
                     (x, 0, n)) == 4 * 4**(n + 1) / S(3) - S(4) / 3
    assert summation((-1)**x, (x, 0, n)) == -(-1)**(n + 1) / S(2) + S(1) / 2
    assert summation(y**x, (x, a, b)) == \
        Piecewise((-a + b + 1, Eq(y, 1)), ((y**a - y**(b + 1))/(-y + 1), True))
    assert summation((-2)**(y*x + 2), (x, 0, n)) == \
        4*Piecewise((n + 1, Eq((-2)**y, 1)),
                    ((-(-2)**(y*(n + 1)) + 1)/(-(-2)**y + 1), True))
Esempio n. 48
def test_Sum():
    assert str(summation(cos(3 * z), (z, x, y))) == "Sum(cos(3*z), (z, x, y))"
    assert str(Sum(x*y**2, (x, -2, 2), (y, -5, 5))) == \
        "Sum(x*y**2, (x, -2, 2), (y, -5, 5))"
print(sym.diff((6*x**3) + (5*x**2)+(4)))

f1 = diff(sin(x), x)


f2 = diff(sin(2*x), x)


SeriesExp1 = cos(x).series(x,0,15)

print(summation(2*i - 1, (i, 1, n)))

print(summation(i,(i, 0, 2)))

integral1 = integrate(7*x**5)

integral2 = integrate(log(x))

f = Function('f')


print(dsolve(f(x).diff(x,x) + f(x), f(x)))
Esempio n. 50
 def compute_moment_generating_function(self, **kwargs):
     t = Dummy('t', real=True)
     x = Dummy('x', integer=True)
     pdf = self.pdf(x)
     mgf = summation(exp(t*x)*pdf, (x, self.set.inf, self.set.sup))
     return Lambda(t, mgf)
Esempio n. 51
def find_sum(n_term, num_terms):
    n = Symbol("n")
    s = summation(n_term, (n, 1, num_terms))

from sympy.plotting import plot
import sympy as sym
import xlsxwriter
from xlrd import open_workbook
from sympy.plotting import plot3d
#Exercise one :
x = sym.Symbol('x')
y, i, n, a, b, z = sym.symbols('y i n a b z')
expr = x**2 + x**3 + 21 * x**4 + 10 * x + 1
print(expr.subs(x, 7))
print(sym.expand(x + y)**2)
print(sym.simplify(4 * x**3 + 21 * x**2 + 10 * x + 12))
print(sym.limit(1 / (x**2), x, sym.oo))
print(sym.summation(2 * i + i - 1, (i, 5, n)))
print(sym.integrate(sym.sin(x) + sym.exp(x) * sym.cos(x) + sym.tan(x), x))
print(sym.factor(x**3 + 12 * x * y * z + 3 * y**2 * z))
print(sym.solveset(x - 4, x))
m1 = sym.Matrix([[5, 12, 40], [30, 70, 2]])
m2 = sym.Matrix([2, 1, 0])
print(m1 * m2)
plot(x**3 + 3, (x, -10, 10))
f = x**2 * y**3
plot3d(f, (x, -6, 6), (y, -6, 6))
#Exercise two :
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('test1.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
data = ["This is Example", "My first export example", 1, 2, 3]
Esempio n. 53
n = sym.Symbol("n")
x = sym.Symbol("x")
formula_p = input("n回目のゲームに勝つ確率は? ※サンクトペテルブルクのパラドックスなら (1/2)**n:")
formula_x = input("n回目のゲームに勝ったときの賞金Xは? ※サンクトペテルブルクのパラドックスなら 2**n:")

formula_p = sym.sympify(formula_p)
formula_x = sym.sympify(formula_x)
formula_n = sym.solve(formula_x - x, n)
formula_n = sym.sympify(formula_n[0])
formula = formula_p.subs(n, formula_n)

def temp(x1):
    return formula_x.subs(n, x1)


dis_x = [temp(i) for i in range(1, 11, 1)]
dis_y = [formula.subs(x, j) for j in dis_x]

plt.scatter(dis_x, dis_y)
# plot(formula,(x,1,10),title="Expected value distribution")

formula_cul = formula_p * formula_x
result = sym.summation(formula_cul, (n, 1, oo))

def find_sum(nth_term,num_terms):
Esempio n. 55
def discrete_fourier_sympy(expr, n, k, N):

    foo = expr * sym.exp(-2 * j * pi * n * k / N)
    result = sym.summation(foo, (n, 0, N - 1))

    return result
Esempio n. 56
File: Progetto: yyht/sympy
 def compute_moment_generating_function(self, **kwargs):
     x, t = symbols('x, t', real=True, finite=True, cls=Dummy)
     pdf = self.pdf(x)
     mgf = summation(exp(t * x) * pdf, (x, self.set.inf, self.set.sup))
     return Lambda(t, mgf)
Esempio n. 57
def test_issue_1072():
    k = Symbol("k")
    assert summation(factorial(2 * k + 1) / factorial(2 * k), (k, 0, oo)) == oo
Esempio n. 58
def test_Sum_doit():
    assert Sum(n * Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)).doit() == a**3
    assert Sum(n*Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)).doit(deep = False) == \
    assert summation(n * Integral(a**2), (n, 0, 2)) == 3 * Integral(a**2)
Esempio n. 59
def test_geometric_sums():
    assert summation(pi**n, (n, 0, b)) == (1 - pi**(b + 1)) / (1 - pi)
    assert summation(2 * 3**n, (n, 0, b)) == 3**(b + 1) - 1
    assert summation(Rational(1, 2)**n, (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 0, b)) == 2**(b + 1) - 1
    assert summation(2**n, (n, 1, oo)) == oo
    assert summation(2**(-n), (n, 1, oo)) == 1
    assert summation(3**(-n), (n, 4, oo)) == Rational(1, 54)
    assert summation(2**(-4 * n + 3), (n, 1, oo)) == Rational(8, 15)
    assert summation(2**(n + 1), (n, 1, b)).expand() == 4 * (2**b - 1)

    # issue 6664:
    assert summation(x**n, (n, 0, oo)) == \
        Piecewise((1/(-x + 1), Abs(x) < 1), (Sum(x**n, (n, 0, oo)), True))

    assert summation(-2**n, (n, 0, oo)) == -oo
    assert summation(I**n, (n, 0, oo)) == Sum(I**n, (n, 0, oo))

    # issue 6802:
    assert summation((-1)**(2 * x + 2), (x, 0, n)) == n + 1
    assert summation((-2)**(2 * x + 2),
                     (x, 0, n)) == 4 * 4**(n + 1) / S(3) - S(4) / 3
    assert summation((-1)**x, (x, 0, n)) == -(-1)**(n + 1) / S(2) + S(1) / 2
    assert summation(y**x, (x, a, b)) == \
        Piecewise((-a + b + 1, Eq(y, 1)), ((y**a - y**(b + 1))/(-y + 1), True))
    assert summation((-2)**(y*x + 2), (x, 0, n)) == \
        4*Piecewise((n + 1, Eq((-2)**y, 1)),
                    ((-(-2)**(y*(n + 1)) + 1)/(-(-2)**y + 1), True))

    # issue 8251:
    assert summation((1 / (n + 1)**2) * n**2, (n, 0, oo)) == oo

    #issue 9908:
    assert Sum(1 / (n**3 - 1),
               (n, -oo, -2)).doit() == summation(1 / (n**3 - 1), (n, -oo, -2))

    #issue 11642:
    result = Sum(0.5**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit()
    assert result == 1
    assert result.is_Float

    result = Sum(0.25**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit()
    assert result == S(1) / 3
    assert result.is_Float

    result = Sum(0.99999**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit()
    assert result == 99999
    assert result.is_Float

    result = Sum(Rational(1, 2)**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit()
    assert result == 1
    assert not result.is_Float

    result = Sum(Rational(3, 5)**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit()
    assert result == S(3) / 2
    assert not result.is_Float

    assert Sum(1.0**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit() == oo
    assert Sum(2.43**n, (n, 1, oo)).doit() == oo
Esempio n. 60
def test_issue_4668():
    assert summation(1/n, (n, 2, oo)) == oo