Esempio n. 1
def extract_coefficients(equation: sympy.Expr, local_map: dict,
                         global_coords: list) -> tuple:

        equation: The equation in local coordinates.
        local_map: The mapping from local coordinates to the index of a
            global coordinate.
        global_coords: The list of global co-ordinates.

        The linear and nonlinear parts of the equation in the global
        co-ordinate system.

    Extracts the coordinates from the given equation and maps them into
    the global coordinate space.
    Equations are assumed to come in as sympy expressions of the form
    :math:`\\Phi(x) = 0`.
    local_map is a dictionary mappings

    .. math::

       M: \\rightarrow i

    where :math:`x` are the local co-ordinates and the keys of local_map, and
    the values are the indices :math:`i` such that `global_coord[i]` is the
    corresponding global coordinate. The result is :math:`L,N` such that:

    .. math::

       Ly + N(y) = 0


    coefficients = {}
    nonlinear_terms = sympy.S(0)
    subs = [(k, global_coords[v]) for k, v in local_map.items()]
    local_variables = set(local_map.keys())

    subs.sort(key=lambda x: str(x[1])[-1], reverse=True)
    logger.debug("Extracting coefficients from %s", repr(equation))
    logger.debug("Using local-to-global substitutions %s", repr(subs))

    remainder = equation
    mappings = list(local_map.items())

    while mappings and remainder:
        variable, index = mappings.pop()
        coefficient = equation.coeff(variable)
        if not coefficient:
        remainder -= coefficient * variable
        if coefficient.atoms() & local_variables:
            nonlinear_terms += (coefficient * variable).subs(subs)
            coefficients[index] = coefficient
    nonlinear_terms = sympy.expand(nonlinear_terms + remainder.subs(subs))

    logger.debug("Linear terms: %s", repr(coefficients))
    logger.debug("Nonlinear terms: %s", repr(nonlinear_terms))
    return coefficients, nonlinear_terms