Esempio n. 1
def test_Mod():
    assert Mod(x, 1).func is Mod
    assert pi % pi == S.Zero
    assert Mod(5, 3) == 2
    assert Mod(-5, 3) == 1
    assert Mod(5, -3) == -1
    assert Mod(-5, -3) == -2
    assert type(Mod(3.2, 2, evaluate=False)) == Mod
    assert 5 % x == Mod(5, x)
    assert x % 5 == Mod(x, 5)
    assert x % y == Mod(x, y)
    assert (x % y).subs({x: 5, y: 3}) == 2

    # Float handling
    point3 = Float(3.3) % 1
    assert (x - 3.3) % 1 == Mod(1.*x + 1 - point3, 1)
    assert Mod(-3.3, 1) == 1 - point3
    assert Mod(0.7, 1) == Float(0.7)
    e = Mod(1.3, 1)
    point3 = Float._new(Float(.3)._mpf_, 51)
    assert e == point3 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(1.3, .7)
    point6 = Float._new(Float(.6)._mpf_, 51)
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(1.3, Rational(7, 10))
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(Rational(13, 10), 0.7)
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(Rational(13, 10), Rational(7, 10))
    assert e == .6 and e.is_Rational

    # check that sign is right
    r2 = sqrt(2)
    r3 = sqrt(3)
    for i in [-r3, -r2, r2, r3]:
        for j in [-r3, -r2, r2, r3]:
            assert test_numerically(i % j, i.n() % j.n())
    for _x in range(4):
        for _y in range(9):
            reps = [(x, _x), (y, _y)]
            assert Mod(3*x + y, 9).subs(reps) == (3*_x + _y) % 9

    # denesting
    #   easy case
    assert Mod(Mod(x, y), y) == Mod(x, y)
    #   in case someone attempts more denesting
    for i in [-3, -2, 2, 3]:
        for j in [-3, -2, 2, 3]:
            for k in range(3):
                # print i, j, k
                assert Mod(Mod(k, i), j) == (k % i) % j

    # known difference
    assert Mod(5*sqrt(2), sqrt(5)) == 5*sqrt(2) - 3*sqrt(5)
    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert Mod(p + 1, p + 3) == p + 1
    n = symbols('n', negative=True)
    assert Mod(n - 3, n - 1) == -2
    assert Mod(n - 2*p, n - p) == -p
    assert Mod(p - 2*n, p - n) == -n

    # handling sums
    assert (x + 3) % 1 == Mod(x, 1)
    assert (x + 3.0) % 1 == Mod(1.*x, 1)
    assert (x - S(33)/10) % 1 == Mod(x + S(7)/10, 1)
    assert str(Mod(.6*x + y, .3*y)) == str(Mod(0.1*y + 0.6*x, 0.3*y))
    assert (x + 1) % x == 1 % x
    assert (x + y) % x == y % x
    assert (x + y + 2) % x == (y + 2) % x
    assert (a + 3*x + 1) % (2*x) == Mod(a + x + 1, 2*x)
    assert (12*x + 18*y) % (3*x) == 3*Mod(6*y, x)

    # gcd extraction
    assert (-3*x) % (-2*y) == -Mod(3*x, 2*y)
    assert (.6*pi) % (.3*x*pi) == 0.3*pi*Mod(2, x)
    assert (.6*pi) % (.31*x*pi) == pi*Mod(0.6, 0.31*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.3*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.3*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.31*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.31*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.42*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.42*x)
    assert (12*x) % (2*y) == 2*Mod(6*x, y)
    assert (12*x) % (3*5*y) == 3*Mod(4*x, 5*y)
    assert (12*x) % (15*x*y) == 3*x*Mod(4, 5*y)
    assert (-2*pi) % (3*pi) == pi
    assert (2*x + 2) % (x + 1) == 0
    assert (x*(x + 1)) % (x + 1) == (x + 1)*Mod(x, 1)
    assert Mod(5.0*x, 0.1*y) == 0.1*Mod(50*x, y)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert (3*i*x) % (2*i*y) == i*Mod(3*x, 2*y)
    assert Mod(4*i, 4) == 0
Esempio n. 2
def test_mpf_norm():
    assert mpf_norm((1, 0, 1, 0), 10) == mpf('0')._mpf_
    assert Float._new((1, 0, 1, 0), 10)._mpf_ == mpf('0')._mpf_
Esempio n. 3
def test_Mod():
    assert Mod(x, 1).func is Mod
    assert pi % pi == S.Zero
    assert Mod(5, 3) == 2
    assert Mod(-5, 3) == 1
    assert Mod(5, -3) == -1
    assert Mod(-5, -3) == -2
    assert type(Mod(3.2, 2, evaluate=False)) == Mod
    assert 5 % x == Mod(5, x)
    assert x % 5 == Mod(x, 5)
    assert x % y == Mod(x, y)
    assert (x % y).subs({x: 5, y: 3}) == 2

    # Float handling
    point3 = Float(3.3) % 1
    assert (x - 3.3) % 1 == Mod(1.*x + 1 - point3, 1)
    assert Mod(-3.3, 1) == 1 - point3
    assert Mod(0.7, 1) == Float(0.7)
    e = Mod(1.3, 1)
    point3 = Float._new(Float(.3)._mpf_, 51)
    assert e == point3 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(1.3, .7)
    point6 = Float._new(Float(.6)._mpf_, 51)
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(1.3, Rational(7, 10))
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(Rational(13, 10), 0.7)
    assert e == point6 and e.is_Float
    e = Mod(Rational(13, 10), Rational(7, 10))
    assert e == .6 and e.is_Rational

    # check that sign is right
    r2 = sqrt(2)
    r3 = sqrt(3)
    for i in [-r3, -r2, r2, r3]:
        for j in [-r3, -r2, r2, r3]:
            assert test_numerically(i % j, i.n() % j.n())
    for _x in range(4):
        for _y in range(9):
            reps = [(x, _x), (y, _y)]
            assert Mod(3*x + y, 9).subs(reps) == (3*_x + _y) % 9

    # denesting
    #   easy case
    assert Mod(Mod(x, y), y) == Mod(x, y)
    #   in case someone attempts more denesting
    for i in [-3, -2, 2, 3]:
        for j in [-3, -2, 2, 3]:
            for k in range(3):
                # print i, j, k
                assert Mod(Mod(k, i), j) == (k % i) % j

    # known difference
    assert Mod(5*sqrt(2), sqrt(5)) == 5*sqrt(2) - 3*sqrt(5)
    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert Mod(p + 1, p + 3) == p + 1
    n = symbols('n', negative=True)
    assert Mod(n - 3, n - 1) == -2
    assert Mod(n - 2*p, n - p) == -p
    assert Mod(p - 2*n, p - n) == -n

    # handling sums
    assert (x + 3) % 1 == Mod(x, 1)
    assert (x + 3.0) % 1 == Mod(1.*x, 1)
    assert (x - S(33)/10) % 1 == Mod(x + S(7)/10, 1)
    assert str(Mod(.6*x + y, .3*y)) == str(Mod(0.1*y + 0.6*x, 0.3*y))
    assert (x + 1) % x == 1 % x
    assert (x + y) % x == y % x
    assert (x + y + 2) % x == (y + 2) % x
    assert (a + 3*x + 1) % (2*x) == Mod(a + x + 1, 2*x)
    assert (12*x + 18*y) % (3*x) == 3*Mod(6*y, x)

    # gcd extraction
    assert (-3*x) % (-2*y) == -Mod(3*x, 2*y)
    assert (.6*pi) % (.3*x*pi) == 0.3*pi*Mod(2, x)
    assert (.6*pi) % (.31*x*pi) == pi*Mod(0.6, 0.31*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.3*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.3*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.31*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.31*x)
    assert (6*pi) % (.42*x*pi) == pi*Mod(6, 0.42*x)
    assert (12*x) % (2*y) == 2*Mod(6*x, y)
    assert (12*x) % (3*5*y) == 3*Mod(4*x, 5*y)
    assert (12*x) % (15*x*y) == 3*x*Mod(4, 5*y)
    assert (-2*pi) % (3*pi) == pi
    assert (2*x + 2) % (x + 1) == 0
    assert (x*(x + 1)) % (x + 1) == (x + 1)*Mod(x, 1)
    assert Mod(5.0*x, 0.1*y) == 0.1*Mod(50*x, y)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert (3*i*x) % (2*i*y) == i*Mod(3*x, 2*y)
    assert Mod(4*i, 4) == 0