Esempio n. 1
def comm(A, B):
    return commutator(A, B)[A,B]=A.B-B.A.
    'A', 'B': sympy matrices of the same shape
    assert A.shape == B.shape, (f"A,B must have the same shape, but" +
                                f"A.shape={A.shape} != B.shape={B.shape}")
    return (MatMul(A, B) - MatMul(B, A))  #.as_mutable
Esempio n. 2
 def hadamard_or_mul(arg1, arg2):
     if arg1.shape == arg2.shape:
         return hadamard_product(arg1, arg2)
     elif arg1.shape[1] == arg2.shape[0]:
         return MatMul(arg1, arg2).doit()
     elif arg1.shape[0] == arg2.shape[0]:
         return MatMul(arg2.T, arg1).doit()
     raise NotImplementedError
Esempio n. 3
def test_lm_sym_expanded():
    m = Matrix([[0, x], [3.4 * y, 3 * x - 4.5 * y + z]])
    c = Matrix([[1.2, 0], [0, 1.2]])
    cx = MatMul(Matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 3.0]]), x)
    cy = MatMul(Matrix([[0.0, 0.0], [3.4, -4.5]]), y)
    cz = MatMul(Matrix([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]), z)
    cc = Matrix([[1.2, 0.0], [0.0, 1.2]])
    assert MatAdd(cx, cy, cz, cc) == lm_sym_expanded(m + c, [x, y, z])
    assert MatAdd(cx, cy, cz) == lm_sym_expanded(m, [x, y, z])
    assert cc == lm_sym_expanded(c, [x, y, z])
Esempio n. 4
def test_matrix_expression_from_index_summation():
    from import a, b, c, d
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", k, k)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", k, k)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", k, k)

    expr = Sum(W[a, b] * X[b, c] * Z[c, d], (b, 0, l - 1), (c, 0, m - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == W * X * Z
    expr = Sum(W.T[b, a] * X[b, c] * Z[c, d], (b, 0, l - 1), (c, 0, m - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == W * X * Z
    expr = Sum(A[b, a] * B[b, c] * C[c, d], (b, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixSymbol.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A.T * B * C
    expr = Sum(A[b, a] * B[c, b] * C[c, d], (b, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixSymbol.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A.T * B.T * C
    expr = Sum(C[c, d] * A[b, a] * B[c, b], (b, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixSymbol.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A.T * B.T * C
    expr = Sum(A[a, b] + B[a, b], (a, 0, k - 1), (b, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A + B
    expr = Sum((A[a, b] + B[a, b]) * C[b, c], (b, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == (A + B) * C
    expr = Sum((A[a, b] + B[b, a]) * C[b, c], (b, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == (A + B.T) * C
    expr = Sum(A[a, b] * A[b, c] * A[c, d], (b, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == MatMul(A, A, A)
    expr = Sum(A[a, b] * A[b, c] * B[c, d], (b, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == MatMul(A, A, B)

    # Parse the trace of a matrix:

    expr = Sum(A[a, a], (a, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, None) == trace(A)
    expr = Sum(A[a, a] * B[b, c] * C[c, d], (a, 0, k - 1), (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, b) == trace(A) * B * C

    # Check wrong sum ranges (should raise an exception):

    ## Case 1: 0 to m instead of 0 to m-1
    expr = Sum(W[a, b] * X[b, c] * Z[c, d], (b, 0, l - 1), (c, 0, m))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a))
    ## Case 2: 1 to m-1 instead of 0 to m-1
    expr = Sum(W[a, b] * X[b, c] * Z[c, d], (b, 0, l - 1), (c, 1, m - 1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a))

    # Parse nested sums:
    expr = Sum(A[a, b] * Sum(B[b, c] * C[c, d], (c, 0, k - 1)), (b, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A * B * C

    # Test Kronecker delta:
    expr = Sum(A[a, b] * KroneckerDelta(b, c) * B[c, d], (b, 0, k - 1),
               (c, 0, k - 1))
    assert MatrixExpr.from_index_summation(expr, a) == A * B
Esempio n. 5
def refine_MatMul(expr, assumptions):
    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, Q, assuming, refine
    >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    >>> expr = X * X.T
    >>> print(expr)
    >>> with assuming(Q.orthogonal(X)):
    ...     print(refine(expr))
    newargs = []
    exprargs = []

    for args in expr.args:
        if args.is_Matrix:

    last = exprargs[0]
    for arg in exprargs[1:]:
        if arg == last.T and ask(Q.orthogonal(arg), assumptions):
            last = Identity(arg.shape[0])
        elif arg == last.conjugate() and ask(Q.unitary(arg), assumptions):
            last = Identity(arg.shape[0])
            last = arg

    return MatMul(*newargs)
Esempio n. 6
def wavelet_filter_to_matrix_form(lifting_filter_parameters):
    Convert a :py:class:`vc2_data_tables.LiftingFilterParameters` filter
    specification into :math:`z`-domain matrix form.
    matrix = None

    for stage in lifting_filter_parameters.stages:
        stage_type, z_transform = lifting_stage_to_z_transform(stage)
        if stage_type is StageType.update:
            this_matrix = Matrix([
                [1, z_transform],
                [0, 1],
        elif stage_type is StageType.predict:
            this_matrix = Matrix([
                [1, 0],
                [z_transform, 1],

        if matrix is None:
            matrix = this_matrix
            matrix = MatMul(this_matrix, matrix)

    assert matrix is not None

    return matrix
Esempio n. 7
def test_linalg_placeholder_multiple_mul():
        MatMul(Matrix([[3, -1]]), Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), Matrix([1, 2])), {
            'M': Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
            'v': Matrix([1, 2])
Esempio n. 8
    def doit(self, **hints):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy import Transpose, Mul, MatMul
        from sympy import MatrixBase, eye

        vector = self._vector
        # This accounts for shape (1, 1) and identity matrices, among others:
        if ask(Q.diagonal(vector)):
            return vector
        if isinstance(vector, MatrixBase):
            ret = eye(max(vector.shape))
            for i in range(ret.shape[0]):
                ret[i, i] = vector[i]
            return type(vector)(ret)
        if vector.is_MatMul:
            matrices = [arg for arg in vector.args if arg.is_Matrix]
            scalars = [arg for arg in vector.args if arg not in matrices]
            if scalars:
                return (
                    * DiagMatrix(MatMul.fromiter(matrices).doit()).doit()
        if isinstance(vector, Transpose):
            vector = vector.arg
        return DiagMatrix(vector)
Esempio n. 9
def _a2m_mul(*args):
    if not any(isinstance(i, _CodegenArrayAbstract) for i in args):
        from sympy.matrices.expressions.matmul import MatMul
        return MatMul(*args).doit()
        return _array_contraction(
            *[(2 * i - 1, 2 * i) for i in range(1, len(args))])
Esempio n. 10
def _a2m_mul(*args):
    if all(not isinstance(i, _CodegenArrayAbstract) for i in args):
        from sympy import MatMul
        return MatMul(*args).doit()
        return ArrayContraction(
            *[(2 * i - 1, 2 * i) for i in range(1, len(args))])
Esempio n. 11
def convert_matrix_to_array(expr: MatrixExpr) -> Basic:
    if isinstance(expr, MatMul):
        args_nonmat = []
        args = []
        for arg in expr.args:
            if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
        contractions = [(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2) for i in range(len(args) - 1)]
        scalar = ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(
            args_nonmat) if args_nonmat else S.One
        if scalar == 1:
            tprod = ArrayTensorProduct(
                *[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in args])
            tprod = ArrayTensorProduct(
                scalar, *[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in args])
        return ArrayContraction(tprod, *contractions)
    elif isinstance(expr, MatAdd):
        return ArrayAdd(*[convert_matrix_to_array(arg) for arg in expr.args])
    elif isinstance(expr, Transpose):
        return PermuteDims(convert_matrix_to_array(expr.args[0]), [1, 0])
    elif isinstance(expr, Trace):
        inner_expr = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.arg)
        return ArrayContraction(inner_expr, (0, len(inner_expr.shape) - 1))
    elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
        return ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(
            convert_matrix_to_array(i) for i in expr.args)
    elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
        base = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.base)
        if (expr.exp > 0) == True:
            return ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(base for i in range(expr.exp))
            return expr
    elif isinstance(expr, MatPow):
        base = convert_matrix_to_array(expr.base)
        if expr.exp.is_Integer != True:
            b = symbols("b", cls=Dummy)
            return ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(Lambda(b, b**expr.exp),
        elif (expr.exp > 0) == True:
            return convert_matrix_to_array(
                MatMul.fromiter(base for i in range(expr.exp)))
            return expr
    elif isinstance(expr, HadamardProduct):
        tp = ArrayTensorProduct.fromiter(expr.args)
        diag = [[2 * i for i in range(len(expr.args))],
                [2 * i + 1 for i in range(len(expr.args))]]
        return ArrayDiagonal(tp, *diag)
    elif isinstance(expr, HadamardPower):
        base, exp = expr.args
        return convert_matrix_to_array(
            HadamardProduct.fromiter(base for i in range(exp)))
        return expr
Esempio n. 12
 def doit(self, **kwargs):
     deep = kwargs.get('deep', False)
     if deep:
         args = [arg.doit(**kwargs) for arg in self.args]
         args = self.args
     # treat scalar*MatrixSymbol or scalar*MatPow separately
     expr = canonicalize(MatMul(*args))
     return expr
def _cyclic_permute(expr):
    if expr.is_Trace and expr.arg.is_MatMul:
        prods = expr.arg.args
        newprods = [prods[-1], *prods[:-1]]
        return Trace(MatMul(*newprods))
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Only know how to cyclic permute products inside traces!")
Esempio n. 14
	def new_MM(self):
		m, n, k, self.tag = self.__choose_problem_type__()
		self.A = self.random_integer_matrix( m, k )
		self.x = self.random_integer_matrix( k, n )
		self.answer = self.A * self.x
		return Math( "$$" + latex( MatMul( self.A, self.x ), mat_str = "matrix" ) + "=" + "?" + "$$" )
Esempio n. 15
	def new_problem(self):

		m = self.random_integer( 3, 4 )
		n = self.random_integer( 2, 3 )

		self.A = self.random_integer_matrix( m, n )
		self.x = self.random_integer_matrix( n, 1 )
		self.answer = self.A * self.x

		return Math( "$$" + latex( MatMul( self.A, self.x ), mat_str = "matrix" ) + "=" + "?" + "$$" )
def test_wavelet_filter_to_matrix_form():
    assert wavelet_filter_to_matrix_form(
    ) == MatMul(
            [1, 0],
            [1, 1],
            [1, -Rational(1, 2)],
            [0, 1],
Esempio n. 17
def lm_sym_expanded(linear_matrix, variables):
    """Return matrix in the form of sum of coefficent matrices times varibles.
    if S(linear_matrix).free_symbols & set(variables):
        coeffs, const = lm_sym_to_coeffs(linear_matrix, variables)
        terms = []
        for i, v in enumerate(variables):
            terms.append(MatMul(ImmutableMatrix(coeffs[i]), v))
        if const.any():
        return MatAdd(*terms)
        return linear_matrix
Esempio n. 18
def sc_ode_to_matrix(sc_ode, op_func_map, t):
    Convert a set of semiclassical equations of motion to matrix form.
    ops = operator_sort_by_order(sc_ode.keys())
    A = Matrix([op_func_map[op] for op in ops])
    subs = [(op_func_map[op], Symbol(op_func_map[op].name)) for op in ops]
    eqns = [sc_ode[op].rhs.subs(subs) for op in ops]
    M, C = linear_eq_to_matrix(eqns, list(zip(*subs))[1])
    A_eq = Eq(-Derivative(A, t),
              Add(-C, MatMul(M, A), evaluate=False),
    return A_eq, A, M, -C
def test_convert_between_synthesis_and_analysis():
    # The Daubechies 9 7 wavelet is used here because it uses one of every type
    # of lifting operation.
    synth_params = tables.LIFTING_FILTERS[tables.WaveletFilters.daubechies_9_7]
    analy_params = convert_between_synthesis_and_analysis(synth_params)
    synth_matrix = wavelet_filter_to_matrix_form(synth_params)
    analy_matrix = wavelet_filter_to_matrix_form(analy_params)
    # If the generated analysis filter matches the synthesis filter, the
    # combined matrices should reduce to an identity.
    assert simplify(MatMul(synth_matrix, analy_matrix).doit()) == Matrix([
        [1, 0],
        [0, 1],
Esempio n. 20
 def doit(self, **hints):
     from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
     from sympy import Transpose, Mul, MatMul
     vector = self._vector
     # This accounts for shape (1, 1) and identity matrices, among others:
     if ask(Q.diagonal(vector)):
         return vector
     if vector.is_MatMul:
         matrices = [arg for arg in vector.args if arg.is_Matrix]
         scalars = [arg for arg in vector.args if arg not in matrices]
         if scalars:
             return Mul.fromiter(scalars)*DiagonalizeVector(MatMul.fromiter(matrices).doit()).doit()
     if isinstance(vector, Transpose):
         vector = vector.arg
     return DiagonalizeVector(vector)
Esempio n. 21
def _find_trivial_matrices_rewrite(expr: ArrayTensorProduct):
    # If there are matrices of trivial shape in the tensor product (i.e. shape
    # (1, 1)), try to check if there is a suitable non-trivial MatMul where the
    # expression can be inserted.

    # For example, if "a" has shape (1, 1) and "b" has shape (k, 1), the
    # expressions "_array_tensor_product(a, b*b.T)" can be rewritten as
    # "b*a*b.T"

    trivial_matrices = []
    pos: Optional[int] = None
    first: Optional[MatrixExpr] = None
    second: Optional[MatrixExpr] = None
    removed: List[int] = []
    counter: int = 0
    args: List[Optional[Basic]] = [i for i in expr.args]
    for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
        if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
            if arg.shape == (1, 1):
                args[i] = None
                removed.extend([counter, counter + 1])
            elif pos is None and isinstance(arg, MatMul):
                margs = arg.args
                for j, e in enumerate(margs):
                    if isinstance(e, MatrixExpr) and e.shape[1] == 1:
                        pos = i
                        first = MatMul.fromiter(margs[:j + 1])
                        second = MatMul.fromiter(margs[j + 1:])
        counter += get_rank(arg)
    if pos is None:
        return expr, []
    args[pos] = (first * MatMul.fromiter(i for i in trivial_matrices) *
    return _array_tensor_product(*[i for i in args if i is not None]), removed
Esempio n. 22
def only_squares(*matrices):
    """factor matrices only if they are square"""
    if matrices[0].shape[-2] != matrices[-1].shape[-1]:
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid matrices being multiplied")
    out = []
    start = 0
    for i, M in enumerate(matrices):
        if M.shape[-1] == matrices[start].shape[-2]:
            args = matrices[start:i + 1]
            if len(args) == 1:
                mat = args[0]
                mat = MatMul(*args).doit()
            start = i + 1
    return out
Esempio n. 23
def semi_classical_eqm_matrix_form(sc_eqm):
    Convert a set of semiclassical equations of motion to matrix form.
    ops = operator_sort_by_order(sc_eqm.op_func_map.keys())
    As = [sc_eqm.op_func_map[op] for op in ops]
    A = Matrix(As)
    b = Matrix([[sc_eqm.sc_ode[op].rhs.subs({A: 0
                                             for A in As})] for op in ops])

    M = Matrix([[((sc_eqm.sc_ode[op1].rhs - b[m]).subs(
        {A: 0
         for A in (set(As) - set([sc_eqm.op_func_map[op2]]))}) /
                 for m, op1 in enumerate(ops)] for n, op2 in enumerate(ops)]).T

    return Equality(-Derivative(A, sc_eqm.t), b + MatMul(M, A)), A, M, b
 def repl(x):
     pre, post = [], []
     sawAdd = False
     for arg in x.args:
         if arg.is_MatAdd:
             sawAdd = True
             add = arg
         if not sawAdd:
     # ugly hack here because I can't figure out how to not end up
     # with nested parens that break other things
     addends = [[*addend.args] if addend.is_MatMul else [addend]
                for addend in add.args]
     return MatAdd(*[MatMul(*[*pre, *addend, *post]) for addend in addends])
Esempio n. 25
 def _normalize(self):
     # Normalization of trace of matrix products. Use transposition and
     # cyclic properties of traces to make sure the arguments of the matrix
     # product are sorted and the first argument is not a trasposition.
     from sympy import MatMul, Transpose, default_sort_key
     trace_arg = self.arg
     if isinstance(trace_arg, MatMul):
         indmin = min(range(len(trace_arg.args)),
                      key=lambda x: default_sort_key(trace_arg.args[x]))
         if isinstance(trace_arg.args[indmin], Transpose):
             trace_arg = Transpose(trace_arg).doit()
             indmin = min(range(len(trace_arg.args)),
                          key=lambda x: default_sort_key(trace_arg.args[x]))
         trace_arg = MatMul.fromiter(trace_arg.args[indmin:] +
         return Trace(trace_arg)
     return self
Esempio n. 26
def merge_explicit(matmul):
    """ Merge explicit MatrixBase arguments

    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, eye, Matrix, MatMul, pprint
    >>> from sympy.matrices.expressions.matmul import merge_explicit
    >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2)
    >>> B = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
    >>> C = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    >>> X = MatMul(A, B, C)
    >>> pprint(X)
      [1  1] [1  2]
    A*[    ]*[    ]
      [1  1] [3  4]
    >>> pprint(merge_explicit(X))
      [4  6]
    A*[    ]
      [4  6]

    >>> X = MatMul(B, A, C)
    >>> pprint(X)
    [1  1]   [1  2]
    [    ]*A*[    ]
    [1  1]   [3  4]
    >>> pprint(merge_explicit(X))
    [1  1]   [1  2]
    [    ]*A*[    ]
    [1  1]   [3  4]
    if not any(isinstance(arg, MatrixBase) for arg in matmul.args):
        return matmul
    newargs = []
    last = matmul.args[0]
    for arg in matmul.args[1:]:
        if isinstance(arg, (MatrixBase, Number)) and isinstance(
                last, (MatrixBase, Number)):
            last = last * arg
            last = arg

    return MatMul(*newargs)
Esempio n. 27
 def recurse_expr(expr, index_ranges={}):
     if expr.is_Mul:
         nonmatargs = []
         pos_arg = []
         pos_ind = []
         dlinks = {}
         link_ind = []
         counter = 0
         args_ind = []
         for arg in expr.args:
             retvals = recurse_expr(arg, index_ranges)
             assert isinstance(retvals, list)
             if isinstance(retvals, list):
                 for i in retvals:
         for arg_symbol, arg_indices in args_ind:
             if arg_indices is None:
             if isinstance(arg_symbol, MatrixElement):
                 arg_symbol = arg_symbol.args[0]
             for i, ind in enumerate(arg_indices):
                 if ind in dlinks:
                     other_i = dlinks[ind]
                     link_ind[counter][i] = other_i
                     link_ind[other_i[0]][other_i[1]] = (counter, i)
                 dlinks[ind] = (counter, i)
             counter += 1
         counter2 = 0
         lines = {}
         while counter2 < len(link_ind):
             for i, e in enumerate(link_ind):
                 if None in e:
                     line_start_index = (i, e.index(None))
             cur_ind_pos = line_start_index
             cur_line = []
             index1 = pos_ind[cur_ind_pos[0]][cur_ind_pos[1]]
             while True:
                 d, r = cur_ind_pos
                 if pos_arg[d] != 1:
                     if r % 2 == 1:
                 next_ind_pos = link_ind[d][1-r]
                 counter2 += 1
                 # Mark as visited, there will be no `None` anymore:
                 link_ind[d] = (-1, -1)
                 if next_ind_pos is None:
                     index2 = pos_ind[d][1-r]
                     lines[(index1, index2)] = cur_line
                 cur_ind_pos = next_ind_pos
         ret_indices = list(j for i in lines for j in i)
         lines = {k: MatMul.fromiter(v) if len(v) != 1 else v[0] for k, v in lines.items()}
         return [(Mul.fromiter(nonmatargs), None)] + [
             (MatrixElement(a, i, j), (i, j)) for (i, j), a in lines.items()
     elif expr.is_Add:
         res = [recurse_expr(i) for i in expr.args]
         d = collections.defaultdict(list)
         for res_addend in res:
             scalar = 1
             for elem, indices in res_addend:
                 if indices is None:
                     scalar = elem
                 indices = tuple(sorted(indices, key=default_sort_key))
                 d[indices].append(scalar*remove_matelement(elem, *indices))
                 scalar = 1
         return [(MatrixElement(Add.fromiter(v), *k), k) for k, v in d.items()]
     elif isinstance(expr, KroneckerDelta):
         i1, i2 = expr.args
         if dimensions is not None:
             identity = Identity(dimensions[0])
             identity = S.One
         return [(MatrixElement(identity, i1, i2), (i1, i2))]
     elif isinstance(expr, MatrixElement):
         matrix_symbol, i1, i2 = expr.args
         if i1 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i1]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[0] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[0]))
         if i2 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i2]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[1] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[1]))
         if (i1 == i2) and (i1 in index_ranges):
             return [(trace(matrix_symbol), None)]
         return [(MatrixElement(matrix_symbol, i1, i2), (i1, i2))]
     elif isinstance(expr, Sum):
         return recurse_expr(
             index_ranges={i[0]: i[1:] for i in expr.args[1:]}
         return [(expr, None)]
Esempio n. 28
def test_matrix_derivatives_of_traces():

    expr = Trace(A) * A
    assert expr.diff(A) == Derivative(Trace(A) * A, A)
    assert expr[i, j].diff(
        A[m, n]).doit() == (KDelta(i, m) * KDelta(j, n) * Trace(A) +
                            KDelta(m, n) * A[i, j])

    ## First order:

    # Cookbook example 99:
    expr = Trace(X)
    assert expr.diff(X) == Identity(k)
    assert expr.rewrite(Sum).diff(X[m, n]).doit() == KDelta(m, n)

    # Cookbook example 100:
    expr = Trace(X * A)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A.T
    assert expr.rewrite(Sum).diff(X[m, n]).doit() == A[n, m]

    # Cookbook example 101:
    expr = Trace(A * X * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A.T * B.T
    assert expr.rewrite(Sum).diff(X[m, n]).doit().dummy_eq((A.T * B.T)[m, n])

    # Cookbook example 102:
    expr = Trace(A * X.T * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * A

    # Cookbook example 103:
    expr = Trace(X.T * A)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A

    # Cookbook example 104:
    expr = Trace(A * X.T)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A

    # Cookbook example 105:
    # TODO: TensorProduct is not supported
    #expr = Trace(TensorProduct(A, X))
    #assert expr.diff(X) == Trace(A)*Identity(k)

    ## Second order:

    # Cookbook example 106:
    expr = Trace(X**2)
    assert expr.diff(X) == 2 * X.T

    # Cookbook example 107:
    expr = Trace(X**2 * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == (X * B + B * X).T
    expr = Trace(MatMul(X, X, B))
    assert expr.diff(X) == (X * B + B * X).T

    # Cookbook example 108:
    expr = Trace(X.T * B * X)
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * X + B.T * X

    # Cookbook example 109:
    expr = Trace(B * X * X.T)
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * X + B.T * X

    # Cookbook example 110:
    expr = Trace(X * X.T * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * X + B.T * X

    # Cookbook example 111:
    expr = Trace(X * B * X.T)
    assert expr.diff(X) == X * B.T + X * B

    # Cookbook example 112:
    expr = Trace(B * X.T * X)
    assert expr.diff(X) == X * B.T + X * B

    # Cookbook example 113:
    expr = Trace(X.T * X * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == X * B.T + X * B

    # Cookbook example 114:
    expr = Trace(A * X * B * X)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A.T * X.T * B.T + B.T * X.T * A.T

    # Cookbook example 115:
    expr = Trace(X.T * X)
    assert expr.diff(X) == 2 * X
    expr = Trace(X * X.T)
    assert expr.diff(X) == 2 * X

    # Cookbook example 116:
    expr = Trace(B.T * X.T * C * X * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == C.T * X * B * B.T + C * X * B * B.T

    # Cookbook example 117:
    expr = Trace(X.T * B * X * C)
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * X * C + B.T * X * C.T

    # Cookbook example 118:
    expr = Trace(A * X * B * X.T * C)
    assert expr.diff(X) == A.T * C.T * X * B.T + C * A * X * B

    # Cookbook example 119:
    expr = Trace((A * X * B + C) * (A * X * B + C).T)
    assert expr.diff(X) == 2 * A.T * (A * X * B + C) * B.T

    # Cookbook example 120:
    # TODO: no support for TensorProduct.
    # expr = Trace(TensorProduct(X, X))
    # expr = Trace(X)*Trace(X)
    # expr.diff(X) == 2*Trace(X)*Identity(k)

    # Higher Order

    # Cookbook example 121:
    expr = Trace(X**k)
    #assert expr.diff(X) == k*(X**(k-1)).T

    # Cookbook example 122:
    expr = Trace(A * X**k)
    #assert expr.diff(X) == # Needs indices

    # Cookbook example 123:
    expr = Trace(B.T * X.T * C * X * X.T * C * X * B)
    assert expr.diff(
    ) == C * X * X.T * C * X * B * B.T + C.T * X * B * B.T * X.T * C.T * X + C * X * B * B.T * X.T * C * X + C.T * X * X.T * C.T * X * B * B.T

    # Other

    # Cookbook example 124:
    expr = Trace(A * X**(-1) * B)
    assert expr.diff(X) == -Inverse(X).T * A.T * B.T * Inverse(X).T

    # Cookbook example 125:
    expr = Trace(Inverse(X.T * C * X) * A)
    # Warning: result in the cookbook is equivalent if B and C are symmetric:
    assert expr.diff(X) == -X.inv().T * A.T * X.inv() * C.inv().T * X.inv(
    ).T - X.inv().T * A * X.inv() * C.inv() * X.inv().T

    # Cookbook example 126:
    expr = Trace((X.T * C * X).inv() * (X.T * B * X))
    assert expr.diff(X) == -2 * C * X * (X.T * C * X).inv() * X.T * B * X * (
        X.T * C * X).inv() + 2 * B * X * (X.T * C * X).inv()

    # Cookbook example 127:
    expr = Trace((A + X.T * C * X).inv() * (X.T * B * X))
    # Warning: result in the cookbook is equivalent if B and C are symmetric:
    assert expr.diff(X) == B * X * Inverse(A + X.T * C * X) - C * X * Inverse(
        A + X.T * C *
        X) * X.T * B * X * Inverse(A + X.T * C * X) - C.T * X * Inverse(
            A.T + (C * X).T * X) * X.T * B.T * X * Inverse(
                A.T + (C * X).T * X) + B.T * X * Inverse(A.T + (C * X).T * X)
 def __neg__(self):
     return MatMul(S.NegativeOne, self).doit()
 def recurse_expr(expr, index_ranges={}):
     if expr.is_Mul:
         nonmatargs = []
         pos_arg = []
         pos_ind = []
         dlinks = {}
         link_ind = []
         counter = 0
         args_ind = []
         for arg in expr.args:
             retvals = recurse_expr(arg, index_ranges)
             assert isinstance(retvals, list)
             if isinstance(retvals, list):
                 for i in retvals:
         for arg_symbol, arg_indices in args_ind:
             if arg_indices is None:
             if isinstance(arg_symbol, MatrixElement):
                 arg_symbol = arg_symbol.args[0]
             for i, ind in enumerate(arg_indices):
                 if ind in dlinks:
                     other_i = dlinks[ind]
                     link_ind[counter][i] = other_i
                     link_ind[other_i[0]][other_i[1]] = (counter, i)
                 dlinks[ind] = (counter, i)
             counter += 1
         counter2 = 0
         lines = {}
         while counter2 < len(link_ind):
             for i, e in enumerate(link_ind):
                 if None in e:
                     line_start_index = (i, e.index(None))
             cur_ind_pos = line_start_index
             cur_line = []
             index1 = pos_ind[cur_ind_pos[0]][cur_ind_pos[1]]
             while True:
                 d, r = cur_ind_pos
                 if pos_arg[d] != 1:
                     if r % 2 == 1:
                 next_ind_pos = link_ind[d][1-r]
                 counter2 += 1
                 # Mark as visited, there will be no `None` anymore:
                 link_ind[d] = (-1, -1)
                 if next_ind_pos is None:
                     index2 = pos_ind[d][1-r]
                     lines[(index1, index2)] = cur_line
                 cur_ind_pos = next_ind_pos
         ret_indices = list(j for i in lines for j in i)
         lines = {k: MatMul.fromiter(v) if len(v) != 1 else v[0] for k, v in lines.items()}
         return [(Mul.fromiter(nonmatargs), None)] + [
             (MatrixElement(a, i, j), (i, j)) for (i, j), a in lines.items()
     elif expr.is_Add:
         res = [recurse_expr(i) for i in expr.args]
         d = collections.defaultdict(list)
         for res_addend in res:
             scalar = 1
             for elem, indices in res_addend:
                 if indices is None:
                     scalar = elem
                 indices = tuple(sorted(indices, key=default_sort_key))
                 d[indices].append(scalar*remove_matelement(elem, *indices))
                 scalar = 1
         return [(MatrixElement(Add.fromiter(v), *k), k) for k, v in d.items()]
     elif isinstance(expr, KroneckerDelta):
         i1, i2 = expr.args
         if dimensions is not None:
             identity = Identity(dimensions[0])
             identity = S.One
         return [(MatrixElement(identity, i1, i2), (i1, i2))]
     elif isinstance(expr, MatrixElement):
         matrix_symbol, i1, i2 = expr.args
         if i1 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i1]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[0] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[0]))
         if i2 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i2]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[1] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[1]))
         if (i1 == i2) and (i1 in index_ranges):
             return [(trace(matrix_symbol), None)]
         return [(MatrixElement(matrix_symbol, i1, i2), (i1, i2))]
     elif isinstance(expr, Sum):
         return recurse_expr(
             index_ranges={i[0]: i[1:] for i in expr.args[1:]}
         return [(expr, None)]
 def as_coeff_mmul(self):
     return 1, MatMul(self)
Esempio n. 32
 def recurse_expr(expr, index_ranges={}):
     if expr.is_Mul:
         nonmatargs = []
         matargs = []
         pos_arg = []
         pos_ind = []
         dlinks = {}
         link_ind = []
         counter = 0
         for arg in expr.args:
             arg_symbol, arg_indices = recurse_expr(arg, index_ranges)
             if arg_indices is None:
             i1, i2 = arg_indices
             link_ind.extend([None, None])
             if i1 in dlinks:
                 other_i1 = dlinks[i1]
                 link_ind[2*counter] = other_i1
                 link_ind[other_i1] = 2*counter
             if i2 in dlinks:
                 other_i2 = dlinks[i2]
                 link_ind[2*counter + 1] = other_i2
                 link_ind[other_i2] = 2*counter + 1
             dlinks[i1] = 2*counter
             dlinks[i2] = 2*counter + 1
             counter += 1
         cur_ind_pos = link_ind.index(None)
         first_index = pos_ind[cur_ind_pos]
         while True:
             d = cur_ind_pos // 2
             r = cur_ind_pos % 2
             if r == 1:
             next_ind_pos = link_ind[2*d + 1 - r]
             if next_ind_pos is None:
                 last_index = pos_ind[2*d + 1 - r]
             cur_ind_pos = next_ind_pos
         return Mul.fromiter(nonmatargs)*MatMul.fromiter(matargs), (first_index, last_index)
     elif expr.is_Add:
         res = [recurse_expr(i) for i in expr.args]
         res = [
             ((transpose(i), (j[1], j[0]))
                 if default_sort_key(j[0]) > default_sort_key(j[1])
             else (i, j))
             for (i, j) in res
         addends, last_indices = zip(*res)
         last_indices = list(set(last_indices))
         if len(last_indices) > 1:
             raise ValueError("incompatible summation")
         return MatAdd.fromiter(addends), last_indices[0]
     elif isinstance(expr, KroneckerDelta):
         i1, i2 = expr.args
         return S.One, (i1, i2)
     elif isinstance(expr, MatrixElement):
         matrix_symbol, i1, i2 = expr.args
         if i1 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i1]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[0] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[0]))
         if i2 in index_ranges:
             r1, r2 = index_ranges[i2]
             if r1 != 0 or matrix_symbol.shape[1] != r2+1:
                 raise ValueError("index range mismatch: {0} vs. (0, {1})".format(
                     (r1, r2), matrix_symbol.shape[1]))
         if (i1 == i2) and (i1 in index_ranges):
             return trace(matrix_symbol), None
         return matrix_symbol, (i1, i2)
     elif isinstance(expr, Sum):
         return recurse_expr(
             index_ranges={i[0]: i[1:] for i in expr.args[1:]}
         return expr, None