Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: mvtea/sgl
class Metric(object):
    Abstract metric object.
    Metrics are numpy arrays of callable functions representing each components
    of a metric tensor.

    coords: iterable
        List of Symbols denoting the coordinates used for argument
    matrix: Matrix | ndarray | list | tuple
        Matrix representing representing the components of the metric.
    *args: Symbols
        Symbols representing additional dependencies of the metric.

    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> from sympy import symbols, trace
    >>> from gravispy.geom.metric import Schwarzschild

    >>> t, r, th, ph, M = symbols('t r theta phi M', real=True)
    >>> S = Schwarzschild([t, r, th, ph], M, timelike=True)

    >>> S.as_Matrix()
    [-2*M/r + 1,              0,     0,                   0],
    [         0,-1/(-2*M/r + 1),     0,                   0],
    [         0,              0, -r**2,                   0],
    [         0,              0,     0, -r**2*sin(theta)**2]])

    >>> S.args
    (r, theta, M)
    >>> S(10, pi/2, 1)
    array([[ 0.8 , 0.    , 0.    , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , -1.25 , 0.    , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , 0.    , -100. , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , 0.    , 0.    , -100. ]])
    >>> S[0,0](10, pi/2, 1)
    >>> S(10, pi/2, 1)[1,1]

    >>> S.set_conditions((M, 1))
    >>> S.as_Matrix()
    [-2/r + 1,              0,     0,                   0],
    [         0,-1/(-2/r + 1),     0,                   0],
    [         0,            0, -r**2,                   0],
    [         0,            0,     0, -r**2*sin(theta)**2]])
    >>> S.args
    (r, theta)
    >>> S.vars
    {'M': 1}

    >>> S.set_conditions((th, pi/2))
    >>> S.as_Matrix()
    [-2/r + 1,              0, 0,         0],
    [         0,-1/(-2/r + 1), 0,         0],
    [         0,            0, 0,         0],
    [         0,            0, 0, -1.0*r**2]])
    >>> S.args
    >>> S.coords
    {'t': t, 'r': r, 'theta': 1.5707963267948966, 'phi': phi}

    >>> S.conditions
    {'M': 1, 'theta': 1.5707963267948966}
    >>> S(20) # only requires one argument under these conditions.
    array([[ 0.9 , 0.         , 0. , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , -1.11111111, 0. , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , 0.         , 0. , 0.    ],
           [ 0.  , 0.         , 0. , -400. ]])

    >>> S.applyfunc(trace)
    -1.0*r**2 + 1 - 1/(1 - 2/r) - 2/r

    >>> Si = S.inv()
    >>> Si.as_Matrix()
    [1/(2/r + 1),       0, 0,         0],
    [          0,-1 + 2/r, 0,         0],
    [          0,       0, 0,         0],
    [          0,       0, 0, -1.0/r**2]])
    >>> Si.conditions
    {'M': 1, 'theta': 1.5707963267948966}
    def __init__(self, coords, matrix, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__args = args
        self.__kwargs = kwargs
        self._inv_method = self.__kwargs.get('inv_method', None)
        self._lambdify_modules = self.__kwargs.get('lambdify_modules', None)

        self.is_metric = True
        self.is_spacetime = False
        self._A = Matrix(matrix)

        if not self._A.is_square:
            raise ValueError('Matrix must be square.')
        if not all(map(isinstance, coords, len(coords) * [Symbol])):
            raise TypeError('coordinates must be Symbols')

        self.shape = self._A.shape
        self.dims = self.shape[0]
        # the basis remains constant
        self.basis = tuple(coords)
        # coordinates are used as arguments to lambdified metric compononents.
        # self._coords is subject to change depending on conditions
        # set by the user.
        self._coords = self.basis
        # variables are used as arguments to lambdified metric compononents.
        # self._vars is subject to change depending on conditions
        # set by the user.
        self._vars = tuple(v for v in self.__args if isinstance(v, Symbol))
        # self.coords and self.vars are the canonical representation for the
        # metric arguments. they retain their initial values as keys to the
        # dictionary but their values are subject to change based on conditions
        # set by the user.
        self.coords = dict(zip(map(str, self._coords), self._coords))
        self.vars = dict(zip(map(str, self._vars), self._vars))
        # self.args is the tuple representing what will be used in lambdified
        # metric components. their order is to remain constant but elements may
        # be removed by conditions.
        coord_args = (x for x in self._coords if x in self._A.free_symbols)
        var_args = (v for v in self._vars if v in self._A.free_symbols)
        self.args = tuple(coord_args) + tuple(var_args)

        if len(self.basis) is not self.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('coordinates do not match metric dimensions')
        elif len(self.args) < len(self._A.free_symbols):
            raise ValueError('coordinates and variables given do not '\
                             'sufficiently describe the metric')

        self.conditions = self.__kwargs.get('conditions', {})
        self.assumptions = {
            'spherical': False,
            'axial': False,
            'static': False,

        self._T = None
        self._I = None
        self._Agenerator = None
        self._Tgenerator = None
        self._Igenerator = None


    def _set_generators(self):
        self._T = self._A.T
        # the reduced metric is a nonsingular version of the metric.
        # singular metrics may arise from conditions set by the user.
        reduced_metric = self._A.copy()
        zero_idxs = [
            idx for idx in range(reduced_metric.rows)
            if (reduced_metric.row(idx).is_zero
                and reduced_metric.col(idx).is_zero)
        for offset, idx in enumerate(zero_idxs):
            reduced_metric.row_del(idx - offset)
            reduced_metric.col_del(idx - offset)
        self._I = reduced_metric.inv(method=self._inv_method)
        for idx in zero_idxs:
            # replace the missing row and column.
            self._I = self._I.col_insert(idx, zeros(self._I.shape[0], 1))\
                             .row_insert(idx, zeros(1, self._I.shape[1]+1))
        self._Agenerator = lambdify(self.args,
        self._Tgenerator = lambdify(self.args,
        self._Igenerator = lambdify(self.args,

    def A(self, *args):
        return self._Agenerator(*args)

    def T(self, *args):
        return self._Tgenerator(*args)

    def I(self, *args):
        return self._Igenerator(*args)

    def as_Matrix(self):
        return self._A.copy()

    def as_ndarray(self):
        return np.asarray(self._A)

    def applyfunc(self,
        res = self._A.__getattribute__(func.__name__)(*args, **kwargs)
        if not isinstance(res, Matrix) or not return_metric:
            return res
            return Metric(self.basis,

    def inv(self):
        return Metric(self.basis,

    def transpose(self):
        return Metric(self.basis,

    def set_conditions(self, *args):
        if (not all(map(isinstance, args,
                        len(args) * [tuple]))
                or any([len(arg) is not 2 for arg in args])):
            raise TypeError('arguments must be tuples of length 2')
        if not all(
                map(lambda a: isinstance(a[1], (int, float)) or a[1].is_number,
            raise ValueError('conditionals must be constants')

        sub_dict = dict(args)
        self._A = self._A.subs(sub_dict)

        coords_selector = [coord in sub_dict.keys() for coord in self._coords]
        vars_selector = [var in sub_dict.keys() for var in self._vars]
        coord_keys = tuple(it.compress(self._coords, coords_selector))
        var_keys = tuple(it.compress(self._vars, vars_selector))

        for idx in range(len(self._coords)):
            if coords_selector[idx]:
                # replace the metric column and row of the coordinate
                # with 0 since the coordinate's differential is 0
                self._A = self._A.col_insert(idx, zeros(self._A.shape[0], 1))\
                                 .row_insert(idx, zeros(1, self._A.shape[1]+1))

                zip(map(str, coord_keys),
                    [sub_dict[key] for key in coord_keys])))
            dict(zip(map(str, var_keys), [sub_dict[key] for key in var_keys])))

        self._coords = tuple(
            it.compress(self._coords, np.logical_not(coords_selector)))
        self._vars = tuple(
            it.compress(self._vars, np.logical_not(vars_selector)))
        # update the args such that they preserve their ordering
        coord_args = (x for x in self._coords if x in self._A.free_symbols)
        var_args = (v for v in self._vars if v in self._A.free_symbols)
        self.args = tuple(coord_args) + tuple(var_args)


    def __getitem__(self, key):
        elem = np.asarray(self._A).__getitem__(key)
        return lambdify(self.args, elem, modules=self._lambdify_modules)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        return self.A(*args)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.as_ndarray().__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.__class__)