Esempio n. 1
    def test_from_axis_angle(self):
        # Returns a rotation quaternion given the axis and the angle of rotation.
        # Tested with positive integers, negative integers, variables, zero and nan

        a1 = 2*pi/3
        v1 = (sqrt(3)/3, sqrt(3)/3, sqrt(3)/3)

        a2 = -pi
        v2 = -x

        a3 = 0
        v3 = 0

        a4 = float("nan")
        v4 = float("nan")

            v1, a1), Quaternion(1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2))

            TypeError, Quaternion.from_axis_angle, v2, a2)
            TypeError, Quaternion.from_axis_angle, v3, a3)
            TypeError, Quaternion.from_axis_angle, v4, a4)
def rotate(tensor, axis, angle):
    """ Rotate symbolic vector or tensor about an arbitrary axis

        :arg:    3-vector or (3x3)-matrix
        :arg:    rotation axis (normal 3-vector)
        :arg:    rotation angle (in radians)
        :return: rotated tensor (of original type)

    # Quaternion-Matrix Multiplication
    def mul(*args):
        if isinstance(args[0], list):
            q, M = args[1], args[0]
            for i, col in enumerate(M):
                M[i] = col * q
            q, M = args[0], args[1]
            for i, col in enumerate(M):
                M[i] = q * col
        return M

    # Rotation Quaternion (Axis, Angle)
    q = quat.from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
    if isinstance(tensor[0], list):
        tensor = Matrix(tensor)
        if tensor.shape != (3, 3):
            raise Exception('Invalid Matrix Size')
        # Rotation Formula: M' = (q.(q.M.q*)^T.q*)^T
        M = [quat(0, *tensor[:, i]) for i in range(tensor.shape[1])]
        M = mul(q, mul(M, q.conjugate()))
        for i in range(tensor.shape[1]):
            tensor[:, i] = [M[i].b, M[i].c, M[i].d]
        M = [quat(0, *tensor[i, :]) for i in range(tensor.shape[0])]
        M = mul(q, mul(M, q.conjugate()))
        for i in range(tensor.shape[0]):
            tensor[i, :] = [[M[i].b, M[i].c, M[i].d]]
        return tensor.tolist()
    if isinstance(tensor, list):
        if len(tensor) != 3:
            raise Exception('Invalid Vector Length')
        # Rotation Formula: v' = q.v.q*
        v = q * quat(0, *tensor) * q.conjugate()
        return [v.b, v.c, v.d]
    raise Exception('Unsupported Tensor Type')