Esempio n. 1
def test_array_expr_zero_array():
    za1 = ZeroArray(k, l, m, n)
    zm1 = ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    za2 = ZeroArray(k, m, m, n)
    zm2 = ZeroMatrix(m, m)
    zm3 = ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    assert CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, za1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, k, l, m, n)
    assert CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, zm1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, m, n)

    assert CodegenArrayContraction(za1, (3,)) == ZeroArray(k, l, m)
    assert CodegenArrayContraction(zm1, (1,)) == ZeroArray(m)
    assert CodegenArrayContraction(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n)
    assert CodegenArrayContraction(zm2, (0, 1)) == 0

    assert CodegenArrayDiagonal(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n, m)
    assert CodegenArrayDiagonal(zm2, (0, 1)) == ZeroArray(m)

    assert CodegenArrayPermuteDims(za1, [2, 1, 3, 0]) == ZeroArray(m, l, n, k)
    assert CodegenArrayPermuteDims(zm1, [1, 0]) == ZeroArray(n, m)

    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(za1) == za1
    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(zm1) == ZeroArray(m, n)
    tp1 = CodegenArrayTensorProduct(MatrixSymbol("A", k, l), MatrixSymbol("B", m, n))
    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(tp1, za1) == tp1
    tp2 = CodegenArrayTensorProduct(MatrixSymbol("C", k, l), MatrixSymbol("D", m, n))
    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(tp1, za1, tp2) == CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(tp1, tp2)
    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(M, zm3) == M
    assert CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(M, N, zm3) == CodegenArrayElementwiseAdd(M, N)
Esempio n. 2
def H_representation(V: Iterable[Matrix], S: Iterable[Matrix]):
    A_1 = BlockMatrix(tuple(V)).as_explicit()
    A_2 = BlockMatrix(tuple(S)).as_explicit()
    n = A_1.shape[0]
    p = A_1.shape[1]
    q = A_2.shape[1]
    A_Q = BlockMatrix([
        [Identity(n), -A_1, -A_2],
        [-Identity(n), A_1, A_2],
        [Matrix([n*[0]]), Matrix([p*[1]]), Matrix([q*[0]])],
        [ZeroMatrix(p, n), -Identity(p), ZeroMatrix(p, q)],
        [ZeroMatrix(q, n), ZeroMatrix(q, p), -Identity(q)]
    b_Q = Matrix(2*n*[0] + [1] + p*[0] + q*[0])
    return A_Q, b_Q
Esempio n. 3
def test_multivariate_crosscovariance():
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: Covariance(X, Y.T))
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: Covariance(X, A))

    expr = Covariance(a.T, b.T)
    assert expr.shape == (1, 1)
    assert expr.expand() == ZeroMatrix(1, 1)

    expr = Covariance(a, b)
    assert expr == Covariance(a, b) == CrossCovarianceMatrix(a, b)
    assert expr.expand() == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert expr.shape == (k, k)
    assert expr.rows == k
    assert expr.cols == k
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)

    expr = Covariance(A * X + a, b)
    assert expr.expand() == ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    expr = Covariance(X, Y)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == expr

    expr = Covariance(X, X)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == VarianceMatrix(X)

    expr = Covariance(X + Y, Z)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == CrossCovarianceMatrix(
        X, Z) + CrossCovarianceMatrix(Y, Z)

    expr = Covariance(A * X, Y)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == A * CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, Y)

    expr = Covariance(X, B * Y)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, Y) * B.T

    expr = Covariance(A * X + a, B.T * Y + b)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == A * CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, Y) * B

    expr = Covariance(A * X + B * Y + a, C.T * Z + D.T * W + b)
    assert isinstance(expr, CrossCovarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.expand() == A*CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, W)*D + A*CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, Z)*C \
        + B*CrossCovarianceMatrix(Y, W)*D + B*CrossCovarianceMatrix(Y, Z)*C
Esempio n. 4
def test_triangular():
    assert ask(Q.upper_triangular(X + Z.T + Identity(2)),
               Q.upper_triangular(X) & Q.lower_triangular(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.upper_triangular(X * Z.T),
               Q.upper_triangular(X) & Q.lower_triangular(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.lower_triangular(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(Q.lower_triangular(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is True
Esempio n. 5
        def _get_blocks(param):
            if param == 'covar':
                S_11 = self.covar.blockform
                if S_11 is None:
                    S_11 = [[self.covar]]
                S_12 = [[ZeroMatrix(i.shape[0], j.shape[0]) for j in comp2]
                        for i in comp1]
                S_21 = utils.mattrans(S_12)
                S_22 = other.covar.blockform
                if S_22 is None:
                    S_22 = [[other.covar]]

                return S_11, S_12, S_21, S_22
            elif param == 'mean':
                mu_1 = self.mean.blockform
                if mu_1 is None:
                    if not self.mean.expanded is None:
                        mu_1 = [self.mean.expanded]
                        mu_1 = [self.mean]

                mu_2 = other.mean.blockform
                if mu_2 is None:
                    if not other.mean.expanded is None:
                        mu_2 = [other.mean.expanded]
                        mu_2 = [other.mean]

                return mu_1, mu_2
                raise Exception("Invalid entry for param")
Esempio n. 6
def test_diagonal():
    assert ask(Q.diagonal(X + Z.T + Identity(2)),
               Q.diagonal(X) & Q.diagonal(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.diagonal(ZeroMatrix(3, 3)))
    assert ask(Q.lower_triangular(X) & Q.upper_triangular(X), Q.diagonal(X))
    assert ask(Q.diagonal(X), Q.lower_triangular(X) & Q.upper_triangular(X))
    assert ask(Q.symmetric(X), Q.diagonal(X))
    assert ask(Q.triangular(X), Q.diagonal(X))
 def _get_zero_with_shape_like(cls, expr):
     if isinstance(expr, (MatrixCommon, NDimArray)):
         return expr.zeros(*expr.shape)
     elif isinstance(expr, MatrixExpr):
         return ZeroMatrix(*expr.shape)
         raise RuntimeError(
             "Unable to determine shape of array-derivative.")
Esempio n. 8
def any_zeros(mul):
    if any([
            arg.is_zero or (arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix)
            for arg in mul.args
        matrices = [arg for arg in mul.args if arg.is_Matrix]
        return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols)
    return mul
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_matrix():

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M), (0, 1))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M)

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 1), (2, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M) * Trace(N)

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 3), (1, 2))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M * N)

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 2), (1, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M * N.T)

    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(M * N * P)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == M * N * P

    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(M * N.T * P)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == M * N.T * P

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M,N,P,Q), (1, 2), (5, 6))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == ArrayTensorProduct(M * N, P * Q)

    cg = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(-2, M, N), (1, 2))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == -2 * M * N

    a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
    b = MatrixSymbol("b", k, 1)
    c = MatrixSymbol("c", k, 1)
    cg = PermuteDims(
                    ArrayTensorProduct(b, c),
                    ArrayTensorProduct(c, b),
            ), (2, 4)), [0, 1, 3, 2])
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a * (b.T * c + c.T * b)

    za = ZeroArray(m, n)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(za) == ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    cg = ArrayTensorProduct(3, M)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == 3 * M

    # Partial conversion to matrix multiplication:
    expr = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (0, 2), (1, 4, 6))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(expr) == ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M.T*N, P, Q), (0, 2, 4))

    x = MatrixSymbol("x", k, 1)
    cg = PermuteDims(
        ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(OneArray(1), x, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(Identity(1))),
                                (0, 5)), Permutation(1, 2, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == x

    expr = ArrayAdd(M, PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(expr) == M + Transpose(M)
Esempio n. 10
def test_fullrank():
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(X), Q.fullrank(X))
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(X.T), Q.fullrank(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(X)) is None
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(Y)) is None
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(X * Z), Q.fullrank(X) & Q.fullrank(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(Q.fullrank(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is False
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X), ~Q.fullrank(X)) == False
Esempio n. 11
def test_matrix_derivative_by_scalar():
    assert A.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (A*(X + B)*c).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert x.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert (x.T*y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(1, 1)
    assert (x*x.T).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (x + y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, 2).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, i).diff(i) == HadamardProduct(x.applyfunc(log), HadamardPower(x, i))
    assert hadamard_product(x, y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_product(i*OneMatrix(k, 1), x, y).diff(i) == hadamard_product(x, y)
    assert (i*x).diff(i) == x
    assert (sin(i)*A*B*x).diff(i) == cos(i)*A*B*x
    assert x.applyfunc(sin).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert Trace(i**2*X).diff(i) == 2*i*Trace(X)
Esempio n. 12
def klee_minty(n: int, µ):
    A = ZeroMatrix(2*n, n).as_mutable()
    A[0,0] = 1
    A[1,0] = -1
    for i in range(1, n):
        A[2*i,i-1:i+1] = [[µ, 1]]
        A[2*i+1,i-1:i+1] = [[µ, -1]]
    b = Matrix(2*n*[1])
    c = Matrix((n-1)*[0] + [1])
    return A, b, c
Esempio n. 13
    def expand(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        condition = self._condition

        if not is_random(arg):
            return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)

        if isinstance(arg, RandomSymbol):
            return self
        elif isinstance(arg, Add):
            rv = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if is_random(a):
            variances = Add(
                *map(lambda xv: Variance(xv, condition).expand(), rv))
            map_to_covar = lambda x: 2 * Covariance(*x, condition=condition
            covariances = Add(
                *map(map_to_covar, itertools.combinations(rv, 2)))
            return variances + covariances
        elif isinstance(arg, (Mul, MatMul)):
            nonrv = []
            rv = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if is_random(a):
            if len(rv) == 0:
                return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)
            # Avoid possible infinite loops with MatMul:
            if len(nonrv) == 0:
                return self
            # Variance of many multiple matrix products is not implemented:
            if len(rv) > 1:
                return self
            return Mul.fromiter(nonrv) * Variance(
                condition) * (Mul.fromiter(nonrv)).transpose()

        # this expression contains a RandomSymbol somehow:
        return self
Esempio n. 14
def test_codegen_array_recognize_matrix_mul_lines():

    cg = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M), (0, 1))
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == Trace(M)

    cg = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 1),
                                 (2, 3))
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == Trace(M) * Trace(N)

    cg = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 3),
                                 (1, 2))
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == Trace(M * N)

    cg = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (0, 2),
                                 (1, 3))
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == Trace(M * N.T)

    cg = parse_indexed_expression((M * N * P)[i, j])
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == M * N * P
    cg = parse_matrix_expression(M * N * P)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == M * N * P

    cg = parse_indexed_expression((M * N.T * P)[i, j])
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == M * N.T * P
    cg = parse_matrix_expression(M * N.T * P)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == M * N.T * P

    cg = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), (1, 2),
                                 (5, 6))
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M * N, P * Q)

    expr = -2 * M * N
    elem = expr[i, j]
    cg = parse_indexed_expression(elem)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == -2 * M * N

    a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
    b = MatrixSymbol("b", k, 1)
    c = MatrixSymbol("c", k, 1)
    cg = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
                    CodegenArrayTensorProduct(b, c),
                    CodegenArrayTensorProduct(c, b),
                )), (2, 4)), [0, 1, 3, 2])
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == a * (b.T * c + c.T * b)

    za = ZeroArray(m, n)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(za) == ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    cg = CodegenArrayTensorProduct(3, M)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg) == 3 * M
Esempio n. 15
def _test_orthogonal_unitary(predicate):
    assert ask(predicate(X), predicate(X))
    assert ask(predicate(X.T), predicate(X)) is True
    assert ask(predicate(X.I), predicate(X)) is True
    assert ask(predicate(Y)) is False
    assert ask(predicate(X)) is None
    assert ask(predicate(X * Z * X), predicate(X) & predicate(Z)) is True
    assert ask(predicate(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(predicate(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is False
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X), predicate(X))
    assert not ask(predicate(X + Z), predicate(X) & predicate(Z))
Esempio n. 16
def test_invertible():
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X), Q.invertible(X))
    assert ask(Q.invertible(Y)) is False
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X * Y), Q.invertible(X)) is False
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X * Z), Q.invertible(X)) is None
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X * Z), Q.invertible(X) & Q.invertible(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X.T)) is None
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X.T), Q.invertible(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X.I)) is True
    assert ask(Q.invertible(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(Q.invertible(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is False
Esempio n. 17
def test_orthogonal():
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(X), Q.orthogonal(X))
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(X.T), Q.orthogonal(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(X.I), Q.orthogonal(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(Y)) is False
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(X)) is None
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(X*Z*X), Q.orthogonal(X) & Q.orthogonal(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is False
    assert ask(Q.invertible(X), Q.orthogonal(X))
    assert not ask(Q.orthogonal(X + Z), Q.orthogonal(X) & Q.orthogonal(Z))
Esempio n. 18
def test_subs_Matrix():
    z = zeros(2)
    z1 = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert (x * y).subs({x: z, y: 0}) in [z, z1]
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}) == 0
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}, simultaneous=True) in [z, z1]
    assert (x + y).subs({x: z, y: z}, simultaneous=True) in [z, z1]
    assert (x + y).subs({x: z, y: z}) in [z, z1]

    # Issue #15528
    assert Mul(Matrix([[3]]), x).subs(x, 2.0) == Matrix([[6.0]])
    # Does not raise a TypeError, see comment on the MatAdd postprocessor
    assert Add(Matrix([[3]]), x).subs(x, 2.0) == Add(Matrix([[3]]), 2.0)
Esempio n. 19
def test_canonicalize():
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', 2, 2)
    expr = HadamardProduct(X, check=False)
    assert isinstance(expr, HadamardProduct)
    expr2 = expr.doit()  # unpack is called
    assert isinstance(expr2, MatrixSymbol)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    U = OneMatrix(2, 2)
    assert HadamardProduct(Z, X).doit() == Z
    assert HadamardProduct(U, X, X, U).doit() == HadamardPower(X, 2)
    assert HadamardProduct(X, U, Y).doit() == HadamardProduct(X, Y)
    assert HadamardProduct(X, Z, U, Y).doit() == Z
Esempio n. 20
def test_NumPyPrinter():
    from sympy import (
    from import a, b

    p = NumPyPrinter()
    assert p.doprint(sign(x)) == "numpy.sign(x)"
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", 2, 2)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", 1, 5)
    D = MatrixSymbol("D", 3, 4)
    assert p.doprint(A**(-1)) == "numpy.linalg.inv(A)"
    assert p.doprint(A**5) == "numpy.linalg.matrix_power(A, 5)"
    assert p.doprint(Identity(3)) == "numpy.eye(3)"

    u = MatrixSymbol("x", 2, 1)
    v = MatrixSymbol("y", 2, 1)
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u)) == "numpy.linalg.solve(A, x)"
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u) + v) == "numpy.linalg.solve(A, x) + y"

    assert p.doprint(ZeroMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.zeros((2, 3))"
    assert p.doprint(OneMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.ones((2, 3))"
    assert (p.doprint(FunctionMatrix(4, 5, Lambda(
        (a, b), a + b))) == "numpy.fromfunction(lambda a, b: a + b, (4, 5))")
    assert p.doprint(HadamardProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.multiply(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(KroneckerProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.kron(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(Adjoint(A)) == "numpy.conjugate(numpy.transpose(A))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalOf(A)) == "numpy.reshape(numpy.diag(A), (-1, 1))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagMatrix(C)) == "numpy.diagflat(C)"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalMatrix(D)) == "numpy.multiply(D, numpy.eye(3, 4))"

    # Workaround for numpy negative integer power errors
    assert p.doprint(x**-1) == "x**(-1.0)"
    assert p.doprint(x**-2) == "x**(-2.0)"

    assert p.doprint(S.Exp1) == "numpy.e"
    assert p.doprint(S.Pi) == "numpy.pi"
    assert p.doprint(S.EulerGamma) == "numpy.euler_gamma"
    assert p.doprint(S.NaN) == "numpy.nan"
    assert p.doprint(S.Infinity) == "numpy.PINF"
    assert p.doprint(S.NegativeInfinity) == "numpy.NINF"
Esempio n. 21
def test_matrix_derivative_by_scalar():
    assert A.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (A*(X + B)*c).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert x.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert (x.T*y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(1, 1)
    assert (x*x.T).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (x + y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, 2).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, i).diff(i).dummy_eq(
        HadamardProduct(x.applyfunc(log), HadamardPower(x, i)))
    assert hadamard_product(x, y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_product(i*OneMatrix(k, 1), x, y).diff(i) == hadamard_product(x, y)
    assert (i*x).diff(i) == x
    assert (sin(i)*A*B*x).diff(i) == cos(i)*A*B*x
    assert x.applyfunc(sin).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert Trace(i**2*X).diff(i) == 2*i*Trace(X)

    mu = symbols("mu")
    expr = (2*mu*x)
    assert expr.diff(x) == 2*mu*Identity(k)
Esempio n. 22
def test_block_index():
    I = Identity(3)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    B = BlockMatrix([[I, I], [I, I]])
    e3 = ImmutableMatrix(eye(3))
    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B[0, 0] == B[3, 0] == B[0, 3] == B[3, 3] == 1
    assert B[4, 3] == B[5, 1] == 0

    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B.as_explicit() == BB.as_explicit()

    BI = BlockMatrix([[I, Z], [Z, I]])

    assert BI.as_explicit().equals(eye(6))
Esempio n. 23
def test_multivariate_variance():
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: Variance(A))

    expr = Variance(a)  # type: VarianceMatrix
    assert expr == Variance(a) == VarianceMatrix(a)
    assert expr.expand() == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    expr = Variance(a.T)
    assert expr == Variance(a.T) == VarianceMatrix(a.T)
    assert expr.expand() == ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    expr = Variance(X)
    assert expr == Variance(X) == VarianceMatrix(X)
    assert expr.shape == (k, k)
    assert expr.rows == k
    assert expr.cols == k
    assert isinstance(expr, VarianceMatrix)

    expr = Variance(A * X)
    assert expr == VarianceMatrix(A * X)
    assert expr.expand() == A * VarianceMatrix(X) * A.T
    assert isinstance(expr, VarianceMatrix)
    assert expr.shape == (k, k)

    expr = Variance(A * B * X)
    assert expr.expand() == A * B * VarianceMatrix(X) * B.T * A.T

    expr = Variance(m1 * X2)
    assert expr.expand() == expr

    expr = Variance(A2 * m1 * B2 * X2)
    assert expr.args[0].args == (A2, m1, B2, X2)
    assert expr.expand() == expr

    expr = Variance(A * X + B * Y)
    assert expr.expand() == 2*A*CrossCovarianceMatrix(X, Y)*B.T +\
                    A*VarianceMatrix(X)*A.T + B*VarianceMatrix(Y)*B.T
Esempio n. 24
def test_positive_definite():
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X), Q.positive_definite(X))
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X.T), Q.positive_definite(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X.I), Q.positive_definite(X)) is True
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(Y)) is False
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X)) is None
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X * Z * X),
               Q.positive_definite(X) & Q.positive_definite(Z)) is True
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X), Q.orthogonal(X))
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(Y.T * X * Y),
               Q.positive_definite(X) & Q.orthogonal(Y)) is True
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(Identity(3))) is True
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(ZeroMatrix(3, 3))) is False
    assert ask(Q.positive_definite(X + Z),
               Q.positive_definite(X) & Q.positive_definite(Z)) is True
    assert not ask(Q.positive_definite(-X), Q.positive_definite(X))
    def expand(self, **hints):
        arg1 = self.args[0]
        arg2 = self.args[1]
        condition = self._condition

        if arg1 == arg2:
            return VarianceMatrix(arg1, condition).expand()

        if not is_random(arg1) or not is_random(arg2):
            return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)

        if isinstance(arg1, RandomSymbol) and isinstance(arg2, RandomSymbol):
            return CrossCovarianceMatrix(arg1, arg2, condition)

        coeff_rv_list1 = self._expand_single_argument(arg1.expand())
        coeff_rv_list2 = self._expand_single_argument(arg2.expand())

        addends = [a*CrossCovarianceMatrix(r1, r2, condition=condition)*b.transpose()
                   for (a, r1) in coeff_rv_list1 for (b, r2) in coeff_rv_list2]
        return Add.fromiter(addends)
Esempio n. 26
def test_hadamard():
    m, n, p = symbols('m, n, p', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', m, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, n)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, p)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', m, m)
    I = Identity(m)
    with raises(TypeError):
    assert hadamard_product(A) == A
    assert isinstance(hadamard_product(A, B), HadamardProduct)
    assert hadamard_product(A, B).doit() == hadamard_product(A, B)
    with raises(ShapeError):
        hadamard_product(A, C)
        hadamard_product(A, I)
    assert hadamard_product(X, I) == X
    assert isinstance(hadamard_product(X, I), MatrixSymbol)

    a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
    expr = MatAdd(ZeroMatrix(k, 1), OneMatrix(k, 1))
    expr = HadamardProduct(expr, a)
    assert expr.doit() == a
Esempio n. 27
def test_mixed_deriv_mixed_expressions():

    expr = 3 * Trace(A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == 3 * Identity(k)

    expr = k
    deriv = expr.diff(A)
    assert isinstance(deriv, ZeroMatrix)
    assert deriv == ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    expr = Trace(A)**2
    assert expr.diff(A) == (2 * Trace(A)) * Identity(k)

    expr = Trace(A) * A
    # TODO: this is not yet supported:
    assert expr.diff(A) == Derivative(expr, A)

    expr = Trace(Trace(A) * A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == (2 * Trace(A)) * Identity(k)

    expr = Trace(Trace(Trace(A) * A) * A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == (3 * Trace(A)**2) * Identity(k)
Esempio n. 28
def _(expr: ZeroArray):
    if get_rank(expr) == 2:
        return ZeroMatrix(*expr.shape)
        return expr
Esempio n. 29
from sympy import (Symbol, MatrixSymbol, ZeroMatrix, Add, Mul, MatAdd, MatMul,
                   Determinant, Inverse, Trace, Transpose)
from .symbols import d, Kron, SymmetricMatrixSymbol
from .simplifications import simplify_matdiff

    # e =expression, s = a list of symbols respsect to which
    # we want to differentiate
    Symbol: lambda e, s: d(e) if (e in s) else 0,
    MatrixSymbol: lambda e, s: d(e) if (e in s) else ZeroMatrix(*e.shape),
    SymmetricMatrixSymbol: lambda e, s: d(e) if (e in s) else ZeroMatrix(*e.shape),
    Add: lambda e, s: Add(*[_matDiff_apply(arg, s) for arg in e.args]),
    Mul: lambda e, s: _matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s) if len(e.args)==1 else Mul(_matDiff_apply(e.args[0],s),Mul(*e.args[1:])) + Mul(e.args[0], _matDiff_apply(Mul(*e.args[1:]),s)),
    MatAdd: lambda e, s: MatAdd(*[_matDiff_apply(arg, s) for arg in e.args]),
    MatMul: lambda e, s: _matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s) if len(e.args)==1 else MatMul(_matDiff_apply(e.args[0],s),MatMul(*e.args[1:])) + MatMul(e.args[0], _matDiff_apply(MatMul(*e.args[1:]),s)),
    Kron: lambda e, s: _matDiff_apply(e.args[0],s) if len(e.args)==1 else Kron(_matDiff_apply(e.args[0],s),Kron(*e.args[1:]))
                  + Kron(e.args[0],_matDiff_apply(Kron(*e.args[1:]),s)),
    Determinant: lambda e, s: MatMul(Determinant(e.args[0]), Trace(e.args[0].I*_matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s))), 
    # inverse always has 1 arg, so we index
    Inverse: lambda e, s: -Inverse(e.args[0]) * _matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s) * Inverse(e.args[0]),
    # trace always has 1 arg
    Trace: lambda e, s: Trace(_matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s)),
    # transpose also always has 1 arg, index
    Transpose: lambda e, s: Transpose(_matDiff_apply(e.args[0], s))

def _matDiff_apply(expr, syms):
    if expr.__class__ in list(MATRIX_DIFF_RULES.keys()):
        return MATRIX_DIFF_RULES[expr.__class__](expr, syms)
    elif expr.is_constant():
 def _call_derive_scalar_by_matexpr(expr,
                                    v):  # type: (Expr, MatrixExpr) -> Expr
     if expr.has(v):
         return _matrix_derivative(expr, v)
         return ZeroMatrix(*v.shape)