Esempio n. 1
def parse_expr(s, local_dict=None, transformations=standard_transformations):
    Converts the string ``s`` to a SymPy expression, in ``local_dict``


    >>> from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

    >>> parse_expr("1/2")
    >>> type(_)
    <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Half'>


    if local_dict is None:
        local_dict = {}

    global_dict = {}
    exec 'from sympy import *' in global_dict

    # keep autosimplification from joining Integer or
    # minus sign into a Mul; this modification doesn't
    # prevent the 2-arg Mul from becoming an Add, however.
    hit = False
    if '(' in s:
        kern = '_kern'
        while kern in s:
            kern += "_"
        s = re.sub(r'(\d *\*|-) *\(', r'\1%s*(' % kern, s)
        hit = kern in s

    tokens = []
    input_code = StringIO(s.strip())
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(input_code.readline):
        tokens.append((toknum, tokval))

    for transform in transformations:
        tokens = transform(tokens, local_dict, global_dict)

    code = untokenize(tokens)
    expr = eval(
        code, global_dict, local_dict)  # take local objects in preference

    if not hit:
        return expr
    rep = {C.Symbol(kern): 1}

    def _clear(expr):
        if hasattr(expr, 'xreplace'):
            return expr.xreplace(rep)
        elif isinstance(expr, (list, tuple, set)):
            return type(expr)([_clear(e) for e in expr])
        if hasattr(expr, 'subs'):
            return expr.subs(rep)
        return expr
    return _clear(expr)
Esempio n. 2
def stringify_expr(s, local_dict, global_dict, transformations):
    Converts the string ``s`` to Python code, in ``local_dict``

    Generally, ``parse_expr`` should be used.

    tokens = []
    input_code = StringIO(s.strip())
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(input_code.readline):
        tokens.append((toknum, tokval))

    for transform in transformations:
        tokens = transform(tokens, local_dict, global_dict)

    return untokenize(tokens)
Esempio n. 3
def stringify_expr(s, local_dict, global_dict, transformations):
    Converts the string ``s`` to Python code, in ``local_dict``

    Generally, ``parse_expr`` should be used.

    tokens = []
    input_code = StringIO(s.strip())
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(input_code.readline):
        tokens.append((toknum, tokval))

    for transform in transformations:
        tokens = transform(tokens, local_dict, global_dict)

    return untokenize(tokens)
Esempio n. 4
def _transform(s, local_dict, global_dict, rationalize, convert_xor):
    g = generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)
    result = []

    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in g:
        if toknum == NUMBER:
            number = tokval
            postfix = []

            if number.endswith('j') or number.endswith('J'):
                number = number[:-1]
                postfix = [(OP, '*'), (NAME, 'I')]

            if '.' in number or (
                ('e' in number or 'E' in number) and
                    not (number.startswith('0x') or number.startswith('0X'))):
                match = _re_repeated.match(number)

                if match is not None:
                    # Clear repeating decimals, e.g. 3.4[31] -> (3 + 4/10 + 31/990)
                    pre, post, repetend = match.groups()

                    zeros = '0' * len(post)
                    repetends = repetend.lstrip('0')

                    a = pre or '0'
                    b, c = post or '0', '1' + zeros
                    d, e = repetends, ('9' * len(repetend)) + zeros

                    seq = [
                        (OP, '('),
                        (NAME, 'Integer'),
                        (OP, '('),
                        (NUMBER, a),
                        (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, '+'),
                        (NAME, 'Rational'),
                        (OP, '('),
                        (NUMBER, b),
                        (OP, ','),
                        (NUMBER, c),
                        (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, '+'),
                        (NAME, 'Rational'),
                        (OP, '('),
                        (NUMBER, d),
                        (OP, ','),
                        (NUMBER, e),
                        (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, ')'),
                elif rationalize:
                    seq = [(NAME, 'Rational'), (OP, '('),
                           (STRING, repr(str(number))), (OP, ')')]
                    seq = [(NAME, 'Float'), (OP, '('),
                           (NUMBER, repr(str(number))), (OP, ')')]
                seq = [(NAME, 'Integer'), (OP, '('), (NUMBER, number),
                       (OP, ')')]

            result.extend(seq + postfix)
        elif toknum == NAME:
            name = tokval

            if name in ['True', 'False', 'None'
                        ] or iskeyword(name) or name in local_dict:
                result.append((NAME, name))
            elif name in global_dict:
                obj = global_dict[name]

                if isinstance(obj, (Basic, type)) or callable(obj):
                    result.append((NAME, name))

                (NAME, 'Symbol'),
                (OP, '('),
                (NAME, repr(str(name))),
                (OP, ')'),
        elif toknum == OP:
            op = tokval

            if op == '^' and convert_xor:
                result.append((OP, '**'))
                result.append((OP, op))
            result.append((toknum, tokval))

    return untokenize(result)
Esempio n. 5
def _transform(s, local_dict, global_dict, rationalize, convert_xor):
    g = generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)

    result = []
    prevtoken = ''

    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in g:
        if toknum == NUMBER:
            number = tokval
            postfix = []

            if number.endswith('j') or number.endswith('J'):
                number = number[:-1]
                postfix = [(OP, '*'), (NAME, 'I')]

            if '.' in number or (('e' in number or 'E' in number) and
                    not (number.startswith('0x') or number.startswith('0X'))):
                match = _re_repeated.match(number)

                if match is not None:
                    # Clear repeating decimals, e.g. 3.4[31] -> (3 + 4/10 + 31/990)
                    pre, post, repetend = match.groups()

                    zeros = '0'*len(post)
                    post, repetends = [w.lstrip('0') for w in [post, repetend]]
                                                # or else interpreted as octal

                    a = pre or '0'
                    b, c = post or '0', '1' + zeros
                    d, e = repetends, ('9'*len(repetend)) + zeros

                    seq = [
                        (OP, '('),
                         'Integer'), (OP, '('), (NUMBER, a), (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, '+'),
                        (NAME, 'Rational'), (OP, '('), (
                            NUMBER, b), (OP, ','), (NUMBER, c), (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, '+'),
                        (NAME, 'Rational'), (OP, '('), (
                            NUMBER, d), (OP, ','), (NUMBER, e), (OP, ')'),
                        (OP, ')'),
                elif rationalize:
                    seq = [(NAME, 'Rational'), (OP,
                            '('), (STRING, repr(str(number))), (OP, ')')]
                    seq = [(NAME, 'Float'), (OP, '('),
                           (NUMBER, repr(str(number))), (OP, ')')]
                seq = [(NAME, 'Integer'), (OP, '('), (
                    NUMBER, number), (OP, ')')]

            result.extend(seq + postfix)
        elif toknum == NAME:
            name = tokval

            if name in ['True', 'False', 'None'] or iskeyword(name) or name in local_dict:
                result.append((NAME, name))
            elif name in global_dict:
                obj = global_dict[name]

                if isinstance(obj, (Basic, type)) or callable(obj):
                    result.append((NAME, name))

                (NAME, 'Symbol'),
                (OP, '('),
                (NAME, repr(str(name))),
                (OP, ')'),
        elif toknum == OP:
            op = tokval

            if op == '^' and convert_xor:
                result.append((OP, '**'))
            elif op == '!!':
                if prevtoken == '!' or prevtoken == '!!':
                    raise TokenError
                result = _add_factorial_tokens('factorial2', result)
            elif op == '!':
                if prevtoken == '!' or prevtoken == '!!':
                    raise TokenError
                result = _add_factorial_tokens('factorial', result)
                result.append((OP, op))
            result.append((toknum, tokval))

        prevtoken = tokval

    return untokenize(result)